HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-148 Land Use Regulations Land Use Application Procedural Changes • EAGLE COUNTY. r 200902771 TEAK J 6i ^lON'0 S REC t? 20:26AM 02/19/2009 REC: X0.09 COG • iJ IIIII i IIIuhI,HhIIIIIIIHlI , 4 S moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF EAGLE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO X o RESOLUTION NO. 2008- 11 O Eagle County File No. LUR -0076 Land Use Application Procedural Changes and Other General Revisions IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING THE EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS, TO: 1) Revise Public Hearing Notice Requirements for Building Resolution amendments to be consistent with all land use regulation amendment notice requirements; 2) To allow the maximum height for free - standing wireless telecommunication facilities, in all zone districts, to be determined by the Board of County Commissioners on a case -by -case basis; 3) To limit the length of time that a land use application can remain `open' without any activity; 4) To revise general procedures pertaining to land use application processing; 5) To limit the cumulative length of time that a land use application can be tabled by the body conducting the public hearing; 6) To specify when new or revised information must be submitted in response to concerns delineated by the body conducting the public hearing. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board "), is authorized, pursuant to state enabling legislation including, but not limited to, C.R.S. 30 -28- 101, et seq., to plan for and regulate the use and development of land in the unincorporated territory of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the County of Eagle; and WHEREAS, Eagle County is experiencing high rates of population growth, increased population density and increased environmental pressures as a result of land development within Eagle County; and WHEREAS, the construction of new developments within the County is placing significant additional demands on the natural and human-made environment alike; and WHEREAS, the volume and pace of land development in the County threatens the natural environmental attributes of Eagle County; and 1 WHEREAS, the Board finds and determines that one of the primary roles of development review is to ensure that changes in land use are awarded in such a manner that will promote and protect the convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of present and future inhabitants and visitors of Eagle County; and WHEREAS, the Board finds and determines that the amendments to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations as contained herein and attached as Exhibit `A', are necessary and designed for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Eagle County and are consistent with the County's goals, policies and plans, including the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado APPROVED File No. LUR-0076, applicable to all new land use applications received by Eagle County Community Development Department, as well as, all active, in process, land use applications which have not yet received vesting EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1St, 2009; MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 30th day of December 2008, nunc pro tunc to the 16th day of December 2008. ATTEST: By: Teak J. Simont~fi - ~ Clerk to the Board of ~°RAno ~ County Commissioners COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, by and through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By; `~ '<i~ Peter F. Runyon, Chai BY~ ~ll~ Sara J. Fisher, C mmissioner By: Arn M. Menconi, Commissioner Commissioner ~~`"`'~ uti called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Peter F. Runyon seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution. The roll having been ~ti 2 Commissioner Sara J. Fisher ~ `^ Commissioner Arn M. Menconi_ ~s ~~; This Resolution passed by ~ ~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. EXHIBIT `A' EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.01-1.15.03 NO CHANGES 1.15.04 Referrals 1) E~~ re F,'„»7 ...,,.,,..°: ~ ~ . +1,° ~..1 i. t~° D7., .. !'~.. +1.° °a ~, ~ ..,... t,. Wit. ; ..r-v`j ", ...~.~.....~....~~ oar. w ivzvcica ° ° •-.. Tl°..°l..«....°,~~ L...11 loo .7 ~;,. epimert-fie L~ep;~en~e€-Ee~aT~~~xncrrc~irrazixiacc-uTe~in=rancinzircroII *^ +>,° Dl.,r~;~,. r^.....,..;~.,;^~. Before the Department of Community Dcvclopment issues a staff report to the Planning Commission on Land Use Regulation alnelzdments, the proposed amendment shall be referred to any appropriate referral agencies for an advisory opinion. The Planning Commission shall then review the staff report and advisory opinions prior to rendering a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. 2) If the proposal would affect land lying wholly or partially within three (3) miles or within the area encompassed by the <bmprehensive Plan of any incorporated municipality, such proposal shall be referred to the City Clerk of that municipality for recommendation by the city or town planning commission or city council or town board, or agents designed by them. Failure of the city to make recommendations within thirty (30) days constitutes a waiver of its right to do so. 3 A,., ;T;,. «* .. ,,.1.