HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-050 zone change for Berry Creek/Miller Ranch PUDC-1 Commissioner moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2002 - 0 ;�LA � Ptlf-- APPROVAL OF THE ZONE CHANGE AND THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT COMBINED SKETCH / PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR THE BERRY CREEK / MILLER RANCH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FILE NOS. ZC -00053 and PDSP -00014 WHEREAS, on or about 4 December 2001, the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, accepted for filing applications submitted by Eagle County and the Eagle County School District (hereinafter "Applicant ") to re -zone the herein described property in Eagle County from the Resource [R] Zone District to the Planned Unit Development [PUD] Zone District per File No. ZC- 00053, and for approval of the Planned Unit Development Combined Sketch/Preliminary Plan for the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch Planned Unit Development, File No. PDSP- 00014; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Combined Sketch/Preliminary Plan which would allow for the development as follows: Mixed use development on a 222.7 acre site which would include activ recreation on 35.8 acres (including athletic fields, play areas, and an ice arena and/or recreation center); open space on 50.2 acres (including trails, bridges necessary for trails, picnic facilities, restrooms, drainage and irrigation improvements and facilities, and trailhead parking); local resident housing on 31.5 acres not to exceed 10 dwelling units per acre; school facilities on 77.9 acres (in addition to the existing Berry Creek Middle School and the Charter School) may include a new elementary school and a new high school; and an alternative use site owned jointly by the Applicants on 16.0 acres which may be leased to Colorado Mountain College for a regional college campus and related community facilities. The balance of the site (11.3 acres) will be right -of -way. Primary access to the site would be by Miller Ranch Road, proposed to be constructed from the Edwards Spur Road through the site to connect with Winslow Road, which provides alternate access to the site from the Singletree development to the north. Another access from this parcel directly to Highway 6 to the south has previously been Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0. 00 Page: 1 of 24 03/22/2002 02:04P D 0.00 c Commissioner dr�f 7 moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2002 APPROVAL OF THE ZONE CHANGE AND THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT COMBINED SKETCH / PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR THE BERRY CREEK / MILLER RANCH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FILE NOS. ZC -00053 and PDSP -00014 , WHEREAS, on or about 4 December 2001, the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, accepted for filing applications submitted by Eagle County and the Eagle County School District (hereinafter "Applicant ") to re -zone the herein described property in Eagle County from the Resource [R] Zone District to the Planned Unit Development [PUD] Zone District per File No. ZC- 00053, and for approval of the Planned Unit Development Combined Sketch/Preliminary Plan for the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch Planned Unit Development, File No. PDSP- 00014; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Combined Sketch/Preliminary Plan which would allow for the development as follows: Mixed use development on a 222.7 acre site which would include activ recreation on 35.8 acres (including athletic fields, play areas, and an ice arena and/or recreation center); open space on 50.2 acres (including trails, bridges necessary for trails, picnic facilities, restrooms, drainage and irrigation improvements and facilities, and trailhead parking); local resident housing on 31.5 acres not to exceed 10 dwelling units per acre; school facilities on 77.9 acres (in addition to the existing Berry Creek Middle School and the Charter School) may include a new elementary school and a new high school; and an alternative use site owned jointly by the Applicants on 16.0 acres which may be leased to Colorado Mountain College for a regional college campus and related community facilities. The balance of the site (11.3 acres) will be right -of -way. Primary access to the site would be by Miller Ranch Road, proposed to be constructed from the Edwards Spur Road through the site to connect with Winslow Road, which provides alternate access to the site from the Singletree development to the north. Another access from this parcel directly to Highway 6 to the south has previously been C. identified in the Edwards Area Access Plan to reduce traffic on the Edwards Spur Road, although specific alignment has not been determined. Water and wastewater utility service will be provided by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. A 1041 permit application has been submitted and approved by the Eagle County Permit Authority. WHEREAS, notice of the Combined Sketch/Preliminary Plan was given to all proper agencies and departments as required by the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, Section 5- 210.E; and, WHEREAS, at its public hearings held 2 January and 23 January 2002, the Eagle County Planning Commission, based upon its findings, recommended denial of the proposed zone change and the proposed PUD Combined Sketch/Preliminary Plan; and WHEREAS, at its regular hearing of 15 January 2002, which was tabled to 5 February 2002, the Eagle County Board of Commissioners (hereinafter 'Board "), considered the Combined PUD Sketch/Preliminary Plan; associated plans; and the statements and concerns of the Applicant, the Eagle County Community Development and Engineering staff, and other interested persons; and the recommendation of the Eagle County Plannng Commission. BASED ON THE EVIDENCE BEFORE IT, and with the modifications imposed by the conditions hereinafter described, THE BOARD FINDS AS FOLLOWS: Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 5- 240.F.3.e. Standards for the review of a Sketch PUD: 1. Unified ownership or control. