HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-106 Amended Airport Commercial Ground Transportation Rules and Regs
moved adoption of the following resolution:
WHEREAS, C.R.S. ~~30-11-107(1)(j) and 41-4-106 grant the power and jurisdiction to the
Eagle County Board of Commissioners (hereinafter, "the Board") to regulate the receipt, deposit, and
removal and the embarkation of passengers or property to or from the Eagle County Regional Airport;
and to exact and require charges, fees, and tolls; and to lease or assign for operation such space or
area, appurtenances, appliances or other conveniences necessary or useful in connection therewith;
and to provide mles and regulations governing the use of such airport and facilities and the use of
other property and means of transportation within or over the Airport; and to exercise such powers as
may be required or consistent in the promotion of aeronautics and the furtherance of commerce and
navigation by air; and
WHEREAS, the Board previously adopted on October 4, 1992, by Resolution No. 82-87,
"Rules and Regulations Governing the Operation of the Eagle County Airport" hereinafter "Rules and
Regulations,"), and amended said Rules and Regulations on April 24, 1989 by Resolution No. 89-52;
WHEREAS, the Board further amended the Rules and Regulations by adopting specific
Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations on January 15, 1992 by Resolution No. 92-08;
WHEREAS, the Board further amended and restated the Ground Transportation Rules and
Regulations on Febmary 11, 1997 by Resolution No. 97-12; and on Febmary 5, 2002 by Resolution
No. 02-19; and
WHEREAS, the Board further modified Section 16 of the Ground Transportation Rules and
Regulations on January 24,2006, by Resolution 06-05.
WHEREAS, the Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations provide at Section 1.2 that
"(t)hese Rules and Regulations may be changed at any time by action of the Board of County
Commissioners.. .."
WHEREAS, the Eagle County Regional Airport continues to attract a volume of traffic that
requires supervision, regulations and control to insure the best interest of the County, its citizens, and
the beneficiaries of the Airport facilities; and
WHEREAS, the Board desires to further amend the Ground Transportation Rules and
Regulations to provide for the orderly and equitable operation of ground transportation at the Airport.
THAT, the Eagle County Regional Airport Rules and Regulations for Commercial Ground
Transportation shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the amended and restated Ground
Transportation Rules and Regulations attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this
THAT, the modifications and amendments set forth herein shall be effective as of October 31,
2006. All notices of violations, suspensions and revocations received prior to this date shall remain in
full force and effect.
THA T, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word in this Resolution be declared
by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this
Resolution as a whole or any parts thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. For this
purpose, this Resolution is declared to be severable.
THA T, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for
the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of
Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held this 31 st day of October, 2006.
y and Through its Board of Count
Clerk of the Bard of County
having been
seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll
the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Peter F. Runyon
Commissioner Tom C. Stone
Commissioner Arn M. Menconi
This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County
Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
Section One/Authority ..................................................................... 1
Section Two/Definitions .................................................................. 1
Section Three/Compliance with Laws and Directives...................... .......... 6
Section Four/Operating Requirements ................................................ 6
Section Five/Procedures for Obtaining Operating Privileges........... ........ ..... 6
Section Six/A VI Transponder Requirements ........................................................ 8
Section Seven/Commercial Operator Vehicle Yearly Registration Requirement.. 9
Section Eight/Solicitation and Business Restrictions.......... .......... ......... .... 9
Section Nine/Meeting and Greeting Passengers................................... .... 9
Section Ten/Commercial Operator Conduct Upon the Airport. .................... 11
Section ElevenIMotor Vehicle Operation Requirements .............................. 12
Section Twelve/Car Rental Operators................... . ..... ......... . ......... ....... 15
Section Thirteen/Fee Guidelines ......................................................... 15
Section Fourteen/Courier Operators Fee Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Section FifteenlRegulations Applicable to Infrequent Users........................ 17
Section Sixteen/S uspension and Revocation.. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 18
Section Seventeen/Miscellaneous ....................................................... 21
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
Exhibit E
Exhibit F
Exhibit G
Exhibit H
Passenger Loading and Unloading Area
A VI Transponder Locations
On Airport Car Rental Agreement
Off-Airport Car Rental Agreement
Car Rental Revenue Collection Form
Fee Stmcture
Notice of Violation
Parking Designation
Section One
1.0 The Board of County Commissioners has delegated authority to the Airport Manager or
his designee to act on its behalf in administering the Airport, regulating the use of the facilities
and services of the Airport, determining and collecting use charges therefore, enforcing these
Rules and Regulations for commercial ground transportation providers and the general Airport
Rules and Regulations, and carrying out such other duties and responsibilities as may be
1.1 The following mles and regulations govern the operation of all commercial ground
transportation businesses upon Eagle County Airport premises, its Terminal, roadways, parking
facilities all other surface areas, including the perimeter of the Airport. Commercial operators of
all types are covered including, but not limited to, the following:
A. Rental Operators
B. Passenger Operators including Bus, Commuter, Taxicab, Hotel and Motel, Luxury
Limousine, and Parking Operators
C. Courier Operators
D. Commuter Operators
1.2 These Rules and Regulations may be changed at any time by action of the Board of
County Commissioners or without action by the Board of County Commissioners due to
requirements imposed by the FAA or other state or federal authority at any time and without prior
notice. Any changes or additional requirements commanded by the Federal Aviation
Administration supercede these Rules and Regulations.
Section Two
2.0 The following definitions apply to the terms used in these mles:
A. Airport
The Eagle County Regional Airport, including both the Terminal, Fixed Base Operation
area, hangars, south ramp (transient general aviation area) and north ramp (military and based
aircraft area) as well as all other surface areas of the Airport including roadways and parking
B. Automated Vehicle Identification ("A VI") Tal! or Transponder
A transponder issued by the Airport to Commercial Operators for each motor vehicle in
their fleet, which allows the Airport to record the timing of and the number of trips made by each
motor vehicle through the roadways of the Terminal in addition to other movement within the
Airport's control system.
C. Commercial Operator
Any person or entity, including its drivers, employees and representatives, regardless of
whether operating as an employee or independent contractor, operating under the company name
or otherwise on behalf of the company using Airport roadways or operating motor vehicles upon
the Airport in furtherance of or in connection with any activity carried on for a profit. This
definition shall not include airline companies, air freight and cargo companies utilizing the air
cargo terminal, schools, universities, non-profit organizations, organ donor companies, hospitals,
ambulance services, governmental units including local, state and federal agencies, Airport
tenants not primarily engaged in the ground transportation business, and constmction and
maintenance contractors, suppliers and service providers of the Airport or its tenants. Mail
delivery system such as Federal Express and United Parcel Service are exempted when delivering
mail service.
D. Commercial Operator Tvpes
The following operators are all considered Commercial Operators for the purpose of these
mles and regulations. These definitions may not be all inclusive to the types of Commercial
Operators working at the Eagle County Regional Airport:
1. Bus Operators
Commercial Operators engaged in the business of providing passenger
transportation in vehicles having a capacity of twenty-six or more persons or as otherwise defined
by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, excluding Car Rental Operators.
2. Car Rental Operators
to the public.
Commercial Operators engaged in the business of renting or leasing motor vehicles
3. Commuter Operators
Commercial Operators engaged in the business of ferrying scheduled or
unscheduled passengers to and from the Eagle County Regional Airport, including but not limited
to taxis, shuttles and vans.
4. Courier Operators
Commercial Operators engaged in the business of transporting property, baggage,
or parcels derived from the Airlines. Mail and package delivery services, i.e. Federal Express
and UPS delivering to Airport business exempted.
5. Hotel and Motel Operators
Commercial Operators engaged in the business of providing temporary or short-
term lodging and associated services to the public and transporting passengers to facilities used
for temporary or short-term lodging.
6. Luxurv Limousine Operators
Commercial Operators engaged in the business of providing charter transportation
to the public in vehicles with a manufacturer's rated maximum capacity of six to twelve persons,
including the driver, equipped with an operational television, portable bar, and a mobile telephone
or as otherwise defined by The Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
E. Commercial Vehicle Staf!inf! Lot
An area to be determined by the Airport Manager or his designee, which is used to
dispatch taxi operations and/or commercial motor vehicle operations. The Commercial Vehicle
Staging Lot also may be referred to as the Ground Transportation Holding Lot.
F. Company Representatives
Anyone employed by or acting on behalf of a Commercial Operator and representing its
interests, including its drivers, employee or representative, regardless of whether operating as an
employee or an independent contractor.
G. Concession Af!reement
A contractual agreement between the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation (ECAT),
the Vail Valley Jet Center (VVJC), or other Fixed Base Operator (FBO) and a Commercial
Operator that grants the right to exclusive use of certain portions of the Airport, as authorized by
agreement,for the conducting of certain business activities upon Airport premises.
H. Cruisinf!
Operation of a motor vehicle upon Airport roadways by a Commercial Operator for the
purposes of picking up or attempting to pick up passengers in any location other than in the
loading areas specifically authorized for such use in these regulations.
I. Door Loadins:
Loading passengers, property, baggage or parcels at the doors of the Terminal outside of
the commercial loading areas authorized for each type of Commercial Operator as depicted on
Exhibit A.
J. Double Parkinf!
Parking parallel to and alongside another motor vehicle.
K. Dwell Time
The period of time during which a motor vehicle remains upon the roadways and in the
loading and unloading areas of the Terminal.
Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation
M. Ground Transportation Emplovees
Employees of the County, identifiable by employee identification badge, assigned to
enforce these ground transportation mles and regulations.
N. Ground Transportation Year
The Ground Transportation Year shall mn from November 1 through October 31.
O. Infreauent User
A Commercial Operator which does not transport passengers or commodities to and from
the airport more frequently than two (2) days during the Ground Transportation Year.
P. Federal Hif!hwav Administration
An agency of the United States Department of Transportation which regulates carriers
who are engaged in transportation in interstate commerce and are subject to the successor
statute(s) to the Interstate Commerce Act; the Federal Highway Administration has succeeded to
the functions formerly performed by the Interstate Commerce Commission.
Q. Loadinf! and Unloadinf! Areas
Those areas authorized for passenger and parcel loading and unloading as shown on
Exhibit A.
R. Manifest
A written inventory of pre-booked clients, which shall include customer's name, airline
and flight number as well as the number of persons in the party.
S. Passenf!er Operators
The term Passenger Operators shall include Bus Operators, Commuter Operators, Hotel
and Motel Operators and Luxury Limousine Operators.
T. Pre-Scheduled or Pre-ticketed Passenf!er
A passenger for whom reservations have been made for ground transportation services
prior to the passenger's arrival the Airport.
U. Replacement Vehicle
For purposes of the A VI Transponder requirement, a vehicle intended by a Commercial
Operator to replace a vehicle that had been registered for the ground transportation year, but was
subsequently destroyed or sold.
V. Revocation
The discontinuance of a Commercial Operator's privilege to operate motor vehicles on
Airport property and/or to otherwise conduct business activities in the Airport Terminal.
W. Scheduled Service
Specific point-to-point ground transportation passenger service at designated times filed
with or approved by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission or the Interstate Commerce
Commission, and sold on a per seat basis.
X. Solicitation
Any attempt or act, direct or indirect, verbal, non-verbal or written, of whatever nature to
obtain passengers or baggage by or for a Commercial Operator.
y. Suspension
The temporary discontinuance of a Commercial Operator's privilege to operate motor
vehicles on the Airport and/or to conduct business activities in the Airport Terminal.
Z. Trip
The operation of a motor vehicle through the roadways and the loading and unloading
areas of the Airport, beginning at the entry points or gates along the roadways leading to the
Terminal and ending at the exit points as shown on Exhibit B.
