HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-009 Re-establishing Election Precincts Commissioner moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COl\tllViISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION RE-ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS OF COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2006- 001 WHEREAS, the Eagle county Board of County Commissioners (Board) is authorized pursuant to Section 1-5-101, C.RS., and it is in the best interest of the voters ofthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to change some of the boundaries of the heretofore established election precincts, to divide, amend and re-establish the boundaries of all election precincts in Eagle County; and WHEREAS, the Board has caused a Map of said election precincts to be prepared, a copy of which is attached hereto and is marked as Exhibit "AIf, and WHEREAS, the Board has caused particularized descriptions of the boundaries of the various election precincts to be prepared (Particularized Descriptions), which are marked as Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, it is recognized by the Board that it has been difficult to prepare accurate particularized descriptions ofthe boundaries of various precincts, owing to the fact some portions of the County are in unsurveyed territory. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Board has inspected both the Map (Exhibit "AIf) and the Particularized Descriptions (Exhibit "BIf) and approves same and requests that duplicate originals of each be maintained in the permanent records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder 1 s Office. THAT, the election precincts as set forth on the Map, (Exhibit "A If) and the Particularized Descriptions (Exhibit "BIf) are declared to be the election precincts of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. THAT, in the event of any inconsistencies between the Map, (Exhibit "AIf) and the Particularized Descriptions (Exhibit "BIf) said Map shall prevail and take precedence over said Particularized Descriptions as the ultimate authority for determining the boundaries of the respective precincts. THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizemy of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. l\10VED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the .~ { day of ~/' 2006. f COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY Co~ers \~ Am Men , Commissioner Tom C. Stone, Commissioner Commissioner e'~14',?-1}'"1 seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Runyon Commissioner Menconi Commissioner Stone This Resolution passed by :?--ID vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Eaglr C,>untv Voter Precinct Boundaries n,( ~c:,(,,,l) ;)f C0:.Jt;'jv ,.;(;......J'!t.'OI'i,,"S r.r I.'.",~~( i;Ffii;...~;;~,;;;.;;;.;;:~~.;.,.,',...:.;;w- -~,- G;(;.~N:,;,':;:.:~ ;j,.,-i,:i~;::;:.:;::~j;:.~,;. -0;',:;;,:..._"'.-------- ,j,'''''~..;p''':~''l''<>T<n~,''fE +<,,"""""', -- --~ i1c~",~-...., 'i..~;\'!.~-ci(;;,:.iC-~~a<;;.:,;.;iYl;.;;;;;:;;"~w,, -c:or.-'lt"';l",,, - ~- n_~_.' D\/i)lJYp.,.~\:,lCl .. liJlovofso\1(>QalY -1r1~rstEl\..7() -HIQ,'Wi6) ~ive;t; Railro${jTn;r,l; .~4 ""~'" " ~., . ~"-' __7" ",_=.=, ~- - 8f " . , LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619001 RED CLIFF All that portion of Eagle County lying southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point where Interstate 70 intersects the easterly border of Eagle County; thence northwesterly along Interstate 70 to Two Elk Trail; thence westerly along two Elk Trail to Two Elk Creek; thence westerly along said creek to the Eagle river; thence southerly along said river to Homestake Creek; thence southerly along Homestake Creek to the East Fork of Homestake Creek; thence southerly along the East Fork of Homes take Creek to the southerly long of Eagle County; thence easterly and northerly along said county line to the point ofthe beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619002 SOUTHWEST V AIL All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Dowd Junction where Gore Creek intersects the Eagle River; thence easterly along Gore Creek to its intersection with Vail Road; thence southerly along said road to Mill Creek Road; thence southeasterly along said road up an un-named mountain used by Vail Ski Resort to an un-named intermittent creek which flows in a north / south direction on said mountain; thence northerly along said intermittent creek to its headwaters; thence east to the crest of said un-named mountain, said crest on the ridge line runs perpendicular to I-70; thence southeasterly along said crest to a Pack Trail on Two elk Pass; thence westerly along said Pack Trail to Two Elk Creek; thence westerly along said creek to an un-named intermittent creek which runs parallel with the Eagle River and lies approximately one mile northwest of said river; thence northwesterly along said intermittent creek to its headwaters and a northeasterly extension there of to Lionshead Jeep Trail; thence westerly