HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-018 colorado department of transportation aeronautical board grant request' Commissioner ~ moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - 0/$ RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT A TION, COLORADO AERONAUTICAL BOARD, GRANT REQUEST WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the State of Colorado declared in Title 43 of the Colorado Revised Statues, Article 10, 1991 in C.RS. 43-10-101 (the Act) "...that there exists a need to promote the safe operations and accessibility of general aviation in this state; that improvements to general aviation transportation facilities will promote diversified economic development across the state; and that accessibility to airport facilities for residents of this state crucial in the event of a medical or other type of emergency. . ." WHEREAS, the Act created the Colorado Aeronautical Board ("the Board") to establish policy and procedures for distribution of monies in the Aviation Fund and created the Division of Aeronautics ("the Division") to carry out the directives of the Board, including technical and planning assistance to airports and the administration of the state aviation system grant program. SEE C.RS. 43-10-103 and C.RS. 43-10-105 and C.RS. 43-10-108.5 ofthe Act. WHEREAS, any entity operating a public-accessible airport in the state may file an application for and be recipient of a grant to be used solely for aviation purposes. The Division is authorized to assist such airports to request assistance by means of a Resolution passed by the applicant's duly-authorized governing body, which understands that all funds shall be used exclusively for aviation purposes and that it will comply with all grant procedures and requirements as defined in the Division's Grant Program Project Management Manual, revised 1999, ("the Manual"). NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, Eagle County, as a duly authorized governing body of the grant applicant, hereby formally requests assistance from the Colorado Aeronautical Board and the Division of Aeronautics in the form of a state aviation system grant. Eagle County states that such grant shall be used solely for aviation purposes, as determined by the State, and as generally described in the Application. THA T, each airport-operating entity that applies for and accepts a grant that it thereby makes a COMMITMENT (a) to keep the airport facility accessible to, and open to, the public during the entire useful life ofthe grant funded improvements/equipment; or (b) to reimburse the Division for any unexpired useful life of the improvements/equipment, on a pro-rata basis. THAT, by signing this grant agreement, the applicant commits to keep open and accessible for public use all grant funded facilities, improvements, and services for their useful life, as determined by the Division and stated in the Grant Agreement. THAT, Eagle County hereby designates Phillip Bowman as the Project Director, as described in the Manual and authorizes the Project Director to act in all matters relating to the work project proposed in the Application in its behalf, including executions of the grant contract. THAT, Eagle County has appropriated or will appropriate or otherwise make available in a timely manner all funds, if any, that are required to be provided by the Applicant under the terms and conditions of the grant contract. THAT, Eagle County hereby accepts all guidelines, procedures, standards, and requirements described in the Manual as applicable to the performance of the grant work and hereby approves the grant contract submitted by the State, including all terms and conditions contained therein. MOVED, READ, AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissio~fthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ~day of ~ 2006. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST: SI to County Commissioners ~ ' ' " \ j Tom . Stone,' ommissioner Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Runyon ~ Commissioner Menconi ~ Commissioner Stone ~ This Resolution passed by 0/ k vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.