HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-047 amending LUR's Chapter V and VICommissioner r cvx.c� moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2002- IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING CHAPTER H, ARTICLES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Appendix A CHAPTER V, and CHAPTER VI of the EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS FILE NO. LUR -0037 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board "), is authorized, pursuant to State enabling legislation including, but not limited to, C.R.S. 30 -28 -101, et seg., to plan for and regulate the use and development to land in the unincorporated territory of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the County of Eagle; and WHEREAS, the Board has adopted such zoning and subdivision regulations, which land use regulations have been incorporated into one comprehensive document entitled "Eagle County Land Use Regulations" (hereinafter the "L.U.R. "), pursuant to Resolution No.98 -147; and WHEREAS, C.R.S. 30 -28 -116, and Chapter 1.15 and Chapter 2, Section 5 -230 of the L.U.R., respectively, provide that, from time to time, the Board may amend the number, shape, boundaries, or area of any district, or any regulation of or within such district, or any other provisions of the County's Zoning Resolution; and WHEREAS, C.R.S. 30 -28 -133, and Section 1.15 and Chapter 2, Section 5 -230 of the L.U.R., provide for the adoption and amendment of subdivision regulations by the Board; and WHEREAS, on August 2, 2001, the Eagle County Department of Community Development, initiated proposed amendment to the L.U.R., in order to amend Chapter II, Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6, Appendix A, and Chapters V and VI, to provide for a demonstrated community need, such proposed amendment was referred to the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission and the Eagle County Planning Commission for their review and comment; and IIIIVIIIIIII III II III III IIIVIII I 7 890 8 6 Pag Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0. 00 D 0.00 WHEREAS, the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment on October 18' , 2001 and November 8 2001, and certified their comments and recommendations with respect thereto to the Board; and WHEREAS, the Eagle County Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment on October 17 2001, November 7 2001 and November 21', 2001, and certified their comments and recommendations with respect thereto to the Board; and WHEREAS, after public notice was given pursuant to law, the Board held a public hearing to consider comments on such proposed amendment on February 12 2002, in the Board of County Commissioners' meeting room, in the Eagle County Building, Eagle, Colorado; and WHEREAS, having reviewed all of the evidence, testimony, statements and exhibits submitted at the public hearing, as well as the comments and recommendations of the Eagle County Planning Commission, the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission, and the Eagle County Department of Community Development, together with the various studies and land use plans of the County including the Eagle County Master Plan, the Board hereby determines that the proposed amendments to Chapter II, Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6, Appendix A, and Chapters V and VI of the L.U.R., is necessary and proper for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and best interest of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, finding as follows: 1. Pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 1.15.04 Referrals of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations: (a) The proposed amendment HAS been referred to the appropriate referral agencies for an advisory opinion. (b). The proposed amendment HAS been referred to all incorporated municipalities for recommendation by the city or town planning commission or city council or town board, or agents designed by them. (c) The proposed amendment HAS been referred to the Division of Planning of the Department of Local Affairs for advice and recommendation. (d) The proposed amendment IS NOT significant amendments to provisions of these Land Use Regulations relating to subdivision matters and therefore HAS NOT been referred to the Land Use Commission for comment. 3. Pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 1.15.05 Public Hearin- of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations: Public notice HAS been given pursuant to Section 1.15.05.(1), Section 1.15.05.(2) and Section 1.15.05.(2) of this Chapter. E 4. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 5- 230.B.2. Text Amendment of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations: (a) The proposed amendment SOLELY AMENDS THE TEXT of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations and DOES NOT amend the Official Zone District Map or any other map incorporated into the Regulations by reference. (b) Precise wording of the proposed changes HAVE been provided. 5. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 5- 230.D. Standards of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations as applicable: (a) The proposed amendment IS consistent with the purposes, goals, policies, and Future Land Use Map of the Eagle County Master Plan. (b) The proposed amendment DOES address a demonstrated community need. (c) The proposed amendment IS in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, Chapter II, Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6, Appendix A, and Chapters V and VI of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, is hereby amended, effective upon the recording of this Resolution and shall be applicable to any applications to which are pending or hereafter submitted. THAT, the approved amendments are attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. THAT, this amendment of Chapter H, Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6, Appendix A, and Chapters V and VI of the L.U.R. shall not constitute nor be construed as a waiver of any violations existing at the time of adoption of this Resolution. THAT, the Director of Community Development is hereby directed to transmit a true and correct copy of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, as amended, to the Colorado Land Use Commission. THAT, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word of this Resolution, including the attached Exhibit, be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this Resolution as a whole or any parts thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. For this purpose, this Resolution is declared to be severable. M C THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 12' day of March, 2002, nunc pro tunc to the 12th day of February, 2002. `Clerk to tYfe Board of County Commissioners COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I Fisher _ BY: 1 I A Michael L. Gallagher, Chi Commissione seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution: The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Michael L. Gallagher a�-f„ Commissioner Tom C. Stone Commissioner Am M. Menconi This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioner of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 4 ATTEST: EXHIBIT A March 12', 2002 Amendments to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations of Chapter II: Table Contents, Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6, Appendix A, and Chapters V and VI - 5 �1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS PAGE SECTION 1 -100 TITLE & SHORT TITLE ............ .. .......... 1 -1 SECTION 1 -110 AUTHORITY .................. . ............................1 -1 SECTION 1 -120 PURPOSE .. ........... ............ ............ 1 -1 SECTION 1 -130 RULES OF CONSTRUCTION ........................ .........1 -1 SECTION 1 -140 APPLICABILITY ............. .. ... ......... ... 1 -4 SECTION 1 -150 EXEMPTIONS: EFFECT OF THESE LAND USE REGULATIONS ON PREVIOUSLY APPROVED DEVELOPMENT ..... 1 -6 SECTION 1 -160 REPEALER . ................... ............................1 -8 SECTION 1 -170 SEVERABILITY . .... . ........ ............................1 -8 ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS SECTION 2 -100 PURPOSE ............................ 2 -1 SECTION 2 -110 DEFINITIONS .................... ............................2 -1 ARTICLE 3 ZONE DISTRICTS DIVISION 34 GENERAL SECTION 3 -100 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONE DISTRICTS ........................ 3 -1 SECTION 3 -110 OFFICIAL ZONE DISTRICT MAPS .......... ..................3 -1 SECTION 3 -120 INTERPRETATION OF ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES ........... 3 -2 11 c DIVISION 3 -2 PURPOSES OF ZONE DISTRICT SECTION 3 -200 GENERAL ....... ............................... ........3 -3 SECTION 3 -210 RESIDENTIAL, AGRICULTURAL & RESOURCE ZONE DISTRICTS. 3 -3 SECTION 3 -220 COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL ZONE DISTRICTS ............... 3 -5 SECTION 3 -230 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ZONE DISTRICT ........ 3 -6 SECTION 3 -240 EAGLE -VAIL PUD ................ ............................3 -6 DIVISION 3 -3 USE & DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS SECTION 3 -300 RESIDENTIAL, AGRICULTURAL & RESOURCE ZONE DISTRICTS ARTICLE 4 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DIVISION 4 -1 OFF - STREET PARKING & LOADING STANDARDS SECTION 4 -100 PURPOSE ................................................... 4 -1 SECTION 4 -110 APPLICABILITY . ............ ............................. 4 -1 SECTION 4 -120 NUMBER OF REQUIRED PARKING & LOADING SPACES .........4 -1 SECTION 4 -130 GENERAL STANDARDS FOR PARKING & LOADING AREAS ......4 -3 SECTION 4 -140 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR PARKING & LOADING AREAS ........4 -4 7 USE SCHEDULE ....................... ............. ..... 3 -7 SECTION 3 -310 REVIEW STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO PARTICULAR RESIDENTIAL, AGRICULTURAL & RESOURCE USES 3 ......................... -12 SECTION 3 -320 COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL ZONE DISTRICTS USE SCHEDULE ....... .............................. ... 3 -46 SECTION 3 -330 REVIEW STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO PARTICULAR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL USES ....................................... 3 -52 SECTION 3 -340 ZONE DISTRICT DIMENSIONAL LIMITATIONS .................3 -54 ARTICLE 4 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DIVISION 4 -1 OFF - STREET PARKING & LOADING STANDARDS SECTION 4 -100 PURPOSE ................................................... 4 -1 SECTION 4 -110 APPLICABILITY . ............ ............................. 4 -1 SECTION 4 -120 NUMBER OF REQUIRED PARKING & LOADING SPACES .........4 -1 SECTION 4 -130 GENERAL STANDARDS FOR PARKING & LOADING AREAS ......4 -3 SECTION 4 -140 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR PARKING & LOADING AREAS ........4 -4 7 DIVISION 4 -2 SECTION 4 -200 PURPOSE ............... ............................... 4 -12 SECTION 4 -210 APPLICABILITY ............................................ 4 -12 SECTION 4 -220 LANDSCAPE PLAN ... ................. ...... ... 4 -12 SECTION 4 -230 LANDSCAPING DESIGN STANDARDS & MATERIALS .... ...4 -14 SECTION 4 -240 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS .. ......... 4 -17 SECTION 4 -250 ILLUMINATION STANDARDS ........ . .. .... -19 DIVISION 4 -3 SIGN REGULATIONS SECTION 4 -300 PURPOSE .. ............... ......................... . 4 -20 SECTION 4 -310 APPLICABILITY ............................................ 4 -20 SECTION 4 -320 PROHIBITED SIGNS ..... ............................... .. 4 -22 SECTION 4 -330 SIGN STANDARDS APPLICABLE IN ALL ZONE DISTRICTS ...... 4 -24 SECTION 4 -340 SIGN STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO SPECIFIC ZONE DISTRICTS .4 -28. SECTION 4 -350 PROCEDURE TO OBTAIN SIGN PERMIT .......................4 -32 SECTION 4 -360 NONCONFORMING SIGNS ........ ...........................4 -33 SECTION 4 -370 VIOLATIONS & PENALTIES ............... ................4 -34 DIVISION 4 -4 NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION STANDARDS SECTION 4 -400 PURPOSE ................ .................. ............ 4 -35 SECTION 4-410 WILDLIFE PROTECTION .................... ................4 -35 SECTION 4 -420 DEVELOPMENT IN AREAS SUBJECT TO GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ..4 -37 SECTION 4 -430 DEVELOPMENT IN AREAS SUBJECT TO WILDLIFE HAZARDS ...4 -41 SECTION 4 -440 WOOD BURNING CONTROLS ................................ 4 -43` SECTION 4 -450 RIDGELINE PROTECTION .... ............................... 4 -45 SECTION 4 -460 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ......................... 4 -47 0 DIVISION 4 -5 STANDARDS SECTION 4 -500 PURPOSE .. .... ............................... . 4 -51 SECTION 4 -510 APPLICABILITY .... ....... ............ .............. 4 -51 SECTION 4 -520 NOISE & VIBRATION STANDARDS ........................... 4 -51 SECTION 4- 530SMOKE & PARTICULATE STANDARDS .... ....... ........... 4 -51 SECTION 4 -540 HEAT, GLARE, RADIATION & ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE .... 4 -52 SECTION 4 -550 STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS & NON - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.. 4 -52 SECTION 4 -560 WATER QUALITY STANDARDS ............... .. ... .....4 -53 DIVISION 4 -6 IMPROVEMENTS STANDARDS SECTION 4 -600 PURPOSE .................................................. 4 -53 SECTION 4 -610 APPLICABILITY .... ......... .............. ........... 4 -53 SECTION 4- 620ROADWAY STANDARDS ............ ........................ 4 -54 SECTION 4 -630 SIDEWALK & TRAIL STANDARDS . ...........................4 -86 SECTION 4 -640 IRRIGATION SYSTEM STANDARDS .......................... 4 -88 SECTION 4 -650 DRAINAGE STANDARDS .................................... 4 -89 SECTION 4 -660 EXCAVATION AND GRADING STANDARDS ............ ......4 -91 SECTION 4 -665 EROSION CONTROL STANDARDS ..................... .....4 -91 SECTION 4 -670 UTILITY & LIGHTING STANDARDS ...........................4 -94 SECTION 4 -680 WATER SUPPLY STANDARDS ............................... 4 -95 SECTION 4 -690 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL STANDARDS ................. 4 -97 DIVISION 4 -7 MACT FEES & LAND DEDICATION STANDARDS SECTION 4- 700SCHOOL LAND DEDICATION STANDARDS ......................4 -99 . SECTION 4 -710 ROAD IMPACT FEES ......... ..............................4 -100 9 ARTICLE 5 ADMINISTRATION C DIVISION 5 -1 DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF DECISION - MAKING. ADMINISTRATIVE & ADVISORY BODIES SECTION 5- 100BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .......................... 5 -1 SECTION 5 -110 PLANNING COMMISSION .... ................ ..... .....5 -2 SECTION 5 -120 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ............................ 5 -6 SECTION 5 -130 HEARING OFFICER ........ .. ...................... 5 -8 SECTION 5 -140 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ............ ........5 -10 SECTION 5 -150 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ........................... 5 -11 SECTION 5 -160 COUNTY ATTORNEY ............... ...... ....... ... 5 -11 SECTION 5- 170 COUNTY ENGINEER .. ............................... .. 5 -12 DIVISION 5 -2 COMMON PROCEDURES SECTION 5 -200 GENERAL ....................... ...........................5 -13 SECTION 5 -210 PROVISIONS OF GENERAL APPLICABILITY ................... 5 -16 SECTION 5 -220 INTERPRETATIONS ........................ ...............5 -26 SECTION 5 -230 AMENDMENTS TO THE TEXT OF THESE LAND USE REGULATIONS OR THE OFFICIAL ZONE DISTRICT MAP ....... 