HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-077 Appointment to Basalt Library Board Commissioner f:1J:;:e,(,t:r;rvt,'1 moved adoption of the following resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - RESOLUTION CONCERNING APPOINTMENTS TO THE BASAL T REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES WHEREAS, section 24-90-108, C.R.S. empowers the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County to make appointments to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees ("BRLDBT"); and WHEREAS, Valerie Welch, whose term on the BRLDBT expires on March 30, 2010, has resigned from further service as Pitkin County's representative on the BRLDBT; and WHEREAS, the Basalt Regional Library District has recommended the appointment of David R. Fiore to replace Valerie Welch (letter of recommendation and supporting documents attached hereto as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, David R. Fiore desires appointment to the BRLDBT; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County desires to appoint David R. Fiore as Pitkin County's representative to the BRLDBT, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, David R. Fiore be and is hereby appointed as an Pitkin County Representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustee to fill the unexpired term of Valerie Welch expiring on March 30,2010, and THAT, a copy of this Resolution be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Pitkin, State of Colorado for ratification. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this day Of~, 2006. ATTEST: COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through I BOARD OF CO 0 ~ Peter F. Runyon Clerk to the Board of Chairman County Commissioners Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the ,,{ e was as follows: Commissioner Runyon Commissioner Stone Commissioner Menconi This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. G:\Paralegal\Reso\Appointments\Baslt libry Pitkin ratif2005wpd BASALT REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRlCl' BoARD OF TaUSTEES: 99 MIDlAND AVENUE BRrrrON LUND, POu...v POI..lARn, PRESIDENT BAS..u:r, COWRAlKlIl1621-8305 ExEcUTIVE DIRECTOR Bun EYLA.R, TELEPHONE: (970) 927-4311 VICE! PaI:tSU>ENT / SECRETARY F"'C8IMIt.~: (970)927-1351 I'J\T FALLIN heRR FREY C:HlUS MAanNEz JUDITII Ro'ffiR V J\WJUB WaLeIJ July t 1, 2006 Dear Commissioners, Valerie Welch, representing Pitkin County, has recently resigned from the Basalt Regional Library Board ofTru:-ltecs due to relocating. 111e Library Board has advertised for applkantlS to fill the vacant scat and hasrcce;ved an application for this vacancy. The letter of resignation from Valerie Welch and the letter of application from David Fiore arc induded with this letter. The Library Board met last night and discussed the application ()f David Fiore and considered the qualifications and mcrit~ of the applicant. By a vote of 6-0 the Board recommends David Fiore to serve for the remllindel' of the term for the Pitkin County seat, lIntil March 2010. being vacated by Valerie Welch. We arc excited about the possibility of bringing 011 a new Board member and look forward to your approval and resolution concerning r:his recommendation. f1l1nR~1l BASALT REGIONAL 4Ilt11.fl I ' j\. LIBRARY DISTRICT If.AU.CO'IICT o I S ( 0 , ~ I ~ DaVid R. PiOJ.e p~:ident WESTERN PEAK. PROFE$5IONAI SF.IlV1C':~ IN'YF..ITMENT!: " REAL EsTAn OEVItOPMf.NT June 26, 2006 Hand Delivered Britton Lund 99 Midland Avenue Basaltt CO 81621 RE~ ::trd of Trustee Member Position ~ ... .DearM. d: '. . . .. . It was a pleaswe to speak with yOu last week Please accept this letter as an expression ormy 'interest. to serve as'a board member for the Basalt Regional Library District. My feSidence is at 366'Horsesboeprive, BasaltlEIJ:m1tl located in Pitkin County.. .. j have attached, for your review, a swiunary of my qualifications. You will note that I . served as a Councilman in the City ofNsperville,lllitiois. NaperviUe's librmy district is under ~ direction of the City Council for all planning and budget approval. I Was. intimately. involved in advoeati:itg (or the development of a third hbrary that was ultimately built several years ago - a $15 million project. 