HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-022 OK Corral Camp PUD Sketch Plan Approval tHL,Lt LUUNIY. LU 200805630 TEAK J SIMONTON Pgs: 15 04 :A7 :28PM 03/17/2008 REC: $0.00 DOC: $ 111111 Commissioner S � K - v- moved adoption (7) of the following Resolution: BOARD OF EAGLE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2008- 6 7�v APPROVAL OF THE SKETCH PLAN FOR THE OK CORRAL CAMP PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT File No. PDS -00053 WHEREAS, on or about September 27, 2007, the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, accepted for filing applications submitted by Shipley Craighead (hereinafter "Applicant ") for approval of the Sketch Plan for the OK Corral Camp Planned Unit Development, Eagle County File No. PDS- 00053; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requested ed th Pp q the approval of a Planned Unit Development PUD Sketch Plan, subject to change, ) subject an e that would allow , ow for the development as follows: • Dining hall; Sports & Recreation Building; Indoor Theater; Medical Center; Arts & Crafts Center; Storage/maintenance buildings; mgs; Twelve (12) Camper Cabins; Up to Three (3) Staff & Volunteer Housing buildings; Director Residence; Open -air Riding Arena; Gate House; and Horse Barn. WHEREAS, at its public hearing held December 19, 2007, the Eagle Planning Commission, based upon its findings, unanimously recommended approval of the proposed Sketch Plan of the OK Corral Camp Planned Unit Development, with certain conditions; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter the "Board ") of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on January 8, 2008; and, WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, and study of the Master Plan for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments of the Eagle County Department of Community Development, comments of public officials and agencies, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and comments from interested parties, the Board finds as follows: That publication and public notice was provided as required by law for the hearings before the Planning Commission and the Board. Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations, Section 5-240.F.3.e. Standards for the review of a Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plan for a PUD: STANDARD: Unified ownership or control [Section 5-240.F.3.e (1)] -The title to all land that is part of a PUD shall be owned or controlled by one (1) person. A person shall be considered to control all lands in the PUD either through ownership or by written consent of all owners of the land that they will be subject to the conditions and standards of the PUD. The Applicant has. demonstrated the subject property will not be subdivided, although it will be platted, it still will be owned/controlled by one entity. STANDARD: Uses. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (2)] -The uses that may be developed in the PUD shall be those uses that are designated as uses that are allowed, allowed as a special use or allowed as a limited use in Table 3-300, "Residential, Agricultural and Resource Zone Districts Use Schedule'; or Table 3-320, "Commercial and Industrial Zone Districts Use Schedule, "for the zone district designation in effect for the property at the time of the application for PUD. Variations of these use designations may only be authorized pursuant to Section 5-240 F.3.f., Variations Authorized. The Camp will include uses not currently allowed in the Resource Zone District. The applicant confirms that a formal application for Variations Authorized will be made as part of the Preliminazy Plan submittal. If the Boazd of County Commissioners approves the PUD Preliminazy Plan then, they will also have granted a variation to the land uses. STANDARD: Dimensional Limitations. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (3)]-The dimensional limitations that shall apply to the PUD shall be those specified in Table 3-340, "Schedule of Dimensional Limitations'; for the zone district designation in effect for the property at the time of the application for PUD. Variations of these dimensional limitations may only be authorized pursuant to Section 5-240 F.3.f., Variations Authorized, provided variations shall leave adequate distance between buildings for necessary access and fire protection, and ensure proper ventilation, light, air and snowmelt between buildings. The dimensional limitations proposed would be applicable to an 85 acre land area; the intent of the PUD use is necessary for greater variety in the type, design and layout of buildings and promotes a more efficient land use pattern. STANDARD: Off Street Parking and Loading. