HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-028 - special use permit for child care center in unincorporated El Jebel
Commissioner ~ moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - 6~
File No. ZS-00135
WHEREAS, Crawford Properties, LLC, ("Applicant") did file an application with the
Eagle County Department of Community Development on or about October 7, 2005, for a
Special Use Permit for a child care center in the Commercial General zone district in a
designated special use area in unincorporated El Jebel described in Exhibit "A"; and
WHEREAS, Applicant proposes to build and operate a child care facility in the
Commercial General (CG) zone district to provide child care services for 70 children between the
ages of two and four, as well as some after school care, from 7:15 AM until 5:30 PM Monday
through Friday. The building will have 5,417 square feet of interior space with 1,090 square feet
of covered porch located in a defined special use area of 78,740 square feet. The exterior play
area will be mainly irrigated lawn and natural vegetation with concrete slabs under the porches.
Parking is proposed to be shared with the adjacent EI Jebowl bowling alley.
WHEREAS, notice of the Special Use Permit application was given to all proper
agencies and departments as required by the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, Section 5-
210.E; and,
WHEREAS, at its public hearing held on February 2, 2006, the Roaring Fork Valley
Regional Planning Commission, based upon its findings, recommended approval of the Special
Use Permit, with certain conditions; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on February 14,2006; and
exhibits, and study of the Master Plan for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments
of the Eagle County Department of Community Development, comments of public officials and
agencies, the recommendation of the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission, and
comments from all interested parties, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of
Eagle, State of Colorado ("the Board") finds as follows:
1. That proper publication and public notice was provided as required by law for the
hearings before the Planning Commission and the Board.
2. The Board has considered Eagle County Land Use Regulations, Section 5-250.B.,
Standards for the review of a Special Use Permit, and finds as follows:
a. Consistent with Master Plan. The proposed Special Use is appropriate for its
proposed location and is consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and
policies of the Master Plan and the FLUM of the Master Plan, including
standards for building and structural intensities and densities, and intensities
of use.
b. Compatibility. The proposed Special Use is appropriate for its proposed
location and is compatible with the character of surrounding land uses.
c. Zone District Standards. The proposed Special Use does meet the standards
of the zone district in which it is located, and does meet the standards
applicable to the particular use, as identified in Section 3-310, Review
Standards Applicable to Particular ResidentiaL Agricultural and Resource
d. Design Minimizes Adverse Impact. The design of the proposed Special Use
does minimize adverse impacts, including visual impact of the proposed use
on adjacent lands; furthermore, the proposed Special Use does avoid
significant adverse impact on surrounding lands regarding trash, traffic,
service delivery, parking and loading, odors, noise, glare, and vibration, and
does not create a nuisance.
e. Design Minimizes Environmental Impact. The proposed Special Use does
minimize environmental impacts and does not cause significant deterioration
of water and air resources, wildlife habitat, scenic resources, and other natural
f. Impact on Public Facilities. The proposed Special Use is adequately served
by public facilities and services, including roads, pedestrian paths, potable
water, parks, schools, police and fire protection, and emergency medical
g. Site Development Standards. The proposed Special Use does comply with the
appropriate standards in Article 4, Site Development Standards.
h. Other Provisions. The proposed Special Use does comply with all standards
imposed on it by all other applicable provisions of these Land Use
Regulations for use, layout, and general development characteristics.
THAT, the application of Crawford Properties, LLC, File No. ZS-00135, for a Special
Use Permit for a child care enter in the Commercial General zone district in a designated special
use area in unincorporated EI Jebel described in Exhibit "A", be and is hereby APPROVED.
1. The special use permit shall not be valid until the plat for Valley View Clinic, Parcel
A, has been vacated and the proposed building will not be located in any required
2. Twelve parking spaces most immediately adjacent to the child care center shall be
marked with sign( s), in a manner approved by the Director of Community
Development, indicating that the spaces are not to be used during the specific days
and hours of operation of the child care center other than for drop-off and pick-up of
children at the child care center.