5 -27 SECTION 5 -240 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) DISTRICT .............. 5 -30 SECTION 5 -250 SPECIAL USES ............................................. 5.51 SECTION 5 -260 VARIANCES ................ ............................... 5 -55 SECTION 5 -270 SUBDIVISION EXEMPTION ............................... 5 -58 SECTION 5 -280 SUBDIVISION ............... ............................... 5 -61 SECTION 5 -290 MINOR SUBDIVISION .. ...... ......... 5 -81 SECTION 5 -300 LIMITED REVIEW USE ....... ............................... 5 =84 10 SECTION 5 -2100 CERTI ATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE .0 ........ .......5 -87 SECTION 5 -2200 PUBLIC WAY & EASEMENT VACATIONS ..................... 5 -88 SECTION 5 -2300 BENEFICIAL USE DETERMINATION .......................... 5 -90 SECTION 5 -2400 APPEALS OF STAFF DECISIONS / INTERPRETATIONS .......... 5 -94 SECTION 5 -2500 VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS ............ ...................5 -95 SECTION 5 -2600 TEMPORARY REGULATIONS . ............................... 5 -97 SECTION 5 -2700 CORRECTION PLAT ......... . . ...........................5 -97 ARTICLE 6 NONCONFORMITIES SECTION 6 -100 PURPOSE & INTENT ............ ... ......................6 -1 SECTION 6 -110 NONCONFORMING USES & STRUCTURES ..................... 6 -1 SECTION 6 -120 NONCONFORMING LOTS OF RECORD ..........................6 -3 SECTION 6 -130 NONCONFORMITIES CREATED BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS ................. ...... 6 -4 ARTICLE 7 ENFORCEMENT SECTION 7 -100 GENERAL ............ ............................... ...... 7 -1 SECTION 7 -110 REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, VARIANCE PERMIT, PUD OR SUBDIVISION .................... 7 -2 SECTION 7 -120 ABATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS . ............................... 7 -4 SECTION 7 -130 NOTIFICATION TO CORRECT VIOLATION ......................7 -7 SECTION 7 -140 OTHER REMEDIES ................................... ...... 7 -8 APPENDIX A FINAL PLAT RECORDING SPECIFICATIONS & CERTIFICATE FORMATS FINAL PLAT RECORDING SPECIFICATIONS ........ ............................2 11 CERTIFICATE OF DEDI PION & OWNERSHIP ........... ........ ...........3 TITLE CERTIFICATE ............................. .........................4 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE .......................................... ..... 4 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION & OWNERSHIP (FOR COMBINED PLAT & CONDOMINIUM MAP) ........................... 5 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION & OWNERSHIP (FOR EXEMPTION PLAT) ............ 6 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE (FOR CONDOMINIUM PLAT) .............. 7 APPROVAL BLOCK FOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .' ..................8 APPROVAL BLOCK FOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (FOR TYPE B MINOR SUBDIVISION ) .................... ........... ....9 APPROVAL BLOCK FOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (FOR EXEMPTION PLAT) .................... .... ............ . 10 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE .... ............................... 11 CLERK & RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ............. .............................11 TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID ....... ........................12 APPENDIX B EAGLE -VAIL PUD GUIDELINES APPENDIX C CLASSIFICATION OF ROADS IN EAGLE COUNTY APPENDIX D NELSON ACCESS ROAD (AS REFERENCED IN ARTICLE 6, SECTION 6 -120, B.2, NONCONFORMITIES) APPENDIX E NAMED STREAMS (AS REFERENCED IN ARTICLE 4, SECTION 4- 620.K.3) *NOTE: Page numbers may change when incorporating the amendments into the Land Use Regulations. 12 Chapter 2: Land Use Regulations Article 1: General Provisions Section 1- 140.C.3.a 3. Approvals and permits for building construction, grading and infrastructure development shall be issued only as part of or after final plat approval. Provided that the applicant is actively pursuing the resolution of all issues associated with Final Plat, grading permits may be issued by the County Engineer following Preliminary Plan approval if all regulations regarding collateralization of restoration bonding requirements, as well as all grading and erosion control standards, as outlined in Section 4 -660 and 4 -665, are met. (am 3112102) Article 2: Definitions ACCESSORY BUILDING means a building, located on the same lot as the principal building to which it is clearly incidental, subordinate, secondary and devoted and which is customarily found in conjunction with the principal building. See separate definition of garage. (am 3112102) DEVELOPMENT means any of the following activities that require some form of development permit pursuant to these Land Use Regulations: 1) the subdivision of a parcel of land into two (2) or more lots or divisions; 2) the construction, reconstruction, conversion, expansion, or structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any buildings, structures, or accessory structure; 3) any use or change in use of any buildings, land, or water; 4) any clearing, grading or other movement of land of a nature or dimension which requires a permit pursuant to Article 4 -660; 5) any mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavating, or daily operations. (am 3112102) FLOOR AREA RATIO (NET) means the relationship of the net floor area to the net developable area of the lot expressed as an arithmetic ratio. Floor area, includes all habitable spaces, excluding garages and mechanical spaces, and is measured from the exterior of the wall and / or foundation. FAR limitations and calculation methods may differ within certain Planned Unit Developments. (am 3112102) GARAGE, private, for residential use means an accessory building, or an accessory portion of a main building, designed for shelter or storage of motor vehicles which are owned and operated by the occupants of the main building. In the FH, RSM, RSL, and RMF zone districts, habitable spaces within garages such as, offices, bathrooms or other similar uses will be counted towards the property's floor area ratio. In all zone districts, total garage square footage shall not exceed total habitable space located on the lot. (orig 3112102) NONCONFORMING LOT means a parcel of land not meeting the minimum lot size requirements of the underlying zone district. (am 3112102) KENNEL, means any lot, premises or establishment in which four (4) or more dogs, cats or domesticated animals are housed, groomed, bred, boarded, trained or sold, all for a fee or compensation. (am 3112102) MASS GATHERINGS means entertainment, recreation, religion, athletic, and similar activities having a reasonable expected attendance of five hundred or more (500 +) persons. (am 3112102) 13 f C11 RECREATION VEHICLE PARK means any lot or parcel of ground upon which two (2) or more recreational vehicle sites are located, established, or maintained on a short term or seasonal basis as temporary dwellings or sleeping accommodations. MAJOR RECREATION VEHICLE PARK means an recreational vehicle park located on a minimum 5 acre, or larger, parcel. See Section 3- 310.Y.5 Major Recreational Vehicle Park. MINOR RECREATION VEHICLE PARK means an recreational vehicle park located on a minimum 1 -5 acre parcel, containing a maximum of 5 camping spaces per acre. See Section 3 -310. Y.6 Minor Recreational Vehicle Park. REQUIRED YARD means setback. See also definition of setback. (am 3112102) SETBACK means the area prescribed by an imaginary line extending across the lot, parallel with the adjacent lot line and within which no building or structures shall be constructed, except as specifically permitted by these Land Use Regulations in Section 3- 340.D. (am 3112102) YARD means an area located between a building and one or more property lines. A front yard is more specifically defined as the area located between a building and one or more property lines from which access to the lot is achieved. See also Section 3- 340.C. Yard is further defined in the illustrations on the following page: (am 3112102) Article 3 Zone Districts SECTION 3 -310. REVIEW STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO PARTICULAR RESIDENTIAL, AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE USES Certain uses are important to the County's character and functions, but may not be appropriate in all circumstances within a particular zone district. Such uses cannot be judged solely by standards common to all uses in the zone district or by the standards applicable to all uses that are allowed by review. They also require individualized standards to review their location, site plan, operating characteristics, intensity and similar factors. Those uses in the residential, agricultural and resource zone districts for which such additional standards have been identified are listed in the "Standards" column of Table 3 -300 "Residential, Agricultural and Resource Zone Districts Use Schedule ". The standards for each of these uses are established herein. The definitions of these uses are found in Section 2 -110, Definitions The following section addresses: A. Accessory Dwelling Unit B. Cluster Development C. Bed and Breakfast D. Day Care Center E. Group Home F. Home Business G. Airport, Landing Strip, Utility or Air Carrier 14 C. H. Utility Transmission and Distribution Facilities I. New or Expanded Domestic, Municipal and Industrial Water and Sewer Systems and Projects J. Park, Open Space or Greenbelt K. Recycling Collection or Drop -Off Center L. Reservoirs and Dams M. Water Diversion Structures, Ditches and Pipeline Structures N. Water Storage or Impoundment Facility, Water or Wastewater Treatment Facility O. Studio for Arts and Crafts P. Exploration, Extraction and Processing Operations Q. Land Application R. Farm or Ranch Stand/Sales of Agricultural Products S. Forestry T. Mass Gatherings U. Outfitter and Guide V. Resort Recreational Facility W. Temporary Building or Use X. Temporary Housing Y. Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Parks Z. Multi - Housekeeping Dwelling Unit Aa. Tree Storage (am 3112102) Section 3 -310 Review Standards Applicable to Particular residential, Agricultural, and Resource Uses Section 3- 310.A.2,3 and 6 Page 3 -13 A. Accessory Dwelling Unit. 1. Number. No more than one (1) accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted in conjunction with, and in addition to, the principal use of the parcel. An accessory dwelling unit in the Resource Zone District on 35 acres or more per parcel is considered a use by right and exempt from Limited Review and notice requirements. 2. Size and Use. The size of accessory dwelling units shall be determined by the zone district and parcel size as follows: Minimum Accessory Unit Zone District Parcel Size Max. Floor Area R 35 acres ` 1,800 sq. ft. RL 20 acres 1,200 sq. ft. 15 AR 10 acres 1,000 sq. ft. AL 5 acres 850 sq. ft RR 2 acres 850 sq. ft. RSL 15,000 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft. PUD - As approved. (am 3112102) In the RSL zone district, the floor area contained within the accessory dwelling unit shall count toward the maximum allowable floor area permitted on the parcel. Accessory dwelling units are not allowed in conjunction with duplex or multi- family units nor shall short term rentals (less than 14 days) be allowed. (am 3112102) 3. Location. An accessory dwelling unit may be located within or attached to the structure containing the principal use of the parcel; or may be detached from that structure if 1) it is located within or above a garage; 2) it is located within a lawful accessory building; or 3 ) it is independent from any structure located within the Resource (R), Resource Limited (RL) or Agricultural Residential (AR) zone districts only. (am 3112102) 4. Parking. There shall be one (1) additional off -street parking space provided for any accessory dwelling unit that is a studio or one bedroom unit. Any accessory dwelling unit containing two (2) or more bedrooms shall have two (2) off -street parking spaces. 5. Ownership. The accessory dwelling unit shall not be condominiumized or sold separately from the principal use of the parcel. 6. Dimensional Limitations. Accessory dwelling units shall only be permitted on parcels that conform with the minimum lot size standard of the underlying zone district, however, an accessory dwelling unit may be allowed subject to Special Review on legal, nonconforming lots or parcels (see Section 6 -120, Nonconforming Legal Lots of Record The unit shall be developed so as to conform to all setback, height, lot coverage, floor area and other dimensional limitations of the underlying zone district, but shall not count towards any applicable density limitations for the property. (am 3112102) 7. Adequate Facilities. It shall be demonstrated that the accessory dwelling unit will be provided adequate facilities for potable water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, electrical supply, fire protection, and roads. 16 Section 3 -3 10 T.1 and 2 T. Mass Gatherings. 1. Limit on Attendance. Events of five hundred or more persons, conducted in venues other than previously designated areas which were designed and approved specifically to accommodate such events (i.e.: Eagle County Fairgrounds), shall be limited by the availability of services including: Public restroom facilities, potable water, emergency medical services and parking. The Department of Environmental Health must review and approve the minimum potable water and sanitation requirements and food handling procedures -if applicable, as well as, any required environmental impact mitigation. The Eagle County Sheriffs Office must review and approve parking, circulation and security plans associated with the Mass Gathering event. (am 3112102) 2. Concerns to Address. The application for the mass gathering shall state: The number of people expected to attend the gathering; a description of the type of gathering; dates and times the gathering will be held; estimated length of stay of attendees; location of the gathering, and; how the following, list of services will be accommodated by the Event Organizer in compliance with all applicable County and State regulations: (orig 3112102) a. First aid Provisions- includes persons with certified emergency medical training b. Food service & liquor license - if applicable C. Parking d. Law enforcement and/or security persons e. Sewage disposal f. Solid waste disposal- If food wastes are to be present on the mass gathering site from dusk to dawn, Wildlife Proof Refuse containers and/or dumpsters may be required at the discretion of the Community Development Director g. Traffic control h. Water supply i. Environmental Impacts - Plans to mitigate environmental degradation due to the proposed Mass Gathering event. j. Fire safety. k. At the discretion of the Community Development Director, a Traffic Impact Report may be required. 3. Site Plan. Applicant must submit a site plan identifying: (orig 3112102) a. Location of event activities. b. Location of vendors. C. Parking areas including both on site and off site. 17 C 11 C' d. On site and off site traffic circulation patterns, as well as on site and off site pedestrian circulation paths, walkways, and aisles and emergency crowd control access areas. e. Location of First Aid treatment areas. f. Location of solid waste disposal. g. Location of restrooms. h. Location of water stations. i. Location of operator's headquarters at the mass gathering. j. Location of any temporary structures necessary to support the mass gathering event, such as: Tents, stages, trailers etc. All temporary structures associated with the mass gathering event must be removed from the site within 72 hours following the event. 