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (4)] -Off-street parking and loading provided in the PUD shall comply with the standards of Article 4, Division 1, O,~Street Parking and Loading Standards. A reduction in these standards may be authorized where the applicant demonstrates that: (a) Shared Parking. Because of shared parking arrangements among uses within the PUD that do not require peak parking for those uses to occur at the same time, the parking needs of residents, guests and employees of the project will be met; or (b} Actual Needs. The actual needs of the project's residents, guests and employees will be less than those set by Article 4, Division 1, Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards. The applicant may commit to provide specialized transportation services for these persons (such as vans, subsidized bus passes, or similar services) as a means of complying with this standard. Forty (40) parking spaces will be located for staff housing; Forty (40) parking spaces will be provided for the administration building, medical facility and additional housing areas; Ten (10) parking spaces will be provided in the area associated with the barn. It is anticipated that parking will be in compliance with County standards. STANDARD: Landscaping. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (5)] -Landscaping provided in the PUD shall comply with the standards of Article 4, Division 2, Landscaping and Illumination Standards. Variations from these standards may be authorized where the applicant demonstrates that the proposed landscaping provides sufficient buffering of uses from each other (both within the PUD and between the PUD and surrounding uses) to minimize noise, glare and other adverse impacts, creates attractive streetscapes and parking areas and is consistent with the character of the area. Specifics relative to landscape installation and maintenance, types of shrubs, trees and turf will be provided at preliminary plan. In addition, at the time of Preliminary Plan, a comprehensive lighting plan will be provided. STANDARD: Signs. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (6)] -The sign standards applicable to the PUD shall be as specified in Article 4, Division 3, SiQre Regulations, unless, as provided in Section 4-340 D., Signs Allowed in a Planned Unit Development (PUD the applicant submits a comprehensive sign plan for the PUD that is determined to be suitable for the PUD and provides the minimum sign area necessary to direct users to and within the PUD. Signage within the proposed development will comply with the standards set forth in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. STANDARD: Adequate Facilities. [Section 5-240.F.3.e ('~] -The applicant shall demonstrate that the development proposed in the Preliminary Plan for PUD will be provided adequate facilities for potable water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, electrical supply, fire protection and roads and will be conveniently located in relation to schools, police and fire protection, and emergency medical services. Water and sewer will be provided with on-site water treatment and an on-site "package plant". The applicant has stated that access for emergency vehicles is adequate and the needs for fire suppression/sprinkling buildings and other fire mitigation improvements will be finalized at preliminary plan. STANDARD: bnprovements. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (8)] -The improvements standards applicable to the development shall be as specified in Article 4, Division 6, Improvements Standards. Provided, however, the development may deviate from the County's road standards, so the development achieves greater efficiency of infrastructure design and installation through clustered or compact forms of development or achieves greater sensitivity to environmental impacts, when the following minimum design principles are followed.• (a) Safe, Efficient Access. The circulation system is designed to provide safe, convenient access to all areas of the proposed development using the minimum practical roadway length. Access shall be by a public right-of-way, private vehicular or pedestrian way or a commonly owned easement. No roadway alignment, either horizontal or vertical, shall be allowed that compromises one (1) or more of the minimum design standards of the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) for that functional classification of roadway. (b) Internal Pathways. Internal pathways shall be pYOVided to form a logical, safe and convenient system for pedestrian access to dwelling units and common areas, with appropriate linkages off-site. (c) Emergency Vehicles. Roadways shall be designed to permit access by emergency vehicles to all lots or units. An access easement shall be granted for emergency vehicles and utility vehicles, as applicable, to use private roadways in the development for the purpose of providing emergency services and for installation, maintenance and repair of utilities. (d) Principal Access Points Principal vehicular access points shall be designed to provide for smooth traffic flow, minimizing hazards to vehicular, pedestrian or bicycle traffic. YYhere a PUD abuts a major collector, arterial road or highway, direct access to such road or highway from individual Zots, units or buildings shall not be permitted. Minor roads within the PUD shall not be directly connected with roads outside of the PUD, unless the County determines such connections are necessary to maintain the County's road network (e) Snow Storage. Adequate areas shall be provided to store snow removed from the internal street network and from off-street parking areas. The property is currently served by adequate existing roadways. All access, including emergency vehicles, can access the site from the Colorado River Road. The proposed internal road network is sufficient for the purpose intended. The Engineering Department comments' must be addressed and resolved prior to Preliminary Plan (see conditions). STANDARD: Compatibility with Surrounding Land Uses. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (9)] - 7'he development proposed for the PUD shall be compatible with the character of surrounding land uses. The subject property has adjacent neighbors on neazly every side of the property, although some may not be close in proximity. All existing uses aze agricultural in character. The applicanthas worked closely with the neighbors and has done a good job adjusting the project to address their concerns, thereby increasing compatibility between the dissimilar uses. STANDARD: Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (10)] - 7'he PUD shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, including, but not limited to, the Future Land Use Map (FLUNG. The .consideration of the relevant master plans during sketch plan review is on a broad conceptual level, i. e, how a proposal compares to basic planning principles. As a development proposal moves from sketch plan to preliminary plan review, its conformance or lack thereof to aspects of the master plans may not necessarily remain static. THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSES BELOW CONSIDER THE PROPOSAL AS SUBMITTED. EAGLE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ O O y U ~ U ~ Z w ~ w ~ m E . ~ C Of ~ N~ '- > ~A C ~~ ~ N O N ~ O O 7 O -O N O ~ N O ~_ N C ~~ f0 ~ C7 ~ W ~ 2 ~ N ~ ~ S > ~ fA W C'1 LL Exceeds X X X X Recommendations Incorporates Majority of Recommendations Does Not Incorporate X X X X X Recommendations Not Applicable X Development ^ "Ensure that all plans for development recognize the need to preserve the natural beauty and environmental integrity of Eagle County' : The applicant plans to preserve the site as much as possible, allowing for open spaces and adhering to the natural restraints. ^ "Work to ident~ and preserve quality of life characteristics like outstanding recreational facilities, open space, clean air and water, uncrowded roads, quiet neighborhoods, unique cultural events and quality services ". This facility will incorporate a "quality of life" entity to all that visit. ^ "Incorporate population and job growth data compiled by the State Demographer into development decisions and long range planning objectives': Population and job growth data were not addressed in the application materials, and it is unknown how many employees will be brought in from outside of Eagle County. ^ "Promote compact, mixed-use development within or adjacent to existing community centers ". This is not applicable to this development. ^ "Ensure that all plans for development recognize the need to improve social equity ". The proposed development creates this through its Mission. ^ "Ensure that all plans for development recognize the need to maintain a healthy economy ". The camper's families, staff and volunteers will provide a benefit to the local economy. ^ "Intersperse parks and properly scaled public spaces within and throughout areas of higher- , density development ". This is a private development that does provide many green areas for the campers to enjoy. ^ "Consistently apply and enforce Eagle County Land Use Regulation development standards ". This is the purpose of the PUD Sketch Plan evaluation. ^ "Analyze development applications for conformance to the County's Future Land Use Map ". The subject property is designated on the Future Land Use Map as Rural Lands. ^ "Continue to allow variations from underlying zoning standards to be obtained through a Planned Unit Development but require clustering within the PUD to the benejat of the surrounding community ". The proposal will require variations for uses but clustering is not anticipated. Relaxing the standards is necessary and appropriate for this proposal. Whether or not the proposal will benefit the surrounding community is a subjective judgment. ^ "Require new commercial development to provide workforce housing or to provide land for workforce housing". Housing for employees and volunteers is a component of the application however; its sufficiency is still being considered. ^ "Design and locate development to minimize and / or mitigate identified impacts ". The site design of the proposed development has been well thought out; no structures will be built in the flood plain, camper's cabins are.clustered with recreation and medical buildings and staff housing has been separated for privacy and convenience. Economic Resources ^ "Ensure that commercial /retail development occurs in locations that are compatible with surrounding uses ". This is not applicable to this development. ^ "Consider the impact of each second home development on the jobs to housing balance ". This proposal is not expected to affect second home owner development. ^ "Develop the services and businesses that will benefit a growing senior population ". The proposal does not specify services and business to support a growing senior population. ^ "Encourage retirement housing as part ofmixed--use developments in existing towns and unincorporated communities ". This is not applicable to this development. ^ "Select sites for retirement housing that are suitable in regards to local support services, emergency services and transportation ". The project does not target retirement housing. ^ "Apply Workforce Housing Cruidelines and require commercial developers to mitigate their project's impact on the jobs to housing balance of the area". On-site housing is an important component of the Camp. Four dwelling units are proposed as well as "dormitory-style" housing for approximately 40 staff members and volunteers. ^ "Limit the expansion of commercial zoning in unincorporated Eagle County to that necessary to serve the needs of the immediate local population ". This is not applicable to this development. "Allow the development of new service commercial and industrial uses in suitable locations provided such uses are properly buffered from surrounding properties ". This is not applicable to this development. "Encourage but limit commercial development in residential neighborhoods to local businesses that serve the basic needs of nearby residents ". This is not applicable to this development. "Encourage live-work arrangements within community centers by promoting compact mixed-use development, pedestrian scaled retail areas and intercommunity public transportation ". Four dwelling units are proposed.as well as "dormitory-style" housing for approximately 40 staff members and volunteers. Housing _ ^ "Affordable workforce housing should be located near job centers ". On-site housing is an important component of the Camp. Four dwelling units are proposed as well as "dormitory-style" housing for approximately 40 staff members and volunteers. ^ "Provide incentives to developers who develop workforce housing". This proposal is not for affordable housing but some housing is provided for employees. . ^ "Continue to require a Local Resident Housing Plan for all new development applications as required by the Local Resident Housing Guidelines ". On-site housing is an important component of the Camp. Four dwelling units are proposed as well as "dormitory-style" housing for approximately 40 staff members and volunteers. ^ "Mandate that attainable workforce housing be considered part of the required infrastructure for all new development applications ". The applicant intends to negotiate and work through the employee housing component of this proposal in detail at preliminary plan since the numbers may change slightly as the proposal becomes more definite. ^ "Continue to utilize Inclusionary Housing and Employee Housing Linkage as defined in the Local Resident Housing Guidelines in the review of development applications ". The Eagle County Housing Director has requested the number of housing units to employees (a Housing Plan) be provided to him prior to Preliminary Plan submission. Infrastructure and Services ^ "Locate new development in areas served by adequate roads and paths, and within reasonable distance to a mass transit hub ". The development associated with this proposal is located 8 miles from Dotsero. It is anticipated that most campers will arrive to the Camp by means of shuttles and buses either from Eagle or Denver. ^ "Assure that road and trail improvements are completed concurrent to the completion of new development". Access to the Camp is provided by the Colorado River Road. Improvements to the one-lane bridge adjacent to the subject property are planned for the future and will be funded by the County in part. ^ Ensure appropriate transportation considerations are included in subdivision improvement agreements ". This is the purpose of a Subdivision Improvements Agreement. ^ "Work with mass transit providers to expand service ". ECO Transit did not respond to this proposal and may not be applicable to this development. ^ Encourage transit oriented development". This is not applicable in regards to this proposal. ^ "Promote pedestrian malls and provide adequate parking on the perimeter of shopping areas to encourage walking". This is not applicable in regards to this proposal. ^ "Encourage a network of walking trails within towns and community centers that connect typical community destinations (bus stops, schools, businesses, parks, playgrounds, etc.) with seamless pedestrian infrastructure ". The proposal does include pedestrian circulation throughout the subject property and include playgrounds for the campers. ^ "Within towns and community centers, retrofit public roads with parallel pedestrian routes and marked street crossings ". This proposal does not include any off-site pedestrian routes. ^ "Design streetscapes to include pedestrian friendly amenities Zike window spaces, store fronts, landscaping, plaza