HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-023 appointments to Basalt Library Board Commissioner ~ moved adoption of the following resolution; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION CONCERNING APPOINTMENTS TO THE BASAL T REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES WHEREAS, C.R.S. 24-90-108 empowers the Board of County Commissioners to make appointments to the Board of Trustees of Library Districts; and WHEREAS, the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees recommends the appointment of Pat Fallin as Eagle County's Trustee to the Basalt Regional Library District Board in a letter of recommendation incorporated herein as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees recommends the reappointment of Chris Martinez as Pitkin County's Trustee to the Basalt Regional Library District Board in a letter of recommendation incorporated herein as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Morgan Walsh resigned from further service as Pitkin County's Trustee to the Basalt Regional Library District Board; and WHEREAS, the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees recommends the appointment of Judith Royer to finish the term vacated by Morgan Walsh in a letter of recommendation incorporated herein as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the three members, Pat Fallin, Chris Martinez and Judith Royer desire appointment to the Basalt Regional Library Districts Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County desires to appoint Pat Fallin, Chris Martinez and Judith Royer as Eagle County's Trustee to the Basalt Regional Library District Board; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, Pat Fallin, Chris Martinez and Judith Royer be and is hereby appointed as an Eagle County Representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustee. THA T, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County hereby ratifies the appointment of Pat Fallin, as a Eagle County Representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees with a term to expire March 30, 2011. THAT, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County hereby ratifies the reappointment of Chris Martinez. as a Pitkin County Representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees with a term to expire on March 30, 2011. THAT, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County hereby ratifies the appointment of Judith Royer as a Pitkin County Representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees to fulfill the term vacated by Morgan Walsh term to expire on April!, 2009. THAT, a copy of this Resolution be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Pitkin, State of Colorado for their concurrence. MOVED, READ AND ADOPT~ 4 the B~ounty Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this day of 2006. ATTEST: COUNTY OF EAGLE, OF COLORADO, By a BOARD OF Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Commissioner ~ seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Runyon Commissioner Stone Commissioner Menconi This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State G:\Paralegal\Reso\Appointments\Baslt libry Pitkin ratif2005wpd BASALT REGIONAL LIBRAHY DISTRICT BOARD OF TKUSTE.tIS: 99 MlDl.AND AVENUB B.lJTTON' LUND, POLLY Pol.a..uu, PaCllJDBN'l' BASALT. CoLOlW.)() 81621--8305 EXr:.CI.ITIVB DJRBCTOR lJuu BYl.AR. 'f1l1~P"'ONR: (970) 927.....311 VICS hE."lJDBI'ol'J'/Sl;caETARY FACStMILB: (970) 927-1351 PB'mR .-aev BRtrc~ GAItO'W' CH.US MUTINflZ VALBRlE WIU.r.H February 14,2006 Dear (:< )fJunissioncrs, Morgan Wal~h, representing Pitkin Cuunty, has recently resigned from the Basalt RCgiOllW Library Board of'l'rustccs. In addition, one seal 011 the Board representing Eagle County and unc rep.Eesenting Pitkin County expirc March 1, 2006. The Lib.ra.ry Board has advertised (or applicants to fill the vacant seats and hu received applications tor these three vacancies. We have .received application'! from Pat Fallin {rom Eagle County, Judir.h Royer from Pitkin County, and Chris Ma..rtincz has reapplied tot his seat rep.resentin~ Pitkin County. The lettctll ftom each of these applicants arc induded with this letter. . ~1 'he Libr...!}' Board met last night and dillcusscd the applications and considered the qualifications and meri~ of each. applicant. By a vote of 5-0 the Board recommends Pat Fallin for the Eagle County seat and Judith Royer and Chris Martine~ for the [wo Pitkin County seats. We arc excited. about the possibility of br:inging on new Board members and look forward to your approval and resolution concerning the~e recommendations, EXHIBIT I A .. .: