HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-070 Bid Award for AIP Project No. 3-08-0020-37 Runway 7/25 Extension Commissioner I ~ moved adoption of the following resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO, 2005- 69C RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH A BID AWARD FOR AlP PROJECT NO, 3-08-0020-37 SCHEDULE I, GRADING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FUTURE RUNWAY 7/25 EXTENSION AND SCHEDULE II, GRADING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FUTURE RUNWAY 7/25 EXTESION WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners ("Board") of Eagle County, Colorado has recognized a need for a runway extension at the Eagle County Regional Airport; and WHEREAS, with the assistance of its engineer, Carter & Burgess, Eagle County, Colorado issued a request for bids for the runway extension AIP Project No. 3-08-0020-37. The bid was issued in two schedules with alternate A and B. The schedules are Schedule I, Grading and Drainage Improvements for the Future Runway 7/25 extension and Schedule IT, Grading and Drainage Improvements for the Future Runway 7/25 extension.; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the bid documents should the Board wish to make an award under the current bid documents such award must be made no later than June 8, 2005; and WHEREAS, Carter & Burgess has issued a letter of recommendation concerning the responses to the bid request which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Carter & Burgess recommends that Eagle County award the improvements for Schedules I and IT Alternate Bid B to Kelley Trucking, Inc.; and WHEREAS, FAA concurrence and funding are anticipated but to date have not been received; and WHEREAS, an extension to the June 8, 2005 award date for the project is being sought but to date has not been agreed to; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT the Board hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute on its behalf any and all documents, instruments, papers or other forms necessary for the award of all or a portion of Schedules I & IT, Alternate Bid B to Kelley Trucking, inc. in an amount up to $13,626,982 subject to FAA concurrence and funding availability and review of funding and contract details by a majority of the Board of County Commissioners; and THAT this resolution shall not be deemed a notice of award; and THAT this resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County, Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held this "!>/ day of J11 ~ 2005. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO By and T its Board of County Clerk ofthe Board of Commissioners Commissioner ~ seconded adoption of the foregoing resolntion. The roll having been called, the vot was as follows: Commissioner Am M. Menconi ~ Commissioner Tom C. Stone Commissioner Peter Runyon This Resolution passed by ?/3 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. - : . 707 17th Slreei. S-,/ire 230rj CarternBurgess Denver, Coic,rcdc 80202.3404 ?}.one 303.<320.5140 Fox: J03.320.L.::()2 I www.('b.