HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-114 - 2007 Adoption of Budget and Making Appropriations Commissioner ~ moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2006-1cl IN RE THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET AND THE MAKING OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007. WHEREAS, C.R.S. 29-1-103, as amended, requires the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board"), to adopt a budget setting forth the expenditures of the various county offices, departments, boards, commissions, and other spending agencies for fiscal year 2006, beginning January 1, 2007, and ending December 31, 2007; and WHEREAS, public hearings on the proposed 2007 budget for the County of Eagle were held November 14, 2006; and WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice duly published in accordance with C.R.S. 29-1- 106, as amended, the proposed 2007 budget for the County of Eagle has continuously been open for public inspection from October 10, 2006; public hearings were held November 14, 2006, before the Board to consider the adoption of the subject 2007 proposed budget; and interested taxpayers were and have continuously been given the opportunity to file or register any objections to the subject proposed 2007 budget; and WHEREAS, the Board has made provisions within the 2007 budget for the County of Eagle for revenues in an amount equal to or greater than the total proposed expenditures set forth within the subject 2007 budget; and WHEREAS, C.R.S. 29-1-108 (2) requires the Board to enact a resolution making appropriations for fiscal year 2007 in accordance with the adopted 2007 budget for the County of Eagle; and WHEREAS, all legal requirements have been fully complied with and performed in the premIses. -1 - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the total amount of Ninety Eight Million, Four Hundred Ten Thousand, One Hundred Fifty Two dollars ($98,410,152) is the amount of the proposed revenues, including unappropriated fund balance, and expenditures for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, fiscal year 2007. THAT the Board hereby adopts as the budget of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for the 2007 fiscal year that certain 2007 proposed budget considered and approved, with any amendments so noted, by the Board on December 5,2006, in the total aforesaid amount of Ninety Eight Million, Four Hundred Ten Thousand, One Hundred Fifty Two dollars ($98,410,152) for the specific purposes, functions, restrictions and amounts identified during the various public budget meetings/hearings referred to hereinabove, and the various working documents associated therewith, including specifically Board approval as shown on the budget system printout dated December 5,2006. THAT, the Board hereby appropriates to the various county funds, and for the various county offices, departments, commissions, boards, and other spending agencies, the following amounts for the specific purposes, functions, restrictions and amounts identified in the adopted 2007 budget for the County of Eagle and associated working documents, and during the various public budget meetings/hearing referred to hereinabove: General Fund $39,435,388 Special Revenue Funds: Road and Bridge $ 8,075,976 Social Services 3,004,460 Social Services, WRAP 19,750 Retirement 1,410,469 Insurance Reserve 216,854 Capital Improvements 4,337,639 Eagle Valley Transportation 7,106,722 Eagle Valley Trails 154,979 Roaring Fork Valley Transportation 371,640 Roaring Fork Valley Trails 41,293 Transportation Vehicle Replacement 2,020,000 Airport 7,222,639 Conservation Trust 140,000 Microwave Maintenance 421,800 Construction Fund 17,266 Contingent 42 Housing Administration 379,953 Hazardous