HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-046 - amending LUR's strengthen application submittal requirements and water and wastewater for building permits
Commissioner ~ moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle, State of Colorado
(hereinafter the "Board"), is authorized, pursuant to state enabling legislation including,
but not limited to, C,R.S. 30-28-101, et seq., to plan for and regulate the use and
development of land in the unincorporated territory of the County of Eagle, State of
Colorado, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity,
and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the County of Eagle; and
WHEREAS, Eagle County is experiencing high rates of population growth,
increased population density and increased environmental pressures as a result of land
development within Eagle County; and
WHEREAS, the construction of new developments within the County is placing
significant additional demands on the natural and human-made environments alike; and
WHEREAS, this amendment proposes to modify the Eagle County Land Use
Regulations in the following manner:
1. Add a new section to Chapter III: Building Resolution requiring building
permit applicants to demonstrate they have a legal, potable source of water
before the permit is issued,
With this amendment, all development proposals will have to demonstrate that
potable water (public or private) and sanitary sewer service/ISDS are
available to serve the proposed development, Currently, proof of private,
legal water for building permits is not required until after the building permit
has been approved and the building is mostly constructed. For those
properties served by public water and wastewater, the applicant will be
required to provide a "will serve" letter from the district or proof of paid tap
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fees, For applicants utilizing private wells, a copy of the State approved well
permit will be required with the building permit
2, Amend the provisions of Chapter II: Article 5; specifically regarding the water
and wastewater requirements for planned unit developments and for
The proposed amendment to Article 5 intends to strengthen the level of detail
required for PUDs and subdivisions proposing either private water/ISDS
systems or public water and wastewater systems at both Sketch and
Preliminary Plan levels. By requiring this more detailed information, Eagle
County can more efficiently analyze the proposed water and wastewater
services relative to the anticipated land use. Proposed with this amendment is
the ability to require detailed information pertaining to: the feasibility of the
proposed development; information regarding water quantity and quality;
determination that legal water is available for the development; groundwater
information; and geologic information specifically related to wastewater; and,
WHEREAS, the Board finds and determines that one of the primary roles of
development review is to ensure that changes in land use are awarded in such a manner
that will promote and protect the convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of present
and future inhabitants and visitors of Eagle County; and,
WHEREAS, notice and/or a referral of this amendment was provided to all
proper agencies and departments as required by the Eagle County Land Use Regulations,
in addition to persons or agencies who may be affected by these changes; and,
WHEREAS, at its public hearing(s) held March 1 S\ 2006 the Eagle County
Planning Commission, based upon its findings, recommended approval, of the proposed
amendment; and,
WHEREAS, at its public hearing(s) held March 2nd, 2006 the Roaring Fork
Valley Regional Planning Commission, based upon its findings, recommended approval,
of the proposed amendment; and,
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of County Commissioners
(hereinafter "the Board") of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on March 28th, 2005
to consider this amendment and based upon its findings, has approved, of the proposed
amendment; and,
WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, and study of the
Comprehensive Plan for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments of the
Eagle County Department of Community Development, comments of public officials and
agencies, the recommendation of the Planning Commissions, and comments from all
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interested parties, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of
Colorado, finds as follows:
1. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 5-230.B.2., Text Amendment, of the
Eagle County Land Use Regulations:
(a) The proposed amendments solely amends the text of the Eagle
County Land Use Regulations and do not amend the Official Zone
District Map or any other map incorporated into the Regulations by
(b) Precise wording ofthe proposed changes have been provided (see
Exhibit 'A ')
2. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 5-230.D., Standards, of the Eagle
County Land Use Regulations as applicable:
(a) Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The proposed
amendment IS consistent with the purposes, goals, policies and
FLUM (Future Land Use Map) of the applicable
comprehensive/master plans,
(b) Compatible with Surrounding Uses. The issue of compatibility
IS NOT applicable to this proposed amendment.
(c) Changed Conditions, There ARE changed conditions that require
this amendment.
