HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-138 Adoption of Budget 2009Commissioner c~ moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO 0 RESOLUTION N0.2009- ~~ IN RE THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET AND THE MAKING OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009. WHEREAS, C.R.S. 29-1-103, as amended, requires the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board"), to adopt a budget setting forth the expenditures of the various county offices, departments, boards, commissions, and other spending agencies for fiscal year 2008, beginning January 1, 2009, and ending December 31, 2009; and WHEREAS, public hearings on the proposed 2009 budget for the County of Eagle were held December 9, 2008; and WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice duly published in accordance with C.R.S. 29-1- 106, as amended, the proposed 2009 budget for the County of Eagle has continuously been open for public inspection from December 4, 2008; public hearings were held December 9, 2008, before the Board to consider the adoption of the subject 2009 proposed budget; and interested taxpayers were and have continuously been given the opportunity to file or register any objections to the subject proposed 2009 budget; and WHEREAS, the Board has made provisions within the 2009 budget for the County of Eagle for revenues in an amount equal to or greater than the total proposed expenditures set forth within the subject 2009 budget; and WHEREAS, C.R.S. 29-1-108 (2) requires the Board to enact a resolution making appropriations for fiscal year 2009 in accordance with the adopted 2009 budget for the County of Eagle; and WHEREAS, all legal requirements have been fully complied with and performed in the premises. -1 - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the total amount of One Hundred Eleven Million, Five Hundred Nineteen Thousand, Six Hundred fourteen ($111,519,614) is the amount of the proposed revenues, including unappropriated fund balance, and expenditures for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, fiscal year 2009. THAT the Board hereby adopts as the budget of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for the 2009 fiscal year that certain 2009 proposed budget considered and approved, with any amendments so noted, by the Board on December 15, 2008, in the total aforesaid amount of One Hundred Nine Million, Fifteen Thousand, Seven Hundred Twenty Eight dollars ($109,015,728) for the specific purposes, functions, restrictions and amounts identified during the various public budget meetings/hearings referred to hereinabove, and the various working documents associated therewith, including specifically Board approval as shown on the budget system printout dated December 12, 2008. THAT, the Board hereby appropriates to the various county funds, and for the various county offices, departments, commissions, boards, and other spending agencies, the following amounts for the specific purposes, functions, restrictions and amounts identified in the adopted 2009 budget for the County of Eagle and associated working documents, and during the various public budget meetings/hearing referred to hereinabove: General Fund $38,827,963 ~ecial Revenue Funds: Road and Bridge $ 9,604,113 Early Childhood Fund 1,309,117 Social Services 3,155,542 Social Services, WRAP 15,000 Eagle Valley Transportation 9,681,963 Eagle Valley Trails 1,524,518 Roaring Fork Valley Transportation 375,728 Roaring Fork Valley Trails 41,759 Transportation Vehicle Replacement 1,551,261 Airport 18,021,111 Conservation Trust 14,000 Microwave Maintenance 524,806 Housing Dev Auth Loan Fund 353,631 Housing Dev Authority Fund 1,434,407 Open Space 303,510 Capital Improvements 2,436,195 Debt Service Funds: Joint Maint. Service Center C.O.P. 1,252,113 -2 - Enterprise Fund: Landfill $ 3,556,349 Internal Service Funds: Motor Pool $ 6,973,180 Insurance Reserve 226,178 Health Insurance 6,931,319 Trust and Agenc~Fund: E911 $901,965 TOTAL APPROPRIATION $109,015.728 THAT, pursuant to C.R.S. 29-1-113, John Lewis, the Eagle County Budget Administrator, is hereby requested and directed to immediately transmit a copy of this Resolution to the officer or employee of the County of Eagle whose duty it is to draw warrants or orders for the payment of money. THAT, pursuant to Section 29-1-113, C.R.S., the Eagle County Administrator is hereby further requested and directed to file an original or certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Governments in the Department of Local Affairs. THAT, the adopted 2009 budget and the 2009 appropriations made as set forth in this Resolution are to be read as one comprehensive and integrated document. In no event shall a