HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-015 ECO-Build Commerical/RMF Amending Land Use Regs EAGLE COUNTY, CO 200803740
Pgs: 15 01:22:55PM 02/22/2008
REC: $0.00 DOC: $
Commissioner W 4..Ut_., tmoved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO. 2008 - 0 (
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the
"Board "), is authorized, pursuant to state enabling legislation including, but not limited to, C.R.S. 30-28 -
101, et seq., to plan for and regulate the use and development of land in the unincorporated territory of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, order,
prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the County of Eagle; and
WHEREAS, the Eagle County Land Use Regulations need periodic amendments to clarify
language; add new definitions and/or information; and updates which correspond P p with Colorado State
Statutes; and
WHEREAS, several departments contributed to this amendment including the Attorney's Office,
Community Development, Engineering, and Environmental Health Department; the amendments affect
Chapter 4: Site Development Standards; addition of Section 4 -9 Eco -Build Commercial;
WHEREAS, the changes to aforementioned Sections are delineated specifically in the
WHEREAS, residential construction has a significant impact on material use, fossil fuel energy
consumption and associated pollutants which threaten the natural environmental attributes of Eagle
WHEREAS, the construction of new developments within the County is placing significant
additional demands on the natural and human-made environment alike; and
WHEREAS, energy conservation retains financial capital in Eagle County which would
otherwise be distributed for energy generation elsewhere;
WHEREAS, this regulation shall apply to all new commercial and residential multi- family
construction as defined pursuant to the currently adopted residential building code;
WHEREAS, the Board finds and determines that the amendments to the Eagle County Land Use
Regulations as contained herein and attached as Exhibit `A' meet all associated requirements and are
necessary and designed for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity
and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Eagle County and are consistent with the County's
goals, policies and plans, including the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
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WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, and study of the Comprehensive Plan
for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments of the Eagle County Department of Community
Development, comments of public officials and agencies, the recommendation of the Planning
Commissions, and comments from all interested parties, the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado, finds as follows:
1. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 5-230.B.2., Tent Amendment, of the Eagle County
Land Use Regulations:
a. Pursuant to Chapter 1, Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 1.15.04
Referrals, the proposed amendments HAVE been referred to the appropriate
agencies, including all towns within Eagle County, and to the Colorado Division
of Local Affairs;
b. Pursuant to Chapter 1, Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 1.15.05
Public Notice, Public notice HA5 been given;
c. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 5-
230.B.2 Tent Amendment:
(1) The proposed amendments AMEND ONLY THE TEXT of the Eagle
County Land Use Regulations and DO NOT amend the Official Zone
District Map.
(2) Precise wording of the proposed changes HAS been provided (please see
2. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 5-230.D., Standards, of the Eagle County Land Use
Regulations as applicable: .
a. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendment IS consistent
with the purposes, goals, policies and FLUM (Future Land Use Map) of the
applicable comprehensive/master plans.
b. Compatible with Surrounding Uses. The issue of compatibility IS NOT
applicable to this proposed amendment.
c. Public BeneSt. The proposal DOES address a demonstrated community need or
otherwise result in one or more particular public benefits that offset the impacts
of the proposed uses requested, including but not limited to: Affordable local
resident housing; childcare facilities; multi-modal transportation, public
recreational opportunities; infrastructure improvements; preservation of
agriculture/sensitive land.
e. Change of Circumstances. The proposal DOES address or respond to a
beneficial material change that has occurred to the immediate neighborhood or to
the greater Eagle County community.
f. Adequate Infrastructure. There are no "properties" subject to this proposal; the
result of this amendment WILL NOT result in the need for new infrastructure.
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THAT, Chapter II: Article 4 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations is amended by manner of
this Resolution to read as set forth in `Exhibit A' attached hereto and incorporated herein by this
THAT, this amendment of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall not constitute nor be
construed as a waiver of any violations existing at the time of adoption of this Resolution.
THAT, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word of this Resolution, including the
attached Exhibit, be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not
affect the validity of this Resolution as a whole or any parts thereof, other than the part so declared to be
invalid. For this purpose, this Resolution is declared to be severable.