Vail Valley Jet Center, LLC.
BB. Walk-up Passenf!er
A passenger, for whom reservations have not been made for ground transportation
services prior to the passenger's arrival at the Airport, also sometimes referred to as an
"unaffiliated passenger. "
Section Three
3.0 Commercial Operators conducting business activities upon Airport premises shall comply
with all laws of the United States and the State of Colorado, all mles and regulations promulgated
by the Transportation Security Administration, the Resolutions and Regulations of Eagle County
and the Town of Gypsum (to the extent within the Town of Gypsum) while upon the Airport.
3.1 No Commercial Operator upon Airport property shall fail to obey any lawful directive of
any police officer or Ground Transportation Employee. Authority is hereby vested in Ground
Transportation Employees to enforce these regulations including, by way of example but not by
way of limitation, authority to monitor the business activities and the meet and greet of
passengers by commercial operators within the terminal, to control vehicular traffic upon the
Airport, to direct motor vehicle movements within commercial loading and unloading areas, and
to require the removal of motor vehicles from loading and unloading areas in order to alleviate
Section Four
4.0 Each Commercial Operator seeking to conduct business activities and to operate motor
vehicles upon Airport premises shall register with the Airport manager each Ground
Transportation Year and shall posses an A VI Transponder,or shall be assessed a penalty access
fee, except as hereinafter provided for infrequent Users of Airport facilities.
4.1 Commercial Operators with Concession Agreements shall be authorized to conduct
business upon the Airport in the same manner as other ground transportation providers except that
they shall be authorized additionally to operate their businesses within counter spaces in the
Terminal set apart for the exclusive use of such Commercial Operators.
Section Five
5.0 The Manager shall register the vehicles of and if needed, issue a A VI Transponder to, any
Commercial Operator who agrees to continuously satisfy the terms and conditions of these Rules
and Regulations and submits the following items:
A. Insurance
Commercial Operators shall submit certificates of insurance in a form acceptable to the
Airport Manager and the Eagle County Attorney with coverages and in amounts required by the
terms of these Rules and Regulations or by Concession Agreement.
A.l General Liabilitv Insurance
A Commercial Operator shall maintain a comprehensive general liability insurance
policy which will cover against liability for injury to persons and/or property, and death of any
person or persons occurring in or about the airport. The liability under such insurance shall not be
less than $1,000,000 for anyone person injured or killed in anyone accident.
A.2 Motor Vehicle Insurance
A Commercial Operator shall maintain a motor vehicle insurance policy, provided
by an insurance company authorized to do business in the state of Colorado, in such minimum
amounts as required by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
B. Additional Insured
Eagle County, ECA T and VVJC shall be endorsed on comprehensive general liability and
motor vehicle liability policies as additional insured. The Commercial Operator shall furnish
certificates to the County prior to commencing operations evidencing that the insurance is in full
force and effect during the term of the operating privilege and that the County, ECA T, and VVJC
shall be notified, in writing, by the insurers at least ten (10) days prior to any cancellation of the
C. Indemnification
Commercial Operators shall indemnify, defend, and save the County, ECAT, and VVJC,
and their respective agents, officers, and representatives and employees harmless from and against
any and all judgments, penalties, liability or loss, including costs and reasonable attorney's fees
resulting from claims or court actions, whether civil, criminal or in equity, arising directly or
indirectly out of acts of the Commercial Operator, his agents, employees or servants, or through
any injury or casualty occurring on the Airport as a result of said loss.
D. Workers' Compensation
The Commercial Operator shall maintain the statutorily required workers' compensation
insurance coverage on all employees.
E. Operatinf! Authoritv
Commercial Operators who engage in ground transportation activities requiring
authorization by or registration with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission or the Federal
Highway Administration shall submit to the Airport Manager current copies of such authorization
registrations and tariffs issued to the Commercial Operator by those agencies.
F. Automated Vehicle Identification Taf! (A VI Transponder)
Except for Infrequent Users, each commercial vehicle operated on Airport property must
be equipped with an A VI Transponder that is registered with the Eagle County Airport. Prior to
entering Airport property, Commercial Operators shall submit fully executed A VI Tag
Applications in a form established by the Airport Manager. A VI Transponders may be
purchased, as described below, or compatible transponders from other airports may be registered.
Care, maintenance, and upkeep of transponders are the responsibility of the purchaser.
5.1 Commercial Operators shall promptly provide to the Airport Manager updated copies of
the foregoing items when changes occur in any of them or upon County's request.
5.2 The County reserves the right to refuse to grant access to any transportation provider who
is unwilling to submit to the above requirements or who has deliberately and willfully violated
these mles and regulations.
5.3 The Airport Manager or his designee shall have authority to receive from Commercial
Operators the foregoing required documents.
Section Six
6.0 Eagle County maintains and operates an Automated Vehicle Identification (A VI) system.
Before operating motor vehicles upon Airport premises, except as otherwise hereinafter provided,
Commercial Operators that will access the Airport on more than two (2) occasions during the
Ground Transportation Year shall secure a A VI Transponder for each of their vehicles.
6.1 A VI Transponders may be purchased from the Eagle County Airport for a one time $50.00
fee. A VI Transponders purchased from other airports may also be used, but must be registered
with the Eagle County Airport as described in Section Seven.
6.2 Except as otherwise provided herein, A VI Transponders shall remain affixed to the
vehicles to which they are assigned, at all times. Commercial Operators shall use the A VI
Transponder only for operation upon the Airport of the vehicle to which the Permit! A VI
Transponder is assigned and registered. An A VI Transponder may only be transferred to a
Replacement Vehicle upon written approval of and re-assignment by the Airport manager, for
good cause shown.
6.3 Unless authorized by the Airport manager as described in Section 6.2, A VI Transponders
shall not be transferred between or among vehicles within the fleet of a Commercial Operator and
the use by a Commercial Operator of a Permit! A VI Transponder issued to a different Commercial
Operator is strictly prohibited.
6.4 A VI Transponders will be deactivated in the event of misuse and access to the Airport will
be denied.
Section Seven
7.0 Each Commercial Operator vehicle that accesses the Airport must be registered with the
Airport manager at least thirty days prior to the beginning of each Ground Transportation Year, or
by another date as set by the Airport Manager. The registration fee shall be established each year,
in an amount to be determined by the Airport Manager, prior to the start of that Ground
Transportation Year.
Section Eight
8.0 It shall be prohibited for any Commercial Operator to conduct any ground transportation
business or concession upon the Airport or roadways or other facilities used or operated in
conjunction with the Airport or for any person to sell, offer for sale or furnish any ground
transportation service or commodity upon the Airport except as specifically authorized herein for
Commercial Operators.
8.1 Commercial Operators shall not engage in Solicitation upon Airport premises unless
otherwise authorized through a Concession Agreement.
8.2 Commercial Operators likewise shall not enter into or attempt to make any arrangement
with sky caps, maintenance employees, airline or other tenant employees, County employees
whether or not for compensation whereby such persons undertake or agree to engage in
Solicitation for a Commercial Operator.
Section Nine
9.0 All Commercial Operators within the Airport perimeter shall have a passenger manifest
available for immediate review by Ground Transportation Employees upon request. This
manifest shall be on company letterhead and contain the date, name of arrival, number of riders,
and airline with flight number. This manifest shall be on the person of Commercial Operator's
employees meeting or greeting passengers or behind the counter of companies having concession
9.1 No DriveriEmployee of any ground transportation company may porter passenger
baggage unless (i) curbside porter service is not reasonably available, (ii) the passenger has,
without solicitation from the DriveriEmployee, requested such assistance, and (iii) leaving an
unattended vehicle for this purpose would not cause or aggravate traffic congestion; or unless the
DriveriEmployee is claiming and delivering delayed baggage under contract. Such exceptions
shall not be performed until permission is obtained from the Airport Manager or his designee.
9.2 Self-service luggage carts, if located throughout the Airport for use by the traveling public
shall not be gathered or retained by Commercial Operators for resale or for use in the operation of
their businesses or for any other purpose. Commercial Operators shall not contract verbally or in
writing with any other parties for the purpose of utilizing self-service luggage carts in the
operation of their businesses.
9.3 J.\ileetinf! and Greetinf! Pre-Scheduled and Pre-Booked Passenf!ers
A. Only one (1) driver or other company representative per Commercial Operator
may be inside the Airport Terminal at any given time. The designated driver or other company
representative shall be inside the terminal no more than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled
arrival of the flight of a Pre-Arranged Passenger. The driver or other company representative
must leave the terminal immediately upon meeting the pre-arranged passenger. If the flight is
rescheduled, the designated driver or company representative must leave the terminal and return
no more than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the re-scheduled arrival of the flight of the Pre-
Arranged Passenger. Drivers or other company representatives who violate this mle may be
issued a Notice of Violation and asked to leave Airport Terminal immediately.
B. Ground Transportation Employees will assist Commercial Operators in the
meeting of Pre- Booked and Pre-Ticketed Passengers by referring such passengers to the
authorized areas of the Terminal.
C. Commercial Operators who meet and greet Pre-Booked and Pre-Ticketed
Passengers upon Airport property other than in areas authorized by Concession Agreement or this
document, must receive prior written permission from the Airport Manager or his designee.
D. It is prohibited for any person to give false or misleading information for the
purpose of obtaining authorization to meet Pre-Booked and Pre- Ticketed Passengers.
9.4 Meetinf! and Greetinf! Walk-Up Passenf!ers
A. Commercial Operators or other Company Representatives may meet Walk-Up
passengers inside the Airport Terminal only if the Commercial Operator has obtained a
Concession Agreement with the Eagle County Airport and has obtained authorization and an
operating certificate from the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
B. Commercial Operators engaged in a contractual Concession Agreement with
ECA T are authorized to meet passengers in the Terminal in the areas described in the Concession
Agreement, or in areas authorized by the Airport Manager or his designee.
C. Commercial Operators and their representatives shall not loiter on sidewalks, at
Terminal doors, or any area not authorized by the Airport Manager or his designee.
D. Walk-Up Passengers who inquire about ground transportation services at
information counters which are operated by the County or other entities shall be furnished
information regarding the Commercial Operators who serve the destinations identified by the
passengers, including information as to the types of services.
Section Ten
10.0 Commercial Operators doing business upon Airport premises as authorized herein shall
abide by the following mles of conduct while upon the Airport:
A. Commercial Operator Demeanor
Commercial Operators shall be courteous to the public and to other Commercial Operators
and their employees. The Commercial Operator's employees shall be clean, efficient and neat in
appearance. Commercial Operators shall not allow employees on the Airport to use improper
language or to act in a loud or boisterous or otherwise improper manner. Commercial Operators
shall not engage in open, notorious and public disputes, disagreements or conflicts tending to
deteriorate the quality of the ground transportation services of Commercial Operators or their
competitors or incompatible with the best interests of the public at the Airport. Obscene
communications, threats of violence or physical harm, fighting, gambling, public intoxication and
carrying of weapons or illegal substances on Airport premises are expressly prohibited.
B. Deception of the Public
It shall be unlawful for a Commercial Operator to deceive or attempt to deceive the public
through false representations concerning its prices or services or those of any other ground
transportation provider.
C. Obedience to Sif!ns
Commercial Operators shall obey all posted signs located upon Airport property.
D. Name Identification Taf!s
At all times while on Airport Property, Company Representatives,shall wear identification
nameplates or badges not in excess of four inches in length or width identifying the name of the
Company Representative and the Commercial Operator with whom he or she is associated.