areas, marked cross walks and traffic speed controls ". This is not applicable in regards to this proposal. ^ "Promote the use of Planned Unit Developments to increase flexibility in planning and design ". Of all possible development scenarios, the Planned Unit Development process provides the greatest flexibility in planning and design. ^ "Promote live-work arrangements where appropriate ". The development application does propose to include housing for employees at the camp. ^ "Encourage an appropriate mix of retail and office locations in new neighborhoods to reduce reliance on personal cars ". This is not applicable in regards to this proposal. ^ "Evaluate all development proposals using Eagle County Land Use Regulation Road Standards ". Eagle County does review all development proposals using the Eagle County Land Use Regulation Road Standards. In this instance, there are concerns regarding the main access road; staff requests that the road meet County standards up to tarn off for camper cabins. ^ "Assure adequate access for emergency responders ". The Gypsum Fire District did not respond to the referral however the details are expected to be finalized at preliminary plan. The fire flow requirements are not known at this time. Building constriction may need to incorporate more fire resistant materials and sprinkling. ^ "Require demonstration that all new developments will be adequately served by emergency and community services ". To date, only the ambulance district has responded by asking questions about what type of medical conditions are anticipated and what are the medical services provided at the Camp. ^ "Encourage new commercial development to provide childcare as an amenity ". This is the nature of the proposal. ^ "Use House Bill 1041 powers to fully evaluate proposals for new water and sewer lines and proposals for new or expanded water or sewer treatment plants ". ff this PUD Sketch Plan is approved then, concurrent with the PUD Preliminary Plan application, a 1041 Permit for new water and sewer lines and efficient utilization of water and sewer infrastructure will be required. ^ "Require the installation of water and sewer service infrastructure concurrent to development ". If this PUD Sketch Plan is approved then, concurrent with the PUD Preliminary Plan application, a 1041 Permit for new water and sewer lines and efficient utilization of water and sewer infrastructure will be required. Installation of the water and sewer infrastructure will be required concurrent to the development. ^ "Require detailed transportation analysis at the preliminary approval ". A traffic study has been provided and reviewed; there are no anticipated problems at this time. ^ "Provide a diversity of housing choices and prices throughout the entire county ". This is not applicable in regards to this proposal. Water Resources ^ "Require developers. to demonstrate that a legal and physical water supply exists for their development ". If this PUD Sketch Plan application is approved, concurrent with the PUD Preliminary Plan, a 1041 Permit must also be obtained. The 1041 Permit process will delve into the legal and physical water supply for the proposed development. ^ "Use a standard of extended drought conditions to determine the viability of the physical water supply proposed for a new development ". With the 1041 Permit, the viability of the physical water supply will be addressed. ^ "Utilize current water quantity information in all development applications and planning reviews ". The issue of water quantity will be thoroughly addressed with the subsequent 1041 Permit. ^ "Protect source water areas and reduce the potential for source water contamination ". There is no development proposed in the riparian areas located along the Colorado River, with the exception of a small sewer treatment building. ^ "Use pervious surfaces instead of impermeable surfaces when possible" The development proposed will keep with a "western" feeling by only paving necessary surfaces. ^ "Ensure that development does not adversely affect the recharge of groundwater resources ". Grading of the site and on site stormwater management will require the use of Best Management Practices to protect groundwater and surface water resources. ^ "Encourage the use of water efficient landscape materials and landscape irrigation methods ". The application proposes the use of native grasses and low water consumptive plant materials. ^ "Evaluate efficiencies of non potable water usage for golf courses and other landscaped areas ". It is anticipated that the irrigation of landscape improvements will be done using the property's water rights. ^ "Implement water reuse and recycling systems ". This concept is not proposed. ^ "Support the implementation of voluntary and mandatory water conservation measures ". Via the subsequent 1041 Permit evaluation, water conservation measures are mandatory. ^ "Require the demonstration of the availability of re¢l (wet) water supply at Sketch Plan stage of development application ". This concept is not proposed. ^ "Participate in water quality monitoring efforts ". This