HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-137 amending LURs to provide clarity of intent
Commissioner tt..vw I..f {)L.J moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO. 2005- l31
Eagle County File No. LUR-0054
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle, State of Colorado
(hereinafter the "Board"), is authorized, pursuant to State enabling legislation including, but not
limited to, C.R.S. 30-28-101, et seq., to plan for and regulate the use and development to land in
the unincorporated territory of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for the purpose of
promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future
inhabitants of the County of Eagle; and
WHEREAS, the Board has adopted such zoning and subdivision regulations, which land
use regulations have been incorporated into one comprehensive document entitled "Eagle County
Land Use Regulations" (hereinafter the "E.C.L.UR."), pursuant to Resolution No. 82-26, and as
subsequently amended; and
WHEREAS, C.R.S. 30-28-116, and Section 5-230 of the E.C.L.U.R., respectively,
provide that, from time to time, the Board may amend the number, shape, boundaries, or area of
any district, or any regulation of or within such district, or any other provisions of the County's
Zoning Resolution; and
WHEREAS, C.R.S. 30-28-133, and Section 5-230 of the E.C.L.UR., provide for the
adoption and amendment of subdivision regulations by the Board; and
WHEREAS, on or about August 1, 2005 the Eagle County Department of Community
Development initiated proposed amendments to:
~ Section 2, Article 2 Definitions: Revision of existing definitions and addition of
new definitions for increased clarity of regulatory intent
~ Section 2, Article 3 Zone Districts: Temporary Construction Trailers included as
a use-by-right in all zone districts. Reformatting and clarification of regulations
pertaining to Accessory Dwelling Units. Clarification of regulations pertaining to
Tree Storage. Clarification that Accessory Buildings may be larger than 850 sq.
ft. if approved via Special Use Permit.
~ Section 2, Article 4 Site Development Standards: Update reference to the
International Building Code and International Code Council, as applicable.
~ Section 2, Article 5 Administration: Interchanged reference to 'Master Plan' with
'Comprehensive Plan' throughout Article 5, as applicable. Added public notice
requirements for Comprehensive Plan. Clarification of definition and procedure
for Minor Type 'B' Subdivision process.
~ Section 2, Article 6 Nonconformities: Property merger language included
pursuant to c.R.S. Section 30-28-139.
Such proposed amendments were referred to both the Eagle County Planning Commission and
the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission for their review and comment; and
WHEREAS, the Eagle County Planning Commission reviewed the proposed
amendments on October 5,2005, and certified their comments and recommendations with
respect thereto to the Board; and
WHEREAS, the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission reviewed the
proposed amendments on October 6, 2005, and certified their comments and recommendations
with respect thereto to the Board; and
WHEREAS, after public notice was given pursuant to law, the Board held a public
hearing to consider comments on such proposed amendments on November 8, 2005, in the Board
of County Commissioners' meeting room, in the Eagle County Building, Eagle, Colorado; and
WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits and study of the Master Plan for
the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments of the Eagle County Department of
Community Development, comments of public officials and agencies, recommendation of the
Planning Commission and comments from all interested parties, the Board hereby determines
that the proposed amendments are necessary and proper for the protection of the public health,
safety, welfare and best interest of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado:
THAT, the Eagle County Land Use Regulations is hereby amended, effective December
13, 2005, as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
THAT, this amendment of the E.C.L.U.R. shall not constitute nor be construed as a
waiver of any violations existing at the time of adoption ofthis Resolution.
THAT, the Director of Community Development is hereby directed to transmit a true and
correct copy of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, as amended, to the Colorado Land
Use Commission.
THAT, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word ofthis Resolution,
including the attached Exhibit, be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,
such decision shall not affect the validity of this Resolution as a whole or any parts thereof, other
than the part so declared to be invalid. For this purpose, this Resolution is declared to be
THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the
inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 13th day of December, 2005,
nunc pro tunc to the 8th day of November, 2005.
COLORADO, by and Through Its
Teak 1. Simonton
Clerk to the Board of
County Commissioners
Peter F. Runyon, Commissioner
Tom C. Stone, Commissioner
Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution. The roll
having been called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Am M. Menconi ~
Commissioner Peter F. Runyon ~
Commissioner Tom C. Stone ~
1'2", \'
The purpose of this Article is to define words, terms and phrases contained within these Land Use Regulations.
The following words shall have the following meanings when used in these Regulations.
ACCESSORY BUILDING means a building located on the same lot as the principal building to which it is
accessory that is clearly incidental, subordinate and secondary and deyoted to the principle use, and which is
customarily found in conjunction with the principal building. buildings, excluding garages and
agricultural buildings shall not be larger than eight-hundred-fifty (850) square feet (see also definitions for
'garage' and 'agricultural building'). See separate definition of garage.
ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT means a dwelling unit that is accessory and subordinate to the principal
use of the propertyalliHs that has been designed and intended for occupancy by the caretaker of said property,
persons who live and work in Eagle County, or relatives and guests of the occupants of the principal use of the
property. An accessory dwelling unit contains a kitchen facility separate from the principal use (see
definition for 'kitchen facility '). Accessory dwelling units shall meet the criteria stated in Article 3, Section
3-310.A eta seq.
COMPREHENSIVE (MASTER) PLAN means a compendium of reports, charts, graphs, drawings, maps or
plans as may be adopted, or any portion thereof or any amendment thereto, that set forth recommendations and
policies for guiding future growth and development, while providing for the public's health, safety and general
welfare. The Eagle County Master Comprehensive Plan, adopted by the Eagle County Planning Commission
on January 3, 1996, is the officially adopted mastef comprehensive plan for Eagle County, andfuljills the
statutory requirements of eR.S. 30-28-106.. The Eagle County Mastef Comprehensive Plan also
incorporates community and sub area plans adopted for particular areas of the County and functional plans,
such as the Open Space Plan, Eagle River Watershed Plan, Housing Plan, and the Trails Plan, those addressing
particular issues of concem to the County (trails, open space, housing, etc.).
DEVELOPABLE LAND means net land available for building or other development which isfree/rom
natural water bodies or the 100-year floodplain. . Deyelopable land specifically excl~des land that is under
,>vater or is located 'Nithin the one hundred (100) year floodplain.
DUPLEX DWELLING Duplex dwelling means a building containing two (2) structurally independent
dwelling units, either side by side or in an over and under (stacked) configuration that appears to be a single,
integrated structure. In the side by side configuration, The two units shall be totally separat~d from each other
by an un-pierced common wall extending from ground to roof that has been constructed to meet applicable
IRC separation standards. The units shall be contiguous, but may be offset alO1tg the common wall, so
long as the resulting structure appears to be a single building. In the over and under configuration, the
units shall be totally separated from eaoh other by an un pierced ceiling and floor extending from ext~rior wall
to exterior wall. Duplex Dwellings and the surroUltding property may be held in single ownership; may be
Article 2. February II. 2003
subdivided such that each unit and correspondillg portiollS of the surroundillg property can be separately
oWlled (two Y; duplex lots), or; may be subdivided such that each ullit CQll be separately oWlled with the
surroullding property held ill commOIl oWllership (a three lot arrallgement). A duplex dwelling may also be
identified in these regulations as a "two (2) family dwelling."
SllX.l!Y-SllX tOOFiGmA'OON
DWELLING UNIT means one (1) or more rooms in a dwelling occupied by a family living independently of
any other family and having not more than one (1) indoor kitchen facility that is limited to the use of the
family. It also means one (1) or more rooms in a dwelling occupied by multiple housekeeping units living
Article 2, February II, 2003
independently from any other housekeeping units and having not more than one (1) indoor kitchen facility that
is limited to the use of those housekeeping units. A dwelling unit contains human living facilities, including
facilities for sleeping, cooking and sanitation. A dwelling unit shall include a mobile home, but shall not
include hotels, motels, clubs, boarding houses, rooming houses, or any institutions, such as an asylum, hospital,
jailor group home, where human beings are housed by reason of illness or under legal restraint. As
determined by zoning, a lot or parcel may contain one single family dwelling unit, two dwelling Ultits in a
duplex structure, or multiple dwelling units in a townhome structure, a condominium or an apartment
building. Patio homes (see separate definition in this section) may also be allowed through the appropriate
planning processes. Dwelling units are of the following categories:
1. Single-Family Dwelling, means a free-standing, detached building containing a single
dwelling unit.
2. Duplex Dwelling means a building containing two (2) dwelling units connected by a common
wall shared by the units, as further defined in the illustration on the follo>:/ing prior page and
by separate definition in this section" neither of which are multi-housekeeping-unit dwelling
units. (see definition for Multi-Housekeeping-Unit Dwelling Unit).
3. Multi-Family Dwelling means a building containing three (3) or more dwelling units, none of
which are multi-housekeeping-unit dwelling units. Multifamily dwellings include but are
not limited to condominiums, townhomes and apartments.
4. Multi-Housekeeping-Unit Dwelling means a building containing one (1) or more multi-
housekeeping-unit dwelling units.
HABITABLE SPACE means any space or area in a structure used for living, sleeping, eating or cooking.
Habitable space shall have a ceiling height offive (5) feet, zero (0) inches or more between the surface of the
earth and/or floor system and the underside of the structural member(s) of the floor directly above. Any
habitable space that is not an accessory dwelling unit that is located within a detached garage, agricultural
building or other accessory structure, unless otllerwise approved through special use, shall not exceed
eight-hundred:fifty (850) square feet. All habitable space shall be included in a calculation of the
property's maximum floor area in those zone districts where floor areas are restricted.
KITCHEN FACILITY means fixtures and equipment for food storage and preparation of meals, whioh may
inelude, but is not limited to any or all of the following: a sink, stove, microwave oven, dishwasher, refrigerator
and food storage facilities. ,A. reoreation room, '.vet bar or similar faoility that is a homeowner convenience and
is not intended to function as the kitchen facility for a separate dwelling unit shall not be considered a kitchen
facility for the purpose of determining the number dwelling units in a development. a room or portion of a
room devoted to the preparation or cooking of food for a person or a family living independently of any
other family which contains a sink and a stove or oven powered by either natural gas, propane or 220- V
electric hook-up. A recreation room, wet bar or similar facility that is a homeowner convenience and is not
intended to function as the cooking facility for a separate dwelling unit shall not be cOllsidered a kitchen
facility (see also 'wet bar facility ').
Article 2, February /1, 2003
M,A1STER PLAN (See definition for COMPREHENSIVE PLAN) means a compendium of reports, charts,
graphs, dra'Nings, maps or plans as may be adopted, or any portion thereof or any amendment thereto, that set
forth recommendations and policies for guiding future grmvth and development, 'Nhile providing for the
public's health, safety and general vlelfare. The Eagle County Master Plan, adopted by the Eagle County
Planning Commission on January 3, 1996, is the officially adopted l11ilster plan for Eagle County. The Eagle
County Master Plan also incorporates community and sub area plans adopted for particular areas of the County
and functional plans, such as the Open Space Plan, Eagle River Vlatershed Plan, Housing Plan, and the Trails
Plan, addressing particular issues of concern to the County.
MECHANICAL AREA means an enclosed area within a structure that is intended to house the electrical,
heating, plumbing and air conditioning systems related to the structure. Any square footage located with ill
the mechanical area larger thall that required to accommodate the mechanical equipment will be
calculated as habitable space as specified by the applicable zone district and the Eagle County Building
Resolution (see also definition of 'Habitable Space ').
PATIO HOME means a free standing structure c01ltaining a single family dwelling unit that is surrounded
by land under common ownership. Each home shall be located Oil a separate parcel of land which shall be
configured to approximate the outline of the structure's footprint. The layout of patio homes on a property
shall be approved through the appropriate plallning processes and each patio home parcel shall be platted
through the appropriate fillal plat process.
TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION TRAILER means a wheeled trailer capable of being pulled by a
motorized vehicle that is intended to temporarily house office space or store construction materials on a
cOllstruction site. Temporary construction trailers shall only be allowed durillg the time that a building
permit is active on the property.
WET BAR FACILITY means a facility that contaills a sillk, refrigerator, dishwasher and/or microwave
oven, but expressly not a stove or ovell, within a dwelling Ullit or accessory structure that is illtendedfor the
storage, preparation and serving of food or drink to residents or guests of the dwelling ullit. Stub outs for
natural gas, propane or 220- V electric hook-ups are not considered customarily incidelltal to a wet bar.
(See also definition of 'Kitchen Facility').