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (1)] - While the title to all land that is part of this PUD is not owned or controlled by one (1) person, the owners have made a joint application based on an Intergovernmental Agreement which continues to be in effect. 2. Uses. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (2)] - The uses that may be developed in the PUD are not those uses that are designated as uses that are allowed, allowed as a special use or allowed as a limited use in Table 3 -300, "Residential, Agricultural and Resource Zone Districts Use Schedule" for the zone district designation in effect for the property at the time of the application for PUD. However, variations of these use designations may be authorized pursuant to Section 5 -240 F.31, Variations Authorized 3. Dimensional Limitations. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (3)] — The dimensional limitations that shall apply to the PUD are not those specified in Table 3 -340, "Schedule of Dimensional Limitations ", for the zone district designation in effect for the 2 C. property at the time of the application for PUD. However, variations of these use designations may be authorized pursuant to Section 5 -240 F.31, Variations Authorized 4. Off- Street Parking and Loading. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (4)] - It has not been demonstrated that off -street parking and loading provided in the PUD complies with the standards of Article 4, Division 1, Off -Street Parking and Loading Standards without a necessity for a reduction in the standards. However, with the provisions of the PUD Guide and the recommended conditions of approval, these standards may be met in subsequent reviews of site - specific development plans for the housing tract. 5. Landscaping. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (5)] - It has not been demonstrated that the landscaping proposed for the PUD complies with the standards of Article 4, Division 2, Landscaping and Illumination Standards However, with the recommended conditions of approval, these requirements may be satisfied prior to approval of the initial final plat for the development. 6. Signs. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (6)] - The signs within the PUD will be as specified in Article 4, Division 3, Sign Regulations 7. Adequate Facilities. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (7)] - It has been demonstrated that the development proposed in the PUD Sketch/Preliminary Plan will be provided adequate facilities for potable water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, electrical supply, fire protection and roads, and will be conveniently located in relation to schools, police and fire protection, and emergency medical services. 8. Improvements. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (8)] - It has been demonstrated that the improvements standards applicable to the development will be as specified in Article 4, Division 6, Improvements Standards with the exception of the "K factor" standard on Miller Ranch Road at the Edwards Spur Road. However, a deviation from this standard may be granted because minimum design principles have been followed regarding (a) safe, efficient access, (b) internal pathways, (c) emergency vehicles, (d) principal access points, and (e) snow storage. 9. Compatibility With Surrounding Land Uses. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (9)] The development proposed for the PUD is compatible with the character of surrounding land uses. 3 t1 > } 10. Consistency with Master Plan. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (10)] - The PUD is consistent with the Master Plan, including, but not limited to, the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). 11. Phasing Section 5- 240.F.3.e (11) - A phasing plan has been provided for this development. 12. Common Recreation and Open Space. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (12)] -.The applicant has demonstrated that the PUD will comply with the common recreation and open space standards with respect to: (a) Minimum area (b) Improvements required; (c) Continuing use and maintenance; or (d) Organization. 13. Natural Resource Protection. [Section 5- 240.F.3.e (13)] - The PUD does demonstrate that the recommendations made by the applicable analysis documents available at the time the application was submitted, as well as the recommendations of referral agencies as specified in Article 4, Division 4, Natural Resource Protection Standards, have been considered. Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 5- 280.B.3.e. Standards for the review of a Sketch Plan for Subdivision: 14. Consistent with Master Plan. [Section 5- 280.B.3.e (1)] - The PUD is consistent with the Master Plan, and it is consistent with the Future Land.Use Map (FLUM) 15. Consistent with Land Use Regulations. [Section 5- 280.B.3.e (2)] - With the recommended conditions of approval, it has been demonstrated that the proposed subdivision complies with all of the standards of this Section and all other provisions of these Land Use Regulations, including, but not limited to, the, applicable standards of Article 3, Zone Districts and Article 4, Site Development Standards 16. Spatial Pattern Shall Be Efficient. [Section 5- 280.B.3.e (3)] - The proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, or require duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a "leapfrog" pattern of development. 