HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-236 Referral of Land Use Development Applications480590 ~` ~ I I'IIII VIII "I'I~ III'll "II I"I' IIII'I III ~~III IIII II'I 03%26/2003 11 :54R PA OLUTION ~ U3~~ G ~1 Y SILVIA DAVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 :~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS OF P[TKIN ~ COUNTY, COLORADO AUTHORIZING P[TKIN COUNTY TO ENTER INTO AN [TERGOVERNN[ENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OE BASALT REGARDING REFERRAL OF LAND USE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS AND .IOINT PLANNING ACTIVITIES RESOLUTION # 112~~ G RCl'It.l[y I . I•hcre arc currcnlly two f3a5aWPilkin County Intrgovcrmerntal Abrceme;nts (hcrcinalte:r rerlerrcd to ..IS "l(1~\s") in ctYcct: ~Che; !))( lGA (attached as 1;xhibit'`B") addressers then need to furmalizc land use rel-'errals between Basalt and Pitkin County. The 19I~5' [G/\ (attached as Exhibit `'C") addresses Pitkin County's funding of the Basalt slip lane and round-about project out of [ Iighway 82 Use Tax revenues; and Pitkin County's granting of a quit claim deed t~~r Basalt :avenue. "Clie 1998 [GA contains the following a~~reement: '~Bcrscrlt and the L'ounn~ agree t/acct error to the Cvunty's.Jiuzcling t/ae.5'/rp 1U17L' pl'Ofect !1a I9tI9, L3usult and the Cvunrl~ s/za!! negotiate toad agree upon crn crmencl~nent tv t/ris hatergurerrvnenlul ,-I,~~rc~naent which ucldi•esses the c;vnvc-vunc•~~ cnzclinr unraescrtion of~Bctsctlt .~nenzre south of the Basalt .-lrenue Bridge to the Highlrcry ~Y2 ri~lht-o~=tivuv, the cuan~ccrtiaa vJ~ the Roaring Fork ,~IoGile Hvnae Park, ctnd crclcfresses the apprvvul by Bctsult card the Cuwat_v of cleveloprnent ~rnd !t'rncl rrse changes within tlu•ee miles of the Town of'Busalt. " ?. The attached IGA (Exhibit "A'') addresses several requirements contained within the above-referenced 1996 and 1998 IGAs. NOW THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY C0IVIMISSIONERS OF PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO, that the BOCC and the Town of Basalt enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement fur the purpose of facilitating coordinated and cooperative planning and decision making with respect to fi.iture development within the portions of Pitkin County located within the Three Nlile Area identified in the Town of Basalt Master Plan of 1999, and authorizes the Chair to execute the attached Intergovernmental Agreement on behalf of Pitkin County. INTRODUCED, FIRST READ, AND SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 24TH DAY OF JULY, 2002. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLISHED IN THE WEEKEND EDITION OF THE ASPEN TIMES ON THE 30TH DAY OF JULY, 2002. CONTINUED SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 1-h II DAY OF AUGUST, 2002 TO THE 2~T"DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2002. 48@59@ 03926/2003 i i : s4P RESOLUTION ~ 02 ~ j 1, SILVIfi DflVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 PAGE 2 CONTINUED SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 25th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2002 TO THE 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2002. REVIEWED AT THIRD READING AND PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ~rx DAY OF DECEMBER 2002. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLISHED [N THE WEEKEND EDITION OF TfIE ASPEN T[NiES ON T[-[E 23aD DAY OF NOVEMBER, 20(12. ~\l'PItUVEI) Ul'ON THIRD READING AND PUBLIC !-[FARING ON T1[I~'. -;l'~~~~ DAY OF DECEN[BEtt, 2(102. PUBLISHED AFTER ADOPTIO N THE WEEKEND EDITION OF "t'HE ASPEN T11V[ES ON THE DAY OF 2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY CON[1V[ISStONERS OF PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO Jones ~ Patti Kay-Cla per Clerk Chairman Date: I Z~ G5 ~G? -T APPROVED AS TO FORM: - -- `~ ~_ .Iohn Attorney Hilary Smith ~z13 OZ County Manager Clhome/ellensilongrangeibasa1d2002 iga reso.doc .l ,f"'~ I x80590 z4 SILVIR DRVIS PITKIN COUNTY II 03/28/2003 11:548 CO R 0.00 D 0.00 EXHIBIT "A" INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN PITKIN COUNTY AND THE TOWN OF BASALT ~~,,e ~'~ ~Nd ~FOw~yc ~o~,~Ifyty ~o roo , F~~ r~, Yy, . u,^cae~~~ REGARDING REFERRAL OF LAND USE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS AND JOINT PLANNING ACTIVITIES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this ~ ~ day of , 2002, by and between PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO, a Home Rule County, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and the TOWN OF BASALT, COLORADO, a statutory municipality, hereinafter referred to as the "Town." Together the County and Town are referred to herein as the "Governments." WHEREAS, the Town and County acknowledge that future development within the portions of Pitkin County located within the Three Mile Planning Area identified in the Town of Basalt Master Plan of 1999 could result in substantial impacts, both positive and negative, within the County and the Town. The necessity exists for coordinated and cooperative planning and decision making with respect to such development between the County and the Town as well as the establishment of evaluation, design and mitigation standards for both direct and indirect on-site and off-site impacts of such development; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement at this time in order to ensure and define Town involvement in the review of those development proposals subject to County review hereunder, and to ensure and define County involvement in the event of proposed annexation by the Town of any part of the Town's Three Mile Planning Area. When used herein, the term "development proposals" means either an application for development, an application for rezoning of parcels within this area, a text amendment affecting development in the Three Mile Planning Area; and any County proposal for rezoning of parcels with this area; and WHEREAS, Sections 29-1-201 and 29-20-105, C.R.S., as amended, inter alia, authorize local governments to cooperate and contract with other governments for the purpose of planning and jointly regulating the development h 48@590 I I"III "III "I'I' III'II''II I"I' IIII'~ III I'III'I'I Il~I 03926/2003 1l :54F - SILVILI DG1VI5 PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 of land with the goal of avoiding duplication of services and providing for quality development affecting the governments. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the obligations, covenants and terms expressed herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Purpose and Intent Of fundamental importance to the citizens of both the County and the Town is the assurance that decisions of the County or the Town, in the event of annexation, relating to the use of land within this area are made in a manner and in accordance with a process which recognizes the need and right of all interested parties to have a reasonable opportunity for participation in the decision-making process. Although all such decisions must be consistent with the Pitkin County Land Use Code, or, in the event of annexation, the state annexation statutes and the Town of Basalt Municipal Code, the Town and the County acknowledge that proposed uses necessarily involve direct and indirect on-site and off-site impacts on the County and the Town. To that end, the purpose and intent of this Agreement is to facilitate the cooperation between the Governments to ensure that any development subject to a coordinated review under this Agreement is undertaken in an orderly and efficient manner, fully integrated with existing and contemplated land uses, in order to safeguard the interests of the citizens of the County and the Town. This Agreement is intended to foster the following principles and benefits: a. To further the goals and intentions of the Town Master Plan of 1999, as amended, and the relevant portions of the County Master Plan, as amended; b. To assure that urban scale development occurs within the municipal limits of the Town of Basalt; c. To preserve and protect natural wildlife habitats; d. To maintain the natural beauty of the Three Mile Planning Area by preserving, to the maximum extent possible, existing scenic views by minimizing adverse visual impacts and protecting areas of historical importance; ~ '! • 48@59@ • Page: 5 of 24 'III" 03/28/2003 11:54F SILVIfi DRVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 e. To facilitate and ensure fiscal planning for the adequate provision of essential govemmental services consistent and compatible with land use and development decisions; f. To require specific assurances of adequate provisions for water, sewerage, drainage, air quality, open space, roads, parking, transportation, public services, public facilities, and affordable housing; g. To protect the environment and quality of life through