along said jeep trail to Game Creek Pack Trail; thence easterly along said pack trail to the southerly ridge line of an un-named mountain located between I-70 and Game Creek; thence southeasterly along said ridge line and a westerly extension thereof across I-70 to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619002 SOUTHWEST VAIL . All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Dowd Junction where Gore Creek intersects the Eagle River; thence easterly along Gore Creek to its intersection with Vail Road; thence southerly along said road to Mill Creek Road; thence southeasterly along said road up an un-named mountain used by Vail Ski Resort to an un-named intermittent creek which flows in a north / south direction on said mountain; thence northerly along said intermittent creek to its headwaters; thence east to the crest of said lill-named mountain, said crest on the ridge line runs perpendicular to I-70; thence southeasterly along said crest to a Pack Trail on Two elk Pass; thence westerly along said Pack Trail to Two Elk Creek; thence westerly along said creek to an un-named intermittent creek which runs parallel with the Eagle River and lies approximately one mile northwest of said river; thence northwesterly along said intermittent creek to its headwaters and a northeasterly extension there ofto Lionshead Jeep Trail; thence westerly along said jeep trail to Game Creek Pack Trail; thence easterly along said pack trail to the southerly ridge line of an un-named mountain located between 1-70 and Game Creek; thence southeasterly along said ridge line and a westerly extension thereof across 1-70 to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619003 MINTURN All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Eagle River and gore Creek; thence southerly along said river to Grouse Creek; thence southerly along said creek through Grouse Lake to the head waters and a southerly extension there of to Pack Trail20l0; thence southeasterly along said Pack Trail 2010 to Cross Creek; thence southeasterly to Blodgett Lake; thence southwesterly over the summit of an un-named mountain to the most northeasterly head waters of Last Chance Creek; thence southwesterly along said creek to the southerly border of Eagle County; thence easterly along said county line to the East Fork of Homestake Creek; thence northerly along said creek to Homestake Creek; thence northerly along said creek to the Eagle River; thence northerly along said river to Two Elk Creek; thence easterly along said creek approximately one mile to an un-named intermittent creek which lies parallel to the Eagle River; thence northwesterly along said intermittent creek to its headwaters and a northwesterly extension thereof to Lionshead Jeep Trail; thence westerly along said jeep trail to Game Creek Pack Trail; thence easterly along said pack trail to the southerly ridge line of an un-named mountain located between I-70 and Game Creek; thence southwesterly along said ridge line and a westerly extension thereof across I-70 to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619004 HOMESTEAD All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Highway 6 and Edwards Village Blvd; then southwesterly along Edwards Village Blvd; thence southerly on the first secondary stream on the south side of said Blvd; thence due west at the secondary stream that intersects the original stream to Homestead Road; thence southwesterly along secondary stream going due south at the end of said stream to intersect with perpendicular stream; then southerly on the first secondary stream on the west side of Homestead road; thence due east at the intersection of said secondary stream and the eastern boundary of section 7, Township 2105~ thence southerly on the first secondary stream southerly; thence southerly at the intersection with first Unknown named road; thence southeasterly at the fork in said road follow; thence at the intersection of said road and the western boundary of section 21, Township 2105 follow the western boundary of said section 21 and section 28, 33, Township 2105 southerly; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said section 33, and section 32, Township 2105; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of section 6, Township 2201; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said section 6; thence at the intersection of the southwest corner of said section 6 and Lake Creek follow said Creek southerly then southeasterly; thence at the intersection of Lake Creek and the northeastern corner of section 25 Township 2199 follow the eastern boundary of said section 25, and section 36 Township 2199 southerly; thence at the southern boundary of said section 36 follow westerly; thence at the eastern boundary of section 2, Township 2383 follow said boundary southerly including the eastern boundaries of sections 11, 14,23, Township 2383; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said section 23 and section 22, Township 2383; thence at the intersection of said section 22 and Forest