THAT, by approval of this resolution and inclusion of the 90-day phase-in period as approved at
its hearing on February 5`~, 2008; the date this Land Use Regulation Amendment beconges regulatory
shall be May 19`x, 2008;
THAT, except as expressly altered, modified and changed in this Amendment, all terms and
provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall remain in full force and effect, and hereby are
ratified and confirmed in all respects as of the date hereof. '
THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the County of
Eagle, State of Colorado.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of
Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the day of , 2008, Hunt pro
tunc to the 5~' day of February, 2008.
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Clerk to the Board of
County Commissioners
Menconi, Commissioner
Commissioner ~ ~{~' seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called,
the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Peter F. Runyon ~+M
Commissioner Arn M. Menconi r"''ti `~
Commissioner Sara J. Fisher ~ '~`
This Resolution assed b ~ /
p y ! b vote of the Boazd of County Commissioner of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
a~ ~-ct~ ro
~~ s
4 ~ ~ i.
~ B ~
c po Peter F. Runyon, Chair
OtORP ~ ~ ~
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Attachment to LUR-0080 Eco-Build CommerciaURMF:
In Article 2, Chapter 4: Site Development Standards, the following language is
The intent of the ECO-BUILD COMNIERCIAL/MULTI-FAMILY program is to encourage cost-effective
sustainable building methods to create durable, energy efficient structures that conserve natural resources,
promote the efficient use ofbuilding materials, and improve indoor air quality for occupants.
Eco-Build applies to all new non-residential, mixed use, and/or multi-family construction per the currently
adopted building code, as well as additions/reconstruction over 50% of the existing floor azea, and exterior
energy uses such as snowmelt, spas, and pools over sizes listed in Section 8.0. The completed Eco-Build
checklist must be submitted along with the subject building permit application.
The minimum points required for applicable construction projects are 70. Projects exceeding 100
points will receive a 25% building permit rebate, not to exceed $5000. Projects not meeting the
minimum 70 points shall pay a mitigation fee as follows:
Fee =Square footage of project x number of points short x $ .15.
For example, a 4000 square foot project that is 5 points short wouldbe assessed a fee as follows:
4000 x 5 x $ .15 = $3000
For each additiona120 points beyond the above rebate thresholds achieved, an additional 10% rebate would
be issued (total not to exceed $5000).
For measures where a graduated point scale is possible, the following shall apply:
Quantity Level l: 10-25% Quantity Leve12: 26-50%
Quantity Leve13: 51-75% Quantity Leve14: 76-100%
For example, if a programmable thermostat (Section 5.0, 1 point per Quantity Level) is installed that
controls 1 S% of the habitable space, then 1 point would be applied. Ifprogrammable thermostats
controlled 100% of the habitable space, then 4 points would be applied.
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1.1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
Provide proper erosion control measures to prevent off-site sedimentation. Limits of disturbance to have
sediment fencing, staked hay bales in swales/draina.ge ditches, revegetation matting in any azeas outside fencing
disturbed by construction.
1.2 Site is either a redevelopment location or brownfield redevelopment.
Redevelopment 5 points. Brownfield redevelopment 10 points
Show on site plan location of existing orpre-existing structures. Deconstruction is required for existing
structures for any reusable/recyclable items. For brownfield redevelopment, show documentation
demonstrating previous or existing' site contamination and clean-up.
13 Walkability/bikability: The site/design provides connection to a recreation path network.
2 points
Show connection to path network on site/vicinity plan.
1.4 Covered bicycle storage and employee changing/storage rooms
2 points
Bicycle storage for at least 10% of occupants; show in plans, field verified. Employee changing rooms aze not
applicable to projects with no onsite employees.
1.5 On-site affordable housing unit, lips-work mixed use.
10 points per unit
Show on-site dwelling unit(s) that meet the Eagle County Housing Guidelines for either a deed restricted for sale
unit or rental unit.
1.6 Reduced parking area
3 points
Provide at least 15% less parking than what is currently required in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations onsite.
A parking demand analysis must be completed and submitted by an accredited professional that demonstrated the
amount of pazking on site is adequate.
1.7 Maximize Open Space
2 points
Total lot coverage is less than 75% of maximum allowable for lot. Total surface pazking and hazdscape area is less
than building footprint(s).
1.8 Stormwater Design
3 points
100% of surface water runoff travels through bioswales, landscaped detention azeas, or combination thereof that
provides a portion of irrigation needs from natural precipitation, eliminates direct dischazge of potential pollutants or
sediment, and promotes groundwater rechazge.