Article 2, February fI, 2003
TABLE 3-300
Uses: R= Use By Right; L= Allowed by Limited FH' RMF RSM RSL RR AL AR RL R BCI Standards
Review; S Allowed by Special Review; N = Not Allowed
Land Application of domestic or industrial sludge N N N N N N N S S N Sec, 3-310 Q
Processing (including alfalfa pellet mill, saw mill, gravel crushing, N N N N N N N N S N Sec. 3-310 P
asphalt or concrete batch plant, but excluding primary wood
elecommunication Facilities N S S S S S S S S N
Al!ricultural/Forestrv Uses
AgricLlture and Customary Accessory Agricultural BlJ!ldings N N N N R R R R R N
-""'" c_
Boarding Stable N N N N S S S S R N
Fanners Market N N N N S S S S S N
Fann or Ranch Stand/Sales of Agricultural Products N N N N L L L L L N See, 3-310 R
Feedlot N N N N N N N N S N
Forestry N N N N N N N N R S Sec. 3-310 S
Livestock Sales Yard N N N N N N N N S N
Sales of Commercial Firewood N N N N N N N N S N
[free Storage N N N N N L L L L N Sec, 3-310 Aa
ResortlRecreationl Amusement Uses
Drive-in Theater N N N N S S S N N N
Golf Course or Golf Driving Range N N N N S S S S S N
Mass Gatherings N N N N N N N N L S Sec, 3-310 T
Ioutfitter and Guide N N N N R R R R R R Sec, 3-310 U
Polo Field N N N S S S S S S N
Recreational Vehicle Park N N N N S S S S S N
Resort Recreational Facility; Dav or Resident Camp N N N N N N N N S S Sec, 3-310 V
Riding Stable N N S S S S S S R' N
Ski Area N N N N N N S S S S
Sports Complex N N N N N S S S S N
Sports Shooting Range N N N N S S S S S N
Temporarv Uses
emporary Building or Use' N S S S S S S S S N Sec. 3-310 W
Article 3, Apri/19, 1004
TABLE 3-300
Uses: R'" Use By Right; L= Allowed by Limited FH1 RMF RSM RSL RR AL AR RL R BCl Standards
laeview; S '" Allowed by Special Review; N = Not Allowed
Iremporary Housing N L L L L L L L L N Sec. 3-310 X
I. Existing uses located within the boundaries of each "Fulford Parcel" as of September I, 1988, and identified on the "Fulford Land Use Map No.1", on
file in the offices of the Eagle County Department of Community Development, shall be considered uses by right in the Fulford Historical (FH) zone
2. In addition to other considerations, the applicant shall adequately demonstrate that environmental hazards and impacts resulting from any proposed
construction of dwelling units, out buildings, or other structures within the Backcountry (BC) zone district are adequately mitigated, resulting in no net
adverse impact upon the environment
3. An accessory dwelling unit proposed as part of a cluster development shall be allowed by Special, rather than Limited Review.
4. A convenience store may also conduct retail gas sales, but automobile service and repair shall only be allowed in commercial and industrial zone
districts; see Table 3-320. The maximum size for a convenience store is 3,500 square feet of floor area.
5. The maximum size for a laundromat is 2,000 square feet of floor area.
6, In addition to the standards listed for particular uses, see also Article 4, Division 5, Commercial/Industrial Perfonnance Standards,
7. Dwellings for persons and their immediate families employed principally or seasonally in a bonafide agricultural or ranching activity on a minimum of
35 acres are also allowed,
8. Use By Right riding stables in the Resource zone district shall be allowed on lots of 35 acres or greater in size. Riding stables occurring on lots less than
35 acres in size in the Resource zone district shall require a Special Use Pennil.
9, Temporary COllstructioll Trailers shallllot be subject to Special Review, but shall COliform to all applicable buildillg code requiremellts alld to those
stalldards defilled ill Article 2 of these Lalld Use Regulatiolls.
A. Accessory Dwelling Unit.
1. Applicability. Accessory dwelling units shall be permitted as a Use By Right on parcels
that conform with the minimum lot size standard in the Resource zone district and by
Limited Review 011 parcels that conform with the minimum lot size standard in tlte
Resource Limited, Agricultural Residential, Agricultural Limited, Rural Residential and
Residential Suburban Low DellSity zone districts. An accessory dwelling unit may be
allowed on legal, nonconforming lots or parcels subject to Special Review (see Section 6-
120, Nonconformim! Lef!al Lots of Record). Upon specific request at the time of
subdivision application, accessory dwelling units may also be allowed in Planned Unit
U. Number. No more than one (1) accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted in conjunction
with and in addition to the principal use of the parcel. An accessory dwelling unit in the
Resource Zone District on 35 acres or more perparoel is oonsidered a use by right and exempt
from Limited Revie?,' and notice requirements.
Article 3. April /9. 2004
~3. Size and Use. The size of accessory dwelling units shall be determined by the zone district
and parcel size as follows:
Minimum Accessory Unit
Zone District Parcel Size Max. Floor Area
R 35 acres 1,800 sq. ft.
RL 20 acres 1,200 sq. ft.
AR 10 acres 1,000 sq. ft.
AL 5 acres 850 sq. ft.
RR 2 acres 850 sq. ft.
RSL 15,000 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft.
PUD - As approved.
In the R8L zone district, the floor area contained within the accessory dVlelling unit shall
count to'Nard the maximum allo'Nable floor area permitted on the parcel. Accessory dwelling
units are not allowed in conjunction with duplex or multi-family units nor shall short term
rentals (less than 14 days) be allowed. (am 3/12/02)
4. Floor Area Calculation. In the RSL zone district, the floor area contained within the
accessory dwelling unit shall count toward the maximum allowable floor area permitted on
the parceL
~5. Location. An accessory dwelling unit may be located within or attached to the structure
containing the principal use of the parcel, or may be detached from that structure if: 1) it is
located within or above a garage: 2) it is located within a lawful accessory building; or 3) it is
independent from any structure located within the Resource (R), Resource Limited (RL) or
Agricultural Residential (AR) zone district. (am 3/12/02)
46. Parking. There shall be one (1) additional off-street parking space provided for any
accessory dwelling unit that is a studio or one bedroom unit. Any accessory dwelling unit
containing two (2) or more bedrooms shall have two (2) off-street parking spaces.
~7. Ownership. The accessory dwelling unit shall not be condominiumized or sold separately
from the principal use of the parcel.
68. Dimensional Limitations. f.ccessory dwelling units shall only be permitted on parcels that
confDrm ':lith the minimum lot size standard of the underlying zone district, ho'.vever, an
accessory dwelling unit may be allowed subject to Special Review on legal, nonconfonning
lots or parcels (see Section 6 120, Nonconforming Legal Lots of Record ). The unit
Accessory dwelling units shall be developed so as to conform to all setback, height, lot
coverage, floor area and other dimensional limitations of the underlying zone district, but
shall not count towards any applicable density limitations for the property. Accessory
dwelling units are included in the calculation of single family equivalents (SFE) as set
forth in Chapter 6, Eagle County Guidelines for Matters of State Interest (see Chapter 6,
Section 6.01.04)
Article 3, April /9, 2004
+9. Adequate Facilities. It shall be demonstrated that the accessory dwelling unit will be
provided adequate facilities for potable water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal,
electrical supply, fire protection, and roads.
Aa. Tree Storage. (orig 3//2/02)
1. This use shall be limited to the open storage of trees or plant materials only. Tree
storage sites shall expressly not be used as contractor storage yards, as further
defined by these regulations.
2. Sales. There shall be no retail sales of trees or retail clientele allowed on the
property. All tree sales must occur off the property at such businesses as a greenhouse
or nursery.
3, Advertisement. Tree Storage areas shall not be advertised, nor shall signs
advertising the business for which the trees are being stored be allowed.
4. Operation. Operation of noise producing equipment shall be limited to the hours of
8am tmtH to Spm. Monday through Saturday.
5. Nuisance. The land owner/operator shall ensure minimal noise, dust and garbage.
Construction trash may not be stored on the site and Ddead plant materials must be
promptly removed.
6. Proof of Adequate Water. Proof of adequate and legal water to be used for
irrigation purposes must be provided with application.
7. Access, Proof of adequate and legal access to the site shall be provided.
Article 3, Apri/19, 1004
TABLE 3-320
Uses: R= Use By Right; L= Allowed by Limited Review; CILI C/GI II RC2 Standards
S = Allowed by Special Review; N = Not Allowed
Public Facilities, Utilities and Institutional Uses
Ambulance Facility R R R R
Auditorium S N N S
Church S S N S
Community or Public Administration Building S S N S
Educational Facility S S N S
Fratemal Lodge R R N R
Heliport S S S S
Helistop L R R L
Hospital S S N S
Impound Lot N S S N
Library R R N R
Museum R R N R
Open space or Greenbelt R R R R
Park and Outdoor Recreation/Recreation Facilities R R S R
Parking Lot or Garage (as the principal use of the parcel) S S S S
Recycling Collection Center R R R R
Post Office/Private Postal Facility R R S R
Transportation Services S S S S
Utilities, including water storage and treatment and wastewater treatment S S S S
Utility Distribution Facilities R R R R
Utility Substation S S S S
Water Impoundments S S S S
Temporary Uses
Temporary Building or Uses6 I S I S I S I S I Sec. 3-310 W
I. Each allowed use shall not exceed 22,000 s.f. of floor area and shall only occur on a lot greater than one (I) acre in size, Any use
by right that meets these standards may only be developed on a lot that was part of a subdivision approved by Eagle County for
which site specific information was provided regarding lot layout, street pattern, drainage, landscaping and utilities; otherwise, the
TABLE 3-320
Uses: R= Use By Right; L= Allowed by Limited Review; CIL' C/G' I' RC2 Standards
S = Allowed by Special Review; N = Not Allowed
use shall be considered a use allowed by special review.
2. Any use listed in Table 3-300 as a use by right in the Residential Suburban Medium Density (RSM) zone district shall be
considered a use by right in the Rural Center (RC) zone district. Any use listed in Table 3-300 as a use allowed by special review
in the Residential Suburban Medium Density (RSM) zone district shall be considered a use allowed by special review in the Rural
Center (RC) zone district.
3. Auto service station may also include a car wash.
4. In addition to the standards listed for particular uses, see also Article 4, Division 5, Commercial/Industrial Performance Standards.
5. Limited to processing of natural resources and agricultural materials for food and beverages or clothing.
6. Temporary Construction Trailers shall not be subject to Special Review, but shall conform to all applicable building code
requirements and to those standards defined in Article 2 of these Land Use Regulations.
1. Minimum lot area per use may be further restricted if an individual sewage disposal system is proposed.
For standards see Section 4-690, Sanitary Sewage Disposal Standards.
2. Maximum lot coverage and maximum floor area may be further restricted by other standards of these
Regulations, including slope development standards. Provided no residential lot shall be so restricted by
minimum lot area per use or maximum floor area ratio limitations that it cannot be occupied by a single-
family dwelling containing no more than fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet of floor area.
3. A 50 foot strip of land or the 100 year floodplain, whichever is the greater distance, measured horizontally
from the high water mark on each side of any live stream shall be protected in its natural state with the
exception that footpaths, bridges, fences, irrigation structures, flood control and erosion protection devices
may be constructed thereon. If necessary to protect the stream, additional width may be required.
Underground utilities may be located in such protected area providing there is no practical alternative
location for such utilities, that the plans are approved by the County Commissioners as a Special Use, and
that all construction scars are revegetated.
4. Stacks, vents, cooling towers, elevator structures and similar mechanical building appurtenances and spires,
domes, cupolas, towers, antennas intended as an accessory use, and similar non-inhabitable building
appurtenances may exceed the maximum height limitations of the underlying zone district by not more than
thirty (30) percent.
5. A Fulford Parcel is two (2) or more continuous lots, under common ownership as of January I, 1988, as
recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The interior lot lines of two (2) or more
contiguous lots under common o~ership shall not be used to determine setback requirements.
6. Floor area and setback limitations notwithstanding, a single ownership lot in existence as of January I,
1988, and as recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, shall be permitted to contain a
single-family residential unit containing up to one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, provided the
maximum lot coverage of buildings shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of lot area.
7. Considering only the net area of developable land.
8. Density shall not exceed twelve (12) dwelling units per acre of net developable land.
9. Effective density may be reduced by other standards of these Regulations, including the slope development
10. Minimum lot area may be reduced for a Cluster Development; see Section 3-310 B, Cluster Development.
11. A combination of compatible uses may be considered as a single use.
12, Or such smaller area as may have been legally created prior the adoption of subdivision regulations by
Eagle County on April 6, 1964.