4. Standards. The following standards are intended as general requirements for all mass gathering events. Not all mass gathering events can be anticipated to generate identical impacts or service requirements. The applicant for a mass gathering permit may propose appropriate alternative standards which will be evaluated and may be approved at the discretion of the reviewing department or agency. (orig 3112102) a. Restrooms. (1) One restroom/portable unit per 50 attendees for events of four (4) or more hours. One restroom/portable unit per 100 attendees for events of less than four (4) hours ; (2) Disposal and cleaning plans for toilets must be reviewed and approved by the Department of Environmental Health; (3) Restroom facilities must be kept clean and sanitary at all times. (4) Depending upon the nature of the mass gathering event, event location, length of the event and time of year, the Director of Environmental Health may approve alternative plans for `Restroom' provisions. b. Potable Water Supply. (1) A continuous supply of potable water must be on hand at all times throughout the mass gathering event; (2) A minimum of two water stations at any mass gathering event; (3) One gallon of potable water per person for any event with attendance time of four (4) or more hours. One -half gallon per person for events of less than four (4) hours; (4) Water source, quality and handling must meet county and state regulations as approved by the Department of Environmental Health; (5) Interruptions of potable water supply must be reported immediately to Environmental Health. (6) Depending upon the nature of the mass gathering event, event location, length of the event and time of year, the Director of Environmental Health may approve alternative `Potable Water Supply' provisions. 18 C 1 1 01 C. Food Service - If the mass gathering event is to include food service. (1) Describe refrigeration and food handling procedures. (2) All food service must be in compliance with applicable county and state health regulations. d. Parking. (1) No more than 100 private vehicle parking spaces per acre. (2) Evidence that adequate parking and safe access for any proposed transit, private vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians must be provided. (3) Depending upon the nature of the mass gathering event, event location, length of the event and time of year, the Eagle County Sheriff's Office may approve alternative `Parking' plans. e. Emergency Medical and Fire Safety. (1) All mass gathering events must provide plans for handling medical emergencies, fire safety, and wildfire safety and prevention. (2) Plans for the provision of Emergency Medical services and Fire Safety must be approved, in writing, by the applicable emergency medical provider and/or fire protection district, agency or authority.. L Security. (1) Law enforcement and/or security persons must be provided at a ratio of one per 100 people in attendance. (2) Depending upon the nature of the mass gathering event, event location, and length of the event, the Eagle County Sheriff's Office may approve alternative `Security' plans. Section 3- 310.Y.4.a -f; 5a -g;6; 7 Section 3- 310.Y.6 to be inserted Page 3 -33 4. Standards for New Mobile Home Parks or Additions To Existing Parks. (am 3112102) a. Site Improvements. (1) Access. The park shall have access to a public road. (2) Drainage. The park shall be located on a well - drained site, that is graded or drained and is free from stagnant pools of water. (3) Landscaping. The site plan shall include alandscaping plan prepared in accordance with Section 4 -220 Landsca en Plan fib] (4) Minimum Setbacks. C (a) Mobile Home Space. The minimum setbacks for mobile home units from each mobile home space line shall be: i) Front. Twenty (20) feet from the front space line. ii) Side. Twenty (20) feet between units. iii) Rear. Five (5) feet from the rear space line. (b) Mobile Home Park Boundaries. The mobile home park space shall comply with the following setbacks: i) Front Yard. The mobile home park space shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from an arterial or collector road or twenty -five (25) feet from a local or mountain road. ii) Side or Rear Property Line. The mobile home park space shall be set back a minimum of twenty (20) feet from any side or rear property line. (c) Fire Protection. All mobile homes, modular homes, or habitable appurtenances shall be set back be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from each other, for fire protection. (5) Mobile Home Spaces. Each mobile home space shall contain a minimum of three thousand -eight hundred (3,800) square feet of area per single -wide unit, and five thousand (5,000) square feet for a double or multi -wide unit, exclusive of park driveways. The area in which the mobile home is placed shall be graded for drainage and improved to prevent shifting or settling of the mobile home. Anchors or tie -downs shall be provided as necessary to prevent overturning of mobile homes. (6) Parking. Each mobile home space shall contain a minimum of two (2) paved off -street parking spaces, for use by automobiles. (7) Driveways and Walkways. All mobile home spaces shall abut upon an appropriately surfaced driveway that provides unobstructed access to a public street or highway. The minimum unobstructed width of such driveways shall be twenty -five (25) feet. All driveways and walkways within the park shall be sufficiently illuminated to ensure safety for park residents. Walkways that are not less than three (3) feet wide shall be provided along drives, as required for safety and convenience of inhabitants. 20 (8) Paving. All mobile home park roads shall be engineered and surfaced with asphalt, concrete or gravel. (am 3112102) (9) Maintenance. All mobile home lots and stands shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, free from hazardous or noxious materials, weeds and refuse. The unit owner shall be responsible for ensuring compliance. b. Water Supply and Distribution. (1) Comply With Standards. - A domestic water supply that is in compliance with the drinking water standards of the Colorado Department of Health shall be provided in each mobile home park. Where a public supply of water of satisfactory quantity, quality, and pressure is available, connection shall be made thereto and it shall be the exclusive supply used. When such a public water supply is not available, a central water supply system maybe developed and used if it meets standards of the Department of Colorado Public Health and Environment. (2) Located To Avoid Contamination. Every well or suction line of the water supply system shall be located and constructed in such a manner that neither underground nor surface contamination will reach the water supply from any source. (3) Treatment. The treatment of a private water supply shall be in accordance with applicable state and local laws and regulations. (4) Minimum Supply. The water source shall be capable of supplying a minimum of four hundred -fifty (450) gallons per day per mobile home. (5) Connection. The water supply system shall be connected by pipes to all mobile homes, buildings, and other facilities requiring water. (6) Equipment. All water piping, fixtures and other equipment shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local regulations and requirements and shall be of a type and in locations approved by the County Environmental Health Office. (7) Pressure. The system shall be so designed and maintained as to provide a pressure of not less than twenty (20) nor more than eighty (80) psi, under normal operating conditions at service buildings and other locations requiring potable water supply. 21 } (8) Minimum Horizontal Separation. A minimum horizontal separation of ten (10) feet shall be maintained between all domestic water lines and sewer lines. (9) Underground Valves. Underground stop and waste valves shall not be installed on any water service. (10) Water -Riser Pipes. Water -riser pipes shall extend a minimum of four (4) inches above ground elevation unless recessed in a box or sleeve. The pipe shall be a minimum of three- quarter (3/4) inch. The water outlet shall be capped when a mobile home does occupy the lot. (11) Prevent Freezing. Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent freezing of main service lines, valves and riser pipes and to protect risers from heaving and thawing actions of the ground during freezing weather. Surface drainage shall be diverted from the location of the riser pipe. (12) Shutoff Valve. A shutoff valve below the frost line shall be provided near the water -riser pipe on each mobile home lot. C. Sewage Disposal. (1) Adequate System Required. An adequate sewage system shall be provided in each mobile home park for the purpose of conveying and disposing of all sewage. Such system shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local laws. (2) Sewer Lines. All sewer lines shall be located in trenches of sufficient depth to be free of breakage from traffic or other movements and shall maintain a minimum horizontal separation of ten (10) feet from all domestic water lines. Sewers shall be at grade that will insure a velocity of two (2) feet per second when flowing full. All sewer lines shall be constructed of materials that comply with state or local laws and shall meet the Department of Colorado Public Health and Environment design criteria. (3) Sewage Treatment and /or Discharge. Where the sewer lines of the park are not connected to a public sewer, all proposed sewage disposal facilities shall be approved by the Environmental Health Manager prior to construction. Effluents from sewage treatment facilities shall not be discharged into any waters of the State, except 22 C with prior approval of the Department of Colorado Public Health and Environment. (4) Sewer Riser Pipe. Each mobile home stand shall be provided with a minimum four (4) inch diameter sewer riser pipe. The sewer riser pipe shall be so located on each stand that the sewer connection to the mobile home system outlet will approximate a vertical position. (a) Minimum Dimensions. The sewer connection shall have a nominal inside diameter of a minimum of three (3) inches and the slope of any portion thereof shall be a minimum of one- eighth (1/8) inch per foot. The sewer connection shall consist of one (1) pipe line only, with no more than one (1) stand served by one (1) individual sewer connection. Underground branch fittings of four (4) inch lines shall not be permitted. All joints shall be watertight. (b) Materials. All materials used for sewer connections shall be rigid or semi -rigid, corrosive resistant, nonabsorbent and durable. The inner surface shall be smooth. (c) Plugging. Provisions shall be made for plugging the sewer riser pipe when a mobile home does not occupy the lot. The rim of the riser pipe shall extend a minimum of four (4) inches above ground elevation, unless such riser pipe is protected within a recessed box or sleeve. d. Fire Protection. Adequate fire protection shall be provided and shall be in compliance with all applicable fire codes and standards. e. Service Building. (1) Applicability. The requirements of this Section shall apply to service buildings, recreation buildings and other community service facilities such as management offices; repair shops and storage areas; sanitary facilities; laundry facilities; indoor recreation areas; and commercial uses supplying essential goods or services for the exclusive use of park occupants. (2) Structural Requirements for Buildings. (a) Protection. All portions of the structure shall be properly protected from damage by ordinary uses and by decay, corrosion, termites, and destructive elements. Exterior 23 C C portions shall be of such materials and be so constructed and protected as to prevent entrance or penetration of moisture and weather. (b) Sanitary or Laundry Facilities. All rooms containing sanitary or laundry facilities shall: i) Walls. Have sound- resistant walls extending to the ceiling between male and female sanitary facilities. Walls and partitions around showers, bathtubs, lavatories and other plumbing fixtures shall be constructed of dense, non - absorbent waterproof material or be covered with moisture resistant material. ii) Windows. Have a minimum of one (1) window or skylight facing directly to the outdoors. The minimum aggregate gross area of windows for each required room shall be not less than ten (10) percent of the floor area served by them. A minimum of one (1) window shall be capable of being easily opened, or the room shall have a mechanical device that will adequately ventilate the room. iii) Toilets. Have toilets locked in separate compartments equipped with self - closing doors. Shower stalls shall be of the individual type. The rooms shall be screened to prevent direct view of the interior when the exterior doors are open. iv) Illumination. Have illumination levels maintained as follows: (a) Five (5) foot candles for general seeing tasks; and (b) Forty (40) foot candles for laundry room work area and toilet room in front of mirrors. v) Hot and Cold Water. Have hot and cold water furnished to every lavatory, sink, bathtub, shower and laundry fixture, and cold water furnished to every water closet and urinal. 24 l L Supervision. (1) Attendant. The duly authorized attendant or caretaker shall be in charge at all times to keep the park, its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition. (2) Owner Answerable. The park owner shall be answerable for the violation of any provision of these Regulations, except those that expressly involve unit owners or tenants. (3) Refuse Handling. The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in a mobile home park shall be so arranged as not to create health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards, or air pollution. All refuse shall be disposed of at either a municipal or County designated landfill site, at a minimum once per week. See Section 4 -410.0 Wildlife Proof Refuse Container/Dumpster Enclosure Standards. (am 3112102) (4) Pest Control. Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation. Extermination methods and other measures to control insects and rodents shall conform with the requirements of the County Environmental Health Office and the Department of Colorado Public Health and Environment. (5) Pet Control. The owners or managers of a mobile home park, or the owners or persons in charge of any dog, cat, or other pet animal shall keep such animal on a leash, not exceeding ten (10) feet, or shall confine such animals within the unit space or designated areas within the park, and shall not permit such animal to commit any nuisance. Animals are restricted to household pets only. (6) Electrical Distribution and Communication Wiring. (a) Distribution System. Each mobile home park shall contain an electrical distribution system to each lot or site, consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances hereto that shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the applicable electrical code currently in force. Telephone and cable TV systems may be installed and maintained. (b) Approval By Utility. All plans for the above services shall have the approval of the responsible utility prior to County approval of mobile home park plans. 