Materials 63,348 Open Space 3,820,866 Debt Service Funds: Joint Maint. Service Center C.O.P. 1,269,138 General Obligation Debt 16,549 -2 - i , Enterprise Fund: Landfill $ 3,947,980 Internal Service Funds: Motor Pool $6,679,681 Health Insurance 7,455,152 Trust and Agency Fund: E911 $780,568 TOT AL APPROPRIATION $98.410.152 THA T, pursuant to C.R. S. 29-1-113, Bruce Baumgartner, the Eagle County Budget Administrator, is hereby requested and directed to immediately transmit a copy of this Resolution to the officer or employee of the County of Eagle whose duty it is to draw warrants or orders for the payment of money. THAT, pursuant to Section 29-1-113, C.R.S., the Eagle County Administrator is hereby further requested and directed to file an original or certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Governments in the Department of Local Affairs. THAT, the adopted 2007 budget and the 2007 appropriations made as set forth in this Resolution are to be read as one comprehensive and integrated document. In no event shall a county office, department, commission, board, or spending agency expend or contract to expend any money; or incur any liability; or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money for any purpose for which provision is made in this Resolution, associated working documents and the related public budget meetings/hearings, which is in excess of the amounts appropriated in this Resolution for such office, department, commission, board or other spending agency, and/or purpose; nor which involves the expenditure of money inconsistent with the purposes, functions, restrictions, clarifications and/or specified monetary amounts as detailed and set forth within this Resolution, associated working documents and the related public budget meetings/hearings; nor which involves the expenditure of money for any purpose which is not identified within the aforementioned; unless prior to such expenditure the county office, department, commission, board or spending agency has presented the same to the Board, and the Board duly approves such expenditure in accordance with applicable law. THAT, the Board hereby declares to be the legislative intent that the several provisions of this Resolution shall be severable, in accordance with the provisions set forth below: If any provision of this Resolution is declared to be invalid by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, it is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that: a. The effect of such decision shall be limited to that provision or provisions which are expressly stated in the decision to be invalid; and -3 - b. Such decision shall not affect, impair, or nullify this Resolution as a whole or any other part thereof, but the rest of this Resolution shall continue in full force and effect. THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ~ day of December, 2006. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST: BOARD OF C~MMISSIONERS C~y. :~~ Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Chairman . Commissioner ~ seconded adoption ofthe foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vot was as follows: Commissioner Runyon a;vA2~ Commissioner Stone Commissioner Menconi This Resolution passed by ;;?