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1.9 Diverse native landscaping
1 point
Landscaping plan includes 10 or more native species. Show on landscaping plan, plantings must be in at CO for
1.10 Water Efficient Landscaping
2 to 4 points
Irrigated turf area must be equal or less than 40% of landscaped area, or 1000 square feet, whichever is smaller.
Show turf areas and drip irrigation lines/beds on landscaping plan. Landscape must be in place at time at CO for
Use of low-water-demand or xeriscape-rated plants ONLY
1 additional point
Landscaping plan must show xeriscape plants listed by Colorado State University Extension Horticulture
office, listed on www.xratedgazdenin .com or other recognized source. Any turf area (must meet above
standazd) shall use species that utilizes at least 25% less water than Kentucky blue grass.
Landscape design requires no permanent irrigation
4 total points
Landscape plan must meet landscaping minimum standards. Temporary irrigation is permissible during
plant establishment period. Landscaping must be planted prior to CO.
1.11 Deciduous Tree Shading
2 points
Treesllazge shrubs listed on the CSU Cooperative Extension Firewise List or as approved by the Eagle County
Wildfire Mitigation Specialist may be used in proximity to structures for providing shade. Mature landscaping must
shade over 50% of subject glazing azea. Deciduous species also allow for solaz gain in the winter when they lose
their leaves. Show on landscaping plan and sun shading model showing compliance for south elevation from 10-
2pm and west elevation from 2-6pm
1.12 Interior Water Use Reduction
2 to 3 points
Demonstrate total water use reductions on interior fixtures, including toilets, showers, sinks, faucets, and urinals. 2
and 3 points aze credited for projects demonstrating 20% and 30% or more reduction in use, respectively. Estimates
aze based on average occupant usage pursuant to the 1992 Energy Policy Act for fixture flow rates.
2.1 Storage and Collection of Recyclables in Design
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Show on construction plans azeas for storage of recycling containers next to trash container(s). Adequate space for a
cardboard 2-yazd minimum container, and toters for co-mingled and newspaper/mixed paper required. Field
2.2 Construction Waste Recycling
2 points per material type
Provide labeled containers during construction for recycling cazdboazd, wood waste, and/or co-mingled
(bottles/cans). Labeled containers clean of trash with evidence of use must be in place during inspections.
2.3 Use of Beetle Kill Pine
3 points per material type
Pine beetle-affected lumber harvested in Colorado can be utilized as dimensional framing material, as well as siding,
flooring, trim, etc. Material must be used for over 50% of structure.
2.4 Reclaimed and/or recycled-content materials
2 points per material type
Use of construction materials that are either reclaimed from another structure, and/or any materials with recycle-
content in them qualify. Material information/documentation must be on job site with field set of plans for
Materials that are purchased from a reclaimed materials distributor, deconstructed by the owner/applicant from
another structure, or that are purchased from a used building materials exchange all qualify as reclaimed materials
(must provide documentation).
Some common recycle-content materials include composite decking, recycle-content faux shake/slate roofing,
cellulose or shredded cotton batt insulation, recycle-content carpets, counter tops, recycle-content tile, etc. Provide
material info onsite; field inspected. Material must be used for over 50% of structure.
2.5 Surplus or reclaimed materials donated to local building material exchange
1 point per 10'cubic yazds donated
Donate any surplus building materials or deconstructed materials to a used building materials exchange. Must
provide documentation from business donated to at final ecobuild inspection for credit.
2.6 FSC or SFI certified materials
2 points per material type
FSC (Forest Stewazdship Council) or SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) stamped certification on material(s)
required. Material must be used in over 50% of the structure, no `token' materials for points. Field inspected.
2.7 Materials manufactured within Colorado and/or rapidly renewable materials
2 points per material type
Show documentation for any materials used that were manufactured within Colorado, or that consist of rapidly
renewable materials (naturally reproducing within 15 years). Material type must be used in over 50% of the project
(no `token' materials). Field inspected.
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3.1 Combustion Analysis Report
Provide detailed combustion analysis report of furnace/boiler after installation and following manufacturer's start
up. Combustion analysis must demonstrate performance no less than 10% of AFUE efficiency rating.
3.2 Blower Door Test
A blower door test is a fan assembly that fits into an exterior doorway that puts an effective negative pressure on the
interior space, pinpointing locations of air infiltration and leakage. The test can be completed once the building
shell, windows, and doors have been installed. Provide test documentation on site, with demonstration of
remediation for identified leakage locations. Not required where building designs make the test infeasible.