~. ,~~ ~„ „Ft'haroS_~.n~ TT~o i?o ,1.,+;,~ el.,~;,,.. ~„ 1.15.05 Public Hearing 1) The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing prior to recommending the adoption of any amendments or changes to tltese Land Use Regulations or Building Resolution. The time and place of such public hearing shall be advertised by the Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the County. After considering the testimony at the public hearing and comments from governmental agencies and interested parties, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval, conditional approval or disapproval of the proposed changes or amendments to the County Commissioners. 2) The Board, before finally adopting any amendments or changes to these band Use Regulatians or Building Resolutian, shall hold a public hearing thereon, notice of which shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the County at the expense of the applicant at least thirty (30) and not more than sixty (60) days before the hearing. Such notice shall state the date, time and place of the hearing; the place where the proposal and relevant materials may be examined; and a telephone number where inquiries maybe answered. Notwithstanding the foregoing public notice requirement, notice of a public hearing on any proposed amendments to the County Building Code shall be given by at least one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county at least fifteen (15 }days prior to said hearing. In no case shall the area covered by the building Cade be extended or changed unless the same has been proposed by or is first submitted for the approval, disapproval, or suggestions of the county planning commission. 3) The proposal shall be available for public inspection in the Department of Community Development for thirty (30) days prior to the hearing before the Board of County Commissioners. NO OTHER CHANGES TO CHAPTER I 4 CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3-300. RESIDENTIAL AND AGRICULTURAL ZONE DISTRICTS USE SCHEDULE (am. OS/1 S/07) Notes: 1. Minimum lot area per use maybe further restricted if an individual sewage disposal system is proposed. For standards see Section 4-690, Sanitary Sewage Disposal Standards. 2. Maximum lot coverage and maximum floor area maybe further restricted by other standards of these Regulations, including slope development standards. Provided no residential lot shall be so restricted by minimum lot area per use or maximum floor area ratio limitations that it cannot be occupied by a single-family dwelling containing no more than fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet of floor area. 3. Exceptions to the stream setback are subject to administrative review. Refer to SECTION 3-340.C.6. Stream Setbacks. (am. 07/17/06) 4. Stacks, vents, cooling towers, elevator structures and similar mechanical building appurtenances and spires, domes, cupolas, towers, antennas intended as an accessory use, and similar non-inhabitable building appurtenances may exceed the maximum height limitations of the underlying zone district by not more than thirty (30) percent.. "I'he maximum allowable height for free-standinl; wireless telecommunication f'acilitics, in all zone districts, shall be dctcrmined by the Board of <~ounty {'ommissioncrs on a case-by-case basis through the Special Ilse Rcvie~v process, based upon line-of- site requirements, visual and environmental impacts and view shed analyses. (utri ~;Y%t~Y%XXl 5. A Fulford Parcel is two (2) or more continuous lots, under common ownership as of January 1, 1988, as recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The interior lot lines of two (2) or more contiguous lots under common ownership shall not be used to determine setback requirements. 6. Floor area and setback limitations notwithstanding, asingle ownership lot in existence as of January 1, 1988, and as recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, shall be permitted to contain asingle-family residential unit containing up to one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, provided the maximum lot coverage of buildings shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of lot area. 7. Density shall not exceed twelve (12) dwelling units per acre of developable land. 8. Effective density may be reduced by other standards of these Regulations, including the slope development standards. 9. Minimum lot area may be reduced for a Cluster Development; see Section 3-310 B, Cluster Development. 10. A combination of compatible uses may be considered as a single use. 5 11. Or such smaller area as may have been legally created prior the adoption of subdivision regulations by Eagle County on Apri16, 1964. 