(d) Effect on Natural Environment. The proposed amendment
WILL NOT result in significantly adverse impacts on the natural
environment, including but not limited to water, air, noise,
stormwater management, wildlife habitat, vegetation, and
(e) Community Need. It HAS BEEN demonstrated that the proposed
amendment addresses a community need,
(I) Development Patterns. Specific development patterns and
services DO NOT apply to this proposed amendment.
(g) Public Interest. The area to which the proposed amendment
would apply HAS changed or IS changing to such a degree that it
is in the public interest to amend the Eagle County Land Use
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THAT, Chapter III: Building Resolution as well as Chapter II: Article 5
Administration of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, is hereby amended, effective
90 from the approval of this Resolution to read as set forth in 'Exhibit A' attached hereto
and incorporated herein by this reference,
THAT, this amendment of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall not
constitute nor be construed as a waiver of any violations existing at the time of adoption
of this Resolution,
THAT, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word of this Resolution,
including the attached Exhibit, be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be
invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity ofthis Resolution as a whole or any
parts thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, For this purpose, this
Resolution is declared to be severable,
THAT, except as expressly altered, modified and changed in this Amendment, all
terms and provisions ofthe Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall remain in full force
and effect, and hereby are ratified and confirmed in all respects as of the date hereof.
THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of
~ of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 17- day of
, 2006, nunc pro tunc to the 28th day of March, 2006.
By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY
Clerk to the Board of
County Commissioners
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Commissioner ~seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution, The roll
having been called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Peter F, Runyon
Commissioner Tom C. Stone
Commissioner Am M, Menconi
This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioner
of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
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Exhibit 'A'
Chapter 111- Building Resolution
3,03,01 Table 1 entitled "Eagle County Permit Requirements" as set forth in the
Tables included in the text hereof is hereby incorporated herein by this
reference, Table 1 sets forth the projects which may require permit(s),
if any, and identifies the specific type of permit(s) required and the site
inclusion requirements, Additional permits not identified in Table 1
may also be required,
3,03,02 It shall be the duty of the person and/or entity of a proposed project
which is not specifically set forth in Table 1 to contact the Building
Official of the Department of Community Development, County of
Eagle, Colorado, for a determination of the type of permit(s) required, if
any, and the site inclusion requirements.
3,03.03 Proof of Water:
Proof of adequate, potable water supply is required with building permit
application for all new habitable construction containing plumbing
fixtures. By descending order of preference, building permit applicants
shall verify a legal source of potable water as follows:
a) A written commitment to serve from a public or private water
service provider, or a copy of receipt for payment of public water
tap specific to the lot, parcel or tract of land that is the subject of the
building permit application;
b) A copy of a current valid well permit issued by the Colorado State
Division of Water Resources specific to the lot, parcel or tract of
land that is the subject of the building permit application;