0 17. Suitability for Development. [Section 5- 280.B.3.e (4)] - The property proposed to be subdivided is suitable for development, considering its topography, environmental resources and natural or man-made hazards that may affect the potential development of the property, and existing and probable future public improvements to the area. 18. Compatible With Surrounding Uses. [Section 5- 280.B.3.e (5)] - The proposed subdivision is compatible with the character of existing land uses in the area and will not adversely affect the future development of the surrounding area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the petition of Eagle County and the Eagle County School District, File No. ZC- 00053, for a Zoning Amendment to change from the Resource [R] Zone District to the Planned Unit Development [PUD] Zone District be and is hereby approved for the following described property located in the unincorporated area of Eagle County: See Exhibit I attached hereto and thereby incorporated herein by reference THAT, the Board of County Commissioners directs the Director of Community Development to enter this amendment on the appropriate page of the Official Zone District Map and provide a copy of this Resolution to the Applicant; THAT, subject to the conditions set forth below, the application for the Planned Unit Development Combined Sketch / Preliminary Plan for the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch PUD be and is hereby approved: 1. A detailed landscape plan as specified in Section 4- 220.C., Detailed Landscape Plan of the Land Use Regulations, be required which shows landscaping features along Miller Ranch Road, in common areas and at anticipated intersections prior to approval of the initial final plat for this development. 2. All engineering studies, plans and construction drawings be completed to the satisfaction of the County Engineer prior to approval of the initial final plat for this development. 0 c. 0 3. Adequate consideration should be given to the recommendations and.suggestions of the Colorado Geological Survey in its letter dated 21 November 2001. D 5. M 7. The Traffic Impact Analysis completed for the Berry Creek/Miller Ranch PUD assumes the completion of a variety of on and off -site improvements. In order to ensure concurrency with traffic generated by the development of the PUD and related road improvements, the following road/circulation improvements shall be included with the initial construction of the project: ■ Full access improvements as mandated by the State Highway Access Code (2CCR601 -1), at both the Edwards Spur Road/Miller Ranch Road intersection and the intersection of the relocated Cemetery Bridge Road and State Highway 6. ■ Intersection improvements at Miller Ranch Road/Winslow Road and Miller Ranch Road/Charter School Road, ■ Recreation trail and sidewalk improvements, ■ Modifications to existing Edwards Spur Road access points to the Edwards Station project. Improvements outlined above shall be in place concurrent with the completion of the development of Tract A (the initial development of the CMC facility) and of Tract D (the housing tract). The Applicants commit to exploring the feasibility of incorporating energy efficient design and construction practices into the development of the project. Concurrent with approval of a final plat, a deed restriction be established on Tracts I and J, the purpose of which shall be to ensure that these tracts remain in a predominantly natural condition in perpetuity. Eagle County agrees to assist private operators in establishing a summer rodeo series. 8. Eagle County commits to making funding available in 2002, subject to funds being appropriated in the budget and approved by the Board of County Commissioners, to develop recreation facilities and improvements on Tracts C (recreation parcel), I and J (open space parcels). 9. Except as otherwise modified by these conditions, all material representations of the Applicant in this application and all public meetings shall be adhered to and be considered conditions of approval. rei C THAT, the Berry Creek/Miller Ranch Sketch/Preliminary Plan Map attached hereto as Exhibit II is approved; THAT, the Berry Creek/Miller Ranch PUD Guide and Land Use Restrictions, dated February 13, 2002, attached hereto as Exhibit III is approved: THE BOARD farther finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissi on of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 20gAay of 2002, _ nunc pro tunc to the 5' day of February 2002. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST: oocFCQ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY� `'�c « 90 * BY: 1 2 Sara J. Fisher oRA Mi . Gallagher, Chairman Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners BY: Am M. Menconi, Commissioner BY: Tom Stone, Co issioner Commission seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, a vote was as follows: Commissioner Michael L. Gallagher Commissioner Am M. Menconi it . Commissioner Tom C. Stone �pJ This Resolution passed by, � of the Board of County Commissioner of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado 7 Exhibit I Legal Description for Berry Creek/Miller Ranch PROPERTY DESCRIPTION TWO PARCELS OF LAND SITUATED IN A PART OF SECTIONS 3,4 AND 5, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 82 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; PARCEL l: BEGINNING AT A BRASS CAP MONUMENT FOUND MARKING THE NW CORNER OF SAID SECTION 4, FROM WHENCE AN ALUMINUM CAP MONUMENT, L.S. No. 5447, FOUND MARKING THE W 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 4 BEARS S 02 0 03'34" W 2578.08 FEET; THENCE S 25 0 14'54" E 1918.78 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING AN ALUMINUM CAP MONUMENT, L.S. No. 24325, FOUND MARKING THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF TRACT B, EDWARDS STATION, PER THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 8, 