12. Accessory buildings, excluding garages and unless otherwise approved through special use, shall not be larger than eight hundred-fifty (850) square feet. The floor area of the accessory building shall count toward the property's maximum floor area, if the accessory building contains habitable space, and lot coverage calculations. Its location shall comply with all applicable setback standards and it shall comply with the applicable height restrictions of the underlying zone district. {orig 03112/02) (am 11/08/05) NO OTHER CHANGES TO CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 3 CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 5 ADMINISTRATION 6 Mandatory Pre-Application Meeting Submit Application Community Development Director Reviews Application for Sufficiency Is Sufficient Is Not Sufficient Community Development Director Certifies Application as Complete Referral to Local, State and Federal Agencies Establish Public Hearing Dates and Legal Published Notice Prepare Staff Report Hearing by Review Body(ies) Application Approved; Approved Conditionally: Tabled: or Denied BoCC Resolution Ratifying Final Decision on Consent Agenda Submit Approved Documents for Recording, as Applicable Staff Review of Application Applicant Corrects Deficiencies Notify Applicant of Deficiencies Stakeholder Meeting If No Outstanding Issues then, If Outstanding Issues Remain then, Applicant Makes Revisions as Necessary, OR Applicant Opts to Proceed to Hearing with Outstanding Issues and Requests, In Writing, That Hearing Dates be Scheduled 7 Obtain Executed BoCC Resolution, Certificate of Zoning Compliance and/or Building Permit SECTION 5-210. PROVISIONS OF GENERAL APPLICABILITY A. Application Forms. All applications for development permits shall be submitted with the applicable County forms, which shall be available from the Community Development Department. No application shall be considered complete for review unless the requested number of copies of all required materials are submitted in sufficient detail for the Community Development Director to determine whether the application complies with the substantive requirements of these Land Use Regulations. B. Fees. ,All applications shall be accompanied by the applicable fee required by the County fee schedule. The fee schedule shall be established and may be revised from time to time by the Board of County Commissioners. Its purpose shall be to defray the costs of processing applications. The fee schedule shall be available for review in the Community Development Department during normal business hours. C. Pre-application Conference. 1. General Overview. Apre-application conference is mandatory prior to the submission of Sketch Plan, Preliminary Plan, Special Use Permit, Zone Change, Amended Final Plat, Minor Type B Subdivision proposing the subdivision of unimproved property and Minor Type A Subdivision applications. The purpose of apre-application conference is to familiarize the applicant with those provisions of these Land Use Regulations applicable to the proposed development and to confirm that the development review procedures will be consistent with Colorado law. (am. 05/01/07) 2. Initiation of Pre-application Conference. An applicant requesting a mandatory pre- application conference shall make a request for apre-application conference with the Community Development Director. Along with the request for the pre-application conference, the applicant shall provide to the Community Development Director a description of the character, location, and magnitude of the proposed development and the type of development permit sought. 3. Scheduling of Pre-application Conference. The Community Development Director shall schedule apre-application conference within ten (10) working days of receipt of a request for apre-application conference, and shall notify the applicant of the time, date, and place of the pre-application conference. (am. 05/01/07) 4. Pre-application Conference. At the pre-application conference, the applicant, the Community Development Director, and any other County staff and/or State and/or federal representatives the Community Development Director deems are appropriate to attend the pre-application conference, shall discuss the proposed development, and based upon the information provided by the applicant and the provisions of these Land Use Regulations, determine in general what provisions of these Land Use Regulations apply to the proposed development. The pre-application meeting must occur within two (2) months prior to the formal application. (az~z..~.~1.~:~~ ~:~) 5. Written Summary. Within five (5) working days of completion of the pre-application conference, the Community Development Director shall mail to the applicant a written summary of the pre-application conference. (am. 05/01/07) 8 D. Common Procedure for Review of Applications. Unless otherwise stated in this Article, the submission of an application for, determination of the completeness of, staff review of, and notice and scheduling of public hearings on all applications for development permits shall comply with the procedures of this subsection. 