appropriate controls and standards designed to provide adequate open space; to avoid unserviceable concentrations of populations; to avoid congestion on roadways; to provide for clean air; to protect water quality and eliminate stream pollution and excess sedimentation; and to prevent erosion and development on any unstable slopes; h. To protect life and safety due to flood hazards; and i. To otherwise preserve, promote and protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of and visitors t e~nrri-arrd Ooiinty:~rv-'~ 2. Joint Plannin Activities for oarin Fork Mobile Home Park a. The Town agrees to transmit a developme plication and annexation request for the Roaring Fork Mobile Home Park in accordance with the procedures established in Section 6 of this Agreement. b. Upon receipt of an Official Joint Meeting Request from Pitkin County for the Roaring Fork Mobile Home Park, the Town will schedule a joint ° meeting between the two Governmental bodies to address concerns that are raised in the County's request lette dedin 5ect-on f this Agreement. 3. Annexation o asalt Avenue Pro erties a. The Town will complete the annexation of Basalt Avenue as soon as possible. b. Once the annexation ordinance for Basalt Avenue is adopted by the Board of Trustees, then the County will pay the Town of Basalt the remaining $25,000 for the roundabout and slip lane improvements and will execute the quit claim deed for Basalt Avenue granting the County's interest in the right-of--way to the Town of Basalt. 3 7 480590 Page: 6 of 24 • 03/26/2003 11:54F SILVIfi DfiVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 c. The Town of Basalt intends to annex the park-and-ride ~ owned by the Colorado Department of Transportation within five years from the date of the execution of this Agreement. 4. Adoption of Urban Growth Boundaries and Master Plan a. Pitkin County hereby supports the Town of Basalt Urban Growth Boundaries ("UGB") as the UGB in the area around the Town. b. Pitkin County hereby supports the Town of Basalt 1999 Master Pla~i which is the Three Mile Plan for the Town of Basalt (to the extent it pertains to Pitki~ty). ~~~ c. At pre-application conferences, Pitkin County will advise property owners that their property is within the UGB, and recommend that they consult with the Town regarding annexation prior to preparation of their development application. If the applicant and Town wish to pursue annexation, Town procedures for annexation and development will ensue, following the procedures outlined in Section 6 of this document. If the applicant wishes to develop in the County, County land use development application procedures will be followed, subject to the procedures outlined in section 6 of this document. d. As the County has no intention of providing urban services within the UGB, the County will coordinate closely with the Town of Basalt as the County prepares or reviews changes in zoning for areas within the Town of Basalt's UGB. e. The County affirms its best in#erests not to approve urban level development, and in particular affordable housing, outside of the UGB and inside the Three Mile Planning Area. The County will not approve such development unless the Board of County Commissioners makes all of the following findings: (1) The development is necessary to remove households from unsafe conditions; (2) The development is consistent with the goals of Basalt's Master Plan; and ~ r 4 ' L!` 480590 • 'III I" Page : 7 of 24 03/26/2003 11:548 SILVIR DiiVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 (3) The County has complied with the Joint Review Procedures established in Section 6. 5. Support of Town of Basalt River Master Plan a. To the extent that it is able, the Coun the Tow of Basalt's im lem 'on of the River Master Plan. b. The County may designate a representative or representatives to participate in committees established by the Town to implement the Basalt River Master Plan of 2002. 