HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-053 Approval of Zone Change and Prelininary Plan for Siloam Springs PUD File No. ZC-00070 and PDP-00028 Commissioner moved adoption of the follow g Resolution: BOARD OF EAGLE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2005- 05~ APPROVAL OF THE ZONE CHANGE AND PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR THE SILOAM SPRINGS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT File No. ZC-00070 and PDP-00028 WHEREAS, on or about February 18, 2004 the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, accepted for filing an application submitted by Richard I. and Luanne Mayne, joint tenants representing the Thelma C. Bair Revocable Trust (hereinafter "Applicant") to request re-zoning of the property described herein in from the Resource (R) Zone District to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zone District, File No. ZC-00070, and to request approval of the Preliminary Plan for the Siloam Springs Planned Unit Development, Eagle County File No. PDP-00028; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Preliminary Plan and a Zone Change which would allow for the development as follows: A subdivision creating five (5) single family residential lots ranging in size from 2.8 acres to 5.0 acres on a 42.3 acre parcel located approximately 1 mile west of Dotsero on the north bank of the Colorado River. Approximately seventeen (17) acres would be set aside as common open space. Zoning would change from the existing Resource (R) designation to a designation of Planned Unit Development (PUD); and, WHEREAS, at its public hearing held March 16, 2005, the Eagle County Planning Commission, based on its findings, recommended approval of the proposed Zone Change from Resource to PUD, and the proposed Preliminary Plan of the Siloam Springs Planned Unit Development; and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter the "Board") of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on March 29,2005; and, WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, and study of the Master Plan for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments of the Eagle County Department of Community Development, comments of public officials and agencies, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and comments from all interested parties, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, finds as follows: That proper publication and public notice were provided as required by law for the hearings before the Planning Commission and the Board; and, Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations, Section 5-240.F.3.e. Standards for the review of a Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plan for a PUD: 1. Unified ownership or control. It IS represented that title to all land is owned or controlled by one (1) entity. 2. Uses. The uses that may be developed in the PUD ARE uses that are designated as uses that are allowed, allowed as a special use or allowed as a limited use in Table 3-300, "Residential, Agricultural and Resource Zone Districts Use Schedule" for the zone district designation in effect for the property at the time of the application for PUD. 3. Dimensional Limitations. The dimensional limitations that shall apply to the PUD ARE those specified III Table 3~340, "Schedule of Dimensional Limitations", for the zone district designation in effect for the property at the time of the application for PUD. 4. Off-Street Parking and Loading. The PUD DOES comply with the standards of Article 4, Division 1, Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards, without a necessity for a reduction in the standards. 5. Landscaping. The landscaping and illumination standards provided in the PUD DOES comply with the standards of Article 4, Division 2, Landscaping and Illumination Standards 6. Signs. No signs are proposed. However, any signs SHALL BE as provided in Section 4-340 D., Signs Allowed in a Planned Unit Development (PUD), of Eagle County's Land Use Regulations. 7. Adequate Facilities. The Applicant HAS demonstrated that the development proposed in the Preliminary Plan for PUD will be provided adequate facilities for potable water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, electrical supply, fire protection and roads, and will be conveniently located in relation to schools, police and fire protection, and emergency medical services. 8. Improvements. The Applicant HAS demonstrated that the improvements standards applicable to the development will be as specified in Article 4, Division 6, Improvements Standards. 9. Compatibility with Surrounding Land Uses. The development proposed for the PUD IS compatible with the character of surrounding land uses. 10. Consistency with Master Plan. The PUD IS consistent with the Master Plan, including, but not limited to, the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). 11. Phasing. A general phasing plan HAS been provided for this development. 12. Common Recreation and Open Space. The PUD DOES comply with the common recreation and open space standards with respect to: 1. Minimum area 2. Improvements required; 3. Continuing use and maintenance; and 4. Organization. 13. Natural Resource Protection. The PUD DOES consider the recommendations made by the applicable analysis documents available at the time the application was submitted, as well as the recommendations of referral agencies as specified in Article 4, Division 4, Natural Resource Protection Standards. 