Service Road 506, follow said road to the southern border of Eagle County; thence easterly along said County line to Last Chance Creek; thence northeasterly along Last Chance Creek to its most northeasterly headwaters; thence northeasterly over the summit of an un-named mountain to Blodgett Lake; thence northeasterly to Cross Creek; thence northeasterly along Cross Creek to Pack Trail 2010; thence northwesterly along Pack Trail 2010 to Pack Trail 2129; thence along said pack trail to Beaver Creek; thence northerly along Beaver Creek to Beaver Lake; thence northerly over an un-named ridge to the southern boundary of section 23, Township 2105; thence westerly along said section 23 boundary; thence northerly along eastern boundary of said section 23; thence northeasterly along McCoy Creek; thence westerly along the northern boundary of section 15, Township 2105 and section 16, Township 2105; thence where the first Unknown secondary stream intersects the boundary follow due north to the northern boundary of section 9, Township 2105; thence at the intersection with Highway 6 follow westerly back to point of origin. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619005 EAGLE All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of section 24 Township 1939; thence southwesterly along Interstate 70; thence southerly along Wapiti Road; thence westerly along the northern boundary of section 5 Township 2109; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of said section 5; southeasterly along Brush Creek; thence northerly along Capitol Street; thence easterly and southerly along the Town of Eagle boundary; thence southeasterly along Brush Creek Road; thence at the intersection with the south boundary of section 4, Township 1939 follow easterly along the southern boundaries of sections 4,3,2, 1, Township 1939; thence at the western boundary of said section 1 follow northerly along western section boundaries of said section 1, and sections 36, 25, 24, Township 1939 back to the point of origin. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619006 GYPSUM All that portion of Eagle County more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Cooley Mesa Road and Valley Road; thence northerly along Valley Road; thence northwesterly along Highway 6 to where it intersects the D&RGW Railroad; thence follow the railroad westerly uIltil it intersects the western boundary of section 6, Township 2111; then southerly along the western boundary of said section 6; thence easterly along the southern boundary of said section 6 until it intersects the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2086119007 BASALT All that portion of Eagle County more particularly described as follow: Beginning at the intersection of Highway 82 and the southerly border of Eagle County; thence easterly along the County line to Forest Service Road 506; thence northerly along said road to Forest Service Road 400; thence northwesterly along said road to Crooked Creek Pass at the northerly rim of Red Table Mountain; thence westerly along said northerly rim to the intersection of Forest Service Road 510 & 514; thence west to the headwaters of Cattle Creek; thence along said creek to a point where the intersection of Highway 82 and the southerly boundary of Eagle County, bear due south; thence south along the west face of Basalt Mountain to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2086119008 ELJEBEL All that portion of Eagle County more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly border of Eagle County and Cottonwood Pass Road; thence south along the County line to Upper Cattle Creek Road; thence southwesterly along said road to EI Jebel Road; thence southerly along said road to Highway 82; thence southeasterly along said Highway to the southerly border of Eagle County; thence due north along the west face of Basalt Mountain to Cattle Creek; thence westerly along said creek through its headwaters to the intersection of Forest Service Road 510 and Forest Service Road 514; thence easterly along said road to Cottonwood Pass Road; thence northerly along said road to Cottonwood Creek; thence northwesterly along said creek to the Colorado River; thence westerly along said. river to the westerly border of Eagle County; thence southerly to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619009 NORTH GYPSUM/SWEETWATER All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Colorado River and the westerly border of Eagle County; thence easterly along said river to the intersection ofthe Colorado River and the Eagle River; thence easterly along the Eagle River to the intersection with section 31, Townshipl937; thence due south to the intersection with D & RGW Railroad; thence southeasterly along said railroad; thence northerly at the intersection of said railroad and Highway 6 to Interstate 70; thence easterly at said Interstate; thence northerly at the intersection of Interstate 70 and Cottonwood Creek; thence northerly along said creek to the intersection of Cottonwood Creek and an un- named