13. Accessory buildings, excluding garages, and unless otherwise approved through special use, shall not be
larger than eight hundred-fifty (850) square feet. The floor area of the accessory building shall count
toward the property's maximum floor area (if the accessory building contains habitable space) and lot
coverage calculations. Its location shall comply with all applicable setback standards and it shall comply
with the applicable height restrictions of the underlying zone district. (orig 3//2/02)
Article 3. February II. 2003
. Parking Surface and Drainage. Off-street parking areas, aisles, and access drives shall have a
durable, all weather surface, made of materials that (1) are suitable to the uses to which the parking
area will be put, and (2) are compatible with the character of the proposed development and the
surrounding land uses and parking areas. Appropriate parking surface materials may include, but
are not limited to, asphalt, concrete, paving blocks, and gravel surface. Grass ring surface may be
used for temporary or emergency situations. Parking surfaces shall be compacted and graded, with a
minimum grade of two (2) percent for asphalt, one (1) percent for concrete, and two (2) percent for
paving blocks, gravel, or grass ring surface, to permit drainage of surface water without damage to
public or private land or improvements. Paved surfaces shall be striped to demarcate the parking
spaces for all commercial lots and for residential lots over four (4) contiguous spaces.
A. Minimum Dimensions of Parking Areas. The minimum dimensions of parking spaces, aisles and
back-up areas shall be as specified in the illustration on the following page. For 90 degree allgle
parkillg, the length of a parking space may be reduced to eighteen (18) feet, including wheel stop, if
an additional space of two (2) feet in length is provided for the front overhang ofthe car, provided
that the overhang shall not reduce the width of the adjacent walkway to less than four (4) feet.
B. Minimum Dimensions of Loading Berths. The minimum dimension of any loading berth shall be
ten (10) feet wide by thirty-five (35) feet long, with a vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. Where
the vehicles generally used for loading and unloading exceed these standards, the dimensions ofthese
berths shall be increased.
C. Compact Car Spaces. In parking areas containing more than ten (10) spaces, up to twenty (20)
percent of the spaces over and above the first ten (10) spaces may be designed for compact cars.
1. Minimum Dimensions, A compact car space shall have minimum dimensions of eight (8)
feet in width by sixteen (16) feet in length.
2. Sign. Compact car spaces shall be designated for exclusive use by compact cars with a raised
identification sign or stencil. The identification sign shall be twelve (12) inches by eighteen
(18) inches, with a height not to exceed seven (7) feet. The standard colors of the sign shall
be white on green. The stencil may be either white or yellow in color.
D. Handicapped ("Accessible") Parking. Any use requiring special access, as defined in the Uniform
Illtematiollal Building Code ((jIBC) or the American National Standard Illstitute A-I 17.1-1992-8
published by the Council of Illtematiollal Code Committee Amerioan Building Officials
(C^.BOlf.NSI Al17.1~, shall provide, according to Table 4-140 except as otherwise required under
(jIBC or CABO/ ICC/ANSI A 117.1, as each may be amended from time to time, spaces for use only
by persons with disabilities ("handicapped parking," "accessible parking"). One van accessible
parking space shall be provided for every five (5) accessible parking spaces, or fraction thereof
1. Minimum Width. Parking spaces shall have a minimum stall width of eight and one-half
(8.5) feet with an adjacent access aisle five (5) feet wide. Parking access aisles shall be
part of the accessible route to the building or facility entrance and shall further comply
with the YIBC or GABG ICC/ ANSI A 117.1. Two accessible parking spaces shall be
permitted to share a common access aisle.
a. Van Parking Adjacent Access Aisle, Van parking shall have a minimum
adjacent access aisle width of eight (8) feet.
b. Passenger Loading Zones. Passenger loading zones shall provide an
access aisle five (5) feet in width and a minimum of twenty (20) feet long,
adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space and at the same level as
the roadway. Passenger loading zone access aisles shall be part of the
accessible route of travel to the building or facility entrance.
2. Sign. Accessible parking spaces shall be identl1ied by a SIgn showing the intemational
symbol of accessibility complying with GABGICC/ ANSI A.l17.1 section 4.28.8. Signs
shall not be obscured by a vehicle parked in the space.
3. Location. Except as otherwise excepted or modified by the YIBC, accessible parking spaces
shall be located on the shortest possible accessible route from adjacent parking to an
accessible building entrance. In facilities with multiple accessible building entrances with
adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located near the accessible
4. Design and Construction. Design and construction of handicapped parking shall be in
accordance with GABGICC/ ANSI A 117.1.
5. Most Restrictive Provisions Apply. Where there may be a conflict in the particulars
between these Land Use Regulations, the YIBC, and/orGABGICC/ANSI AI17.1, as each
may be amended from time to time, the most restrictive provision shall apply.
TABLE 4-140 (am 9/27/99)
Total Parking Spaces in Lot or Garage Minimum Required Number of Accessible
1 - 25 1
26 - 50 2
51 -75 3
76 - 100 4
101 - 150 5
151 - 200 6
201 - 300 7
10. Variance on Improvement Standards. To hear, review, consider and approve, approve with
conditions, or disapprove variances to improvement standards.
11. Appeal Decision/Interpretation of Community Development Director. . To hear, review,
consider, and affirm, modify, or reverse appeals of interpretations or decisions made under
these Land Use Regulations by the Community Development Director.
12. Extensions/Expirations. To hear, review, consider and determine whether to approve an
extension of a Special Use Permit, Sketch PlanlPreliminary Plan for PUD, or Sketch
PlanlPreliminary Plan/Final Plat for Subdivision.
13. Expiration of Permits. When appropriate, to initiate and determine when to take action to
expire the life of a Special Use Permit, Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD, or Sketch
PlanlPreliminary PlanlFinal Plat for Subdivision.
14. Special Districts. To hear, review, consider, and approve or disapprove the service plans for
Special Districts.
15. Appoint Hearing Officers. To designate and appoint Hearing Officers to make decisions as
the Board of County Commissioners may deem appropriate.
16. Other Action. To take such other action not delegated to the Planning Commission, the
Zoning Board of Adjustment, or Hearing Officers or heads of County departments, as the
Board of County Commissioners may deem desirable and necessary to implement the
provisions of the Mastef Comprehensive Plan and these Regulations.
1. ESTABLISHMENT. There is hereby established the Eagle County Planning Commission.
12. Powers and Duties. The Eagle County Planning Commission shall have the following
powers and duties under the provisions of these Land Use Regulations for all matters within
the unincorporated portions of Eagle County.
a. Prepare Master Comprehensive Plan. To prepare or cause to be prepared or
amended the Mastef Comprehensive Plan, or any element or portion thereof, for
adoption by the Planning Commission. The Eagle County Planning Commission
shall be responsible for the preparation, adoption and amendment of the countywide
mastef comprehensive plan and community plans for areas of Eagle County that are
not within the boundaries of a regional planning commission.
b. Prepare These Land Use Regulations. To prepare or cause to be prepared Land
Use Regulations to implement the Mastef Comprehensive Plan, for adoption by the
Board of County Commissioners.
c. Recommend amendments to text of these Land Use Regulations. To initiate,
hear, review, consider, and make recommendations to the Board of County
Commissioners to approve or disapprove applications to amend the text of these
Land Use Regulations.
d. Recommend amendments to Official Zone District Map. To initiate, hear,
review, consider, and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners
to approve or disapprove amendments to the Official Zone District Map of these
Land Use Regulations.
e. Recommend Planned Unit Development (PUD) District. To hear, review,
consider, and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners to
approve or disapprove applications for a Sketch/Preliminary Plan for a Planned Unit
Development (PUD) District.
f. Special Uses. To hear, review, consider, and make recommendations to the Board of
County Commissioners to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove Special
Use Permits.
g. Subdivision. To hear, review, consider, and make recommendations to the Board of
County Commissioners to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove
applications for development permit for Sketch/Preliminary Plans for Subdivision.
h. Special Districts. To hear, review, consider, and recommend approval, approval
with conditions, or disapproval to the Board of County Commissioners of service
plans for Special Districts.
i. Make Expertise Available. To make its special knowledge and expertise available
upon written request and authorization of the Board of County Commissioners to any
official, department, board, commission or agency of the County, a City within the
County, the State or Federal govemments.
j. Recommend Rules of Procedure. To recommend to the Board of County
Commissioners additional or amended rules of procedure not inconsistent with this
Section to govern the Planning Commission's proceedings.
k. Make Additional Studies. To make studies of the resources, possibilities and needs
of the County upon the authorization of the Board of County Commissioners, and to
report its findings and recommendations, with reference thereto, to the Board of
County Commissioners.
~3. Planning Commission membership.
a. Qualifications. Members and associate members of the Eagle County Planning
Commission shall be residents of Eagle County prior to appointment, and registered
voters. No member of the Board of County Commissioners shall serve on the Eagle
County Planning Commission. Although no specific experience requirements shall
be necessary as a prerequisite to appointment, consideration should be given to
applicants who have experience or education in planning, law, architecture, natural
resource management, real estate, and related fields.
b. Appointment. The Eagle County Planning Commission shall be composed of seven
(7) voting members and associate members as necessary, to be appointed by a
majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners by Resolution.
34. Terms of office. All members and associate members serving on the Planning Commission
on the effective date of these Land Use Regulations shall complete their terms according to
their prior appointments. The term of office of each member appointed under these Land Use
Regulations shall be for three (3) years. The term of office for each associate member
appointed under these Land Use Regulations shall be for one (1) year. When a person is
appointed to fill out the term of a departing member or associate member, that person's term
shall end at the time the departing member's or associate member's term would have ended.
45. Removal from office. Any member of the County Planning Commission may be
removed for cause (misconduct or nonperformance of duty) by the Board of County
Commissioners upon written charge and after a public hearing.
S6. Vacancy. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Eagle County Planning Commission, the
member's or associate member's position shall remain vacant until a new member or associate
member can be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.
67. Officers; Quorum; Rules of Procedure.
a. Chairman and Vice-Chairman. At an annual organizational meeting, the members
of the Eagle County Planning Commission shall elect a Chairman and Vice-
Chairman from among its members. The Chairman's and Vice-Chairman's term shall
be for one (1) year. No member shall serve as Chairman for more than two (2)
consecutive terms. The Chairman shall administer oaths, shall be in charge of all
proceedings before the Eagle County Planning Commission and shall take such
action as shall be necessary to preserve order and the integrity of all proceedings
before the Planning Commission. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-
Chairman shall act as Chairman. In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice-
Chairman, a temporary Chairman shall be elected by a majority of the quorum
present, who shall act as Chairman.
b. Secretary. The Community Development Director shall serve as Secretary of the
Eagle County Planning Commission. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all
proceedings, which shall summarize all proceedings before the Planning
Commission, which shall include the vote of all members upon every question, and
be attested to by the Secretary. The minutes shall be approved by a majority of the
Planning Commission members voting. In addition, the Secretary shall maintain all
records of Planning Commission meetings, hearings, proceedings, and the
correspondence of the Planning Commission.
c. Staff. The Community Development Department shall be the professional staff of
the Eagle County Planning Commission.
d. Quorum and Voting. The presence of four (4) or more members or alternate
members substituting for members shall constitute a quorum of the Eagle County
Planning Commission necessary to take action and transact business. All actions
shall require a simple majority vote of the quorum.
e. Rules of Procedure. The Eagle County Planning Commission shall, by a majority
vote of the entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for the transaction of
business, and shall keep a record of resolutions, findings, and determinations, and a
record of meetings.
+8. Meetings.
a. General. Meetings of the Eagle County Planning Commission shall be held on the
first and third Wednesdays of each month to dispense of matters properly before the
Planning Commission. Additionally, meetings may be called by the Chairman or at
the request of three (3) members of the Planning Commission. The location of all
Planning Commission meetings shall be in the County in a place accessible to the
b. Meetings Open to Public. All meetings and public hearings of the Eagle County
Planning Commission shall be open to the public in a place accessible to the public,
except that meetings held in executive session pursuant to Colorado law shall not be
open to the public.
c. Notice. Public hearings shall be set for a time certain after due public notice
pursuant to Section 5-21O.E, Notice of Public Hearings.
89. Compensation. The members of the Eagle County Planning Commission shall serve 'without
compensation, but may be reimbursed for such travel, mileage and continuing education
expenses as may be authorized by the Board of County Commissioners.
B. Regional Planning Commission.
1. ESTABLISHMENT. Pursuant to C.R.S.30-28-105, as amended, the Board of County
Commissioners may cooperate with other municipalities to create a regional planning
2, Powers and Duties, A regional planning commission shall be responsible for the preparation,
adoption and amendment of community plans within its boundaries and for review and
recommendation to the Eagle County Planning Commission regarding the countywide ma5tef
Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulations. A regional planning commission shall also
have the power and duty to review all land use applications within its boundaries and to make
recommendations on said applications to the Board of County Commissioners. The Regional
Planning Commission protocol shall be pursuant to Section 5-11O.A.~8 .3-9.
A. Creation and Appointment. The Community Development Director shall be the agency head of the
Community Development Department and shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the
County Administrator.