(o,~~ April 27, 2005 Mr. Phillip M. Bowman, P.E, Project Engineer Eagle County Engineering Department 500 Broadway, P.O, Box 850 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 328-3560 Subject Eagle County Regional Airport . Eagle, Colorado ___ ~___u ~.. ~ AlP Project No. 3-08-0020-37 Schedule 1- Grading and Drainage Improvements for the Future Runway 7/25 Extension Schedule n - Grading and Drainage Improvements for the Future Runway 7/25 Extension Letter of Recommendation Dear Mr. Bowman: Bid proposals for the above referenced project were received and opened on March 10, 2005, in the Garden Level Classroom at the Eagle County Building. Two contractors submitted fonnal bids for Schedule(s) I & II, with Alternate Bids "An & "B". The bids were tabulated for mathematical correctness and are summarized in the following table(s): Bid Alternate "A" Bidder Schedule I Schedule II Total Construction Costs 1 Ames Construction, Inc. $14,050,000.00 $5,935,000.00 $19,985,000.00 I ! Kelley Trucking, Inc. SII,03I,777.oo $4,222,055.00 $15,253,832,00 I i I I Engineer's Estimate $12,010,793.00 $4,725,425.00 $16,736,218,00 j t _..--1 Bid Alternate "B" 1 Bidder Schedule I Schedule II Total Construction Costs I Ames Construction, Inc. $13,730,000,00 $5,935,000,00 I $19,665,000,00 i ! I Kelley Trucking, Inc. S I 1,059,277,00 $2,567,705.00 $13,626,982.00 I I L-- I I I Engineer's Estimate $10,320,739,00 $3,514,925.00 $13,835,718,00 1 j Based upon the above infonnation, Kelley Trucking, Inc. is the lowest bidder for Bid Alternate "B" of this project. Their bid is.$ 13,626,982,00 or approximately 1.5% percent lower than the Engineer's estimate. We reviewed the bid proposal for compliance with the "Instructions to Bidders", Kelley Trucking. Inc. submitted the required fonns, including the EEO Statements, Certification of Non-Segregated Facilities, Buy American Verification, Statement of Qualifications, Proposed Equipment list, and Proposal Guaranty, We have reviewed the contractor's qualitications and consider this firm capable of completing the proposed work. C0;rer &. f'.i.J"'(}€.l.:~ inr: t:':' (;(t~,r -s H<H~}t;S<; ; r~r. C:-:'r!('~,~ ~'.:r:];>.;" (.~'~",l)~r;'~'" caB A(thiteds.iEng;!~ee'h, lii(. c.~a Architeets/Eng;r:e6f5, P.c. ('~B Ne-vodo,. -''oC. r I i .< Mr, Phillip Bowman ( April 27, 2005 Page 2 Based on the information provided by the contractor, we recommend that Eagle County award the planned improvement~ for Schedule(s) 1 & II, Alternate Bid "B" to Kelley Trucking, Inc. in the amount of $13,626,982.00, subject 10 FAA concurrence and funding availability The following documents have been enclosed for your records: Planholders List Tabulation of Bids Contractor's Original Proposals - -.- If you need additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, ~ Enclosures cc: Mr, Chris Schaffer, FAA/ADO Mr. Ovid Seifers, Eagle County Regional Airport Carror 8. Surges" inc. em"" 8. Burge"- !1.rd,if<<<r./Engir.oor" inc. COlier & Bvf-gft5.S CQn~lJJtallk, Inc. C&B AfCh,~/Engine;;rs. foe (,5.8 Archifoct,1 Er.gir.e.tn, P C. C80S ~.Je"ado, inc 707 -i 7th Carter:: Burgess April 27, 2005 Mr. Phillip M, Bowman, P,E. Project Engineer Eagle County Engineering Department 500 Broadway, P.O. Box 850 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 328-3560 Subject: Eagle County Regional Airport Eagle, Colorado AlP Project No. 3-08-0020-37 Schedule I - Grading and Drainage Improvements for the Future Runway 7/25 Extension Schedule II - Grading and Drainage Improvements for the Future Runway 7/25 Extension Letter of Recommendation