creek on the southeast side of Greenhorn Mountain; thence northerly along the un-named intermittent creek to Four Mile Spur Road; thence easterly along said road to the intersection of Four Mile Road and Eby Creek Road; thence northwesterly along Eby Creek Road to Posey Creek; thence northwesterly along said creek to the Colorado River; thence westerly along said river to Red Dirt Creek; thence northwesterly along said creek to the East Fork Red Dirt Creek; thence along said East Fork Red dirt Creek to the headwaters and a northerly extension thereof to a pack trail near the summit of W Mountain; thence westerly along said pack trail to its intersection with the westerly border of Eagle County; thence southerly along said County ling to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619010 BURNS All that portion of Eagle County more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly border of Eagle County where a pack trail on the top of W Mountain intersects said westerly County line; thence easterly along said pack trail to the East Fork of Red Dirt Creek; thence southeasterly along said creek to Red Dirt Creek; thence easterly along said creek to the Colorado River; thence easterly along said river to Posey Creek; thence southeasterly along Posey Creek to Eby Creek Road; thence along Eby Creek Road northeasterly to its intersection with road 854 1; follow said road to intersection with second secondary stream of Big Alkali Creek; follow said stream northeasterly briefly. Follow due east to intersection with Catamount Creek Road. Follow said road northerly to intersection with Colorado River Road; thence northeasterly along Colorado River Road to Poppy Creek Road; thence northerly along said road to the northerly border of Eagle County; thence westerly along said County line to the westerly border of Eagle County; thence southerly along said County line to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619011 BOND / MCCOY All that portion of Eagle County more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly border of Eagle County at the intersection of said County line and Poppy Creek Road; thence southerly along said road to the Colorado River Road; thence southwesterly along said road to its intersection with Catamount Creek Road; thence easterly along said road to its intersection with State Highway 131; thence southerly along said highway to its intersection with Muddy Creek Road; thence northeasterly along said road to the intersection of Forest Service Road 701; thence easterly along said road to Forest Service Road 410; thence northeasterly along said road to Piney River; thence northeasterly along said river to Piney Lake; thence along the southeast side of the lake in a northeasterly direction back to Piney River; thence northeasterly along said river to a point where its course turns sharply south; thence northeasterly to the easterly border of Eagle County at the Summit of Mt. Powell; thence northerly and westerly along said County line to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619012 NORTHWEST VAIL All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point where Traer Creek intersects the Eagle River; thence easterly along the Eagle River to its intersection with Gore Creek; thence northeasterly along Gore Creek to its intersection with Red Sandstone Creek; thence northerly along said creek to its intersection with Indian Creek; thence northwesterly along said creek to Forest Service Road 701; thence westerly along said road to Forest Service Road 734; thence southerly along said road to a point where Buffer Mountain and the headwaters of Traer Creek lie southerly; thence southerly over Buffer Mountain to the headwaters; thence southerly along Traer Creek to the point of the beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619013 VAIL All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point where Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek intersect; thence easterly along Gore Creek to Vail Road; thence southerly along Vail Road to Mill Creek Road; thence southeasterly along said road and along an un-named mountain used by Vail Ski Resort to an un-named intermittent creek which flows in a north / south direction on said mountain; thence northerly along said intermittent creek to its headwaters; thence easterly over the crest of a ridge line to the nearest un-named intermittent creek which flows into Gore Creek at the East Vail I-70 exit; thence northeasterly along said intermittent creek to Gore Creek; thence northwesterly along Gore Creek to Pitkin Creek; thence northerly along Pitkin Creek to its most northeasterly headwaters which lie in the drainage east of Pitkin Lake and a northerly extension thereof to the easterly border of Eagle County; thence northwesterly along said County line to the summit of Mt. Powell; thence southerly to a point on the Piney River where its course turns sharply south; thence westerly along said river to the intersection Of Piney River and Forest Service Road 701; thence