B. Jurisdiction, Authority and Duties. In addition to the jurisdiction, authority and duties which may
be conferred upon the Community Development Director by other provisions of the County Code, the
County Administrator, and the Board of County Commissioners, the Community Development
Director shall have the following jurisdiction, authorities and duties under these Land Use
1. Interpretation. To review, consider and render interpretations of the text of these Land Use
Regulations or the Official Zone District Map.
2, Zoning Compliance Certifications. To hear, consider and approve, approve with
conditions, or disapprove applications for Certificates of Zoning Compliance.
3. Day to Day Administration. To undertake the day to day administration of these Land Use
4. Process Applications. To receive applications for development permits for processing
pursuant to the terms of these Land Use Regulations.
5. Ensure Adequate Public Notice. To ensure that adequate public notice is provided for
applications for development permits pursuant to the terms of these Land Use Regulations.
6. Undertake Comprehensive Planning. To undertake the current and long range
comprehensive planning responsibilities of the County.
7. Review Master Comprehensive Plan. To review every five (5) years the Ma5tef
Comprehensive Plan and these Land Use Regulations and recommend amendments to the
Planning Commission.
8. Coordination. To coordinate other local, regional, state, and federal planning and pennitting
processes affecting development in the unincorporated County and to serve as liaison to such
local, regional, state, and federal planning agencies having jurisdiction over development in
the unincorporated County.
In addition to the jurisdiction, authority and duties which may be conferred upon the County Attorney by other
provisions of the County Code, the County Attorney shall have the following authority and duties under these
Land Use Regulations:
A. Review as to Form Written Findings of Fact and Resolutions. To review as to form all written
findings of fact, resolutions and ordinances drafted by the Community Development Director, the
Code Enforcement Officer, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, or the Board
of County Commissioners, in connection with any requirement of these Land Use Regulations;
B. Review as to Form All Legal Instruments. To review as to form all Subdivision Agreements,
Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreements, Development Agreements, easements, declarations of
covenants, letters of credit, performance guarantees or other such documentation in connection with
any requirement of these Land Use Regulations; and
e. Advise County Officials and Boards. To advise the Community Development Director, the County
Attorney, the Code Enforcement Officer, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Adjustment,
and the Board of County Commissioners in regard to the legal issues which may arise during
implementation ofthe M&Stef Comprehensive Plan and these Land Use Regulations.
A. Application Forms. All applications for development permits shall be submitted with the applicable
County forms, which shall be available from the Community Development Department. No
application shall be considered complete for review unless the requested number of copies of all
required materials are submitted in sufficient detail for the Community Development Director to
determine whether the application complies with the substantive requirements of these Land Use
B. Fees, All applications shall be accompanied by the applicable fee required by the County fee
schedule. The fee schedule shall be established and may be revised from time to time by the Board of
County Commissioners. Its purpose shall be to defray the costs of processing applications. The fee
schedule shall be available for review in the Community Development Department during normal
business hours.
e. Pre-application Conference.
1. General Overview, A pre-application conference is optional prior to the submission of any
development application. The purpose of a pre-application conference is to familiarize the
applicant with those provisions of these Land Use Regulations applicable to the proposed
development and to confirm that the development review procedures will be consistent with
Colorado law.
b. Determined Complete. When the application is determined complete, the
Community Development Director shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the
application's completeness, and ofthe date set for the first public hearing for the
application, which shall be no later than sixty (60) days after the date the
application was determined to be complete.
4. Recommendation by Community Development Director. Within thirty (30) working
days after mailing of notice that an application (except for a Preliminary or Final Plat for
Subdivision or a Preliminary Plan or Final Plan/Plat for PUD) for which a public hearing
is required is determined to be sufficient, the Community Development Director shall
refer the application to the appropriate review agencies, review the application, and
prepare a Staff Report. The Community Development Director shall have forty-five (45)
working days from the date of a completeness determination to refer the application for a
Sketch/Preliminary Plan or Final Plat for Subdivision or a Sketch/Preliminary Plan for
PUD to the appropriate review agencies, review the application, and prepare a Staff
Report. The Staff Report shall be mailed to the applicant and made available to the
public no later than five (5) calendar days before the first scheduled public hearing on the
application. The Staff Report shall describe whether the application complies with all
appropriate standards of these Land Use Regulations; it shall also recommend any
changes in the development, as submitted, and the conditions for approval, if any,
necessary to bring the development into compliance with the appropriate review standards, or
disapproval. Conditions for approval may also be recommended to eliminate any areas of
noncompliance or mitigate any adverse effects of the proposed development.
5. Scheduling of Public Hearing(s). The Community Development Director shall ensure that
the appropriate public hearing or public hearings on the application shall be scheduled
pursuant to Section 5-21 O.E., Notice of Public Hearings, for a regularly scheduled meeting or
a meeting specially called for that purpose by the decision-making, administrative, or advisory
body reviewing the application. The first public hearing shall be scheduled no later than sixty
(60) days after the application has been determined to be complete, providing sufficient time
for a Staff Report to be prepared, and for the public notice requirements to be satisfied. (am
E. Notice of Public Hearings. All proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and any
applications for development permits that requireing public hearings, unless otherwise noted, shall
follow the provisions of this subsection with regard to public notice and the conduct of such public
hearings. Minor Subdivisions shall comply with the provisions of this subsection except that Type
Minor B Subdivisions are exempt unless the application is for the creation of three (3) or fewer lots
from otherwise unimproved land. The Community Development Director shall be responsible for: (1)
placing notice in the newspaper; (2) mailing notice to adjoining landowners; and (3) furnishing a copy
of the sign to the applicant. The applicant shall be responsible for: (I) providing the Community
Development Director with a list of adjacent landowners from the most recent County ad valorem tax
rolls; (2) paying for the costs of publishing notice and mailing notice; (3) posting the sign(s) on the
property; and (4) submitting an affidavit that notice was properly posted on the property. (am 9/27/99),
(am 3/12/02)
1. Notice in Newspaper. All proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and
applications for development permits, with the exception of except for Final Plats, Amended
Final Plats, Subdivision Exemptions, Minor Type B Subdivisions, and Limited Review
Applications, shall be advertised in the legal notice section of an official County newspaper.
Notice of an application for amendments to the text of these Land Use Regulations afld or the
Zoning District Map, amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and all development permits
requiring a public hearing except those for Subdivision shall be published no less than
fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the first public hearing. Notice of an
application for a Sketch Plan or Preliminary Plan for Subdivision shall be published a
minimum oftwenty-one (21) days before the Planning Commission public hearing and thirty
(30) days before the Board of County Commissioner's public hearing. In the event the
Planning Commission tables a file beyond the original Board of County Commissioners
published hearing date, the file must be re-advertised a minimum of 15 days prior to the
reestablished Board of County Commissioners hearing unless the Board of County
Commissioners tables the file to a date certain. (am 3/12/02)
Notices shall contain the following information:
a. Type of Application. The type of application sought: i.e. amendment to the Official
Zone District Map, amendment to the text of these Land Use Regulations, Planned
Unit Development (PUD) District, Special Use Permit, Variance Permit or
b. Description of Action. A short description of the proposed action requested.
c. Location of Land. The common street address and part of the County (name of
community, where applicable) of the land subject to the application, a general legal
description of the land, and a description of the area (size) of the land.
d. Location, Date, Time. The location, address, date, and time of the public hearing.
e. Where Information May be Obtained. Information on where the full details of the
application may be obtained including, if it is a proposed amendment to the Official
Zone District Map or the text of these Land Use Regulations, the place where the text
or the map may be examined.
2. Mailed Notice. A notice containing all the information required under Section 5-21 O.E.l.,
Notice in Newspaper, shall be sent by mail, first-class postage prepaid, to all landowners of
the land subject to the application and all adjacent landowners of the land subject to the
application no less than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the public hearing. All
applications, except for Minor Type B Subdivisions involving the subdivision of
condominiums, townhomes and duplexes, shall comply with this section. (am 3/12/02)
3. Posted Notice. All lands subject to a public hearing except for Minor Type B Subdivisions
involving the subdivision of condominiums, townhomes and duplexes, and Limited Review
Applications, shall be posted with at least one (1) notice (a sign) of the public hearing at least
fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the public hearing. The dimensions of the sign(s) shall be a
minimum of two (2) feet by three (3) feet. The sign(s) shall state the type of application
sought for the land, the Eagle County file name, and number, and that more detailed
information is available about the application in the Community Development Department.
Article 5 February 11, 2003
represented by himself or his representative. All evidence shall be presented under oath, and
the parties involved shall be permitted to cross-examine witnesses. The sworn testimony and
evidence shall pertain to the standards set forth below.
3. Findings of the Hearing Officer. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the close of the
hearing, the Hearing Officer shall prepare recommended findings offact and a proposed order
for consideration by the Board of County Commissioners. The findings and
recommendations of the Hearing Officer shall be based on the evidence submitted and the
standards in Section 5-210 H.5., Standards. The Hearing Officer's recommended findings of
fact and proposed order shall be in writing and shall detail the basis of the conclusions from
the record of the hearing.
4. Action by Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners shall
schedule a hearing on the application within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the Hearing
Officer issues the recommended findings of fact and proposed order. The Community
Development Director shall provide the applicant and adjacent landowners at least twenty
(20) calendar days notice of the hearing by mail. At the hearing, the Board of County
Commissioners shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the findings of fact and
proposed order of the Hearing Officer, based on the standards below. If the Board of County
Commissioners attaches conditions, modifies, or reverses the findings of fact or proposed
order, it shall do so only when the record of the hearing indicates that the
Hearing Officer is unsupported by the record, or that the proposed order is not in conformance
with the standards below.
5. Standards. A Sketch Plan for PUD, Preliminary Plan for POO, Sketch Plan for Subdivision,
Preliminary Plan for Subdivision, Final Plat for Subdivision, or a Special Use Permit for
which an extension has not been granted shall be voided and extinguished unless the
applicant can demonstrate by competent substantial evidence that failure to proceed with the
development of the application was beyond the applicant's control; the development is not
speculative in nature; the development complies with these Land Use Regulations and the
Mastef Comprehensive Plan; and there is reasonable likelihood the next step in the
development application will be submitted, or the development itself will be initiated in the
next two (2) years.
(. Consolidation. This land development review process is intended to encourage the efficient
processing of applications. Applicants may request, and the Community Development Director may
permit, the simultaneous submission and review of all necessary development applications for a parcel
of land. The Community Development Director is authorized to waive any overlapping application
submission requirements in the consolidated review.
J. Subsequent Permits. Development shall not be carried out until the applicant has secured all permits
required by these Land Use Regulations. An applicant who obtains a development permit shall not
have assurance the development will receive approval for subsequent permits, unless the relevant and
applicable portions of these Land Use Regulations are met.
K. Successive Applications, Unless otherwise stated in this Division, whenever any application (except
for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance) is denied by the Board of County Commissioners for failure to
meet the substantive requirements of these Regulations, no application for the same or a similar
Article 5 February II, 2003
development proposal shall be accepted or considered for all or a part of the same or substantially the
same land for a period of one (1) year after the date of disapproval, unless the applicant can
demonstrate to the Community Development Director that there has been a change of circumstances or
conditions that affect the proposed development, or unless a majority of the membership ofthe Board
of County Commissioners determines that the prior disapproval was based on a material mistake of
A. General. The Community Development Director shall be responsible for interpreting these Land Use
Regulations, based upon an understanding of the purposes intended by the Board of County
Commissioners in their adoption.
B. Findings to be Considered in Rendering Interpretations. In making interpretations to these
Regulations, the Community Development Director shall consider the following:
1. Public Purpose. Before any interpretation is made, the purposes for which the regulation
was initially adopted by the County Commissioners shall be identified.
2. Prevent the sacrifice oflegitimate goals. These Land Use Regulations have been carefully
designed by the County to avoid regulations that either sacrifice legitimate public goals,
including the protection of adjoining landowners, or require undue limitations on the ability of
landowners to use their land in a manner consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of
the Mastef Comprehensive Plan or the FLUM of the Mastef Comprehensive Plan. Great care
has been taken to both balance the rights of competing groups and achieve maximum
protection with flexibility and a range of use options. In interpreting these Regulations, the
Community Development Director's judgment should not be substituted for the legislative
intent of the Board of County Commissioners.
C. Procedure.
1. Initiation. An interpretation may be requested by any landowner or citizen in the
unincorporated County, or any person that has submitted a development application to the
County pursuant to the procedures and standards of these Regulations.
2. Submission of request for interpretation. Before an interpretation shall be provided by the
Community Development Director, a Request for Interpretation shall be submitted to the
Community Development Director.
3. Rendering of interpretation. Within twenty one (21) calendar days of the receipt of a
Request for Interpretation, the Community Development Director shall evaluate the request in
light of the Mastef Comprehensive Plan, these Land Use Regulations, and the Official Zone
District Map, as applicable, consult with the County Attorney, and then render an
interpretation. The Community Development Director shall mail the written interpretation to
the person submitting the Request for Interpretation.