E. Food and Drink
1. No Commercial Operator shall provide food or drinks to its customers at
any location upon Airport Property other than in motor vehicles operated by Commercial
2. All personal food and beverage or other items brought into the Airport
Terminal by a Commercial Operator Representative must remain in the possession of the person
at all times while in the Terminal. Any unattended items will be disposed of by Airport
LUf!f!af!e Carts for Passenf!ers
No Commercial Operator shall issue luggage carts to its passengers upon Airport property
for the purpose of allowing its passengers to retrieve their luggage or other parcels. It shall be
further prohibited for a Commercial Operator to rent or use self-service luggage carts provided by
the Airport or its contractors for the conduct of its business activities.
G. Commercial Operators shall remain outside of the baggage carousel areas at all
H. Uniforms
In order to maintain a professional, business-like and orderly environment at the Airport,
uniforms worn by Company Representatives upon Airport property shall comply with the
following requirements:
i. Uniforms may display the company name only upon the front and back of
shirts and jackets. No written information shall be displayed on pants.
in height.
11. Lettering on the front of the shirt or jacket shall not be more than one inch
in height.
lll. Lettering on the back of the shirt or jacket shall be no more than two inches
IV. Caps shall not display lettering in excess of two inches in height.
I. Gratuities
Commercial Operators and their representatives while upon Airport property shall not
solicit gratuities or tips, directly or indirectly, from their customers.
Section Eleven
11.0 Motor vehicles operated by or under agreement with Commercial Operators upon the
Airport shall be operated in compliance with the following requirements:
A. Unattended Vehicles
It shall be prohibited for any Commercial Operator to leave its motor vehicles unattended
upon Airport roadways or in the commercial lanes of the Terminal. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, a Commercial Operator may leave an unattended vehicle in authorized areas of Airport
property if meeting and greeting a prescheduled passenger in accordance with Section 9.3.
Vehicles left without a driver, in contravention of these mles and regulations, in
unauthorized areas of the Airport, or in a manner that causes an obstmction of traffic shall be
immediately towed from the Airport at Commercial Operator's expense.
Ground Transportation Employees shall have authority, in their sole discretion, to require
Commercial Operators to move their vehicles in order to maintain efficient traffic movement or to
maintain Federal Aviation Administration security requirements and guidelines.
B. Traffic Routes and Passenf!er and Parcel Loadinf! and Discharf!inf!
Motor vehicles operated by Commercial Operators shall not circulate through Airport
roadways along any route other than those shown upon the attached drawing of the Airport
marked Exhibit B, which drawing is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference.
C. Passenf!er and Parcel Drop-Off in Desif!nated Areas outside the Terminal
1. Commercial Operators must deliver departing passengers to the east of the
Terminal in the designated drop-off area, as shown in Exhibit A, unless directed by Airport
personnel to another specific area. Commercial Operators may not stop and wait in the
designated drop off area. Attended vehicles may be in these designated drop-off areas only for
the time required to unload passengers and baggage. Unattended vehicles are not allowed in the
designated drop-off area.
2. Courier Operators shall drop off parcels at the Terminal only in the drop-
off areas shown on Exhibit A.
D. Passenf!er and Parcel Loadinf! in Desif!nated Areas outside the Terminal
Commercial Operators' vehicles waiting to pick-up arriving passengers shall park in the
pick-up area as designated for their type of vehicle on Exhibit A, except as permitted by separate
agreement with ECA T.
It shall be prohibited for any Courier Operator to load parcels upon Airport property in
any location other than in the authorized loading areas of the Terminal as shown on Exhibit A,
and in such other areas as may be authorized by Ground Transportation Employees.
Door loading by Commercial Operators is prohibited except that Commercial Operators
carrying celebrities, VIPs or other persons whose presence may dismpt the normal course of
Airport activities, or carrying persons with disabilities, older persons or unaccompanied children
may load such passengers at specifically authorized locations with prior approval of the Airport
Manager or Designee.
E. Use of Commercial Vehicle Staf!inf! Lot
All Commercial Operators who have operating privileges or a Concession Agreement may
make use of the Commercial Vehicle Staging Lot, and may park their vehicles within the
temporary parking areas of the Commercial Vehicle Staging Lot as made available by Airport
personnel. Drivers must remain with all parked vehicles, unless a particular driver is the one (1)
designated company representative allowed inside the terminal for purposes of meeting a Pre-
Scheduled guest pursuant to Section 9.4(A) of these Ground Transportation Rules.
F. Cruisinf! Prohibited
It shall be prohibited for Commercial Operators to engage in Cmising upon Airport
G. Airport Parkinf! Lots
Commercial Operators shall not conduct any business upon or leave commercial vehicles
in public parking lot facilities, including employee parking lots, upon Airport property. Any
commercial vehicle parked in public parking facilities will be towed at the expense of the
Commercial Operator. This includes commercial vehicles used as personal vehicles of
employees. Exceptions to this mle may be granted at the discretion of the Airport Manager or his
designee if requested in advance. It is the intent of this mle that such exceptions shall be granted
on a one-time basis and not for multiple occasions. It shall be the responsibility of the owner
and/or operator of any such vehicle to request such an exception in advance from the Airport
Manager's Office, and to furnish the license number of the vehicle which is to be parked in an
Airport parking facility to the Airport Manager or his designee if the request is granted.
H. No Personal Business in Loadinf! Areas
The Loading and Unloading Areas established herein are available only for the use of
Commercial Operators. No personal or employee cars are allowed.
I. Double Parkinf! Prohibited
Double Parking of motor vehicles by Commercial Operators upon Airport roadways is
J. Motor Vehicle Markinf!s
Motor vehicles operated upon Airport property by Commercial Operators, including
courier services, whether or not for hire, shall have clearly displayed and permanently affixed on
both sides of the vehicle the name of the company and all applicable Colorado Public Utilities
Commission and Federal Highway Administration authority numbers, except that luxury
limousines and rental cars are exempt from this requirement.
K. Vehicle Safety
Commercial Operators shall maintain all motor vehicles operated upon Airport roadways
in accordance with vehicle safety requirements of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission and
other state law.
Section Twelve
12.0 Fees for Concessionaire Car Rental Operators
Car Rental Operators which have Concession Agreements with either ECA T or the VVJC
granting the exclusive use of counter space in the Terminal or FBO Building(s) shall pay to the
ECAT, the VVJC, or other organization concession fees in the amount agreed upon in said
Concession Agreement.
12.1 Fees for Car Rental Operators with Performance and Use Af!reements
Car Rental Operators which have Performance and Use Agreements with Eagle County
granting the privilege of operating motor vehicles and conducting business activities upon the
Airport shall pay to the County privilege fees in the amount outlined in such Performance and
Use Agreements.
12.2 A copy of the On-Airport Car Rental Agency Agreement and the Off-Airport Car Rental
Agency Agreement is attached as Exhibit C and Exhibit D. On-Airport Car Rental Agencies are
those which have a concession agreement in the Terminal. Both On and Off-Airport Car Rental
Agencies are required to report monthly all required Gross Revenues from business derived from
the Eagle County Regional Airport using the report form attached as Exhibit E. The Gross
Monthly Revenue Reporting Form and payment are due in the Airport Administration Office by
the 20th of the following month. Accurate and timely reporting of revenues and payment of
Gross Revenue assessment is required for continued access to the Airport.
12.3 On and Off-Airport Car Rental Agencies are not allowed to park or stage rental car
vehicles on the Airport without prior authorization or by separate agreement. Business
transactions must be performed at each respective rental Office and customers may be removed
for business transactions only in a company courtesy vehicle clearly marked with the name of the
Car Rental Agency. Rental Cars may not be used for transport of the customers from the Airport.
Any rental cars found parked on the Airport will be presumed to be parked for business purposes
and removed at the Owner's or Commercial Operator's expense.
12.4 The Airport Manager in his discretion may require such Car Rental Operators to pay a
minimum monthly sum for the privilege of operating motor vehicles and conducting business
activities upon the Airport.
Section Thirteen
13.0 All Ground Transportation vehicles providing service at the Eagle County Regional
Airport (except Rental Car Agency rental vehicles) are required to obtain and display an A VI
Transponder unless they are an infrequent users as defined herein. Except for the infrequent user,
any vehicle of a Commercial Operators that does not display an A VI Transponder will
immediately be issued a Notice of Violation, assessed a Penalty Access Fee, in an amount as
prescribed in the attached Exhibit F, and required to leave Airport premises immediately. Fees
shall be paid as set forth herein and as indicated in Exhibit F.
13.1 Penalty Access Fees are due immediately upon notification. Should Penalty Access Fees
remain unpaid, Commercial Operators with delinquent fees attempting to access the Airport will
be immediately expelled without having access to passengers or terminal, and will not be allowed
to conduct any Ground Transportation business. Expulsion will be by Airport personnel or the
on-duty law enforcement officers. The Airport will mail notification of delinquent fees by
certified letter as a written record of fees owed.
13.2 The following mles apply to all A VI transponder holders:
A. The Ground Transportation Year shall mn from November 1 to October 31 of each
calendar year.
B. A VI transponders must be affixed on the windshield of the permitted vehicle so
they are plainly readable by A VI System at all times. A VI transponders will be affixed to vehicle
windshields by Airport personnel. Use of fixatives other than permanent adhesive is prohibited
and shall result in the loss of tampered or improperly affixed permit or transponder. The Airport
Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to check the fixative or use of any permit which
may appear suspect. Daily Permits must be appropriately marked with the date and the vehicle
license number, and placed on the dashboard on the driver's side so they are clearly visible from
the outside. Undisplayed Permits/A VI transponders without the date and license number, and
Permits displayed in any other location or with any other fixative will be deemed invalid and the
vehicle will be deemed to be un-permitted and charged a Penalty Access Fee and other penalties
as outlined in this document.
C. Permits and A VI transponders are not transferable from one vehicle to another
except in the case of the destmction or sale of a vehicle and its replacement, proved to the
satisfaction of the Airport Manager or his designee, in their sole discretion.
D. If a Permit is damaged or destroyed, a new Permit will be issued only when the
remains of the purchased Permit are turned into Airport Administration. Should A VI
transponders become inoperable for any reason, it is the responsibility of the commercial operator
to purchase a new transponder. Vehicles not displaying an A VI transponder due to its damage or
destmction will be assessed a Penalty Access Fee.
E. All required information and fees due must be received by Airport Administration
prior to the issuance of A VI transponders.
F. A VI transponders may be purchased by appointment in the Airport Administrative
Offices on Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
G. All Commercial Operators shall pay fees as set forth in Exhibit F which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All fees shall be paid within ten (10) days of any
invoice date. Any payment made later than ten days after an invoice date shall be assessed
interest until paid. The interest shall accme at a rate of two (2) percent per month.
H. In any action or proceeding to collect fees, penalties and interest due under these
mles and regulations, Eagle County or ECA T shall be entitled to recover from the other party all
costs, expenses and attorneys fees associated with such collection.
I. Jurisdiction and venue for any suit, right or cause of action arising under or in
connection with these Rules and Regulations shall be exclusively in the District or County Court
of Eagle County, Colorado.
J. Should commercial operator fail to timely pay all fees and expenses as required by
these Rules and Regulations, such Commercial Operator may be denied access to the Airport until
payment in full is made, including any late fees and interest.
K. Payments made by Commercial Operator shall first be applied to any penalties,
late fees and interest.
Section Fourteen
14.0 All Courier Operators providing service at the Eagle County Regional Airport are required
to obtain and display a current A VI transponder. Failure to do so will result in a Penalty Access
Fee for each carrier vehicle used at the Eagle County Regional Airport as prescribed in Exhibit F.
14.1 Courier Operators shall pay to Airport Trip Fees in the amounts as approved by the Eagle
County Board of County Commissioners and set forth in Exhibit F.