southerly along said road to Indian Creek; thence southeasterly along said creek to Red Sandstone Creek; thence southerly along said creek to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619014 EAST V AIL That portion of Eagle County lying southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning on the easterly border of Eagle County where the northeasterly headwaters of Pitkin Creek lie south of said point; thence southerly to Pitkin Creek; thence southwesterly along Pitkin Creek to Gore Creek; thence southeasterly along Gore Creek to an un-named intermittent creek which flows northerly into Gore Creek at the East Vail I-70 exit; thence southwesterly along said intermittent creek to its headwaters; thence westerly to the crest of a ridge line of an un-named mountain, said ridge line runs perpendicular to 1-70; thence southeasterly along said crest to a pack trail on Two Elk Pass; thence northeasterly along said pack trail to its intersection with I-70; thence southeasterly along 1-70 intersection with the easterly border of Eagle County; thence following said County line in a northwesterly direction to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619015 EAST AVON All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection Traer Creek and the Eagle River; thence northerly along Traer Creek to its headwaters and a northerly extension thereof over Buffer Mountain to Forest Service Road 734; thence northerly along said road to Forest Service Road 701; thence westerly along said road to the South Fork of Dickson Creek; thence westerly along said creek to its headwaters and a westerly extension thereofto Forest Service Road 734; thence easterly along said road to Metcalf Creek; thence southerly along Metcalf Creek to Metcalf Road; thence southerly along Metcalf Road to the intersection of Metcalf Road and Nottingham Road and a southeasterly extension thereof across 1-70 to West Beaver Creek Blvd; thence easterly along the Eagle River to the point of the beginning. LEGAL DESCRlPTION PRECINCT #2085619016 NORTH EAGLE All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of road 854 1 and Eby Creek Road; thence southerly along Eby Creek Road to its intersection with Four Mile Spur Road; thence westerly along said road to its intersection with an un-named internlittent creek on the southeast side of Greenhorn Mountain; thence southerly along said intermittent creek to Cottonwood Creek; thence southerly along Cottonwood Creek to Interstate 70; thence northeasterly along said Interstate; thence northerly at intersection of Interstate 70 and Milk Creek; thence along said creek to the easternmost point where Milk Creek Road lies adjacent to Milk Creek and a northerly extension thereof to Milk Creek Road; thence easterly along said road to Highway 131; thence northerly along Highway 131 to the intersection of Catamount Creek Road; thence westerly along said road to the intersection with CatamountCreek road (north to south), thence westerly to the intersection of the secondary stream of Big Alkali Creek, thence south along said creek to intersection with road 854 1, follow said road to point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619017 EAGLE-VAIL All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Eagle River and Stone Creek; thence southeasterly and southerly following Stone Creek; thence following the western fork of Stone Creek to its headwaters; thence southerly over an un-named ridge to Olsen Lake; thence southeasterly to Pack Trail 2129; thence southwesterly along said Pack Trail 2129 to Pack Trail 2010; thence along Pack Trail 2010 to a point where the Grouse Creek headwaters lie northerly; thence northerly through the Grouse Creek headwaters to Grouse Creek; thence northeasterly along Grouse Creek to the Eagle River; thence westerly along the Eagle River to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619018 BEAVER CREEK All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Eagle River and Stone Creek; thence westerly following the Eagle River to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 11, Township 2105; thence southerly along the eastern boundaries of said section 11, and sections 14,23, Township 2105; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said section 23; thence southerly where McCoy Creek crosses the southern boundary of said section 23; thence southerly over an un-named ridge to Beaver Lake; thence southerly along Beaver Creek to Pack Trail 2129, thence northwesterly along said pack trail to a point where Olsen Lake lies northwesterly; thence northwesterly to Olsen Lake; thence northerly over an un-named ridge to the headwaters of the western fork of Stone Creek; thence following Stone creek northerly and northwesterly to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619019 AVON All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Beaver Creek Blvd and the Eagle River; thence northerly along West Beaver Creek Blvd to a point where a portion of West Beaver Creek Blvd turns east; thence northwest