HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-018 variance for Berry Creek/Miller Ranch PUDCommissioner moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 02 - Ql g` APPROVAL OF A PETITION TO GRANT A VARIANCE FROM IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS ESTABLISHED IN SECTION 4 -620 OF THE EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PORTION OF THE BERRY CREEK /MILLER RANCH P.U.D. File Number VIS -0015 L�i �,� EL OD 0mm Lo~Np r CD �m P, a m m a r WHEREAS, ASW Realty Partners, LLC, (hereinafter "Appli- cant ") , submitted to the Eagle County Engineering Department a petition for variances from the requirements of Section 4 -620 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations ( "ECLUR °)for the Affordable Housing Portion of the Berry Creek /Miller Ranch. P.U.D.; and WHEREAS, the variances are shown on the attached Exhibit A "Berry Creek PUD Road Review ", Exhibit B "Revisions to Berry Creek Road Review dated December 11,2001" (dated January 14, 2002), Exhibit C "Land Use Plan ", Exhibit D "Street Sections" and exhibit E "AASHTO Single Unit Truck Design Vehicle "; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners ( "the Board "), conducted a public hearing on January 22, 2002, to consider the Applicant's petition; and WHEREAS, the Board, has considered all the evidence, exhib- Its and arguments presented at and prior to the hearings. WHEREFORE, based on the evidence presented, the Board finds that the Applicant's petition meets the intent of Section 5 -260.G which governs the granting of a Variance From Improvement Stan- dards of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, and also finds the following: 1) The Applicant has filed a petition for a Variance From Improvement Standards in conformance with the requirements of Section 5 -260.G of the ECLUR. 2) The petition has been properly advertised and is ready for consideration by the Board of County Commissioners. 3) The design proposed by the Applicant will provide a roadway standard that is equally durable to and equally safe as the current standards. 1 4) The Appli. ?t has demonstrated hards to the developer and the public if _fhere is strict adherence to the current improvement standards in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. 5) Hardships to the Applicant of not granting the variances exceed any currently perceived adverse impacts on the health, safety, and welfare of persons affected, or adverse impacts to the affected lands. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved by the Board of County Commis- sioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado: THAT, on balance, the benefits to the developer of granting the variance outweigh the adverse impacts to people and lands affected by granting the variance. THAT, The Board hereby approves the Applicant's petition for a Variance from the requirements of Section 4 -620 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, to allow the Applicant to use the roadway cross sections and standards shown on the attached Exhibit A "Berry Creek PUD Road Review ", Exhibit B "Revisions to Berry Creek Road Review dated December 11,2001" (dated January 14, 2002), Exhibit C "Land Use Plan ", Exhibit D "Street Sections" and exhibit E "AASHTO Single Unit Truck Design Vehicle" with the following conditions: (1) This variance approval is limited to the geographical extent of the Berry Creek Stn / Miller Ranch PUD affordable Housing Neighborhood. (2) A PUD COMPREHENSIVE PARKING PLAN be required with the Site Specific Development Plan Application. (3) The intersections where the AASHTO Single Unit Truck cannot negotiate the corners in one motion be redesigned to allow for the ability for this type of vehicle to make the corners in one motion. THAT, the Board of County Commissioners directs the Depart- ment of Community Development to provide a copy of this Resolu- tion to the Applicant. THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the Count of Eagle, Stat„g..of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the �s�jt, day of 2002. ATTEST: 2 COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, by and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS UZ Clerk to the Board o County Commissioners v - !. Tom C. ne, Commissioner r Arn M.