3.3 Blower Door Test Points
2 points for each .OS ACH below 0.35 ACH
Provide blower door test documentation showing ACH (Air Changes per Hour) rating. Two points awazded for
each .OS rating below 0.35. For example, an ACH rating of 0.22 would yield 4 points. For any ACH ratings below
0.20, an air-to-air heat exchanger (Energy Recovery Ventilator or Heat Recovery Ventilator) is required to provide
efficient mechanical fresh air.
3.4 Infrared Heat Loss Analysis and Remediation
3 points
Infrazed cameras can be effective tools for pinpointing azeas of heat loss (interior-exterior temperature difference
must be at least 25 degrees). Provide detailed report from an accredited professional on analysis performed, areas of
heat loss, and demonstrated remediation (if stated in analysis).
3.5 Building Commissioning
6 points
Provide a comprehensive third party inspection, testing, and analysis of all heating, cooling, electrical, lighting, and
ventilation systems. Include report and demonstrated remediation for items delineated by the report.
3.6 Recessed lights and outlets sealed/IC-rated
2 points
Recessed lights and outlets act as chimneys for heat loss and moisture transfer into attic spaces and wall cavities
respectively. Either eliminate any recessed light and/or outlet wall/ceiling penetrations, or all can lights and outlets
on exterior walls/ceilings aze sealed and IC-rated (Insulation Contact rated). The fixtures must either be
manufactured with no penetrations, or installed inside an airtight assembly of gypsum board or manufactured
3.7 Duct Leakage Testing
2 points
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Provide documentation that a duct blast test was performed demonstrating overall HVAC duct efficiency of 10% or
less leakage.
3.8 Programmable Thermostats
1 point per Quantity Level
Programmable Thermostats controlling heating/cooling installed. Field inspected. For example, if 100% of the
interior space is heated by programmable thermostat, Quantity Leve14 = 75-100% (see beginning of this section for
info on Quantity Levels), so 4 points would be awarded.
3.9 EfFcient Boiler/Furnace
1 to 7 points
One point for each AFUE efficiency rating percentage over 87%. For multiple boilers/furnaces, ratings area
averaged. Field inspected.
3.10 Tankless water heater(s)
1 to 3 points
Gas or electric tankless on-demand water heater models qualify, must meet over 50% of total hot water needs. Units
must have an intermittent ignition device (IID) instead of a standing pilot light to qualify. Tankless systems get 3
points. Side-arm boilers qualify for one point as part of a modulating condensing boiler 90% AFUE efficiency or
above. Field inspected.
3.11 Exterior Lighting Minimized
3 points
Exterior lighting fixtures have a cumulative maximum 5500 lumens per 5000 square feet of floor area. Fixtures
must be night sky compliant: down-facing, shielded, no off-site light trespass or glare.
3.12 Efficient Interior Lighting
2 points
At least 50% of interior lighting is 75% or more efficient than incandenscent lighting (compact fluorescent, TS or T8
fluorescent, LED, qualify). Field inspected.
3.13 Energy Star Appliances
1 to 4 points
This line item mostly applies to residential multi-family/condo dwelling units, but may apply to commercial uses as
well. One point per energy star appliance installed, 4 points maximum Energy Star label must be on the appliance
during field inspection.
3.14 Motion Detecting Light Switches
1 to 4 points
Lighting that operates by motion detection saves energy and increases safety. One point is given for each motion
detection switch installed, up to 4 points. Field inspected.
3.15 Evaporative Cooling Only or No Mechanical Air Conditioning
2 to 4 points
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Evaporative Cooling is defined as cooling which relies only on evaporation of water for its cooling needs.
Evaporative cooling works efficiently in acid dry climates in Colorado. Evaporative Cooling only is awarded 2
points. No mechanical air conditioning (passive cooling, ceiling fans, whole house ventilation systems excepted) 4
3.16 Radiant in-floor heat
2 points
Hydronic in-floor heating in over 50% of the heated area of the structure receives 2 points.
3.17 Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger
2 points
An air-to-air heat exchanger (also referred to as a Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) or Energy Recovery Ventilator
(ERV)) pre-warms or cools outside air by providing a heat exchange with exhaust air. Majority of total mechanical
ventilation must go through a heat exchanger for points. Field inspected.
