HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-144 Eighth Supplmentary BudgetCommissioner 1~1~d1Ct~v1. ~ moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE , STATE OF COJL~O~ RADO RESOLUTION NO. 2008 - i ~`( RESOLUTION ADOPTING A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008, AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF BUDGETED AND APPROPRIATED MONEYS BETWEEN VARIOUS SPENDING AGENCIES WHEREAS, the County has received certain unanticipated revenues, hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, said revenues were not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the 2008 budget and/or such revenues were not assured at the time of the adoption of the 2008 budget and therefore were not appropriated; and WHEREAS, in view of the needs of the various offices, depart- ments, boards, commissions, and other spending agencies, it is also necessary to transfer certain previously budgeted and appropriated moneys; and WHEREAS, the Board has the authority to expend such unantici- pated or unassured revenues by enacting a supplementary budget and appropriation, and to transfer budgeted and appropriated revenues from one county fund to another county fund, pursuant to C.R.S. 29-1-109 and C.R.S. 29-1-111; and WHEREAS, Eagle County's Finance Director has determined that such budget appropriations are in compliance with the provisions of the Colorado Constitution, Article X, Section 20, also known as "Amendment One: The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights"; and 1 WHEREAS, this Resolution, as proposed, has been published in full one time in a newspaper having general circulation within the territorial limits of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Board hereby authorizes a supplementary budget and appropriation of unanticipated revenues, unassured funds, and transfers from fund balance as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. THAT, the Treasurer of the County of Eagle is hereby requested and directed to take all action necessary to effectuate the intent of this Resolution. THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby requested and directed to immediately transmit an original or certified copy of this Resolution to the affected spending agencies and the officer or employee of the County of Eagle whose duty it is to draw warrants or orders for the payment of money. THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby further requested and directed to file an original or certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Governments in the Department of Local Affairs. THAT, this resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County, Colorado. 2 MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ~?~ day o f ';~ L~ /v~'s'~ t~ ~ 2 0 0 8 . ATTEST : <~'' ". '~ ~°~ .ry ~.' ~. Clerk to th oard of County Commissioners COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Peter Runyon Chairman a isher~ Commissioner nconi, Commissioner Commissioner ,~'-1 S ~'~(' seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Runyon ~; h S~''r~ Commissioner Fisher G'~ Commissioner Menconi ~~ C- ~" ~ vote of the Board of This Resolution passed by ~~ County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 3 EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Ei Mh Su elemental Appropriation to FY2008 Bud et 1212312008 Line # De artment Descri lion Amount 1 General fund 2 Revenues: 3 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 71,836.00 Additional Funds received by T reasurer charged to receiving funds (below) 4 Supplemental Contingency $ 29,464.00 5 Total Revenue $ 101,300.00 6 7 Expenditures: 8 FM Maintenance Service Contracts $ 41,300.00 9 Attorney _ Miller Ranch Electrical $ 60,000.00 To buy oui ASW 112 share of $195K refund from Haly Cross aver 10 year period g Total Expenditures $ 101,300.00 10 - 11 12 Earl Childhood Fund 13 Revenues: 14 Fund Balance $ 2,000.00 15 Total Revenue $ 2,000.00 16 17 Expenditures: 18 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 2,000.00 19 Total Expenditures $ 2,000.00 20 - 21 22 EV Trans ortation Fund 23 Revenues: 24 Fund Balance $ 10,000.00 28 Total Revenue $ 10,000.00 26 27 Expenditures: 28 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 10,000.00 29 Total Expenditures $ 10,000.00 30 31 32 EV Trails Fund 33 Revenues: 34 Fund Balance $ 700.00 35 Total Revenue $ 700.00 36 37 Expenditures: 38 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 700.00 39 Total Expenditures $ 700.00 40 41 42 RFV Transportation Fund _ 43 Revenues: 44 Fund Balance $ 475.00 45 Total Revenue $ 475.00 46 47 Expenditures: 48 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 475.00 49 TOtaI Expenditures ~ 15 a EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Ei hth Supplemental Appropriation to FY2008 Bud et 1212312008 Line # De artment Descri tion Amount 50 51 52 Airoort Fund 53 Revenues: 54 Fund Balance $ 4,200.00 55 Total Revenue $ 4,200.00 56 _ 57 Expenditures: 58 Misc TreasurerFees $ 4,200.00 5g Total Expenditures $ 4,200.00 60 61 62 Microwave Maintenance Fund 63 Revenues: 64 Fund Balance $ 2,072.00 65 Total Revenue $ 2,072.00 66 67 Ex enditures: 68 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 2,072.00 gg Total Expenditures $ 2,072.00 70 _ 71 82 Housing Development Authority Fund 83 Revenues: 84 Fund Balance $ 3,414.00 g5 Total Revenue $ 3,414.00 6s 87 Expenditures: g8 Misc Treasurer fees $ 3,414.00 gg TotalEzpendrtures $ 3,414.00 90 91 72 ODen Space Fund 73 Revenues: 74 Fund Balance $ 16,040.00 75 Total Revenue $ 16,040.00 76 77 Expenditures: 78 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 1,040.00 Multi party Land Exchange $ 15,000.00 Legal and oiher fees regarding land exchange 79 Total Expenditures $ 16,040.00 80 81 92 Justice CenterAuthori Fund 93 Revenues; 94 " Certificates of Participation $ 21,555,280.00 To appropriate COP funds in the Authority 95 Total Revenue $ 21,555,280.00 _ 96 _ 97 Expenditures: g~ construction or ~usnce renter a ci,ooo,~ c~ gg Total Expenditures $ 21,555, EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Ei hth Supplemental Appro riation to FY2008 Bud et 12!2312008 Line # De artment Descri tion Amount 100 101 102 Ca ital Im rove fund 103 Revenues: 104 Fund Balance $ 82,540.00 105 Total Revenue $ 82,54D.00 106 1D7 Expenditures: 108 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 44,235.OD 109 Sheriff DVR Recording System $ 38,305.00 2150-201-48 I1 Replacement of broken cameras in the Jail (safety hazard) 110 Total Expenditures $ 82,540.00 111 112 113 Landfill Fund 114 Revenues: 115 Restricted Fund Balance $ 725,000.00 116 Total Revenue $ 725,000.00 117 118 Expenditures: 119 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 2,300.00 120 Trash Compactor $ 725,000.00 Replace broken trash com actor -Motor pool to refund over a period of years 121 Total Expenditures $ 725,000.00 122 123 124 Motor Pool Fund 125 Revenues: 126 Fund Balance $ 1,400.00 127 Total Revenue $ 1,400.00 128 129 Expenditures: 130 Misc Treasurer Fees $ 1,400.00 131 Total Expenditures $ 1,400.00 132 133 134 135 SUMMARY All Funds General Fund 136 Additional Revenue $ 21,627,116.00 137 Previously Funded 138 Supplemental Contingency $ 29,464.00 $ 29,464.00 139 1 Unallocated Fund Balance used for Additional appropriations ; 847,841.00 140 Transfers In 141 Total Appropriations $ 22,504,421.00 $ 29,464.00