HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-060 Amendment to the Edwards Medical Center PUD File No. PDA-00057
Commissioner' ~ moved adoption
of the following Resolu6on:
RESOLUTION NO. 2005 - Oft; ()
Eagle County File No. PDA-00057
WHEREAS, on or about October 18, 2004, the County of Eagle, State of Colorado,
accepted for filing an application submitted by Vail Clinic, Inc., (hereinafter "Applicant") for
amendment of the Edwards Medical Center Planned Unit Development located in Edwards,
Colorado (hereinafter the "PUD"), Eagle County File No. PDA-00057; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the amendment of the PUD for the purposes of
amending the PUD Guide to allow the construction of a short-term residential facility for patients
receiving cancer treatments at the Shaw Cancer Center and their caregivers, and to designate
additional employee housing as optional and shift it to a later phase.
\VHEREAS, notice of the proposed amendment was mailed to all owners of property
located within and adjacent to the PUD and was duly published in a newspaper of general
circulation throughout the County concerning the subject matter of the application and setting
forth the dates and times of hearings for consideration of the application by the Eagle County
. Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of
Colorado (hereinafter the "Board"); and
WHEREAS, at its public meeting held February 16,2005, the Eagle County Planning
Commission, based upon its findings, recommended conditional approval of the proposed PUD I
Amendment; and
WHEREAS, at its public meeting of February 22 and March 1,2005, the Board
considered the PUD Amendment application, associated plans and the statements and concerns
of the Applicant and the Eagle County staff; and
\VHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, review of the Eagle County
Master Plan, the recommendation of the Eagle County Planning Commission and staff, and
comments from all interested parties, the Boards finds as follows:
Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 5-240.F.3.e. Standards for the
review of a Sketch and Preliminary PUD Plan:
1. Unified ownership or control. The title to all land that is part of this PUD
is owned or controlled by one (1) person.
2. Uses. All of the proposed additional uses that may be developed in the
PUD are not uses that are designated as uses that are allowed, allowed as a
special use or allowed as a limited use in the Planned Unit Development
Guide in effect for the property at the time of the application for the PUD
Amendment. However, variations of these use designations may be
authorized pursuant to Section 5-240 F.3.f., Variations Authorized.
" Dimensional Limitations. The dimensional limitations that shall apply to
the PUD are those specified in the Planned Unit Development Guide in
effect for the property at the time of the application for the PUD
4. Off-Street Parking and Loading. It has previously been found at the time
that the Preliminary Plan for the PUD was approved that adequate, safe
and convenient parking and loading was being provided. Adequate, safe
and convenient parking will be provided for the additional development.
5. Landscaping. Landscaping provided in the approved PUD Preliminary
Plan has been determined to have complied with the standards in effect at
the time the Preliminary Plan was approved.
6. Signs. The proposed amendment to the comprehensive sign plan for the
PUD is suitable for the PUD and does provide the minimum sign area
necessary to direct users to and within the PUD.
7. Adequate Facilities. It has previously been determined that adequate
facilities were to be provided based on the Land Use Regulations in effect
at the time of approval of the Preliminary Plan for the PUD. The proposed
PUD Amendment will not adversely affect the provision of adequate
facilities for potable water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal,
and electrical supply, fire protection, and roads; and will be conveniently
located in relation to schools, police and fire protection, and emergency
medical services.
8. Improvements. As conditioned, it has previously been determined that
adequate improvements were to be provided based on the Land Use
Regulations in effect at the time of approval of the Preliminary Plan for
the PUD. The proposed PUD Amendment will not adversely affect
improvements regarding: safe, efficient access; internal pathways;
principal access points; and snow storage.
9. Compatibility With Surrounding Land Uses. The development proposed
for the PUD has been determined to be compatible with the character of
surrounding land uses. The proposed PUD Amendment will permit
additional uses that are compatible with the character of surrounding land
10. Consistency with Master Plan. The PUD is consistent with the Master
Plan, including, but not limited to, the Future Land Use Map (FLUM).
The proposed PUD Amendment will not adversely affect the consistency
with the Master Plan.
11. Phasing. As conditioned, the Edwards Medical Center PUD is a phased
development; however, no additional public improvements are required.