Section Fifteen
A. It shall be prohibited for Infrequent Users to conduct activities upon Airport
property without first having applied for and having received authorization to do so from the
Airport or Ground Transportation Employees.
B. Motor vehicles of Infrequent Users who have received authorization to do business
or conduct other activities upon the Airport from Ground Transportation Employees shall
circulate through Airport roadways in the manner approved by Ground Transportation Employees
and shall load and unload passengers and property only in areas approved by Ground
Transportation Employees for such activities. Vehicle circulation and use of loading areas will be
determined upon the basis of vehicle size, type of service and availability of space.
Infrequent Users shall not be subject to the requirement that Commercial Operators shall
secure an A VI Tag prior to operating motor vehicles upon Airport premises.
Infrequent users shall be exempt from payment of Penalty Access Fees. If an Infrequent
User accesses the Airport more than two times during a Ground Transportation Year, such
Infrequent Users status is forfeited and the Operator shall immediately obtain an A VI
Transponder, register with the Eagle County Airport or will be subject to all fees, penalties and
other assessments outlined in these Ground Transportation Rules.
Section Sixteen
16.0 The Airport Manager shall have the power to suspend the operating privilege of any
Commercial Operator, driver, employee or company representative for poor behavior or non-
compliance with these Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations and/or to revoke the
operating privileges of any Commercial Operator or its driver, employee or company
representative for repeated non-compliance with these Ground Transportation Rules and
Regulations or where the Commercial Operator or its representative is deemed a danger to the
health, safety, and welfare of any Airport user, the public or Airport employee.
16.1 Suspension
A. Notices of Violation
A Notice of Violation will be issued by the Airport Manager or his designee for a
violation of the Airport Rules and Regulations and these Ground Transportation Rules and
Regulations. A copy of the Notice of Violation may be delivered by hand delivery, via facsimile
(fax), or forwarded via certified mail to the Commercial Operator. The first Notice of Violation
shall serve as a warning regarding the conduct constituting a violation of Airport Rules and
Regulations and/or Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations. A Notice of Violation form is
attached as Exhibit G.
B. A Person Mav be Suspended from Accessinf! Airport and/or Airport
Terminal for a period of seven (7) days.
After receipt of a Notice of Violation during a Ground Transportation Year, any
subsequent violation of these ground transportation regulations by a driver, employee or company
representative shall result in a suspension of the Commercial Operator's operating privileges on
the Airport and/or Airport Terminal for a period of seven (7) days.
C. A Business l\fav be Suspended from Accessinf! the Airport and/or Airport
Terminal for a period of seven (7) days.
Each Notice of Violation issued to a driver, employee, or company representative will also
be recorded as a Commercial Operator's infraction. After receipt of a Notice of Violation during
the Ground Transportation Year, any subsequent violation of these ground transportation
regulations by any employee, agent or driver for a Commercial Operator shall result in a
suspension of the Commercial Operator's privilege to operate at the Airport and/or Airport
Terminal for a period of seven (7) days.
D. Failure to comply with the terms of suspension shall be cause for an additional
notice of violation and revocation of operating privileges for a period of one (1) calendar year.
E. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the Airport Manager may summarily
suspend, without prior notice, the operating privileges of a specific driver or Commercial
Operator on the Airport and/or Airport Terminal if the Airport Manager has reasonable grounds to
believe and finds that the public health, safety or welfare requires such emergency suspension.
F. Once operating privileges have been suspended they shall remain suspended for
seven (7) days unless such suspension is earlier lifted in accordance with the procedure set forth
G. Any Commercial Operator or company representative whose operating privileges
are or may become suspended for other than a deliberate or willful violation of such requirements
may demonstrate to the Airport Manager or his representative, at any time prior to such
suspension or after such suspension has been imposed, that such operator or person has remedied
or is making a good faith attempt to remedy its failure to satisfy the requirements of these ground
transportation regulations granted to such Commercial Operator.
H. If the Commercial Operator or company representative whose operating privileges
are or may become suspended demonstrates that it is making a good faith effort to remedy its
failure to satisfy the requirements, the Airport Manager or his representative may, in his or her
discretion, remove the suspension if such suspension has been imposed, or abandon the procedure
if such suspension has not yet been imposed.
16.2 Revocation
A. An Individual's Operatinf! Privilef!es on the Airport and/or Airport Terminal
may be revoked for a period of one (1) year.
The operating privileges of a Commercial Operator receiving three (3) written Notice of
V iolations during an Ground Transportation Year (November 1 - October 31) shall be revoked.
Commercial Operators whose operating privileges have been revoked shall be denied access to
the Airport and/or Airport Terminal for one (1) calendar year.
B. A Businesses' Privilef!es on the Airport and/or Airport Terminal may be
Revoked for a period of one (1) year.
Each Notice of Violation issued to a Driver/Employee or representative will also be
recorded as a Commercial Operator's infraction. After a Commercial Operator Company
cumulates three (3) Notices of Violations, the operating privileges for that Commercial Operator
shall be revoked and all employees, representative, agents and drivers for the particular
Commercial Operator shall be denied access to the Airport and/or Airport Terminal for the
conduct of Ground Transportation business for a period of one (1) calendar year.
C. Wnere revocation of operating privileges results from a Commercial Operator
incurring three (3) Notice of Violations within an Ground Transportation Year, or by failure to
comply with terms of suspension, the Airport Manager shall give the Commercial Operator five
(5) days prior written notice of the decision to revoke said privileges.
D. A Commercial Operator whose privileges have been revoked may apply for
renewed privileges after a twelve (12) month period has elapsed following the date of revocation,
during which time, said revocation was adhered to. The County Administrator, in his discretion,
may allow an earlier re-application following revocation where justified by unique circumstances.
E. A Commercial Operator, driver, employee or company representative's failure to
comply with the terms of revocation by shall be cause for an additional Notice of Violation,
resulting in an added suspension and/or revocation for an additional period of time, which will be
added to the current term of revocation.
F. Notwithstanding the notice provisions hereof, the Airport Manager may revoke
without notice the operating privileges of any person or entity if, that person or entity is deemed
to endanger the health, safety, and welfare of any Airport user, the public, or employees.
G. Once operating privileges have been revoked they shall remain revoked for one (1)
calendar year unless such revocation is earlier lifted in accordance with the procedure set forth
H. Any Commercial Operator or company representative whose operating privileges
are or may become revoked for other than a deliberate or willful violation of such requirements
may demonstrate to the Airport Manager or his representative, at any time prior to such
revocation or after such revocation has been imposed, that such operator or person has remedied
or is making a good faith attempt to remedy its failure to satisfy the requirements of these ground
transportation regulations granted to such Commercial Operator.
1. If the Commercial Operator or company representative whose operating privileges
are or may become revoked demonstrates that it is making a good faith effort to remedy its failure
to satisfy the requirements, the Airport Manager or his representative may, in his or her
discretion, reverse the revocation if such revocation has been imposed, or abandon the procedure
if such revocation has not yet been imposed.
16.3 Any ground transportation company or representative shall have the right to a hearing
provided by the County Administrator or his designee except where the basis of the violation has
been proved in a court of law or before another local, state or federal regulatory or governmental
agency. Such a hearing must be requested within five (5) days of receipt of the notice of
suspension or revocation. The County shall have the authority to waive the time requirements set
forth herein upon good cause shown. The County Administrator's decision following said
hearing shall be deemed final agency action. All suspension and/or revocation periods will be
held in abeyance pending any hearing or appeal.
Section Seventeen
17.0 If any provision of these Rules and Regulations is held by a court to be invalid, the
validity of other mles and regulations herein shall remain in full force and effect.
The remedies and enforcement tools set forth in these mles and regulations shall be
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Performance and Use Agreement
This Performance and Use Agreement ("Agreement") entered into this _ day of
,200_, by and between the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, a body
politic and corporate, acting by and through its Airport Manager ("County"),
and * Rental, Inc. ("Commercial Operator"),
WHEREAS, the County now owns, controls and operates the Eagle County Regional
Airport (the "Airport") located between the towns of Eagle and Gypsum in the County of
Eagle, State of Colorado; and
WHEREAS, the County is duly authorized by law to administer and govern the Airport,
including businesses and services conducted thereat; and
WHEREAS, Commercial Operator desires to operate an airport car rental agency for
travelers utilizing the Airport; and
WHEREAS, Commercial Operator has entered into an agreement granting it certain
space and facilities within the Car Maintenance Facility for soliciting and for serving
customers with the operator thereof for the purposes of operating its car rental agency
business; and
WHEREAS, car rental services are essential to the proper accommodation of general
and commercial aviation at the Airport.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
contained in this Agreement, the parties hereby agree as follows:
The County hereby grants to Commercial Operator a non-exclusive, revocable license
to operate its motor vehicles upon the property of the Airport in the conduct of its on-
airport car rental agency business and to pick up and discharge its customers at the
terminal building(s) and/or the Car Maintenance Facility at the Eagle County Airport for
the term and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement and in the Airport
Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations.
, 11111111111111111111 m /l1I11~ 1 ~~~~:.~' ';'241
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 0 0,00
As a condition precedent to this Agreement, Commercial Operator shall enter
into an agreement with the operator(s) of either of the Airport terminal(s) or Car Mainte-
nance Facility for the use thereof for customer service facilities, and, at Commercial
Operator's option, also for vehicle cleaning and maintenance, fueling, and related
services as are reasonably necessary for the exercise of its privileges under this Agree-
Commercial Operator agrees that neither it nor its drivers, agents and employees
shall solicit customers on Airport premises nor engage in any activities at the Airport
intended to persuade members of the public to utilize its vehicles and/or services
except within the Airport terminal or Car Maintenance Facility with which it contracts for
customer service facilities as provided by and subject to the restrictions in such agree-
This Agreement does not authorize Commercial Operator to park motor vehicles
on Airport property. Any commercial activity not expressly authorized under the terms
hereof is expressly prohibited.
The term of this Agreement shall be effective as of December 1, 2001 and
continuing through the 30th day of November, 2002 (the ''Termination Date"), unless
earlier terminated under the provisions of this Agreement.
Commercial Operator shall comply with all applicable Federal, state and local
laws, ordinances and regulations.
Commercial Operator, and its employees, contractors and agents, shall observe
the Eagle County Airport Rules and Regulations, including but not limited to the Ground
Transportation Rules and Regulations as they exist on the date hereof and as they may
be modified from time-to-time, The Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations in
force at the time of the signing of this Agreement are attached hereto, marked "Exhibit
A" and incorporated herein by this reference.
County reserves the right to amend the Airport Rules and Regulations in its sole
discretion, and all such amendments shall be effective with respect to Commercial
Operator upon their adoption whether or not Commercial Operator has received actual
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Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 0 0.00
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A. Commercial Operator Revenues: Commercial Operator shall be permit-
ted to charge reasonable prices for its services. A report of all charges, past and
present, and any changes thereto, shall be available for the County's inspection at all
reasonable times.
8, County Charges: Commercial Operator shall pay to the County a sum
equal to six percent of Adjusted Gross Receipts in accordance with the Rules and
Regulations for Ground Transportation. The fee shall be paid to County by the 15th
day of the month for the preceding calendar month. If Commercial Operator has
conducted no business activity during the preceding calendar month, it must report that
fact by the fee due date; jf it suspends business for a period of consecutive months, it
may, in lieu of monthly reporting, report the suspension of business, stating the effec-
tive beginning and ending dates of the suspension, prior to the suspension beginning.