3.18 Roof/Ceiling Insulation
1 to 15 points
One point awarded for each manufacturer-rated R-value of insulation installed in the roof assembly. For
structures/roof assemblies with multiple different R-values, a weighted average is used. FOR STEEL
3.19 Wall Insulation
1 to 8 points
One point awazded for each manufacturer-rated R-value of insulation installed in the exterior wall assembly. For
multiple wall types with different R-values, a weighted average ~s used. FOR STEEL FRAMING, INSULATION
MUST BE CONTINUOUS (inside or outside steel framing).
3.20 Slab Insulation
R-10 REQUIltED, 2 points R-15 or above
Either for basement floors or slab-on-grade, a n,;n;mum continuous R-10 subfloor insulation is REQUIItED.
Insulation R-15 or above, 2 points. Field inspected*. *Must call in for inspection of not being looked at for infloor
heat, etc.
3.21 Crawl Space/Basement Insulation
R-10 REQUIRED, 2 points R-15+, 5 points R-19+
For crawl spaces or basements, provide *->ir~mum R-10 (either inside or outside wall) insulation. 2 points for R-15
or above, 4 points for R-19 or above. *Must call in for inspection if using insulation outside wall that will be
entirely backf~lled and covered.
3.22 Blown or Sprayed Insulation
1 point per Quantity Level
Blown insulation installed in attics/ceilings, walls, and basements/crawlspaces qualifies. One point given for each
quantity level of blown or sprayed insulation installed. For example, if 80% of the insulation in a structure is blown-
in, then quantity level 4 (76-100%) or 4 points would be given. Field inspected.
3.23 Insulate All Hot/Cold Water Pipes
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1 point
Insulate all hot and cold water pipes to a minimum R-5 foam tubular insulation. Insulating water pipes reduces
thermal bridging, keeps water at desired temperatures, saves water, and reduces potential for freezing pipes.
3.24 Landscaped Roof
1 to 2 points
A landscaped vegetated roof that occupies over 50% of the total roof azea qualifies for 2 points. If 25% of the area
is a landscaped vegetated roof, 1 point. Field inspected.
3.25 Efficient Windows
1-4 points
Double-pane windows with low-e glazing REQUIRED. 2 points for each .OS below U-.40. Field inspected. If
windows have differing U-ratings on prof ect, then a weighted average is taken.
3.26 Insulating Window Shades
2 points
75% or more of total windows have insulating window coverings rated of R-3 or higher. Field inspected at CO.
3.27 No Ducts in Unconditioned Space
1 point
Ductwork in unconditioned space contributes to inefficiency and moisture pioblems. One point is given if no
ductwork is in unconditioned space. If ductwork does exist in unconditioned space, then R-5 minimum is required.
4.1 Onsite Renewable Energy
Provide calculations demonstrating any onsite renewable energy systems (including passive solaz) as a function of
total energy use offset for that energy source (total electricity or total gas). Points as follows:
Over 5% offset 5 points
Over 10% offset 10 points
Over 25% offset 15 points
Over 50% offset 20 points
Over 75% offset 25 points
4.2 Green Power/Renewable Energy Credits
2 to 4 points
Submit a minimum 2-yeaz contract to purchase off-site renewable energy credits that offset at least 50% (2 points)
or 100% (4 points) of
5.1 Formaldehyde-free insulation
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All insulation must be low-toxic or formaldehyde free as defined by the EPA or Green Guazd.
5.2 Low-VOC interior paintlstain/lacquer/varnishes
Use low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) interior paints, stains, lacquers and finishes to reduce harmful vapors
from within the structure.
5.3 Radon mitigation system
Install a Radon mitigation system that eliminates potential for Radon or other soil gases from entering habitable
areas of the structure. Must ventilate below floor/slab vapor barrier to exterior. Mechanical ventilation of Radon
system not necessary unless otherwise specified.
5.4 Vapor Retarder Wall System
2 points
Vapor retazder or wall system that meets ASTM vapor battier requirements but also allows breathability when
relative humidity exceed 50% within the wall, significantly reducing the potential for moisture damage and/or mold
5.5 HEPA filter in HVAC
1 point
Have a High Efficiency Particulate Air (IPA) filter installed that effectively filters HVAC system
5.6 Low- or Non-To~c Floor Coverings
1 point per Quantity Level
Materials either listed on www. reenguard.org or show that coverings are below EPA thresholds for low-toxicity.