1 WOuld liketo lend my eXperience from NaperviUe to sUpport your efforts to build a new library in Basalt. AS. ~ ofWesterri p~ I am the mS'lagjng partner of the Roaring Fork MQbile Home Paik and the planned Merging Rivers Place and Sopris Chase DeVelopments. I am . fullycominitted to. ensure the community develops as envisioned by its residents and to make appropriate contributions back to the community including open space on the . adjacent river site. I believe that a board position will prove to be a benefit to Basalt residents through the synergy of our rel~tionship. ffyou have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ..Thank you very much for serving OlJl' community and fOf your consideration. DRF:wp (Enclosures) ~ PO Box 4320, Basalt CO 81621 IL (630) 168-4782 CO (970) 927-0815 FAX (970) 927"()816 wwW.WcstemPeak,com i-.. Email: David@WestemPeak.oom DAVID R. FIORE !:,'UNCTIONAL SUMMARY Pct$i.deat, Wefrtein Peak. professional service. investment and real estate development represented in . Illinois. Colon.do &.Arizona.. FoonerD1rector of Airport Affairs and Properties for Budget Rent a Car Coq>onti.oo. with -responsibilities fur legal/properties-related work: fen: both domestic and for certain . int:ernationallocations. Prior to joining Budgt.,1; Mr. Fi~e worked as an airport administtator fot moie than tal yean; at various airpo!ts; including San Francisco Tnternational Aitport. Foet Wayne Inte:mational Airport. II. major :reliever aUport to O'Hare International AUpon and as a consultant on several airport projects in Eogland and San Francisco. Mr. Fiore bas an extensive land-use pl:ll'lt'lif\g background with strong govemmeotal and pnV2.te industry experience. E~erience in ground ttll.1:l.SpOrt2bon & parking facilities, airport development,. and residential & mixed use devdopments. EDUCAT~ON . . Uoivet8ity of DenVer College of Law - J.D, (SdxJa.rtW ExmJena &- Sbtdtllt l..itJder.sbip.A>>tmJpr MMt 11l1M(J(l/iw PrrJgram Within the L41II Sdm/ Comnnnti!J) . Southern Illinois University - B;S. (Technical College/Aviation) . Loyoia Uoivctsity COllege of Law -litfmtdtiQf141 StNJUs {Mtisanv. fuLtrio; BNtiapeJt, Ht.mgoty} HISTORIC CIVIC ACTIVITIES . .........- . ,.,... "" ........ . Two Terin Councilman -:- City of Naperville. IJ. . PitkCJl County Ailport, CO - Lodging Community LiaisQn fos:MaStctp1a.n Effort . Chicago Metropolitan Mayors Caucus AUport Capacity Commi:ttef: Member . DuPage'County Mayon & Man2gers Tansportation Committee Member . . . Will County Govemmental League - Naperville Liaison .e DQwnrown Naperville AUiance Member & Napcrvillc Rivcrwalk Counuissioller . I-55 Plarining Corridot Council Member, II:.. . Wheatland Athletics A!WlCiacion. JL - Past SocarCoath (YMCA - Past S,(urCott&h) . Holy Spirit Catholic ChUrch ofWhL-atland - .f~ l.4d4r & Gruchift . . FOUf Term Precinct Corinnitteeman & Past GOP Township Vice Chllfnnlln . vie Chaiunan. Wheatland Township Republican o-g<iln1~tion (Will County Executive Committee . Chambet: of Commerce membet Napervil1e, ll..; .Aspen & Basalt. CO PUBLICATIONS. 11IImIIfJtJaJ TnmsportatimtPlaniJilg ftJr the E1ItIiro1llltmt: SfJdal, CNltmril, mlli EfflllomU CD~ns for fill l1rtmJisiipliury S(J/sttUmfor ClJt11l1/, 23 TRANSP. L. J. 237 (1995). Sexual Harassment in the Workplace; A Technique to Mitigate l.ia.bility. 13 PREVENTIVE L. RPrR. 34 (1994), E:>r.pmuJi/l& [1It617li:11i!JnaI Air S nvi<< Opporbl1lities fD Mtm U.S. CilUs, 22 TRANSl'. L J.. 327 (1994), C Interviewed and quoted in numerous tra.nsportltion~rebted trade publications- PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS. ACCREDITATIONS & OTH~~CREDENTIALS . Certified Member (eM) .Amet:ian Association of Ai1'pOtt Executives (AAAE) e Member, American Sucit:ty oflntenl>>.tional Law . Commerci2l Pilot with Instrument and MUlti-engine ratings . Mediator (4() Hams of Clinical Work - DenVl!l Courts) PHONE IL (630) 7611-4782 CO (970) 927-0815 . FAX (970) 927-0816 . E. t.(AIL: DAVID~WESTERNPEAK.COM 366 HORSElmOn DR! ,BAS....l-T co 81621 Ya.terw L 'Wekli 1'0 'Box 1818 1fasalt, CO 81621 970-379-0330 April 27. 2006 Board of Trustees Basalt Regiona Library District 99 Midland Awnue ~ 0081621 Dear Ubrary Board. I have ofticiaIIy moved out of the District as of May 1, 2006 and must regretfuUy, submit (re- submit?) my IetEr of resignation. Please accept this kltter with appreciation for the opportunity to cootrlbute t> the Basalt Regional Ubray District these past three years. I contilue to work in Basatt and will do whatever I can to assist in the campaign iJ Build Our Libraryt ,inu4 ~L<!;( Valerie L.. Wek:h