HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-084 Application for Tobacco Control and Cessation Program Commissioner ~ moved adoption of the following resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Resolution No, 2005- RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & ENIVORNMENT FOR THE TOBACCO CONTROL AND CESSATION PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 47,438. WHEREAS, Eagle County, Colorado ("County") is a political subdivision ofthe State of Colorado ("State"), duly organized and existing pursuant to the laws and the Constitution of the State; and WHEREAS, County manages a Tobacco Control and Cessation program and is eligible to apply for up to $47,438 in funds for the period of October 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 through the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment; and WHEREAS, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment requires an electronic grant application by July 22, 2005 for these funds, and WHEREAS, the Tobacco Control and Cessation program, a program of Health & Human Services, desires to apply for funds to assist in programs to accomplishment the following purposes: >- Youth empowerment, advocacy, and prevention education: 25 % of budget y Adult and youth tobacco cessation: 25 % of budget y Reducing exposure to secondhand smoke: education, development and coordination of work on clean indoor air/smoke free ordinances, and policy development: 50% of budget, and WHEREAS, an application for funds for this purpose is consistent with the mission of Health and Human services and is also consistent with the goals and objectives of the Board of County Commissioners, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the Director of Health & Human Services to submit a grant application to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Enviromnent for the purposes noted above in compliance with grant requirements and assurances. THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ and ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners ofthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held this 12th day of July, 2005. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO By hrough its Board of County ners: Runyon, COmmissioner To~e~Sioner Commissioner ~ secooded adoption ofthe foregoing resolntion. The roll having been called, the vo e was as follows: Commissioner Am Menconi Commissioner Peter Runyon Commissioner Tom C. Stone This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. STATE OF COLOMDO Bill Owens, Governor Douglas H. Benevento. Executive Director Dedicated to protecting and improving the health and environment of the people of Colorado 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. S. Laboratory Services Division Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 8100 Lowry Blvd. Phone (303) 692-2000 Denver. Colorado 80230-6928 TOO Line (303) 691-7700 (303) 692-3090 Colorado Department Located in Glendale, Colorado of Public Health http://www.cdphe.state.co.us and Environment September 16, 2005 Kathleen Forinash Eagle County Nursing Service PO Box 660 Eagle, CO 81623 Dear Ms. Forinash: Enclosed for your records, is a fully executed copy of the Purchase Order between the Eagle County Nursing Service and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to conduct the Tobacco Program for the period October 1,2005 through June 30, 2006. The effective date of the Purchase Order is October 1,2005. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 692-2579 should you have questions. David E. Smith, Fiscal/Contract Administrator State Tobacco Education and Prevention Partnership enclosure J:\Grants and Applications\2005-06 Grants\contracts - fy05-06\letter.tmp\eagle.po.rel.ltr.doc CO DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH/ENV DATE: 09-14-05 PURCHASE 4300 CHERRY CREEK DRIVE SO ORDER DENVER CO 80246 1530 IMPORTANT The PO # and Une # must 5T A TE OF COLORADO Buyer: LUPE QUESADA appear on all invoices, Phone Number: 303-692-2073 packing slips, cartons OE FLA PPG06000043 Page# 01 Agency Contact DA VI D SMI TH and correspondence Phone Number: 303 692 2579 ACC: 09-13-05 State Award # 846000762 L Phone: - - Bid # FEIN Vendor Contact Invoice in Triplicate Purchase Requisition #: RX FLA PPG06000064 To: CO PUBLIC HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT HEALTH PROM TOBACCO-HPDP-CR-A5 V EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT 4300 