c) If the parcel or tract of land that is the subject of the building permit
application is legally and properly subdivided except that a public
water supply system is not available or that the individual well water
source is not viably potable then, an alternative water supply
system such as holding tanks or cisterns may be utilized upon
approval of the Director of the Eagle County Department of
Environmental Health,
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Chapter 11- Article 5
Section 5-240.F.2 Sketch Plan for PUD
1. Sketch Plan for PUD.
a. Initiation. Applications for development permits for a Sketch Plan for
PUD may be submitted at any time to the Community Development
Director by the owner, or any other person having a recognizable interest
in the land for which the Sketch Plan for PUD is proposed, or their
authorized agent. The application shall contain the materials specified in
Section 5-21 O.Dol., Minimum Contents of Application, and the following
(1) Reasons PUD procedure is more desirable than conventional plan,
(2) Proposed land uses, commercial, industrial and multi-family
building locations, residential densities, and commercial square
(3) Proposed vehicle circulation pattern indicating the status of street
(4) Proposed pedestrian circulation, and links to other external path
(5) Proposed open space,
(6) Proposed grading and drainage pattern,
(7) Proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal. Including:
Proposed water augmentation plan (if applicable); or an 'ability to
serve' letter from applicable water and/or wastewater provider,
Information regarding existing water rights including, but not
limited to: Evidence of ownership or right of acquisition of or use
of existing and proposed water rights; historical use and estimate
yield of claimed water rights; and Amenability of existing rights to
a change in use, Ifthe water supply is proposed to be an existing
well, a copy of a current valid well permit and location map
identifying the location of the existing well must be provided, If
individual wells are proposed, an alternatives assessment
performed by a qualified Registered Professional Engineer must be
submitted and include the following minimum information:
Anticipated dependability of source; anticipated yield of source;
anticipated depth to groundwater; anticipated water quality;
estimated cost of individual well construction; and anticipated rate
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of water delivery, If sewage disposal is proposed to be via on-site,
Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS), an alternatives
assessment must be prepared by a qualified Professional Engineer
evaluating the ability of the natural environment to support on-site
systems with commensurate levels of sewage treatment, along with
the physical ability of each property to support a site and an
alternate site for wastewater disposal. The applicant must be
prepared to estimate cost of installation and maintenance and state
how the systems are proposed to be maintained, (am 03/28/06)
(8) Proposed PUD Guide setting forth the proposed land use
(9) Wildlife Analysis pursuant to Section 4-410,
(10) Geologic Hazards Analysis pursuant to Section 4-420,
(11) Ridgeline Visual Analysis pursuant to Section 4-450.
(12) Conceptual Landscape Plan pursuant to Section 4-220,
(13) Environmental Impact Report pursuant to Section 4-460.
(14) Vegetation Management Plan pursuant to Section 4-430. (orig,
(15) Any or all of the following requirements, as determined by the
Community Development Director, based on the complexity of the
b) Proposed schedule of development phasing;
(c) Statement as to the impact of the proposed PUD upon the
County school system;
(d) Statement of estimated demands for County services;
(e) Statement of projected County tax revenue based upon the
previous year's County tax levy and a schedule of projected
receipts of that revenue;
(f) Conceptual site plans, and conceptual architectural plans;
(g) Proposed method of fire protectiont. Including information
demonstrating a legal, adequate water supply for fire
fighting purposes;
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(h) Employee housing plan,
Section 5-240.F.3 Preliminary Plan for PUD
2. Preliminary Plan for PUD.
a. Application Contents. An application for a Preliminary Plan for PUD
shall contain the materials specified in Section 5-21 O,D.2" Minimum
Contents of Application, and the following information:
(1) Overall development plan,
(2) Application for zone amendment.
(3) PUD guide setting forth the proposed land use restrictions and
standards of development.
(4) Wildlife Analysis pursuant to Section 4-410.
(5) Geologic Hazards Analysis pursuant to Section 4-420.
(6) Ridgeline Visual Analysis pursuant to Section 4-450.
(7) Detailed Landscape Plan pursuant to Section 4-220.