25 E 5. Standards For Major Recreational Vehicle Parks or Additions to. an Existing Park. A major recreational vehicle park shall be limited to supplying parking spaces for travel trailers, camper vehicles and/or tent camping on sites of five (5) acres or more. Each camping space will be provided with individual water, sewer and electric hook -ups or, water and sanitation facilities will be provided within common areas located in close proximity to each camping space. Occupancy in a major recreational vehicle park shall not exceed a period of six (6) months. (am 3112102) a. Site Improvements. (1) Access. The park shall have access to a public road. (2) Drainage. The park shall be located on a well - drained site that is graded or drained and is free from stagnant pools of water. (3) Landscaping. The site plan shall include a landscaping plan prepared in accordance with Section 4 -220 Landscape Plan (4) Minimum Area. A Major Recreational Vehicle Park shall contain a minimum of five (5) acres. (5) Minimum Setbacks. (a) Vehicles. Recreational vehicles and/or tents shall be set back a minimum of twenty (20) feet from each other. (b) Boundaries. The Major Recreational Vehicle Park shall comply with the following minimum setbacks: i) Front Yard. The recreational vehicle park shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from an arterial or collector road or twenty -five (25) feet from a local or mountain road. ii) Side or Rear Property Line. The recreational vehicle park shall be set back a minimum of twenty (20) feet from any side or rear property line. (6) Minimum Facilities for Recreational Vehicle Spaces. The area devoted to each recreational vehicle space shall be adequate to accommodate the following facilities: (a) Picnic Facilities. Each space shall be provided with a United States Forest Service approved fireplace or fire circle, a picnic table and a well - drained, level site. W (b) Parking Space. Each space shall provide one (1) graveled parking space; 27 (c) Vehicle Barriers. Adequate barriers shall be provided to confine vehicles to driveways and parking spaces. (7) Driveways. All recreational vehicle spaces shall abut upon a driveway, graded for drainage and maintained in a rut and dust free condition, that provides unobstructed access to a public street or highway. The minimum unobstructed width of such driveways shall be fifteen (15) feet for one -way traffic or twenty -five (25) feet for two -way traffic. No parking shall be permitted on the driveways. (8) Clean and Sanitary Condition. The park owner shall be responsible for ensuring that the recreational vehicle park is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, free from hazardous or noxious materials, weeds and refuse. b. Water Supply and Distribution. (1) Comply With Standards. A domestic water supply that is in compliance with the drinking water standards of the Colorado Department of Health shall be provided in each mobile home and recreational vehicle park. Where a public supply of water of satisfactory quantity, quality and pressure is available, connection shall be made thereto and it shall be the exclusive supply used. When such a public water supply is not available, a central water supply system may be developed and used if it meets standards of the Department of Colorado Public Health and Environment. (2) Located To Avoid Contamination. Every well or suction line of the water supply system shall be located and constructed in such a manner that neither underground nor surface contamination will reach the water supply from any source. (3) Treatment. The treatment of a private water supply shall be in accordance with applicable state and local laws and regulations. (4) Connection. The park's water supply system shall be connected by pipes to all recreational vehicles, buildings, and other facilities requiring water. (5) Equipment. All water piping, fixtures and other equipment shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local 27 regulations and requirements and shall be of types and in locations accepted by the County Environmental Health Office. (6) Pressure. The system shall be so designed and maintained as to provide a pressure of not less than twenty (20) nor more than eighty (80) psi, under normal operating conditions at service buildings and other locations requiring portable water supply. (7) Separation. A minimum horizontal separation of ten (10) feet shall be maintained between all domestic water lines and sewer lines. (8) Underground Valves. Underground stop and waste valves shall not be installed on any water service. (9) Supply. The water supply shall be capable of supplying fifty (50) gallons per space per day for all spaces lacking individual water connections and a hundred (100) gallons per space per day for all spaces provided with individual water connections. (10) Individual Water Service Connections. If facilities for individual water service connections are provided, the following requirements shall apply: (a) Riser Pipes. Riser pipes provided for individual water service connections shall be so located and constructed that they will not be damaged by the parking of recreational vehicles. Water riser pipes shall extend a minimum of four (4) inches above ground elevation unless recessed in a box or sleeve. The pipe size shall be three- quarter (3/4) inch.. (b) Prevent Freezing. Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent freezing of main service lines, valves and riser pipes. (c) Valves. Valves shall be provided near the outlet of each water service connection. They shall be turned off and the outlets capped or plugged when not in use. (d) Connection. The park's water supply system shall be connected by pipes to all recreational vehicles, buildings, and other facilities requiring water. (11) Water Stations. (a) Stations for Recreational Vehicle Area. Each recreational vehicle parking area shall be provided with one (1) or more 28 easily accessible watering stations for filling water storage tanks. Such water supply outlets shall consist of at least a water hydrant and the necessary appurtenances and shall be protected against the hazards of back flow and back siphonage. (b) Stations for Tent Camping Area. Each tent camping area shall be provided with at least one (1) individual watering station no more than two hundred (200) feet from any tent camping space; such station to be constructed similar to individual water service connections as provided under this Section, except that riser height shall be between thirty (30) inches and thirty two (32) inches and a splash pad shall be installed around the base. C. Sewage Disposal. An adequate sewage system shall be provided in each recreational vehicle park for the purpose of conveying and disposing of all sewage. Such system shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local laws. (1) Sewer Line. All sewer lines shall be located in trenches of sufficient depth to be free of breakage from traffic or other movements and shall maintain a minimum horizontal separation of ten (10) feet from all domestic water lines. Sewers shall be at a grade that will insure a velocity of two (2) feet per second when flowing full. All sewer lines shall be constructed of materials that comply with state or local laws and with Department of Colorado Public Health and Environment design criteria. (2) Sewage Treatment and /or Discharge. Where the sewer lines of the park are not connected to a public sewer, all proposed sewage disposal facilities shall be approved by the Environmental Health Office prior to construction. Effluents from sewage treatment facilities shall not be discharged into any waters of the State except with prior approval of the Department of Colorado Public Health and Environment. (3) Individual Sewer Connections. If facilities for individual sewer connections are provided, the following requirements shall apply: (a) Sewer Riser Pipe. The sewer riser pipe shall be a minimum of four (4) inches in diameter, shall be trapped below the ground surface and shall be so located on the trailer space 29 that the sewer connection to the trailer system will approximate a vertical position. (b) Sewer Connection. The sewer connection shall have a nominal inside diameter of a minimum of three (3) inches, and the slope of any portion thereof shall be a minimum of one - eighth (1/8) inch per foot. All joints shall be watertight. (c) Materials. All materials used for sewer connections shall be corrosive resistant, nonabsorbent and durable. The inner surface shall be smooth. (d) Plugging. Provisions shall be made for plugging the sewer riser pipe when a trailer does not occupy the space. Surface drainage shall be diverted away from the riser. (4) Sink Wastes. No liquid wastes from sinks shall be discharged into or allowed to accumulate on the ground surface. (5) Sewage Treatment and /or Discharge. Where the sewer lines of the travel trailer parking area are not connected to a public sewer, all proposed sewage disposal facilities shall be approved by the County Environmental Health Office prior to construction. Effluents from sewage treatment facilities shall not be discharged into any waters of the state except with prior approval of the Colorado State Department of Health. d. Fire Protection. Adequate fire protection shall be provided and shall be in, compliance with all applicable fire codes and standards. Defensible space and fire breaks will be considered as part of the Special Use Permit review process. (am 3112102) e. Electrical Distribution and Communication Wiring. (1) Electrical Distribution System. Each recreational vehicle park shall contain an electrical distribution system to each lot or site, consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances thereto which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the applicable electrical code currently in force. Telephone and cable TV systems may be installed and maintained. (2) Approval By Utility. All plans for the above services shall have the approval of the responsible utility prior to County approval of park plans. 30 C f. Service Building. (1) Applicability. The requirements of this Section shall apply to service buildings, recreation buildings and other community service facilities such as management offices; repair shops and storage areas; sanitary facilities; laundry facilities; indoor recreation areas; and commercial uses supplying essential goods or services for the exclusive use of park occupants. (2) Structural Requirements for Buildings. (a) Protection. All portions of the structure shall be properly protected from damage by ordinary uses and by decay, corrosion, termites, and destructive elements. Exterior portions shall be of such materials and be so constructed and protected as to prevent entrance or penetration of moisture and weather. (b) Sanitary or Laundry Facilities. All rooms containing sanitary or laundry facilities shall: i) Walls. Have sound - resistant walls extending to the ceiling between male and female sanitary facilities. Walls and partitions around showers, bathtubs, lavatories and other plumbing fixtures shall be constructed of dense, non - absorbent waterproof material or be covered with moisture resistant material. Windows. Have a minimum of one (1) window or skylight facing directly to the outdoors. The minimum aggregate gross area of windows for each required room shall be not less than ten (10) percent of the floor area served by them. At least one (1) window shall be able to be easily opened, or the room shall have a mechanical device that will adequately ventilate the room. iii) Toilets. Have toilets locked in separate compartments equipped with self - closing doors, shower stalls shall be of the individual type. The rooms shall be screened to prevent direct view of the interior when the exterior doors are open. 31 iv) Illumination. Have illumination levels maintained as follows: a. Five (5) foot candles for general seeing tasks; and b. Forty (40) foot candles for laundry room work area and toilet room in front of mirrors. v) Hot and Cold Water. Have hot and cold water furnished to every lavatory, sink, bathtub, shower and laundry fixture, and cold water furnished to every closet and urinal. (3) Required Community Sanitary Facilities. (a) Central Service Building. A central service building containing the necessary toilet and other plumbing fixtures specified shall be provided in recreational vehicle parking areas that provide spaces for vehicles and for tent camping areas. Service buildings shall be conveniently located within a radius of approximately three hundred (300) feet to the spaces served. Provided that when a recreational park is designed for and exclusively limited to use by self - contained vehicles, no public sanitary facilities shall be required. (b) Sanitary Facilities for Women. Sanitary facilities for women shall include a minimum of one and one -half (1 -1/2) . flush toilet, one (1) lavatory and one (1) shower for each fifteen (15) recreational vehicle or tent spaces or fractional number thereof. (c) Sanitary Facilities for Men. Sanitary facilities for men shall include a minimum of one (1) flush toilet, one (1) urinal, one (1) lavatory and one (1) shower for each fifteen (15) recreational vehicle or tent spaces or fractional number thereof. (d) Recreational Vehicle Park Connected to Resort. When a recreational vehicle park requiring a service building is operated in connection with a resort or other business establishment, the number of sanitary facilities for such business establishment shall be in excess of those required by the schedule of recreational vehicle spaces and shall be based on the maximum number of persons allowed to use such facilities. 32 g. Supervision. (1) Attendant. The attendant or caretaker shall be in charge at all times to keep the park, its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition. (2) Owner Answerable. The owner shall be answerable for the violation of any provision of these Regulations. (3) Refuse Handling. The storage, collection, and disposal of refuse in a recreational vehicle park shall be so arranged as to not create health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards, or air pollution. All refuse shall be disposed of at either a municipal or County designated landfill site, at minimum once per week. See Section 4 -410.0 Wildlife Proof Refuse Container/Dumpster Enclosure Standards. (am3112102) (4) Pest Control. Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation. Extermination methods and other measures to control insects land rodents shall conform with the requirements of the County Environmental Health Office and the Department of Colorado Public Health and Environment. (5) Pet Control. The owners or managers of a recreational vehicle park, or all owners or persons in charge of any dog, cat, or other pet animal shall have such animal on a leash, not exceeding ten (10) feet or shall confine such animals within the space or designated areas within the park, and shall not permit such animal to commit any nuisance. Animals are restricted to household pets only. 6. Minor Recreational Vehicle Parks. A minor recreational vehicle park shall be limited to supplying parking spaces for travel trailers, camper vehicles and/or tent camping on sites of a minimum one (1) acre and a maximum of five (5) acres. Individual hook -ups for water, sewer and electric are not required for each camping space. Rather, water and sanitation facilities will be provided within common areas in close proximity to each camping space. Occupancy in a minor recreational vehicle park shall not exceed 14 consecutive nights. (orig 3112102) a. Limits. A Minor Recreation Vehicle Park shall: (1) Contain sites for no more than five (5) recreation vehicles per acre with a maximum of five (5) acres or as otherwise approved through the Special Use Permit review process. (2) Permit individual recreational vehicles to remain in the Minor Recreation Vehicle Park no more than 14 consecutive nights. 33 C / 1 b. Site Improvements. (1) Access. The park shall have access to a public road. (2) Drainage. The park shall be located on a well - drained site, that is graded or drained and is free from stagnant pools of water. (3) Landscaping. The site plan shall include a landscaping plan prepared in accordance with Section 4 -220 Landscape Plan C. Standards. (1) Minor Recreation Vehicle Parks shall not be required to conform to Section 3- 310.Y.5., Standards For Major Recreational Vehicle Parks or Additions to an Existing Park except that: (a) Minor Recreation Vehicle Parks shall conform to Section 3- 310.Y.5.a., Site Improvements above, except that the minimum area shall be one (1) acre, and; (b) Minor Recreation Vehicle Parks shall conform to Section 3- 310.Y.5.b.