6. Coordinated Review and Approval of Development Proposals With respect to development proposals outside of the Town Limits and within the Three Mile Planning Area, the parties agree to the following: a. The Town and the County agree that the entity which has final jurisdiction and with which the application is filed ("Approving Entity") will /~ transmit land use applications in the Three Mile Planning Area to the other entity p~i~'' C ("Reviewing Entity"). The applications will be sent to the other party no later than the time the development proposal is transmitted to the other referral entities. b. Upon receipt of a referral request, the Reviewing Entity will review the request under the procedures established by that entity and will the level of res onse (by way of example: no comment, staff V'~ ~-(~ determine P response only, response by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and/or response by the governing body). c. At any time before final action on the development application, the Reviewing Entity may: (1) Request copies of all documents submitted by the applicant or comments or studies prepared by or for the Approving Entity, and said request shall not be unreasonably denied and shall be complied with timely to the review of the development application. (2) Make a recommendation on the proposal. d. At any time before final action on the development application, either the Reviewing Entity or the Approving Entity may: 5 l~ 480! 'I~I" Page: 8 of 24 SILVIF DRVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.08 03/26D20 0011 :84C (1) Submit a Joint Meeting Request. Said request can be f ~ n~ made by the respective Planning Director, the Town Manager or County ' ~~ ~~ ~ Manager, Mayor, or County Commission Chair. Upon receipt of such request, r~ the governing bodies shall schedule a joint meeting between the two Boards in a timely manner to ensure adequate consideration of all concerns during the approval process. (2) Nothing shall prevent representatives of either governing body from attending noticed meetings of the Approving Entity and participating in that meeting under the rules of the governing body holding such meeting. e. Both entities agree to make every reasonable effort to give consideration to the concerns raised by the other entity, to incorporate recommendations made by that entity in the final action on the development application, and to approve the application only when the other entity is ;` comfortable with the application along with any conditions of approval. ~`" f. The Town agrees that annexation agreements shall require ~ property owners annexing and subsequently developing land to mitigate impacts of said development on County Roads in the Three Mile Planning Area. 7. Master Plan Update In addition to the coordinated review of development approvals provided for in Section 6 hereof, the Governments agree to refer updates, changes, amendments and revisions to the respective Master Plans of the Governments (to the extent related to the Three Mile Planning Area) to the other Government for review and comment. The Reviewing Entity shall be provided adequate time within which to provide referral comments. 8. Other Joint Activities The Town will work with the County to develop a workable TDR program where the Town will take TDRs from Pitkin County within the Three Mile Planning Area or the Frying Pan if deemed acceptable in the Town's adoption of a TDR program. 6 ~/~ ~~ 48@59@ 5 ~~~I 039e: 9 of 24 IIVIA DAVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 /2BD20000I1.54F 9. Enforcement It is the intent of both the Town and the County that this Agreement be binding upon both the Town and the County and that either party hereto shall be permitted to enforce this Agreement in a court of competent jurisdiction by any legal or equitable means, including specific performance, declaratory, and injunctive relief. 10. Term This Agreement shall become effective upon signature of an authorized representative of the governing body of each party, and shall remain in force and effect for five years from the effective date, unless terminated prior thereto by agreement of the parties. The Agreement shall automatically continue in effect for a second five-year term unless either party notifies the other not later than ninety (90) days prior to expiration of the original term that such party elects not to continue the Agreement. 11. Amendment Any provision of this Agreement may be amended at any time provided that prior written approval of the amendment has been obtained from both the Town Board of Trustees and the Board of County Commissioners. 12. Other Agreements Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent either party from entering into specific study agreements with any private party or governmental entity. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to abrogate, limit, amend or affect the rights, remedies or equitable positions of the parties in and to any agreements or actions relating to development within the Three Mile Planning Area in which the Town or County are parties. 13. No Waiver of Jurisdictional Authority The Reviewing Entity's agreement to participate in the manner specified in this Agreement is not and shall not be interpreted as a waiver of its jurisdiction under the Reviewing Entity's Code or as otherwise provided by law, and is not and shall not be interpreted as a waiver of any rights it may have to seek judicial review of a decision of the Approving Entity as provided by law. The 8@59@ ' II~ I 03928/2003f11454P , SILVIii DQVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 Approving Entity's execution of this Agreement shall not be construed as an ~ admission of jurisdiction, standing or authority of the Reviewing Entity with respect to land use or other action of the Approving Entity beyond those arising from the specific rights granted in this Agreement 14. Severability It is hereby declared to be the intention of the parties that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Agreement are severable and, if any phrase, clause, paragraph, sentence, or section shall be declared unconstitutional, invalid or unenforceable by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality, invalidity or enforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Agreement. Executed in duplicate originals on the day and year above first written. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TOWN OF BASALT, OF PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO COLORADO , 7 Patti-Kay Clapper, Chair Richard P. Stevens, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Ely,-Cou " i~rney Joseph E. Edwards, II1, Town ~_ " Attorney 112502cIean d raft5pitbasaltiga. doc EXHIBIT "B" 9 /~ 481 @ I'III Page : 1 S of 24 03/28/2003 31:54P SILVIii DfiVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 Town. An initial work _roup meeting will be held not later than April 1 ~, 1997 to determine an appropriate time line and work schedule. b. A joint work group, which may be the same as 4a above, will consider the possible utility and practicality of employing indicators of sustainability and concepts of cam~ing capacity in the joint planning and review procedures of the governments as part of the process of updating the Down Valley Plan. c. The Governments recognize that this Agreement is procedural and e:cploratory. [t is intended to establish a basis of understandings and to be superseded by an agreement embodying substantive, definitive and comprehensive descriptions of responsibilities and obligations of the parties, including systems and procedures to be established and maintained. It is anticipated that a second generation agreement, if mutually desired, will be completed no later than October of 1997. with a first draft of such agreement to be produced for joint consideration no later than September 1, 1997. Such an agreement may incorporate results of the inquiries. studies, reports and findings which may emerge from the work defined in this Agreement. d. In recognition of the priority the Governments place on the successful accomplishment of this Agreement, each entity specifically directs staff participation at joint staff meetings of two hours duration to be held twice monthly. Such meetings will be held at times of mutual convenience and location commencing the first week of November. ~. Modification. This Agreement may be changed or modified only in writing by an agreement approved by the respective Boards of the Governments, and signed by authorized officers of each party. 6. Severability. Should any one or more sections or provisions of this Agreement be judicially adjudged invalid or unenforceable, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Agreement, the intention being that the various sections and provisions hereof are severable. 7. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be hand delivered or sent by registered or certified regular mail, postage prepaid, to the addresses of the parties herein set forth. All notices so given shall be considered effective 72 hours after deposit in the United States mail with the proper addresses as set forth below. Either party by notice sent pursuant to this paragraph may chance the address to which future notices shall be sent. Notice to the Town: TO~vri of Basalt c;'o Town .administrator 101 :Midland Avenue Basalt. CO 816? 