HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-113 Creation of renewables and efficiency fund advisory boardCommissioner oved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO. 2006- 1 J 3
WHEREAS, on or about May 29, 2006, the Board of Eagle County
Commissioners approved amendment of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations Eagle
County Efficient Building Code to be included as Section 4 -8; and
WHEREAS, in Section 4 -840 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, the
Renewables and Efficiency Fund was established; and
WHEREAS, Section 4 -840 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations requires
that an advisory board be created to make recommendations to the Board of County
Commissioners regarding expenditures from the Renewables and Efficiency Fund; and
WHEREAS, the Renewables and Efficiency Fund Committee Bylaws and
Standard Operating Procedures, attached as Exhibit A hereto, establishes the creation,
member appointment, meetings, operations, and funding request criteria for this advisory
board; and
WHEREAS, based on the testimony, exhibits, and the Comprehensive Plan for
the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments of the Eagle County Department of
Community Development, comments of public officials and agencies, and comments
from all interested parties, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle,
State of Colorado, finds as follows:
Creation of the Renewables and Efficiency Fund Committee is necessary as
established in Section 4 -480 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations.
2. The Renewables and Efficiency Fund Committee Bylaws and Standard Operating
Procedures, attached as Exhibit A hereto, are necessary and appropriate to create
and govern the advisory board.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County
Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado:
THAT the Bylaws and Operating Procedures of the ECOBUILD Renewables and
Efficiency Fund Committee are adopted, and
THAT the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is
necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle,
State of Colorado.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the -!!5--day of
Teak Simonton R01
Clerk to the Board of
County Commissioners
COLORADO, by and Through Its
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Peter F. Runyon, Chair
To . Stone, Commissioner
Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing
Resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Tom C. Stone /v
Commissioner Peter F. Runyon
Commissioner Am M. Menconi
This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
Renewables and Efficiency Fund Committee
Section 4 -8 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations ( "the Regulations ") establishes the
Eagle County Efficient Building Code, ( "ECObuild regulations "). Section 4 -820 outlines point
requirements, rebates, cash -in -lieu option, and applicable exterior energy uses. Fees collected
through cash -in -lieu of home construction or exterior energy uses as outlined in Section 4 -820
are into a separate account, the Renewables and Efficiency Fund ( "ECObuild Fund ") as
established in Section 4 -820.
Section 4 -840 of the Regulations requires that an advisory board be created to make
recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners ( "the Board ") as to appropriate
expenditures from the ECObuild Fund. This document outlines duties, membership, meetings,
and criteria upon which funding recommendations are to be made by the ECObuild Fund
Advisory Board ( "the 'Committee ").
• Recommend priorities for funding based on the criteria established in Section 4 -840 of
the Eagle County Land Use Regulations.
• Attend meetings held quarterly and /or as scheduled by the Committee.
• Develop annual Action Plan that outlines current goals and activities to accomplish the
• Develop, coordinate, or organize other activities determined to be necessary to
accomplish the goals of the Committee.
1. The Committee is limited to 9 citizen at -large members, who must be residents of Eagle
County, as follows:
• 7 Voting Members
• 2 Alternate Members
2. Alternates will have the rights and duties of the regular member(s) in the event a regular
member is absent or otherwise unable to act in such capacity.
3. Quorum: A quorum is established by having a minimum of 4 Committee members
4. A maximum of 7 votes may be cast on any item requiring a vote. The roll call voting
process shall be managed by the Chairperson.
5. Initial appointments to the Committee shall be made by the Board. Once established,
Committee member replacement appointments will be made by the Committee.
6. Eagle County Staff or representatives from local town governments, Eagle County and
state and federal agencies may be called upon by the Committee as necessary to
provide technical assistance.
Members of the Committee shall serve staggered three year terms. Dates in which the
terms of the members shall commence will be determined once the Board has made its
appointment. The Board shall identify the term of each member at the time of appointment
and members may be reappointed to successive terms.
• The officers of the Committee shall consist of a chairperson and a vice - chairperson and
shall be selected annually by a vote of the Committee. Each officer shall hold office for
one year and may hold consecutive terms.
• The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall report to the
Board -as needed.
• The vice - chairperson shall perform all duties of the chairperson if the chairperson is
absent or unable to chair.
Meetings shall be held quarterly or as often as necessary as determined by the Committee. All
meetings of the Committee shall be considered public meetings. Agendas will be posted and
minutes kept on file in the Eagle County Community Development office.
Meeting Attendance Policy
• Members shall make every effort to attend all meetings. If a member is unable to attend
a specific meeting, that member should notify either the chairperson or the Eagle County
Community Development office of that fact.
• Any member who misses three (3) Committee meetings in any twelve (12) month period
without just cause will be subject to removal from the Committee by a majority vote of
those members present when the issue is brought before the Committee.
Process for Making Funding Recommendations
1. Funding requests, presentations and /or applications to the Committee will be submitted
as part of the scheduled Committee meetings. Committee members may submit
applications or funding programs, but such member may not vote on such items.
2. Funding requests shall be evaluated based on the criteria established in Section 4 -840
and listed below. Committee members shall give each funding request a point value
based on how it meets the criteria as part of their recommendation to the Board for
ECObuild Fund Criteria
The criteria below are excerpted from Section 4 -840 of the Regulations. Funding may be used
only to assist in the incremental upgrade of a project(s), and shall not be utilized for primary
construction costs required for Eagle County Building Resolution compliance.
1. Meets Intent: The extent to which the proposed project meets the intent of the fund,
which is to encourage and promote energy efficiency, environmentally friendly building
materials, healthy indoor environments, and renewable power generation in structures in
Eagle County.
2. Cost/Benefit: The extent to which the proposed project provides an economic return on
appropriations invested. Expected performance in our climate and return on investment
calculations must be provided.
3. Public benefit: The extent to which the proposed project offers a public benefit to the
greater Eagle County community.
4. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: The extent to which the proposed project is in
compliance with the Eagle County Comprehensive Plan.
5. Affordable Housing: Special consideration is given to projects that positively affect
occupants of affordable /low income housing in Eagle County.