3. Any activities at the child care center which will occur after 5:30 PM or on weekends
and which will require the use of more than 6 parking spaces shall be coordinated
with activities at the bowling alley to avoid a situation in which the number of
vehicles exceeds the number of available on-site parking spaces.
4. All parking spaces necessary to accommodate required parking for the child care
center shall be connected to the front entrance of the center, in a manner satisfactory
to the County Engineer, by a paved, concrete sidewalk and shall be protected by curbs
and/or wheel stops such that the useable portion of the sidewalk will be at least four
feet in width at all times.
5. The site plan shall be revised, in a manner satisfactory to the County Engineer, to
provide one van accessible parking space, with an appropriate access aisle, which is
located on the shortest possible accessible route from adjacent parking to an
accessible building entrance.
6. The Applicant shall provide, prior to approval of a building or grading permit,
complete engineering and construction drawings and other engineering detail which
are satisfactory to the County Engineer.
7. The child care center shall be in compliance with all requirements of Section 3-
31O.D., Day Care Center of the Land Use Regulations.
8. All trash stored outside shall be stored in wildlife proof refuse containers and/or
enclosures which meet the requirements of Section 4-410.C., Wildlife Proof Refuse
Container/Dumpster Enclosure Standards, of the Land Use Regulations, and windows
and doors shall be adequately secured to prevent wildlife from gaining entrance into
the building.
9. Trash dumpsters shall not be located such that any of the proposed parking spaces
serving the child care facility and the bowling alley are blocked and not available for
10. A wildfire-defensible zone, satisfactory to the Eagle County Wildfire Mitigation
Specialist, shall be created and maintained around the structure on this site.
11. The site shall be redesigned, in a manner that is satisfactory to the County Engineer,
to accommodate emergency equipment, and require no more shared parking than has
been allowed in the approval of this special use permit.
12. The access from Favre Lane to the El Jebowl parking lot shall be clearly marked, in a
manner satisfactory to the County Engineer, to prevent obstruction of access and
movement by emergency equipment.
13. Prior to approval of the initial building or grading permit, a Dust Suppression Plan
and an Erosion Control Plan, approved by the Eagle County Department of
Environmental Health, shall be prepared by the Applicant which demonstrates that the
site development standards of the Land Use Regulations will be met and which
includes contact information for the person who will be available at all times and be
responsible to immediately address public complaints or compliance issues. Failure to
comply with the approved Dust Suppression Plan or the Erosion Control Plan shall
result in a cessation of all work on the job site until compliance has been achieved.
14. Applicable road impact fees shall be paid prior to the approval of a building or
grading permit for the facility.
15. The building shall have a fire alarm system which is monitored through a central
receiving station.
16. The Landscape Plan shall be modified to include 15 trees of reasonable variety,
including deciduous trees, in an irrigated area south of the fence along the south side
of the site.
17. The site plan improvements shall be revised to include an end island and a sidewalk
along parking spaces 62 and 63 to separate potentially conflicting, adjacent parking
18. Prior to approval of any building or grading permit for this development, the
Applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the County Engineer and County
Attorney that sufficient access easement(s), particularly for Favre Lane, have been
established to accommodate the proposed use.
19. Except as otherwise modified by these conditions, all material representations of the
Applicant in this application and all public meetings shall be adhered to and be
considered conditions of approval.
THAT, the Board of County Commissioners directs the Department of Community
Development to provide a copy of this Resolution to the Applicant.
THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary
for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the M day of rY! ~ ,
2006, nunc pro tunc to the 14th day of February 2006.
By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY
Clerk to the Board of
County Commissioners
Am M. Menconi, Commissioner
Tom C. Stone, ommlSSlOner
Commissioner I~ ~ seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution.
The roll having been called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Am M. Menconi ~. //
Commissioner Peter F. Runyon
Commissioner Tom C. Stone
This Resolution passed by :::? ~) vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County
of Eagle, State of Colorado.