12. Common Recreation and Open Space. It has previously been determined
that the development does comply with the common recreation and open
space standards applicable at the time of approval of the Preliminary Plan
for the PUD. The proposed PUD Amendment will not adversely affect
common recreation and open space within the PUD with respect to (a)
minimum area; (b) improvements required; (c) continuing use and
maintenance; or (d) organization.
13. Natural Resource Protection. It has previously been determined that
applicable analysis documents were adequately considered prior to
approval ofthe Preliminary Plan for the PUD. The proposed PUD
amendment will not adversely affect natural resources.
Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 5-280.B.3.e. Standards for the
review of a Preliminary Plan for Subdivision:
1. Consistent with Master Plan. It was previously determined that the PUD is
consistent with the Master Plan, including, but not limited to, the Future
Land Use Map (FLUM). The proposed PUD Amendment will not
adversely affect the consistency with the Master Plan.
2. Consistent with Land Use Regulations. As conditioned, it has previously
been found that the development complied with the regulations, policies
and guidelines of the Land Use Regulations applicable at the time of
approval of the Preliminary Plan for the PUD. With the recommended
conditions, the PUD amendment will continue to be consistent with the
Land Use Regulations.
3. Spatial Pattern Shall Be Efficient. It has previously been found that the
Preliminary Plan for the PUD satisfied the requirements of the Land Use
Regulations in effect at the time with respect to efficient spatial patterns.
The proposed PUD Amendment does not adversely affect the spatial
patterns in the area.
4. Suitability for Development. It has previously been determined that the
site was suitable for development.
5. Compatible With Surrounding Uses. It has previously been determined
that the development is compatible with other development in the area.
The proposed PUD Amendment will not adversely affect the compatibility
of the resulting development with surrounding uses within the PUD.
Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 5-240.F. 3.m., Amendment to
Preliminary Plan for PUD:
1. The proposed PUD Amendment (1) is consistent with the efficient
development and preservation ofthe entire Planned Unit Development,
and (2) does not affect in a substantially adverse manner either the
enjoyment of land abutting upon or across a street from the planned unit
development or the public interest, and (3) is not granted solely to confer a
special benefit upon any person.
Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 5-240.F.2.a.(8) Initiation:
1. Applicant has submitted a PUD Guide which incorporates the necessary
revisions to effect the proposed PUD Amendment.
THAT, the application submitted by the Vail Clinic, Inc., for amendment of
the Edwards Medical Center Planned Unit Development be and is hereby granted with the
following conditions:
1. The Applicant shall install landscaping as shovvTI in the Conceptual Landscape
2. An appropriate revision to the Comprehensive Sign Plan satisfactory to the
Director of Community Development shall be provided as part of the amended
PUD Guide.
3. Prior to issuance of any grading or building permit for the Shaw Caring House, it
shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the County Engineer that adequate
access for emergency vehicles will be provided.
4. Prior to issuance of the initial grading or building permit, a complete set of
construction plans and engineering detail shall be provided which are satisfactory
to the County Engineer, and a public improvements agreement shall be completed.
5. The Applicant shall submit, within 14 days of the approval of this PUD
amendment, a revised PUD Guide which incorporates the approved amendments
in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Community Development.
6. Eagle County shall refund the application fee for this PUD amendment
7. All future housing requirements for the Edwards Medical Center shall be
8. Except as otherwise modified by these conditions, all material representations of
the Applicant in this application and all public meetings shall be adhered to and be
considered conditions of approval.
THAT, the Board hereby approves the Amended Planned Unit Development Guide
revised and dated April 25, 2005, and attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and
THAT, the Board hereby approves the Site Plan and Landscape Plan dated December 27,
2004, and attached hereto as Exhibit "B"; and
THAT, the Board directs the Department of Community Development to provide a copy
of this Resolution to the Applicant; and
THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary
for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the -1.Il day of (Yl. 7 ,
2005, nunc pro tunc to the 1 st day of March 2005.
COLORADO, by and Through Its
Teak J. Simont n Am M. Menconi
Clerk to the Board of Chairman
County Commissioners
Commissioner ~ seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution.
The roll having been called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Am M. Menconi ~
Commissioner Peter F. Runyon
Commissioner Tom C. Stone
This Resolution passed by 713 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
Exhibit "A"
Edwards Medical Center I
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
A Purpose
To provide a guide for the compatible and consistent development of a medical
center complex within the Edwards Community Center.
