HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-061 Second Supplemental Budget Commissioner t!1v~vC()Yvt moved adoption of th~ following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006, AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF BUDGETED AND APPROPRIATED MONEYS BETWEEN VARIOUS SPENDING AGENCIES WHEREAS, the County has received certain unanticipated revenues, hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, said revenues were not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the 2006 budget and/or such revenues were not assured at the time of the adoption of the 2006 budget and therefore were not appropriated; and WHEREAS, in view of the needs of the various offices, depart- ments, boards, commissions, and other spending agencies, it is also necessary to transfer certain previously budgeted and appropriated moneys; and WHEREAS, the Board has the authority to expend such unantici- pated or unassured revenues by enacting a supplementary budget and appropriation, and to transfer budgeted and appropriated revenues f rom one county fund to another county fund, pursuant to C.R.S. 29-1-109 and C.R.S. 29-1-111; and WHEREAS, Eagle County's Finance Director has determined that such budget appropriations are in compliance with the provisions of the Colorado Constitution, Article X, Section 20, also known as "Amendment One: The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights"; and 1 WHEREAS, this Resolution, as proposed, has been published in full one time in a newspaper having general circulation within the territorial limits of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THA T , the Board hereby authorizes a supplementary budget and appropriation of unanticipated revenues, unassured funds, and transfers from fund balance as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. THAT, the Treasurer of the County of Eagle is hereby requested and directed to take all action necessary to effectuate the intent of this Resolution. THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby requested and directed to immediately transmit an original or certified copy of this Resolution to the affected spending agencies and the officer or employee of the County of Eagle whose duty it is to draw warrants or orders for the payment of money. THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby further requested and directed to file an original or certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Governments in the Department of Local Affairs. THAT, this resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County, Colorado. 2 MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the day Of-'~ , 2006. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Clerk to tne Board of County Commissioners Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Runyon Commissioner Stone Commissioner Menconi This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle, State of Colorado. F:\BUDGET\resolution.wpd 3 EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Second Supplemental Appropriation to FY2006 Budget Department Description Amount Notes GENERAL FUND Revenues: 1 Health & Human Svcs Fees for Services $53,675 2 Health & Human Svcs Family Planning Grant $27,061 3 Health & Human Svcs Emergency Preparedness Grant $21,226 4 Health & Human Svcs Adult Services Grants $22,300 5 Health & Human Svcs Early Head Start Grant $10,625 6 Health & Human Svcs Miller Ranch Child Care EVCCA and contributions $26,000 7 Sheriff Gypsum contribution for Deputy Sheriff $70,000 8 Weed and Pest Grant for Weed and Pest position $9,200 9 Expenditures in excess of revenue - fund balance $ 1,102,721 10 Total Revenue $1,342,808 11 12 Expenditures: Voting Equip (E-Slates, paper trail units and upgrades - 6 13 Clerk and Recorder VBO Units) $31,105 14 Commissioners Eagle River Restoration $19,712 15 Commissioners Vail Daily Rate Changes $7,000 16 Sheriff Gypsum Deputy Sheriff position $70,000 17 Emergency Mgt Purchase of sandbags and sand for potential flooding $1,500 18 Emergency Mgt Unexpected vehicle operating costs $4,500 19 Emergency Mgt Supplies for new office for Barry $3,430 20 Public Communications Workstation for Web Developer $7,000 21 Health & Human Svcs Avon office phone and computer infrastructure $6,500 22 Health & Human Svcs Additional office non-personnel costs $45,352 23 Health & Human Svcs Vaccine $33,057 24 Health & Human Svcs Family Planning $82,480 25 Health & Human Svcs Well Child Program $46,244 26 Health & Human Svcs Emergency Preparedness $21,226 27 Health & Human Svcs Adult Services $81,972 $12,874 carryforward 28 Health & Human Svcs Early Head Start Edwards Annex Improvements $10,625 29 Health & Human Svcs Miller Ranch Child Care increased CAM $57,500 30 Weed and Pest Temporary