1999 AT RECEPTION No. 689048 IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE RIGHT -OF -WAY OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY No. 70; THENCE S 69 0 46'33 "E 248.69 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY No. 70; THENCE S 57 0 38'37" E 319.26 ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND RECORDED IN BOOK 462 AT PAGE 277 IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER; THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY S 42 0 33'36" W 141.00 FEET ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND; THENCE S 47 0 26'24" E 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 42 0 33'36" E 150.03 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY THE FOLLOWING SIXTEEN COURSES: 128.94 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON - TANGENT CURVE TO TIME RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 2126.80 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 03 0 28'25 AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S 44 0 22'14" E 128.92 FEET TO A FOUND COLORADO DMSION OF HIGHWAYS MONUMENT; THENCE S 40 °05'18" E 288.38 FEET; THENCE S 38 0 51'48 E 295.36 FEET TO A FOUND COLORADO DMSION OF HIGHWAYS MONUMENT; THENCE S 43 °13'28" E 368.04 FEET TO A FOUND COLORADO DMSION OF HIGHWAYS MONUMENT; THENCE 642.03 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON - TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1787.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 20 °35'07" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S 55 0 18'34" E 638.59 FEET; THENCE S 65 0 36'08" E 367.13 FEET TO A FOUND COLORADO DMSION OF HIGHWAYS MONUMENT; THENCE S 72 0 41'44" E 1363.37 FEET; THENCE S 72 °5444" E 309.80 FEET; THENCE 501.48 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON - TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 2441.80 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 11 AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S 81 E 500.60 FEET; THENCE S 87 0 18'49" E 153.50 FEET; THENCE S 87 0 14'49" E 893.80 FEET; THENCE N 79 °38'11" E 304.10 FEET; THENCE N 89 0 0541" E 700.00 FEET; THENCE S 64 °20'19" E 111.80 FEET; THENCE N 85 0 1641" E 300.70 FEET; THENCE N 89 °05'41" E 700.78 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION OF SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY AND THE NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD; THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF INTERSTATE No. 70 ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RAILROAD RIGHT -OF -WAY THE FOLLOWING THIRTEEN COURSES: 92.70 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1482.60 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 03 °34'57" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S 77 0 14'53" W 92.68 FEET; THENCE S 75 °2724" W 2316.14 FEET; THENCE 578.72 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 2813.98 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 11 0 47'00" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S 81 0 20'54" W 577.70 FEET; THENCE S 87 0 14'24" W 130.50 FEET; THENCE S 87 °14'24" W 1913.50 FEET; THENCE 788.22 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1859.86 FEET, AN C C INTERIOR ANGLE OF 24 0 16'56" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N 80 0 37'08° W 782.33 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF SAID RAILROAD RIGHT -OF -WAY AND THE WEST LINE OF THE SE1/4 OF SAID SECTION 4; THENCE N 02 °01'08" E 53.14 FEET ALONG SAID WEST LINE; THENCE DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE 72.85 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1809.86 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 02 0 18'22" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N 66 0 45'47" W 72.84 FEET; THENCE N 65 0 36'36" W 1553.87 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SW 1/4 SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 4;.THENCE N 89 °07'05" W 121.78 FEET ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTHERLY LINE 1570.99 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING. A RADIUS OF 1848.86 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 48 °41'05" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N 39 °01'08" W 1524.15 FEET; THENCE N 14 0 40'36" W 240.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 4; THENCE N 02 °03'34" E 173.63 FEET ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE; THENCE DEPARTING SAID WESTERLY LINE N 14 0 40'36° W 288.49 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF THE STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ROAD E; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RAILROAD RIGHT -OF -WAY ALONG SAID ROAD E THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES; N 78 °17'07 E 12.77 FEET; THENCE N 74 °05'37" E 220.50 FEET; THENCE 141.56 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON - TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 577.50 FEET; AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 14 0 02'42" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N 59 0 15'48" E 141.21 FEET TO THE WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID TRACT.B, EDWARDS STATION; THENCE DEPARTING SAID ROAD E S 53 0 56'09" E 399.82 FEET ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT B; THENCE N 36 °3544" E 513.40 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: BEGINNING AT A BRASS, CAP MONUMENT FOUND MARRING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 3; THENCE N 08 °54'34" E 924.40 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 88 0 37'38" W 111.37 FEET; THENCE S03'01' 10"W 0.69 FEET; THENCE 73.77 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 91.62 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 46 °07'51" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N 45 9 21'46" W 71.79 FEET; THENCE 