(8) Environmental Impact Report pursuant to Section 4-460,
(9) Vegetation Management Plan pursuant to Section 4-430, (orig,
(10) Any other information required with Sketch Plan approval and the
following application materials: (am 03/28/06)
(a) Preliminary Utility Plan, pursuant to Section 4-430, 4-670,
4-680 and 4-690. Plans shall be prepared at the same scale
as the Preliminary Plan including: (orig, 03/28/06)
(i) Water Supply - If a central water supply and
distribution system is to be provided, the details of
the system shall be provided demonstrating that:
(orig, 03/28/06)
aa. Source - Adequate evidence prepared by a
Registered Professional Engineer verifying
that the quality and quantity of the water
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supply is sufficient to supply the subdivision
proposed, Physical evidence may be
required including but not limited to: aquifer
pump testing in addition to appropriate
geotechnical studies or investigations (orig,
i. Evidence of ownership, right of
acquisition or use of existing and
proposed water rights, (orig, 03128106)
ii. Final, water court-approved
augmentation plan. (orig, 03128106)
iii. Evidence confirming the potability
of the proposed water supply for the
subdivision, (orig, 03128106)
iv. Evidence from the local fire
jurisdiction confirming that the
proposed water supply for fire
fighting purposes is sufficient. (orig,
bb. The nature of the legal entity which will
own and operate the water system shall be
provided as well as the proposed method of
financing, (orig, 03128106)
CC. If connection to an existing system is
proposed, the following information shall be
provided: (orig, 03128106)
i. The nature of the public or private
legal entity which will supply water
to the proposed subdivision; (orig,
ii. Agreement with the above entity to
service the proposed subdivision;
iii. Information on the water supplier's
present service requirements, future
commitments and present water
supply capabilities, including but not
limited to: (orig. 03128106)
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(aa) A summary of water rights
owned and controlled by the
entity (orig, 03/28/06)
(bb) The anticipated yield of the
rights in an average and a dry
year (orig, 03/28/06)
(cc) The present demand and
anticipated demand for
current commitments not yet
being supplied (orig, 03/28/06)
(dd) The uncommitted firm supply
(orig, 03/28/06)
(ee) A map ofthe entity's service
area (orig, 03/28/06)
dd. If individual well water systems are
proposed, a report must be prepared by a
Professional Engineer or Geologist
indicating the availability of groundwater,
which includes the depth to the groundwater
supply throughout The report must address
the water quality, rates of delivery and
long-term yield of such wells. The
cumulative effect upon existing water rights
due to the use of individual domestic wells
shall be considered in the report. (orig,
(ii) Sanitary Sewage Disposal - If public collection and
treatment systems or the use of on-site, individual
sewage systems are to be provided, the details of the
collections system, treatment facilities and
individual components shall be provided including:
(orig, 03/28/06)
aa. Public Treatment - Agreement to serve from
a public sewage treatment provider and
evidence to support that the provider
possesses adequate sewage treatment
capability and capacity to serve the proposed
subdivision; (orig, 03/28/06)
bb. The nature of the legal entity which will
own and operate the sewer system shall be
described, as well as the proposed method of
financing; (orig, 03/28/06)
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cc. If sanitary sewage disposal will be
accomplished by individual sewage disposal
systems, a suitability analysis as determined
by the Environmental Health Department
must be performed. Such analyses may
include but is not limited to, soil profile
observations to identify soil classifications
and horizons; adequate separation to
bedrock or ground water; soil percolation
tests, etc. Location(s) of soil analyses shall
be indicated on the plan and must be
performed by a Professional Engineer,
Geologist or person qualified to do this
work. (orig, 03/28/06)
(b) Public Water and/or Wastewater System. (orig,03/28/06)
(i) If is has been determined that the proposed water
and/or wastewater system is a public system, the
required application for a 1041 permit (pursuant to
Chapter 6: Matters of State Interest) , and evidence
that the associated application(s) administered by
the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment have been made, shall be submitted
concurrently with the Preliminary Plan application.
(orig, 03/28/06)
Section 5-280.8.3 Sketch Plan for Subdivision
3. Sketch Plan for Subdivision.
a. Initiation. Applications for a Sketch Plan for Subdivision may be
submitted at any time to the Community Development Director by the
owner, or any other person having a recognizable interest in the land for
which the Sketch Plan for Subdivision is proposed, or their authorized
agent. Prior to submission of an application for a Sketch Plan for
Subdivision, an applicant should hold a pre-application conference
with the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 5-21 O.c.,
Pre-application Conference. The application shall contain the materials
specified in Section 5-210,D,2" Minimum Contents of Application, and
the following information:
(1) Tract boundary, block and lot pattern with the area and use oflots
indicated by note.