B. Allowed Uses
1. Uses by Right
a. Professional offices for medical services, dental services, and
counseling/social services.
b. Offices for selected departments of the Vail Valley Medical Center
including, but not limited to, administrative, clerical, accounting and
c. Primary and specialty medical care services, including cancer care
and imaging.
d. Physical therapy center.
e. Material holding facility with laundry.
f The Eagle Care Clinic.
g. Assisted-care living facility for the care of the retired and elderly,
and the rehabilitation of various patients.
h. Daycare facilities.
1. Pharmacy and satellite laboratory.
J. Dining facilities.
Edwards Medical Center I
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
C. Definitions
1. Finished Grade
The final ground elevation as located at the building interface.
2. Material Holding Facility
A warehouse for bulk storage of medical center supplies. These supplies
will generally be received and stored in case quantity.
3. Assisted-care Living Facility
A facility where individuals receive a limited amount of assistance by health
care workers (nurses, therapists, etc.). Such individuals might be elderly
persons still capable of performing major life activities without full-time
intervention, persons recovering from an accident, or stroke victims, etc.
Each occupant would normally live in his/her own living area, and would
have medical staff assistance available on an as-needed basis.
4. Dining Facility
A food and beverage facility with tables and seating area. This facility is
to be oriented to serve employees, vffiitors, guests, and patients, and there
shall be no outside advertising.
5. Eagle Care Clinic
This clinic was established to address the medical needs of the low-income
population of Eagle County, offering affordable health care to those who
need it the most. The treatment needs of patients vary from those seeking
care for acute problems such as colds, flu, and other non-emergent
conditions, to prenatal, obstetrical and women's welIness services.
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
D. Maximum Building Height
1. Commercial Buildings - Buildings A, B and C
The maximum height of the buildings, measured from the finished grade to the
ridgeline, shall be three stories or 48 feet on the lower side ofthe building and two
stories or 38 feet on the higher finished grade side of the building. There may be a
decorative entry area, consisting of up to 10% of the building roofline, on the
lower side of the building, which may be 50 feet in height and 40 feet in height on
the higher side of the building. Architectural or mechanical features, which are
located at least 25 feet from any building edge, may exceed the height limit by a
maximum of 10 feet.
2. Building D - Shaw Caring House
The rnax:iri1um height of the building, measured from the finished grade to the
ridgeline, shall be three stories or 45 feet on the lower side ofthe building and two
stories or 35 feet on the higher finished grade side of the building. Architectural or
mechanical features, which are located at least 25 feet from any building edge, may
exceed the height limit by a maximum of 10 feet.
E. Maximum Impervious Coverage
75% of total lot coverage by impervious materials.
F. Maximum Floor Area.
146,000 square feet
G. Maximum lot coverage.
Maximum of50% of total P.U.D. area may be covered by buildings.
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
H. Setbacks
There shall be no setbacks per se at the Edwards Medical Center. All buildings
will be final located within 5 feet of the position shown on the final approved site
plan unless otherwise approved by the Board of County Commissioners.
1. Open SpacelLandscaping
1. A minimum of25% of the property shall remain either in its natural,
undisturbed state or shall be improved with a variety of landscaped
Open space areas or pods shall be as shown on the final approved site plan.
2. The open space areas will be maintained by the owner/developer of the
3. Landscaping of a sufficient quantity and quality will be provided in order to
protect the non-impervious areas of the project. It is a goal to prevent
improper drainage, land erosion, physical damage to the property and
general visual degradation. The majority of the landscaped areas will
consist of dry land species, with the provision that a limited number of
species requiring wetter conditions be allowed.
4. The final approved Landscaping Plan will show the location, size, type, and
quantity of materials, which shall be provided. Landscaping will be
completed in a phased manner in conjunction with the construction of each
5. The landscaped areas will be maintained in the following manner:
a. Mechanical
A zoned irrigation system or systems will provide coverage to the
nonirnpervious areas. The different zones in the system will be
designed and timed such that an adequate amount of water will be
available for the variety of plant species in the approved plan.
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
b. Contractual
The Edwards Medical Center will use its own employees or those
of the Vail Valley Medical Center to maintain and care for the
grounds and landscaped areas.
6. The plant rnateriallist is as shown on the approved Landscaping Plan.
J. Lighting
All operational and security lighting shall be directional and must orient downward
in order that glare does not negatively affect adjacent properties and roadways.