across Interstate 70 to the intersection of Nottingham Road and Metcalf Road; thence northerly along Metcalf Road to its most northerly intersection with Metcalf Creek; thence northerly along Metcalf Creek to Forest Service Road 734; thence westerly along said road to a point where the headwaters ofthe south fork of Dickson Creek lie westerly; thence westerly to the headwaters; thence easterly along south fork of Dickson Creek to Forest Service Road 701; thence westerly along said road to a point where the northernmost headwaters of June Creek lie southerly; thence southerly through the headwaters and along June Creek to intersection ofTWP 4s, thence easterly along section boundary to the western boundary of section 2, 82w, TWP 5s to intersection of interstate 70; thence easterly along said Interstate; thence southerly at the intersection with the westerly boundary of section 2, Township 2105; thence southerly to the Eagle River; thence easterly along said river to point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619020 NORTH EDWARDS All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the western boundary of section 2, 82w, TWP 5s and Interstate 70; thence northerly along section boundary to intersection of TWP 4s. Thence westerly along section boundary to June Creek, thence northerly along June Creek to its northernmost headwaters and a northerly extension thereof to Forest Service Road 701; thence westerly along said road to a point where the northernmost headwaters of Berry Creek lies due south; thence south to the northernmost headwaters of Berry Creek; thence southerly along said creek to Interstate 70; thence easterly along said Interstate to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619021 BERRY CREEK, WOLCOTT All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Highway 131 and Interstate 70 at Wolcott; thence easterly along said Interstate to the intersection of Berry Creek; thence northerly along said creek to its northernmost headwaters and a northerly extension thereofto Forest Service Road 701; thence southwesterly along said road to Highway 131; thence northerly along said highway to Milk Creek Road; thence westerly along said road to the eastern most point where Milk Creek Road lies adjacent to Milk Creek and a southerly extension thereofto Milk Creek; thence southerly along said creek to Interstate 70; thence easterly along said Interstate to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619022 WEST EDWARDS All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Interstate 70 and the northwestern comer of section 19, Township 1941; thence southerly along the eastern boundaries of said section 19, and sections 30,31, Township 1941, and sections 6, 7, 18, 19, Township 2107; thence easterly at the halfway point of the western boundary of said section 19; thence southerly at the half way point of the western boundary of section 21, Township 2107; thence easterly along the southern boundary of said section 21, and section 22, Township 2107; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of sections 26,35, Township 2107; thence easterly along the southern boundaries of said section 35, and section 36, Township 2107; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of said section 36, and section 25 Township 2107; thence westerly along the northern boundary of said section 25; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of section 23, Township 2107; thence easterly along the southern boundary of section 13, Township 2107; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of said section 13, and section 12, Township 2107; thence easterly along the southern boundary of section 6, Township 2105; thence northerly at the intersection of said boundary with Lake Creek along said creek; thence westerly where Meile Lane and Lake Creek Road intersect westerly ofthe eastern boundary of section 6, Township 2105; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of said section 6; thence westerly at the intersection of said eastern boundary and Interstate 70; thence westerly along said Interstate until point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619023 AIRPORT All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Highway 6 and Interstate 70 in the Town of Gypsum; thence southeasterly along Highway 6 to the intersection of Valley Road; thence easterly along the southern boundary of section 5, Township 2111; thence southerly along the western boundaries of sections 9,16, 21, Township 2111; thence easterly along the southern boundary of said section 21; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of section 27, Township 2111; thence westerly along the northern boundaries of sections 33, 32 Township 2111; thence southerly on Gypsum Creek Road to a point where the intersection of Sundell Creek and Gypsum Creek lies southwesterly; thence southwesterly to Sundell Creek; thence southerly along Sundell Creek to its headwaters and a southerly extension thereof, over the summit of Red Table Mountain to Forest Service