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(2) Street and pedestrian circulation system with gradients and widths
indicated by note; the relationship of proposed streets and paths to
existing streets, and paths, both on and adjoining the Sketch Plan
site, including proposed street access to a public highway, shall be
(3) Existing development on the subject and adjacent property shall be
(4) Soil types based upon the National Cooperative Soil Survey,
U.S,D,A., Soil Conservation Service, as well as interpretations of
soil types, Vegetation shall be described and tree masses, live and
intermittent streams, floodplains, water bodies, dry washes, springs
and wetlands shown,
(5) A survey and report on the general geological, drainage, wildlife,
wildfire, minerals, radiation and other conditions on the subject of
adjacent property which could affect development on the subject
property; the survey shall include information and
recommendations of reports referred to in Article 4 of these
Regulations and pertinent reports on file in the office of the
Planning Department. Equal attention should focus on the
potential effects of the proposed development upon the above
conditions of contiguous and adjacent property.
(6) Proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal. Including:
Proposed water augmentation plan (if applicable); or an 'ability to
serve' letter from applicable water and/or wastewater provider.
Information regarding existing water rights including, but not
limited to: Evidence of ownership or right of acquisition of or use
of existing and proposed water rights; historical use and estimate
yield of claimed water rights; and Amenability of existing rights to
a change in use, If the water supply is proposed to be an existing
well, a copy of a current valid well permit and location map
identifying the location of the existing well must be provided, If
individual wells are proposed, an alternatives assessment
performed by a qualified Registered Professional Engineer must be
submitted and include the following minimum information:
Anticipated dependability of source; anticipated yield of source;
anticipated depth to groundwater; anticipated water quality;
estimated cost of individual well construction; and anticipated rate
of water delivery, If sewage disposal is proposed to be via on-site,
Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS), an alternatives
assessment must be prepared by a qualified Professional Engineer
evaluating the ability of the natural environment to support on-site
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systems with commensurate levels of sewage treatment, along with
the physical ability of each property to support a site and an
alternate site for wastewater disposal. The applicant must be
prepared to estimate cost of installation and maintenance and state
how the systems are proposed to be maintained (am 03/28/06)
(7) Other materials, Such other materials as may be necessary to fully
evaluate the compliance of the proposed Sketch Plan with these
Land Use Regulations and as required pursuant to Article 4, Site
Development Standards. (am 03/28/06)
(8) Proposed method of fire protection including details regarding an
adequate legal water supply for fire fighting purposes; (am 03/28/06)
Section 5-280.8.3.e Standards.
e. Standards. The Subdivision shall comply with the following standards:
(1) Consistent with Master Plan. The proposed subdivision shall be
consistent with the Eagle County Master Plan and the FLUM of
the Master Plan;
(2) Consistent with Land Use Regulations. The proposed
subdivision shall comply with all of the standards of this Section
and all other provisions of these Land Use Regulations, including,
but not limited to, the applicable standards of Article 3, Zone
Districts, and Article 4, Site Development Standards,
(3) Spatial Pattern Shall Be Efficient. The proposed subdivision
shall be located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that
cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, or require
duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in
a "leapfrog" pattern of development.
(a) Utility and Road Extensions. Proposed utility extensions
shall be consistent with the utility's service plan or shall
require prior County approval of an amendment to the
service plan. Proposed road extensions shall be consistent
with the Eagle County Road Capital Improvements Plan,
(b) Serve Ultimate Population. Utility lines shall be sized to
serve the planned ultimate population of the service area to
avoid future land disruption to upgrade under-sized lines.
(c) Coordinate Utility Extensions. Generally, utility
extensions shall only be allowed when the entire range of
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necessary facilities can be provided, rather than
incrementally extending a single service into an otherwise
un-served area.
(4) Suitability for Development. The property proposed to be
subdivided shall be suitable for development, considering its
topography, environmental resources and natural or man-made
hazards that may affect the potential development of the property,
and existing and probable future public improvements to the area.
(5) Compatible With Surrounding Uses. The proposed subdivision
shall be compatible with the character of existing land uses in the
area and shall not adversely affect the future development of the
surrounding area.