1. Limit the number of light sources. Use a number oflow intensity sources
closer to the area to be lit rather than one remote, intense single source.
a. Use no more than one light pole for every 10 parking spaces across
parking areas.
b. Use no more than one light pole for every 25' of lineal distance
along sidewalks and trails unless deemed critical for safety. Ballard
type lights less than 4 feet in height are encouraged.
2. Limit the height of light fixtures.
a. Limit height to 18' within parking lot areas.
b. Limit height limit to 12' along pedestrian paths.
3. Limit the "throw" of light sources.
a. Light patterns will not overlap except where needed for security
b. Use directional heads, shields and fixture cutoffs.
Edwards Medical Center I
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
c. Encourage use of lights attached to buildings or building
K. Fencing/Screening
1. Fencing shall be allowed for screening and security purposes.
2. Fencing and fencing materials shall blend and be compatible with the
overall design features ofthe project.
3. The maximum height offencing, other than the existing wildlife fencing
alongthe Interstate 70 right-of-way, shall be six (6) feet.
4. Trash containers, mechanical equipment, utility structures, and other like
items shall be screened as necessary by either fencing or landscaping
materials, or by a combination thereof. Location, type, and quantity of
materials used to screen these items shall require the approval ofthe
Architectural Control Committee for the project.
L. Parking
1. The parking requirements of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations in
effect at the time of application for each building permit shall apply.
2. The minimum number of parking spaces to be provided at buildout will be
shown on the final approved site plan.
3. The number of parking spaces required for each phase of the project will be
reevaluated with the application for each building permit, and adjustments
made in the overall number as necessary.
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
M. Sign Plan
1. Goals
a. To assure that all signs conform to a set of standards for
consistency and quality.
b. To assure that all signs are designed and constructed in a manner
consistent with the architecture of the project.
c. To provide adequate visual notice for visitors, residents and
employees ofthe project.
2. Definitions
a. Building Front - Any building vertical surface, facade or series of
connected elements such as porches, which are oriented to or
generally parallel to a public street, parking lot, walkway, or
exterior passageway.
b. Construction Sign - A temporary sign identifying a subdivision,
development or property improvement by a builder, contractor, or
other person furnishing materials, labor, or services to the premises.
c. Design Review Authority - A formally established entity which has
full and final approval authority for all sign matters based on the
standards set forth in P.U.D. Control Document.
d. Dining Facility- An area allocated for preparation and serving of
food and beverages for patients, employees, visitors and guests.
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
e. Directional Sign - Any sign on the lot that directs the movement or
placement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic with or without
reference to, or inclusion of: the name of the product sold or
service performed on the lot or in a building, structure or business
enterprise occupying the same.
t: Frontage Measurement - Building front shall be measured along the
finish grade for sign allowance calculation purposes.
g. Identification Sign - A sign or symbol (i.e. nameplates or plaques)
which identifies a person, building, street name or address,
landmark, or natural feature.
h. Illuminated Signs - A sign with an artificial light source
incorporated internally or externally for the purpose of illuminating
the sign.
1. Project Entrance Sign - One (1) sign for each of the three project
entrances shall be allowed identifYing the project or individual
businesses within the business center, provided that the total sign
area for each sign does not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet or
eight (8) feet in height.
J. Sign - Any letter, figures, design, symbol, trademark, illuminating
device or other device intended to attract attention to any place,
subject, person, firm, corporation, public performance, article,
machine or merchandise whatsoever, and painted, printed,
constructed or displayed in any manner whatsoever.
k. Sign Height - The vertical distance from the average finished grade
below the sign (excluding berrning) to the highest point on the sign
1. T ernporary Sign - A sign, which related to a single event, erected
not more than thirty (30) days prior to the event to which it relates.
A sign shall be considered temporary if displayed for less than
thirty days in a ninety (90) day period.