Road 514; thence easterly along said road to the intersection of. Forest Service Road 510 which is also the north rim of Red Table Mountain; thence easterly along the northern rim of said mountain to Forest Service Road 400 at Crooked Creek Pass; thence northwesterly along said road to Sylvan Lake; thence northerly along West Brush Creek to the northern boundary of section 31, Township 2197; thence westerly along said boundary section 31; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of sections 25, 24, 13, Township 2195; thence westerly along the northern boundary of said section 13; thence northerly along eastern boundaries of sections 11,2, Township 2195; thence westerly along the northern boundaries of said section 2, and section 3, Township 2195; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of section 33, Township 2109; thence westerly along the northern boundary of sJ:lld section 33; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of sections 29,20, 17, Township 2109; thence westerly along the northern boundary of said section 17; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of section 7,6, Township 2109; thence easterly on Highway 6 at the intersection of said section 6 boundary and said Highway; thence northerly along Brush Creek at the intersection of Highway 6 and said Creek; thence northerly at the intersection of Brush Creek and the eastern boundary of section 6, Township 2109; thence easterly along the northern boundary of section 5, Township 2109; thence northerly on Wapiti Road where said road intersects said section 5 boundary; thence westerly along Interstate 70 to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2086119024 SOPRIS All that portion of Eagle County more particularly described as follows:. Beginning at the intersection of Highway 82 and the westerly border of Eagle County; thence southerly along the County line to the southeast corner of Eagle County; thence easterly along said County line to Highway 82; thence departing said County line northwesterly along said highway to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2086119025 BLUE LAKE All that portion of Eagle County more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the westerly border of Eagle County and Upper Cattle Creek Road; thence southerly along said road to El Jebel Road; thence southerly along said road to Highway 82; thence west along said highway to the westerly boundary of Eagle County; thence north along said boundary to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619026 SOUTHWEST GYPSUM All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Colorado River and Cottonwood Creek; thence southeasterly along said creek to Cottonwood Pass Road; thence southerly along said road to the intersection of Forest Service Road 514; thence easterly along said road to the northernmost rim of Red Table Mountain; thence northwesterly over the summit of Red Table Mountain to the headwaters of Sundell Creek; thence northerly along said creek to Gypsum Creek and a northeasterly extension thereofto Gypsum Creek Road; thence northerly along Gypsum Creek Road to the southern boundary of section 29 of Township 2111; thence easterly to the eastern boundary of section 28 Township 2111; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of said section 28; thence westerly along the northern boundary of section 28, Township 2111; thence northerly along the western boundary of sections 21, 16, and 9 of Township 2111; thence westerly along the northern boundaries of sections 8 and 7; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of section 6 where it intersects the Eagle River; thence westerly along said river to its intersection with the Colorado River; thence westerly along said river to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619027 SOUTH EAGLE All that portion of Eagle County being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Highway 6 and Brush Creek; thence southeasterly along Brush Creek; thence northerly along Capitol Street; thence easterly and southerly along the Town of Eagle boundary; thence southeasterly along Brush Creek Road; thence easterly along the southern boundaries of sections 4,3,2, 1, Township 1939; thence southerly along the western boundaries of sections 7,18,19, Township 2107; thence easterly at the halfway point of the western boundary of said section 19; thence southerly at the half way point of the western boundary of section 21, Township 2107; thence easterly along the southern boundary of said section 21, and section 22, Township 2107; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of sections 26,35, Township 2107; thence easterly along the northern boundaries of sections 2, 1, Township 2197, and section 1, Township 2199; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of section 6, Township 2201; thence at the intersection of the southwest corner of said section 6 and Lake Creek follow said Creek southerly then southeasterly; thence at the intersection of Lake Creek and the northeastern corner of