— Me` ; Commissioner r Commissioner yt,�� seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner, Michael L. Gallagher Commissioner, Tom C. Stone OX%41- Commissioner, Arn M. Menconi n...o This Resolution passed by (3—(--) vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 3 1 1 1 r 0 C, Berry Creek PUD Road Review December 11, 2001 Prepared by DLD Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1331 Edwards, Colorado 81632 970 - 926 -3912 970 - 926 -2058 (fax) 2001 -164; WHD, DLD Berry Creek PUD Road Review Introduction The Berry Creek PUD offers a new concept in residential development in Eagle County. The concept, New Urbanism, offers some diversity from traditional residential neighborhood developments. The diversity provides the homebuyer choices when looking for a neighborhood to establish a home. The New Urbanism neighborhood gives the homebuyer an area that promotes walk ability and connectivity. Review of New Urbanism Design The New Urbanism Design requires several changes in the design elements of the neighborhood. These design elements include narrower streets, on -street parking, sidewalks, and alleys. Narrower streets promote lower speeds and reduce a pedestrian's exposure when crossing the street. On- street parking separates the front yard area from the travel lanes. Sidewalks encourage walking within the neighborhood. Alleys provide for an entrance to the garage and service aspects of the residences. Street Review The Berry Creek PUD proposes the street cross sections shown in Figures 1 -9 (drawing sheet 2). Sheet 1 presents an index map of these streets. The primary, westerly entrance road will include divided travel lanes of 18 feet each (Figure 1, sheet 2). The secondary, easterly entrance road will include 17 -foot travel lanes (Figure 2, sheet 2). Parking will not be allowed on these roads. The east -west street that connects the primary and secondary entrances will include 11- foot travel lanes and angled parking (Figure 9, sheet 2). The north -south street immediately south of the secondary entrance road will also have the cross section shown in Figure 9. On the east and west sides of the park, the roads will have 16 -foot, one -way travel lanes with angled parking (Figure 8, sheet 2). Other roads within the development will have 26 feet of pavement, which will consist of a 7 -foot parallel parking lane and a shared 19 -foot travel lane (Figures 3 -7, sheet 2). These neighborhood streets are designed for low volume and low speed. Passing in the opposite direction will occur at alley entrances and where parking is prohibited. Street widths listed above are measured to the flowline of gutter. The alleys near the southerly portion of the project must be accessible by the fire pumper truck. (See Fire Truck Access section below.) These alleys will each have a shared 16- foot travel lane. Other alleys will each have a shared 12 -foot travel lane. EXHIBIT All of the street sections for the Berry Creek PUD will include curb and gutter. On -street parking will be included on all roads beyond the entrance roads. Curb radii at the southern end of the entrance roads will be set according to design considerations eliminating encroachment, by passenger cars, upon oncoming lanes of traffic. Curb radii will be set to allow ASSHTO "single -unit vehicles" to access all roads (excluding alleys) within the development. The curb radii at intersections will be a minimum of ten feet. These radii will provide for an increased level of safety when compared to corners with larger radii: First, pedestrians will be exposed to traffic in shorter crosswalks. Second, the radii of ten feet naturally will cause vehicles to proceed through the intersections at a reduced speed. Cutoff corners at alleys will have minimum dimensions of 5 feet by 10 feet. AASHTO The AASHTO publication, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2001, states that in many residential areas a 26 -foot wide road is typical. This width provides for two 7 -foot parking lanes and a 12 -foot shared travel lane. The minimum road in the Berry Creek PUD will have a 26 -foot minimum width with only one 7 -foot parking lane and a 19 -foot shared travel lane. Snow Storage Snow storage and removal strategies have been reviewed with the Eagle County Road & Bridge Department. All streets will only have parking on one side; this will allow snow to be pushed to one side of the street in all cases. By plowing to one side, a continuous snow storage area will be provided alongside