In general, most tile, wood, and natural carpets meet low-toxic standazds. For other coverings, provide
documentation demonstrating compliance. Quantity Level is determined by the percentage of total floor azea
meeting the above criteria. For example, if 80% of the total flooring was non-toxic, then quantity level 4 (76-100%)
would apply, 1 point per Quantity Level, so 4 points would be given.
5.7 Construction FAQ Plan
2 points
HVAC system must be covered until occupancy, and 100 hours minimum air flush prior to CO/TCO. Air flush is
achieved with all doors and windows open and minimum 10 air changes per hour is achieved throughout structure.
Must call for inspection for documentation.
5.8 Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Control
2 points
Any onsite hazazdous material storage must be air-tight and provide spill/leakage containment. Also, install a
minimum 4x4' grated azea with void below for all major entryways that reduces potential for dirt and other
pollutants from entering the structure.
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5.9 Lighting Controls in Each Room
2 points
Demonstrate ability to adequately control lighting for each separate space/area/office/room.
5.10 Thermal Controls in Each Room
2 points
Demonstrate ability to adequately control heating and cooling for each separate space/arealoffice/room.
5.11 Natural Daylighting
2 points
Demonstrate 70% of interior floor space has an unobstructed view to outside and at least 25 footcandles from natural
daylight so that artificial lighting is not necessary in those areas during daylight hours.
5.12 Mechanical Ventilation Beyond Code
2 points '
Provide mechanical ventilation at least 20% over ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004, which operates on occupancy
controls (motion activated or COZ activated). An air-to-air heat exchanger (ERV or HRV) that pre-heats or cools
fresh intake air is required.
Innovative product use and/or design points will be given points on a case by case basis. The item must specifically
meet the intent of the EcoBuild guidelines as stated at the beginning of this guidelines document, and points will be
scaled as the item would apply to similar comparable items in the guidelines.
Any fees collected would go into a separate Renewables and Efficiency Fund (REF) which would create financial
assistance, rebates, and incentives that would promote energy and resource efficient projects elsewhere in Eagle
County. An advisory board would meet periodically to appropriate funding accordingly based upon guidelines and
criteria to be approved by the Eagle County Commissioners.
The Renewables and Efficiency Fund will be utilized as follows:
Funding of the anticipated FTE Eco-Build Specialist required to administer all components of the program
This specialist will be in charge of plan check, site inspection, educational materials and events, and
communication with the public as it pertains to the Eco-Build program The Eco-Build Specialist will
assist applicants in meeting the code requirements through answering questions and limited project
Educational materials and events including but not necessarily limited to printed process guides, resource
reference guides, efficient building educational events to assist participants in code compliance, a webpage
with available resources, links, and information, etc.
Proposed 25% rebates for building permit applications exceeding compliance as outlined in the Eco-Build
Guidelines point requirements.
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4. Any additional funds generated will be used to assist existing structures or current projects to achieve
improved energy efficiency or renewable power generation in Eagle County. An advisory board consisting
of appointed Eagle County residents will meet quarterly to make recommendations on appropriations of
any funds. It is suggested that such recommendations bebased upon the following criteria:
• Meets Intent: The extent to which the proposed project meets the intent of the fund which is to
encourage and promote energy efficiency and renewable power generation in Eagle County. This
intent should be met by assisting in the incremental upgrade of a project, and shall not be utilized
for construction costs required for code compliance.
• CostBenefit: The extent to which the proposed project provides an economic return on
appropriations invested. Expected perfom~ance in our climate and return on investment
calculations must be provided.
• Public benefit: The extent to which the proposed project offers a public benefit to the Eagle
County community.
• Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: The extent to which the proposed project is in compliance
with the Eagle County Comprehensive Plan.
• Affordable Housing: Special consideration is given to projects that positively affect occupants of
local affordable housing in Eagle County. Funding may assist in the incremental upgrade of a
project, and shall not be utilized for construction costs required for code compliance.
Should any provision of this Eagle County Efficient Building Code (Eco-Build) be declared by a court of competent
jurisdiction in any final judgment to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable for any reason, such offending provision
shall be deemed deleted and the remain;ng provisions of such Code shall remain in full force and effect.
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