HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-136 Endorsing the Passage of Referendum 4A • Commissioner moved adoption of the following Resolution BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION N0.2002 - ENDORSING THE PASSAGE OF REFERENDUM 4A WHEREAS, the Colorado River Water Conservation District ("District") is responsible for the protection and development of water resources within its legal boundaries; and WHEREAS, Eagle County is wholly contained within the boundaries of the District; and WHEREAS, the majority of the land azea within the District is a semi-arid environment requiring the wise stewazdship of limited water resources; and WHEREAS, the board of directors of the District voted unanimously on July 16, 2002 to request voter approval for atwenty-yeaz 0.250 mill property tax increase from 2003 - 2022 for a capital projects fund; and WHEREAS, Referendum 4A will appeaz on the November 2002 general election ballot throughout the District giving voters the opportunity to approve a temporary 0.250 tax increase to assist in the funding of water storage, water efficiency, and water quality improvement projects for the west slope; and WHEREAS, the proposed increase would increase homeowners' property taxes only $2.30 for every $100,000 of mazket value; and WHEREAS, the record-setting drought of 2002 has demonstrated both the need for additional water storage and the benefits of water efficiency improvements; and WHEREAS, water storage is available in west slope reservoirs for local purchase and thereby local control; and WHEREAS, there aze at least seventy-eight dams within the District's boundaries which are currently under storage restrictions by the State Engineer for safety or other reasons; and WHEREAS, many of the dams under restriction represent critical water storage which can be restored or rehabilitated at relatively small cost and negligible environmental impact; and WHEREAS, recent and foreseeable federal regulations under the Clean Water Act threaten current and future water use within the District's boundaries; and • • WHEREAS, the Congressional Farm Bill of 2002 authorized considerable funds for water quality and water efficiency improvement projects, all of which require local matching expenditures; and WHEREAS, local watershed, water conservancy, water utility and water user organizations within the District are pursuing consensus for water supply, water efficiency and water quality projects all of which would benefit from the availability of the capital fund proposed under Referendum 4A; and WHEREAS, the drought protection, water efficiency, and water quality projects enumerated above will all require local investments which this capital fund can assist with. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners respectfully endorses the passage of Referendum 4A and encourages voters to support this resolution on Election Day, November 5, 2002. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ~~ day of October 2002. ATTEST: Clerk to the Boazd'of County Commissioners COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS: By: Michael L. Gallagher ~ ''-~~ C Arn M. Menconi Commissioner Tom .Stone Commissioner • • Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Tom C. Stone Commissioner Arn M. Menconi Commissioner Michael L. Gallagher ~-~!_ This resolution passed by (~ ^ U vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.