all streets. Snow storage areas have been designated by others. Refer to the snow storage diagram (under separate cover) prepared by Wolff Lyon Architects for detail concerning snow storage areas. Fire Truck Access Using a centerline turning radius of twenty -five feet, the Eagle River Fire Protection District's (ERFPD) Quantum Pumper will be able to drive to within 100 feet of any building. This includes turning into the 16 -foot alleys along the south edge of the development. The attached drawings (sheets 4 -25) show the simulation of the design vehicle, the Quantum Pumper (sheet 28), driving through the development. Also attached (sheet 29) is the comparison of the 25 -foot centerline turning radius with the turning radii provided by the manufacturer. All radii at street intersections and cutoff corners at alleys (those alleys to be accessible by the Quantum pumper truck as shown on sheets 4 -25) will be sized to provide a minimum 1.0 -foot buffer between the fire truck tires and the front of curb, or between the fire truck body and any obstructions such a parked cars. A mountable curb, acceptable to the ERFPD, may be used in areas where the 1.0 -foot buffer to front -of -curb may not be maintained and at alley entrances. ExHiQir The Uniform Fire Code specifies a 20 -foot unobstructed access width for fire access roads. This requirement will be satisfied since all streets will only have parking on one side and the alleys will have a minimum right -of -way of twenty feet. Alleys will provide the opportunity to attack a fire from at least two directions. In addition, the alleys will provide a fire buffer between lots that would otherwise share a common, unobstructed rear lot line. The proposed development plan has been reviewed with Carol Gil - Mulson of the ERFPD and modified per her recommendations. Parking All of the on -street parallel parking is designed with a 7 -foot parking lane. This differs from the current Eagle County Land Use Regulation 4 -140B. This regulation states that all outdoor parking spaces shall be ten by twenty feet. This is the size normally used for angled parking, which allows for car doors opening. With parallel parking spaces, this extra dedicated space to open the door may be reduced. The AASHTO publication, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2001, states that parallel parking lanes should be a minimum of seven feet wide. The on -street angled parking is designed at a sixty degree angle. The usable space enclosed within these parking stalls to the front of curb will be 17 feet deep by 10 feet wide. With the 2 -foot overhang allowed for in the Eagle County Land Use Regulation 4 -140B, the total depth of the parking stalls will be 19 feet, one foot less than stated in regulation 4 -140B. Where the 2 -foot vehicle overhang will encroach on a sidewalk, the 5 -foot sidewalk will be increased to six feet. This will keep the effective width of any sidewalks at four feet or greater, as required by Eagle County regulations. The on -street perpendicular parking stalls, located at the southern end of the development, will be 18 feet deep, to the front of curb, by ten feet wide. With the 2 -foot overhang allowed per Eagle County Land Use Regulation 4 -140B, the total usable depth of these parking stalls will be 20 feet. Findings The street widths within the Berry Creek PUD will promote safety by encouraging low vehicular speeds and by limiting exposure to crossing pedestrians. On- street parking will provide a buffer between the traveled way and off -street areas. Alleys will eliminate the need for driveways to access the streets directly. For these reasons, the streets within the Berry Creek PUD will provide good performance for both passenger vehicle use and residential livability. As shown on sheets 4 through 25 and described earlier, the Quantum Pumper of the ERFPD will be able to drive to within 100 feet of all buildings. The ERFPD directed that the Quantum Pumper be chosen as the design vehicle for fire access. The proposed site c c plan was reviewed with Carol Gil- Mulson of the ERFPD and adjusted per her recommendations. Street durability will be unaffected by the proposed dimensional variances requested for the Berry Creek PUD. Minimum structural cross - sections will be designed per the Eagle County Land Use Regulations or more stringent recommendations if provided by the geotechnical engineer. Structural cross - sections for sidewalks, curb and gutter, and drainage pans will be designed per Colorado Department of Transportation standards. Life and fire safety, drivability, residential livability, and durability will be provided by the streets within the Berry Creek PUD. DLD Engineering, Inc. P"fcmdonal MR &nginec P.O. Box 1331 Edwards, CO OW2 WM 92a -s9il (070) 928 -2058 4id 1 Cr - t BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Overall Street Section Key Plan 1 WID I— 11 Dec 2001 I_„. 