1. Initiation. Applications for development permits shall be submitted to the Community Development Director by the owner, or any other person having a recognized interest in the land for which the development is proposed, or their authorized agent. a. Applicant is Not the Owner. If the applicant is not the owner of the land, or is a contract purchaser of the land, the applicant shall submit a letter signed by the owner consenting to the submission of the application. b. Applicant is Not the Sole Owner. If the applicant is not the sole owner of the land, the applicant shall submit a letter signed by the other owners or an association representing the owners consenting to or joining in the application for development permit. 2. Minimum Contents of Application. The application shall be submitted in a form established by these Land Use Regulations and made available to the public. All applications shall include, at a minimum, the following materials: a. Applicant's Identity. The applicant's name, mailing address, telephone, email address and fax number. If the applicant is to be represented by an agent, a letter signed by the applicant granting power of attorney to the agent shall be submitted, authorizing the agent to represent the applicant and stating the representative's name, mailing address, telephone, email address and fax number. (am 05/01/07) b. Legal Description. The legal description and street address, if such exists, of the parcel on which development is proposed to occur. c. Disclosure of Ownership. A disclosure of ownership of the parcel on which the development is to occur, listing the names of all owners of the property, and all mortgages, judgments, liens, easements, contracts and agreements that run with the land. The disclosure of ownership mey shall be in the form of a current certificate from a title insurance company (title commitment), or ownership and encumbrance report. The title comrtnitment ar oc~mership and encumbrance report shall be dated within two {2) months prior to formal application submittal. (am 05/01/07) (arrr ~Y<Y%~Y.%~'Xr) d. Vicinity Map. An eight and one-half inch by eleven inch {~ '/"x11") vicinity map, locating the subject parcel within Eagle County. The map shall, at a minimum, have a scale bar and clearly identify the sul?ject parcel(s) and the nearest adjacent public road. nr ° ~-'~* ~„a ~ ~'~~'~' ~4 , ;~~ :..,.,. ~--. ~,~-=~r ~, , ~ e. Written Description. A written description of the proposal and an explanation in written, graphic or model form of how the proposed development complies with the review standards applicable to the application. 9 f. Environmental Impact Report, when applicable. (See Section 4-460). g. Adjacent Property Owners. A list of all adjacent property owners, compiled by the applicant using the most recent County ad valorem tax rolls, is required for all applications and shall be submitted to the Community Development Director as part of the application for development. In addition to submitting a written list, the applicant shall also submit typed addresses on individual adhesive labels or in the form of pre-addressed envelopes. Hand written labels or envelopes are unacceptable. (am 9/27/99) (am 05/01/07) h. Additional Requirements. Submittal requirements as outlined in the specific development permit section of these Land Use Regulations. 3. Determination of Sufficiency. Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the application, the Community Development Director shall determine if the application is sufficient and includes data in adequate detail to evaluate the application to determine whether it complies with the appropriate substantive requirements of these Land Use Regulations. Final Plat, Amended Final Plat, and Minor Type B Subdivision applications shall not be subject to Section 5-210.D.3.c. (am 05/01/07)) (uttr ,Y;Y%Y~Y"lam a. Determined Insufficient. If the Community Development Director determines the application is insufficient, a written notice shall be mailed to the applicant specifying the application's deficiencies. No further action shall be taken on the application until the deficiencies are remedied. If the applicant fails to correct the deficiencies within sixty (60) calendar days, the application shall be considered withdrawn and returned to the applicant. The applicant may appeal the Community Development Director's determination to the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 5-2400 of these Land Use Regulations. (am 05/01/07) b. Determined Sufficient. The Community Development Director shall notify the applicant, in writing, when the application has achieved sufficiency. Depending on the application, the Community Development Director may simultaneously request a specified number of application copies for referral purposes. For Final Plat, Amended Final Plat, and Minor Type B Subdivision applications, referral copies may not be necessary, and the application may be scheduled for hearing pending review of the final, executed Mylar. (am 05/01/07) c. Determined Complete. Once the Community Development Director has received the requested number referral copies, the application shall be deemed complete; , .,t,;,.>, ,.