77.91 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 214.87 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 20 0 46'27" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N 13 0 14'47" W 77.48 FEET; THENCE S 89 0 51'34" E 15.97 FEET; THENCE N 02 0 50'57" E 60.02 FEET; THENCE S 89 0 38'32" E 59.33 FEET; THENCE N 03 0 02'08" E 217.27 FEET; THENCE S 87 0 12'57" E 110.92 FEET; THENCE S 02 W 399.46 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: BEGINNING AT A BRASS CAP MONUMENT FOUND MARKING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 3; THENCE N 01'56'20" E 372.44 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 3 TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 73 °34'23" W 133.64 FEET; THENCE S 86 0 50'37" W. 119.00 FEET; THENCE S 65 °15'37" W 320.48 FEET; THENCE N 20 0 30'37" W 75.56 FEET; THENCE S 75 °38'23" W 159.94 FEET; THENCE N 13 0 49'37" W 110.20 FEET; THENCE N 77 °57'23" E 149.00 FEET; THENCE N 19 0 57'37" W34.03 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY THE FOLLOWING SIX COURSES; N 87'14'24" E 625.79 FEET; 599.28 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 2913.98 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 11 °47'00" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N 81 0 20'54" E 598.23 FEET; THENCE N 75 °27'24" E 2316.14 FEET; THENCE 444.01 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1382.60 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 18 0 24'00" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N 84 0 39'24" E 442.10 FEET; THENCE 382.47 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 5679.70 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 03 °51'30" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S 84 °12'51" E 382.40 FEET; THENCE 319.55 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 905.40 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 20 AND A CHORD ci c WHICH BEARS S 72 0 10'26" E 317.90 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SW1/4 SEl /4'OF SAID SECTION 3; THENCE S 01 °00'21" W 162.27 FEET LONG SAID EASTERLY LINE; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EASTERLY LINE N 53 0 08'39" W 243.07 FEET; THENCE N 74 °14'39" W 157.00 FEET; THENCE S 83 °48'40" W 379.60 FEET; THENCE S 67'2821".W 362 00 FEET; THENCE S 40 0 57'21" W 312.00 FEET; THENCE S 65 °22'44" W 312.90 FEET; THENCE N 79 0 04'39" W 234.00 FEET; THENCE S 79 °51'21" W 346.00 FEET; THENCE S 6447'14" W 677.87 FEET; THENCE N 89 °58'50" W 546.80 FEET; THENCE S 79 0 36'00" W 328.96 FEET; THENCE N 62 °26'21" W 470.68 FEET; THENCE S87 0 14'24" W 63.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 3; THENCE S 01 W 80.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, ,. .- ,: �` 4... .. Exhibit III BERRY CREEK /MILLER RANCH PUD GUIDE AND LAND USE RESTRICTIONS February 13, 2002 A. Purpose This PUD Guide Plan sets forth the land uses and development standards for the Berry Creek /Miller Ranch PUD. This Guide Plan defines the permitted uses of land, densities, building height and bulk, and other development standards and regulations. The regulations found in this Guide Plan shall supersede those of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. Where this Plan is silent the provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall govern. This Plan is intended to further the goals of the Eagle County Master Plan and Land Use Regulations by creating development parameters to ensure this property is attractive, desirable, and suitable and to provide for adequate light, air, and access for emergency services. B. Development Review The Preliminary Plan for Berry Creek /Miller Ranch creates large development tracts for future development activities and projects that are not yet designed or detailed. The Preliminary Plan provides for the development of Miller Ranch Road and conceptually shows where access to this road may occur from individual tracts. Since building designs, landscaping, and parking areas are not yet developed for these tracts; this section shall establish the review process by which development applications on individual tracts will occur. The purpose of this review process is to ensure that development occurring on each of the tracts is consistent with the vision of the overall PUD and Preliminary Plan. 1. School District Tracts B E F G and H. The proposed development of such tracts shall be reviewed in accordance with applicable sections of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Statutory provisions require the School District to submit a site development plan to the Planning Commission prior to construction of any structure or building. In addition to the type of information and level of detail provided as part of the site development plan required by Statute, the School District will provide engineering detail for those elements of the site design which have potential off -site impacts, such as drainage and points of access to public roads sufficient to enable the County Engineer to review and provide recommendations to the Planning Commission. Berry Creek /Miller Ranch PUD Guide t 2. Recreation Tract C, Open Space Tracts I and J. Prior to approval of any development activities or the issuance of a building permit on Tracts C, I, and J, the Eagle County Planning Commission shall review and make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners on the site - specific development plan. After the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of the site - specific development plan. In its review of the site - specific development plan, the Planning Commission shall consider the consistency of the plan with the approved PUD Guide, preliminary plan, master circulation plan, and the master drainage plan for the PUD. The Board of County Commissioners shall review and approve the site - specific development plan. After the close