-( ( ~~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. G:Mike\BUDGET\2007 resolution.doc -4 - OFFICE OF THE BRUCE BAUMGARTNER COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator (970) 328-8604 FAX: (970) 328-8629 TOO (970) 328-8797 Email: bruce.baumgartner@eaglecounty.us www.eaglecounty.us EAGLE COUNlY December 5, 2006 Eagle Board of County Commissioners P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board: I am pleased to provide you the proposed Fiscal Year 2007 Budget. The proposed General Fund budget is balanced and conservative while maintaining Eagle County services at or above current year levels. While most other funds are balanced, several require usage of fund balance for a variety of reasons as discussed below. The proposed budget, as summarized in below requests $98,410,152 in expenditures and revenue as compared to $126,897,294 in approved 2006 expenditures (including supplemental budgets): 2007 Proposed Budget Fund Revenue Expenditures General $35,304,404 $39,435,388 A Road & Bridge 7,153,461 8,075,976 A Social Services 2,883,298 3,004,460 A WRAP - 0- 19,750 A Retirement 1 ,460,469 1,410,469 Insurance Reserve 217,836 216,854 Off Site Road Improvement 205,000 -0- Capital Improvement 4,784,968 4,337,639 ECO Transit 7,285,174 7,106,722 ECO Trails 711,843 154,979 Roaring Fork Transit 371,640 371,640 Roaring Fork Trails 41,293 41 ,293 ECO Vehicle Replacement 757,530 2,020,000 A Airport 7,191,788 7,222,639 A Conservation Trust 140,000 140,000 Microwave Maintenance 421,450 421,800 A Contingent - 0- 42 B Emergency Reserve (TABOR) 55,527 - 0 - General Oblig. Debt - 0 - 16,549 B Maint. Service Center. Debt 1,235,453 1,269,138 A Facilities Programs 2,550,000 - 0- Capital Construction - 0 - 17,266 B Eagle County Building, 500 Broadway, p.o. Box 850. Eagle. Colorado 8163 I-0850Page 1 of 6 2007 Proposed Budget (continued) Fund Revenue Expenditures Housing 272,627 379,953 A Hazard Materials 64,200 63,348 Open Space 3,603,096 3,820,866 A Landfill 3,378,340 3,947,980 A Motor Pool 4.567,779 6,679,681 C Health Insurance 6,857,724 7,455,152 A E911 950.430 780.568 Totals $92,465,330 $98,410,152 A. Requires utilization of Fund Balance. B. To close and discontinue inactive fund. C. Includes non-cash depreciation expenses which will not reduce fund balance. The following guidelines were followed in developing the proposed 2007 budget: Guidelines . Continue our core business at a high level of quality . Keep revenue forecasts at conservative levels . Evaluate existing program efficiencies and staffing levels by completing strategic plans . Maintain a quality work force and training opportunities . Maintain quality facilities, roads and motor pool equipment. . Do not set the stage for maintenance backlogs to accomplish short-term gains . Continue to invest in community capital improvements Economic Indicators . Year to date sales tax revenues are up 8.5% over last year and 3.9% over budget. . Property tax revenues are running slightly under budget and 2.5% ahead of last year. . Community Development revenues for 2006 are estimated to be 13% above budget. Overall Budf!et Hif!hlif!hts . Non-personnel operating requests were primarily held at a 3% level. . Personnel The following new positions are included in the proposed budget: General Fund . Two Deputy Sheriffs (Drug Interdiction Program) . One Sheriff Civil Officer (partially offset by elimination of 3 part- time positions) . One Detention Control Room Technician . A 0.50 Sheriffs Victim's Services Officer . One Building Inspector/Plans Examiner . One Senior Planner . A 0.25 Community Development Administrative Technician Page 2 of 6 . A 0.25 Weed & Pest Technician . One HHS Clinical Services Coordinator . One RecordingIMotor Vehicle Technician . One PC Maintenance Technician Road & Bridge Fund . Two Equipment Operators . One Maintenance Worker . Two 0.50 Flagger/Laborers Social Services Fund . One Social Caseworker (50% State Funded) . One Income Maintenance Technician (50% State Funded) . One Childcare Licensing Specialist (62% State Funded) Landfill Fund . One Hazardous Material Manager Airport Fund . Terminal Manager . Continuation of the 3% Administrative Fee to General Fund from other funds for support services, which approximates $945,000. . Funding for the