Edwards Medical Center I
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
Ill. Window Sign - A sign which is affixed or attached to, or located
within thirty six (36) inches of the interior ofa window and which
sign can be seen through the window form the exterior ofthe
3. Permitted Signs
a. Project Entrance Signs - (Three (3) allowed)
These signs will be free-standing signs established at each of the
three entry points approved on the final site plan for the project in
order to provide information and direction for persons accessing the
site. The signs will be designed to be compatible with the
architectural style of the Edwards Medical Center. Lighting will be
directed downward in order to be unobtrusive to the adjacent
residential neighborhood. Each sign area shall be limited to thirty-
two (32) square feet or less.
b. Temporary Project Identification Sign
This will be a single free-standing sign placed on the property in
order to identifY the location of the project for those passing the
site. In addition, wording indicating the anticipated beginning date
of construction (i.e. spring of 1996) will be allowed. The height of
the sign will not exceed six (6) feet, and the sign area will be limited
to twenty-four (24) square feet.
c. One (1) construction sign for each construction project not to
exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in sign area. Two (2) individual
tradesmen may display separate signs not to exceed sixteen (16)
square feet each in addition to the thirty-two (32) square foot
construction sign. Such signs may be erected ten (10) days prior to
the beginning construction and shall be removed thirty days after
completion of construction. Construction signs shall not be
included in the total sign area allowed for each business.
d. Major Identification Sign
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 200S
One sign consisting of no more than 120 square feet in total sign
area. The sign will identifY the logo and "Shaw Regional Cancer
Center" only. This sign may be placed generally facing the southern
property boundary. The sign must be constructed as individual
letters attached to the building. The sign must be "back lit".
e. Buildings A, B, C and E (Commercial Buildings)
1. Project Identification Sign
Each of these buildings shall be allowed one single-sided
sign identifYing the building as part of the "Edwards
Medical Center" project. This sign can be attached to the
building or can be placed outside ofthe building at the main
public entryway. Letters for the sign will be a maximum of
12" in height, and the total sign area allowed is limited to
sixteen (16) square feet.
n. Building Identification Signs
Each of these buildings shall be allowed a specific building
identification sign (i.e. "Building A", "Building B" etc.)
relating to the final approved site plan for the project. One
building identification sign will be allowed on each side of a
building on which a designated public entryway is located.
Letters for the sign will be a maximum of8" in height and
the total sign area allowed is limited to six: (6) square feet.
lli. Building Directory Signs
Each building shall be allowed a primary directory sign
indicating the offices located in that building, attached to the
building either on the outside or inside of the main public
entryway. The total sign area allowed for this sign is twenty
(20) square feet. In addition, secondary directory signs,
limited to a total sign area of six: (6) square feet per sign,
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
shall be allowed at other public entryways of each building.
IV. Window Signs
Window signs (no more than two per building entry) shall
be allowed for informational purposes. Window signs will
be no more than two square feet per sign, and do not
require a permit.
f. Building D - Shaw Caring House
1. Monument Sign
This building shall be allowed one monument sign with a
maximum area of thirty-two (32) square feet and a
maximum height of eight (8) feet.
ll. Project Identification Sign
Letters for the sign will be a maximum of 12" in height, and
the total sign area allowed is limited to sixteen (16) square
feet. The top of the sign shall be a maximum offour (4)
feet above the finished grade at the sign location. The sign
should conform in general style to the Project Identification
Signs for Buildings A-C.
ill. Building Identification Sign
This building shall be allowed a specific building
identification sign (i.e. "Building D") relating to the final
approved site plan for the project. One building
identification sign will be allowed on each side of the
building on which a designated public entryway is located.
Letters for the sign will be a maximum of8" in height and
the total sign area allowed is limited to six (6) square feet.
Edwards Medical Center I
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
g. All Buildings
1. Buildings and Project Directional Signs
Directional signs shall be allowed on or by the buildings and
in the parking areas to direct and facilitate the flow of
pedestrian and vehicular traffic throughout the site. Each
directional sign shall be allowed a total sign area ofthree (3)
square feet, and should be consistent in style throughout the
4. Signs Exempt From Administration - The following signs are allowed but
are not subject to the Comprehensive Sign Plan or sign permits.
a. All signs, whether permanent or temporary, which do not exceed
six (6) square feet in sign area
b. Signs required or specifically authorized for a public purpose.
c. Public notices of signs relating to an emergency.
d. Signs erected in public right-of-way by a local, state or federal
governmental agency controlling or directing traffic.
e. All information signs on public property provided that such signs
are related to the use of the property and are erected and
maintained by the land management agency; however, not to
exceed 6 square feet.
f. Official government notices and notices posed by a governmental
officer in the performance of their duties to providing warning,
necessary information, direction or other regulated purposes.
g. Temporary or permanent signs erected by a public utility company
or construction company to warn of dangerous or hazardous
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
h. T ernporary signs such as pennants or banners for a special civic
1. Memorial tablets or commemorative plaques installed by an
historical agency, including cornerstones for buildings.