2001 -164 1— 1 29 romt, C; C" FIGURE I Travel Lanes Tree No Parking SECONDARY ENTRANCE FIGURE 2 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE 3 Right -of -Vay -- 4.00 12.00 19.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 Sidewalk Tree Lae. Travel Lanes parking Lone Tree Lnwn Sidewalk NEIGHBORHOO➢ STREET FIGURE 4 —Park 4.00 7.00 Sidewalk Tree Lawn DLD Engineering, Inc. Psoteweionsl Men Renner P.O. Box M Edwards, CO 61632 1a70) gee -= WO) 92"M uad Travel NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE 7 ED PARKING FIGURE 8 Right -of -Vay 22.00 19.25 Travel Lanes Parking Lane ANGLED PARKING FIGURE 9 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Street Crow See6one N.T.S. M-- Rf/D are 11 Dec 2001 aeaon ar ad.�c �n: srseadw u 2001 -164 sezr 2 - 29 n�� Right -of -Vay 600 8.00 19.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 rwalk Trec Larn Travel Lanes PnrkMg Lone Tree Lawn Sidewalk NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE 5 46.00 Right -of -Vay 4.00 6.00 19.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 Sldewolk Trea Laen Travel Lanes Parking Lane I Tree Lawn Sidewalk NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE 6 40.00 Right -of -Vay 4.00 6.00 7.00 19.00 4.00 Skeeaik Tree Lawn Pa king Lurrie Travel Lanes Lawn —Park 4.00 7.00 Sidewalk Tree Lawn DLD Engineering, Inc. Psoteweionsl Men Renner P.O. Box M Edwards, CO 61632 1a70) gee -= WO) 92"M uad Travel NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE 7 ED PARKING FIGURE 8 Right -of -Vay 22.00 19.25 Travel Lanes Parking Lane ANGLED PARKING FIGURE 9 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Street Crow See6one N.T.S. M-- Rf/D are 11 Dec 2001 aeaon ar ad.�c �n: srseadw u 2001 -164 sezr 2 - 29 n�� c GRAPHIC SCALE ( W FEET ) i inch a 20 ft. aaaa / / it .r A'/ / DLD Engineering, Inc. Prof —innci Civil Engineer P.O. Box W Edwards, CO OW2 WD) 926-OM Will WM -2055 9.d Notes: 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown on sheet 28) BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Detai A HHD ann 11 Oer 2001 • A1srGe 2001 -154 serr 4- s 29 GRAPHIC SCALE s m ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch = 29 R Notes: 1. Vehicle sim lotions drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simuloted ehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (she t 27) 3. Typical co er turning radii shown on sheet 28) ' - -J / / m � 4 Q DLD Engineering, Inc. P- f —ional Civil Engineer P.O. Box 1331 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 928-3912 (970) 926 -2058 Oad �a �a 0 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD DOW B usrn a .. AM& 2001 -164 s¢r 5 w 29 GRAPHIC SCALE III FM I Inch s 20 fL N tes: 1 Vehic a simulations drawing using AutoT rn Simu ated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum P mpe Typi I corner turning radii shown on ]s eet DLD Engineering, Inc. Prof —ional Lidl Engineer P.O. Box 1331 Edwfirck CO 81632 (970) 926 -912 (970) 926 -2058 OW BERRY CREEK FIFTH 1 a_ MID 11— n ��,�,_ 2007 -764 lserr 6 � 29 N NVe 1. e simulations dr wing using Auto r version 4.0 2. ated vehicle is FPD Quantum P p r (sheet 27) 3. al corner turning radii shown on a 28) 0 \D \DAD DLD Engineering, Inc. Prof"aioml Civil En`ineer P.O. Box 1331 Edward% CO 81632 WO) 92&-M2 (970) 926 -2058 ft4 C SCALE ( IN FEET )- t inert = 20 It 1� �\W\Nv e � I I BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Detai Di KID 11 Dec 2001 - AMtedr' 7 a 29 C 1. I Vehic a simulations dro ing using AutoT r ersion 4.0 2. Simu ated vehicle is E FPD Quantum P m r (sheet 27) 3. Typic I corner turning radii shown on s e t 28) DLD Engineering, Inc. Frar —ionai Civil Enxineer P.O. Box 1331 Edwards, OO 81632 WO) 92&-3= (97o) 926 -2056 Oad C SCALE (ix Feed- 1 inch - 20 R I 1 I ' I I I_.._.._.. .................................................... BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Detal D2 au.v n- WD a.a< 17 Dec 2001 `ya• A7Sife dM �,,,, 2007 -t64 s¢r 8 v 29 � o BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Detal D2 au.v n- WD a.a< 17 Dec 2001 `ya• A7Sife dM �,,,, 2007 -t64 s¢r 8 v 29 No HVehice 1. simulations dra ing using AutoT r ersion 4.0 2. ted vehicle is E FPD Quantum Pu (sheet 27) 3. 