concept is not proposed. ^ "Follow the recommendations of the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments Regional 208 Water Quality Management Plan ". As part of the subsequent 1041 Permit evaluation, adherence to the Regiona1208 Plan will be mandatory. ^ "Follow the recommendations of the Eagle River Watershed Plan ". This is not applicable. ^ "Promote the appropriate best management practices for the control of stormwater runoff and work to identify and treat other non point sources of pollution' : Best Management Practices will be required with regard to stormwater management and grading activities. ^ "Require an effective water quality management plan be implemented with new development". With the subsequent 1041 Permit, water quality management will be thoroughly evaluated. ^ "Adhere to established Land Use Regulations and implement appropriate water quality best management practices (BMP's) on all development proposals ". Best Management Practices will be required with all final construction documents and plans. ^ "Require buffer areas of natural vegetation between new developments and created or natural drainage ways ". At this sketch plan level of detail, it is unclear if any surface drainage ways are proposed. ^ "Minimize the extent of impervious surfaces within new developments and encourage the use of pervious paving systems ". The development proposed will keep with a "western" feeling by only paving necessary surfaces. Wildlife Resources ^ "Support projects intent on removing or minimizing man-made barriers to wildlife migration ". ^ "Develop and implement projects that enhance existing wildlife habitat". The subject property is not a critical wildlife habitat. ^ "Prevent contaminants from entering local streams and rivers ". The use of Best Management Practices for on-site stormwater management will be required. ^ "Direct development away from areas of critical wildlife habitat". The subject property is not critical wildlife habitat. ^ "Implement and enforce referral recommendations of local wildlife officials ". A letter dated December 14, 2007 from the Colorado Division of Wildlife states bear-proof refuse containment receptacles will be required on-site. ^ "Consider the impacts of each new development proposal in context with other existing or potential developments ". Minimize or exclude winter use of the Camp. ^ "Encourage high-density development within existing community centers ". Not applicable to this file. ^ "Minimize site disturbance during construction ". Best practices are expected to be followed. ^ "If ornamental landscape plants are used, encourage species that are unpalatable to wildlife ". This has not yet been addressed. ^ "Require wildlife proof refuse containers for all new and existing subdivisions ". Wildlife-proof refuse containment will be required on-site. Sensitive Lands ^ "Require the evaluation of all geologic hazards and constraints as related to new land use ". The Colorado Geological Survey's concern with the sizing of a culvert has been addressed and states that future issues can be handled in preliminary plan. ^ "Minimize alteration of the natural landform by new development improvements to the greatest extent possible ". The proposed development will not affect the natural landform. ^ "Avoid the aggravation or acceleration of existing potential hazards through land form or vegetation mod cation': There are no potential hazards. ^ Continue to refer all development plans to the Colorado Geological Survey for comment ". The applicant will work closely with the CGS in the Preliminary Plan process. ^ "Require the incorporation of all recommendations of CGS and other hazards experts into development plans ". All recommendations of the Colorado Geological Survey will be incorporated into the development plans. ^ "Consider the cumulative impact of incremental development on landscapes that include visual,. historic, and archeological value during the decision making process ". The subject property is an undeveloped parcel surrounded by open agricultural lands. The western heritage is being incorporated in the site design. ^ "Determine the features that make a particular open space parcel valuable given its intended use as open space and ensure that these features are preserved ". The subject property will have a 60 + acre open space area which provides a development buffer between the river and the rest of the Camp. Environmental Quality ^ "Assure access to multi-modal transportation options for all residents, second home owners and visitors ". ECO Transit' did not respond to this proposal and may not be applicable to this development. ^ "Provide affordable housing opportunities in close proximity to job centers to reduce personal vehicle trips ". On-site housing is an important component of the Camp. Four dwelling units are proposed as well as "dormitory-style" housing for approximately 40 staff members and volunteers. The applicant intends to negotiate and work through the employee housing component of this proposal in detail at preliminary plan since the numbers may change slightly as the proposal becomes