>,..tt >,e ,,,, t.,+o.. +~,.,~ ~ .,+., rim ,t,,.,~ .,r+o,. +t,o ,t.,+o +>,e ,. ..t;,,,,+;,... . . (orig. 05/01/07)) (arn XX,!Y:Y'r,Y:Y) d. Referral illailing. Within five (>) calendar days from the date that the requested number of referral copies is received by the Community Development Department, the Community Development Director shall mail the application materials provided to the appropriate review- agencies. (um ,Y;k%Y;Y%XX) Referral Time Period. The length of the referral period shall be a minimum of twenty-one (21) calendar days for Sketch and Preliminary Plans for 10 Subdivision; Minor Type `~' Subdivisions; Sketch and Preliminary Plans for I'UD; 1'UI} Amendments; `Lone Changes; Special Use Permits; Variances, and 1041 Pernlits. The length of the rcfcrral period shall be fourteen ("14) calendar days for: Final Plats; Minor Ty~ac `B' Subdivisions; Atncndcd Final Plats; Exemption Plats; and Special District Service Plans. (arrr ,Y;Y%XX/.Y:Y) The length of the referral period shall be thirty (30) calendar days for any amendments or changes to these Land Use Regulations or Building Resolution. The length of the rcfcrral period for any other type of application not listed herein shall be determined, as applicable, on a case-by-case basis by the Community Development Director. (un~ ~'~~`.k:k1Y;Y) ~. Post Referral Period Stakeholder IVleeting. a. kY'ithin ten {10) working days following completion of the rcfcrral period as delineated in Section 5-210.D.~t.ci, Referral Process, if the referral response(s) disclose deficiencies, the Community Development Director or assilm will schedule a stakeholder meeting with tl~e applicant including any other County staff ancl,%ar any other applicable agency representatives the Community Development Director deems appropriate, to discuss all identified concerns of the Community Devclopmcttt Department, as 'well as, each referral response received and the applicant's necessary cotirsc of action to adequately respond to and rcmcdy all concerns, deficiencies and rccommcndations set forth in the referral responses received. (arrr .k;k Y;Y~/XX} b. bk'ithin ninety (90) calendar days, the applicant shall respond to and/or remedy all concerns, deficiencies and reconmlendations set forth in the referral responses received and shall submit a thorough response to the Community Development Director or assign. If the applicant fails to submit a thorough response within ninety (~30) days and has not communicated a viable reason fur delay to the Community Development Tirector or assign, then the application shall be considered withdrawn and returned to the applicant. (ctm .k'k%:k;~'/;Y;Y) c. Within ten {10) working days following receipt of the applicant's response the Commumty Development Director or assign and any other County staff and,~or any other applicable agency representatives that provided referral responses shall review the resubmitted application materials and prepare written comments far the applicant clearly delineating what, if any, outstanding concerns, deficiencies and unsatisfied recommendations remain. (anr ,Y;YXX/.k:k~ 1`he written camrtnents shall also clearly delineate which outstanding concerns, deficiencies and recommendations identified in the referral responses recei~-ed have been acceptably addressed or resolved. (cam .k'~'lk:k%,k;Y) d. kY%ithin ninety (90) calendar days, the applicant shall respond to and/or rcmcdy all concerns, deticiencies and unsatisfied recommendations remaining as set fot•th in 11 the written comments provided and shall submit a thorough response to the Community Development Director or assign. If the applicant fails to submit a thorough response within ninety (90) days and has not communicated a viable reas<m far delay to the Community Development Directar or assign, then the applicatian shall be considered withdrawn and returned to the applicant. (am <Y~Y%XX%~I') e. Steps `c' and`d' above shall be repeated until such time that all of the initially provided referral responses have been addressed or resolved to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. (arrr <Y<Y%YX/_~'_X') f; Once all outstanding concerns, deficiencies and recammcndations idcntii`ied in the referral responses received have been acceptably addressed and~`ar resolved, the applicatian shall be scheduled far the next available public hearing for which proper notice of public hearings can be achieved as delineated in Section >- 210.Iv. Notice of Public Hearin s. (am _~'~'/.Y:Y'/;Y1Y) g. In the event that the Community Development Director and the applicant are not able to resolve deficiencies as delineated in Section 5-210.D.4.a., above, regarding acceptable resolution of Community Development Deparlment concerns and the referral respanses received then the applicant may request, in writing, that the applicatian be scheduled for the next available public hearing. The applicant shall have the right to request, in writing, that the applicatian be scheduled for the next available public hearing for which proper notice of public hearin~,~s can be achieved as delineated in Section 5-210.1„ Notice of Public IIearin~s at any point in the process following the initial stakeholder meeting as delineated in Sectian 5-210.D.