1 corner turning radii shown on set 28) O�D�D \D DLD Engineering, Inc. Pmfeanional Civil Engineer P.O. Box I= Edwards, CO 81632 (9703 926-39(2 (970) 9215-2058 Dax) r I I I 7 C SCALE ( IN FEET ) — t IMIL = 20 fl. r- FIFTH BERRY ■ ' 3.7 tail D< =— IFND 11 De 2001 20MIA . A7ntedwo 2001 -164 1a 9 v 29 GRAPHIC SCALE ! MI al C IN ET) I inch 20 IL I ' No es: 1. Vehicle simula Ions 4.0 2. 5imula ed vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pu per et 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown on sh et 28) DLD Engineering, Inc. Prof —tonal Civil Engineer P.O. Box 1331 Edwards. W 81632 (WO) 626 WM (670) 925 -1056 OW is r PUB Detail 2001 -154 10 - 29 i i i 711, 0 I 1 DLD Engineering, Inc. P- ressinoal Civil Engineer P.O. Box 1331 EdwarcK CO 81632 OM) 925-M (970) 926 -2058 Uad G GRAPHIC SCALE is o s �o m L aaI a>• 0000001 � ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch - 20 ft o � Notes: 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning rodii shown on sheet 28) --- 9ND ne,e It Dec 2007 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD 2001_164 , 7; A� "29 Dotal Ft , I I I I GRAPHIC SCALE I (lN PEEP ) I I Inch 20 fL I I II .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._....._.._.._.._.._.._.._. ._.._.._.._.._.__.._.._..�.._.. f I L O DLD Engineering, Inc - P- f—i."l CM1 Engia -r P.O. Box 1331 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926 -M 0770) 926 -20% OW Notes: 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown on sheet 28) JWD BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD -. AMI edi 2001 -164 acct 12 0 29 Detai F2 I .-;. — �j a GRAPHIC SCALE In m ( IN PEEP ) i inch s 20 fl I I I I I I I - - - - - -- - - - - / i Notes: 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown on sheet 28) DLD Engineering, Inc. Professional Civil Engineer P.O. Box 1331 Edwerde, CO 81632 Will 926-0912 (970) 926 -20.8 (t 4 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Deta Gt or w ee NH0 I.M 11 Dec 1001 - ---. AMI&d. 1001 -164 Js r 13 c, 29 GRAPHIC SCALE e ! ,0 ]0 ( m FEET ) 1 ineh = 20 R 0 Notes: 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown on sheet 28) a o 1 I I DLD Engineering, Inc. WD ,.� 11 Dec 2DO1 Prore -tonal Civil Engineer BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD 14 - 2-9w 2001 -164 s¢rLL 14 > T9 P.O. Box Xi3i Edwards, CO SM2 DOW 02 OM) 926 -3M (870) 926-205n OW a 71111 0 O I I 1 DLD Engineering, Inc. Pmr —ional Civil Entineer P.O. Box W Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 925 -M (970) 925 -2058 pax) GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FErr ) Notes: I inch a 20 rr_ 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (she (t 27) 3. Typical c rner turning radii showr on sheet 28) BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Detai k nu.Y ee WD a.s 11 Dec 200; zanaaer =. AMfad, 2007 -764 s¢r 15 - 29 / GRAPHIC SCALE / — (ncIx Peer 1 Ih = 20 IL Notes: 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown on sheet 28) DLD Engineering, Inc. Proreenional Civil Engineer P.O. Box W Edwards, CO SM2 (910> W26-3912 (M) 925 -20se (tax? BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Detd t wrar MID am 11 Dec 2001 d ®cru. A75ifedw 2007 -164 .s.<e� 16 - 29 o � �- DLD Engineering, Inc. Pruf —ional Civil Engineer P.O. Box 1331 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926 -3412 Will 926 -2058 OW I O / GRAPHIC SCALE \ rE2 1 inc.h h � 20 0 tt 4 � / I t I / f Notes: i! i 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using A(1toTurn version 4.0 2. Siinuloted vehicle is ERFPD Quonturm Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown !!ten sheet 28) i i i i i i i i i i / i i \ i \ i BERRY CREEK FIFM ,, D. WHD 700/ -164 1s 17 - 29 1 / / / / o / D GRAPHIC (IN FEET) I inch m 20 J i / J Notes: i i 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTufn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown on eet 28) i i i > i i i 1 f DLD Engineering, Inc. Pmf —ionai CMI Engineer P.O. Bole 1331 Edwerde, CA 81632 (970) 926 -3912 (970) 925-2056 (lax) BERRY CREEK • • , a:: % rx... er. WD