HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-072 Basalt Regional Library Board AppointmentsCommissioner ~-~-aG1f_,,r ~ moved adoption of the following resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION N0.2008 - V~ v RESOLUTION CONCERNING APPOINTMENTS TO THE BASALT REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES WHEREAS, section 24-90-108, C.R.S. empowers the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County to make appointments to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees ("BRLDBT"); and WHEREAS, the Basalt Regional Library District has recommended the appointment of Dr. Elizabeth Gremillion to replace Louise Smith (letter of recommendation and supporting documents attached hereto as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, Dr. Elizabeth Gremillion desires appointment to the BRLDBT; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County desires to appoint Dr. Elizabeth Gremillion as a representative to the BRLDBT, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, Dr. Elizabeth Gremillion be and is hereby appointed as a representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustee, expiring on March O1, 2012. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED Eagle, State of Colorado, this ~_ ATTEST: COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD O~F COUNT O IONERS BY: ~ ~- ~. re~er r. tcunyon / Chairman S,ar~ Fisher Menconi ssioner Commissioner mil, 5~~ seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Peter F. Runyon ~~ Commissioner Sara J. Fisher ~ Commissioner Arn M. Menconi ~, This Resolution passed by ` o the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of day of ~Ul.'^ , 2008. vote of the Board of County Commissioners of County Commissioners "'""'°"'~ VVf iG~.:V VQ 1'i. JG JfC 1JJ1 DHJH~t f'.Gtalt_ L1D r"HlXt CILl f~.y BASALT R>;GIOIVAL LTHRA.TZ,X 1dISTRICT BOARD OF'TRUS7AB.9: T31ro Evt,.n R~ PRESfDENT Pit Patlin, Vice President Garral Ih'C4riCr Ddvid FID1'p ]tiD1TH IIOY6R TAYLOR LITip\fA!V1~ .)unc 3 G, 2008 I~car C;r~mm.issioncrs; 99M1DLAIYDAV6NL'E BAR[lARAHTIi.NC)R BA;tAt,T, COi,ORADO S1G21-8305 INTSRfM DtRECY'OR Teu:PHONe: (970) 429.4311 FACS(MiLE: (970) 927-1151 tin vlarch i l ~~f this year I stntyau a letter. infntrning you that Lrtaisc Smith was applying far the scat that long-time $oard member. Polly Pallaxd was vacating. Yc7u yuirkly ratiFed I.ciuice Smith, bur. trahncalh, she died of a sudden hr~trt atrack before she could attend her ~ixst tnecting. ;'lfrcr ad~ertzsing in the local isapers, we were surprised and dcii)rht~:d that lava? resident and ratron Qr. 1=.li~abcth Gremillxan has applied Eris this ~-acAnt scat. Fli~abeth vas inrcrview~cd by the Berard err the regular Jane rnectin~, which w-aa last l~Ionday, )une 9. The $~iard WRK moss. favnrably ~rnpressed with Dr. Grt:rrzillion, bath in he.r intcroicw anti w-irh hrr ektcnsiLe resumc..Ifter a vote of ti -- p, the k~oard wishes to rcccymn,end T?li~abeth Gremillian for this v-acantt seat, which ex~,ites'~4arch, 2013. We lrxik forward to yovx approtal and resolution concerning t:ltie retommendatian. :+in rrcly, ~~~~~~ h T3arbara :t4ilncyr interim Uirccrc, Liasale Rcgii>nai i ibrary hmiinnr(a~}warm«r.c7rg ./ll~t1~~~1 , L~ EiBRAR'~ OtStRt~T t E A 0 C Q M N f t t- D I S C O Y{ R EXHIBIT ~~ CiGt 1G/ ~C1 C: ~`, 14. 3G 7lCJ 1J:~1 GHJii~ I KC.i~l; LtG t'i-1iat Ci.:ii t7J ,lone 3, 200$ Board of Trustees, Basalt Regioaal I.tbrarl- District and athcr intcrt:sted parries Basalt Regional Library 99 .'~fsdiand Avc Basair, Cta 81621 I~car Board of Tructocs, Basalt Regionai Librarg District and other interested partirs, T would like to express my intetCSt in serving an the library board. I mooed to Iiaselt in 2QOI, and }rase been a very keen user of bath the Basalt and Pttkin Caunry libraries. I have volunteered in the Basalt 1ibrAry arld have wprkcd as fill-in staff as needed, I bncfly served on the literary board in Qiai, California while liv-ng there in 2406. I practiced pesitatuc trtecyrir~e locally urstii 2!>n4, and since them have worked is the tacal bookstore and am currents}~ doing carLSUldng wark fox the Aspen Center £or Integra) HeaIttx. ;`2y uridcrgraduate degree iF in Barony and I am a passionate gardener in cn}~ spare time. Sintcrcly, ~' Elizabeth LYremtllion, ~i.i7. IiAg,ti."' t:C) Atfi~i-"•2r2 EXHIBIT