of the public hearing, the Board shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove of the site - specific development plan. In its review of the site - specific development plan, the Board shall consider the consistency of the plan with the approved PUD Guide, preliminary plan, master circulation plan, and the master drainage plan for the PUD. A site - specific development plan shall identify the layout of buildings, roads and parking areas, trails, landscape areas and other site features, landscape irrigation, and grading and drainage improvements. The development plan shall also include architectural design information sufficient to understand building design, form, materials, and colors. The development plan should be drawn to a scale and with engineering detail sufficient to allow for adequate review by the Eagle County staff and the Eagle County Planning Commission, but not to the level of detail required for a building permit or construction documentation. 3. Housing Tract D A separate final plat for the housing tract, as provided in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, will be required prior to issuance of a building permit for development within the tract. Prior to or concurrent with the Board of County Commissioner's consideration of a final plat for the Tract D, the Eagle County Planning Commission shall review and make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners on the site - specific development plan. After the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of the site - specific development plan. In its review of the site- specific development plan, the Planning Commission shall consider the consistency of the plan with the approved PUD Guide, preliminary plan, master circulation plan, and the master drainage plan for the PUD. The Board of County Commissioners shall review and approve the site - specific development plan. After the close of the public hearing, the Board shall approve, Berry Creek/Miller Ranch PUD Guide C C approve with conditions, or disapprove of the site - specific development plan. In its review of the site - specific development plan, the Board shall consider the consistency of the plan with the approved PUD Guide, preliminary plan, master circulation plan, and the master drainage plan for the PUD. The site - specific development plan shall identify the final layout of buildings, roads, and parking areas, landscape areas and other uses, landscape irrigation, and grading and drainage improvements. The development plan shall also include conceptual architectural design information sufficient to understand building form, materials, and colors. The development plan should be drawn to a scale and with preliminary plan level of engineering and other information sufficient to allow for adequate review by the Eagle County Staff, the Eagle County Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners. The Eagle County Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners will each hold a public hearing for consideration of the site - specific development plan. This hearing shall be scheduled after notice is placed in a newspaper of general circulation in Eagle County at least 10 days prior to the date of each of the respective hearings. 4. Alternative Use — Tract A If developed as an educational facility by either the School District or Colorado Mountain College, the site - specific development review of this Tract as prescribed in Section B. 1. above, shall be utilized. If developed for any other use or by any party, the site - specific development review of this Tract as prescribed in Section B.2. above shall be utilized. Berry Creek /Miller Ranch 3 PUD Guide �a t C. Existing Uses A number of uses, activities and improvements on the property may not conform to the allowable uses and development standards as established by this PUD Guide. Examples of these existing uses include, but are not limited to, dwelling units, equestrian uses and related facilities, livestock grazing, commercial nursery, and other uses. All uses in place at the time of adoption of this PUD Guide may continue to operate and expand on the property. Nothing in this PUD Guide shall be intended to discourage or prohibit the continuation of these existing uses. D. Land Uses and Development Standards The following allowable uses, densities, dimensional limitations and other development standards shall apply to tracts within the BC /MR PUD: 1. Tract A — Alternative Use Purpose: To provide sites for collegiate facilities and other related educational, learning and training facilities and campuses. Permitted Uses: Colleges Customary college campus facilities Dormitories Learning centers and classrooms Libraries Community facilities and centers Senior centers Office /administrative buildings Childcare facilities Tra nsit/Pa rk- n- ride facilities Recreation facilities Trails Other educational or educational related uses or other uses accessory to or customarily incidental to the operation of schools and colleges. Dimensional Limitations: Minimum Lot Area: No Limitation Minimum Setbacks: 20' from perimeter lot lines Maximum Lot Coverage: Buildings: 50% of entire tract All Impervious Mat.: 80% of entire tract Maximum Floor Area: No Limitation Building Height: 45' Berry Creek/Miller Ranch 4 PUD Guide Parking: 2. Tract C - Recreation The number and design of on -site parking shall be established during the review of site - specific development proposals. Purpose: To provide sites for indoor and outdoor recreation, including active and passive recreation areas, parking facilities, and other community- oriented facilities. Permitted Uses: Sports Fields Gymnasiums Recreation Centers Community Centers, including senior centers Ball fields and hard court areas Skate parks Parks and playgrounds Picnic areas Trails Childcare Facilities Transit /Park -n -Ride