~.a., abavc. (utn.kk%Y;Y%Y~Yj If an applicant requests, in writing, that the applicatian be scheduled far the next available hearing prior to resolution of the referral respanses received to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director, it is understood by the applicant that the Staff Report shall describe, in detail, all outstanding deficiencies and whether the application complies with all appropriate standards of these Land tJsc Rcgulatians. The Staff Report Shall also recommend any changes in the development and~or conditions far approval necessary to bring the development rota compliance with the appropriate review standards, or disapproval. Conditions far appraval. if necessary, are intended to eliminate any areas of nancompliance or mitigate any adveese effects of the proposed develapment. (m~a <~'~~ Y~Y;!Y;Yj 12 h. Upon the scheduling of public hearing dates, or at the submission of` the written request as delineated in 5ectian 5-210.ll.4.g above, no new additional or altered information may be submitted by the applicant. (orig. `~?L!XX~XX) 5.4. Staff Report by Community Development Director. ~~~rt3~ th~~att6~~e~613~F°i;,,.,;r,,.-., ~i.,,, ~;,.,,i ni,.* ~ .. c„t,a;.,;~;~n~a The Community Development Director shall prepare and clistz-ibute a detailed Staff Report evaluating the application ert °'~~"'~° -„°~'°a to the applicant and n~le make the report available to the public no later than f-ive (5) calendar days before the first scheduled public hearing on the application. The Staff Report shall describe whether the application complies with all appropriate standards of these Land Use Regulations; it shall also recommend any changes in the development, as submitted, and the conditions for approval, if any, necessary to bring the development into compliance with the appropriate review standards, or disapproval. Conditions for approval may also be recommended to eliminate any areas of noncompliance or mitigate any adverse effects of the proposed development. (um (i.3: Scheduling of Public Hearing(s). The Community Development Director shall ensure that the appropriate public hearing or public hearings on the application shall be scheduled pursuant to Section 5-210.E., Notice of Public Hearings, for a regularly scheduled meeting or a meeting specially called for that purpose by the decision-making, administrative, or advisory body reviewing the application. 'T'''° ~--°* ~~~'~'~°''°°,.:r,. ~'~~" °+~°° -'° °„+~ +°''° ~°+~~~'°a. (am 9/27/99) (afn ,k;k%Y~Y~XX1 E. Notice of Public Hearings. All proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and any applications for development permits that require public hearings, unless otherwise noted, shall follow the provisions of this subsection with regard to public notice and the conduct of such public hearings. Minor Subdivisions shall comply with the provisions of this subsection except that Type Minor B Subdivisions are exempt unless the application is for the creation of three (3) or fewer lots from otherwise unimproved land. The Community Development Director shall be responsible for: (1) placing notice in the newspaper; (2) mailing notice to adjoining landowners; and (3) furnishing a copy of the sign to the applicant. The applicant shall be responsible for: (1) providing the Community Development Director with a list of adjacent landowners from the most recent County ad valorem tax rolls; (2) paying for the costs of publishing notice and mailing notice; (3) posting the sign(s) on the property; and (4) submitting an affidavit that notice was properly posted on the property. (am 9/27/99), (am 3/12/02) (am.ll/08/05) Notice in Newspaper. All proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and applications for development permits, with the exception of Final Plats, Amended Final 13 Plats, Subdivision Exemptions, Minor Type B Subdivisions, and Limited Review Applications, shall be advertised in the legal notice section of an official County newspaper. Notice of an application for amendments to the text of these Land Use Regulations or the Zoning District Map, amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and all development permits requiring a public hearing except those for Subdivision shall be published no less than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the first public hearing. Notice of an application for a Sketch Plan or Preliminary Plan for Subdivision shall be published a minimum of twenty-one (21) days before the Planning Commission public hearing and thirty (30) days before the Board of County Commissioner's public hearing. In the event the Planning Commission tables a file beyond the original Board of County Commissioners published hearing date, the file must be re-advertised a minimum of 15 days prior to the reestablished Board of County Commissioners hearing unless the Board of County Commissioners at such hc~ring tables the file to a date certain. (am. 3/12/02) (am. l l /08/05) Notices shall contain the following information: a. Type of Application. The type of application sought: i.e. amendment to the Official Zone District Map, amendment to the text of these Land Use Regulations, Planned Unit Development (PUD) District, Special Use Permit, Variance Permit or Subdivision. b. Description of Action. A short description of the proposed action requested. c. Location of Land. The common street address and part of the County (name of community, where applicable) of the land subject to the application, a general legal description of the land, and a description of the area (size) of the land. d. Location, Date, Time. The location, address, date, and time of the public hearing. e. Where Information Maybe Obtained. Information on where the full details of the application may be obtained including, if it is a proposed amendment to the Official Zone District Map or the text of these Land Use Regulations, the place where the text or the map maybe examined. 