more definite. ^ "Focus development within towns and communities to reduce the need for daily commuting". The proposal is located 8 miles from Dotsero and plans to use shuttles to bring campers to the Camp. The on-site employee housing will help reduce the number of vehicle trips also. ^ "Set limits for construction site disturbance, require temporary revegetation of stockpiles and permanent revegetation of all disturbed areas once final grades have been established ". The proposed development is intended to occur in 3 phases. Site disturbance has not been addressed in the Sketch Plan review but will be in Preliminary Plan. ^ "Require periodic watering and track-out control devices at all construction site access points ". These grading mitigation efforts are mandatory. ^ "Utilize motion detectors to minimize the duration of security lighting". With application for preliminary plan, a comprehensive lighting plan will be required. ^ "Ensure that noise levels are safe for residents, visitors and employees ". As with other existing similar developments; residents, visitors and employees will be subjected to sometimes incompatible noises. ^ "Include an analysis of potential noise when making the finding of compatibility with surrounding uses for all new development proposals ". Residents, visitors and employees will be subjected to sometimes incompatible noises however this can be addressed at preliminary plan. ^ "Promote transit-oriented development, and encourage plans that minimize reliance on personal motorized vehicles ". The proposal is located 8 miles from Dotsero and plans to use shuttles to bring campers to the Camp. The on-site employee housing will help reduce the number of vehicle trips also. ^ "Design communities in a way that reduces fossil fuel consumption for heating or cooling". The possibility of using ECO Build and LEEDS standards for development have been discussed with the applicant, however sustainable designs are anticipated in Preliminary Plan. ^ Implement energy efficiency guidelines. Sustainable designs are anticipated in Preliminary Plan. ^ Implement energy saving techniques. Sustainable designs are anticipated in Preliminary Plan. Future Land Use Man Designation The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designates this area Rural Lands. These are normally- found is this azea and often zoned Resource. Public facilities are not usually associated with the development of lands with a Rural designation and often rely on neazby Community Centers or Rural Centers to serve daily needs. Commercial or other uses aze permitted by special review by the County, which is the process the applicant is using with now. STANDARD: Phasing [Section 5-240.F.3.e (11)] -The Preliminary Plan for PUD shall include a phasing plan for the development. If development of the PUD is proposed to occur in phases, Then guarantees shall be provided for public improvements and amenities that are necessary and desirable for residents of the project, or that are of benefit to the entire County. Such public improvements shall be constructed with the first phase of the project, or, if this is not possible, then as early in the project as is reasonable. Phasing Plan Provided? Yes X No It is anticipated that the Camp will be developed in three construction phases; specifics of the phasing plan will be presented at preliminary plan. EXCEEDS MINIMUM STANDARDS MEETS MINIMUM STANDARDS X MEETS THE MAJORITY OF MINIMUM STANDARDS DOES NOT MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS STANDARD: Common Recreation and Open Space. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (12)] - The PUD shall comply with the following common recreation and open space standards. (a) Minimum Area. It is recommended that a minimum of 25% of the total PUD area shall be devoted to open air recreation or other usable open space, public or quasi public. In addition, the PUD shall provide a minimum of ten (10) acres of common recreation and usable open space lands for every one thousand (1, 000) persons who are residents of the PUD. In order to calculate the number of residents of the PUD, the number of proposed dwelling units shall be multiplied by two and sixty-three hundredths (2.63), which is the average number of persons that occupy each dwelling unit in Eagle County, as determined in the Eagle County Master Plan. (6) Areas that Do Not Count as Open Space. _ Parking and loading areas, street right-of- ways, and areas with slopes greater than thirty (30) percent shall not count toward usable open space. (c) Areas that Count as Open Space. Water bodies, lands within critical wildlife habitat areas, riparian areas, and one hundred (100) year floodplains, as defined in these Land Use Regulations, that are preserved as open space shall count towards this minimum standard, even when they are not usable by or accessible to the residents of the PUD. All other open space lands shall be conveniently accessible from all occupied structures within the PUD. (d) Improvements Required. All common open space and recreational facilities shall be shown on the Preliminary Plan for PUD and