Dear Mr. Bowman: Bid proposals for the above referenced project were received and opened on March 10,2005, in the Garden Level Classroom at the Eagle County Building. Two contractors submitted formal bids for Schedule(s) I & II, with Alternate Bids "A" & "B". The bids were tabulated for mathematical correctness and are summarized in the following table(s): Bid Alternate "A" Bidder Schedule I Schedule II Total Construction Costs Ames Construction, Inc. $14,050,000.00 $5,935,000,00 $19,985,000.00 Kelley Trucking, Inc. $11,031,777.00 $4,222,055,00 $15,253,832.00 i I I I I Engineer's Estimate $lf,010,793.00 $4,725,425,00 $16,736,218.00 Bid Alternate "B" ~" --.'] Schedule I Schedule II Total Construction Costs I I I $13,730,000.00 $5,935,000,00 $19,665,000.00 I I Ames COllstmction, Inc. ! i Kelley "rucking, Inc. $11,059,277.00 $2,567,705.00 $13,626,982.00 1 Engineec', Estimate $10,320,739,00 $3,514,925.00 $13,835,718.00 Based upon the above information, Kelley Trucking, rne. is the lowest bidder for Bid Alternate "B" of this project. Their bid is $13,626,982.00 or approximately 1.5% percent lower than the Engineer's estimate. We reviewed the bid proposal for compliance with the "Instructions to Bidders", Kelley Trucking, rnc. submitted the required forms, including the EEO Statements, Certification of Non-Segregated Facilities, Buy American Verification, Statement of Qualifications, Proposed Equipment List, and Proposal Guaranty. We have reviewed the contractor.s qualifications and consider this finn capable of completing the proposed work. Carter & Burgess, Jnc Carter Carter 2)( C&B tne. C&B Ne\"odo, Mr. Phillip Bowman April 27, 2005 Page 2 .B<ls,:don~h~ ..in.forIllati?l1 provided by the contractor, we recommend that Eagle County award the planned improvements for SC~t':dute(s)I~.J!;i~I~~mate Bid "B" to Kelley Trucking, Inc. in the amount of $13,626,982.00, subject to FAA concurrence and funding availability The following documents have been enclosed for your records: Planholders List Tabulation of Bids Contractor's Original Proposals If you need additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, .;:;:> Enclosures cc: Mr, Chris Schaffer, F AAJ ADO Mr. Ovid Seifers, Eagle County Regional Airport Carter & Burgess, Ine. Corter & Burgess Architects/Engineers, Inc. Corter & Burgess Consultants, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, Ine. C&B Architects/Engineers, Pc. C&B Nevada, ine. Project # 071184.102 Bid Date: 3/10/2005 TABULATION OF BIDS EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT GYPSUM,COLORADO AlP PROJECT NUMBER: 3-08-0020-37 . """'>. SCHEDULE I Grading and Drainaae for the Future Runway 7/25 Extension SCHEDULE" Gradina and Drainaae for the Future Runwav 7/25 Extension Engineer's Estimate Kelley Trucking Ames Construction Bid Bond X X X DBE Goals 1.02% 1.02% 1.02% Addendum NO.1 X X X '" Addendum No.2 X X X 'c., Addendum No.3 X X X Schedule I (All. A) $12.010.793.00 $11,031.777.00 $14,050,000,00 Schedule I (All. B) $10.320,793.00 $11.059,277.00 $13,730,000.00 Schedule II (All. A) $4.725,425.00 $ $5.935.000.00 Schedule II (All. B) $3.514.925.00 $2.567.705.00 $5.935.000.00 Total Schedules (Alt. A) $16.736,218.00 $15.253.832.00 $19,985.000.00 Total Schedules (Alt. B) $13,835.718.00 $13.626.982.00 $19,665.000.00 EGE 102_BidTab_AIP 37.xls Page 1 