Article 5 February 11, 2003
property and on adjacent properties and a conceptual site plan showing, in general
terms, the property's proposed layout, use, density and the timing for its development.
C. Procedure,
1. Review of Applications. The submission of an application for an Amendment,
determination of its sufficiency, staff review of, and notice and scheduling of a public hearing
for an application for amendment to the Official Zone District Map or any other map
incorporated in these Regulations or the text of these Land Use Regulations shall comply with
Section 1.15 of these Land Use Regulations and those tfle procedures established in
Section 5-21 O.D, Common Procedure for Review of Applications, deemed applicable by the
Community Development Director.
2. Review and Recommendation of Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall
conduct a public hearing on an application for amendment to the Official Zone District Map
or any other map incorporated in these Regulations or on an application for an amendment to
the text of these Land Use Regulations. At the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall
consider the application, the relevant support materials, the Staff Report, and the public
testimony given at the public hearing. After the close of the public hearing, the Planning
Commission shall recommend to the Board of County Commissioners either to approve or
disapprove the application based on the standards in Section 5-230.D and forward the
application to the Board of County Commissioners.
3. Action by Board of County Commissioners.
a. General, After receipt of the recommendation from the Planning Commission, the
Board of County Commissioners shall conduct a public hearing the application. At
the public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners shall consider the
application, the relevant support materials, the Staff Report, the Planning
Commission recommendation, and the public testimony given at the public hearing.
After the close of the public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners by a
majority vote of the quorum present, shall either approve or disapprove the
application based on the standards in Section 5-230.D. Any amendment to the
Official Zone District Map or any other map incorporated in these Regulations or the
text of these Land Use Regulations approved by the Board of County Commissioners
shall be adopted by Resolution.
D. Standards. The wisdom of amending the text of these Land Use Regulations or the Official Zone
District Map or any other map incorporated in these Regulations is a matter committed to the
legislative discretion of the Board of County Commissioners and is not controlled by anyone factor.
In determining whether to adopt, adopt with modifications, or disapprove the proposed amendment,
the Board of County Commissioners shall consider the following:
1. Consistency with :Master Comprehensive Plan. Whether and the extent to which the
proposed amendment is consistent with the purposes, goals, policies and PLUM of the Mastef
Comprehensive Plan.
Article 5 February / /, 2003
4. Maintain Water Quality and Quantity. Maintain and enhance surface and ground water
quality and quantity;
5. Contribute to Trails System. Provide applicants the opportunity to contribute to the
County's multi-use trail system and maintain access to public lands and rivers;
6. Incentives for Affordable Housing. Establish incentives for applicants to encourage the
provision of long term affordable housing; and
7. Master Comprehensive Plan. The PUD shall be consistent with the purposes and goals of
the Eagle County Master Comprehensive Plan and these Land Use Regulations.
B. Authority, This Section is adopted pursuant to Sec. 24-67-101, et. ~., C.R.S., the Planned Unit
Development Act of 1972.
C. General Applicability. Before any development shall be designated as a Planned Unit Development
(PUD) zone district on the Official Zone District Map, it shall receive approval pursuant to the terms
of this Section.
D. Minimum Land Area. There shall be no minimum land area limitation on the designation oflands
with a Planned Unit Development (PUD) zone district designation, provided that a PUD designation
should not be granted solely to permit variances for development of a single lot, building or use.
E. Location. A Planned Unit Development (PUD) zone district designation may be established on any
land located in unincorporated Eagle County that complies with all of the applicable standards of this
F. Procedure.
1. Overview of Development Review. An applicant proposing to develop a Planned Unit
Development (PUD) shall obtain approval for a Sketch Plan and a Preliminary Plan for PUD
pursuant to the procedures and standards of this Section. Following the approval of the
Preliminary Plan for PUD, the applicant shall submit an application for Final Plat for
Subdivision, in compliance with the requirements of Section 5-280, Subdivision.
a. Sketch Plan. The purpose of sketch plan review is for the applicant, the County and
the public to evaluate and discuss the basic concepts for development of the proposed
PUD, and to consider whether development of the property as a PUD will result in a
significant improvement over its development as a conventional subdivision. It is the
time when determinations should be made as to whether the proposed PUD complies
with the purpose and intent of these Regulations and with the Eagle County Master
Comprehensive Plan and is generally compatible with surrounding land uses. It is
also the opportunity to reach general agreement on such issues as the appropriate
range of units and commercial space for development; the types of use, dimensional
limitations and other variations that may be considered; the general locations
intended for development and the areas planned to remain undeveloped; the general
Article 5 February! !, 2003
these Land Use Regulations and the Master Comprehensive Plan, and there
is a reasonable likelihood the Preliminary Plan for PUD will be developed in
the next two (2) years. No request for an extension shall be considered
unless a written application requesting the extension is submitted to the
Community Development Director no later than thirty (30) calendar days
prior to the date the Sketch Plan for PUD is to expire. The permit shall be
deemed extended until the Board of County Commissioners has acted upon
the request for extension. Failure to submit an application for an extension
within the time limits established by this Section shall render the Sketch Plan
for PUD null and void.
(5) Hearing on Permit Extinction. If a Sketch Plan for PUD is not extended
pursuant to Section 5-240.F.2.e. (4), Extension, the Board of County
Commissioners shall initiate a hearing pursuant to the procedures and
standards of Subsection 5-21O.H. Extinguishment of Approvals, to
determine whether to extinguish the Sketch Plan.
3. Preliminary Plan for pun.
a. Application Contents. An application for a Preliminary Plan for PUD shall contain
the materials specified in Section 5-21 0.D.2., Minimum Contents of Application, and
the following information:
(1) Overall development plan.
(2) Application for zone amendment.
(3) PUD guide setting forth the proposed land use restrictions and standards of
(4) Wildlife Analysis pursuant to Section 4-410.
(5) Geologic Hazards Analysis pursuant to Section 4-420.
(6) Ridgeline Visual Analysis pursuant to Section 4-450.
(7) Detailed Landscape Plan pursuant to Section 4-220.
(8) Environmental Impact Report pursuant to Section 4-460.
(9) Vegetation Management Plan pursuant to Section 4-430. (orig. 12/17/02)
(10) Any other information required with Sketch Plan approval.
b. Review of Applications. The submission of an application for Preliminary Plan for
PUD, determination of its sufficiency, staff review of, and notice and scheduling of a
Article 5 February II, 2003
(e) Snow Storage. Adequate areas shall be provided to store snow
removed from the intemal street network and from off-street parking
(9) Compatibility With Surrounding Land Uses. The development proposed
for the PUD shall be compatible with the character of surrounding land uses.
(10) Consistency with Master Comprehensive Plan. The PUD shall be
consistent with the Master Comprehensive Plan, including, but not limited
to, the Future Land Use Map (FLUM).
(11) Phasing. The Preliminary Plan for PUD shall include a phasing plan for the
development. If development of the PUD is proposed to occur in phases,
then guarantees shall be provided for public improvements and amenities
that are necessary and desirable for residents of the project, or that are of
benefit to the entire County. Such public improvements shall be constructed
with the first phase of the project, or, if this is not possible, then as early in
the project as is reasonable.
(12) Common Recreation and Open Space. The PUD shall comply with the
following common recreation and open space standards.
(a) Minimum Area. It is recommended that a minimum of25% ofthe
total PUD area shall be devoted to open air recreation or other
usable open space, public or quasi-public. In addition, the PUD
shall provide a minimum of ten (10) acres of common recreation
and usable open space lands for every one thousand (1,000) persons
who are residents of the PUD. In order to calculate the number of
residents of the PUD, the number of proposed dwelling units shall
be multiplied by two and sixty-three hundredths (2.63), which is the
average number of persons that occupy each dwelling unit in Eagle
County, as determined in the Eagle County Master Comprehen.<cive
(i) Areas that Do Not Count as Open Space. Parking and
loading areas, street right-of-ways, and areas with slopes
greater than thirty (30) percent shall not count toward
usable open space.
(ii) Areas that Count as Open Space. Water bodies, lands
within critical wildlife habitat areas, riparian areas, and one
hundred (100) year floodplains, as defined in these Land
Use Regulations, that are preserved as open space shall
Article 5 February! !, 2003
(3) Basis for Granting Variations. These variations maybe granted when the
Board of County Commissioners finds that the Preliminary Plan for PUD
achieves one (1) or more of the following purposes and that the granting of
the variation is necessary for that purpose to be achieved. The standards
used in the designation of the land use categories on the Future Land Use
Map, found in Table 20 of the Eagle County Master Comprehensive Plan,
"Criteria Used In the Land Designation Process", shall also be considered
when determining the maximum density and allowed uses of the PUD.
(a) Obtain Desired Design Qualities. A variation may be allowed that
permits the integration of mixed uses or allows for greater variety in
the type, design and layout of buildings. Structures shall be
designed to be compatible, in terms of height, mass, scale,
orientation and configuration, with other units in the PUD and the
surrounding area, yet shall avoid uniformity of design. Residential
and non-residential uses may be mixed together. Various types of
residential uses may also be combined within the PUD, to promote
more efficient land use pattems and increased open space. The
Board of County Commissioners may require minimum yard
setbacks, lot widths, and space between buildings of such
dimensions as they are determined to be necessary to provide
adequate access and fire protection; to ensure proper ventilation,
light, air, and snowmelt between buildings; and to minimize the
effects of transmission of noise between units and between
buildings. As a general guide, twenty (20) feet between buildings
shall be considered the minimum appropriate spacing.
(b) Avoid Environmental Resources and Natural Hazards. A
variation may be allowed that provides necessary site planning
flexibility to enable the development to avoid valued environmental
resource and natural hazard lands, as these have been identified in
Section 3-3 I O.B. I., Purpose. This shall be accomplished in such a
way as to maintain these lands as large, contiguous areas. Such
lands shall not be fragmented into small, unconnected areas by
development, unless the applicant demonstrates that this
arrangement is necessary to maintain the underlying density on the
property, and the lands providing environmental resource values
have been protected and lands subject to natural hazards have been
avoided. Where applicable, connections of such lands on the site to
such lands on adjacent properties shall be accomplished.
(c) Water Augmentation. A variation may be allowed that creates
incentives for applicants to commit to a water augmentation plan for
their development that brings "wet" water into the Upper Eagle
River Basin.
Article 5 February II, 2003
(d) Trails. A variation may be allowed that provides incentives for
applicants to make contributions to the County's multi-use trail
system, in accordance with the recommendations of the latest
version of the Ea2le County Trails Plan, or to provide appropriate
forms of access (including summer and winter parking areas and
trailheads) to public lands and to river and creek drainages in Eagle
County. Proposed access shall be consistent with public land
management objectives and resource protection needs for the areas
to be accessed. Trails standards are identified in Section 4-630.A.
(e) Affordable Housing. A variation may be allowed that extends an
incentive to applicants to assure that long term affordable housing is
(1) Public Facilities. A variation may be allowed that provides
incentives for applicants to develop public facilities, including but
not limited to public transportation facilities, public recreation
facilities and similar facilities. The facilities may be located on or
off of the PUD site, and shall be facilities that meet the demands not
only of project residents, but also of other residents of and visitors to
Eagle County.
g. Conditions. The Community Development Director and the Planning Commission
shall have the authority to recommend and the Board of County Commissioners shall
have the authority to impose such conditions on a PUD that are necessary to
accomplish the purposes of this Section, this Article, these Land Use Regulations,
and the Master Comprehensive Plan.
h. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement.
(1) General. Concurrent with the approval of a Preliminary Plan for PUD, the
applicant and the Board of County Commissioners shall enter into a Planned
Development (PUD) Agreement binding the PUD to any conditions
placed in the Resolution.
(2) Common Park and Recreation Areas. The PUD Agreement shall include
a Common Open Space, Park, and Recreation Area Plan. It shall outline the
area of common open space, parks, trails and recreation lands, and specify
any agreement on the part of the developer to preserve the open space, parks,
trails and recreation lands and how this will be implemented by deeding the
land to the appropriate entity. It shall also identify any deed or other
restrictions against future residential, commercial, or industrial development.
It shall also include the terms by which any common areas shall be
Article 5 February II, 2003
(2) years in length, if the applicant demonstrates by competent substantial
evidence that failure to complete development of the PUD was beyond the
applicant's control, the Preliminary Plan for PlJD is not speculative in nature,
the Preliminary Plan for POO still complies with these Land Use
Regulations and the Master Comprehensive Plan, and there is a reasonable
likelihood the PUD will be developed in the next two (2) years. No request
for an extension shall be considered unless a written application requesting
the extension is submitted to the Community Development Director no later
than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date the Preliminary Plan for POO
is to expire. The permit shall be deemed extended until the Board of County
Commissioners has acted upon the request for extension. Failure to submit
an application for an extension within the time limits established by this
Section shall render the Preliminary Plan for POO null and void.
