HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-046 Two Rivers Village Subdivision Phase II Release of Plat NotesWHEREAS, the Engineering Department states the warranty period was commenced on September 15, 2007 and will terminate on September 15, 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CONIlI~II5SIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, based upon the oral and written recommendations of the County Engineer and County Attorney, THE BOARD FINDS that Plat Notes 12 and 20 to the Amended Final Plat recorded in the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office at Reception No. 833300 for Phase II can be and hereby are deemed satisfied and released. THAT, based upon the oral and written recommendations of the County Engineer and County Attorney, the Board accepts the above described letters of credit as substitute collateral for Two Rivers Village Subdivision Phase II and hereby releases the cash in the amount of $37,070.00. THAT, this document shall be recorded in the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, which shall be evidence that Plat Notes 12 and 20 to the Amended Final Plat recorded in the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office at Reception No. 833300 for Phase II have been released. THAT, the warranty period shall terminate on September 15, 2009. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of Co Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the day of April, 2008. ATTEST: ®`` ~ Q ~~ Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I B Peter F. Runyon Commissioner ~~~ seconded adoption of the fore oin having been called, the vote was as follows: g g resolution. The roll Commissioner Runyon Commissioner Fisher ~~_ Commissioner Menconi This Resolution passed by ~~~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. nrw\resolutions\two rivers release of plat notes II & III MEMORANDUM TO: Nancy Wright, Attorney's Office FROM: Greg Schroeder, Engineering Department ~~ DATE: Friday, April 11, 2008 FILE #: AFP-00170 RE: Two Rivers Village, Phase II, Release of Cash Collateral and Substitution for Warranty period Nancy, I am in receipt of a February 21, 2008 memorandum requesting release of "restoration" collateral and substitution of the typical "10% collateral." Please release the $37,070 cash collateral from the Two Rivers, Phase II PIA. In addition, please find enclosed Exhibit A consisting of the engineer's cost estimate for Phase II. The total amount is for $990,921.80 with $90,600.00 for a landscaping carryover for a total of $1,081,521.80. The 10% collateral will consist of 10% of the $990,921.80 ($99,092.18) plus the $90,600.00 landscaping carryover for a total collateral amount of $189,692.18. For simplicity s sake, two separate letters of credit are suggested; one for the $99,092.18 and the other for the $90,600.00, as it is anticipated that the landscaping carryover shall be released in the next few months. In addition, please release plat notes #12 and #20 for Phase II, as the above mentioned collateralization will be sufficient for these plat notes. The warranty has started effective September 15, 2007, with an expiration of September 15, 2009. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. # # # Enc. xc: Eva Wilson, County Engineer Chrono/File G:1DevebpmentlCogaterySlAlTvroRivers12pp86411_Phasell MEMORAW°UM1.duc EXHIBIT r~ 21, 2008 Greg Schroeder Eagle County Engineering P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Two River Village Phase I, II & III SE Job #20135.01 & 27002.01 Dear Greg, This letter is written to formally notify the County that all work and conditions required by the following agreements have been completed: a) Subdivision and Off-site Improvements Agreement, Two Rivers Village, ("Phase I") dated April 23, 2002, recorded in the Eagle County Records on May 17, 2002 as Reception No. 795927; b) Public Improvements Agreement, Two Rivers Village Subdivision, Phase II ("Phase II") dated March 20, 2007, recorded in the Eagle County Records on March 22, 2007, as Reception No. 200707528; and c) Public Improvements Agreement, Two rivers Village Subdivision, Phase III ("phase III") dated July 24, 2007, but appazently unrecorded. In addition, we hereby notify the County that the Phase II Public Improvements set forth on Exhibit "A" to this letter have also been completed. Based upon periodic observation and testing the construction has been completed in accordance with the intent of the plans and specifications that were reviewed and approved by the County. All improvements were constructed in compliance with the Agreements identified above. As-built drawings have been prepared, reviewed and approved by the County for all three phases. The County engineering also completed an onsite final acceptance of the improvements for each phase. Attached is a signed and stamped Affidavit of Monumentation for Phases I, II and III. Phase I The school site agreement has been satisfied by the attached revised school site agreement between Eagle County, Two Rivers Village Development and School District. The warranty period has been satisfied for all improvements except that the Erosion ControUReseeding will remain under a two year warranty period from the date of 9/15/07 at a cost of $70,350.00. 502 Main Street ~ Suite A3 • Carbondale, CO 81623 • (970) 704-0311 • Fax (970) 704-0313 OPRI EN • S GIHEERIHG L L civil consultants February 21, 2008 SE Job No. 20135.01 & 27002.01 Page 2 Phase II • The warranty period starts on 9115/07. • Security for warranty period is 10% of Cost Estimate (attached as Exhibit "A'~ $99,092.18. Phase III • The warranty period starts on 2/1108. • Security for warranty period is 10% of Cost Estimate (attached as Exhibit "C") $140,279.37. We would request on behalf of the Developer that the existing Phase I Letter of Credit be released, the cash security for Phase II of $37,070.00 be released, and the cash security for Phase III of $70,950.00 be released. At the same time, and in exchange for the release of the above described existing collateral, the Developer will provide the County with a new Letter of Credit for Phase I and Phase II warranty period collateral in the amount of $169,442.18 since the warranty is for the same time period. The Developer will also provide the County with a second Letter of Credit for Phase III warranty period collateral for the amount of$140,279.37. We also ask that the County formally recognize that upon the deposit of the new Letters of Credit for warranty period collateral the conditions of Plat Notes 12 and 20 of the Amended Final Plat for this project as recorded in the Eagle County Records as Reception No. 833300, have been satisfied and therefore those Plat Notes are no longer effective as to Phase I, II and III, Two Rivers Village Subdivision. If you have any questions or need additional information please give me a call. Sincerely, ; ' . ~: ~. . LLC r~~~ ~,~a8 Yancy'1't1 Principal Cc: Larry Green, Balcomb & Green Steve Briggs, Alpine Bank Dotsero Realty Partners Terrill Knight, Knight PIanning 502 Main Street • Suite A3 • Carbondale, CO 81623 • (970) 704-0311 • Fax (970) 704-0313 SOPR • IS ENGI HEERING LL C c1v11 consultants ° EXHIBIT'A' ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS TWO RIVERS SUBDIVISION-SE JOB N0.27002 - -FEBRUARY 21, 2008 TWD RIVERS SLIRnIVISInN _ a1-lecc n ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST COST _ 1 MOBILIZATION JOB LS. 20 000 00 20 000 00 2 _ _ CONSTRUCTION STAKING, OBSERVATION_TESTING 8 AS-BUILTS JOB L S , . 35 000 00 , . 35 000 00 . . , . , . 3 EARTHWORK __ __ ___ __ 2,100 C.Y. ~ 8.00 16,800.00 4 4" CLASS 6 AGGREGATE 1 320 TON 26 00 34 320 00 5 _ - 6"CLASS 2 AGGREGATE _ - , 1,995 TO N . 23.00 _ __ , . 45 885 00 _ 6 _ 4"ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT _ 4,498 _ S.Y. 23.00 _ , . 103 454 00 7 CONCRETE VALLEY PAN _ __ _ ,- 1,830 L.F. 22.00 , . 40,260.00 8 _ CONCRETE RIBBON CURB - 3,660 L.F. 18.00 _ _ 65,880.00 9 8" DIP WATER LINE ----' 1,733 - LF. 47.00 81,451.00 _ 10 8" WATER VALVES __ _ 2 EA. _ 1,400.00 2 800.00 11 3/4" WATER SERVICE ___ __ 77 EA. 950.00 , 73,150.00 12 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 4 EA _ 4,700.00 _ ~g,8pp,p0 13 8" SDR 35 SEWER LINE __ ' 1,629 LF. 52.00 84 708.00 14 4 SEWER MANHOLE _ - " 10 EA. 4,800.00 , 48 000 00 15 4 SEWER SERVICE __ __ _ _ _ _ 74 E.A. 800.00 _ , . 5g,2p0-00 16 SILT FENCE _ __ __ _ 2,100 LF. 4.00 8 400 00 17 EROSION CONTROL (STRAW BAILS, MUD RACK) ! _ JOB _ L.S. 2,500.00 ~ _ _ . _ 2,500.00 18 STORM MANHOLE ___ " 4 EA 4,800.00 19 200 00 19 18 DRAIN BASIN " i 5 E.A. _ 2,750.00 _ , . 13 750 00 20 12 INLINE DRAIN - -- " -- 4 E.A 2,000.00 _ , . 8 000 00 21 30 ADS N-12__ _ _ " 905 EA 92.00 __ , . 83 260 00 22 18 ADS N-12 __ _ _ 810 L.F. 42.00 _ , . 34 020 00 23 STREET/STOP SIGNS 4 _ E.A. 500.00 _ , . 2 000.00 SUBTOTAL ITEM 1-28 , 10% CONTINGENCY 900'838'00 TOTAL 90,083.80 S 990 921.80 Lands cani nn r'~»-,.,,....,.... , Total + Landscaping $90,600.00 ..~''. k•;,. $1, 081, 521.80 ,~~~,~ ~ti 2~~1~08~'~1.. ®..a.. ;; NOTE: This opinion of probable construction cost was prepared for budgeting purposes only. Sopris Engineering, LLC cannot be held responsible for variances from this estimate as actual costs may vary due to bid and market fluctuations. ~~, _~ ~ Aspen 600 East Hopkins Avenue, Suite 001 Aspen, Colorado 81611 970-920-4800 Fax 970-920-4274 Loan Fax 970-920-3781 Date of Issue: Amount: Number: Expiration Date: APPLICANT: BENEFICIARY; PURPOSE: IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT APRIL 25, 2008 $99,092.18 0250658435 FEBRUARY 1, 2009 DOTSERO REALTY PARTNERS, LLLP BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY TWO RIVERS VILLAGE, PHASE II - SECURITY FOR WARRANTY PERIOD To Whom It May Concern: We hereby establish in Beneficiary's favor, at the request and for the benefit of Applicant