District Attorney's Office in the amount of$I,183,516, (a 3% increase), but $21,396 less than requested by the DA. . Health insurance is fully funded according to the approved plan. . Employee merit and cost of living adjustments are funded at a 4% level in addition to a year end bonus program funded at a $250,000 level. . The budget anticipates $ 4.3 million in capital spending which is discussed in more detail below and has been prioritized from numerous requests totaling just under $66 million. Revenue assumPtions . Sales Tax revenue for the current year is up 8.8% from 2005. The budget anticipates another increase of 10% in 2007. . Property Tax revcnue is expected to increase by 8% in 2007 primarily because of increases in assessed valuations on real property. . With the cxception of the new ECO Build program, which is expectcd to gcnerate revenue of $180,000, Community Development Fee revenues are expected to rcmain flat for 2007. . Intercst Income is expected to increase by 6.7% in 2007. Page 3 of 6 Recommended Capital Items In addition to Treasurer Tax Collection Fees of $3, 139, Capital Improvement Program requests amount to $4,334,500 and are itemized below: 2007 PROPOSED CIP SPENDING Deoartment Descriotion Cost Weed & Pest GPS Unit - Trimble Geo XM and supporting software $5,000 Weed & Pest A TV 500 CC with rear work box. $7,500 LT. Replace existing printer shared by Comm Devel. & Engineering. $10,000 Facilities Equipment trailer to haul tables & chairs to County functions. $10,000 LT. Fluke Digital Cable Analyzer and Power Tester $11,000 I. T. /Clerk & 2 workstations to alleviate crowding and allow for the addition of Recorder 1 staff $12,000 LT. /GIS ESRI ArcGIS Server 9.2 Enterprise $20,000 Replace existing receptionist glass w/bullet resistant glass for Facilities DAlprobation. $22,000 Sheriff School resource officer Replacement vehicle $24,000 LT. Sequel Diagnostic Manager - Idera Software $25,000 Permanent traffic counters for installation in county roads in Engineering conjunction with overlay projects. $25,000 Sheriff Two vehicles for Drug Interdiction Officers $46,000 Road & Bridge Road & Bridge Facility in EI Jebel $2,400,000 Reconstruction of Cooley Mesa Rd. from Airport Gateway to Engineering Spring Creek Road $600,000 Voice-Over I.P. functionality with unified messaging, simplified LT. Move/Add/Change capabilities $252,000 I.T./H.R. Timekeeping software $75,000 IT/Comm. Dev. Replace Adapts Software with CRW Trackit $190,000 Install cooling system for computer room critical equipment to Facilities avoid a data loss. $100,000 Facilities Add equipment to Pavilion to enhance opportunities to lease $250,000 Engineering Contribution towards Hwy. 6 Traffic Study $250,000 Total $4,334,500 Page 4 of 6 General Fund In keeping with our new policy to maintain fund balances at 15% of expenditures, the County continues to maintain a healthy financial environment. Although expenditures exceed revenues by $4,130,984, the projected actual fund balance for December 31, 2007 is expected to meet the desired 15% requirement. I've recommended approximately $1 million in transfers from the Health Insurance Fund to the General Fund and approximately $3.5 million in transfers from the General Fund to the Facilities Program Fund in anticipation of future capital and maintenance needs related to County infrastructure. Road & Bridf!e Fund The proposed Road & Bridge Fund expenditures exceed anticipated revenues by $922,515, leaving an estimated fund balance which will still be above the desired 15%. Social Services Fund , The proposed Social Services Fund expenditures exceed anticipated revenues by $121,162. WRAP Fund The WRAP fund represents restricted community contributions solicited to match funds through the Division of