(4) Hearing on Permit Extinction. If a Preliminary Plan for PUD is not
extended before it is to expire, pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.k(3),
Extension, the Board of County Commissioners shall initiate a hearing
pursuant to Subsection 5-210.H., Extin~ishment of Permits, to determine
whether to extinguish the Preliminary Plan for PUD.
(5) Preliminary Plan for PUD extinguished. If the Board of County
Commissioners extinguishes the Preliminary Plan for PUD, the Board shall
concurrently initiate and amend the Official Zone District Map to the zone
district classification of the land that was in effect prior to the time that the
Preliminary Plan for PUD was originally approved. The Board of County
Commissioners shall consider the requirements of Section 24-67-106
Colorado Revised Statutes prior to ordering any POO Plan extinguished and
shall make any finding required by law prior to extinguishing the POO Plan.
Should the Board find that extinguishment of the plan is contrary to law,
plan shall not be extinguished.
I. Minor Deviations. Minor deviations from a Preliminary Plan for POO shall be
approved by the Community Development Director. Minor deviations that are
authorized are those that appear necessary in light of technical or engineering
considerations first discovered during actual development and that are not reasonably
anticipated during the initial approval process, as long as they comply with these
Land Use Regulations. Minor deviations shall not include reductions in the amount
of required open space, or required wildlife habitat protection, or increases in the
building square footage. All changes not qualifying as minor deviations shall be
considered amendments and shall comply with Section 5-240.F.3.m., Amendment to
Preliminary Plan for PUD.
m. Amendment to Preliminary Plan for PUD. No substantial modification, removal,
or release of the provisions of the plan shall be permitted except upon a finding by
the County, following a public hearing called and held in accordance with the
provisions of section 24-67-1 04( 1)( e) Colorado Revised Statutes that;
(am 3/12/02)
Article 5 February II, 2003
site plan shall be accompanied by a landscape plan that confonns to the requirements
of Section 4-220, Landscape Plan.
b. Written Description. A written description of the proposal, in sufficient detail to
describe the nature of the proposed use, how it will be operated, and how its impacts
on surrounding properties will be minimized and mitigated.
c. Other Materials. Such other materials as may be necessary to fully evaluate the
compliance of the proposed special use with these Land Use Regulations and as
required pursuant to Article 4, Site Development Standards.
2. Review of applications, The submission of an application for a Special Use Permit,
determination of its sufficiency, staff review of, and notice and scheduling of a public hearing
for an application for a Special Use Permit shall comply with the procedures and standards
established in Section 5-21O.D, Common Procedure for Review of Applications.
3. Recommendation of Planning Commission. After receipt of the Staff Report, the Planning
Commission shall conduct a public hearing on an application for a Special Use Permit. At the
public hearing, the Planning Commission shall consider the application, the relevant support
materials, the Staff Report, and the public information given at the public hearing. After the
close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission, by a majority vote of the quorum
present, shall recommend to the Board of County Commissioners either to approve, approve
with conditions, or disapprove the application for a Special Use Permit based on the standards
in Section 5-250.B, Standards.
4. Action by Board of County Commissioners. After receipt of the recommendation from the
Planning Commission, the Board of County Commissioners shall conduct a public hearing on
an application for a Special Use Permit. At the public hearing, the Board of County
Commissioners shall consider the application, the relevant support materials, and the public
testimony given at the public hearing. After the close of the public hearing, the Board of
County Commissioners, by a majority vote of the quorum present, shall either approve,
approve with conditions, or disapprove the application based on the standards in Section 5-
250.B, Standards.
B. Standards. The issuance of a Special Use Permit shall be dependent upon findings that there is
competent evidence that the proposed use as conditioned, fully complies with all the standards of this
Section, this Division, this ArtIcle, and these Land Use Regulations. The Planning Commission may
recommend and the Board of County Commissioners may attach any conditions deemed appropriate to
ensure compliance with the following standards, including conformity to a specific site plan,
requirements to improve public facilities necessary to serve the Special Use, and limitations on the
operating characteristics of the use, or the location or duration of the Special Use Permit.
1. Consistent with Master Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Special Use shall be
appropriate for its proposed location and be consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives
and policies of the Master Comprehensive Plan and the FLUM of the Master
Comprehensive Plan, including standards for building and structural intensities and densities,
and intensities of use.
Article 5 February 11, 2003
2. Compatibility. The proposed Special Use shall be appropriate for its proposed location and
compatible with the character of surrounding land uses.
3. Zone District Standards. The proposed Special Use shall comply with the standards of the
zone district in which it is located and any standards applicable to the particular use, as
identified in Section 3-310, Review Standards Applicable to Particular Residential.
Agricultural and Resource Uses and Section 3-330, Review Standards Applicable to
Particular Commercial and Industrial Uses.
4. Design Minimizes Adverse Impact. The design of the proposed Special Use shall minimize
adverse impacts, including visual impact ofthe proposed use on adjacent lands; furthermore,
the proposed Special Use shall avoid significant adverse impact on surrounding lands
regarding trash, traffic, service delivery, parking and loading, odors, noise, glare, and
vibration, and shall not create a nuisance.
5. Design Minimizes Environmental Impact. The proposed Special Use shall minimize
environmental impacts and shall not cause significant deterioration of water and air resources,
wildlife habitat, scenic resources, and other natural resources.
6. Impact on Public Facilities. The proposed Special Use shall be adequately served by public
facilities and services, including roads, pedestrian paths, potable water and wastewater
facilities, parks, schools, police and fire protection, and emergency medical services.
7. Site Development Standards. The proposed Special Use shall comply with the appropriate
standards in Article 4, Site Development Standards.
8. Other Provisions. The proposed Special Use shall comply with all standards imposed on it
by all other applicable provisions of these Land Use Regulations for use, layout, and general
development characteristics.
C. Conditions and restrictions. The Planning Commission may recommend and the Board of County
Commissioners may, in approving the Special Use Permit, impose such restrictions and conditions on
such approval, the proposed use, and the premises to be developed or used pursuant to such approval,
as it determines are required by the general purposes, goals, objectives, and policies of the Master
Comprehensive Plan, the FLUM of the Master Comprehensive Plan, and these Land Use
Regulations, to prevent or minimize adverse effects from the proposed development on surrounding
land uses and on the general health, safety, and welfare of the County. The County shall be authorized
to set limits on the length of any Special Use Permit that it issues and to obtain assurances that the
ongoing operation of the use will comply with all of the applicant's representations and all conditions
of approval, including, but not limited to, requiring an annual compliance review. All conditions
imposed in any Special Use Permit, with the exception of conditions made applicable to such approval
by the express terms of these Land Use Regulations, shall be expressly set forth in the Special Use
Article 5 February II, 2003
D. Collateral, As a condition for granting a Special Use Permit, the applicant may be required to post a
performance bond in an amount sufficient to insure completion of the development or required public
improvements, including landscaping or any required off-site improvements. In such case, the
applicant shall file with the Community Development Director a surety or cash bond, letter of credit,
or other collateral recommended by the County Engineer and approved by the County Attomey. The
collateral shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners to insure the actual construction
of such development or required improvements within such period of time as may be determined by
the Board of County Commissioners. Upon completion of the development or required improvements,
the applicant shall obtain certification from a professional Engineer or Landscape Architect, whichever
is appropriate, certified by the State of Colorado that the improvements have been constructed in
accordance with the approved plan. Upon receipt of this certification, the County Engineer shall
release the security within seven (7) calendar days. If the security provided by the applicant is not
released, refusal to release and the reasons therefore shall be given to the applicant in writing by the
County Engineer.
E. Effect of issuance of a Special Use Permit.
1. General. Issuance of a Special Use Permit shall be deemed to authorize only the particular
use for which it is issued. A Special Use Permit shall run with the land.
2. Time limitations and extension of permit/expiration.
a. General. All Special Use Permits are valid for three (3) years from the date of their
(1) A Special Use established and ongoing during this three year period is valid
for the life of the Special Use.
(2) If a Building Permit is issued during the three year period oftime, the special
use permit shall be extended for the life of the Building Permit.
(3) If the Special Use is established and ongoing at the conclusion of the
Building Permit, then the Building Permit is for the life of the Special Use.
(4) Any Special Use Permit granted for a use that is temporary and has received
conditional approval limiting the length of its approval shall only be valid for
the time period specified in the Permit. Permitted time frames shall not
change with successive owners.
b. Extension. Upon written request, an extension of the permit=s life may be granted
by the Board of County Commissioners, not to exceed two (2) years in length, if the
applicant demonstrates by competent substantial evidence that failure to proceed with
development of the Special Use was beyond the applicant's control, the Special Use
is not speculative in nature, the Special Use still complies with these Land Use
Regulations and the Master Comprehensive Plan, and there is a reasonable
likelihood that the Special Use will be developed in the next two (2) years. No
request for an extension shall be considered unless a written application requesting
Article 5 February / /. 2003
4. Is Exempt From Prosecution. No appeal to the Board of Adjustment shall be allowed for
building use violations that may be prosecuted pursuant to Section 30-28-124( l)(b) of the
Colorado Revised Statutes.
5. Conditions and Restrictions. The Zoning Board of Adjustment may, in approving a
Variance Permit, impose restrictions and conditions on the approval it determines are required
by the general goals, objectives and policies of the Master Comprehellsive Plan an these
Land Use Regulations in order to prevent, or to minimize, adverse effects from the Variance
Permit on other lands in the neighborhood or on the general health, safety, and welfare of the
County. (am 9/27/99)
G. Variance from Improvement Standards
1. General. The Board of County Commissioners shall have the authority to approve, approve
with conditions, or disapprove variances from Article 4, Division 6, Improvement Standards.
Any person seeking a variance from the improvement standards shall file an application with
the Community Development Director, or shall consolidate said application with any other
application the applicant is submitting. The application shall be determined sufficient, and a
staff report prepared pursuant to Section 5-21O.D, Common Procedure for Review of
2. Standards. In determining whether to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the
application for Variance to Improvement Standards, the Board of County Commissioners
shall balance the hardships to the applicant of not granting the Variance against the adverse
impact on the health, safety, and welfare of persons affected, and the adverse impact on the
lands affected. In approving or approving with conditions said Variance, the Board of County
Commissioners may impose such conditions that are necessary to ensure compliance with the
terms of this Subsection, these Regulations, and the Master Comprehellsive Plan.
A. Exemptions approved bv the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County
Commissioners may, pursuant to a Resolution duly adopted at a public meeting, exempt from the
provisions of Section 5-280, Subdivision, any division of land, if it is determined that:
1. Not within purpose of Section. Such division is not within the purposes of Section 5-280,
Subdivision. Such divisions may include, but are not limited to, divisions that:
a. Condemnation. Could be created pursuant to powers of condemnation;
b. Perpetual Open Space, Would result in property division for the purpose of
perpetual open space; or
c. Pre-Existing Lots. Were created and established in the records of the Clerk and
Recorder prior to August 22, 1984 notwithstanding compliance with Eagle County
Land Use Regulations in existence at the time of the creation of the parcels.
Article 5 February II, 2003
2. Safe and Convenient Traffic Circulation. Require the provision of safe and convenient
vehicular and pedestrian traffic circulation.
3. Adequacy of Public Facilities. Ensure that public facilities are available to serve
4. Conserve and Manage Natural Resources. Conserve and manage natural resources.
5. Minimize Air and Water Pollution. Minimize the impacts of air and water pollution and
the degradation of land.
6. Open Space. Provide for open space and recreational land through efficient and appropriate
subdivision design.
7. Consistency with Master Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulations. Guide future
growth and development consistent with the Master Comprehensive Plan and these Land
Use Regulations.
8, Safety From Fire, Flood, and Other Disasters. Maintain or improve safety from fire, flood
and other potential disasters.
9. Adequate Light, Air, and Privacy.. Provide adequate light, air, and privacy for land uses.
10. Recording. Ensure that the subdivision oflands is recorded with proper legal descriptions
and monuments. (am 3/12/02)
B. Procedures,
1. Overview of Procedures. Unless exempted pursuant to Section 5-280.B.2, Exemptions,
prior to the division or transfer ofland within unincorporated Eagle County, an applicant shall
obtain approval for a Sketch Plan, Preliminary Plan and Final Plat for Subdivision pursuant to
the procedures and standards of this Section.
a. Sketch Plan. The purpose of sketch plan review is for the applicant, the County and
the public to evaluate and discuss the basic concepts for development of the proposed
subdivision, and to consider whether there are any altemative concepts the applicant
should explore. It is the time when a determination should be made as to whether the
proposed subdivision complies with these Regulations and is consistent with the
Eagle County Master Comprehensive Plan and is generally compatible with
surrounding land uses. It is also the opportunity to reach general agreement on such
issues as the appropriate range of units and commercial space for development; the
general locations intended for development and the areas planned to remain
undeveloped; the general alignments for access; and whether water supply and
sewage disposal will be provided via on-site systems or through connection to public
systems. The outcome of sketch plan review should be an identification of issues and
concerns the applicant must address if the project is ultimately to receive final
subdivision approval from the County.