us: 11 Dec 2001 xom en ypje�c re 2001 -164 s4er 18 v 29 N I i` GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN PELT ) 1 inch a 20 ,L Notes: i r 1. Vehicle simulotibns drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehi4le is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner! turning radii shown on sheet 28) i i r i i i- i i i DLD Engineering, Inc. Pro(e.aional Civil Engineer P.O. Box 13:ii Edwards, CO 81632 (970) W26.3912 (970) 92e -2058 aax) 1 r 1 r I r r I r i I i i i I I BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Dates L nu.v er. NND yz 11 Dec 2001 aeroan w.. A1Sifad, 2001 -164 yerr 19 v 29 i GRAPHIC SCALE 0 O S 10 m -I ( 07 FEET) 1 Inch 20 M I C Notes: i i 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using jutolurn version 4.0 I 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown !on sheet 28) ) i i ' 1 1 7 I i DLD Engineering, Inc. Profcuion l CMI Engineer P.O. Box 1331 Edwards. 00 81632 (570) G26 -0912 (970) 026 -2058 Oax) auw sr. WID -- 71 Dec 2001 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD o- AM, ad. 2001 -164 1. 20 v 29 Detail M .. s GRAPHIC SCALE 0 O S 10 m -I ( 07 FEET) 1 Inch 20 M I C Notes: i i 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using jutolurn version 4.0 I 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown !on sheet 28) ) i i ' 1 1 7 I i DLD Engineering, Inc. Profcuion l CMI Engineer P.O. Box 1331 Edwards. 00 81632 (570) G26 -0912 (970) 026 -2058 Oax) auw sr. WID -- 71 Dec 2001 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD o- AM, ad. 2001 -164 1. 20 v 29 Detail M .. i i I i I i ' I 1 I GRAPHIC SCALE �. 1 ar• � t_ �—� 1 I I (IN FEET) I Inch 20 It j ' I 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 / 1 1 I ' 1 1 ' 1 'i j 1 1 1 \ 1 O DLD Engineering, Inc. Prove -tent civil Engineer P.O. BOX W Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926 -MM (a70) 925 -20% oax) 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 Notes: i 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown pn sheet 28) i i i j i i i r WHD 1a,- 11 Dec 2001 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD 2001 -164 serr Zi gU 29 DataB P C GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch = 20 fl. Notes: ' i 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using AutoTurn version 4.0 2. Simulated vehicle is ERFPD Quantum Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown on sheet 28) i DLD Engineering, Inc. Proreaaional Civil Engineer P.O. Box in Edwards CO 811M (970) 926 -OM (970) 92e -2058 (fax) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / o I I I / I I i 0 a BERRY • PUJ a= C- �,�„ nr IWD o.z 11 Dec 2001 AM&d 2001 -164 rerr, 24 v 29 ° � V1 \ \\ \ ~_ DLo Engineering, Inc. Professional Civil Engineer mz Box mm Edwards. co81632 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET .I h~20u Notes 1. Vehicle simulations drawing using oTurn version 4.0 2' Simulated vehicle in ERFPD Quanturin Pumper (sheet 27) 3. Typical corner turning radii shown sheet 28) F7 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD 25 . 29 Truck 130 - Ladder Truck ERFPD Most Restrictive Vehicle 5.90' 22.30' 1267 16.70' 1 DLD Engineering, Inc. Pruremelanal Civil Engineer P.O Box 7331 Edwards, CO 81632 (710) 825 -3912 (970) 526 -2= OW { -9.33' 1111.96'7 Turning diameter inside - 51.0' outside 79.0' 90' [ L8.00' 195.96'] BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Fro Truck 730 s� 2001 -164 11 Dec 2001 r— FT124 &V 26 of 28 Engine 124 ERFPD Most Restrictive Fire Pumper 6.16' 17.10' 7.40' DLD Engineering, Inc. Pmfeeatonal Civic Qngimer P.O. BOX 1331 Edwards, CO SIM (970) 926-3912 (970) 926 -2059 (fail 9.33' 1111.96'7� [73.92' - —4 U [205.20 Turning di¢Pleter inside - 38.0' 3 .66' 1367.92'7 outside - 64.7' [88.80' LlL8.08, C97.O0'3 BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD El:FM Ptsrw 124 11 D- 2007 1 nu.�c�n: F7724.da 2007 -764 �ycrr- 27 - 29 �juantum Pumpe� -' ERFPD Fire Pumper {-- 10.54' 1126.51'l� 4 I 0.83' 110.00'7 7.70' (92.44'] 15.17' [182.00'7 DLD Engineering, Inc. Profs tonal Civil Engineer P.O. Box 1331 Edwards, CO 61632 W70) 928-3912 1970) 926 -2058 Uax) Tread Width /2 Wheel Offset Axle Track +- -9.21' 1110.52'7 --# I Axle Track Turning diameter Inside Turn - 14' -1' Curb to Curb - 28' -0' Wall to Wall - 32' -8' BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD U FM ouanlwn Pumper x..v se t iyam— 11 De 2001 i na.