Facilities Education and Arts Facilities Indoor and Outdoor Swimming Pool Facilities Indoor and Outdoor Ice /Hockey Rinks Other similar indoor and outdoor recreation facilities Other public /quasi - public facilities compatible with other existing and proposed uses Utility Facilities Dimensional Limitations: Minimum Lot Area Minimum Setbacks: Maximum Lot Coverage: Buildings: All Impervious Mat.: Maximum Floor Area: Building Height: No Limitation 20' from perimeter lot lines 50% of entire tract 80% of entire tract No Limitation 45' Parking: The number and design of on -site parking shall be established during the review of site - specific development proposals. Berry Creek /Miller Ranch 5 PUD Guide 3. Tracts B E F G and H- School Facilities Purpose: To provide sites for schools and other education related facilities along with other accessory uses customarily related to school facilities. Permitted Uses: High Schools Elementary Schools Middle Schools Learning Centers College Facilities Recreation Facilities Trails Childcare facilities Tra nsit/Pa rk- n- Ride facilities Other educational related facilities or uses as the School District determines appropriate and as may be permissible within the provisions of Colorado State Statutes relative to the operation of school districts. Dimensional Limitations: There are no dimensional limitations on school district tracts. Additional dimensional limitations for development on this site may be established during the review of a site - specific development plan. Given the unique nature of the community uses envisioned, maximum flexibility with dimensional limitations shall be afforded without compromising light, air, and fire department access. Parking: The number and design of on -site parking shall be established during the review of site - specific development proposals. 4. Tract D - Housing Purpose: To provide sites for the development of residential dwelling units and employee dwelling units at a variety of densities and in a variety of potential configurations. Permitted Uses: Single- Family Residential Dwelling Units Two - Family Residential Dwelling Units Berry Creek /Miller Ranch PUD Guide C C Townhomes Multiple - Family Residential Dwelling Units Seasonal Employee Housing Units Garages and carports Childcare facilities Community facilities and centers Churches Parks and recreation facilities Transit facilities Temporary real estate sales office Accessory uses compatible with and appurtenant to permitted uses Density: Overall residential density for Tract D shall not exceed 10 dwelling units per acre. Dimensional Limitations: LAND USE MIN. LOT AREA / UNIT % LOT COVERAGE MAX HEIGHT SETBACKS FRONT Int. SIDE SIDE on STREET REAR PORCH Single Family Detached 3400 50% 35' 10' 5'/ 0'* 5' 4' 5' Corner Duplexes 2000 50% 35' 10' 5'/ 0'* 5' 4' 5' Row Houses 1800 75% 35' 8' 0' or 5' 5' 4' 3' Lofts (multi-family) N/A 40% 45' 12' 10' 10' 4' 5' Community Facility N/A 1 50% 1 35° 1 20' 1 20' 20' 1 10' 10' * Zero (0') setback applies only to garages. Berry Creek /Miller Ranch 7 PUD Guide G' C1 Parking: Given the unique nature of the proposed affordable housing development and the neo- traditional /new urbanism design approach, parking will be provided in a variety of configurations and locations. The overall parking requirement (pursuant to Table 4 -120 of the County Development Standards) for this tract will be provided by a combination of on -site parking (surface and within garages), as well as off -site parking along designated roadways. The total number of spaces to be provided and the design and location of said spaces will be determined during the development review process as outlined in Section B. 3. of this Guide. 5. Open Space - Tracts I and J Purpose: To provide sites for limited, passive recreation uses and activities that preserve and protect the environmental characteristics of open space areas. Open space areas are intended to remain in a predominantly natural condition. Permitted Uses: Trails Trailhead parking Roads and related improvements River access and fishing facilities Environmental education activities Shelters, gazebos, and river overlooks Utility facilities Drainage facilities Irrigation ditches, head gates, pumping and related facilities Dimensional Limitations: The dimensional limitations for development on this site shall be established during the review of a site - specific development plan. Given the unique nature of the community uses envisioned, maximum flexibility with dimensional limitations shall be afforded without compromising light, air, and fire department access. Berry Creek /Miller Ranch B PUD Guide E. Design Guidelines 1. Purpose and Intent Development within BC /MR will be initiated by a variety of different entities and will accommodate a variety of different uses, buildings and facilities. In order to provide a framework to guide the design and development of such improvements and to establish a degree of continuity and consistency in the built environment throughout the property, design guidelines for Berry Creek /Miller Ranch will be established. It is not the intention of these Guidelines to require all buildings to look the same or to utilize the same materials. Rather, the purpose of these Guidelines will be to encourage a harmony in the architecture and landscape design throughout the PUD. Further, the Guidelines will establish a process for the review of all improvements and a minimum set of design standards that will be applied to all future improvements. 