1 a /7 480590 Page: 18 of 24 03/28/2003 11:54P SILVIfi DiiVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 Notice to County: Pitkin County Board of County Commissioners cJo Pitkin County l~lanager X30 East Main Street - 3rd Floor aspen, CO 81611 The foregoing Agreement is approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Pitkin County at its regular meeting held on the ~_ day of ~~~~ , 1996 and~b/~ the Board of Trustees of the Town of Basalt at a regular meeting held on the ~`~ day of 1996. BOARD OF COL~ITY CONi1V1ISSI0NL-RS PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO By ~~- --£-~ t' s-q~ A ST: ~,liairman ' ~1 ~~~~ ~''~ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ TOw,1 OF BaSALT, COLORADO ~r ~ r - ~ -+ Nlayor _ ~' 1 ~ 1'~ ~ ~ Clerk ~C~ 5 GOV. 19._L0~? 'J:~9~~1 ~p.-~(~,i ,;CUhI"f =~~3~ :'; NC~iK' -..._...._...,.._..,,~, X60/~ ~ V ...~.n.... .~. ......~ u a N ti A '~ Q Q1 rn a LA ~ N O ..„ W pN d as ~ m ~~ ~~m ~_ ~~~ ~~ -o U ~~ r ~Z =U _Z ~ Y F ~~ a ~~ ~ N ~~ Q ~ ~ ~~ a ~~.> ~~ J W G .~ iNTfiR00VERNMENT~- AGREEMENT ~ THIS iNTE OVERN ENTAL AGREEMENT (the "Agrsem~tt") 1s made this ~~'( day of 1990 by and between th®; 9osrd of County Co~nmisslona's Itkin County. Colorado, whose address is S3q East Main street, Aspen, Colorado ("ths CountY'1 and the Town of Basalt. Cok:rad~ ~'BesaiC'). whose address is 101 Midland Avenue. Basalt, n~ orado. Tha County and B~ealt are tometirnes coliectly@ly referred to as tho Governrne ~ , i 1. Thls Agreement i¢ entered Into pursuant to, !!!tli:,~ ~.R.B• X29-1-201, et seq. and Arch XIV, Section 10 of the Colorado Constitution. ~ 2. The Oovsrr-ments are duly cvn$tituted governmental ntfdes, OoveTed by 9oarda or Couneilm elected by qualified electors of the County a d Town Montioned above, both of which are located in Coloredo. 3, The purpose of this Agreement is f set aotrt~th~ dN~~Y ~~ ~st~hs end obligations of the Governments relating to cr~~ Emma Bridge and that portion of the old Emma Road within Pitkin C~unty~, also known as County Road No, 2, also known as Basalt Avenue, from its interne an with Two Rivera Road to its interaectiorl with the Colorado Deparhrt~nt of Transporlst! n Highway 82 R(ght- of--way. 4, Pitkin County has agreed to fund 585,000 to Basalt the ropint far the Emma Bridge, to be paid to Basalt upon its taking poseeasion of • Emma Bridge. 6. The County and Basalt haw agn~ed that the Town will ' crept conveyaneo of the Bridge by a Quit Claim Oeed in the form attached hereto as Exhi it A and incorporated by this Wafers»ce. ~ 8. The County ha= authotia®d a total expenditure of ~ 5360,000 out of ks Highway 82 Use Tax revenues for the round-about and slip lane pr~eot. Pursuant to an are) understanding between the County and Basalt, 317b,000 of that funding is to be paid in 199$, an addigonal $1Tfi,0oC of the funding i1t to pe paid in 1989. The terms and conditions of such payments are set forth in this Agresrnent. z. The terms and conditions for the Emma Bridge fundi g are set forth in the Marnorslndum of Understanding dated November 21, 1997 n the County and 6asak ~"Emrna 8rldge MOU"). I ~~ t~~t iii -~~ui ~N~~~uii~u~~~i~~ ~s.'~~x~ sais~~t~ ~~7 ao 3 et i R ~,M p •.•t N !. M ~i1KiN CsUNTY /`( NOV. 19. 2001 10 ~9A~ _<i~ ,^,CUNiY .;3~:~ ,9CR~(~...,....__..... •~•"VC. 3607_.x: , ......... :. 48@59@ 03g26/2003f 11454E SILVIA OfiVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 to enter into this A~roement, and hove 8. The Govemmenta ere authorized an~ the Town of 9asalt determined it is In the beet inter'este of the oitlx°"s at Pitldn County ` to enter into this ~ii~^''ent• ~ ilk NOW, ?HEREP~asRsndfooH~r~ good nd vial sb~ conskierat agreeR+onte oR the parts auitioiencY of which is hereby acknowledged. the parties agree as tt 1. ~~ The County shall fund the fed for the Emma Bridge project, Immediately upon money it p tip the Oult Claifl- Deed for th® corw~syence of the ~nma 9ridgs to E~ . comply with st! provisions of the State 8rld9e Grant and all other o ~8rtdge MOU. 2. , p, 8asah ghatt; ~i promises antl the adequrcy and Wing i85~000 of 's seceptance of 9aestt agrees to ins of the Emma (1) complete construction of the round-~bou~ and notated pedestrian bus stop and trafRc ~P~n~n of In a CourriydE 9 ee 1 payment request to the Caunty to with copies of itemized bills for that work. ~ build a westbound slip lane fl'om Emma R ad to Highway 8Z in 1999 and submit a payment