of? TABULATION OF BIDS Proj, # 071184.102 EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT Bid Date: 3/10/2005 GYPSUM,COLORADO AlP PROJECT NUMBER: 3-08-0020-37 SCHEDULE I GradinQ and Drainage for the Future Runwav 7/25 Extension Engineer's Estimate Kelley Trucking Ames Construction Item No, Description Estimated Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity P100a Mobilization lS 1 $1,000.000.00 $1,000,000,00 $685,000.00 $685,000.00 $1,230,000.00 $1,230,000.00 P152a Embankment, All. A. Off Site Borrow CY 1750000 $5.00 $8.750.000.00 $4,55 $7.962.500,00 $5.85 $10,237,500,00 P152c Unclassified Excavation CY 27000 $2.25 $60.750.00 $1.50 $40,500,00 $2,50 $67.500.00 D701a Install 12 Inch SDR 35 Sanitary Sewer IF 1320 $45.00 $59,400.00 $43.00 $56.760.00 $83.00 $109.560,17' D701b Install 18 Inch RCP, Cl. III LF 825 $45.00 $37.125.00 $43.00 $35.475.00 $46.00 $37,950.Uu D701c Install 24 Inch RCP. CI. III IF 140 $55.00 $7,700.00 $59.00 $8.260.00 $85.00 $11,900,00 D701d Remove Existing 72 Inch CM. with Headwall LF 1000 $45,00 $45.000.00 $35.00 $35,000,00 $42.00 $42.000.00 D701e Remove Existing Sanitary Sewer Line IF 1300 $8.00 $10.400.00 $17,00 $22.100.00 $25.00 $32,500,00 D705a Install 6 Inch Perforated Underdrain. Complete LF 3220 $18.00 $57,960.00 $31.00 $99.820.00 $23.00 $74.060.00 D710a Install Type "M" Grouted Rock Riprap SY 100 $40,00 $4.000,00 $87.00 $8.700.00 $200.00 $20,000,00 D751a Adjust Existing Sanitary Manhole EA 2 $2.500.00 $5.000,00 $1,700,00 $3,400,00 $600.00 $1.200.00 D751b Construct Box Culvert IF 1325 $500,00 $662.500.00 $756.00 $1,001.700.00 $920.00 $ D751c Install Box Culvert Inlet Structure EA 1 $20,000.00 $20.000,00 $7.200,00 $7.200.00 $27,580.00 $27.580.00 D751d Install Box Culvert Outlet Structure EA 1 $25.000.00 $25.000.00 $10.000.00 $10.000.00 $49,000.00 $49.000.00 D751e Install Inlet/Manhole Type I Single EA 7 $15,000.00 $105.000,00 $10,000,00 $70.000,00 $8.000,00 $56.000.00 D751f Install Sanitary Sewer Manhole EA 3 $6.500.00 $19.500,00 $3.000.00 $9.000,00 $2.500.00 $7.500. D751g Remove Existing Sanitary Manholes EA 3 $1,000.00 $3.000.00 $2.000.00 $6.000.00 $1.000.00 $3,000.00 D800a Install Retaining Wall Complete SF 7321 $48.00 $351,408.00 $62,00 $453.902.00 $50,00 $366,050.00 F162a Chain-Link Fence LF 7360 $40.00 $294,400.00 $21,00 $154,560.00 $20.00 $147,200,00 F162b Install 24 Foot Double Swing Gate EA 3 $4.000.00 $12.000.00 $950.00 $2.850.00 $900,00 $2,700.00 F162c Remove Existing 8 Foot Electric Animal Control Fence LF 3100 $9.00 $27.900.00 $3.00 $9.300.00 $3.00 $9.300.00 T901a Install Erosion Control Blankets SY 77500 $2.50 $193.750.00 $1.30 $100,750.00 $1.00 $77,500,00 T901b Seeding With Hydromulch AC 35 $2,400.00 $84.000.00 $1.100,00 $38,500.00 $1.200.00 $42.000.00 L103a Remove/Reinstall Airport Light Towers EA 3 $10,000.00 $30.000.00 $26.500.00 $79.500.00 $16,000.00 $48.000.00 PDOT304 Class 6 Road Base CY 4000 $30.00 $120.000.00 $27.00 $108,000,00 $27,00 $108.000.00 EGE \02_BidTab_AIP 37.xls Page 2 of 7 TABULATION OF BIDS Proj. # 071184.102 EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT Bid Date: 3/10/2005 GYPSUM,COLORADO AlP PROJECT NUMBER: 3-08-0020-37 SCHEDULE I Kelley Trucking Ames Construction GradinQ and DrainaQe for the Future Runway 7/25 Extension Engineer's Estimate Item No. Description Estimated Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity M606a Install Guardrail lF 1000 $25.00 $25,000.00 $23.00 $23,000.00 $23.00 $23.000.