CHERRY CREEK DRIVE SOUTH E N EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE DENVER, CO 80246-1530 D PO BOX 660 0 EAGLE CO 81631 Payment will be made by this agency R Ship CO PUBLIC HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT INSTRUCTIONS TO VENDOR: To: HEALTH PRO-TOBACCO PPD-A5 1. Iftor any reason. delivery Of this order Is delayed beyond the deliverynn.tallallon dale shown, please notify the agency contact named at Ihe lop left (Right of cancellatlon Is 4300 CHERRY CREEK DRIVE SOUTH reserved in instances in which timely delivery is not made,) DENVER, CO 80246-1530 2, All chemicals, equipment and matenals must conform 10 the standards required by OSHA. 3, NOTE: Additional terms and conditions on reverse side, Delivery/Installation Date: 06-30-06 F.O.B. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: LINE COMMODITY/ITEM UNIT OF QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL ITEM COST ITEM CODE MEASUREMENT 001 96102000000 $47,438.00 TOBACCO CONTROL ACTIVITIES 10/1/05-06/30/06 PER THE APPROVED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND THE ATTACHED TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND BUDGET DOCUMENT TOTAL = $47,438.00 THIS PO IS ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS FOR THE STATE OF COLORADO Ef'SPO FAA ,.,/'?-t.:r )(. O'~ " Authorized Signature , - STAy' ~,)B~' " EDUCATION AND PREVENTION APL ,ATlt... ~tJDGET ANDIOR EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR THE PERIOD: October 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 AGENCY: Eagle County Health & Human Services Nine Month #of HEI Total SOURCE OF FUNDS Fringe/ Requested I Salary months Ind Amount Received Rate Budaet Pct Required OTHER' from CDPHE PERSONAL SERVICES: -~---~~ -~~-"---- ~_.~~- -- -~ HH?_~I"fL_ .__.__~_~____. _.___~R'l0.00 9 _~OO'O~ ._.... ....____~ll.,Q()~,QQ ~ $8,008.00 -'- --'~~'~- ~'~'-~"-'-~'~ -.--.--.---.- ~. _.__,_m_ ...- .-.. . -------.------- -..-..--. ---~-~ --~--._~---~.~- f-----~- -~~ ---- .~------ -~--~-~~---~-_._..--~ --~--~.- -~ ~- -~~-~--- f------- ----~~ ---~.- --- --_....~- -~--~-~~-- ~_._-------------- ~---~. -~--_.- --~-- --_.._~- ~ --'-'-'~'- - ~.----- -~ -----~--_.~--~ --~--~_._-----~~ I--.~.. ---- I----- ..- -~--"~- 1--.--.- --~~--- -. -~----- _. 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Total Travel $2117.00 $2117.00 c:.OJ:rrfiAc;T.lJAJ___ .- -~--~ --- .-------- -,-- -.---..,,~---._...~- ._C;()nsu<<""t..C;()S.!.s______.______.~____._...______._ ~_. _.. d. _._._.___. _____ . ~~2L~()Oc()(J -"'- - -""-~~----- -,-,,-_._-- !-_..__~$lL!J.O<lcQ() :_. ..c:.Ol1tract Trai"l'~.fSJl.<'aker~_. ___~__'__ ____._...___...._._._..___ ~-,-,--~_._~~---,,~~--- --~.._------_.'----- - --- ~,,---..,,--,,---.~..~"'~._--,- , _g"t?_C9.II~i<>.fl._ --~ _._,._".~--_.~-----~-~,,-~-~----,--,,-~,--_."""~-~-- ~---,--..._."-------.~....--..,,-,~-,,.. -,-"--~-----~,, -_.~..._----~~~----- "-~~-_._-~~-~,,-,, "'-~-_._,--~-~"_._----,, "-_..,---"'~._-,..~--,,--.'_.._-,, -,----,"-~'" --_._-,-- -"'--~---- ~- "~------,, T alai Contractual $27 900.00 $27 900.00 Total Direct CostslPersonal Services+Ooeratina+Travel+Contractuall $43 125.00 $43 125.00 ~MIN!STRA liVE iNDIRECT COSTS --~~--,,~.,._--~---,.. Pet --,,---,---- ----_._---~--- 1--------.- . Indirect Percentage (applied to all direct costs) _._.__._.._._._._. ~.I 1000% .______HL:>13~Q() -~-----,._------ __~,31l.QQ .J':'.dire"LPercentage {applied to salary and fringe costs. onlll._.__ _.___._. .. ,,-~-_._-'.._-~ ~- -_._-,,-------"'-''''-_...._- Indirect Percenlaae (applied to salarv costs onlvl I T otallndirect Costs $4 313.00 $4 313.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $47 438.00 $47438.00 '''Other'' Funding Sources (Matching Funds). Funds supplementing the STEPP award. This grant does not require Matching Funds. TOTAL Kathleen Forinash, Director HHS Signature of Authorized Representative Date Rev9n 12005 i\STEPP\Communities of ExceUence\cxspreadsheetsleagle Budget05--OO DSmith TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Contractor shall perform and complete, in a timely and satisfactory manner, all items contained in its approved Annual Action Plan and Budget. This plan and budget, are incorporated herein by this reference. l. The Contractor shall implement a comprehensive tobacco control program in the county or counties contained in your application and approved Annual Action Plan designed to prevent and reduce tobacco use. 2, The Contractor's Annual Action Plan and