Juvenile Justice for wraparound youth and family services that prevent out of home placement. Although matching funding through the State of Colorado is no longer available, these restricted community contributions continue to be used to prevent out of home placement and The Health and Human Services Manager proposes expending most of the remaining fund balance ($19,750) for those programs. Eaf!le Vallev Transportation Funds Anticipated revenues are expected to be $178,452 greater than proposed expenditures, leaving an estimated fund balance which is $1 million above the desired 15%. In order to comply with the ECD Board's budget decisions, the ECO Director has included requests for a $250,000 transfer to the vehicle replacement fund, partial funding for employee housing, a satellite facility in Leadville and a carpentry/trails shop. ,Hiaowave Maillte11allce Fund Proposed expenditures exceed anticipated revenues by $350 due to the anticipated expenditure of lease procecds rcceived in 2005 but deferred until 2007 along with increasing costs not yet supported by user tee increases. To bring this fund balance to the desired 15% level, it was necessary to provide a combination of Page 5 of 6 user fee increases and a transfer from the General Fund totaling $75,000. Landfill Fund Although the proposed expenditures exceed anticipated revenues by $569,640, the fund balance of $6.4 million will still be sufficient to provide for State mandated closure and post-closure costs as well as anticipated capital needs such as recycling facilities, land acquisitions and transfer stations.. Motor 0001 Fund Spending is $2.1 million more than anticipated revenues, but includes $2.3 million for depreciation of vehicles and equipment (non-cash) so that the $1,288,277 fund balance should be adequate to provide for future vehicle replacement costs. 2007 requested vehicle replacement costs are $1,513,000. Board Communitv Proiects The proposed budget includes $531,000 for Social Capital, Environmental Health and Economic Development projects which have not yet been specifically identified, but will be early during 2007. Deoartment Hi1!hli1!hts/StrateJlic Plans Summaries of each department's strategic plans and goals, which was the basis for requests included in the proposed 2007 budget, are not attached here but are available for your review. I would be happy to discuss any 0 f the details of the proposed budget with you. G:\BUDGETlbudget message 2007.doc Page 6 of 6 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 2007 BUDGET 2007 COMBINED SUMMARY Beginning Total Ending Fund Transfers Resources Transfers Total Fund FUND Balance Revenues IN Available Expenses OUT Appropriation Balance General (001) $8,721,344 $33.325.388 1,979,016 $44,025,748 $36.610,388 $2.825,000 $39,435,388 $4,590,360 Road & Bridge Fund (100) 1,802.989 7,153,461 0 8,956,450 7,670,721 405,255 8,075,976 880,474 Social Services Fund (110) 576,490 2.883,298 0 3,459,788 3.004,460 3,004,460 455,328 WRAP Fund (ill) 30,314 0 0 30,314 19,750 19,750 10,564 Retirement Fund (120) 167,135 1,460,469 0 1,627.604 1,410.469 0 1,410.469 217,135 Insurance Reserve Fund (130) 280.800 217,836 0 498,636 216,854 0 216,854 281 ,782 Off-site Road Improvement Fund (140) 799.587 205,000 0 1,004,587 0 0 0 1,004,587 Capital Improvements Fund (150) 183.865 4.444,968 340,000 4,968,833 4,337,639 0 4,337.639 631.194 Eagle Valley Transportation Fund (151) 1,938,212 7,285,174 0 9,223.386 6,003,950 1,102,772 7,106,722 2,116,664 Eagle VaHey Trails Fund (152) 94 7 .462 711,843 0 1,659,305 154.979 0 154.979 1,504.326 RFV Transportation Fund (153) 55,189 371,640 0 426,829 371,640 0 371,640 55,189 RFV TraIls Fund (154) 6,121 41,293 0 47,414 41 ,293 0 41,293 6,121 E.V.Transp Veh. Replcmnl Fund (155) 2,919,309 507.530 250,000 3,676,839 2,020,000 0 2,020,000 1,656,839 Airport Fund (160) 1.205,686 7,122.787 69,001 8,397.474 7,092,385 130,254 7,222,639 1,174,835 Conservatlon Trust Fund (170) 77.040 140,000 0 217,040 0 140,000 140,000 77. 