county office, department, commission, board, or spending agency expend or contract to expend any money; or incur any liability; or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money for any purpose for which provision is made in this Resolution, associated working documents and the related public budget meetings/hearings, which is in excess of the amounts appropriated in this Resolution for such office, department, commission, board or other spending agency, and/or purpose; nor which involves the expenditure of money inconsistent with the purposes, functions, restrictions, clarifications and/or specified monetary amounts as detailed and set forth within this Resolution, associated working documents and the related public budget meetings/hearings; nor which involves the expenditure of money for any purpose which is not identified within the aforementioned; unless prior to such expenditure the county office, department, commission, board or spending agency has presented the same to the Board, and the Board duly approves such expenditure in accordance with applicable law. THAT, the Board hereby declares to be the legislative intent that the several provisions of this Resolution shall be severable, in accordance with the provisions set forth below: If any provision of this Resolution is declared to be invalid by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, it is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that: a. The effect of such decision shall be limited to that provision or provisions which are expressly stated in the decision to be invalid; and -3 - b. Such decision shall not affect, impair, or nullify this Resolution as a whole or any other part thereof, but the rest of this Resolution shall continue in full force and effect. THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 15_ day of December, 2008. ATTEST: ~~~~ . N '~ lerk to the oard of o County Commissioners ~~ORA°~ X74 ~~ COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF CO TY COM IONERS i ~ , B c~ ~~ ' ~ ,-`~ Y• Peter F. Runyon Arn M. Menconi Commissioner Commissioner ~""y`~ ~^- seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Runyon Commissioner Fisher Commissioner Menconi This Resolution passed by ~l U the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. G:Mike~BUDGET12007 resolution doc w 5St-~a ~ Chairman ._.- Sara J. Fisher Commissioner vote of the Board of County Commissioners of -4 - 2009 COMMISSIONER REVIEW BUDGET 12/15/2008 8:26 8:26 AM Revenues Transfers Transfers Over (Under) No. Fund Revenues IN Total Expenses OUT Total Expenses 1001 General 38,927,963 38,927,963 37,477,963 1,350,000 38,827,963 100,000 1100 Road & Bridge 8,233,685 8,233,685 9,604,113 9,604,113 (1,370,428) 1109 Early Childhood Fund 334,475 850,000 1,184,475 1,309,117 1,309,117 (124,642) 1110 Social Services 3,182,585 3,182,585 3,155,542 3,155,542 27,043 1111 WRAP 0 0 15,000 15,000 (15,000) 1140 Off-site Road Improvement 100,425 100,425 0 0 100,425 1151 EVTransportation 8,588,764 500,000 9,088,764 9,331,963 350,000 9,681,963 (593,199) 1152 EV Trails 890,036 14,000 904,036 1,524,518 1,524,518 (620,482) 1153 RFV Transportation 375,728 375,728 375,728 375,728 0 1154 RFV Trails 41,759 41,759 41,759 41,759 0 1155 EV Trnsp Veh Replcmnt 817,500 350,000 1,167,500 1,551,261 1,551,261 (383,761) 1160 Airport 17,003,228 17,003,228 18,021,111 18,021,111 (1,017,883) 1170 Conservation Trust 140,000 140,000 14,000 14,000 126,000 1180 Microwave Maint. 400,000 400,000 524,806 524,806 (124,806) 1190 Contingent 0 0 0 0 0 1191 Emergency Reserve ' 80,000 80,000 0 0 80,000 1400 Housing Dev Auth Loan Fund 560,000 560,000 353,631 353,631 206,369 1401 Housing Dev Authority Fund 961,800 961,800 1,434,407 1,434,407 (472,607) 1441 Hazardous Material Fund 0 0 0 0 0 1442 Open Space Fund 4,871,906 4,871,906 303,510 303,510 4,568,396 2150 Capital Improvement 4,568,984 4,568,984 2,196,195 240,000 2,436,195 2,132,789 2201 COP Debt Service 1,252,113 1,252,113 1,252,113 1,252,113 0 3600 Landfill 3,839,153 3,839,153 3,556,349 3,556,349 607,804 A *** 3700 Motor Pool 6,173,713 240,000 6,413,713 6,973,180 6,973,180 1,790,533 B ~*" 3730 Insurance Reserve 226,178 226,178 226,178 226,178 0 3790 Health Insurance 6,931,319 6,931,319 6,931,319 6,931,319 0 3900 E911 1,064,300 1,064,300 901,965 901,965 162,335 Combined Total 109,565,614 1,954,000 111,519,614 107,061,728 1,954,000 109,015,728 5,178,886 Landfill Fund figure includes Capital Depreciation in the amount of $75,000 and Closure/Post Closure in the amount of $250,000 Motor Pool figure includes Capital Depreciation in the amount of $2,350,000 The Final Ending Balances include the Closure/Post Closure and Capital Depreciation added back in. 2009 Commissioner Review Budget 12_15_08t