HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-089 calling an election re Home Rule Charter Commission to be elected Commissioner ~/on moved adoption of the foUowing: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Resolution No. 2005 - ~ RESOLUTION CALLING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING WHETHER OR NOT A HOME RULE CHARTER COMMISSION SHALL BE ELECTED; DIVIDING EAGLE COUNTY INTO THREE COMPACT DISTRICTS, SUCH DISTRICTS TO BE AS NEARLY EQUAL IN POPULATION AS POSSIBLE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING CHARTER COMMISSION MEMBERS BY DISTRICT; DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF THE SAME AT LEAST SIXTY DAYS PRIOR TO THE ELECTION; AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE LETTER OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NOVEMBER 1, 2005 COORDINATED ELECTION WHEREAS, Eagle County, Colorado ("County") is a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, duly organized and existing pursuant to the laws and the Constitution of the State; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 30-11-501, C.RS., any county in this state may establish the organization and structure of county government which shall be submitted to and adopted by a majority vote of the registered electors of the county which shall be known as a county home rule charter; and WHEREAS, the Eagle Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter "Board") convened at 11: 15 a.m., on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 in the Eagle County Room of the Eagle County Building, 500 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado, to consider and authorize certain actions pursuant to section 30- 11-502, C.RS.; and WHEREAS, notice of the meeting was properly posted at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2005-083 ofthe Board of County Commissioners ofthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado, requesting that a charter commission be established was adopted by the Board on that same date; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 30-11-502(1), C.RS., following the adoption of a resolution by the Board of County Commissioners requesting that a charter commission be established, the Board of County Commissioners shall call an election to be held on or before the next general election for the purpose of determining whether or not a charter commission shall be elected; and WHEREAS, section 30-11-502(2), C.RS., requires that at least sixty days before the election, the Board of County Commissioners shall divide the county into three compact 1 districts, such districts to be as nearly equal in population as possible, for the purpose of electing charter commission members by district; and WHEREAS, section 30-11-502(1) requires that the Board shall publish notice of the election at least sixty days prior to the election; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 1-7 -116( 5) the Board shall notify the Clerk of intent to participate 100 days in advance of the election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Board hereby calls an election to be held on November 1,2005, in coordination with the November election, for the purpose of determining whether or not a Home Rule Charter Commission shall be elected. THAT, Eagle County is hereby divided into three compact districts for the purpose of electing charter commission members by district and such districts shall have the same boundaries as the current County Commissioner Districts for Eagle County (Districts 1,2 and 3), as established by Resolution No. 2001-124. The charter commission districts are depicted on the maps attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. Such districts have been established so as to be as nearly equal in population as possible. THAT, the Board hereby approves the Notice of Election attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference and directs that the same be published at least sixty (60) days prior to the November coordinated election. THAT, the Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to execute a Letter ofIntent to Participate in the November 1, 2005 Coordinated Election in a form consistent with Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. THAT, the Board finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting, held this day of , 2005. 2 COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, by and throngh its BOARD F COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: if Teak J. Simonton, Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners By: Tom C. Stone, Commissioner Commissioner ~ seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll . having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Am M. Menconi Commissioner Peter F. Runyon Commissioner Tom C. Stone This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 3 . Eaale County Commissioner Districts legend _ Municipal Boundaries CommiSSioner District Public Land Survey Sections fffiffi',5 ~,,,d~,_ 1 -,----,-- Stroot Cen(eriirl6S 2 3 ~ Major Waterways DISTRICT TWO References: The U.S. Forest Service. White River National Forest Visitors Map is shown as the DISTRICT background map. THREE DISTRICT ONE ^-<r. tlIit\l)lft' m >< m - OJ g , Eaale County Commissioner Districts Legend _ Municipal Boundaries Commissioner Olstrict Public land Survey Sections ~ 1 ~~-~.- Street Ce-nterlines 2 ~ MSJOrWaterways 3 DISTRICT TWO References; The U.S. Forest Service, White River National Forest Visitor's Map is shown as the DISTRICT background map. THREE , I Population per 2000 Census I 113,8921 113,7081 DISTRICT ONE ^-<(, < NOTICE OF ELECTION FORMATION OF A HOME RULE CHARTER COMMISSION FOR EAGLE COUNTY AND ELECTION OF CHARTER COMMISSION MEMBERS Election Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2005 Designated Election Official: Teak J. Simonton Eagle County Clerk and Recorder P.O. Box 537 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 Phone: 970.328.871 0 Fax: 970.328.8716 Pursuant to section 30-11-502(1), C.RS., the Board of County Commissioners has adopted a resolution requesting that a charter commission be established. The Board of County Commissioners has called an election to be held on or before the next general election for the purpose of determining whether or not a charter commission shall be elected. The Board of County Commissioners hereby publishes notice of the election at least sixty days prior to the election in accordance with section 30-11-502(1), C.RS. Pursuant to section 30-11-502(3), C.RS., in counties having a population ofless than fifty thousand, the charter commission shall consist of eleven members, three of whom shall reside in and be elected from each commissioner district within the county and two to be elected at large. Eligibility to serve on the commission shall extend to all qualified electors of the county. Candidates for the charter commission shall be nominated by filing with the county clerk and recorder, on forms supplied by the county clerk and recorder, a nomination petition signed by at least twenty-five registered electors of the county and a statement by the candidate consenting to serve if elected. Said petition and statement must be filed within thirty days after publication of this election notice. C.RS. ~ 30-11-502(3) and (4). EXHIBIT j R .D :l July _, 2005 Eagle County Clerk and Recorder Attn: Teak Simonton P.O. Box 537 Eagle, CO 81631 Via Hand Deliverv Dear Teak: Pursuant to c.R.S. ~ 1-7-116(5) a political subdivision is required to notify the county clerk and recorder in writing of its desire to participate in a general election or other election that will be coordinated by the county clerk and recorder. Please accept this letter as official notification that the County of Eagle, State of Colorado intends to participate in the November 1, 2005 Coordinated Election. The County will have its certified Home Rule Charter Commission questions to you at least 60 days in advance of the election or no later than September 2, 2005. Should you have any questions or concerns, we would be happy to discuss. Sincerely, EAGLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Am M. Menconi Chairman BoCC/djf EXHIBIT ~ C- D 3