2. Mailed Notice. A notice containing all the information required under Section 5-210.E.1., Notice in Newspaper, shall be sent by mail, first-class postage prepaid, to all landowners of the land subject to the application and all adjacent landowners of the land subject to the application no less than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the public hearing. All applications, except for Minor Type B Subdivisions involving the subdivision of condominiums, patio homes, townhomes and duplexes, shall comply with this section. (am 3/12/02) 3. Posted Notice. All lands subject to a public hearing except for Minor Type B Subdivisions involving the subdivision of condominiums, patio homes, townhomes and duplexes, and Limited Review Applications, shall be posted with at least one (1) notice (a sign) of the public hearing at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the public hearing. The dimensions of the sign(s) shall be a minimum of two (2) feet by three (3) feet. The sign(s) shall state the type of application sought for the land, the Eagle County file name, and number, and that more detailed information is available about the application in the 14 Community Development Department. Signs are available in the Department of Community Development during regular business hours. (am 3/12/02) The sign(s) shall be set back no more than twenty-five (25) feet from the street, and shall be erected in full view of the public on each street side of the land subject to the application. Where the land does not have frontage on a public or private street, the sign(s) shall be erected on the nearest street right-of--way with an attached notation indicating generally the direction and distance to the land subject to the application. The materials to which the sign(s) is affixed shall be sturdy and waterproof or shall have a waterproof covering. The posting of such sign(s) will be the responsibility of the applicant, and applicant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain a sign upon the property for the duration of the posting period. Prior to public hearing ,the applicant will provide a sworn certification that such notice was posted on the property in accordance with these guidelines, and that property has remained so posted for the required number of days prior to the public hearing. The sign(s) shall be removed after the decision is rendered on the application. The failure of any such posted notice to remain in place after the notice has been properly posted, without the applicant's knowledge and despite applicant's reasonable efforts to maintain the sign(s), shall not be deemed a failure to comply with the standards, or be grounds to challenge the validity of any decision made on the application. (am 9/27/99) F. Public Hearing Procedure. A public hearing held pursuant to these Land Use Regulations shall comply with the following procedures. 1. Examination and Copying of Documents. At any time upon reasonable request during normal business hours, any person may examine an application and materials submitted in support of or in opposition to an application in the Community Development Department. Copies of such materials shall be made available upon reasonable notice, and payment of a fee for copying pursuant to the County's fee schedule. 2. Request for Notification of Public Hearing. Notification of all public hearings shall be provided by the Community Development Director to any person who requests notification in writing from the Community Development Director, and pays the costs of the processing and mailing of the notification. 3. Staff Report. A Staff Report shall be available to the applicant and the public at least five (5) calendar days prior to the public hearing. The Staff Report shall address each standard/finding required to be considered by these Land Use Regulations prior to approval of the application, and recommend approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval, whichever is appropriate. 4. Site Visit. As part of its hearing to consider the application for development permit, the advisory or decision-making body may inspect the site of the proposed development. Upon reasonable request of the Community Development Director, the applicant shall mark the development site before the site visit to locate property boundaries, building envelopes and other site development features. 5. Conduct of Public Hearing. The conduct of a public hearing shall comply with the following procedures. 