(11) Water Stations, and; (c) Minor Recreation Vehicle Parks shall conform to Section 3- 310.Y.51 (3) Required CommLu i Sanitary Facilities, and (d) Minor Recreation Vehicle Parks shall conform to Sections 3- 310.Y.5.g., Supervision 7. Application Procedures for Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Parks. A Special Use Permit, issued pursuant to Section 5 -250, Special Uses is required to establish a mobile home or recreational vehicle park or for additions to existing parks. New Section 3- 310.Aa. Aa. Tree Storage. Use is limited to open storage of trees or plant materials only. (orig 3112102) 1. Sales. There shall be no retail sales of trees on the property. All tree sales must occur off the property at such businesses as a greenhouse or nursery. Trees may not be picked -up at tree storage location by client. 2. Advertisement. Tree Storage areas shall not be advertised, nor advertise the business for which the trees are being stored. 34 C, 3. Operation. Operation of noise producing equipment shall be limited to 8am until sunset, Monday through Saturday. 4. Nuisance. The land owner /operator shall ensure minimal noise, dust and garbage. Dead materials must be promptly removed. 5. Proof of Adequate Water. Proof of adequate and legal water to be used for irrigation purposes must be provided with application.. Section 3 -340 Zone District Dimensional Limitations To be added: Section 3 -340.5 and 6 Page 3 -55 (e) Survey. If a proposed building, or any part thereof, is to be situated within 18 inches from the setback line, the Community Development Director may require a location survey to be submitted prior to scheduling a framing inspection. (orig 3112102) (f) ` Stream Setbacks. In all zone districts, a 50 foot strip of land measured horizontally from the high water mark on each side of any live stream, or the 100 year floodplain, whichever provides the greater separation from the live stream, shall be protected in its natural state with the exception of, including but not limited to: Footpaths, bridges, fences, irrigation structures, pump houses, flood control and bank stabilization devices may be constructed thereon. If necessary to protect the stream, additional width may be required. PUD zoned areas shall also comply with this standard unless either granted a Variance by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or a variation has been granted by the Board of County Commissioners. There shall be no projections into either a 100 year flood plain or stream setback. (orig 3112102) 35 Accessory Dwelling N N N L' L' L' I L L R N Sec. 3 -310 A Cluster Development Option A N N L L L L L L S N Sec. 3 -310 B Cluster Development Option B N S S S S S S S N N Sec. 3 -310 B Customary Accessory Residential Uses R R R R R R R R R R Duplex Dwelling N R R R N N N N N N Mobile Home Park N S S S N N N N N N Sec. 3 -310 Y Multi-Family Dwelling N R R R N N N N N N Multi-Housekeeping Dwelling N L" L L N N N N N N Sec 3 -310 Z Single-Family Dwelling R R R R R R R R R S Time Share and Fractional Fee Estates I N S S N N N N N N N Bed and Breakfast N S S S S S S S L N Sec. 3 -310 C Day Care Center N S S S S S S S S N Sec. 3 -310 D Day Care Home R R R R R R R R R N Group Home N S S S S S S S S N Sec. 3 -310 E Home Business N S S S S S S S S N Sec. 3 -310 F Home Occupation R R R R R R R R R N Sec. 3 -310F Public Fa¢t1►es, i9f�htirs antl inshu #iuitil Airport, Landing Strip, Utility or Air Carrier N N N N N N N N S N Sec. 3 -310 G Cemetery N N N N N S S S S N Church L L L S S S S S S N Community or Public Building S S S S S S S S S N Educational Facility S S S S S S S S S N Electric Power Generation Facility N S S S S S S S S N Sec. 3 -310 H Electric Power Transmission Line S S S S S S S S S N Sec. 3 -310 H Fire Station S S S S S S S S S N Helistop N N N N N N S S S N Library N R R R R R R R R N Major New Domestic Water or Wastewater Systems, major extensions of such systems, and municipal and industrial water projects S S S S S S S S S S Sec. 3 -310 I S S S S S S S S S S Sec. 3 -310 H Natural Gas Transmission Line 36 Agriculture and Customary Accessory Agricultural Buildings N N N N I R R I R I R R7 N Boarding Stable N N N N S S S S R N Farmers Market N N N N S S S S S N Farm or Ranch Stand/Sales of Agricultural Products N N N N L L L L L N Sec. 3 -310 R Feedlot N N N N N N N N S N Forestry N N N N N N N N R S Sec. 3 -310 S Livestock Sales Yard N N N N N N N N S N Sales of Commercial Firewood N N N N N N N N S N Tree Stora e N N N N N L L L L N Sec. 3 -310 Aa Resort /Recreahan /Arir►sement Uses ... Campground N N N N L L L L L N Drive -in Theater N N N N S S S N N N Golf Course or Golf Driving Range N N N N S S S S S N Mass Gatherings N N N N N N N N L S Sec. 3 -310 T Outfitter and Guide N N N N R R R R R R Seca 3 -310 U Polo Field N N N S S S S S S N Recreational Vehicle Park N N N N S S S S S N Resort Recreational Facility; Day or Resident Camp N N N N N N N N S S Sec. 3 -310 V Riding Stable N N S S S S S S R e N Ski Area N N N N N N S S S S" Sorts Complex N N N N N S S I S I S N Sorts Shooting Range N N N N S S S S S N Tem ;ura Uses ... Temporary Building or Use N S S S S S S S S N Sec. 3 -310 W Temporary Housing N L L L L L L L L N Sec. 3 -310 X 37 W TALE «3f1 GOMMEI21rI �1.:47�ID 1NT ST fkL; Z(� II RTC I15E H)?D ............ <. ............::. ..;s IQV/ELt: .... .::.:. ;.;:? 3':::::::::::::: : lis a <::: <;:::..:::::.;:..:. ::::..:/ .::;:..:: 4"a :: >;:. a.o-;;;:.. >:.: :.,I:.::,:.:.:.G.:.:: a >:.; .:;:.:.;:;,•. .::.::. �:. ,.:::::::#dttYx] :.;•::::.. OW 6 ::._ .'.CCt:::.::::.. .;:. S at Re : iew .N:::... Retail uses; l: r staiiit, I'rsiital 8eri!jces. and: (Wces. ..: Adult Entertainment Uses N S S S Sec. 3 -330 H Agricultural Equipment, Su lies and Materials Store L R R L Appliance Sales R R N R Appliance Service or Repair L R N S Art Gallery R R N R Auto Service Station and Repair Garage' S S R S Auto and Vehicle Parts Store R R N R Bank R R N R Barber or Beauty Shop R R N R Book, Music or Video Store R R N R Car Wash R R R L Clothing or Dry Goods Store R R N R Computer Sales Store R R N R Computer Service R R R R Drive-Through Facility S S N S Sec. 3 -330 A Farmers Market R R S R Feed Store R R N R Food or Beverage Store or Bakery R R N R Furniture Store R R N R Garden Supply and Plant Materials Store /Greenhouse/Nurse R R R R Sec. 3 -330 B Tree Storage R R R R Sec. 3- 310.Aa Hardware Store R R N R Indoor Amusement, Recreation or Theater R R N R Laundromat R R N R Laundry or Dry Cleaning Pick-Up Station R R N R Medical or Dental Clinic, including acupuncture R R N R Mortuary R R N R Office, Business or Professional R R N R Personal Adomment/Tattoo Parlor R R N R Pharmacy R R N R Photogra Studio R R N R Print Shop or Publishing R R N R W c l, 01 f'''1 CN . . L I { Z . � : tKA h I h W) h , O O . O O 0 0 . O O . O O . O. O .Nr C'... O bD 4. i.+ b0 O 'p 4.., a-+ b0 O 4. +-� b0 O pb i� 4. , � p + GO O b0 4.. , +�• yy + W O �0: 4. +-� ta0 O "pb 4.. O Nei i........ i :b •� 'O '� 'd 'y 'b plrj N • N N • N N • N ,d 6 • N ,•� „ .... ....... , 4) O 0 O ccl O td) O cv O t� O eC O of O iN}..�� N .O }N}�.. 4).0 }N}yy N .O iN}.�� W a) O W a) p cC O w N p c'�i O w 0 Ri cO O R! O W p Rf O a) RS t� N �C W w 4 w 4 4� ca w id w cd N O N N O N O .� 46 In O W N w a) 0 w N .0 w O N W O N w N (V W : >:; s:A : >:i:>is:> `;<: >s?<: O C O 4r: ' O O c,.., ' i.� O O 4.. ' �.. O O 4, .�J O ."r. O 4.., .�J N O 04 ' O 4.. ' O . ,., C." p p- p '� p 'ob p 'o a� bb W Lob . � � v ` t •.'� .c •.:� .a •� . F-� '�+•' � F-+ �.�" .c � •� � � •r3 .c � '� .a is dijti+ . . � tW 0 'fit • O M � ": ��* "f' C t _ C h _ O t C O h O C t C C k O tn O c� O O O C d .. m •! 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W O p y CD h O y y p 0 O cct to tr � 4 i 22;i ?% O y GQ U ►i1 O N . � O 4. h X -:- , .:.: ' N N N N bn C C h C C G C � G O � O O : in V7 a�iN >s:00;: 'n rn ID N i yN ..+ yN r.. yN U <''<'t7w` .fit C/] b V] I= - too x3 /� N p� N U N N GO ID 21 U 0 O O O ::; 0 o 0 0 O O O p ¢ , <;> ¢tea c�a ¢ ¢ Ua '^ C> v? O M C O 0 ID O V1 • F+' '•G d' � H 00 47 00 p M 41 ., � <' c''� r� c'''� -g a' � � °"•� cc ... ^ O. 4 a, 4a 4a y Cq 4..w 4-i N t, H v •'•. W O p y CD h O y y p 0 O to tr � 4 i 22;i ?% GQ U ►i1 O 'qp 3 -340. ZONE DISTRICT DIlVIENSIONAL LBITrATIONS Notes: 1. Minimum lot area per use may be further restricted if an individual sewage disposal system is proposed. For standards see Section 4 -690, Sanitary Sewage Disposal Standards 2. Maximum lot coverage and maximum floor area may be further restricted by other standards of these Regulations, including slope development standards. Provided no residential lot shall be so restricted by minimum lot area per use or maximum floor area ratio limitations that it cannot be occupied by a single - family dwelling containing no more than fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet of floor area. 3. A 50 foot strip of land or the 100 year floodplain, whichever is the greater distance, measured horizontally from the high water mark on each side of any live stream shall be protected in its natural state with the exception that footpaths, bridges, fences, irrigation structures, flood control and erosion protection devices may be constructed thereon. If necessary to protect the stream, additional width may be required. Underground utilities may be located in such protected area providing there is no practical alternative location for such utilities, that the plans are approved by the County Commissioners as a Special Use, and that all construction scars are revegetated. 4. Stacks, vents, cooling towers, elevator structures and similar mechanical building appurtenances and spires, domes, cupolas, towers, antennas intended as an accessory use, and similar non - inhabitable building appurtenances may exceed the maximum height limitations of the underlying zone district by not more than thirty (30) percent. 5. A Fulford Parcel is two (2) or more continuous lots, under common ownership as of January 1, 1988, as recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The interior lot lines of two (2) or more contiguous lots under common ownership shall not be used to determine setback requirements. 6. Floor area and setback limitations notwithstanding, a single ownership lot in existence as of January 1, 1988, and as recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, shall be permitted to contain a single - family residential unit containing up to one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, provided the maximum lot coverage of buildings shall not exceed twenty -five (25) percent of lot area. 7. Considering only the net area of developable land. 8. Density shall not exceed twelve (12) dwelling units per acre of net developable land. 9. Effective density may be reduced by other standards of these Regulations, including the slope development standards. 10. Minimum lot area maybe reduced for a Cluster Development; see Section 3 -310 B, Cluster Developmen 11. A combination of compatible uses may be considered as a single use. 12. Or such smaller area as may have been legally created prior the adoption of subdivision regulations by Eagle County on April 6, 1964. 13. Accessory buildings, excluding garages, shall not be larger than eight hundred -fifty (850) square feet. The floor area of the accessory building shall count toward the property's maximum floor area (if the accessory building contains habitable space) and lot coverage calculations. Its location shall comply with all applicable setback standards and it shall comply with the applicable height restrictions of the underlying zone district. (orig 3112102) M Article 4- Site Development Standards Article 4 Site Development Standards Table of Contents Page 4 -1 ARTICLE 4 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (am 3112102) TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 4- 6IMPROVEMENTS STANDARDS PAGE Section 4 -600 Purpose ......... .. ..... ............................... .. ...... 4 -77 Section 4 -610 Applicability .............. ......... .. .... ............ . .... 4 -77 Section 4 -620 Roadway Standards ......... .... .... .. .......................... ... 4 -77 Section 4 -630 Sidewalk and Trail Standards ....................... ..... ......... 4 -109 Section 4 -640 Irrigation System Standards .......... .................. ......... 4 -110 Section 4 -650 Drainage Standards .......................... ...... ......... .. 4 -L l Section 4 -660 Excavation and Grading Standards ....................................... 4 ?9- Section 4 -665 Erosion Control Standards .............. ............................... 4 -113 Section 4 -410 Wildlife Protection Section 4- 410.A; C.1 -6; Page 4 -35 A. Purpose. As natural land and native wildlife habitat is developed for human use, the need to minimize the negative impact of humans on wildlife and their habitat increases. The purpose of the Wildlife Protection. Section is to protect and maintain wildlife in Eagle County and minimize the risk of dangerous interaction between humans and wildlife. This is done through the development review process whereby potential wildlife habitat is identified and appropriate avoidance, minimization and/or impact mitigation techniques are suggested that will sufficiently protect the wildlife species and their habitats. (am 3112102) B. Wildlife Analysis. 1. Applicability. The provisions of this Section may apply to any application for a Special Use Permit, Subdivision or Planned Unit Development (PUD). (am 3112102) 2. Procedure for Wildlife Analysis. An applicant for development that is subject to the provisions of this Section 4 -410.13 Wildlife Analysis, shall submit a Wildlife Analysis as part of the application. The purpose of the Wildlife Analysis is to identify the location of wildlife habitat or migration routes, determine potential impacts of development, and identify appropriate avoidance, minimization, and/or impact mitigation techniques. The County encourages the assistance of competent professional technicians at this stage of the planning process. (am 3112102) 3. Referral to Colorado Division of Wildlife. As part of the review of the application, the Community Development Director, shall refer to the Colorado Division of Wildlife M (CDOW) all ap nations as identified in Section 4410.B Applicability_ . Referral of Final Plat applications will be at the discretion of the Community Development Director. (am 3/12/02) 4. Review by CDOW. CDOW will be requested to review the application and determine whether there is potential impact to wildlife habitat or migration routes. During their review, CDOW should take into consideration potential impacts to the following: a. Elk Migration Corridors and Patterns b. Elk Production Areas C. Elk Severe Winter Ranges and Winter Concentration Areas d. Mule Deer Staging Areas and Migration Corridors e. Mule Deer Severe Winter Ranges, Winter Ranges, and Winter Concentration Areas L Bighorn Sheep Migration Patterns g. Bighorn Sheep Winter Concentration Areas h. Bighorn Sheep Production Areas i. Bald Eagle Roost Sites j. Golden Eagle Nest Sites k. Peregrine Falcon Nest Sites 1. Sage Grouse Production Area M. Lynx Occupied Habitat. n. Other pertinent wildlife habitat or activity areas. (am 3112102) 5. Recommendation By CDOW. Considering the potential impact to wildlife, the CDOW shall review the application, including the Wildlife Analysis, and make recommendations pertaining to important habitat or migration routes of wildlife species which may be affected by the proposed development. The recommendation shall identify appropriate avoidance, minimiza and/or impact mitigation techniques. (am 3112102) 6. Consideration. The County shall consider the content of the Wildlife Analysis and the recommendations of the CDOW during the development review process. (am 3112102) C. Wildlife Proof Refuse Container/Dumpster Enclosure Standards (orig 3112102) 1. Applicability. The provisions of this Section shall apply to any application for a Special Use Permit, Subdivision or Planned Unit Development (PUD). The provisions of this Section may apply entirely or in part to the application for a Limited Review at the discretion of the Community Development Director. 