C. Commercial Operator Accounting: For the purpose of ascertaining the
amount payable as herein provided, Commercial Operator shall keep an accurate
account of all daily sales and revenues made by Commercial Operator in, on, or from
the Airport, the same to be entered into a book of a permanent nature which shan be
available to the County for its inspection upon its demand,
D. Delinquency Charge: A delinquency charge of two (2) percent per month
shall be added to payments required hereinabove, which are rendered more than ten
days delinquent in addition to any other remedy provided for herein.
E. Place of Payment: All payments due the County from Commercial
Operator shall be delivered to the Airport Manager's Office or to such other place in
Eagle County designated in writing by the County.
F. Annual Statement. Within sixty (60) days after the end of each calendar
year, Commercial Operator shall furnish to County an annual statement of its Adjusted
Gross Receipts generated during the preceding calendar year, the accuracy and
completeness of which statement shall be attested under oath under penalty of perjury
by an officer of Commercial Operator. The County reserves the right to audit said
statement and Commercial Operator's books and records, including examination of the
general ledger and all other supporting material, including tax returns, at any reason-
able time during business hours, verifying the Adjusted Gross Receipts. If the audit
establishes that Commercial Operator has understated or overstated the Adjusted
Gross Receipts by $500.00 or more, the entire expense of said audit shall be borne by
Commercial Operator. Any additional payment due from Commercial Operator shall
forthwith be paid to the County, with interest thereon at 1-1/2 percent per month from
III~ 111111111111111111111111 ~IIII ;~1~:.~';,' 241
Sara J Fisher Eagle. CO 370 R 0,00 D 0,00
the date such amount originally became payable to the County. Any overpayment by
Commercial Operator shall be credited against further payments due to the County.
G, Disputes. In the event that any dispute may arise as to the Adjusted
Gross Receipts collected, the amount claimed due by Commercial Operator shall be
paid forthwith and the dispute shall be submitted to a certified public accountant,
agreeable to both parties, who shall determine the rights of the parties hereunder in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The fees due said accoun-
tant for such service shall be paid by the unsuccessful party, or in the event the
determination is partially in favor of each party, the fee shall be borne equally by the
A. Reservations of the County. For the purposes of this Agreement, "Public
Aircraft Facilities" shall mean - but only as and to the extent that they are from time to
time provided by the County at the Airport for public and common use by aircraft
operators -- (1) runways, (2) taxiways, (3) passenger ramp and apron areas, (4) any
extensions or additions to the above, and (5) any other space or facilities provided by
the County at the Airport for public and common use by aircraft operators in connection
with the landing and taking off of aircraft or in connection with operations hereinafter
authorized to be performed by aircraft operators upon the aforesaid runways, taxiways,
and public passenger ramp and apron areas.
The County reserves the right to further develop or improve the Airport as it sees
fit, regardless of the desires or views of Commercial Operator, and without interference
or hindrance, except that the County may not arbitrarily violate or unreasonably
diminish Commercial Operator's rights as provided elsewhere in this Agreement except
on a temporary basis, or diminish its ability to perform the obligations undertaken by it
hereunder; provided, however, that any general or partial closure of any Public Aircraft
Facilities for the purpose and duration of construction or repair shall not be considered
a violation or diminishing of Commercial Operator's rights or ability to perform; and
provided, further, that the construction of a new or second terminal by County shall not
be considered a violation or diminishing of Commercial Operator's rights or ability to
The County reserves the right to maintain and keep in repair the Public Aircraft
Facilities of the Airport and all publicly owned facilities of the Airport, together with the
right to direct and control all activities of Commercial Operator in this regard.
The County reserves the right to take any action it considers necessary to
protect the aerial approaches of the Airport against obstruction.
IIII~ m~ 1111/1111 ~1I111 un~ I ;~:~~!~, ';"24'
Sara J f"isher Eagle. CO 370 R 0,00 D 0.00
During the time of war or national emergency, the County shall have the right to
lease the Airport or any part thereof to the United States Government for military or
naval use, and, if such lease is executed, the provisions of this Agreement insofar as
they are inconsistent with the provisions of the lease to the Government, shall be
The County reserves the right to direct and control all activities of Commercial
Operator at the Airport in the event of an emergency or if Commercial Operator's opera-
tions are interfering with the use of the Airport by others,
Non-compliance with this subsection shall constitute a breach or default of this
Agreement and in the event of such non-compliance, the County shall have the right to
terminate this Agreement, or at the election of the County or the United States, or both
of said governments, shall have the right to enforce judicially this subsection.
B. No Exclusive Rights Granted. It is understood and agreed that nothing
herein contained shall be construed to grant or authorize the granting of an exclusive
right within the meaning of Section 308 of the Federal Aviation Act. The County
reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to grant others certain rights and privileges
upon the Airport which are identical in part or in whole to those granted to Commercial
Operator, The County reserves the right, but shall not be obligated, to permit other
rental car companies, with whom the airport has not executed an Performance and Use
Agreement, to enter upon the Airport in general, and the Air Carrier Terminal in particu-
lar, to pick up and drop off customers, to purchase advertising space on the Airport and
within the Air-Carrier Terminal, and to establish a courtesy phone system on the Airport
and within the Air Carrier Terminal, all subject to fees and charges in Common with
other users of that classification.
C, Subordination of Agreement. This Agreement and the rights and privileges
thereunder are subject and subordinate to the terms, reservations, restrictions and
conditions of any existing or future agreements between the County and the United
States, the execution of which has been or may be required as a condition precedent to
the transfer of federal rights or property to the County for Airport purposes or the
expenditure of federal funds for the extension, expansion or development of the Airport.
D, Signs. Commercial Operator shall not erect, maintain or display at the
Airport any external signs or other advertising without first obtaining the written approval
of the County. Commercial Operator srlall remove, at its expense, alllettaring, signs,
and placards erected on the Airport at the expiration of the term of this Agreement.
III In In I "III 11m II/1ft/111m ;~1~:.~"~ 241
Sara J Fisher Eagle. CO 370 R 0,00 D 0,00
Commercial Operator agrees to secure at its own expense, and to keep in force at all times
during the Term hereof, Comprehensive General Public liability Insurance in the minimum
amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000,00) bodily injury and property damage combined
single limit each occurrence. The required insurance coverage also shall include Personal
Injury, Blanket Contractual Coverage for this Agreement, and Independent Contractors
Commercial Operator shall also maintain in force. during the term of this Agreement, Automo-
bile Liability Insurance, Comprehensive Form, which shall insure all Commercial Operator's
owned or hired limousines and/or other vehicles used by Commercial Operator at Airport
pursuant to this Agreement, in the minimum amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00).
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined Single Limit per occurrence, Commercial
Operator shall also maintain in force during the term of this Agreement Workers Compensation
and Employers Liability Insurance in accordance with the provisions of Colorado law. The limit
of such insurance coverage shall be for statutory Worker's Compensation benefits, and shall
not be less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100.000.00) for employers liability insur-
ance, Commercial Operator agrees that County shall be named as an additional insured under
such policy or policies of insurance and said policy or policies shall include the severability of
interest "cross over" provision,
A ceriificate or certificates evidencing such insurance coverage shall be filed with County within
ten (10) days after execution of this Agreement, and said certificate(s) shall provide that such
insurance coverage will not be canceled or reduced without at least thirty (30) days prior written
notice to County. At least ten (10) days prior to the expiration of said insurance policy or
policies, a certificate showing that such insurance coverage has been renewed or extended
shall be filed with County. If such coverage is canceled or reduced, Commercial Operator shall
within seven (7) days of notice of cancellation or reduction. but in any event more than fifteen
(15) days before the effective date of said cancellation or reduction. file with County a certificate
showing that the required insurance has been reinstated in full, or provided through another
insurance company or companies.
In the event that Commercial Operator shall at any time fail to provide County with the insur-
ance required under this section, County may immediately terminate this Agreement.
The insurance carried by the Commercial Operator, as required by this Agreement. shall be
primary over any insurance carried by the County for the County's own protection. A copy of
the insurance representative's license, or other legal proof of his/her authorization to sign the
Certificate of Insurance for and on behalf of the insura lee company/companies shown thereon,
must be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. Facsimile stamped signature on the Certifi-
cate wifl not be accepted, The Certificate must be signed by the insurance company's
authorized representative.
The County will conditionally accept self-insurance under this section, subject to review and
approval of appropriate County and State requirements All preceding coverages and limits will
11111 1IIIIllllllllln I 11I1I11I ~;~~t~, 0370 2..
Sara J FiSher Eagle. CO 370 R 0.00 0 0,00
Commercial Operator shall indemnify and hold harmless the County, its Board of
County Commissioners and the individual members thereof, its commissions, agencies,
departments, officers, agents, employees or servants, and its successors from any and
all demands, losses, liabilities, claims or judgments, together with all costs and ex-
penses incident thereto which may accrue against, be charged to, or be recoverable
from the County, its Board of County Commissioners, and its individual members there-
of, its commissions, agencies, departments, officers, agents, employees or servants
and its successors, as a result of the acts or omissions of Commercial Operator, its
employees or agents, in connection with Commercial Operator's use of the Airport
premises or in any manner whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of Commercial
Operator's exercise of its privileges or performance of its obligations under this Agree-
ment. The County shall give to Commercial Operator prompt notice of any claim made
or suit instituted which in any way, directly or indirectly, affects or might affect Commer-
cial Operator and Commercial Operator shall have the right to compromise or partici-
pate in the defense of any such action to the extent of its own interests. Commercial
Operator shafllikewise give prompt notice to the County of any claim or suit which
directly affects or might directly affect Commercial Operator's ability to operate hereun-
der or which in any way affects or might affect the County or the general operations of
the Airport.
Except as otherwise expressly provided within this Agreement, the parties
mutually agree that nothing contained in this Agreement, nor the operations hereunder,
shall in any way be construed to constitute the parties hereto as partners or be con-
strued that Commercial Operator is an employee, agent or servant of the County, and
in no event shall the County become liable for any loss which may result from the
operations of Commercial Operator, nor for any indebtedness incurred by Commercial
Operator in the operations of its business,
It is mutually understood by the respective parties hereto that during the term of
this Agreement. Commercial Operator may not assign this Agreement without the
written consent of the County, which consent shall be exercised in County's sole and
absolute discretion,
IIII~I Rill ~IIIUm~ I m n~ ;~:~~J.~' ,~52~
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 D 0,00
I ~~IIII a IIIIIIIIII~I ~ I'~ ~~:~~~~'.i' 24'
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 0 0.00
Commercial Operator agrees that so long as it is operating as an pursuant to this
Agreement, it shall cooperate in a fair and reasonable way with all other persons and
entities operating on the Airport with the permission and approval of the County.
Any notices provided for herein shall be in writing and shall be delivered in
person or mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage pre-
paid, to the party for whom intended at the address set forth below:
Eddie F. Storer, Acting Airport Manager
Eagle County Regional Airport
P.O. Box 850
Eagle, Colorado 81631
Telephone: 970-524-8246
Fax: 970-524-8247
Either party may change its address by written notice to the other party. Notices are
deemed to have been given effective as of the date of delivery if personally delivered,
and as of the third day after mailing, if mailed.
A. Termination by Commercial Operator. This Agreement shall be subject to
termination by Commercial Operator in the event of anyone or more of the following
1. The abandonment of the Airport as an airport or aimeld for any type,
class or category of aircraft.
2, The default by County in the performance of any of the terms, cove-
nants or conditions of this Agreement, and the failure of the County to
remedy or undertake to remedy, to Commercial Operator's satisfaction,
111I1111I1I1~1I1 n ~IIIUm 1111 ;~~~~!, .;~ 241
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO
R 0,00
o 8,00
such default for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of notice from
Commercial Operator to remedy the same.