Article 5 February / /, 2003
of the proposed development upon the above conditions of contiguous and
adjacent property.
(6) Source of water;
(7) Method of sewage disposal.
(8) Other materials. Such other materials as may be necessary to fully evaluate
the compliance of the proposed Sketch Plan with these Land Use
Regulations and as required pursuant to Article 4, Site Development
b. Review of Applications, The submission of an application for, determination of its
sufficiency, staff review of, and notice and scheduling of a public hearing for an
application for a Sketch Plan for Subdivision shall comply with the procedures
established in Section 5-21O.D, Common Procedure for Review of Applications.
c. Review and Recommendation of Planning Commission. The Planning
Commission shall conduct a public hearing on an application for Sketch Plan. At the
public hearing, the Planning Commission shall consider the application, the relevant
support materials, the Staff Report, and the public testimony given at the public
hearing. After the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall
recommend to the Board of County Commissioners either to approve, approve with
conditions, or disapprove the application, considering whether conceptually it is
consistent with the standards in Section 5-280.B.3.e., Standards.
d. Action by Board of County Commissioners. After receipt of the recommendation
from the Planning Commission, the Board of County Commissioners shall conduct a
public hearing on an application for Sketch Plan. At the public hearing, the Board of
County Commissioners shall consider the application, the relevant support materials,
the Staff Report, the Planning Commission recommendation, and the public
testimony given at the public hearing. After the close of the public hearing, the
Board of County Commissioners, by a majority vote, shall either approve, approve
with conditions, or disapprove the application, considering whether conceptually it is
consistent with the standards in Section 5-280.B.3.e., Standards.
e. Standards. The Subdivision shall comply with the following standards:
(1) Consistent with Master Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision
shall be consistent with the Eagle County Master Comprehensive Plan and
the FLUM of the Master Comprehensive Plan;
(2) Consistent with Land Use Regulations. The proposed subdivision shall
comply with all of the standards of this Section and all other provisions of
these Land Use Regulations, including, but not limited to, the applicable
standards of Article 3, Zone Districts, and Article 4, Site Development
Article 5 February I 1.2003
(4) Extension. Upon written request, an extension of the Sketch Plan's life may
be granted by the Board of County Commissioners, not to exceed two (2)
years in length, if the applicant demonstrates that failure to obtain approval
of a Preliminary Plan for Subdivision was beyond the applicant's control
(allowing reasonable time for the review process), the Sketch Plan is not
speculative in nature, the Sketch Plan still complies with these Land Use
Regulations and the Master Comprehensive Plan, and there is a reasonable
likelihood the Preliminary Plan for Subdivision will be developed in the next
two (2) years. No request for an extension shall be considered unless a
written application requesting the extension is submitted to the Community
Development Director no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date
the Sketch Plan is to expire. The permit shall be deemed extended until the
Board of County Commissioners has acted upon the request for extension.
Failure to submit an application for an extension within the time limits
established by this Section shall render the Sketch Plan null and void.
(5) Hearing on Permit Extinction. If a Sketch Plan for Subdivision is not
extended pursuant to Section 5-280.B.3.f(4), Extension, the Board of
County Commissioners shall initiate a hearing pursuant to the procedures
and standards Subsection 5-21 O.H., Extinguishment of Approvals, to
determine whether to extinguish the Sketch Plan.
4. Preliminary Plan for Subdivision.
a. Application Contents. An application for a Preliminary Plan for Subdivision shall
contain the materials specified in Section 5-21O.D.2., Minimum Contents of
Application, and the following information:
(1) Preliminary Plan maps shall be drafted in a preliminary fashion scaled and
dimensioned to the nearest foot; construction details requested for street,
utility, erosion control facilities or other public improvements should be
drawn in sufficient detail to fully represent the intentions of the subdivider
with regards to the type, materials and location of the proposed
Maps and plans submitted shall be to the scale, as follows:
Subdivision Lot Area Scale
Less than 10,000 sq.ft. 1" = 50 or less feet
10,001 sq.ft. - 2 acres 1" = 1 00 or less feet
2.01 acres - 5 acres 1" = 200 or less feet
More than 5 acres Scale shall be consistent with clarity of
depicted information and Final Plat Sheet
size (24' x 36")
Article 5 February 11, 1003
the review process), the Preliminary Plan for Subdivision is not speculative
in nature, the Preliminary Plan for Subdivision still complies with these
Land Use Regulations and the Master Comprehensive Plan, and there is a
reasonable likelihood the Final Plan for Subdivision will be developed in
the next two (2) years. No request for an extension shall be considered
unless a written application requesting the extension is submitted to the
Community Development Director no later than thirty (30) calendar days
prior to the date the Preliminary Plan for Subdivision is to expire. The
permit shall be deemed extended until the Board of County Commissioners
has acted upon the request for extension. Failure to submit an application
for an extension within the time limits established by this Section shall
render the Preliminary Plan for Subdivision null and void.
(5) Hearing on Permit Extinction. If a Preliminary Plan for Subdivision is not
extended pursuant to Section 5-280.B.4.e.(4), Extension, the Board of
County Commissioners shall initiate a hearing pursuant to the procedures
and standards of Subsection 5-210 H., Extinguishment of Approvals, to
determine whether to extinguish the Preliminary Plan for Subdivision.
5. Final Plat for Subdivision.
a. General, The Final Plat for Subdivision shall contain the materials specified in
Section 5-21O.D.2., Minimum Contents of Application, shall conform to the
Preliminary Plan for Subdivision and shall include all changes and conditions
specified thereon, and shall include the following information. A Final Plat for
Subdivision may be submitted in sections covering representative and reasonable
portions of the subdivision tract. In such cases, submission shall include a key map
indicating the sections designated for the entire tract with each sheet numbered
accordingly, including title, legend, match lines, and other appropriate information.
(1) The Final Plat shall be drafted in a legible form with black waterproof ink on
a permanent reproducible material such as mylar, on a sheet or sheets
measuring 24 by 36 inches with clear margins measuring 2 inches on the left
hand side and one-half inch on the remaining sides. The Plat shall show the
name of the subdivision, date, and date of survey, north arrow, and graphic
scale and a vicinity map to appropriate scale. Where multiple sheets are
necessary to depict the total filing, the vicinity map, legal description ofthe
tract boundary, a key map to sheet location and all certifications and
dedications need to appear on the title or cover sheet. The Final Plat shall
adhere to the format and include information as follows:
(a) Tract boundary lines and right-of-way lines or street lines in solid
black lines; easements or other right-of-way lines in dashed lines;
and lot boundaries in solid lines shall be shown with accurate
dimensions to the nearest 0.0 I foot.
Article 5 February II, 2003
is installed, the Final Plat for Subdivision shall remain valid without any
further time limitation.
(3) Extension. Upon written request, an extension of the Final Plat's life may
be granted by the Board of County Commissioners, not to exceed two (2)
years in length, if the applicant demonstrates by competent substantial
evidence that failure to proceed with obtaining approval of the Final Plat for
Subdivision was beyond the applicant's control allowing reasonable time for
the review process), the Final Plat for Subdivision is not speculative in
nature, the Final Plat for Subdivision still complies with these Land Use
Regulations and the Master Comprehensive Plan, and there is a reasonable
likelihood development will be initiated on the Final Plat for Subdivision in
the next two (2) years. No request for an extension shall be considered
unless a written application requesting the extension is submitted to the
Community Development Director no later than thirty (30) calendar days
prior to the date the Final Plat for Subdivision is to expire. The permit shall
be deemed extended until the Board of County Commissioners has acted
upon the request for extension. Failure to submit an application for an
extension within the time limits established by this Section shall render the
Final Plat for Subdivision null and void.
(4) Hearing on Permit Expiration. If the developer has not installed
infrastructure required for the subdivision, pursuant to Section 5-280
B.5.d.(2), Infrastructure Installed, or if the Final Plat for Subdivision is not
extended, pursuant to Section 5-280.B.5.d.(3), Extension, then the Board of
County Commissioners shall initiate a hearing pursuant to Subsection 5-
210.H., Extinguishment of Approvals, to determine whether to extinguish
the Final Plat for Subdivision.
e, Subdivision Agreement.
(1) General. Concurrent with the approval of a Preliminary Plan for
Subdivision, the applicant and the Board of County Commissioners shall
enter into a Subdivision Agreement binding the Subdivision to any
conditions placed in the Resolution. This SIA Agreement shall be signed by
the Board of County Commissioners in conjunction with signature of the
Final Plat. (am 3/12/02)
(2) Common Park and Recreation Areas. The Subdivision Agreement shall
include a Common Open Space, Park, and Recreation Area Plan. It shall
outline the area of common open space, parks, trails and recreation lands,
and specify any agreement on the part of the developer to preserve the open
space, parks, trails and recreation lands and how this will be implemented by
deeding the land to the appropriate entity. It shall also identify any deed or
other restrictions against future residential, commercial, or industrial
development and shall include the terms by which any common areas will be
Article 5 February 11, 2003
A. Purpose. A Minor Subdivision shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of this Section for
Type A and Type B Subdivisions, and Amended Final Plats.
B. Definitions.
1. Type A Subdivision. A Type A Subdivision is a subdivision creating not more than three (3)
lots within property that has not previously been platted.
2. Type B Subdivision. A Type B Subdivision is a subdivision creating not more than three (3)
new lots within a legally approved subdivision. The Minor Type B Subdivision process is
intended to serve three separate functions: or is a subdivision of a building containing
condominiums, townhomes, or duplexes, 'Nhich may include the subdivision ofland directly
associated '.'lith that building.
a. If the subject property is unimproved and vacant then, no more than three new lots
may be created via this Minor Type B Subdivision process.
b. This Minor Type B Subdivision process is the mechanism by which duplex,
townhome and condominium units may be subdivided for individual sale.
Subdivision of a townhome structure may also include the land upon which each
unit is situated. The balance of the land area included within the Minor Type B
Subdivision may be defined as a general or limited common element. Any number
of duplex, townhome or condominium units may be subdivided utilizing this
Minor Type B Subdivision process.
c. This Minor Type B Subdivision process is the mechanism by which one or more
patio home structures may be subdividedfor individual sale, Subdivision of patio
homes may define a separate lot for each unit, as well as, general or limited
common elements.
3. Amended Final Plat. An Amended Final Plat may be used only in the following instances:
a. The proposed Amended Final Plat is part of a previously approved Final Plat.
b. The proposed amendment to the Final Plat is not inconsistent with the intent of the
Final Plat.
c. The proposed amendment to the Final Plat does not adversely affect adjacent
property owners.
d. The proposed amendment to the Final Plat does not create a new lot or lots.
C. Procedure.
1. Initiation. An application for either a Type A or Type B Subdivision or an Amended Final
Plat shall only be submitted by the owner, or any other person having a recognizable interest
in the land, or their authorized agent. The application shall contain the materials specified in
Section 5-210 D.2., Minimum Contents of Application, and shall also contain the following
additional materials, as applicable:
Article 5 February ff, 2003
4. Revised Subdivision Mylar. Prior to scheduling the application for hearing before the
Board of County Commissioners, the applicant shall submit to the Community Development
Director all Improvement Agreements for Board signature, and a properly signed and
notarized Mylar of the Subdivision showing all necessary revisions as required by the
Community Development Director, together with two (2) paper copies of it. Upon review and
approval by the Eagle County Attorney, the plat shall be scheduled for the next available
hearing date of the Board of County Commissioners. (am 9/27/99)
5. Other. If required within a PUD the Community Development Certificate may also be
required to be on the Plat. (am 3/12/02)
D. Action on Type A Subdivision. After receipt of the Staff Report on the Type A Subdivision and the
revised subdivision Mylar, Improvement Agreements, and certificates, the Board of County
Commissioners shall review the application and other support materials and approve, or disapprove
the Type A Subdivision based on the standards in Section 5-290.G., Standards.
E. Action on Type B Subdivision. After receipt of the Staff Report on the Type B Subdivision and the
revised subdivision Mylar, Improvement Agreements, and certificates, and in the event the
application is for the subdivision of a duplex, patio homes or a structure containing condominiums
or townhomes, the Community Development Director shall review the application and other support
materials and approve, or disapprove the Type B Subdivision based on the standards in Section 5-
290.G., Standards. If the Community Development Director approves the Type B Subdivision, as
specifically provided above, the Final Plat shall be signed by the Board of County Commissioners. If
the application is for the creation of three (3) or fewer lots from otherwise unimproved, vacant
land that has previously been subdivided then, the Board of County Commissioners shall review the
application and other support materials and approve or disapprove the Minor Type B Subdivision
Plat based on the standards of Section 5-290. G., Standards.