request to th® Co my (attenNo^ of the ~ . County Engineer) with oopiss of itemized bibs , lead for all such work, • , 8, The County Shall; ~~~ promp8y reel®w tha itemised bills for the r nd-about work and assocleted irnproverrients. Paymont to• Bssalt shall occur following approval of the bibs and payment request from watt by the County ; Engineer. (2~ to the extent that the round-e ~ and essoaaEed iMprovementa axoead ~1~5,000, payment for mounts in excess of 5175,000, but kss than !950,000, shsN be msd in the first quarter of 1899, after approval of the payment request by a County Engineer. „, u~i i~ini~~ ~ ~~ni~~i~ i~ ~ ~~u uiI~1~{1~ ~ ,~ z ~v=~ as~+n . ~T Osis~lsl~ fs t sa~ m ~f a ~ •.00 s a•ON N •~4•'~11ttN OtsIMTY ~ . z ,. ~' ~ %•) ~. .. '. 48@59@ • Page: 17 of 24 03/26/2003 11:34F SILVIR DRVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 9.00 D 0.00 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COITNTY COIYIlYIISSIONERS OF PTTKIN COUNTY, COLORADO, 3UTHORIZING THE BOARD TO ENTER INTO ~Y Pl ITER-GOVERNME`1T:~L 3GREEIY~'Y''i' WITH THE TOWN OF BALSALT EZesolution No. 96-~y RECITALS 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Pitkin Countr (hereinafter "Board") under the authority granted pursuant to C.RS. 39-1-~01 and Article `flV, Section l~ of the Colorado Constitution is hereby entering into an Inter-governmental Agreement with the Town of Basalt. The primary purpose of this agreement is to Set t'orth the !-esponsibilities and obligations of these goverrurent entities retarding land use planning in the ~nc:nlty of the Town of Basalt. :. the Board considered this matter at ~,vorksessien meetings on September lU. Szpte:nber ~4 and October 3, 1996. During these meetings, the Board and Sta. in coordination with the Star and 3oard of Trusters of the Town of Basalt. re~rie ;ved and made re~risions to the averment. 3. The Board has determined ghat it is in the best interest of the citize.~s ~f Pidcin County and the Town of Basalt to enter into this averment. vOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED '~y the 3oard of County Commissioners that it does hereby approve the Basalt inter-governmental ~grerment (attached as E.Yhit;it ~j and authorize the Chair to sit7n the agreerneat on behalf of the Board. INTRODCCED, FIRST REND A1W SET FOR PUBLIC HE.~RING at the regular mee•~ing on the 6th day of~tovember 1996. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE_~RING PUBLISHED IN THE ASPEN TTN[ES on the ~/~ day of Lc~~-`~~96. APPROVED :~~tD ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COU: TY COMNIISSIONERS :AFTER SECOND RE ~DPiG at a duly noticed public hearing on December, 1996. PUBLISHED AFTER :ADOPTION IN THE ASPEN TiriES WEEKLY ON THE `~~DAY OF , 1996. ~~ 480590 Page: 18 of 24 ltesoludon X10.96-~ / 03/26/2003 11: saF SILVIfi DAMS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 Pale HAVE ATTEST: ~~GL~ Je Jones, Deputy County Cleric APP OVED :~S TO FORM: ~~ John Eiy, ' \ County attorney c:',home`.timmlcountylr,~ mile~.reso.doc BOARD OF COUNTY CONIlVIISSIONERS OF PI1'KIlY COUNTY, COLORADO By: ,~„_ %a~. True, Chairman :APPROVED 3S TO CONTENT: Cindy Houcen. Community Deveionment Director ~3 4 ~vOV. r u r ~ ... ~.'~~ . ~~' . 9. ~r~r~' ~:~9,a~1 F?' 'I'~ '~CUPd'`~ =~~?~, nC~.;<~_...._._..---- _.:~...~~,iC. +O6;--"c. 6 ~~~@~~~~~~~qp~ ,,~• 48@590 page: 21 of 24 03/26/2003 11:54P 0 0.00 (3) ~popArak in good pith with BesaR to pr Basalt concaminp the ~tus of tha rekrenca Avenue as a public coed, 8udt intortstadon shah User Tex Fund requests relating to that roa depicting the road, copies of deeds rstertin9 ~ other Information as the County might havo cone publk htionW~a4ub~euprovidsd tos8atva t2 ygthe~ informs later then Decernbor 31, 1998, ~;:+''' ,~,,. 3. Futu~~,bt9slQ~. oatok and tiro Courtly apnea that i e slip lane proieet 1n 1909, Basalt and tha County shag i upon a~n amendment to this Intergovernmental Agreement wt ~ conveyanco andlar annexation of Basalt Avenue south of tho Baa81t ~ Highway 8Z Right•of~Way, the annexation of the Roaring FoMc Mol addresses the apps*t by Basalt end the County of development a~ within three (3) miles of the Town of easah. 4, tf Tht: Agraeme a 8oardseof the Qovemn an Agreement approved by ~ respeai authorized officers of Bach party. le Inbrmation to iorNon of 8asslt uda any Highway copies of m9tpa . y road, and $uoh InA its atattu sAS a ~ndlor tc). 8uch unty Engineer no .,.