(6) Adequate Facilities. The applicant shall demonstrate that the
development proposed in the Sketch or Preliminary Plan will be
provided adequate facilities for potable water supply, sewage
disposal, solid waste disposal, electrical supply, fire protection and
roads and will be conveniently located in relation to schools, police
and fire protection, and emergency medical services (orig. 03/28/06)
Section 5-280.8.4 Preliminary Plan for Subdivision
(v) Preliminary Utility Plan, pursuant to Section 4-430, 4-670,
4-680 and 4-690, on a plan supplemental to and at the same
scale as the Preliminary Plan, including: (am 03/28/06)
(i) Water Supply - If a central water supply and
distribution system is to be provided, the details of
the system shall be provided demonstrating that: (am
aa. Source - Adequate evidence prepared by a
Registered Professional Engineer verifying
that a the quality and quantity of the water
supply is to supply the subdivision
proposed. Physical evidence may be
required including but not limited to: aquifer
pump testing in addition to appropriate
geotechnical studies or investigations (am
i. Evidence of ownership, ef right of
acquisition ef-or use of existing and
proposed water rights. (am 03/28/06)
Page 10 of 13
ii. Final, water-court approved
augmentation plan (am 03/28/06)
Hi. Evidence confirming the potability
of the proposed water supply for the
subdivision. (am 03/28/06)
iv. Evidence from the local fire
jurisdiction confirming that the
proposed water supply for fire
fighting purposes is sufficient. (orig.
bb. The nature of the legal entity which will
own and operate the water system shall be
described as well as the proposed method of
financing. (am 03/28/06)
cc. If connecting to an existing system is
proposed the following information shall be
provided: (am 03/28/06)
i. The nature of the public or private
legal entity which will supply water
to the proposed subdivision; (am
ii. Agreement with the above entity to
service the proposed subdivision; (am
Hi. Information on the water supplier's
present service requirements, future
commitments and present water
supply capabilities, including but not
limited to: (am 03/28/06)
(aa) A summary of water rights
owned and controlled by the
entity (orig. 03/28/06)
(bb) The anticipated yield of the
rights in an average and a dry
year (orig. 03/28/06)
(cc) The present demand and
anticipated demand for
Page 11 of 13
current commitments not yet
being supplied (orig. 03/28/06)
(dd) The uncommitted firm supply
(orig. 03/28/06)
(ee) A map of the entity's service
area (orig. 03/28/06)
dd. If individual well water systems are
proposed, a report must be prepared by a
Professional Engineer or Geologist
indicating the availability of groundwater
which includes the depth to the groundwater
supply throughout the proposed subdivision.
The report must address the water quality,
rates of delivery and long-term yield of such
wells. The cumulative effect upon existing
water rights due to the use of individual
domestic wells shall be considered in the
report (am 03/28/06)
(ii) Sanitary Sewage Disposal - public collection and
treatment systems or the use of on-site, individual
sewage systems ts are to be provided, the details of
the collections system and treatment facilities and
individual components shall be provided including:
(am 03/28/06)
aa. Public Treatment - Agreement to serve from
a public sewage treatment provider and
evidence to support that the provider
possesses adequate sewage treatment
capability and capacity to serve the proposed
(am 03/28/06)
bb. The nature of the legal entity which will
own and operate the sewer system shall be
described, as well as the proposed method of
financing; (am 03/28/06)
cc. If sanitary sewage disposal will be
accomplished by individual sewage disposal
systems, a suitability analysis as determined
by the Environmental Health Department
must be performed. Such analyses may
include but is not limited to, soil profile
observations to identify soil classifications
and horizons; adequate separation to
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bedrock or ground water; soil percolation
tests, etc. Location(s) of soil analyses shall
be indicated on the plan and must be
performed by a Professional Engineer,
Geologist or person qualified to do this
work. (am 03/28/06)
(w) Public Water and/or Wastewater System. (orig.03/28/06)
(i) If is has been determined that the proposed water
and/or wastewater system is a public system, the
required application for a 1041 permit (pursuant to
Chapter 6: Matters of State Interest), and evidence
that the associated application(s) administered by
the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment have been made, shall be submitted
concurrently with the Preliminary Plan application.
(orig. 03/28/06)
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