3, Damage to or destruction of all or a material part of the Airport facilities
necessary to the operation of Commercial Operator's business.
4, The lawful assumption by the United States, or any authorized agency
thereof, of the operation, control or use of the Airport, or any substantial
part or parts thereof, in such a manner as to restrict substantially Com-
mercial Operator from conducting business operations for a period in
excess of 180 days.
B. Termination by the County. This Agreement shall be subject to termina-
tion by the County in the event of anyone or more of the following events:
1. The default by Commercial Operator in the performance of any of the
terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement, and the failure of
Commercial Operator to remedy, or undertake to remedy, to County's
satisfaction, such default for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of
notice from County to remedy the same,
2. Commercial Operator files voluntary petition in bankruptcy, including a
reorganization plan, makes a general or other assignment for the benefit
of creditors, is adjudicated as bankrupt or if a receiver is appointed for the
property or affairs of Commercial Operator and such receivership is not
vacated within forty-five (45) days after the appointment of such receiver.
C, Exercise of the rights of termination set forth in Paragraphs A and B
above, shall be by notice to the other party within thirty (30) days following the event
giving rise to the termination.
D. Causes of Breach; Waiver.
1, Neither party shall be held to be in breach of this Agreement because
of any failure to perform any of its obligations hereunder if said failure is
due to any cause for which it is not responsible and over which it has no
control; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall not apply to
failures by Commercial Operator to pay fees or other charges to the
2. The waiver of any breach, violation or default in or with respect to the
performance or observance of the covenants and conditions contained
herein shall not be taken to constitute a waiver of any such subsequent
breach, violation or default in or with respect to the same or any other
covenants or condition hereof.
II ~ I III II ~~II ~IIII ~IIIIIIII ;;~~~.~, .;~ 241
Sara J Fisner Eagle, CO 370 R 0.e0 0 e.00
Commercial Operator shall, at its sole expense, obtain and maintain in good
standing all proper and necessary permits, including the permits described in the
Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations, and licenses necessary to carry out and
perform its privileges and obligations under this Agreement.
In providing any of the required and/or authorized services or activities specified
in this Agreement, Commercial Operator shall operate for the use and benefit of the
public and shall meet or exceed the following standards:
A. Commercial Operator shall furnish service on a fair, reasonable and non-
discriminatory basis to all users of the Airport. Commercial Operator shall furnish good,
prompt and efficient service adequate to meet all reasonable demands for its services
at the Airport. Commercial Operator shall charge fair, reasonable, and non-discrimina-
tory prices for each unit of sale or service; provided however, that Commercial Operator
may be allowed to make reasonable and non-discriminatory discounts, rebates or other
similar types of price reductions to volume purchasers. Commercial Operator specif-
ically covenants that no person on the grounds of race, color, sex or national origin shall
be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to
discrimination in the participation in or use of Commercial Operator's services.
B. Commercial Operator shall not discriminate against any person or class of
persons by reason of race, color, sex, creed, religion, handicap or national origin in
providing any services or in the use of any facilities provided for the public in any
manner prohibited by Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, and shall comply
with the letter and spirit of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act of 1957, as amended,
and any other laws and regulations respecting discrimination in unfair employment
practices, and shall comply with such enforcement procedures as any governmental
authority might demand that the County take for the purpose of complying with any
such laws and regulations.
C. Commercial Operator assures that it will undertake an affirmative action
program, as required by 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E, to ensure that no person shall,
on the ground of race, creed, color, natiollal origin, or sex, be excluded from participat-
ing in any employment, contracting, or leasing activities covered in 14 CFR Part 152,
Subpart E. Commercial Operator assures that no person shall be excluded, on these
grounds, from participating in or receiving the services or benefits of any program or
activity covered by this subpart. The County assures that it will require that its covered
organizations provide assurance to the Commercial Operator that they similarly will
undertake affirmative action programs and that they will require assurances from their
suborganization, as required by 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E, to the same effect.
D. Commercial Operator agrees to comply with any affirmative action plan or
steps for equal employment opportunity required by 14 CFR, Part 152, Subpart E, as
part of the affirmative action program or by any Federal, state or local agency or court,
including those resulting from a conciliation agreement, a consent decree, court order,
or similar mechanism.
E. Commercial Operator agrees that a state or local affirmative action plan
will be used in lieu of any affirmative action plan or steps required by 14 CFR Part 152,
Subpart E, only when they fully meet the standards set forth in 14 CFR 152.409.
F. Commercial Operator shall provide, at its sole expense, a sufficient
number of employees to provide effectively and efficiently the services required or
authorized in this Agreement.
G. Commercial Operator shall control the conduct, demeanor and appear-
ance of its employees, who shall be trained by Commercial Operator and who shall
possess such technical qualifications and hold such certificates of qualification as may
be required in carrying out assigned duties. It shall be the responsibility of Commercial
Operator to maintain close supervision over its employees to assure a high standard of
service to customers of Commercial Operator.
H. Commercial Operator shall meet all expenses and payments in con-
nection with the rights and privileges herein granted, including taxes, permit fees,
license fees and assessments lawfully levied or assessed upon Commercial Operator,
Commercial Operator may, however, at its sole expense and cost, contest any tax, fee
or assessment.
I. Commercial Operator shall comply with all Federal, state and local laws,
rules and regulations which may apply to the conduct of the business contemplated,
including rules and regulations promulgated by the County, and Commercial Operator
shall keep in effect and post in a prominent place all necessary andlor required licenses
or permits.
J. It is expressly understood and agreed that, in providing required and
authorized services pursuant to this Agreement, Commercial Operator shall have the
right to choose, in its sole discretion, its vendors ard suppliers.
111111111 I ~IIIII ~IIII II~ 1I11I :.;~~~.~"~ 240
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 D 0,00
Commercial Operator shall have at all times the full and free right of ingress and
egress from the Airport. Such right shall also extend to its employees, customers,
passengers, guests, suppliers.
The rights herein contracted for shall inure solely to the benefit of the parties to
this Agreement, and nothing herein shall be construed to grant a cause of action to
non-parties claiming as third party beneficiaries or otherwise.
A. All the covenants, conditions, and provisions in this Agreement shall
extend to and bind the legal representatives, successors, and assigns of the respective
parties hereto.
8. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Colo-
rado. Any covenant, condition, or provision herein contained that is held to be invalid
by any court of competent jurisdiction shall be considered deleted from this Agreement,
but such deletion shall in no way affect any other covenant, condition or provision
herein contained so long as such deletion does not materially prejudice the County or
Commercial Operator in their respective rights and obligations contained in the valid
covenants, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement.
C. All amendments to this Agreement must be made in writing by mutual
agreement of the parties, and no oral amendments shall be of any force or effect
D. The clause headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted for
the purpose of convenience and ready reference. They do not purport to, and shall not
bl':! deemed to, define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the clauses to which they
E. This Agreement supersedes all previous communications, negotiations
and/or contracts between the respective parties hereto, either verbal or written, and the
same not expressly contained herein are hereby withdrawn and annulled, This is an
integrated agreement and there are no representations about any of the subject matter
hereof except as expressly set forth herein,
III II mill I ~II "II ~IU IIIIm" ~~=~.~, .;~ 241
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0.00 0 0,00
. ~-------
[signature page next page]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
the year and date first above written.
Eddie F. Storer
Airport Manager
11111 ml ~'~IIII~llInllllllllllm :;;~~t~( ';'2~
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0.00 0 0.00
III II~ IIIII1 ~III ~II ~ ~I~I ~ III ;~~~t~, .~~ 2..
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 0 0,00
Performance and Use Agreement
This Performance and Use Agreement ("Agreement") entered into this _ day of
,200_. by and between the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, a
body politic and corporate, acting by and through its Airport Manager ("County"), and
*** ("Commercial Operator").
WHEREAS, the County now owns, controls and operates the Eagle County Regional
Airport (the "Airport") located between the towns of Eagle and Gypsum in the County of
Eagle, State of Colorado; and
WHEREAS, the County is duly authorized by law to administer and govern the Airport,
including businesses and services conducted thereat; and
WHEREAS, Commercial Operator desires to operate an off-airport car rental agency for
travelers utilizing the Airport which business will be located off the Airport; and
WHEREAS, car rental services are essential to the proper accommodation of general
and commercial aviation at the Airport,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
contained in this Agreement, the parties hereby agree as follows:
The County hereby grants to Commercial Operator a non-exclusive, revocable
license to operate its motor vehicles upon the property of the Airport in the conduct of
its off-airport car rental agency business and to pick up and discharge its pre-booked
customers at the terminal buiJding(s) at the Eagle County Airport for the term and sub-
ject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement and in the Airport Ground Transporta-
tion Rules and Regulations.
This Agreement does not authorize Commercial Operator to park motor vehicles
on Airport property. Any commercial activity not expressly authorized under the terms
hereof is expressly prohibited.
IIIIII~II ~ I II m 111111 ~~ I m ~~:~~:.~' .i" 2~
Sara J Fisher Ea.le, CO 370 R 0.00 D 0,00
Commercial Operator agrees that neither it nor its drivers, agents and employees
shall solicit customers on Airport premises nor engage in any activities at the Airport
intended to persuade members of the public to utilize its vehicles and/or services,
Commercial Operator may enter into any lawful agreement(s) with the opera-
tor(s) of the Airport termina/(s) or of the Airport Car Maintenance Facility for the use of
those facilities for vehicle cleaning and maintenance, fueling, and related services, as
are reasonably necessary for the exercise of its privileges under this Agreement.
The term of this Agreement shall be effective as of December 1, 2000 and
continuing through the 30th day of November, 2001 (the "Termination Date"), unless
earlier terminated under the provisions of this Agreement.
Commercial Operator shall comply with all applicable Federal, state and local
laws, ordinances and regulations.
Commercial Operator, and its employees, contractors and agents, shall observe
the Eagle County Airport Rules and Regulations, including but not limited to the Ground
Transportation Rules and Regulations, as they exist on the date hereof and as they
may be modified from time-to-time. The Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations
in force at the time of the signing of this Agreement are attached hereto, marked
"Exhibit A," and incorporated herein by this reference.
County reserves the right to amend the Airport Rules and Regulations in its sole
discretion, and they shall be effective with respect to Commercial Operator upon their
adoption whether or not Commercial Operator has received actual notice.
A. Commercial Operator Revenues: Commercial Operator shall be permit-
ted to charge reasonable prices for its services. A report of all charges, past and
present, and any changes thereto, shall be available for the County's inspection at all
reasonable times.
~ 11111111111111111 ~I :~:~;t';'24'
Sara J Fisher Eagle. CO 370 R 0,00
B, County Charges: Commercial Operator shall pay to the County a sum
equal to fourteen (14) percent of Adjusted Gross Receipts in accordance with the Rules
and Regulations for Ground Transportation. The fee shall be paid to County by the
15th day of the month for the preceding calendar month.
C. Monthly Reports: Commercial Operator shall submit monthly reports of its
Adjusted Gross Receipts for the preceding month, including numbers of its customers
from the Airport, by the 15th day of each month. If Commercial Operator has con-
ducted no business activity during the preceding calendar month, it must report that fact
by the fee due date; if it suspends business for a period of consecutive months, it may,
in lieu of monthly reporting, report the suspension of business, stating the effective
beginning and ending dates of the suspension, prior to the suspension beginning.
D. Commercial Operator Accounting: For the purpose of ascertaining the
amount payable as herein provided, Commercial Operator shall keep an accurate
account of all daily sales and revenues made by Commercial Operator in, on, or from
the Airport, the same to be entered into a book of a permanent nature which shall be
available to the County for its inspection upon its demand.