�c FT724 A nxo_— 7001 - 164 =. 2B_— 2; Couantum Pumpe ERFPD Fire Pumper AVehicle Swept Path - - - - - - - - - - Mft Rear Vheel Track/ GRAPHIC SCALE 5 ro A b ( RS FEET ) 1 Inch = 20 M DLD Engineering, Inc. Pmf —lonsl Civil Ea[ine r P.O. Box 1331 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926-9@ CM) 925 -2059 084 R25,00 -R28.00 — R32.67 r BUNY c NEEK FIFTH FUD FIRE TRUCK TUR M RADI COMPARISON Wheels Track I --- lfND a.at Il Dec 2007 FT724. N 2007 -164 arr� ?9 or 79 ...io- EXHtB17 Revisions to —— Berry Creek PUD I Ei Road Review dated December 11, 2001 Replace the following paragraphs: Parking, second paragraph The on -street angled parking is designed at a sixty degree angle. The parking spaces will extend twenty feet, measured perpendicular from the flow line. The usable space enclosed within these parking stalls, to the front of curb, will be 17.9 feet deep by 10 feet wide. With the 2 -foot overhang allowed for in the Eagle County Land Use Regulation 4 -140B, the total depth of the parking stalls will be 19.9 feet, one -tenth of a foot less than stated in regulation 4 -140B. Where the 2 -foot vehicle overhang encroaches on a sidewalk, the width of the sidewalk will be increased to maintain an effective width of no less than four feet. This will keep the effective width of any sidewalks at four feet or greater, as required by Eagle County regulations. Parkin, third paragraph The on -street perpendicular parking stalls, located at the southern end of the development, will be 19 feet deep, to the front of curb, by ten feet wide. With the 2 -foot overhang allowed per Eagle County Land Use Regulation 4 -140B, the total usable depth of these parking stalls will be 21 feet. Add the following sections: Alleys Within the alley right -of -ways will be either a 12 -foot or 16 -foot paved driving lane. The alleys with 12 -foot lanes will have 20 -foot right -of -ways; the alleys with 16 -foot lanes will have 22 -foot right -of -ways. This will leave three to four feet of snow storage within the right -of -way, along each side of the lane. On either side of the driving lane will be perpendicular parking provided by garages or outside parking stalls. These parking areas will be setback four feet from the right -of -way. For the alleys with 12 -foot lanes, this will leave a 28 -foot wide area along the alleys with no parked cars. For the alleys with 16 -foot lanes, the similar distance will be 30 feet. In addition, a four -foot snow storage easement will be created along all alley right -of -ways in the areas where there are no garages and outside parking stalls. DLD Engineering, Inc. 1/14/2002 Page 1 of 3 C" Single Unit Vehicle Access All streets of the development can be accessed by the AASHTO Single Unit Design Vehicle (SU). This vehicle is a thirty-foot long by eight -foot wide truck with two axles. Some intersections do offer challenges for the SU vehicle. The four intersections at the comers of the park generally require a three point turn when making a left or right turn through these intersections. Four other intersections require a three point turn in making two of the up to eight possible turns through the intersection (see attached drawing 30, the arrows indicate the turn movements requiring a three point turn). All other turn movements within the development can be made in a continuous forward motion. When a single unit vehicle is making deliveries to units within the development, it will park on the side of the street, possibly the no- parking side, and along the entry drive to the multi - family parcels. Also, the single unit vehicle will park along the street when making deliveries to units with no street frontage. The single unit trucks are not expected to use the alleys or the multi- family parking lots. The single unit design vehicle is the largest vehicle to be allowed into the development. Sight Distances Most street intersections will have stop signs in all directions, thus eliminating sight distance concerns at these locations. Intersections with stop signs facing only some of the directions of traffic may be specified at strategic locations where it is necessary to move vehicles very efficiently, such as near the project entrances. At these locations, mitigating factors similar to those described below for alleys will be applied. At intersections of alleys and streets, sight distances will be significantly less than typical for driveway /road intersections in Eagle County. Stop signs at the ends of alleys will require cars to stop well back from the edge of road, due to the need to allow room for pedestrian flow across the front of the alley. This situation, along with landscaping in the tree lawns and parked cars along the streets, will reduce sight distances for vehicles traveling along the main road to see vehicles waiting to pull out of the alley. Accordingly, the following mitigating factors are recommended: 1) The lane widths (on streets) and frequency of stop signs will encourage low vehicular speeds along streets. 