2. Definitions. 43 a. Wildlife" y undomesticated animal including ot limited to elk deer, sheep g n P� lynx, skunks, squirrels, bears, raccoons, coyotes, mountain lions, bobcats an d foxes. b. Wildlife Proof Refuse Container - a fiilly enclosed container constructed of non - pliable material to prevent access by wildlife and meets the standards of these Land Use Regulations. A dumpster, or similar trash receptacle of heavy construction may be a Wildlife proof Refuse Container. C. Wildlife Proof Dumpster Enclosure — a fully enclosed structure consisting of four sides and a roof or cover of sufficient design and construction to prevent access by wildlife. The door or cover must have a latching mechanism, the sides of the structure must extend to within two inches of the ground, and ventilation openings must be covered with a heavy gauge steel mesh or other material of sufficient strength to prevent access by. wildlife. Wildlife Proof Dumpster Enclosures are subject to all building codes and planning and zoning requirements. d. Wildlife Resistant Refuse Container - a fully enclosed container that can be constructed of pliable materials but, must be reinforced to deter access by wildlife. 3. General Requirements. a. Refuse Container Design. All refuse containers, regardless of size that receive food wastes shall be either a Wildlife Proof Refuse Container as recommended by the Division of Wildlife (All Refuse Haulers will be issued a list of recommended refuse containers created by the county with direct input by the Division of Wildlife. This list will be kept on record at the Eagle County Building), or a Wildlife Resistant Refuse Container which is stored within a building, house, garage, or approved Wildlife Proof Dumpster Enclosure. The lid must fit tightly and have a latching mechanism resistant to animal access. Any refuse container and/or dumpster which has been compromised by wildlife shall be replaced within 14 days. b. Dumpster Design. All dumpsters, regardless of size, that receive food waste shall be of a design that is Wildlife Proof, with drain holes no greater than one (1) inch in diameter. Dumpster lids must have a closure mechanism and/or a latching device and be approved by the Division of Wildlife, or their designee. All lids must: (1) fully enclose (cover) the dumpster opening; (2) have edges that fit flush (not turned up or bent); (3) have closure mechanisms which will withstand opening by an animal and will remain closed when on their side or upside down; (4) have acceptable latching devices, such as cables, bars and/or handles and must lock into place with a pin or other mechanism; and (5) be constructed to withstand the weight of a full grown bear (approximately 450 pounds). C. Outdoor Compactor Design. Compactors must be Wildlife Proof. No trash may be exposed and doors must be kept closed except when loading or removing refuse. d. Centralized or Clustered Refuse Containers. Mobile home parks, housing developments, homeowners associations and other types of clustered residential housing are required to use centralized dumpsters, located in a Wildlife Proof Dumpster Enclosure unless it can be clearly demonstrated that it would not be practical. If it is deemed impractical, the standards for individual Wildlife Proof Refuse Containers will still apply. 44 e. Time Limit. Refuse for curb -side pick up stored within Wildlife Resistant Refuse Containers shall only be allowed to remain outdoors from dawn to dusk on the day of trash pick up only. Refuse for curbside pickup stored within Wildlife Proof Refuse Containers or Wildlife Proof Dumpster Enclosures may remain by the curbside indefinitely. Refuse containers which do not meet the standards of Section 4- 410.C.3 "General Requirements," are not allowed. Section 4 -220 Landscape Plan Sections 4- 4220.A.1 Page 4 -12 SECTION 4 -220. LANDSCAPE PLAN A. Landscape Plan Required. A landscape plan, prepared by a qualified person, shall be submitted for review as part of an application for development within Eagle County, except that development specifically exempted in Section 4 -210, Applicability The landscape plan shall address the following types of issues: 1. Proposed Residential Subdivisions and PUD's. The landscape plan that accompanies a proposed residential subdivision or PUD is intended to address issues such as where and what type of trees and other landscaping will be placed, how common areas will be treated, how areas graded or otherwise disturbed during development will be re- vegetated, and similar concerns. It is not anticipated that landscaping for individual residential lots will be addressed in the landscape plan. Regulations governing Public Rights of Way and specified clear zones, pursuant to Chapter 5 -30.01 and Article 4- 230.A.9.a of these Land Use Regulations, must be applied. (am3112102) Section 4 -230 Landscaping Design Standards and Materials Section 4 -230. La. Page 4 -14 SECTION 4 -230. LANDSCAPING DESIGN STANDARDS AND MATERIALS A. Landscaping Standards Applicable to All Development. 1. Location of Required Landscaping. a. Multi- Family, Commercial and Industrial Development. All portions of lots in residential zones containing multifamily dwellings and all portions of lots in the Commercial Limited (CL), Commercial General (CG) and Industrial (1) zone districts not covered by impervious materials shall be landscaped. Landscaping shall also be installed to effectively buffer proposed commercial or industrial uses from surrounding residential uses and to provide a landscaped buffer along collector and arterial streets. Regulations governing Public Rights of Way and specified clear 45 zones, -.Jivant to Chapter 5- 30.01 and Article 4 .-J A.9.a of these Land Use Regulations, must be applied. (am3112102) Section 4 -460 Environmental Impact Report Section 4 -620.K and K.3 Page 4 -85 K. Structures. The developer shall be responsible to have all bridges, culverts, retaining walls, borings, tunnels or other structures within the proposed development designed by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Colorado, and shall be responsible to have said structures constructed, reconstructed or repaired through the two year warranty period in the Subdivision Improvements Agreement as defined in Section 5- 280.B.5.e. The engineer shall provide certification, upon completion of any such structures, that it meets the minimum requirements for the intended use, traffic loading and soils conditions prior to acceptance of the public improvements by Eagle County. All such structures shall meet the following minimum standards: (am 3112102) 1. Strength. Structures shall be of sufficient strength to accommodate an AASHTO HS -20 loading. 2. Pedestrian Facilities. Facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists or equestrians shall be provided if the structure traverses a roadway. The facilities shall have a width equal to the traveled way, plus four (4) feet and shall include walkways and handrails. 3. Hydraulic Capacity of Drainage Structures. Drainage structures include, but are not limited to, bridges, pipe culverts, box culverts, channels, ditches, gutters, spillways, inlets, drains, orifices, gates, chutes, dams, levees, dikes, sills, ponds,.basins, bays, drops, weirs, sluices, flumes, siphons, and energy dissipaters: Drainage structures that convey the flow of named streams, as shown on the United States Geological Survey, 7.5 minute topographic, 1:24,000 scale, Primary Map Series, and in the list in Appendix E, shall be designed with a hydraulic capacity to pass the one hundred (100) year flow. Drainage structures conveying the flow of lesser streams, or other sources of storm water at collector, commercial, or industrial roads, shall be designed to pass the fifty (50) year flow. Drainage structures . conveying the flow of lesser streams, or other sources of storm water at all other roads, shall be designed to pass the twenty -five (25) year flow. (am3112102) Section 4 -620 Roadway Standards To be inserted Section 4- 620.B.1 Page 4 -54 B. Consistency With Other Standards. These Roadway Standards are generally consistent with the recommendations of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ( AASHTO) and those of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). These standards also reflect the guidelines and recommendations of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Transportation Research Board (TRB), United States Forest Service (USFS), National Park Service (NPS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and others. If there is a difference in the standards set forth in this Division and those referenced in any manual referenced in this Division, then the standards set forth in this Division shall govern. 46 1. Conformance Zal Colorado Highway Commission Stixidards. C.R.S. § 43 -2 -114 states that the general standards for county primary roads shall be those adopted by the Transportation Commission for the state highway system for the corresponding class of county road in the state highway system. The Colorado Highway Commission adopted and approved said standards by Resolution No. 2297 -D on June 20, 1991. The 1991 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction identified in that Resolution incorporates the 1990 Roadway Design Manual published by CDOT, and also incorporates the geometric design standards of AASHTO. The County road improvement standards that are contained herein are intended to be in conformance with AASHTO. a. All guardrail that is to be constructed within Eagle County rights of way must conform to the current Colorado Department of Transportation Standards and Specifications for Road and Bridge Design and the Standard Plans M &S Standards. (orig 3112102) b. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Metric Standard Steel Backed Guardrail Type A and B, designated as M617 -60 and M617- 61, may be installed on roads which are maintained by private entities, such as metro districts. (orig 3112102) Section 4 -650 Drainage Standards Section 4- 650.B.1.b Page 4 -89 B. Standards. Stormwater runoff from all proposed development shall be managed so as to comply with the following standards. Other techniques, not specifically identified, may be considered for implementation subject to the approval of Eagle County. 1. No Direct Discharge. Stormwater discharge shall comply with one (1) of the following management options: a. Vegetated Surface. Sheetflow across at least one hundred (100) feet of stable, vegetated surface prior to discharge to any natural water body, or flow in one hundred (100) feet of non - erosive grass channels; b. On Site Treatment. On -site treatment of stormwater by use of best management practices designed to detain and infiltrate the runoff and approved as part of the Stormwater Control Plan prior to discharge to any natural water body; or (am 3112102) C. Structure. Discharge to a stormwater conveyance structure, designed to accommodate the projected additional flows from the proposed project, with treatment by a stormwater treatment facility prior to discharge into any natural water body. Section 4 -650 Drainage Standards 47 New Section 4- 650.B.4 Page 4- 4. Conveyance of 100 -year Storm Flow. All applications for any land development listed in Section 4- 650.A.2. Applicability, shall include design provisions for the overland conveyance of the post development 100 -year storm flows through the site without damage to any public or private property. (orig 3112102) Section 4 -650 Drainage Standards Section 4 -650.0 Page 4 -90 C. Stormwater Control Plan. An applicant for any development listed in Section 4 =650 A.2., AQblicability shall submit a stormwater control plan prepared by a qualified professional. The plan shall contain the applicable information as listed in Section 4 -665 C., Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, and the following additional information: (am 3112102) Currently Section 4 -660 Grading and Erosion Control Standards To be inserted Section 4- 660 - all Page 4 -91 SECTION 4 -660 EXCAVATION AND GRADING STANDARDS (orig 3112102) A. Purpose and Applicability 1. Purpose. The purpose of these requirements is to safeguard life, limb, property and the public welfare by regulating grading on private property. 2. Applicability. No person shall do any grading without first having obtained a grading permit or an exemption from a grading permit from the Eagle County Engineer. 3. Excavation and Grading Standards a. Application. The excavation and grading standards shall be as contained in the current edition of the Uniform Building Code Appendix Chapter 33. The current edition will be as specified in Section 3.02 Application of Chapter III of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations also known as the Building Resolution.. b. Amendments. The standards shall also include amendments to the current edition of the Uniform Building Code as contained in Section 3.05 of the Building Resolution. (am 3112102) 48 Currently Section 4 -660 Gradi -wand Erosion Control Standards y� New Section # 4 -665 Page? SECTION 4 -665 EROSION CONTROL STANDARDS (am 3112102) A. Purpose and Applicability. 1. Purpose. Siltation of rivers and other water bodies is a leading cause of water quality impairment in rivers and lakes. The purpose of these requirements is to minimi the water quality impacts resulting from land development and other land disturbing activities. 2. Applicability. This section shall apply to any disturbance within one hundred (100) feet of a stream, all residential development disturbing more than one -half (1/2) acre, all commercial and industrial development, and all proposed subdivisions and PUD's. B. Erosion Control Standards. The applicant shall minimi erosion of soils from a site that is being developed by complying with the following standards. 1. Phase Construction. Construction activities, such as clearing, grading, road construction, and utilities installation shall be phased to minimiz soil exposure. Sediment trapping practices and stream and other water body protection shall be installed and stabilized before site grading or other construction is initiated. 2. Soil Stabilization. All disturbed areas and soil stockpiles shall be surface roughened, mulched, or seeded and mulched, or otherwise protected from erosive forces if they will remain exposed and inactive for periods longer than fourteen (14) days, or if soil will be exposed during winter, so erosion will not occurring during spring snow melt. Disturbed areas shall be mulched, or seeded and mulched within seven (7) days after final grade is reached. Grass or straw mulch shall be crimped in place. On slopes steeper than twenty (20) percent, or within fifty (50) feet of any water body, exposed soils shall be hydromulched or covered with nets or mats. 3. Permanent Revegetation. Any disturbed area that is not built upon for one (1) year or longer shall be revegetated with a perennial, native grass mix. Within one growing season of project completion, vegetative site coverage shall be equal to or greater than seventy (70) percent of the disturbed areas. 