our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit in an amount not to exceed $99,092.18 (U.S. $99,092.18). e purpose of this letter is to secure the performance of and the compliance with, the agreement by and between Applicant and Beneficiary. Beneficiary shall promptly noti B ~' ark when a default or event of default of said agreement occurs, Your notification shall include any notice or order required to be sent to Applicant pu>;suant to the agreement. Notice shall be by telephone and in writing to: ALPINE BANK ASPEN ATTENTION: JEAN MOORS 600 E. HOPKINS, SUITE 001 ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970-927-4800 We hereby agree to honor drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terns of this Lette Credit if duly presented to a loan officer at 600 E. HOPKIlVS, S r of COLORADO, 81611 during normal business hours on or before tUhe exp0iration date. Partial drawings are permitted. This Letter of Credit is not transferable. The conditions for payment of any draft drawn against this Letter of Credit are as follows: 1. Receipt by Bank of Beneficiary's manually signed statement by an authorized signato certifying that Applicant has failed to perform with, or comply m accordance with, the provisions of said agreement by and between Applicant and Beneficiary, and stating the dollar amount of the default. www.alpinebank,com ~~ 2. Presentation of the original Letter of Credit to Ba words: "Drawn by BOARD OF CO ~ endorsed on the reverse side with the the amount requested" then manually sued by an aiuthoO d signato AGLE COUNTY in ry This Letter of Credit shall be governed by Article V of the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of Colorado on the date of issue. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the tenors of our undertaking, and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified or limited by any document, instrument or agreement referred to herein, or in which this credit is referred to, or to which this credit relates; and no such reference shall be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any such document, instrument or agreement. SPINE BANK ASPEN By\__ ~ ` ~ MOORS, BANKING OFFICER ~ ~ ~ / ~ `~"~`~ ~~ ~ ~~ Date of Issue: Amount: Number: Expiration Date: APPLICANT: BENEFICIARY: PURPOSE: Aspen 600 East Hopkins Avenue, Suite 001 Aspen, Colorado 81611 970-920-4800 Fax 970-920-4274 Loan Fax 970-920-3781 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT APRIL 17, 2008 $90,600.00 0260295433 FEBRUARY 1, 2009 DOTSERO REALTY PARTNERS, LLLP BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY TWO RIVERS, PHASE I LANDSCAPING CARRYOVER To Whom It May Concern: We hereby establish in Beneficiary's favor, at the request and for the benefit of Applicant, our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit in an amount not to exceed $90,600.00 (LJ.S. $90,600.00). The purpose of this letter is to secure the performance of and the compliance with, the agreement by and between Applicant and Beneficiary, Beneficiary shall promptly notify Bank when a default or event of default of said agreement . occurs. Your notification shall include any notice or order required to be sent to Applicant pursuant to the agreement. Notice shall be by telephone and in writing to: ALPINE BANK ASPEN ATTENTION: JEAN MOORS 600 E. HOPKINS, SUITE 001 ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970-927-4800 We hereby agree to honor drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit if duly presented to a loan officer at 600 E. HOPKINS, SUITE 001, ASPEN, COLORADO, 81611 during normal business hours on or before the expiration date. Partial drawings are pemutted. This Letter of Credit is not transferable. The conditions for payment of any draft drawn against this Letter of Credit are as follows: 1. Receipt by Bank of Beneficiary's manually signed statement by an authorized signato certifying that Applicant has failed to perform with, or comply in accordance with, the provisions of said agreement by and between Applicant and Beneficiary, and stating the dollar amount of the default. www,alpinebank.com ex~ 2. .Presentation of the original Letter of Credit to Bank, endorsed on the reverse side with the words: "Drawn by BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY in the amount requested" then manually signed by an authorized signatory. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by Article V of the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of Colorado on the date of issue. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of our undertaking, and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified or limited by any document, instrument or agreement referred to herein, or in which this credit is referred to, or to which this credit relates; and no such reference shall be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any such document, instrument or agreement. ALPINE BANK ASPEN By: JEAN ORE, B {ING OF~ R