2. Establishment of Guidelines and Design Review Committee Prior to the issuance of a building permit or other permit that may be required for the construction of any new building or structure, a design review committee (DRC) shall be established and a comprehensive set of design guidelines shall be adopted by said committee. The DRC shall consist of five (5) members as appointed by the School District and Eagle County. Two (2) members shall be representatives appointed by the School District, two (2) representatives shall be appointed by the County, and one member shall be a citizen of the Edwards area appointed jointly by the District and the County. The DRC shall be provided staff support as deemed necessary. The DRC shall be responsible for adopting design guidelines for BC /MR, for reviewing development applications proposed within the PUD, and for other tasks as may be outlined in the Design Guidelines. 3. Contents of Design Guidelines The following is a general indication of the type and extent of design considerations to be addressed by the Design Guidelines: Site Planning Considerations • Relationship between buildings and between buildings and parking areas, open spaces, etc. • Design /arrangement of parking areas, loading areas, etc. • Building orientation to adjoining streets, trails, etc. • Pedestrian connections /linkages between uses • Public spaces Berry Creek /Miller Ranch 9 PUD Guide C Landscape Design Considerations • Treatment of public spaces • Features to highlight /define entries • Features to provide screening /buffers • Features to define spaces • Plant materials, sizes, quantities, etc. • Walls and fencing • Lighting • Signage Architectural Considerations • Architectural style • Building massing /roof heights • Building materials • Offsets /reveals /projections /etc. • Building entries • Facades /fenestration • Architectural details F. Wildlife Mitigation In order to minimize the impact of development within Berry Creek /Miller Ranch, the following measures shall be implemented: 1. There shall be no outdoor storage of trash or garbage unless such storage is within a "bear- proof" container as certified by the North American Bear Society, the National Park Service or the Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2. All construction sites shall utilize bear -proof trash receptacles for any refuse associated with food or drink. 3. Outside feeding of pets shall be prohibited. 4. With the exception of bird feeders, the feeding, baiting, salting, or other means of attaching wildlife shall be prohibited. 5. Within Open Space Tracts I and J, dogs shall be kept on a leash at all times. Berry Creek /Miller Ranch 10 PUD Guide ( C G. Open Space Management Tracts I and J have been designated Open Space in part due to the visual quality and environmental sensitivity of this portion of the Berry Creek /Miller Ranch PUD. The purpose of this land use designation is to protect and preserve the environmental characteristics of this portion of the PUD while allowing for limited passive recreation use. In order to ensure proper management and maintenance of these tracts, an open space management plan shall be prepared and approved by the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Said plan shall address, but not be limited to the following: • Establishing parameters for the use, location and design of any trail or trail system that may be developed within Tracts I and J, • Seasonal closures as may be necessary to minimize impacts on wildlife, • The use, location and design of any vehicular parking areas, • Dog control, • Vegetation control, and • Fishing regulations, re: river access, etc. It is anticipated that upon approval of a final plat for Berry Creek /Miller Ranch, the ownership of Tracts I and J will be conveyed to Eagle County. An open space management plan as generally described above shall be in place prior to or concurrent with approval of the final plat for Berry Creek /Miller Ranch. H. Illumination The purpose of this section is to establish standards for controlling illumination to prevent intense glare or direct illumination that could create a nuisance, detract from the use or enjoyment of adjoining property or cause traffic hazards to motorists. Parking lot lighting, street lighting and architectural lighting shall utilize "concealed source" light fixtures. Such fixtures shall be designed and located so as to not cast glare directly onto adjacent properties. The use of Low Pressure Sodium lamps is encouraged. Streetlights and parking lot lights are encouraged to be no more than 20' off the ground. The design and location of any lighting proposed for outdoor athletic fields and related recreation facilities shall be considered during the development review of individual development tracts in accordance with Section B. above. Berry Creek /Miller Ranch 11 PUD Guide I. Noise, Odor and Air Quality All recreation and education uses within Berry Creek /Miller Ranch shall conform to noise and vibration standards as prescribed by section 4.520 Noise and Vibration Standards of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. The installation or use of wood burning devices (fireplaces, stoves) within the PUD is prohibited. Signs All signs shall conform with the Eagle County Sign Standards as prescribed by the Land Use Regulations, provided, however, that the following signs shall be permitted: 1. Up to three (3) ground mounted project -entry signs along Miller Ranch Road shall be permitted. Such signs shall be a maximum of thirty -two (32) square feet in size and eight (8) feet in height. 2. One ground mounted project -entry sign for each vehicular entry point shall be permitted for each individual development tract. Such signs shall be a maximum of thirty -two (32) square feet in size and eight (8) feet in height. 3. Individual non - residential buildings shall be permitted one wall sign of up to twenty (20) square feet for each major entry. Notwithstanding the above, at the owner's discretion the owner's of Berry Creek /Miller Ranch may submit a comprehensive sign plan for review by Eagle County. Upon approval, this plan shall control and regulate all signs within the PUD. Berry Creek /Miller Ranch 12 PUD Guide