4. Cut and Fill Slopes. Where cut and fill cannot be avoided, slopes shall be designed for long term stability. Permanent vegetation should be used as the preferred approach to stabilization of cut and fill areas where slopes are less than or equal to three to one (3:1). On steeper cut and fill slopes, stabilization maybe attained by utilizing retaining walls, rock walls, up slope runoff diversions, slope drains or other measures appropriate for the specific situation. Step retaining walls shall be positioned such that the width of the step is half the height of the wall. Retaining walls over four (4) feet in height shall be designed by a professional engineer. Revegetation of the steps is required. In no case shall the soil surface of a cut and fill slope remain exposed without an approved method of soil stabilization. .. 5. Construction in °r Adjacent to a Water er Body. Construction in or directly adjacent to any water body, such as culvert or bridge installation, shall require bed and bank stabilization. This may include stream isolation through the use of coffer dams, complete containment of the stream in the area of the disturbance, stream crossing structures, or limits on the dates when in- stream work can be performed. 6. Channels and Ditches. New or re- routed irrigation ditches, receiving channels and streams shall be protected so that flows from the site do not cause erosion and flooding. 7. Stormwater Runoff. Stormwater runoff flows shall be managed to minimize erosion and sediment transport. Concentrated flows shall be diverted away from disturbed slopes. The length and steepness of disturbed slopes shall be minimiz or slope drains shall be used. S. Sediment and Mud Control. Sediment and mud shall be prevented from leaving the construction site by immediate placement of street base or construction of mud pads in access routes. Mud pads shall be at least fifty (50) feet in length and comprised of angular rock and/or a wheel washing facility. Adjacent properties shall be protected by using sediment fences, straw bales, and silt traps. Storm sewer inlets shall be protected from entry of sediment -laden water. 9. Sediment Detention. When the contributing drainage area, including off -site area, is greater than five (5) acres, sediment detention ponds, infiltration devices, and other management practices which store or detain runoff shall be used to treat sediment - containing runoff prior to discharge from the construction site. These practices shall be designed to treat the runoff from the two (2) year, twenty -four (24) hour storm. Sediment detention ponds, when included, shall be designed to achieve ninety (90) percent trap efficiency for all sediments of .005 mm or larger diameter. If the discharge from the pond is passed through a filtration (i.e. a constructed wetland) or infiltration device, the trap efficiency requirements may be reduced. Where the contributing drainage area is less than five (5) acres, a specific engineered design for these sediment trapping facilities shall not be required. Silt traps may be used to detain and treat runoff if the contributing drainage area is less than five (5) acres. 10. Temporary Sediment Ponds. Temporary sediment ponds that will be removed after successful revegetation of the site shall be designed to safely detain and release all storms up to and including the twenty -five (25) year, twenty -four (24) hour storm at its historic, pre - development rate of release. Ponds that will be left as permanent facilities shall have a capacity to safely pass the one hundred (100) year flood and meet any dam and requirements of the State Engineer. 11. Construction De- Watering. All construction de- watering activities shall conform with the State's construction de- watering permit requirements, which include daily monitoring of total suspended solids with a thirty (30) day average concentration of no more than thirty (30) mg/1 and a seven (7) day average of no more than forty-five (45) mg/l. Discharges from construction de- watering operations shall be accomplished in a manner that does not cause erosion. 12. Inspection and Maintenance. The applicant shall inspect all erosion and sediment control devices after any precipitation event during construction, and make any necessary repairs immediately thereafter. At a minim erosion and sediment control devices shall be inspected monthly. An inspection log shall be kept on -site for review by County officials until the project is complete. A copy of the inspection log sheets shall be delivered to the County at the end of each month during construction. 50 fi . C. Erosion and Sediment utrol Plan. An applicant for any deveYt, listed in Section 4- 665.A.2., Applicability shall submit an erosion and sediment control plan prepared by a qualified professional. The plan shall contain the following information: 1. Existing Features. Location of all existing and proposed structures and hydrologic features on the site, including intermittent water features, wetlands and the one hundred (100) year flood plain and all drainage structures or natural features on the land adjacent to the site and within a minimum of one hundred (100) feet of the site boundary line. The map must show the locations of street gutters, storm sewers, drainage channels, other water conveyance structures, wetlands or other waters receiving storm runoff from the site. 2. Topography. Existing and proposed topography at reasonable contour intervals, to provide necessary detail of the site. Existing and proposed areas of fifteen (15) to thirty (30) percent and greater than thirty (30) percent slope shall be identified. The map should extend a minimum of one hundred (100) feet beyond the property line and show the location of the property line. The map should show elevations, dimensions, location, extent and slope of all proposed grading including building site and driveway grades and the boundary limits of clearing and grading. 3. Plans.. Plans of all drainage features, paved areas, retaining walls, cribbing, planting, temporary or permanent soil erosion control measures, or other features to be constructed in connection with or as part of the proposed development. As applicable, design drawings of sediment controls, temporary diversions, and practices used shall be provided. A brief description, including specifications, shall also be provided of how the site will be stabilized after construction is completed. 4. Storage Areas. The location of storage areas designated for equipment, fuel, lubricants, chemical and waste storage. Details on spill containment structures shall be provided where storage of these materials is planned. The location of soil stockpiles and snow storage areas shall also be shown, along with the location of any temporary roads designed for use during construction period. 5. Construction Schedule. The plan shall describe the expected starting and completion dates of the site grading and/or construction, including the installation and removal time periods of erosion and sediment control measures, and the duration of exposure of each area prior to the completion of temporary erosion and sediment control measures. 6. Calculations. Any calculations made for determining rainfall, runoff, sizing any sediment basins, diversions, conveyance or detention/retention facilities. 7. NPDES Permit. Evidence of compliance with state and federal requirements to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for construction sites disturbing five (5) acres or more. Section 4 -710 Road Impact Fees Section 4- 710.E. La E. Imposition of Fee. 1. Time of Fee Obligation and Payment. a. After the effective date of this Regulation, upon the Commencement of Traffic- Generating Development within unincorporated areas of the county, a road 51 impact �ee�, pursuant to the terms of this Regulation, shall be imposed on each Lot (or other portion) of the development. The amount of the fee shall be determined and paid to the Impact Fee Administrator at the time of issuance of a building permit for the development, or other associated actions of Eagle County having the effect of permitting the development of land. The obligation to pay the impact fee shall run with the land, and, therefore, the unpaid obligation to pay fees passes with title for purposes of these regulations. No building permit will be issued until all fees due hereunder with respect to the Lot which is the subject of the building permit application have been paid in M. If any credits are due pursuant to Section 4- 710.11, Credits, they shall also be determined at that time. The fee shall be computed separately for the amount of construction activity covered by the permit, if the building permit is for less than the entire development. If the fee is imposed for a Traffic- Generating Development that increases traffic impact because of a change in use, the fee shall be determined by computing the difference in the fee schedule between the new Traffic - Generating Development and the existing Traffic- Generating Development. The obligation to pay the impact fee shall run with the land. (am3112102) Article 5- Administration Section 5 -210 Provisions of General Applicability Section 5- 210.E.1,2,3 Page 5 -19. E. Notice of public hearings. All applications for development permits requiring public hearings, unless otherwise noted, shall follow the provisions of this subsection with regard to public notice and the conduct of such public hearings. The Community Development Director shall be responsible for: (1) placing notice in the newspaper; (2) mailing notice to adjoining landowners; and (3) furnishing a copy of the sign to the applicant. The applicant shall be responsible for: (1) providing the Community Development Director with a list of adjacent landowners from the most recent County ad valorem tax rolls; (2) paying for the costs of publishing notice and mailing notice; (3) posting the sign(s) on the property; and (4) submitting an affidavit that notice was properly posted on the property. (am 9127199, 3112102) 1. Notice in newspaper. All applications; except for Final Plats, Amended Final Plats, Subdivision Exemptions, Minor Type B Subdivisions, and Limited Review Applications, shall be advertised in the legal notice section of an official County newspaper. Notice of an application for amendments to the text of these Land Use Regulations and the Zoning District Map and all development permits requiring a public hearing except those for Subdivision shall be published no less than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the first public hearing. Notice of an application for a Sketch Plan or Preliminary Plan for Subdivision shall be published a minimum of twenty -one (21) days before the Planning Commission public hearing and thirty (30) days before the Board of County Commissioner's public hearing. In the event the Planning Commission tables a file beyond the original Board of County Commissioners published hearing date, the file must be re- advertised a minimum of 15 days prior to the reestablished Board of County Commissioners hearing unless the Board of County Commissioners tables the file to a date certain. (am3112102) 52 G Notices shall con °yam the following information. a. Type of application. The type of application sought: i.e. amendment to the Official Zone District Map, amendment to the text of these Land Use Regulations, Planned Unit Development (PUD) District, Special Use Permit, Variance Permit or Subdivision. b. Description of action. A short description of the proposed action requested. C. Location of land. The common street address and part of the County (name of community, where applicable) of the land subject to the application, a general legal description of the land, and a description of the area (size) of the land. d. Location, date, time. The location, address, date, and time of the public hearing. e. Where information may be obtained. Information on where the full details of the application may be obtained including, if it is a proposed amendment to the Official Zone District Map or the text of these Land Use Regulations, the place where the text or the map may be examined. 2. Mailed notice. A notice containing all the information required under Section 5- 210.E.I ., Notice in Newspaper, shall be sent by mail, first -class postage prepaid, to all landowners of the land subject to the application and all adjacent landowners of the land subject to the application no less than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the public hearing. All applications, except for Minor Type B Subdivisions involving the subdivision of condominiums, townhomes and duplexes, shall comply with this section. (am 3112102) 3. Posted notice. All lands subject to a public hearing except for Minor Type B Subdivisions involving the subdivision of condominiums, townhomes and duplexes, and Limited Review Applications, shall be posted with at least one (1) notice (a sign) of the public hearing at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the public hearing. The dimensions of the sign(s) shall be a minimum of two (2) feet by three (3) feet. The sign(s) shall state the type of application sought for the land, the Eagle County file name, and number, and that more detailed information is available about the application in the Community Development Department. Signs are available in the Department of Community Development during regular business hours. (am 3112102) The sign(s) shall be set back no more than twenty -five (25) feet from the street, and shall be erected in full view of the public on each street side of the land subject to the application. Where the land does not have frontage on a public or private street, the sign(s) shall be erected on the nearest street right -of -way with an attached notation indicating generally the direction and distance to the land subject to the application. The materials to which the sign(s) is affixed shall be sturdy and waterproof or shall have a waterproof covering. The posting of such sign(s) will be the responsibility of the applicant, and applicant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain a sign upon the property for the duration of the posting period. Prior to public hearing , the applicant will provide a sworn certification that such notice was posted on the property in accordance with these guidelines, and that property has remained so posted for the required number of days prior to the public hearing. The sign(s) shall be removed after the decision is rendered on the application. The failure of any such posted notice to remain in place after the notice has been properly posted, without the applicant's knowledge and despite applicant's reasonable efforts to maintain the sign(s), shall not be deemed a failure to comply with the standards, or be grounds to challenge the validity of any decision made on the application. (am 9127199) 53 Section 5- 240 Planned Unit Development (PUD) District Section 5- 240.1 Page 5 -47 m. Amendment to Preliminary Plan for PUD.. No substantial modification, removal, or release of the provisions of the plan shall be permitted except upon a finding by the County, following a public hearing called and held in accordance with the provisions of section 24- 67- 104(1)(e) Colorado Revised Statutes that: (am 3112102) (1) Modification. The modification, removal, or release is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire Planned Unit Development; (am 3112102) (2) Adjacent Properties. The PUD Amendment does not effect, in a substantially adverse manner, either the enjoyment of land abutting upon or across a street from the Planned Unit Development or the public interest; (am 3112102) (3) Benefit. The PUD Amendment is not granted solely to confer, a special benefit upon any person. (am 3112102) In addition to the above requirements a Preliminary Plan for PUD may