section 25 Township 2199 follow the eastern boundary of said section 25, and section 36 Township 2199 southerly; thence westerly at the southern boundary of said section 36; thence southerly at the eastern boundary of section 2, Township 2383 including the eastern boundaries of sections 11, 14,23, Township 2383; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said section 23 and section 22, Township 2383; thence northwesterly along said road to Crooked Creek Pass at the northerly rim of Red Table Mountain; thence northwesterly along said road to Sylvan Lake; thence northerly along West Brush Creek to the northern boundary 0 f section 31, Township 2197; thence westerly along said boundary section 31; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of sections 25, 24, 13, Township 2195; thence westerly along the northern boundary of said section 13; thence northerly along eastern boundaries of sections 11,2, Township 2195; thence westerly along the northern boundaries of said section 2, and section 3, Township 2195; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of section 33, Township 2109; thence westerly along the northern boundary of said section 33; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of sections 29, 20, 17, Township 2109; thence westerly along the northern boundary of said section 17; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of section 7, 6, Township 2109; thence easterly on Highway 6 at the intersection of said section 6 boundary and said Highway to point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619028 LAKE CREEK All that portion of Eagle County more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Edwards Access Road and Interstate 70; thence southwesterly along said road; thence southwesterly on Edwards Village Blvd at the intersection of Highway 6 and said Blvd; thence southerly on the first secondary stream on the south side of said Blvd; thence due west at the secondary stream that intersects the original stream to Homestead Road; thence southwesterly along secondary stream going due south at the end of said stream to intersect with perpendicular stream; then southerly on the first secondary stream on the west side of Homestead road; thence due east at the intersection of said secondary stream and the eastern boundary of section 7, Township 2105; thence southerly the first secondary stream; thence southerly at the intersection with the first Unknown named road; thence at the fork in said road follow southeasterly; thence southerly at the intersection of said road and the western boundary of section 21, Township 2105 follow the western boundary of said section 21 and section 28,33, Township 2105; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said section 33, and section 32, Township 2105; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of section 6, Township 2201; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said section 6; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of said section 36, and section 25 Township 2107; thence westerly along the northern boundary of said section 25; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of section 23, Township 2107; thence easterly along the southern boundary of section 13, Township 2107; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of said section 13, and section 12, Township 2107; thence easterly along the southern boundary of section 6, Township 2105; thence northerly at the intersection of said section 6 boundary with Lake Creek; thence northerly along Lake Creek; thence westerly at where Meile Lane and Lake Creek Road intersect west of the eastern boundary of section 6, Township 2105; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of said section 6; thence easterly at the intersection of said section 6 eastern boundary and Interstate 70 to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRECINCT #2085619029 SOUTHEAST EDWARDS/SOUTHWEST AVON All that portion of Eagle County more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Edwards Access Road and Interstate 70; thence easterly along said Interstate; thence southerly at the western boundary of section 2, Township 2105; thence easterly on the Eagle River; thence southerly at the eastern boundary of section 11, Township 2105; thence southerly along the eastern boundaries of said section 11, and sections 14,23, Township 2105; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said section 23; thence northerly along eastern boundary of said section 23; thence northeasterly along McCoy Creek; thence westerly where McCoy Creek intersects the northern boundary of section 15, Township 2105; thence westerly along the northern boundary of said section and section 16, Township 2105; thence northerly where the first Unknown secondary stream intersects section 7 northern boundary; thence due north to the northern boundary of section 9, Township 2105; thence westerly along Highway 6; thence northeasterly at the intersection of said Highway and Edwards Access Road to the point of beginning.