15 a. Rights of All Persons. Any person may appear at a public hearing and submit evidence, either individually or as a representative of an organization. Upon request of the Chairman, anyone representing an organization shall present written evidence of their authority to speak on behalf of the organization in regard to the matter under consideration. Each person who appears at a public hearing shall be identified, state an address, and if appearing on behalf of an organization, state the name and mailing address of the organization. b. Order of Proceedings. The Chairman conducting the public hearing may exclude testimony or evidence that is found to be irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious. The order of the proceedings shall be as follows: (1) Description. The Community Development Directbr shall present a narrative and/or graphic description of the application. (2) Staff Report. The Community Development Director shall present a Staff Report which includes a written evaluation .This evaluation shall address each standard required to be considered by these Land Use Regulations prior to approval of the application. (3) Applicant Presentation. The applicant shall present any information the applicant deems appropriate. (4) Public Testimony. Public testimony shall be heard. (5) Applicant Response. The applicant may respond to any testimony or evidence presented by the public. (6) County Staff Response. The Community Development Director, or Community Development Department staff, the County Attorney, and any other County staff may respond to any statement made by the applicant or the public. c. Testimony. If any testimony or evidence is excluded as irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious, the person offering such testimony or evidence shall have an opportunity to make a proffer in regard to such testimony or evidence for the record. Such proffer shall be made at the public hearing. d. Continuance of Public Hearing. The body conducting the public hearing may, on its own motion or at the request of any person, continue the public hearing to a fixed date, time and place. ^„ ~ „'~°~„* ~'~~"''°~~° *'~° ri~'~* *° r° °~* .,ra ~.° ^•-~~*°a °r° ~' ` °°„*~~~~~~°°. All ~ continuances shall be granted at the discretion of the body conducting the public hearing only upon good cause shown; however, no public hearing shall be continued for more than forty (40) days from the date of commencement of the public hearing without the written consent of the applicant. Linder no circumstances shall an application be continued f'or more than six months after the date of initial hearin~~ before the body considering the application. (a1ra. ~Y;YiXX/_X~') 16 c. Submittal of 1\ew Additional and/or Revised Information. When an application is tabled for the purpose of allo«-ing the applicant opportunity to respond to concerns delineated by the body conducting the public hearing, staff or any other person then, ne~~ additional andlor revised information shall be submitted to County staff no later than 1S working days in advance of the continued public hearing date. (o~•ig..~'.~i;~;k'/,~;~) fe. Withdrawal of Application. An applicant shall have the right to withdraw an application at any time prior to the action on the application by the decision- making body. g.~ Record. (1) Recording of Public Hearing. The body conducting the public hearing shall record the public hearing by any appropriate means, including transcription, audiotape, or videotape. A copy of the public hearing record may be acquired upon reasonable notice by any person upon application to the Community Development Director and payment of a fee to cover the costs of duplication of the record, pursuant to the Eagle County fee schedule. (am 9/27/99) (2) The Record. The written or taped record of oral proceedings, including testimony and statements of personal opinions, the minutes of the Clerk, all applications, exhibits and papers submitted in any proceeding before the decision-making, administrative, or advisory body, the Staff Report and the decision of the body shall constitute the record. (3) Location of Record/Inspection. All records of decision-making, administrative, or advisory bodies shall be public records, open for inspection. Persons may determine the location of particular records by coming to the offices of the Community Development Director during normal business. G. Actions by Decision-Making, Administrative, and Advisory Bodies. No change proposed. H. Any land use application request that has been dormant for a period of ninety (90) calendar days, without a substantive and sufficient response by the Applicant to pending requests by the County for additional information and other changes in the application, or other, similar failure of the Applicant to demonstrate due diligence in pursuing the application in a timely manner w-ithaut communicating a i-iable reason for delay to the Community Development Director or assi},m, shall be deemed to be formally withdra~~~1. "I"he land use application file and its contents will be archived or returned to tlac applicant. I. Extinguishment of Approvals. No change proposed. J. Consolidation. No change proposed. K. Subsequent Permits. No change proposed. L. Successive Applications. No change proposed. NO OTHER CHANGES TO CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 5 17