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE I $12.010.793.00 $11.031.777.00 $14,050.000.00 EGE I02_BidTab_AIP 37.xls Page 3 of 7 TABULATION OF BIDS Proj. # 071184.102 EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT Bid Date: 3/10/2005 GYPSUM,COLORADO AlP PROJECT NUMBER: 3-08-0020-37 SCHEDULE II Engineer's Estimate Kelley Trucking Ames Construction Grading and Drainage for the Future Runway 7/25 Extension Item No. Description Estimated Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity P100a Mobilization lS 1 $400.000.00 $400.000.00 $300.000.00 $300.000.00 $462.485.00 $462,485.00 P152a Embankment, AIL A, Off Site Borrow CY 807000 $5.00 $4.035,000.00 $4,55 $3,671.850.00 $6.53 $5,269.710.00 P610a Install 2 Foot Concrete Drain Pan lF 2800 $12.00 $33,600,00 $11,50 $32.200.00 $11.00 $30.800.00 D701b Install 18 Inch RCP. CI. III LF 510 $45.00 $22.950.00 $44.00 $22,440,00 $45,00 $22,950.00 . D701c Install 24 Inch RCP. CI. III LF 55 $55.00 $3.025.00 $55.00 $3.025.00 $90.00 $4,950.01.> D751e Install Inlet/Manhole Type I Single EA 3 $15.000.00 $45.000.00 $12,000,00 $36.000,00 $9,000.00 $27.000.00 T901a Install Erosion Control Blankets SY 44100 $2.50 $110,250.00 $1.40 $61.740.00 $1.05 $46.305.00 T901b Seeding With Hydromulch AC 19 $2,400.00 $45.600.00 $1.200.00 $22,800.00 $1.200.00 $22,800.00 l103a Remove/Reinstall Airport Light Towers EA 3 $10.000.00 $30,000.00 $24.000.00 $72.000.00 $16,000.00 $48.000.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE II $4.725.425.00 $4.222,055.00 $5,935,000.00 EGE 102_BidTabJIP 37.xls Page 4 of 7 TABULATION OF BIDS Proj, # 071164.102 EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT Bid Date: 3/10/2005 GYPSUM,COLORADO AlP PROJECT NUMBER: 3-08-0020-37 SCHEDULE I GradinQ and Drainage for the Future Runway 7/25 Extension Engineer's Estimate Kelley Trucking Ames Construction Item No. Description Estimated Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity P100a Mobilization LS 1 $ $ $685,000.00 $685.000.00 $ $ P152b Embankment, AILS. On and Off Site Borrows CY 1750000 $4.00 $ $4.55 $7.962.500.00 $5.65 $9,887,500.00 P152c Unclassified Excavation CY 27000 $2.25 $60.750.00 $1,50 $40.500.00 $2.50 $67,500.00 D701a Install 12 Inch SDR 35 Sanitary Sewer LF 1320 $45.00 $59,400.00 $43.00 $56.760.00 $83.00 $109,560.09." D701b Install 18 Inch RCP, CI. III LF 825 $45.00 $37.125.00 $43.00 $35,475.00 $46.00 $37,950.0L D701c Install 24 Inch RCP, CI. III u= 140 $55.00 $7.700.00 $59.00 $8,260.00 $85.00 $11.900.00 D701d Remove Existing 72 Inch CM. with Headwall LF 1000 $45.00 $45.000,00 $35.00 $35,000.00 $42.00 $42.000.00 D701e Remove Existing Sanitary Sewer line LF 1300 $8.00 $10,400.00 $17.00 $22.100.00 $25.00 $32.500.00 D705a Install 6 Inch Perforated Underdrain. Complete LF 3220 $18.00 $57,960.00 $31.00 $99.820.00 $23.00 $74,060.00 0710a Install Type "M" Grouted Rock Riprap SY 100 $40.00 $4.000.00 $87.00 $8,700.00 $200.00 $20.000.00 D751a Adjust Existing Sanitary Manhole EA 2 $2,500.00 $5.000.00 $1.700.00 $3,400.00 $600.00 $1,200.00 D751b Construct Box Culvert IF 1325 $500.00 $662.500.00 $756.00 $1.001.700.00 $920.00 $1,219,000.00 D751c Install Box Culvert Inlet Structure EA 1 $20.000.00 $20.000.00 $7,200.00 $7.200.00 $27,580.00 $27,580.00 0751d Install Box Culvert Outlet Structure EA 1 $25.000.00 $25,000,00 $10.000.00 $10,000.00 $49.000.00 $49,000.00 0751e InstalllnleVManhole Type I Single EA 7 $15,000.00 $105.000.00 $10.000.00 $70.000.00 $8.000.00 $56.000.00 0751f Install Sanitary Sewer Manhole EA 3 $6.500.00 $19.500.00 $3.000.00 $9.000,00 $2.500.00 $7,500.0py 0751g Remove Existing Sanitary Manholes EA 3 $1.000,00 $3.000.00 $2.000.00 $6,000.00 $1.000.00 $3,000.00 0800a Install Retaining Wall Complete SF 7321 $48.00 $351,408.00 $62,00 $453.902.00 $50.00 $366.050.00 F162a Chain-link Fence IF 7360 $40,00 $294.400,00 $21,00 $154.560.00 $20.00 $147.200.00 F162b Install 24 Foot Double Swing Gate EA 3 $4.000.00 $12.000.00 $950.00 $2,850,00 $900.00 $2.700.00 F162c Remove Existing 8 Foot Electric Animal Control Fence LF 3100 $9.00 $27,900.00 $3.00 $9.300.00 $3.00 $9,300.00 T901a Install Erosion Control Blankets SY 77500 $2,50 $193,750.00 $1.30 $100.750.00 $1.00 $77,500.00 T901b Seeding With Hydromulch AC 60 $2.400.00 $144.000.00 $1.100.00 $66,000.00 $1.200.00 $72,000.00 L103a Remove/Reinstall Airport Light Towers EA 3 $10.000.00 $30.000.00 $26.500.00 $79.500,00 $16,000.00 $48,000.00 ~00T304c Class 6 Road Base CY 4000 $30.00 $120,000.00 $27.00 $108.000.00 $27.00 $108.000.00 EGE I02_BidTab_AIP 37 xis Page 5 of 7 "' TABULATION OF BIDS Proj. # 071184.102 EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT Bid Date: 311012005 GYPSUM,COLORADO AlP PROJECT NUMBER: 3-08-0020-37 SCHEDULE I Ames Construction GradinQ and Drainage for the Future Runwav 7/25 Extension Engineer's Estimate Kelley Trucking Item No. Description Estimated Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity M606a Install Guardrail LF 1000 $25.00 $25,000.00 $23.00 $23.000.00 $23.00 $23,000.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE I ALTERNATIVE B $10.320,793,00 $11,059.277.00 $13,730,000.00 EOE I02_BidTab_AIP 37.xls Page 6 of 7 TABULATION OF BIDS Proj, # 071184.102 Ii EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT Bid Date: 3/10/2005 GYPSUM, COLORADO i AlP PROJECT NUMBER: 3-08-0020-37 SCHEDULE II Engineer's Estimate Kelley Trucking Ames Construction Gradino and Drainage for the Future Runway 7/25 Extension Item No. Description. Estimated Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity P100a Mobilization lS 1 $400.000.00 $400.000.00 $300.000.00 $300.000.00 $462,485.00 $462,485.00 P152a Embankment, All. B. On and Off Site Borrows CY 807000 $3.50 $2.824.500,00 $2.50 $2,017,500.00 $6.53 $5,269,710.00 P610a Install 2 Foot Conc~ete Drain Pan IF 2800 $12.00 $33,600.00 $11.50 $32.200.00 $11.00 $30,800.00 D701b Install 18 Inch RCP. Cl. III IF 510 $45.00 $22.950.00 $44,00 $22,440.00 $45.00 $22,950.0Q w'w D701c Install 24 Inch RCP. Cl. III IF 55 $55.00 $3.025.00 $55.00 $3,025.00 $90.00 $4.950.00 D751e InstalllnleUManhole Type I Single EA 3 $15.000.00 $45.000.00 $12.000.00 $36.000.00 $9.000.00 $27.000.00 T901a Install Erosion Control Blankets SY 44100 $2.50 $110.250,00 $1.40 $61.740.00 $1.05 $46.305.00 T901b Seeding With Hydromulch AC 19 $2,400.00 $45.600,00 $1.200.00 $22,800.00 $1.200.00 $22,800.00 l1 03a Remove/Reinstall Airport light Towers EA 3 $10.000.00 $30.000.00 $24.000.00 $72.000.00 $16,000.00 $48.000,00 TOTAL SCHEDULE II ALTERNATE B $3.514.925.00 $2.567.705.00 $5.935.000.00 EGE 102_BidTab_AIP 37 xIs Page 7 of 7