shall be constructed and fully improved according to the development schedule established for each development phase of the PUD. (e) Continuing Use and Maintenance. All privately owned common open space shall continue to conform to its intended use, as specked on the Preliminary Plan for PUD. To ensure that all the common open space ident~ed in the PUD will be used as common open space; restrictions and/or covenants shall be placed in each deed to ensure their maintenance and to prohibit the division of any common open space. (f) Organization. If common open space is proposed fo be maintained through an association or nonprofit corporation, such organization shall manage all common open space and recreational and cultural facilities that are not dedicated to the public, and shall provide for the maintenance, administration and operation of such land and any other land within the PUD not publicly owned, and secure adequate liability insurance on the land. The association or nonprofit corporation shall be established prior to the sale of any lots or units within the PUD. Membership in the association or nonprofit corporation shall be mandatory for all landowners within the PUD. Total Subject Land Area:.. 85 Acres 3,702,600 SF Total Impervious Surface: N/A Per Regulations 2b% Open`Space Yes Additional Amount of Open Space Re wired Per 1000 Persons = N/A Total Open Space Per Regulations N/A Total Open Space Proposed 6$.4 acres 2,962,000 SF Usable Open. Space Proposed: 68.4 2,962,000 SF 100 % of open space provided is usable era licatlon Public, Quasi-Public or Private? Private Describe: Areas within the floodplain and lands ad scent Restrictions on Open Space: Yes Describe: No proposed development Organization Responsible for Maintenance: Property Owner STANDARD: Natural Resource Protection. [Section 5-240.F.3.e (13)] -The PUD shall consider the recommendations made by the applicable analysis documents, as well as the recommendations of referral agencies as specked in Article 4, Division 4, Natural Resource Protection Standards. ° c c ~ ~ ' ~ ~° o o m ~ Qv> ~ ~ ~ m E o ~ acn'" ~ m ~ c,o ~ fl- ~~ ~. ~- U- O O fO U ~-O ~ ON N O m i ~:N N4=(Q O a U N O O U ~ t ~ ~ E C7= o ~ ~2 ~U Q!d w ~ a . Cn tn Exceeds ECLUR Requirements- Satisfies ECLUR Requirement X X X X X X Does Not Safisfy ECLUR Requirement Not Applicable/No ECLUR Requirement ^ The proposed development will not adversely impact wildlife. ^ All recommendations of the Colorado Geological Survey must be adhered to. ^ The wildfire hazard rating to low. ^ Impacts of the proposed development upon the natural resources will be negligible EXCEEDS MINIMUM STANDARDS X MEETS MINIMUM STANDARDS MEETS THE MAJORITY OF MINIMUM STANDARDS DOES NOT MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS WHEREAS, the Boazd of County Commissioners has determined that this proposal provides job and volunteer opportunities, and benefits the community as a whole; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado: THAT, the application for approval of the Sketch Plan for the OK Corral Camp Planned Unit Development be and is hereby approved, subject to compliance with the following conditions: 1. Except as otherwise modified by this development permit, all material representations made by the Applicant in this application and in public meeting shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval. 2. All issues within the letter from the Housing Director dated December 11, 2007 must be resolved prior to preliminary plan submittal. 3. All issues within the comments from the County Engineering department must be resolved prior to preliminary plan submittal. . 4. All issues within the comments from the State Geological Survey must be resolved prior to preliminary plan submittal. 5. All issues within the comments from the County Environmental Health department must be resolved prior to preliminary plan submittal. 6. All issues within the comments from the Western Eagle County Ambulance District must be resolved prior to preliminary plan submittal. 7. To work with the DOW for an agreement to mitigate wildlife impacts, prior to Preliminary Plan submittal. THAT, the Sketch Plan submitted under this application and hereby approved, does not constitute a "site specific development plan" as that phrase is defined and used in C.R.S. Section 24-68-101, et seq. THAT the Boazd of County Commissioners directs the Director of Community Development to provide a copy of this Resolution to the applicant. THAT, the Board further finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Boazd of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held this l ~ day of ~t.-t , 2008, nunc pYO tunc to the 11th day of March, 2008. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: B Clerk to the Boazd of '~ County Commissioners {h~-r'< By Peter F. Runyon, Chairman Menconi, Commissioner Commissioner U~ ~c~ ~ seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner, Arn M. Menconi ~. Commissioner, Sara J. Fisher ti Commissioner, Peter F. Runyon ti This Resolution passed by ~ U vote of the Boazd of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.