Budget shall contain the projects and activities the Contractor will complete in any or all of the following areas: INFRASTRUCTURE Maintaining the program infrastructure to sustain coalition involvement and staff to lead the program. Infrastructure includes activities to sustain the program related to coalition building and maintenance, hiring and training of staff and coalition members, attendance at State meetings and trainings, reporting to STEPP, revising the local five-year strategic plan to align with the State Strategic Plan and other basic activities the Contractor will conduct to sustain its program. CESSA TION Support and promote the statewide Quitline, QuitNet, and research-based community cessation services that are already in place. ELlMINA TING DISPARITIES Identity and address the disparities related to tobacco prevention and education through specific activities. ENFORCEMENT OF LOCAL ORDINANCES Coordinate with the Colorado Department of Revenue and local law enforcement agencies to identiry instances of illegal sales of tobacco to minors. MEDIA ADVOCACY AND PLACEMENT OF PAID MEDIA Develop media plans and media advocacy activities. Coordinate media plans and activities with STEPP and neighboring counties and cities as necessary. POLICY RELATED ACTIVITIES Consistent with State law and local health agency protocols and practices, focus on policy interventions within each program goal. Policy development may be a long-term objective spanning more than one funding period. SCHOOL-BASED ACTIVITIES In conducting these activities, the purchase of educational curricula or cessation programs for public or private schools or the direct funding of staff support for school-based prevention and cessation programs are not allowed. TRAINING Participate in state and regional trainings, statewide and regional youth summits and meetings and conference calls provided by STEPP. YOUTH COALITIONS AND YOUTH EMPOWERMENT Provide support to local "Get R!EAL" youth coalitions through the provision of technical assistance and resources. Involve Get R!EAL youth, where appropriate, in local tobacco control efforts. Attend Get R!EAL regional and statewide summits to support local Get R!EAL coalitions. Ifa Get R!EAL youth coalition does not exist in the Contractor's service area, then the Contractor will develop partnerships with youth organizations to collaborate on projects that contribute to youth empowerment and reduction of tobacco use. 3, The Contractor shall submit all revisions to its approved Annual Action Plan and Budget for approval by STEPP as necessary during the contract term. Revisions must be submitted and approved at least thirty (30) calendar days before the Contractor conducts any new activities that were not contained in the previously, approved Annual Action Plan and Budget. Upon approval by STEPP, the revised Annual Action Plan and Budget will become the approved Annual Action Plan and Budget. 4. Funds provided under this Purchase Order may not be used to: supplant funding for any existing programs/models; develop new cessation programs/models or curricula for youth or adults; pay for individual cessation aids or nicotine replacement therapy; fund capital improvements, substitute funding for events previously funded by tobacco companies, or fund costs of enforcement of state or local laws and ordinances. . . - \ r ~C: LJt> . - )L::jUl. -.. Exhibit "A" i \ ~ - ,: .~~..... Ii c:J '. ... :' : .""" - i '.1 "' \.. ~ . . '\ - .\ I I I . '\ '. '\ '-. ......... ", .~ ) ....... \. '.~ t,--.. ", '. \\ ..\~...\ .~'('~~ ~~~;;' .\ :'. .'. "- . . ). , {' :': '\.,._.rl". (.-f ". 7 ./ :: . ). r. . ~ It.\ \.~.. ". .-.-.-.-. : '.~. ,,\.. "', \ \\"\ .\ ':'. \. \ FUTURE LEASE EA \ \. '\ '- \ . . . . .......J..~ .... '. ',. .-...- \. ..~ .. ,...... .-., ..'-. .. "" ....,. '. ...f ..' .~_ _ ~ -. ..- ..T "'-" . "\. . . - . . ' - . ""......:--..,.. . -........... " '. :''-:-" , . (".Ir::~:.c::;~ ". '-'-" a. -~.I\.- CROWN MOUNTAIN PARK ,. ..-:o-~'....""""" ~:......'- "'.,. UIIaE ___ EI Jabel, Colorado ;:tti : :...a.. ~".. . \ : i.' .~. -'.~ ~ " ". J; dhmdeStQ'n ~.s:r1Ulllt ...lO:IlP1CIt DA1!:AUCUSr2.lDK .. J " . p - 0ClIIiIB: IHl SIIET DE: , . , . . \ ~ IHl PI.JD SUSWTTAI. LEASE AREA . \ 510 _... _ 110 0ElIBl: IHl DIAGRAIil -~- RClJ$C OF IJOCIJ/o,ICNT --...- \ .., -.-- ., -..... a.,. · -.. SIIET MMEII: f.: tlHIHIIl2 ...... ';":':- t":' .. I": ea, ,,--..-..... LE1 0 \ _ ., -r .... :=....~~r_--=. ",..,,,,,""""" ~"'~. J-: .~.."---;,,