040 Microwave Maintenance FUnd (180) 148,202 346,450 75,000 569.652 421,800 0 421,800 147,852 Contingent Fund (190) 42 0 0 42 0 42 42 0 Emergency Reserves Fund (191 ) 1,909,517 55,527 0 1,965,044 0 0 0 1,965,044 G.O,(Admin. Bldg.) Debt Srv. Fund (200) 16,550 0 16.550 0 16,549 16,549 0 Joint Maintenance Debt Srv. Fund (201) 81 ,791 0 1,235,453 1,317,244 1.269,138 0 1,269,138 48,106 Capital Expenditure Fund (300) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FaCilities Program Fund (310) 5,500,000 0 2.550,000 8,050,000 0 0 0 8,050,000 Construclion Fund (350) 17,266 0 0 17,266 0 17,266 17,266 0 Housing Fund (400) 1,868,209 272,627 0 2,140,836 379,953 0 379.953 1,760,883 Hazardous Malerial Fund (441) 23,893 64,200 0 88,093 63,348 0 63,348 24.145 Open Space Fund (442) 469.130 3,603,096 0 4,072,226 3.109,511 111 ,355 3,820,866 251,360 LandfHI Fund (600) 6,803,510 3,378,340 0 10,181,850 3.846,630 101,350 3,947,980 6.558,870 A Motor POOl Fund (700) 1,083,593 4,567,779 0 5,651.372 6.059,567 620,114 6,679,681 1,321,691 B Health Insurance Fund (790) 2,397,160 6,857,724 0 9,254,884 6,455,152 1,000,000 7,455.152 1.199,732 E911 Fund (900) 433,697 950,430 0 1,384,127 752,055 28,513 780,568 603,559 Total 2006 Bud et $40,464,103 $85,966,860 $6,498,470 $132,929,433 $91.911,682 $6,498,470 $98,410,152 $37,194,280 A. ADO BACK DEPRECIATION COSTS OF $75,000 +$250,000 B. ADO BACK DEPRECIATION OF $2,350,000 0> EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 2007 BUDGET 2006 COMBINED SUMMARY '" Beginning Total Ending Fund Transfers Resources Transfers Total Fund FUND Balance Revenues IN Available Expenses OUT Appropriation Balance General (001) $ 12,983,663 $ 34,384,117 $ 868,441 $ 48,236,221 $ 33,860,477 $5,654,400 $ 39,514,877 8.721,344 Road & Bridge Fund (100) 6,866,059 7,118,239 500,000 14,484,298 10,775,722 1,905,587 12,681,309 1,802,989 Social Services Fund (110) 640,236 2,659,430 0 3,299,666 2,723,176 0 2,723,176 576,490 WRAP Fund (111) 41,554 0 41,554 11,240 0 11,240 30,314 Retirement Fund (120) 98,150 1,132,589 0 1,230,739 1,063,604 0 1,063,604 167,135 Insurance Reserve FUnd (130) 261,087 238,588 0 499,675 218,875 0 218,875 280,800 Off-site Road Improvement Fund (140) 921,709 546,732 0 1.468,441 168,854 500,000 668,854 799,587 Capital Improvements Fund (150) 4,559,377 4,526,823 860,646 9,946,846 8,962,981 800,000 9,762,981 183,865 Eagfe Valley Transportation Fund (151) 2,545,438 6,899,542 100,000 9,544,980 6,541,832 1,064,936 7,606,768 1,938,212 Eagle Valley Trails Fund (152) 1,823,107 665.486 400,000 2,888,593 1,941,131 0 1,941,131 947.462 RFV Transportation Fund (153) 54,425 347,922 0 402,347 347,158 0 347,158 55,189 R.F.V. Trails Fund (154) 6,047 38,658 0 44,705 38,584 0 38,584 6,121 E.V.Transp. Vah. Replcmnt FUI1d (155) 3,232,168 327,141 200,000 3.759,309 840,000 0 840,000 2,919,309 Airport Fund (160) 2.095.509 20,132,943 66,766 22,295,218 20,955,827 133,705 21,089,532 1,205,686 Conservation Trust Fund (170) 47,285 159,755 0 207,040 0 130,000 130,000 77,040 Mlcrowalle Malf\tenance Fund (180) 300,661 995,473 224,200 1,520,334 1,372,132 0 1,372,132 148,202 ContlOgent Fund (190) 41 0 0 41 0 0 0 41 Emergency Reserves Fund (191) 1,849,011 60,506 0 1.909.517 0 0 0 1,909,517 G.O.