E. Delinquency Charge: A delinquency charge of two (2) percent per month
shall be added to payments required hereinabove, which are rendered more than ten
days delinquent in addition to any other remedy provided for herein.
F, Place of Payment: All payments due the County from Commercial
Operator shall be delivered to the Airport Manager's Office or to such other place in
Eagle County designated in writing by the County.
G. Annual Statement. Within sixty (60) days after the end of each calendar
year, Commercial Operator shall furnish to County an annual statement of its Adjusted
Gross Receipts generated during the preceding calendar year, the accuracy and
completeness of which statement shall be attested under oath under penalty of perjury
by an officer of Commercial Operator. The County reserves the right to audit said
statement and Commercial Operator's books and records, including examination of the
general ledger and all other supporting material, including tax returns, at any reason-
able time during business hours, verifying the Adjusted Gross Receipts, If the audit
establishes that Commercial Operator has understated or overstated the Adjusted
Gross Receipts by $500.00 or more, the entire expense of said audit shall be borne by
C. 'mmercial Operator, Any additional payment due from Commercial Operator shall
fOlthwith be paid to the County, with interest thereon at 1-1/2 percent per month from
the date such amount originally became payable to the County, Any overpayment by
Commercial Operator shall be credited against further payments due to the County,
H, Disputes, In the event that any dispute may arise as to the Adjusted
Gross Receipts collected, the amount claimed due by Commercial Operator shall be
paid forthwith and the dispute shall be submitted to a certified public accountant,
II ml~ II ~ 111111111111111 ;~~~:'~";'2"
Sara J Fisher Eagl., co 370 R0,00 00,00
agreeable to both parties, who shall determine the rights of the parties hereunder in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, The fees due said accoun-
tant for such service shall be paid by the unsuccessful party, or in the event the
determination is partially in favor of each party, the fee shall be borne equally by the
A. Reservations of the County. For the purposes of this Agreement, "Public
Aircraft Facilities" shall mean - but only as and to the extent that they are from time to
time provided by the County at the Airport for public and common use by aircraft
operators -- (1) runways, (2) taxiways, (3) passenger ramp and apron areas, (4) any
extensions or additions to the above, and (5) any other space or facilities provided by
the County at the Airport for public and common use by aircraft operators in connection
with the landing and taking off of aircraft or in connection with operations authorized to
be performed by aircraft operators upon the aforesaid runways, taxiways, and public
passenger ramp and apron areas.
The County reserves the right to further develop or improve the Airport as it sees
fit, regardless of the desires or views of Commercial Operator, and without interference
or hindrance, except that the County may not arbitrarily violate or unreasonably
diminish Commercial Operator's rights as provided elsewhere in this Agreement except
on a temporary basis, or diminish its ability to perform the obligations undertaken by it
hereunder; provided, however, that any general or partial closure of any Public Aircraft
Facilities for the purpose and duration of construction or repair shall not be considered
a violation or diminishing of Commercial Operator's rights or ability to perform.
The County reserves the right to maintain and keep in repair the Public Aircraft
Facilities of the Airport and all publicly owned facilities of the Airport, together with the
right to direct and control all activities of Commercial Operator in this regard,
The County reserves the right to take any action it considers necessary to
protect the aerial approaches of the Airport against obstruction.
During the time of war or emergency, the County shall have the right to lease the
Airport or any part thereof to the United States Government for military or naval use,
I Imll WI IUIIIII ~ IIII~' 1m ;~~~t~, 03~2~
Sara J Fisher eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 0 0.08
and, if such lease is executed, the provisions of this Agreement insofar as they are
inconsistent with the provisions of the lease to the Government, shall be suspended.
The County reserves the right to direct and control all activities of Commercial
Operator at the Airport in the event of an emergency or if Commercial Operator's opera-
tions are interfering with the use of the Airport by others.
Non-compliance with this subsection shall constitute a breach or default of this
Agreement and in the event of such non-compliance, the County shall have the right to
terminate this Agreement, or at the election of the County or the United States, or both
of said governments, shall have the right to enforce judicially this subsection.
B. No Exclusive Rights Granted. It is understood and agreed that nothing
herein contained shall be construed to grant or authorize the granting of an exclusive
right within the meaning of Section 308 of the Federal Aviation Act. The County
reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to grant others certain rights and privileges
upon the Airport which are identical in part or in whole to those granted to Commercial
Operator. The County reserves the right, but shall not be obligated, to permit other
rental car companies, with whom the airport has not executed an Performance and Use
Agreement, to enter upon the Airport in general, and the Air Carrier Terminal in particu-
lar, to pick up and drop off customers, to purchase advertising space on the Airport and
within the Air-Carrier Terminal, and to establish a courtesy phone system on the Airport
and within the Air Carrier Terminal, all subject to fees and charges in common with
other users of that classification.
C, Subordination of Agreement. This Agreement and the rights and privileges
thereunder are subject and subordinate to the terms, reservations, restrictions and
conditions of any existing or future agreements between the County and the United
States, the execution of which has been or may be required as a condition precedent to
the transfer of federal rights or property to the County for Airport purposes or the
expenditure of federal funds for the extension, expansion or development of the Airport.
D. Signs. Commercial Operator shall not erect, maintain or display at the
Airport any external signs or other advertising without first obtaining the written approval
of the County. Commercial Operator shall remove, at its expense, all lettering, signs,
and placards erected on the Airport at the expiration of the term of this Agreement.
Commercial Operator agrees to secure at its own expense, and to keep in force at all
times during the Term hereof, Comprehensive General Public Liability Insurance in the
minimum amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) bodily injury and property
1111111 ~ II 11111 Igl 1111 111111111111 [;~~~:.~' .~~.41
R 0.00
D 0,00
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO
damage combined single limit each occurrence. The required insurance coverage also
shall include Personal Injury, Blanket Contractual Coverage for this Agreement, and
Independent Contractors Coverage,
Commercial Operator shall also maintain in force, during the term of this Agreement,
Automobile Liability Insurance, Comprehensive Form, which shall insure all Commercial
Operator's owned or hired limousines and/or other vehicles used by Commercial
Operator at Airport pursuant to this Agreement, in the minimum amount of One Million
Dollars ($1,000,000.00), Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined Single Limit per
occurrence. Commercial Operator shall also maintain in force during the term of this
Agreement Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance in accordance
with the provisions of Colorado law. The limit of such insurance coverage shall be for
statutory Worker's Compensation benefits, and shall not be less than One Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for employers liability insurance. CommercialOpera-
tor agrees that County shall be named as an additional insured under such policy or
policies of insurance and said policy or policies shall include the severability of interest
"cross over" provision.
A certificate or certificates evidencing such insurance coverage shall be filed with
County within ten (10) days after execution of this Agreement, and said certificate(s)
shall provide that such insurance coverage will not be canceled or reduced without at
least thirty (30) days prior written notice to County. At least ten (10) days prior to the
expiration of said insurance policy or policies, a certificate showing that such insurance
coverage has been renewed or extended shall be filed with County. If such coverage is
canceled or reduced, Commercial Operator shall within seven (7) days of notice of
cancellation or reduction, but in any event more than fifteen (15) days before the
effective date of said cancellation or reduction, file with County a certificate showing
that the required insurance has been reinstated in full, or provided through another
insurance company or companies.
In the event that Commercial Operator shall at any time fail to provide County with the
insurance required under this section, County may immediately terminate this Agree-
The insurance carried by the Commercial Operator, as required by this Agreement,
shall be primary over any insurance carried by the County for the County's own
protection, A copy of the insurance representative's license, or other legal proof of
his/her authorization to sign the Certificate of Insurance for and on behalf of the
insurance company/companies shown thereon, must be attached to the Certificate of
Insurance. Facsimile stamped signature on the Certificate will not be accepted. The
Certificate must be signed by the insurance company's authorized representative,
The County will conditionally accept self-insurance under this section, subject to review
and approval of appropriate County and State requirements, All preceding coverages
and limits will
II UU 1111111 III 11111 ~~~~;.~, .~~ 2"
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0.00 D 0,00
Commercial Operator shall indemnify and hold harmless the County, its Board of
County Commissioners and the individual members thereof, its commissions, agencies,
departments, officers, agents, employees or servants, and its successors from any and
all demands, losses, liabilities, claims or judgments, together with all costs and ex-
penses incident thereto which may accrue against, be charged to, or be recoverable
from the County, its Board of County Commissioners, and its individual members there-
of, its commissions, agencies, departments, officers, agents, employees or servants
and its successors, as a result of the acts or omissions of Commercial Operator, its
employees or agents. in connection with Commercial Operator's use of the Airport
premises or in any manner whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of Commercial
Operator's exercise of its privileges or performance of its obligations under this Agree-
ment. The County shall give to Commercial Operator prompt notice of any claim made
or suit instituted which in any way. directly or indirectly, affects or might affect Commer-
cial Operator and Commercial Operator shall have the right to compromise or partici-
pate in the defense of any such action to the extent of its own interests. Commercial
Operator shall likewise give prompt notice to the County of any claim or suit which
directly affects or might directly affect Commercial Operator's ability to operate hereun-
der or which in any way affects or might affect the County or the general operations of
the Airport.
Except as otherwise expressly provided within this Agreement, the parties
mutually agree that nothing contained in this Agreement, nor the operations hereunder,
shall in any way be construed to constitute the parties hereto as partners or be con-
strued that Commercial Operator is an employee, agent or servant of the County, and
in no event shall the County become liable for any loss which may result from the
operations of Commercial Operator, nor for any indebtedness incurred by Commercial
Operator in the operations of its business.
It is mutually understood by the respective parties hereto that during the term of
this Agreement, Commercial Operator may not assign this Agreement without the
written consent of the County, which consent shall be exercised in County's sole and
absolute discretion.
11111111111111 1111111111 II ;~:~~:.~, ~~2~
Sara J FISher Eagle, CO 370 R 0.00 D 0.00
Commercial Operator agrees that so long as it is operating as an pursuant to this
Agreement, it shall cooperate in a fair and reasonable way with all other persons and
entities operating on the Airport with the permission and approval of the County.
Any notices provided for herein shall be in writing and shall be delivered in
person or mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage pre-
paid, to the party for whom intended at the address set forth below:
The Board of County Commissioners
County of Eagle, State of Colorado
P.O. Box 850
Eagle, Colorado 81631
Attn: Airport Manager
Telephone: 970-524-8246
Fax: 970-524-8247
Either party may change its address by written notice to the other party. Notices are
deemed to have been given effective as of the date of delivery if personally delivered,
and as of the third day after mailing, if mailed.
A. Termination by Commercial Operator, This Agreement shall be subject to
ter ,nination by Commercial Operator in the event of anyone or more of the following
1. The abandonment of the Airport as an airport or airfield for any type,
class or category of aircraft.
2. The default by County in the performance of any of the terms, cove-
nants or conditions of this Agreement, and the failure of the County to
II II/II B ~IIIU II'II~III~ ~BI ~ II ;~~!~'';~ 2~
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0.00 0 0,08
remedy or undertake to remedy, to Commercial Operator's satisfaction,
such default for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of notice from
Commercial Operator to remedy the same.
3. Damage to or destruction of all or a material part of the Airport facilities
necessary to the operation of Commercial Operator's business.
4. The lawful assumption by the United States, or any authorized agency
thereof, of the operation, control or use of the Airport, or any substantial
part or parts thereof, in such a manner as to restrict substantially Com-
mercial Operator from conducting business operations for a period in
excess of 180 days.
B. Termination by the County. This Agreement shall be subject to termina-
tion by the County in the event of anyone or more of the following events:
1. The default by Commercial Operator in the performance of any of the
terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement, and the failure of
Commercial Operator to remedy, or undertake to remedy, to County's
satisfaction, such default for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of
notice from County to remedy the same.