J. Decorations clearly incidental and customary and commonly
associated with any national, local or religious holiday.
k. Any signs permanently affixed to a truck, train, automobile, airplane
or other vehicle that is in working condition and is not placed in a
specific location for the propose of evading these sign regulations.
1. Flags of any state, nation, or government of any other flag not
specifically used for advertising purposes. Each flag may not be in
excess sixty-four (64) square feet in size. Flags must be limited in
number to be appropriate for display, not for advertising.
m. Works offine art, which are displayed and offered for sale, may
have sale or price signs of an appropriate size.
n. Any religious emblem or insignia.
o. Vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian control signs.
5. Sign Procedures
a. A sign permit from the Eagle County Department of Community
Development shall be required for all signs larger than six (6)
square feet, unless otherwise exempted herein.
b. The Architectural Control Committee shall provide guidelines and
written approval on design criteria such as colors, materials, and
style for all signage within the project.
N. Snow Storage
Edwards Medical Center I
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
An area or areas equaling 20% of the total parking and driveway coverage shall be
provided for snow storage.
O. Storage
Outside storage of equipment and materials shall be prohibited with the following
1. Trash containers.
2. Mechanical and utility equipment.
3. Contractor material and equipment to be used during construction.
P. Minimum Distance Between Structures.
The minimum distance between structures shall be controlled by the Eagle County
Land Use Regulations and the Uniform Building Code in effect at the time of
building permit application.
Q. Architectural Control Committee.
1. An Architectural Control Committee (ACC) shall be established to review
all building, landscaping, and land use activity.
2. The ACC shall not unreasonably withhold approval.
3. The ACC shall provide a written response to building, landscaping, or land
use activity within 30 days of receipt of all required materials. If such
written response is not provided within this 30 day period, approval is
automatically granted. The issuance of a building permit by Eagle County
is not subject to approval by the ACC.
4. Construction shall not begin until issuance of a building permit by Eagle
5. The ACC shall consist of three members. Two members shall be either an
Edwards Medical Center I
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
architect, landscape architect or land planner. The final member shall be
the project owner or his appointee. Approval shall be granted by a
majority vote of the ACC.
R. Architectural Design Standards
1. Design Goal. To create and sustain a high quality project, which utilizes
modern building methods and materials to provide conformance with the
western rural community appearance.
2. Edwards Medical Center Theme - Phase One (Building A) of the Edwards
Medical Center development will be the principal guide for design matters
and will set the design theme, palette of materials and level of quality of
construction to follow.
3. Design Materials - The design of Phase One will conform to a rural
western motif. Specifically, the buildings will reflect those features of
smaller scaled commercial and residential structures that are common to a
rural setting in the western states. Building floor areas are planned to
reduce the mass of the buildings by breaking up the spaces into smaller
pieces that give the building interest and human scale. Breaking the
building facade into shorter lengths will help in reducing the overall mass of
the buildings, particularly with the larger Building B. Thus, excessive
building height and length are avoided and horizontal lines are emphasized.
Rooflines gently slope and turn to enclose a larger ground floor area and to
create a porch-like entry canopy. Individual window openings are
vertically proportioned and grouped to recall original western buildings of
business and residential use. Construction detailing is simple and strong.
The exterior of the buildings will have rough-sawn wood or similar
materials on the lower portions and stucco at the upper walls of the inset
windows and gables. Natural stone may be used as accent material. The
windows will be trimmed in either wood or stucco and the lintels of the
windows will be emphasized. The windows will be made of metal and will
be selected to allow for natural ventilation. Wood columns will support the
entry porch and canopy. The heavy timber wood truss system ofthe
canopy will be reflected in the railings between the support columns. The
roofing material will be a rough-textured fiberglass shingle.
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
Overall, the buildings will be a reflection of the natural materials and
rugged landscape that is their inspiration. Shade and shadow will in large
part define the fonns of these earthtone structures along with the
opportunity for the subtle use of color in selected details.
4. Explanation of Building Height
a. Maximum height measured to peak of roof ridgeline.
b. Architectural or mechanical features, which are located at least 25
feet from any building edge, may exceed the height limit by a
maximum of 10 feet.
