HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-112 - appointments to Basalt Library Board Commissioner ~ moved adoption of the following resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - ~ RESOLUTION CONCERNING APPOINTMENTS TO THE BASAL T REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES WHEREAS, section 24-90-108, C.R.S. empowers the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County to make appointments to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees ("BRLDBT"); and WHEREAS, Peter Frey, whose term on the BRLDBT expires on March 01, 2007, has resigned from further service as a representative on the BRLDBT; and WHEREAS, the Basalt Regional Library District has recommended the appointment of Valerie Welsh to replace Peter Frey (letter of recommendation and supporting documents attached hereto as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, Valerie Welsh desires appointment to the BRLDBT; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County desires to appoint Valerie Welsh as a representative to the BRLDBT, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, Valerie Welsh be and is hereby appointed as a representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustee to fill the unexpired term of Peter Frey expiring on March 01,2007. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTE~ the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this day of t::lrz.c- , 2006. ~~7;;f~: <_..'" 00 ii', '" /i\ C. -';J T' , l ~z. .. i! (tlL~A1) '"' . ,~ '/I -<E c' h'<'?!~.)I' ''T. ;',,'\. . "j) ~~~"""f../'~R~\j'---' " "~:7""t:____,:~.:;,-v~ COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUN Y CO SIONERS ATTEST: BX' Teak J. Simo on Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Commissioner ~ seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Runyon Commissioner Stone Commissioner Menconi ~ This Resolution passed by ?:> / () the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. vote of the Board of County Commissioners of BASALT REGIONAL LIBRARY DIS'l'RJCf BO.ulD ()fl'raUSTBES: PoLLy Pou..uID, PlmtaD'RNT Bun 'EvtAa, VICS PltBIJUBN'I'/S8CaE'1'AAY PAT FAlJ.JN O-'YID FlOIIE Pamut Pain' CHaI8 M,umNBZ JUDITH Ilona 99 MrtH.AND AVBNlJti BASAl.:r, CoLoItAoo 81621-8305 TBLSPRONR: (970) 927-43U PACSlMU..B: (970) 9Z1.13S1 BRJTTON I.UNo. t:xECuT1VE DnmcroR y') If ~fI"\~/' . <lev November 14, 2(}(~ 1 )ear Comtni...sioncrs, Peter Frey, representing Eagle County, haM rcccndy resigned from the Bll!lldt Regional Libmry Board of Trustees due to relocating. The LilirAty Board has advcrril'icd for applicants to fill the vacant scat and has received application:s for this vacancy. 1be Board would like to recommend Valene Welsh for this ~t. The letter of resignation from Peter F fey and the letter of application from Valerie Welch arc included with this k'ttcr. The Ubmry .lSoaJ:d met last night and di...cussed the applications and considered the qualifications and merits of each applicant. The Board recommends Vderie Welch to serve for the rett12indcr of the tean for the Eagle County seat, until March 200S, being vacated by Peter rrcy. We arc excited about the po8lJibility of bringing on a new Board member and look forward to yout approval and resolution concerning this recommendation. -~ nn"'~'" BASALT IEGIONAl ...-11 It 1 un, j ~,,~ LlllARY DIST_IO tEAI.(O'lltt.'ISCO'll Valerie Welch PO Box 1818 Basalt, CO 81621 970-379-0330 September 25. 2006 Board Members Basalt Regional Library District 99 Midland Avenue Basalt, CO 81621 Dear Basalt Board Members. I am writing to request that you consider me for the board opening created by Peter Frey's move to Carbondale. I befieve that his board term is up next February and I would be fulfilling his term. I have recentty moved back into the Library District (September 28) and would very much like to participate in the upcoming bond and mill levy campaign as well as the new building process. I believe that I can contJibute through my previous experience on the board, as well as my ongoing dedication to the value libraries continue to offer a community. Thank you for considering me at this time. Yours truly, Valerie Welch September 12, 2006 To: Britton Lund Director, Basalt Regional Library '" From: Peter Frey Basalt Regional Library Board Re: Move to Carbondale My \Vile and I have recently moved to Carbondale which is not located within the Basalt Regional u'brary District. Therefore I need to resign my pQsi1ion on the Library Board representing Eagle County. It is with regret that 1 leave my colleaaues at tbis exciting time wheA we are enaaged in the final effort to build a new h'brary. My four and a half ycan on the Board have been educational and fulfilling. I am Vf/rY pleased with what has been accomplished during my tenure. There were times when not all of us agreed upon the Board's plan of action but the end result of our "constructive turmoil'" bas been beneficial to the library and the community. I anticipate a successful ballot initiative in November and am extremely pleased that horaJ')' scrvioes in the district will be greatly enhanoed. ~ ~~cJ~ ..