HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-124 site specific development plan for Miller Ranch/Berry Creek Parcel 1, Tracts C and D Commissioner 6JN moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2005 - APPROVAL OF A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PARCEL 1, TRACT D (MILLER RANCH) AND TRACT C (RECREATION) OF THE BERRY CREEK MILLER RANCH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FILE NO. PR-00029 WHEREAS, on or about August 19, 2005, the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, accepted for filing an application submitted by Eagle County (hereinafter "Applicant") for approval of a Site Specific Development Plan for Parcell, Tract D (Miller Ranch) and Tract C (Recreation) of the Berry Creek Miller Ranch Planned Unit Development, File No. PR-00029; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the approval of a Site Specific Development Plan which would allow for development as follows: A community facility on the northwest comer of the Miller Ranch housing tract is currently under construction which will include a 6,900 square foot child care facility on the main level to serve 80 children and 4,500 square feet of community meeting space and offices on the upper level. Associated with the building will be a play area which is required for the child care facility. The previously approved 3,066 square foot play area is to be adjacent to the west side of the building and extend to the property line adjacent to Tract C, the recreation site to the west. It has since been determined that the height of the second-floor balcony above the initially approved play area conflicted with the proposed play equipment. In addition, two different age groups will be in the child care center, requiring either staggered times in the play area or separate play areas. The expanded play area will provide separate play areas for each age group. Consequently, an additional 1,948 square foot play area is proposed which will extend 36.75 feet beyond the property line and include a play area with children's play equipment. I WHEREAS, notice of the Site Specific Development Plan was given to all proper agencies and departments as required by the Berry Creek Miller Ranch PUD Guide and Land Use Restrictions, dated November 18, 2004; and, WHEREAS, at its public hearing held September 21,2005, the Eagle County Planning Commission, based upon its findings, recommended approval with conditions of the proposed Site Specific Development Plan; and WHEREAS, at its regular hearing of October 4,2005, the Eagle County Board of Commissioners (hereinafter "Board"), considered the Site Specific Development Plan; associated plans; and the statements and concerns of the Applicant, the Eagle County Community Development and Engineering staff, and other interested persons; and the recommendation of the Eagle County Planning Commission. BASED ON THE EVIDENCE BEFORE IT, and with the modifications imposed by the conditions hereinafter described, THE BOARD FINDS AS FOLLOWS: Pursuant to the Berry Creek Miller Ranch PUD Guide and Land Use Restrictions, dated February 13, 2002, Section B.3., Develovment Review - Recreation Tract C: 1. Consistency with the PUD Guide [PUD Guide, Section B.3.] - The development occurring on this Tract is consistent with the PUD Guide. 2. Consistency with the PUD Preliminary Plan [PUD Guide, Section B.3.] - The development occurring on this Tract is consistent with the PUD Preliminary Plan. 3. Consistency with the Master Circulation Plan [PUD Guide, Section B.3.] - The development occurring on this Tract is consistent with the Master Circulation Plan. 4. Consistency with the Master Drainage Plan [PUD Guide, Section B.3.] - The development occurring on this Tract is consistent with the Master Drainage Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the petition of Eagle County, File No. PR-00029, for approval of a Site Specific Development Plan for Parcel I, Tract D (Miller Ranch) and Tract C (Recreation) of the Berry Creek Miller Ranch PUD be and is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 2 1. Prior to issuance of the initial grading permit or building permit for the expanded play area, the Applicant shall provide complete engineering and construction drawings and other engineering detail which are satisfactory to the County Engineer. 2. Except as otherwise modified by these conditions, all material representations of the Applicant in this application and in all public meetings shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval. THAT, the Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is approved; THE BOARD further finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 12::. day of D C~1 , 2005, nunc pro tunc to the 4th day of October 2005. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST: B OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Commissioner T~~ Commissioner 3 1;J'rf Commissioner / ,f/'l1c/ ~'W~1V1 seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Am M. Menconi Commissioner Peter F. Runyon Commissioner Tom C. Stone This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioner of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 4 .-.. .01" OfH<.t ..,- ,n4 ."0" 1:0'0..00 flU. all.Al'tlIC sc,.u: .... ....... .... ....". · ~ J- ~ .........."".- (. ,." \....11 .. . - ..----. . .- 011 .""... t ..... - ,..... lIft,~--~ ...-.....~- ...... .~- - -- - -- -..- -.0.-_- " -~_... >~ -'" UIIt - --~... ..~~ ~ ....... -- ...._'. ... --.0.:_ ...-....--- - .<:,.; - ~-- ......... ---.....-., ~ ' -- - . ~_........" u - , ~? ---()t1HlSSlON _..___._........ II C ,,-U!! _ _ :-~\ '\' ~\ \. ;'../ PlAyQ.OUNOS ,~~ I II ,.......- I '\ \ \ ~ '.." '\ ; it \:\ \ \\\ ;;; oil 'I. \ , . ; ... \ \ ,\ : :' Ii \ ,\., ,~ 1', '\ "\ i I! \ '1 '", 0 , \ " : :! .J =:; \' i, :~i J g . I ' ," 0 · ; j ji ~ Nii · I "i It OIl ~ "i III ~O 0 ,., III 0 I /_, I' ~ z )( <( " ;, a o' , 'i; Z liS t- ._ _ _r I H W .9. · _.._"'- .,..v t- I "'"' ! h Z a.. 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