-•• sr to thi t„ounty's foliate and agree t addre~~aa the mue Bridge ~ the ~ Homo Perk and land use changes only in writlr+g by e and slgnad by • Should any one or more sections ~ r provisions of , his 5, Agreement be iudicislly adjudged invalid or unenforceable, such Judg nt shall not affect, irrtpoir or invalidate the remalninhepr~ ace saveralbte~, reor~ertt, the i lion being that the various sections end provisions g, Any notice required or perrnt9ed under Tfiis ~ wrtting end shall be hand delivered or sent by raglstered or cerdtied pre-paid to the addresses of the parts®s as foltaws. Fr'ther parry by paragraph may change tfie address to which suture notices should bE Notice t0 Town of Basalt: Notice td Pitkin County; gent. Town of Basalt Go Town Administrator 101 Midland Avenue Bss9it, CO 818x1 Pitkin County Board of c/o Pitkin County Mans 580 Ee=t Main Street - Aspen, CO 8181 i tent shalt be in r mail, poetaq~ sent under this Commissionerm Floor ~ ii ~~« iu~~~~~~~i tuoii~~iii~~i~~~i~~ sri'bia is ~~~i ~o s~eT~T ni~ YY co ~ et i p d.~~ s ~~~ N e•er ~sfKiN ~~+ ~I ._. UNCV. 1~. 2Qii1 11;~)QaM._~ ~P!TKI~ CCUNTY ?U3L;C '~JORK~, . ,...--.._~-._ ~NU. ebb!" "", ,..,. . ......... - ..... 480590 ,I~,~ 0392612083f 114348 SILVIR DFVIS PtTKIN COUNTY CO R 0.00 D 0.00 I e roved by the 80 of Cot~ly C s Wore at P 9 i The toregoinp Agreement ~s PP -i dsy of County at ito r~ulsr ~eEtin9 hold on the e eoerd of Tru ee' of tho Town ~ Baeelt .t • regular etin~ he1a on the an~ ~- ~y ~ ,13sa. 80ARD OR CCUNTY COMM18810NER8, ~-~~~ ' PITKIN COUNN~ COIORAD~ By• ~/.Z ' !'~ o~othea Petrie, Chair TOWN OF 8A8ALT, COt_ORADO By. icMerd P. 8teve~-=. Mayor e~nntNWla~dee IsWtrTan~d~ A' K. ,,• ,. ~ , .., ~ .,, ~ :,... o ~•' ~ ~ ~~~~1 ~ I A~ . + ,~ •''. C1~ , •,,,, ,. ~~ rart-ay,~~ t / _ .....u~N~~~ IN 1111111i1t III sill l~l~ ~~~ ill~ll~l a ~,~~ei~eoo ss~i'ia aro:Nam ~f ~" ~ A •~ t It~ o.o0 0 o~0i N 0.0o piTKtN C~ 4 i ,- ~J ~NCV. 19.2901 11:~)~)A~i F?~" V CCUNT`~ ~U~~iC NCI(: AMU. )b61 ~. ~ ' f ` ~~ {~~ s~~n o0o I ~, ~~ ni~i oo s .~ i >t ~.N v o.r ~ e.N't~resr~ eotolrr ~ N ~ ova o~ .~ m a ' ~ N N C .. 10 ~, 14t m~N T~s pp,$fl m~ 'thin f~- d~ ~ , betweetl kho t1' a m BOird Oi C04t1h/ COftti~S=L0~5 Ol Pit1C~A COllltty, CA~OI~, a Chi f'~D F;Oflf~ t~Y16 ~ A County ("Grtt1W~'~, wboee lags) addt+ese is SO6 Swt Main. Aspen, Ca o gi611, a;td _~~ the Town o[.Baselt, Colorado, a mmnicipal oorporadon ("Gtenoes'7. w ose lapl sdOrese ~. is l41 Midisttd Avenue, Basalt, Colorado 11621. ~ for tt-utwl consldecsdon, the teeeipe sod = o yviTNBSSA'i'H. that die Grentoc, ~ lord, end ~--> eut'Aolettcy vi whleh Is hereby ackaowledded, has remised, thew tsars does nml;ee, rolease. tell, sQd ioclaim onto ihs quitolaitped, end by pn -~, Grantee, its successor and :aligns. forever. all the dgttt, title. lnterac. o e9m, and dstnand which chs c3rarttor h1s in artd to the real property- togethot with ltnp~ovamenn, it any, -- Y sitvats, lying. tad being In the County of Pitldn and the Stets of Colpo#~asiio, deecribcd ~ ~N Foilvws; ~ o ~~ --~ The Ettnms Bridge, PTT-0OZ~00. t . -~ '1'D FiAY6 AND•TO H~i.D the Same, together with all and iM ac the appurtenaa~et attd privileges thoreunto beloagin` or in aeywite Ih appectsiniag, • ~d ai1 etie estate, night. title, interest, and alaitu whatsoever, of the G tor, e4ther in law yr equfty, to tba oa1y, pcopee use. benefit attd behaof of teen drantee. ire ttoeettors and • ~signt, forever. ~ ' ~ g$ wHP~tEOF, the Grantor has executed this deed ~n the darn let . lath above. _ eoA~ o~ couNTY cg~sstos OP PP1'iK~T COUN'T'Y, C, L06lADO Dorothea '' ./ JNCV. 19. 200' 11 ,)OAM '<I~i CCUNiY ~U~! :C ~1C4,i(9 • ~ iia~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i !~ ~~~ ~s s ,~, ~ • ZK=RS.Ndv.NNB•N~t~N STATE OP COLORAI~ ~ ss. COt3NTY OF Pr17~1 ) fot+egoit~ instrntooslt wa` aekuowlsdsed ~ Doetd of C 1995 by Doro~ef FardS. Cluir Pitkitt Ca~mty, Coiosado. Witness my haud:ad oetiotet seal, My commissioner wcpiws: r ~ Aaoepted ~y: o~ ~~ t~ „~ ~d'' TOWN OF ~ ay STATE OF COLORADO ) as. - COLTNI'Y OF PTl'KIl~ ) Tlie f~S~ ~ was as no lodged b 1998 by amel Colorado. WigtesS my b~ and affioid seal, My commissioner expiroa: . .~ • ~~D.doo .T, ~~ Abu m~d~ 3aaaJ.~. ~NC.9667 ~~. 9 ~~ . , . '4 ~~ N ^ E c'7 6 N N S ~ O rA_ ~ a N Hof `i. a ~ rCon~fissloners~, m m ~~ -~'. ..~.'~' ~~ ~~~ ~° --.__ _--~ a N -~ ~'.' • =0 a J ~~~ N ,OtlADO ; - i C i ~~ of o[ tl~e Town of , N•11MIrf.•q. , ,-~'° 4 t AIIE~~ ' e i ~: ~ - , A ?~ ' ~ ~ ~ r~ s ,. ~' ~ „~ ~r~~~ ~ ~ . .~ ~,