be amended, extended, varied or altered only pursuant to the standards and procedures established for its original approval. (4) Standards. PUD Amendments shall address the standards Pursuant to Section 5- 240.F.3.e. Applicant shall also provide a copy of the PUD Guide clearly demonstrating what amendments are to be made. (am 3112102) (5) Notification. The applicant shall provide pre - addressed, stamped envelopes for every property owner in the PUD, as well as for all adjacent property owners. The applicant shall also comply with Section 5- 210.E. (am 3/12102) Section 5 -240 Planned Unit Development (PUD) District To be inserted Section 5 -240.G Planned Unit Development (PUD) District Page 5 -50 G. Applicability of PUD 1. Other. Except as expressly provided otherwise in a particular Planned Unit Development Guide, all development of property shall conform to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. If the PUD falls silent concerning a particular standard, restriction, etc, but the Eagle County Land Use Regulations are not, the Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall be the controlling document. If the PUD conflicts with the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, the PUD shall rule. (orig 3112102) 54 C Section 5 -270 Subdivision Exemption Section 5- 270.A.2 Page 5 -60 2. Adequate ac cess, adequate potable water, and adequate sewaLye treatment facilities are available. Adequate access, adequate potable water, and adequate sewage treatment facilities are available. (am 9127199) At the discretion of the County Engineer, pre - existing access may be exempt from current driveway standards until the use of the access increases due to either a change, or intensity in use. (am 3112102) Section 5 -280 Subdivision Section 5- 280.13.4.a(2)(p)and (s) Page 5 -69 (p) Erosion Control Standards pursuant to Section 4 -665; (am m2/02) (s) Street Plan and Profiles - Roads shall be designed in accordance with Section 4 -620 of these Regulations. Plan views and centerline profile shall be plotted at a horizontal scale of 1 inch to 5 feet on sheets supplemental to the drainage plan. These plans and profiles (etc.) (am 3112102) Section 5 -280 Subdivision Section 5- 280.B.5.c. Page 5 -78 C. Recording. After the Final Plat for Subdivision is approved by the Board and all required conditions related to the Final Plat are satisfactorily addressed, the original mylar drawing shall be recorded. Failure of the applicant to record the Final Plat and Subdivision Agreement within one hundred and eighty (180) days of its approval shall render the Final Plat for Subdivision, and Subdivision Agreement invalid. (am 3112102) Section 5 -290 Minor Subdivision Sections 5- 290.C.5. Page 5 -83 and 5 -84 5. Other. If required within a PUD the Community Development Certificate may also be required to be on the Plat. (orig 3112102) 55 Section 5 -290 Minor Subdivision Sections 5- 290.C.5. and G.La -g; G.2 Page 5 -84? G. Standards. The Board of County Commissioners and the Community Development Director shall consider the following in the review of a Type A Subdivision, a Type B Subdivision, and an Amended Final Plat. 1. Standards for Type A Subdivision. (orig 3112102) a. Consistent with Master Plan. The proposed subdivision shall be consistent with the Eagle County Master Plan and the FLUM of the Master Plan; b. Consistent with Land Use Regulations. The proposed subdivision shall comply with all of the standards of this Section and all other provisions of these Land Use Regulations, including, but not limited to, the applicable standards of Article 3, Zone Districts and Article 4, Site Development Standards C. Spatial Pattern Shall Be Efficient. The proposed subdivision shall be located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, or require duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a "leapfrog" pattern of development. (1) Utility and Road Extensions. Proposed utility extensions shall be consistent with the utility's service plan or shall require prior County approval of an amendment to the service plan. Proposed road extensions shall be consistent with the Eagle County Road Capital Improvements Plan (2) Serve Ultimate Population. Utility lines shall be sized to serve the planned ultimate population of the service area in order to both avoid future land disruption, and the necessity of upgrading under -sized lines. (3) Coordinate Utility Extensions. Generally, utility extensions shall only be allowed when the entire range of necessary facilities can be provided, rather than incrementally extending a single service into an otherwise un -served area. d. Suitability for Development. The property proposed to be subdivided shall be suitable for development, considering its topography, environmental resources and natural or man-made hazards that may affect the potential development of the property, and existing and probable future public improvements to the area. e. Compatible With Surrounding Uses. The proposed subdivision shall be compatible with the character of existing land uses in the area and shall not adversely affect the future development of the surrounding area. f. Improvements Agreements. The adequacy of the proposed Improvements Agreement, where applicable. g. Conformance with Final Plat Requirements. Its conformance with the Final Plat requirements and other applicable regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines 56 2. Standards for Type B Subdivision. (am 3112102) A. Access, Water and Sewage. The adequacy of access, potable water, and sewage disposal on the land to be subdivided; b. Conformance with Final Plat Requirements. Its conformance with the Final Plat requirements and other applicable regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines; and C. Improvements Agreements. The adequacy of the proposed Improvements ` Agreement, where applicable. Section 5 -2100 Certificate of Zoning Compliance Section 5- 2100.D.2. Page 5 -87 D. Procedure. 1. Initiation. An application for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall only be submitted by the owner, or any other person having a recognizable interest in the land, or their authorized agent. 2. Submission of application. An application for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall be submitted to the Community Development Director. (am 3112102) Section 5 -2500 Vested Property Rights Section 5- 2500.C.1. Page 5 -95/6 C. Duration and termination. 1. Duration. A vested property right as defined in this Subsection shall be deemed effective as of the date the Board of County Commissioners approves the site specific development plan, and shall remain effective for a period of three (3) years. This vesting period shall not be extended by any amendments to a site specific development plan, unless expressly authorized by the Board of County Commissioners. Such approval shall be subject to all rights of judicial review; except that the period of time permitted by law for the exercise of such rights shall not begin to run until the date of publication of a notice advising the general public of the approval. Publication shall be done by the Eagle County Department of Community Development. (am 9127199, 3112102) 57 Section 5 -2600 Temporary Re ;lions }' Section 5 -2600 Page 5 -97 SECTION 5 -2600. TEMPORARY REGULATIONS The Board of County Commissioners, if in its opinion conditions require such action, may promulgate, by resolution at a public meeting, regulations of a temporary nature to be effective for a limited period not to exceed 30 days. During this 30 day period, a 15 day public notice shall be given in a newspaper of local distribution, advertising a public hearing to discuss the matter at hand requiring the temporary regulation and may at such public hearing extend the duration of the effectiveness of said regulation for a period not to exceed 6 months. The nature of the temporary regulation may prohibit or regulate, in any part or all of the unincorporated territory of Eagle County, the zoning or subdivision of land, or the erection, construction, reconstruction or alteration of any building or structure used or to be used for any business, residential, industrial or commercial purpose. (am 3112102) To be inserted New: Section 5 -2700 Correction Plat Page 5 -97 SECTION 5 -2700. CORRECTION PLAT (orig 3112102) The Board of County Commissioners, without a hearing or compliance with any of the submission, referral or review requirements in these Land Use Regulations, may approve a Correction Plat if the sole purpose of such a correction plat is to correct one or more technical errors on a previously approved Plat, The Correction Plat shall be consistent with an approved Preliminary Plan. A. Correction Plat Requirements. 1. Certificates. The following certificates, found in Appendix A of these Land Use Regulations, are required on the new and corrected Mylar: County Commissioners' Certificate 2. Surveyor's Certificate 3. Clerk and Recorder Certificate 2. General Notes. Contained within the General Notes should be a purpose statement, the name of the Plat that the Correction Plat supersedes, and any other notes which are pertinent to the Correction Plat. 3. Mylars. All pages of the previously recorded Plat for which the Correction is being made, must be submitted and titled CORRECTION PLAT. a] r N O O O O O O ° w ra ra as � as oa E E E E b E E w c U U U U U U U 0 ca c p O G p RE rA z>4 >4 Z z Z a i r. a 0 C 'C o x� w a� u •q z �o w� o � C a a a a a s a O: a s a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a w4) tu ea w as Ta as Ta ea is ea ea 0 is w at C O C O G O O O Q O 0 O O 0 C O O G O C O C O C O C O O O G O R O v� �MD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 :� 0 CL 0 CL 0 0 0 0 ' VJ "' �.: .:....... :�; :: ., ..�•' :: .:•�� .. .. `� �rr ::: i:'': ]�: :iii:: .� viii: �. ':� �ii:�i ::: ii:�: " " :�::-:::�:' ::i ii .:•.: ii::.::�: :-:'::� �:�:� '�i is i "i::'i: •i:�:: :. ::: ii: �:. �:::: [!� ;: : �i/�. �. ::::: !0.. :::. .::2i3; ., ..; -; :,.::. ::.::;. _.;;5:::: = : g:i;di ::;;:;: :;:; <�l .; ::;• : <S >:?:vj. `'i::; - : ii[:[ ^r: b s. �:::;;:_ ;.; -' . �.;;�: si :;;;:;;.; � i;;;:; :'i : ; %i�5�:::5::: ""!' o;::>: -: ;i:3: �' ::;•: .: r:n:;�::;:::::;;�. �::� :i:: =:. �::; ::;:9,t,2 >:; �i W Ali • �• ' ' 'rS S7i } 1� O 3{i :r O i'�i ..' .� ,y N Article 6: NONCONFO Section 6 -110 Non - Conforming Uses and Structures To be inserted Section 6 -110.J Page 6 -2 J. Conforming Use in a Nonconforming Structure. Conforming uses within a nonconforming structure may change as long as the use does not increase the nonconformity of that structure. Uses must be allowable pursuant to Article 3, Zone Districts (am 3112102) Section 6 -120 Nonconforming Lots of Record Section 6 -120. A.1, 2; and B.2 Page 6 -3 SECTION 6 -120 NONCONFORMING LOTS OF RECORD A. General. Where a legal lot of record has an area or frontage that does not conform to the standards of these Land Use Regulations, but it was a legal lot of record on January 1, 1999, the effective date of these Land Use Regulations, such lot or parcel of land may be developed, provided it is not a contiguous lot under common ownership as defined in Section 6- 120.B., Contiguous Parcels Under Single Ownership and the minimum yard standards for the zone district in which it is located are met or a variance from these standards is obtained pursuant to Section 5 -260, Variances (am 9/27/99) 1. Uses By Right. In all instances, and except for a contiguous lot under single ownership, this Section shall be interpreted to allow one (1) single family dwelling unit to be located on a nonconforming legal lot of record, and in the Resource (R) Zone District only, to allow a nonconforming legal lot of record to maintain those agricultural uses that are allowed uses in that zone district. New single family dwelling units shall comply with any and all standards of these Land Use Regulations. (am 3112102) 2. Additional Uses. In all zone districts, except for the Fulford Historical (FH) and Backcountry (BC) zone districts, this Section shall be interpreted to allow the owner of a nonconforming lot of record to apply, pursuant to Section 5 -250, Special Uses for any other use that is allowed, allowed by limited review, or allowed by special review, for any use normally permitted in the applicable underlying zone district (see Table 3 -300 Residential, Agricultural, and Resource Zone Districts Use Schedule). All setbacks and zone standards must be adhered to, except that the uses approved by the Board of County Commissioners may be allowed on lots which do not meet minimum lot size for that zone district. (am 3112102) W Appendix A CI Appendix A Certificates Page 4 Title Certificate does hereby certify that it has examined the Title to all lands shown upon this Plat and that Title to such lands is vested in free and clear of all liens, taxes and encumbrances, except as follows: Dated this day of , A.D., 20 AGENT (am 3112102) Chapter 5: Regulations for Construction in the Public WU of Eagle County Chapter 5 Regulations for Construction in the Public Way of Eagle County Page 5 -4 5.04.17 Public Way Public Way shall mean and include all public easements, rights -of -way, and roads under the control and jurisdiction of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. A public way within the scope and intent of these Regulations shall include, by way of example only, easements, rights -of -way, and roads over private lands dedicated to public uses by deed, subdivision plat, or other legal document to that effect, filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, when such dedication has been accepted by the Board; easements, rights -of -way, and roads over private or other lands dedicated to public uses by due process of law and not heretofore vacated by an order of the Board duly entered of record in the proceedings of the Board; easements, rights -of -way, and roads over private lands that have been used adversely without interruption or objection on the part of the owners of such lands for twenty consecutive years, and of which the Board has overtly exerted some degree of ownership control thereon; and easements, rights -of -way, and roads over the public domain, whether agricultural or mineral, of which the Board by and through its overt actions has assumed the responsibility and obligation for maintenance and control thereof. (am 3112102) 61 Chapter 6: Areas and Activi 4 State Interest Chapter 6 Areas and Activities of State Interest Permit Applications and Permits Page 86 6.06.22 Application Procedures 1) The procedures concerning permit applications, notice and conduct of permit hearings, review of Permit Authority decisions, and the issuance and content of permits to engage in development in the Floodplain Hazard Areas shall comply with the provisions set forth in Section 6.01 of the Administrative Regulations adopted by the County of Eagle. 2) The Permit Authority hereby designates the County Engineer as the Floodplain Management Administrator to assist in the implementation and administration of these Floodplain Regulations. Duties of the Floodplain Management Administrator shall include the following: (am 3112102) C:f) The following is a new append Chapter H of the Land Use Regnlatio Appendix E Named Streams (brig 3112102) G C, td td t7� by Cd td td b� td b� td by bd bd td by td td � by td bd tr �.CD N (D (D N (D N CD (D CD (D 0 w w �, aa���aa A m(IQ o <c ca n ��rs - �.�xx��•xpxx orc� 000�aa� �- oc000�°wwa?a'wwp'aEL CD o o C y 0� uc� p °cuC �cocecccucocecuco�p��� fi fD (•� (� x - CD (D x 0 .� (D tv Q7 n n co (D fD (D (D tD (D (D CD — (D (D �x x i ° xx x� Ox (D �xxxxxxx 0 CD CD CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . C' mItd CD ] 0mm��7�ro CIC )tz C) t� ;dC7 td � ntr.7�H��G�C7byC) s 14 � � a �s Q. R. 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