F. Action on Amended Final Plats. After receipt ofthe Staff Report on the Amended Final Plat and the
revised Amended Final Plat Mylar, Improvements Agreements, and certificates, the Board of County
Commissioners shall review the application and other support materials and approve, or disapprove
the Amended Final Plat based on the standards in Section 5-290.G., Standards.
G. Standards. The Board of County Commissioners and the Community Development Director shall
consider the following in the review of a Type A Subdivision, a Type B Subdivision, and an Amended
Final Plat.
1. Standards for Type A Subdivision. (orig 3/12/02)
a. Consistent with Master Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision shall be
consistent with the Eagle County Mastef Comprehensive Plan and the FLUM ofthe
Mastef Comprehensive Plan.
b, Consistent with Land Use Regulations. The proposed subdivision shall comply
with all of the standards of this Section and all other provisions of these Land Use
Regulations, including, but not limited to, the applicable standards of Article 3, Zone
Districts, and Article 4, Site Development Standards.
A rtide 5 February II, 2003
ofthe actual Use for a period of twelve (12) months shall be deemed an abandonment
of the Use.
b. If a Building Permit for structures integral to the Use is issued during this three year
period or the period provided in Aa@ above, whichever is shorter, approval of the Use
shall be valid for the life of the structure;
c. Any Limited Review Use that is temporary, or has received conditional approval
limiting the length of its approval, shall only be valid for the time period specified in
the Certificate of Zoning Compliance.
d. The duration ofthe Limited Review Use shall not change with successive owners of
the property to which it applies.
e. Extension. Upon written request, extension of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance
maybe granted by the Board of County Commissioners, not to exceed two (2) years
in length, if the applicant demonstrates by competent substantial evidence that failure
to proceed with development ofthe Limited Review Use was beyond the applicant's
control, the Limited Review Use is not speculative in nature, the Limited Review
Use still complies with these Land Use Regulations and the Mastef Comprehensive
Plan, and there is a reasonable likelihood that the Limited Review Use will be
developed in the next two (2) years. No request for an extension shall be considered
unless a written application requesting the extension is submitted to the Community
Development Director no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date that the
Certificate of Zoning Compliance is to expire.
f. Building Permits. The time limitations in this Section do not affect the time limits
applicable to a Building Permit. The effective period thereof, and any extension
thereof, is determined only in accordance. with the Eagle County Building Resolution.
(am 9/27/99)
A. Purpose. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall be required in accordance with the
provisions of this Section in order to ensure that proposed development complies with the
standards in these Land Use Regulations.
B. Applicability. Issuance of a Building Permit or Development Permit shall constitute the
issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance.
C. General. Prior to the issuance ofthe Building Permit, the Community Development Director
shall review all Building Permit applications and Development applications to ensure they are
in compliance with these Land Use Regulations.
Article 5 February II, 2003
a. Planning Commission. A minimum of fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the
Planning Commission public hearing, the Community Development Director shall
give notice by mail to all persons that own land that is adjacent to the proposed
vacation or who own land that could be affected by the proposed vacation. The notice
shall: (1) state that a Petition to vacate has been submitted and identify the public
way or easement that is proposed to be vacated; (2) briefly state the reasons given for
the vacation; and (3) give the date, time, and place of the hearing on the vacation.
b. Board of County Commissioners. A minimum of thirty (30) calendar days prior to
the Board of County Commissioners public hearing, the Community Development
Director shall publish notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in
the County. The notice shall: (1) state that a Petition to vacate has been submitted
and identify the road ROW or easement that is proposed to be vacated; (2) briefly
state the reasons given for the vacation; (3) provide the recommendation of the
Planning Commission; and (4) give the date, time, and place of the hearing on the
D. Review and Recommendation of Planning Commission. After receipt of the Staff Report and the
mailing of notice, the Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing on a proposed vacation. At
the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall consider the Petition, the relevant support
materials, the Staff Report, and the public information given at the public hearing. After the close of
the public hearing, the Planning Commission, by a majority vote of the quorum present, shall
recommend to the Board of County Commissioners either to approve, approve with conditions, or
disapprove the Petition based on the standards in Section 5-2200 F., Standards.
E. Action by Board of County Commissioners. After receipt of the recommendation from the Planning
Commission, the Board of County Commissioners shall conduct a public hearing on the proposed
vacation. At the public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners shall consider the Petition, the
relevant support materials, and the public testimony given at the public hearing. After the close ofthe
public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners, by a majority vote of the quorum present, shall
either approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the Petition for vacation based on the standards
in Section 5- 2200.F, Standards.
F. Standards. The vacation shall be demonstrated to be in the general interest of the public=s
health, safety, and welfare, not to be in violation oflaw, and to be in compliance with these Land
Use Regulations and the Mastef Comprehensive Plan and shall comply with the following:
1. Access to a Public Road. No roadway shall be vacated so as to leave any adjoining land
without a means of access to another public road.
2. Easements. In granting a vacation, the County may reserve easements for the installation or
maintenance of utilities, ditches and similar improvements.
G. Vacation Effective. No vacation shall be considered effective unless within a reasonable time
following approval of the vacation by the Board of County Commissioners, the following conditions
are met:
Article 5 February II, 2003
A. General. Where a legal lot of record has an area or frontage that does not conform to the standards of
these Land Use Regulations, but it was a legal lot of record on January 1, 1999, the effective date of
these Land Use Regulations, such lot or parcel of land may be developed, provided it is not a
contiguous lot under common ownership as defined in Section 6-120.B., Contiguous Parcels Under
Single Ownership, and the minimum yard standards for the zone district in which it is located are met
or a variance from these standards is obtained pursuant to Section 5-260, Variances.
(am 9/27/99)
1. Uses by Right. In all instances, and except for a contiguous lot under single ownership, this
Section shall be interpreted to allow one (l) single family dwelling unit to be located on a
nonconforming legal lot of record, and in the Resource (R) Zone District only, to allow a
nonconforming legal lot of record to maintain those agricultural uses that are allowed uses in
that zone district. New single family dwelling units shall comply with any and all standards of
these Land Use Regulations. (am 3/12/02)
2. Additional Uses. In all zone districts, except for the Fulford Historical (PH) and Backcountry
(Be) zone districts, this Section shall be interpreted to allow the owner of a nonconforming
lot of record to apply, pursuant to Section 5-250, Special Uses, for any other use that is
allowed, allowed by limited review, or allowed by special review for any use normally
permitted in the applicable underlying zone district (see Table 3-300 Residential,
Agricultural, and Resource Zone Districts Use Schedule). All setbacks and zone standards
must be adhered to, except that the uses approved by the Board of County Commissioners
may be allowed on lots which do not meet minimum lot size for that zone district. in the
applicable underlying zone district. (am 3/12/02)
B. Contiguous Parcels Under Single Ownership. Except as set forth hereunder, Aany two (2) or
more contiguous parcels of land under single ownership shall constitute a single lot which cannot be
subdivided without the prior approval of Eagle County, as prescribed in these Regulations,
1. Division is a Subdivision. Except as set forth hereunder, tin the event that two (2) or more
contiguous lots, previously separately conveyed or described, shall come were acquired under
single ownership, regardless of diverse times of acquisition by the single owner and \vhether
or not the property 'Nas acquired prior to the effective date of these Regulations, the division
of such land into two (2) or more lots, separate interests, interests in common or other
division, even if divided along the line(s) of a previously described or conveyed lot(s), shall
constitute a subdivision of land.
2. Limits to Applicability.
a. Nothing herein shall be deemed to apply (a) in the Fulford Historical Zone District, or (b)
in the Nelson Access Road Community as shown in Appendix D to these Land Use
Regulations, or (c) to a lot shown on any recorded subdivision plat if such subdivision has
been approved and signed by the Board of County Commissioners, or (d) to a legal lot of
record which conformed to the applicable zoning standards at the time the single
ownership came into being or, iflater, when zoning first applied to the lot (October 19,
1974). This Section 6-120.B. applies only when the single ownership of the contiguous
lots existed on, or at any time after, October 19, 1974. (am 02/20/01)
b. For any merger of parcels of land or lots under the provisions of this Code, which
merger is not requested in writing by each owner of an affected parcel, and which
merger occurs for the first time on or after October 1, 2003 (the effective date of Senate
Bill 03-067 as codified in C.R.S. Section 30-28-139), the following provisions shall
govern, as expressly required C.RS. Section 30-28-139:
(1) Prior to the completion of the merger, the County shall send notice of the
County's intent to complete the merger to each owner of the affected parcels
by certified mail, at the address shown on the records of the County
Assessor. The notice shall also specify that each such owner may request a
hearing on the proposed merger pursuant to paragraph (2) immediately
below, and shall specify action to be taken by such owner to request such
hearing, including, without limitation, the requirement that said owner shall
request the hearing no later than 120 days after the date on which the owner
receives the notice. The date of the owner's receipt of the notice shall be the
date on which the notice arrives at the owner's stated address, which date
the County may presume to be three days after the date of the County's
mailing of the notice, unless the circumstances known to the County clearly
indicate a later receipt date.
(2) Prior to the completion of the merger, where each owner of an affected
parcel has timely requested a hearing on the proposed merger satisfYing the
requirements of paragraph (1), immediately above, a public hearing on said
merger shall be held before the Board of County Commissioners. The
hearing shall be conducted for the purpose of allowing the Board to discuss
with the owner of each affected parcel the Board's reasons for proceeding
with the merger, and to give each owner the opportunity to submit any basis
provided under law for challenging the merger. In the case of a timely
hearing request, the County shall provide notice of the time, place and
manner of the hearing to each owner of the affected parcels and shall also
publish the notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the County in a
manner sufficient to notify the public of the time, place, and nature of said
hearing. In order to give each such owner of an affected parcel the
opportunity to take whatever remedial action is allowed under the law prior
to the hearing before the Board, the County shall not hold the hearing any
sooner than 90 days after the date on which the owner received the County's
initial mailed notice as provided in paragraph (1), above.
(3) Where the owner of each affected parcel fails to timely request a hearing on
the proposed merger satisfYing the requirements of paragraph (1), above, no
such hearing is required, and the affected parcels shall be merged in
accordance with the requirements of this Subsection B.
(4) No merger of parcels that is the subject of a hearillg pursuallt to paragraphs
(1) AND (2), above, shall be effective ullless (a) the OWller of the parcels has
givell his, her or its COllsellt to the merger of said parcels; alld (b) the merger
has beell approved by a majority of the Board ofCoulIty Commissiollers.
(5) Nothillg ill this Subsectioll B. shall be cOllstrued to abrogate or otherwise
dimillish or expalld allY rights a lalldowller may have ullder Article 68 of
Title 24, eR.S., pertaillillg to vested property rights.
3, Compliance With Standards Required. No portion of such a lot shall be used or sold that
does not meet the standards of these Regulations, nor shall any division of the lot be made
which leaves remaining any lot that does not meet the standards of these Regulations.
4. Single Ownership. Single ownership shall refer to the fee owner(s) of the lots in question,
and shall mean ownership by the same person(s). In considering the issue of single
ownership, consideration shall be given to whether, bas~d on the available facts, any transfer
of ownership or execution of contract was not bona fide, but was done for the purpose of
evading the requirements of this section.
5. Effect of Regulation. This Section 6-120.B. is not intended to and does not make legal any
previous illegal subdivision of land.
A. Authority to Gain Certificate of Conformity. A lot that is rendered or will be rendered
nonconforming because of eminent domain proceedings, or by sale under the threat of eminent domain
proceedings, shall be considered conforming under the terms of these Regulations through the receipt
of a Certificate of Conformity, pursuant to the terms of this Section.
B. Procedure.
1. Application. A Condemner or Condemned may submit an application requesting a
Certificate of Conformity to the Community Development Director at any time. The
application shall contain the materials specified in Section 5-210 D.2., Minimum Contents of
Application, including an explanation of why the Certificate ofConfonnity should be granted,
and the following materials:
a. Proof of eminent domain proceeding. If relevant, proof ofthe actual or impending
eminent domain proceeding;
b. Survey. A survey of the land subject to the eminent domain proceeding or sold
under the threat of an eminent domain proceeding that demonstrates the extent of the
condemner's acquisition, and all principal and accessory structures on the land. The
survey shall be less than one (1) year old and comply with the laws of the State of
Colorado regulating the practice of professional land surveying and the rules of
procedure and rules of professional conduct;
c. Site plan. A site plan of the land subject to the eminent domain proceeding or sold
under threat of an eminent domain proceeding at an appropriate scale, showing the