HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-003 Annual Appointments j Commissioner ~ moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter "the Board"), desires to make certain necessary administrative appointments and designations for the terms specified hereinbelow; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Board designate official legal depositories for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for fiscal year 2004, pursuant to Sections 24-75-603 and 30- 10-708, C.RS.; and WHEREAS, the following appointments and designations do not constitute contractual obligations ofthe County of Eagle nor of the Board, and the County and the Board are not legally bound for the respective terms of appointment or designation as specified hereinbelow, the County, by and through the Board, having the authority, in its sole discretion, to change, add, or abolish such appointments and designations and to fill vacancies, therefore, as it sees fit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, Commissioner Peter F. Runyon be and is hereby elected Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners ofthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for a one-year term commencing today, and continuing until his/her successor is appointed for fiscal year 2007, in accordance with Section 30-10-307, C.RS. THAT, Commissioner Tom C. Stone be and is hereby elected Vice Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to preside, in the absence of the Chairman, at all meetings ofthe Board and to sign all County orders concerning matters submitted to the Board or connected with its powers and duties, for a one-year term commencing today and continuing until his/her successor is appointed for fiscal year 2007. THAT, in coJ1iunction with the aforesaid statutory authority, the Board acknowledges that it has established various administrative departments and designated directors thereof deemed necessary by the Board for the efficient management of the business and concerns of the Eagle County government; however, the Board finds, determines and declares that the normal -1 - appointment of such department directors, except as otherwise noted hereinbelow, is not necessary nor appropriate since such directors are under the supervision and direction of the County's Administrator who, in turn, is under the direct control of the Board. The Board reserves the right and authority granted to it by statute to designate, from time to time, certain County employees to such directorships who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board while in such positions, to prescribe the duties to be performed by such department directors, and to pay the same from the appropriate County fund; all ofthe foregoing being at the sole discretion of the Board. THAT, Bryan R. Treu be and is hereby appointed the Eagle County Attorney for the term commencing today until further order of the Board, in accordance with Section 30-11-118, C.RS. THAT, Bruce Baumgartner be and is hereby appointed the Eagle County Administrator for the term commencing today until further order of the Board, in accordance with Section 30-11-107, C.RS. THAT, Michael Roeper be and is hereby appointed the Eagle County Budget Officer for the term commencing today until further order of the Board, in accordance with Section 30- 11-107, C.RS. and Section 29-1-104, C.RS. THAT, Brad Higgins be and is hereby appointed the Eagle County Road and Bridge Supervisor for all roads constituting the County roadway system for the term commencing today until further order of the Board, in accordance with Section 43-2-111, C.RS. THAT, Kathleen Forinash be and is hereby appointed Eagle County Director of Health and Human Services for the term commencing today until further order of the Board, in accordance with Sections 26-1-115 and 26-1-117(1), C.RS. THAT, Kathleen Forinash be and is hereby appointed Secretary to the Eagle County Board of Health and Human Services for the term commencing today until further order of the Board, in accordance with Section 26-1-117(1), C.RS. THAT, Drew Werner, M.D. be and is hereby appointed the Eagle County Health Officer for the term commencing today until further order of the Board, in accordance with Section 25-1-601, et seq., C.R.S., and, Angela Ammon, M.D. appointed as Deputy Health Officer commencing today until further order of the Board. THAT, Nora Fryklund be and is hereby appointed the Eagle County Civil Rights Officer for the term commencing today until further order of the Board. -2 - THAT, Bryan R. Treu be and is hereby appointed Eagle County's representative to the Community Corrections Board for the Fifth Judicial District, until further order of the Board, and Walter Mathews, IV is appointed alternate representative until further order of the Board. THAT, Peter F. Runyon be and is hereby appointed Eagle County's representative and Arn M. Menconi be and herein is appointed as alternate member to the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments, for a term continuing until his/her successor is appointed for fiscal year 2007. THAT, Arn M. Menconi be and is hereby appointed as Eagle County's representative member to QQ, commencing January 10, 2006 until further order of the Board and Peter F. Runyon be and is hereby appointed as alternate representative until further order ofthe Board. THAT, Arn M. Menconi be and is hereby appointed Eagle County's representative and Peter F. Runyon appointed as alternate member to the Ruedi Reservoir Water and Power Authority, for a term continuing until hislher successor is appointed for fiscal year 2007. THAT, Arn M. Menconi be and is hereby appointed Eagle County's representative and Kathleen Forinash appointed as alternate member to the Board of Directors of the Northwest Colorado Options for Long Term Care, commencing today until further order of the Board. THAT, Arn M. Menconi be and is hereby appointed Eagle County's representative and Peter F. Runyon appointed as alternate member to the Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority, for a 3 year term commencing on March 1,2004 and terminating on February 28, 2007, pursuant to Eagle County Resolution No. 96-22. THAT, Arn M. Menconi be and is hereby appointed Eagle County's representative and Peter F. Runyon appointed as alternate member to the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority, for a term commencing today and shall continue until either the date on which a successor is duly appointed or the date on which he or she ceases to be a member of the Eagle County governing body. THAT, Peter F. Runyon be and is hereby appointed Eagle County's representative and Arn M. Menconi appointed as alternate member to the Rural Resort Region, commencing today until further order of the Board. THAT, Arn M. Menconi be and is hereby appointed Eagle County's representative member to the Colorado Work Force Committee, commencing today until further order ofthe Board. THAT, Barry Smith be and is hereby appointed Eagle County Emergency Management Director, commencing today until further order of the Board. -3 - THAT, Arn M. Menconi and Peter F. Runyon be and are hereby appointed Eagle County's representative members to the Partnership For Education, commencing today until further order of the Board. THAT, Arn M. Menconi be and is hereby appointed Eagle County's representative member and Peter F. Runyon alternate member to the Vail Valley Chamber and Tourism Bureau, commencing today until further order of the Board. THAT, the County Treasurer of Eagle County be, and hereby is, authorized and approved to deposit all funds and monies of whatever kind that come into the Treasurer's possession by virtue ofthe office in his/her name as such Treasurer in any legal depository as designated by the current Eagle County Investment Policy adopted by Resolution No. 98-02 and any amendment thereto subsequently adopted by the Eagle County Board of Commissioners. THAT, notice of all meetings of the Board shall be posted no less than twenty four hours prior to holding of the meeting, at the following locations, unless an alternative place is otherwise designated by the Board: The bulletin board located at the east entrance to the Eagle County Building and the bulletin board located outside the Eagle County Room on the third floor ofthe Eagle County Building. The posting shall include specific agenda information where possible. The provisions of this paragraph do not supersede but are in addition to any special statutory or regulatory notice requirements. THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. -4 - MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners ofthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 10th day of January, 2006. ATTEST: ERS County Commissioner ~~ Tom C. Stone Co ~ Commissioner /~Vl seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Runyon Commissioner Stone Commissioner Menconi This Resolution passed by vote ofthe Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State -5 -