2) A speed limit of 10 miles per hour is proposed along all streets. 3) Parallel parking spaces will be located no closer than 30' back from the edge of pavement on the alleys. 4) Within the tree lawns, shrubbery and similar landscaping will be kept at a height of 3' or lower above the adjacent pavement. 5) Within the tree lawns, trees will be kept trimmed as necessary to avoid blocking sight distances. Once trees mature, branches will be kept trimmed to a minimum of 8 feet above the adjacent pavement. DLD Engineering, Inc. 1/14/2002 Page 2 of 3 E)FH�BIT . Distances to Obstructions Along streets, the distance from the centerline of the traveled lane to obstructions will be the distance to the edge of parking spaces, where they exist adjacent to the traveled lane. Where parking spaces do not exist adjacent to the traveled lane, the distance to obstructions will be the distance to the center of the tree lawn. Refer to Sheet 2 (street cross sections) for graphical detail. Along alleys with 12 -foot driving lanes, the distance from the centerline to any obstruction will be 14 feet. This is 4 feet beyond the edge of the right -of -way. The alleys with 16 -foot driving lanes will have a clear distance from the centerline of 15 feet, 4 feet beyond the right -of way. Replace the following drawings: Sheet 2 — Street Cross Sections Add the following drawings: Sheet 30 - SU Vehicle 3 Point Turn Locations DLD Engineering, Inc. 1/14/2002 Page 3 of 3 Tree i.— Trovet Lanes Travel Lanes One Vay TraFFic One Vny TraFFk No Pnrkinp No Parking MAIN ENTRANCE FIGURE I Right - of -Voy 4.00 6.00 34.00 6.00 4.00 Sele.nik Tree L— Travel Lanes Tree Lnwn Sidewlk No Parking SECONDARY ENTRANCE FIGURE 2 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE 3 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE 4 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE S 46.00 Right -oF -Vny 4.00 6.00 19.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 Sklewnik Tree Lnwn Travel Lnnes Pnrki9 Lane Tree Lave Sidewalk NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE 6 40.00 Right -aF -Vny 4.00 6.00 7.00 19.00 4.00 Sidewalk Tree Lnwn Pnrkb9 Lnne Travel Lanes Lnwn NEIGHBORHOOD STREET FIGURE 7 DLD Engineering, Inc. Prolmlonal CIWI Engineer P.O. Box I= Edwards, CO 81632 (g70) M-3M WM 920-2D58 Oar) BERRY CREEK FIFTH PUD Street Cross Sections Lave N.F.S. WID lane 14 ✓ a 2002 2001 -164 1v 2 s 31 .s.hian: & 14 Jan 2002 BERRY CREEK PROJECT DATA UNIT TYPE TYP7CA LOT MIN LOT AREA / UNIT FOOTPRIl�,. PER LOT,, Single Family Detached 40 x 90 3600 1700 Corner Du lexes 22.5 x 90 2475 1200 RowHouses 20 x 90 1800 1320 Mill Lofts N/A N/A N/A Single Family Detached 69= a Overall Site Area (acres) 31.49 Total Number of Units 282 Overall Density (du/ac) 8.96 fr:�t , p OI I UNIT MIX SUMMARY :Th UNIT TYPE # of Units # 1 BR # 2 B Single Family Detached 69= Corner Du lex 64 32 Row House 49 24 Mill Loft 100 12 88 » TOTALS 282 12 144, Percenta a 100% 4% 51% © 5o too 200 �4v0 BERRY EDWARDS, COLORADO rL NEIG I -41 1 , Al NOVEMBER 2001 OR PARKING SPACES. EET PARKING SPACES IS ACTUALLY A FULL GE OF VEHICLES AND . SAFER, MORE DIGNI- . ,.... - --l- 1.A11 - -wi-y- i-ATED IN THE ALLEY EMERGENCY ACCESS THE EMERGENCY ACCESS ALLEY PARKING SPACES ON EITHER SIDrHE PROPERTY, HOMES FACE SOUTH TO A PEDESTRIAN RADII AT INTERSECTIONS ALLOW; - TO THE IO- WIDE PATH, PROVIDES A FOR - THE HOMES AND ELIMINATES CONFLICTS BETWEEN WITH THE BIKE PATH WINDING ALONG IT PROVIDES ,S BEYOND AS WELL AS A PLEASANT PLACE TO PEDAL. AASHTO—Geometric In of Highways and Streets :,`` .01 '46A It 0 2-6 m rear Zfi � 4 rin an gle is 31.7 f ume t d Weg . a Ass it) C,*R=C,-.Onteflheturn'jng fachus -Otfroot Wde 0 6't i OR m m ,scale Rath of -trout Exhibit 2-4. Minimum Turning Path for Single-Unit (SU) Truck Design Vehicle. 22 11 --C