2. Commercial Operator files voluntary petition in bankruptcy, including a
reorganization plan, makes a general or other assignment for the benefit
of creditors, is adjudicated as bankrupt or if a receiver is appointed for the
property or affairs of Commercial Operator and such receivership is not
vacated within forty-five (45) days after the appointment of such receiver.
C. Exercise of the rights of termination set forth in Paragraphs A and B
above, shall be by notice to the other party within thirty (3D) days following the event
giving rise to the termination.
D, Causes of Breach; Waiver.
1. Neither party shall be held to be in breach of this Agreement because
of any failure to perform any of its obligations hereunder if said failure is
due to any cause for which it is not responsible and over which it has no
control; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall not apply to
failures by Commercial Operator to pay fees or other charges to the
2. The waiver of any breach, violation or default in or with respect to the
performance or observance of the covenants and conditions contained
herein shall not be taken to constitute a waiver of any such subsequent
II III In IIIII~ 111111 ~~:~~'~";'241
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0.00 0 0.00
breach, violation or default in or with respect to the same or any other
covenants or condition hereof.
Commercial Operator shall, at its sole expense, obtain and maintain in good
standing all proper and necessary permits, including the permits described in the
Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations, and licenses necessary to carry out and
perform its privileges and obligations under this Agreement.
In providing any of the required and/or authorized services or activities specified
in this Agreement, Commercial Operator shall operate for the use and benefit of the
public and shall meet or exceed the following standards:
A. Commercial Operator shall furnish service on a fair, reasonable and non-
discriminatory basis to all users of the Airport. Commercial Operator shalf furnish good,
prompt and efficient service adequate to meet all reasonable demands for its services
at the Airport. Commercial Operator shall charge fair, reasonable, and non-discrimina-
tory prices for each unit of sale or service; provided however, that Commercial Operator
may be allowed to make reasonable and non-discriminatory rebates or other similar
types of price reductions to volume purchasers, Commercial Operator specifically
covenants that no person on the grounds of race, color, sex or origin shall be excluded
from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination
in the participation in or use of Commercial Operator's services.
8. Commercial Operator shall not discriminate against any person or class of
persons by reason of race, color, sex, creed, religion, handicap or origin in providing
any services or in the use of any facilities provided for the public in any manner
prohibited by Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, and shall comply with the
letter and spirit of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act of 1957, as amended, and any
other laws and regulations respecting discrimination in unfair employment practices,
and shall comply with such enforcement procedures as any governmental authority
might demand that the County take for the purpose of complying with any such laws
and regulations,
C. Commercial Operator assures that it will undertake an affirmative action
program, as required by 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E, to ensure that no person shall.
on the ground of race, creed, color, origin, or sex, be excluded from participating in any
employment, contracting, or leasing activities covered in 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E.
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0.00 0 0.00
Commercial Operator assures that no person shall be excluded, on these grounds,
from participating in or receiving the services or benefits of any program or activity
covered by this subpart. The County assures that it will require that its covered
organizations provide assurance to the Commercial Operator that they similarly will
undertake affirmative action programs and that they will require assurances from their
suborganization, as required by 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E, to the same effect.
0, Commercial Operator agrees to comply with any affirmative action plan or
steps for equal employment opportunity required by 14 CFR, Part 152, Subpart E, as
part of the affirmative action program or by any Federal, state or local agency or court,
including those resulting from a conciliation agreement, a consent decree, court order,
or similar mechanism.
E. Commercial Operator agrees that a state or local affirmative action plan
will be used in lieu of any affirmative action plan or steps required by 14 CFR Part 152,
Subpart E, only when they fully meet the standards set forth in 14 CFR 152.409.
F. Commercial Operator shall provide, at its sole expense, a sufficient
number of employees to provide effectively and efficiently the services required or
authorized in this Agreement.
G. Commercial Operator shall control the conduct, demeanor and appear-
ance of its employees, who shall be trained by. Commercial Operator and who shall
possess such technical qualifications and hold such certificates of qualification as may
be required in carrying out assigned duties. It shall be the responsibility of Commercial
Operator to maintain close supervision over its employees to assure a high standard of
service to customers of Commercial Operator.
H. Commercial Operator shall meet all expenses and payments in con-
nection with the rights and privileges herein granted, including taxes, permit fees,
license fees and assessments lawfully levied or assessed upon Commercial Operator.
Commercial Operator may, however, at its sole expense and cost, contest any tax, fee
or assessment.
I. Commercial Operator shall comply with all Federal, state and local laws,
rules and regulations which may apply to the conduct of the business contemplated,
including rules and regulations promulgated by the County, and Commercial Operator
shall keep in effect and post in a prominent place all necessary and/or required licenses
or permits.
J. It is expressly understood and agreed that, in providing required and
authorized services pursuant to this Agreement, Commercial Operator shall have the
right to choose, in its sole discretion, its vendors and suppliers.
11111111111111111111 ~~=~:1' .;".41
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0." D 0,00
Commercial Operator shall have at all times the full and free right of ingress to
and egress from the Airport, Such right shall also extend to its employees, customers,
passengers, guests, suppliers.
The rights herein contracted for shall inure solely to the benefit of the parties to
this Agreement, and nothing herein shall be construed to grant a cause of action to
non-parties claiming as third party beneficiaries or otherwise.
'1IIIIIIIIIIImllllll~ 1111 1m ~~:~!~, .;'.~
S.ra J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 D 0.00
A. All the covenants, conditions, and provisions in this Agreement shall
extend to and bind the legal representatives, successors, and assigns of the respective
parties hereto.
B. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Colo-
rado. Any covenant, condition, or provision herein contained that is held to be invalid
by any court of competent jurisdiction shall be considered deleted from this Agreement,
but such deletion shall in no way affect any other covenant, condition or provision
herein contained so long as such deletion does not materially prejudice the County or
Commercial Operator in their respective rights and obligations contained in the valid
covenants, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement.
C. All amendments to this Agreement must be made in writing by mutual
agreement of the parties, and no oral amendments shall be of any force or effect
D. The clause headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted for
the purpose of convenience and ready reference. They do not purport to, and shall not
be deemed to, define. limit or extend the scope or intent of the clauses to which they
E. This Agreement supersedes all previous communications, negotiations
and/or contracts between the respective parties hereto, either verbal or written. and the
same not expressly contained herein are hereby withdrawn and annulled. This is an
integrated agreement and there are no representations about any of the subject matter
hereof except as expressly set forth herein,
[signature page next page]
111111111111111 ;~=~:1,.;~.~
Sar. J Fisher halt, CO 370 R 0,00 C 0,00
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
the year and date first above written,
Eddie F. Storer
Acting Airport Manager
Authorized Signature
) ss
County of Eagle
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of
, 1998, by
My commission expires
Notary Public
III~ 111II11111~1I1 ~II' II ~IIIIIII~ II ~~~~:1, .i~ 241
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R e,00 D e.00
---- -.---
Month of , 200_
Name of Agency
Report for [Month & Year J
Gross Revenue'" at Airport:
X Times Percentage Fee:
(Note: 14% for Off-Airport Agencies
6% for On-Airport Agencies]
Total Access Fee Due:
* NOTE: "Gross Revenue" consists of all revenues
as defined in the Commercial Ground Transportation
Rules & Regulations.
The preparer certifies that all information provided in this report is true and correct and that
detailed records which support these summary figures are available to the Eagle County Regional
Airport or its designee on request.
Prepared by:
1I11111111111111111~1I III ~~~1~"~2~
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0.00 0 0.00
F '.}OR!\<1.S\Ci\RRFN I
F,1t: 1.,\41
Ilm/1111 'I'IIIII'III'I~ ~~ IIII'III~ I'~ ;~=:::1, .i~ 241
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 0 0.00
...-". '.------- '--.--... ._--~_.-
1. Penaltv Access Fees: Any Commercial Operator providing transportation to and/or from
the Eagle County Regional Airport more than two times per ground transportation year whose
employee, representative or an independent contractor acting on its behalf, fails to display an
A VI transponder in its vehicle will be assessed a Penalty Access Fee. Payment of Penalty
Access Fees may not be credited toward the purchase of an A VI Transponder.
Penalty Access Fees are as follows:
2. A VI Transponder Fee: A Transponder may be purchased for $50.00 from the Eagle
County Regional Airport. Each vehicle will have its own registered transponder. A VI
transponders from other A VI systems which are operational under the Eagle County Regional
Airport's system may be used after commercial operators register off-airport A VI transponders
with Airport Administration personnel as described in Sections Six and Seven.
A VI Fees:
A. Commercial vehicles will be charged $1.00 per available seat. Available seats of
each vehicle will be determined by Airport personnel. This charge will be deemed a "per trip"
fee. Charges will be levied for any and all Airport access by vehicles.
B. The "per trip" fee will be determined by the Eagle County Board of
Commissioners and will be charged to all ground transportation/commercial operators regardless
of whether or not they have a lease with the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation (ECA T).
However, those companies with signed concession leases with ECA T for ground transportation
booth space at the commercial terminal building and paying a privilege fee will receive a credit
from the County on their "per trip" fee invoice in an amount equal to the amount of the monthly
privilege fee actually paid to ECAT. This credit may only be used against the "per trip" fee for a
given month. The credit will shall not carryover to previous or future months.
C. In the event a taxicab exits the airport and returns to the airport in less than twenty
(20) minutes such second trip only shall not be subject to a per trip fee.
D. Dwell Time/Pick-Up Lot (West Commercial Lot): The first hour of parking will
be free per vehicle in the Pick-Up Lot. Thereafter, a charge of $2.00 for the first fifteen minutes
and a charge of $1.00 per ten minute increment will be levied.
Dwell Time/Drop-Off Lot (East Commercial Lot): There will not be a charge for
the first fifteen minutes a vehicle is in the Drop Off Lot.
3. Hotel and Motel Operators/Couriers & Rental Car Operators: Vehicles operated on a no-
fee basis to customers are required to purchase an A VI transponder. As long as the vehicle is
operated as a courtesy and on a free of charge basis to its guests, no access fees or dwell time
will be charged,
111111111111/1111 ~Imlll~ 1111111 ~IIIIIIIII ;~~~:1, .;~ 2"
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 D 0.00
Ground Transportation
In accordance: wich section VI (2) (penahies), of the ground transporuuon wles and
regulations as adopred on through l'C'.mlution , you have been cited
for the following infraction.
o Warn.ing
D Violacio"
o Terminal -A-
D Terminal -8-
C] Solicitation
o Loading And Unloading Passengers or Baggage in Non-dcsignated Ai-ea...
D Staging Vehicles In Non-delignated Areas.
D No Olsplayed AirporE r.ulung Permit
C=j Ocher
Company niltme:
Driver name: ____.
Vehicle del:criptiun: _.__.___.____.
. --------- ------.._~._---
LIcense number:
-~-^._.._-------~.. --+- ----.-.---,-.---..--.-
Comments: ___ __..__ .___. .' '_'___',__.
VIOlation Numl.n:
III g 11111 II 11111 I111I11I1I1I1 III f~:~~t~, .~. 2~
Sara J Fisher Eagle. CO 370 R e,00 D 0,00
IIII~I ~~ IIIIII~ II ~III~~ II ~~~~~, .i~24'
Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0,00 D 0.00
- ----1'7-,-- ---11111111 B 111I1 I111I111 11111111 f~~~,.~ 2"
! I i Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 0.08 D 0,00
I. Airlink Shuttle Reserved Parking
2. Colorado MOlUltain Express Reserved Parking
3. Bus Parking - 2 Hour Limit
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