(AdnM. Bkjg} Deht Srv. Fund (200) 14,135 2.4 i 3 0 16,548 0 0 0 16,548 Jomt Maintenance Debt Srv. Fund (201) 86,791 0 1,285,588 1,372,379 1,290,588 0 1,290,588 81,791 Capital Expenditure Fund (300) 479 (2} 477 1 446 446 0 Facilities Program Fund (310) 0 7,000,000 7,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 5,500,000 Construction Fund (350) 17,265 0 17,265 0 0 0 17 ,265 Housing Fund (400) 1,680,203 525.423 0 2.205,626 337,417 0 337.417 1,868,209 Hazardous Malenal Fund (441 ) 39,898 68,760 0 108,658 84,765 0 84,765 23,893 Open Space Fund (442) 133,136 3,809,574 0 3,942,710 3,369,727 103,853 3.473,580 469,130 landfill Fund (600) 6,870,402 3,343,748 0 10,214,150 3,639.448 96,192 3,735,640 6,803,510 A Motor POOl Fund (700) 907,696 4,661,214 200,000 5,768,910 6.411,795 623,522 7,035,317 1,083,593 B Hearth Insurance Fund (790) 2,649,993 6,715,517 0 9,365,510 6.368,350 600,000 6,968,350 2,397,160 E911 Fund (900) 291.245 961.998 26,000 1.279,243 726,546 119,000 845,546 433,697 Total 2005 Pro'ected $ 51,016,770 $ 100,322,589 $ 11,731,641 $ 163,071,000 $ 113,550,230 $ 11.731,641 $ 125,281,870 $ 40.464,099 A. ADD BACK DEPRECIATION COSTS OF $325,000 B. ADO BACK DEPRECIATION OF $2,350,000 <D . EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 2007 BUDGET 2005 COMBINED SUMMARY Beginning Total Ending Fund Transfers Resources Transfers Total Fund FUND Balance Revenues IN Available Expenses OUT Appropriation Balance General (001) $11,940,599 $31,184,384 $1,075,544 $44,200,527 $28,861,864 $2,355,000 $31,216,864 $12,983,663 Road & Bridge Fund (100) 6,772.668 6,572,623 0 13.345.291 6.289,232 190.000 6.479,232 6,866,059 SOCIal Services Fund (110) 824,094 2.093.527 0 2,917,621 2,226,385 51,000 2,277,385 640,236 WRAP Fund ( 111 ) 43.632 0 43,632 2,078 0 2,078 41.554 Retirement Fund (120) 449.998 969,482 0 1,419,480 921,330 400,000 1,321.330 98,150 Insurance Reserve Fund (130} 355.955 283,918 0 639,873 169,242 209.544 378,786 261,087 Off-site Road Improvement Fund (140) 718,406 229.917 0 948.323 26,614 0 26,614 921,709 Capital Improvements Fund (150) 4,024,518 4,525.946 1,500,100 10,050,564 5.491,187 0 5,491,187 4,559,377 Eagle Valley TranslX>rtallon Fund (151) 2,254,090 6,477.396 0 8,731,486 5,860,048 326,000 6.186,048 2,545,438 Eagle Valley Trails Fund (152) 1.326,097 630.294 0 1,956,391 133,284 0 133,284 1.823,107 RF.V. Transportation Fund (153) 49,674 286.998 0 336,672 282,247 0 282,247 54.425 RFV Trails FUnd (154) 5,520 31 ,889 0 37,4D9 31,362 0 31.362 6,047 EVTransp. Veh. Replcmnt Fund (155) 3,251,733 474,427 150,000 3,876,160 643,992 0 643,992 3,232,168 Airport Fund (160) 988,286 5,727.984 0 6,716,270 4,518,761 102,000 4,620.761 2,095,509 Conservation Trust hmd (170) 30,555 96,730 0 127,285 0 80,000 80,000 47.285 Microwave Maintenance Fund (180) 190,543 497,567 15,000 703,110 402.449 0 402,449 300,661 Contingent Fund (190) 270,341 0 0 270,341 0 270,300 270.300 41 Emergency Reserves F uno (191 ) 1,802,618 46,393 0 1.849,011 0 0 0 1,849,011 GO(Adrnin Bldg.) Debt Srv, Fund (200) 313.978 470.807 0 784,785 456,750 313,900 770.650 14,135 JOint Maintenance Debt Srv Fund (201) 65,368 1,757,772 0 1.823,140 1,736.349 0 1.736,349 86,791 Capital Expenditure Fund (300) 245.962 419 246,381 2 245,900 245,902 479 Construction Fund (3S0) 17 ,265 0 0 17,265 0 0 0 17,265 Housing Fund (400) 1,538,296 171,834 0 1,710,130 29,927 0 29.927 1,680,203 Hazardous Material Fund (441) 34,184 72,727 0 106,911 67,013 0 67,013 39,898 Open Space Fund (442) 1,016,881 3,199,357 2,100,000 6.316,238 6,091,102 92,000 6,183,102 133,136 Landfill Fund (600) 6,298,489 3,651,956 0 9,950,445 3,043,389 90,000 3,133.389 6,870,402 A Motor POOl Fund (700) 1,972,392 3,189,932 0 5,162.324 5,637,138 115.000 5,752,138 907,696 B Health Insurance Fund (790) 1,534,296 6,688.386 0 8,222,682 5,572,689 0 5.572,689 2,649,993 E911 Fund(9001--___________~ 319,877 552.890 0 872,767 581,522 0 581,522 291,245 Total 2005 Actual $48.656.315 $79,885,555 $4,840,644 $133.382,514 $79,075,956 $4,840.644 $83,916.600 $51,016,770 A, AOD BACK DEPRECIATION COSTS OF $53,346 B. ADD BACK DEPRECIATION OF $1,497,510 ..... 0