5. Specific Design Controls
a. Buildings A, B, and C
i) All sides will be finished in a manner similar to and
consistent with the principal front.
ii) Exterior materials and textures will be varied to be both
consistent with the design theme and to eliminate uniform
planer facades.
iii) At least 20% ofthe surface of any facade will be either
recessed or projected outward a minimum of2 feet.
b. Buildings facing Beard Creek Road
i) Shift vertical or horizontal alignment of walls. Structures
greater than 120 feet in length will provide a shift in wall
alignment so that no greater than 75% of the building facade
appears unbroken. Each shift shall be either a 5 foot change
in building facade alignment or 5 foot change in roofline
height or a combination change in wall alignment and roof
line totaling 5 feet.
Edwards Medical Center I
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
ii) Structures exceeding 160 feet in length will provide a shift
at least every 120 feet, which will be a 15 foot facade and/or
roofline shift.
If within any given 160 foot horizontal section, the exterior
wall contains windows or variations such as entrances,
cantilever, structural or architectural protrusions or other
similar changes of a minimum of 3 feet, no changes in
direction will be required.
c. Glass Elements
i) The use of highly reflective (i.e., mirrored) glass will be
limited to 10% of the building surface and used only for
special detailing effect.
ii) Place, size and shape of openings will be consistent with
other design elements. Exterior doors on public frontages
will be consistent with other facade elements in design
character and materials.
ill) Entries will be emphasized by using signs, awnings, changes
in pavement materials, landscaping, and/or recesses.
d. Roof Treatment
i) Visibility of roof mounted equipment will be minimized.
ii) Roof mounted equipment will be screened with parapets or
architectural details.
ill) Equipment located on the roof will be consolidated to
reduce clutter.
iv) Roof mounted equipment will be painted with a color
compatible with other roof materials or structures.
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
S. Employee Housing
1. Thirty-four (34) bedrooms with spaces for forty-two (42) persons located
at the Tames in Beaver Creek.
2. No additional employee or affordable housing is required.
T. Phasing Plan
The entire project is being planned at this time as a single, unified entity
to ensure the continuity of the design and architecture for all phases.
The project is anticipated to be implemented over a twenty (20) year
period in ~ix (6) phases. This phasing will allow the most immediate
needs to be completed at the initial stage and the remaining needs to be
constructed as requirements become more critical and the funds are
available. The projected phasing and construction schedule is estimated
as follows:
1. Phase 1 - Building A (Complete)
a. Uses Approximate Size
Doctor's Offices 6,000 sq. ft.
Retail Pharmacy 1,000 sq. ft.
EagleCare Clinic 2,000 sq. ft.
Administrative Office 15,000 sq. ft.
Physical Therapy 1,600 sq. ft.
Storage,~echanical 4.400 sq. ft.
Total 30,000 sq. ft.
b. Projected Date of Construction - Completed
Edwards Medical Center /
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
2. Phase 2 - Employee Housing
The provision of 42 employee spaces has been completed through an
agreement for off-site housing as approved on May 24, 1999 through
Eagle County Resolution No. 99-88.
3. Phase 3 - Building B
a Proposed Uses Approximate Size
Cancer Center 7,200 sq. ft.
Hospital Departments 10,850 sq. ft.
EagleCare Clinic 4,000 sq. ft.
Dining Facility 2,500 sq. ft.
Physician Offices 19,600 sq. ft.
Building Support Areas 15.850 sq. ft.
Total 60,000 sq. ft.
b. Projected Date of Construction - Completed
4. Phase 4 - Building D
Uses Approximate Size
a. Shaw Caring House 12,000 sq. ft
Patient & Caregiver Housing Facility
b. Projected Date of Construction 2005-2010
5. Phase 5 - Building C
Uses Approximate Size
a Physician's Offices 20,000 sq. ft.
e Ambulatory Patient Services)
Administrative and Hospital Offices
Support Services
b. Projected Date of Construction - 2005-2015
Edwards Medical Center I
Shaw Regional Cancer Center
Planned Unit Development Guide
Revised, April 25, 2005
6. Phase 6 - Building E
a. Medical Support Services
b. Projected Date of Construction 2010-2015
U. Final Plat
An approved final plat is required for each phase or combination of phases prior
to the issuance of a building permit or the commencement of any construction
activity for that phase or phases of the development. Prior to approval of each
final plat, the applicant will obtain approval ofthe County Engineer for all
engineering plans and otherwise demonstrate conformance with the applicable
provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations and this PUD Guide.
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