position - Weed Control Tech II $9,200 31 Animal Services Washer and Dryer $8,093 32 Finance New position - Mail Room Clerk $12,200 33 Human Resources Recruiting and training expenses $292,752 34 Facilities Water contribution for Miller Ranch $9,300 35 Facilities New workstation set ups $25,000 36 Planning and Zoning County Projects - site planning $40,000 37 Various Increased fuel charges from Motor Pool $ 17,060 38 Transfer to Capital Improvement Fund $ 400,000 39 Total Expenditures $1,342,808 40 41 ROAD and BRIDGE FUND 42 Revenues: 43 Expenditures in excess of revenue - fund balance $ 110,000 44 Total Revenue $110,000 45 46 Expenditures: 47 Paving-Hidden Valley Pit $ 110,000 48 Total Expenditures $110,000 49 50 SOCIAL SERVICES FUND 51 Revenues: 52 Health & Human Svcs Grants $227,457 $127,013 carryforward 53 Expenditures in excess of revenue - fund balance $96,237 54 Total Revenue $323,694 55 56 Expenditures: 57 Health & Human Svcs $315,474 $127,013 carryforward 58 Increased fuel charges from Motor Pool $ 8,220 59 Total Expenditures $323,694 G :\Budget\BUDGET -2006\supplementals2006.xLS 1 6/16/20064:00 PM EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Second Supplemental Appropriation to FY2006 Budget Department Description Amount Notes 60 61 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 62 Revenues: 63 Clerk and Recorder State Contribution for Hart Voting System $106,000 64 Engineering Contributions for Freedom Park Spray Park $40,000 65 Engineering LaFarge barn removal payment to offset waterline $27,690 66 Transfer from General Fund $ 400,000 67 Expenditures in excess of revenue - fund balance $59,781 68 Total Revenue $633,471 69 70 Expenditures: 71 Clerk and Recorder Hart Voting System $198,820 72 Human Resources Office Remodel $50,000 73 Engineering Spray Park at Freedom Park $120,000 74 Engineering Add grass to Berry Creek building pad $50,000 75 Engineering Justice Center Master Planning $69,000 76 Engineering Freedom Park restrooms $100,000 77 Engineering Senior Center kitchen expansion $19,111 78 Engineering 4H Remodel at Fairgrounds Livestock Barn $14,540 79 Engineering Extend waterline to animal services $12,000 80 Total Expenditures $633,471 81 82 ECO FUND 83 Revenues: 84 Sub-lease Buffalo Ridge Units for summer $31,900 85 Total Revenue $31,900 86 87 Expenditures: 88 Increase housing budget from seasonal to year-round $31,900 89 Total Expenditures $31,900 90 91 AIRPORT FUND 92 Revenues: 93 AlP 36 Grant funding for snowbroom and ARFF truck $416,228 carryforward 94 AlP 37 Fed Grant funding for runway extension $3,978,605 carryforward 95 AlP 37 CDOT Grant funding for runway extension $360,000 96 Expenditures in excess of revenue - fund balance $757,823 97 Total Revenue $5,512,656 98 99 Expenditures: AlP 36 remaining expenditures-Apron repair, ARFF truck, 100 Snow-broom $651,899 carryforward 101 Roll-up garage door for fire station at airport $34,500 carryforward 102 Snow broom - non-AlP funded $265,000 103 AlP 37 runway extension $4,240,628 carryforward 104 ILS Fencing $130,000 carryforward 105 VOR (navigational aid) $180,000 106 Increased fuel charges from Motor Pool $ 10,629 107 Total Expenditures $5,512,656 108 109 MICROWAVE MAINTENANCE FUND 110 Revenues: 111 WIN Grant $660,313 112 Expenditures in excess of revenue - fund balance $186,519 113 Total Revenue $846,832 114 115 Expenditures: 116 Site Radios and Hardware $846,832 carryforward $186,519 117 Total Expenditures $846,832 118 G :\Budget\BUDGET -2006\supplementals2006.XLS 2 6/16/20064:00 PM EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Second Supplemental Appropriation to FY2006 Budget Department Description Amount Notes 119 HOUSING FUND 120 Revenues: 121 Housing Miller Ranch Sales Commisions $55,000 122 Total Revenue $55,000 123 124 Expenditures: 125 Housing Added new position - Housing Technician $32,550 126 Housing Workstation and supplies to support new position $5,000 127 Total Expenditures $37,550 128 129 LANDFILL FUND 130 Revenues: 131 Expenditures in excess of revenue - fund balance $2,000 132 Total Revenue $2,000 133 134 Expenditures: 135 Increased gas utilities $2,000 136 Total Expenditures $2,000 137 138 MOTOR POOL FUND 139 Revenues: 140 Increased fuel charges to General Fund $ 17,060 141 Increased fuel charges to Airport $ 10,629 142 Increased fuel charges to Health and Human Svcs $ 8,220 143 Total Revenue $35,909 144 145 Expenditures: 146 Increased fuel charges $10,378 147 Total Expenditures $10,378 SUMMARY GENERAL ALL FUNDS FUND Total Expenditures $8,851,289 $1,342,808 Expenditures in excess of revenue - fund balance $ 2,315,081 $ 1,102,721 Transfers In/(Out) ($400,000) Grant Revenue & Other $6,579,189 $240.087 Total Revenue $8,894,270 $1,342,808 G:\Budget\BUDGET -2006\supplementals2006.XLS 3 6/16/20064:00 PM