14. PUD Guide [Section 5-240.F.2.a.(8)] - The Applicant HAS submitted a PUD Guide setting forth the proposed land use restrictions. Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 5-280.B.3.e. Standards for the review of a Sketch and Preliminary Plan for Subdivision: 1. Consistency with Master Plan. The PUD IS consistent with the Eagle County Master Plan and the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) ofthe Master Plan. 2. Consistent with Land Use Regulations. The proposed subdivision DOES comply with all of the standards of this Section and all other provisions of these Land Use Regulations, including, but not limited to, the applicable standards of Article 3, Zone Districts, and Article 4, Site Development Standards. 3. Spatial Pattern Shall Be Efficient. The proposed subdivision IS located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, or require duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a "leapfrog" pattern of development. 4. Suitability for Development. The property proposed to be subdivided IS suitable for development, considering its topography, environmental resources and natural or man-made hazards that may affect the potential development of the property, and existing and probable future public improvements to the area. 5. Compatibility with Surrounding Uses. The proposed subdivision IS compatible with the character of existing land uses in the area, and SHALL NOT adversely affect the future development of the surrounding area. Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations, Section 5-230.D., Standards for determining whether to adopt, adopt with modifications, or disapprove the proposed amendment to the Official Zone District Map: 1. Consistency With Master Plan. The proposed amendment IS consistent with the purposes, goals, policies and FLUM of the Master Plan. 2. Compatible with Surrounding Uses. The proposed amendment IS compatible with existing and proposed uses surrounding the subject land, and it is an appropriate zone district for the land, considering its consistency with the purpose and standards of the proposed zone district. 3. Changed Conditions. There ARE changed conditions that require an amendment to modify the present zone district or its density/intensity. 4. Effect on Natural Environment. The proposed amendment DOES NOT result in significantly adverse impacts on the natural environment, including but not limited to water, air, noise, stormwater management, wildlife habitat, vegetation, and wetlands. 5. Community Need. The proposed amendment DOES meet a community need. 6. Development Patterns. The proposed amendment DOES result in a logical and orderly development pattern, DOES NOT constitute spot zoning, and CAN logically be provided with necessary public facilities and services. 7. Public Interest. The area to which the proposed amendment would apply HAS changed or IS changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado: THAT, the petition of Richard I. and Luanne Mayne, joint tenants representing the Thelma C. Bair Revocable Trust, for a Zoning Amendment to change from the Resource (R) Zone Districts to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zone District, File No. ZC-00070, be and is hereby approved for the following described property located in the unincorporated area of Eagle County: See Exhibit A, Legal Description, attached THAT, the application for approval of the Preliminary Plan for the Siloam Springs Planned Unit Development be and is hereby approved, subiect to compliance with the following conditions: 1) That all road safety improvements detailed in the memorandum dated 07/20/04 from Eagle County Engineering, including the installation of a guard rail on the access road, lighting in the box culvert, but excluding the requirement for pressure or motion activated signage at the tunnel entrances, shall be incorporated into the plan and made part of the public improvements required for the project at application for final plat. 2) That all road safety improvements detailed in the letter from TDA Colorado dated 10/30/04, and listed as conditions on the Colorado Department of Transportation Access Permit # 304163 (improvements which will subsequently be designed by the Applicant and approved by the Colorado Department of Transportation and Eagle County Engineering), be incorporated into the plan and made part of the public improvements required for the project at application for final plat. 3) That at application for final plat, the applicant shall propose a measure to collect fees from all property owners within the subdivision that will be reasonably sufficient to cover costs for the maintenance of the access road and the safety improvements installed at and around the Box Culvert which accesses the property. 4) That at application for final plat, the applicant shall propose a measure to collect fees from all property owners within the subdivision that will be reasonably sufficient to cover costs for the periodic inspection and maintenance of all individual sewage disposal systems (ISDS) with in the development. 5) That a note be provided on the final plat for Siloam springs that discloses the non- conforming status of the existing house on Lot # 5. The note shall indicate that no building or septic permits will be issued for improvements on Lot # 5 until such time that the house is relocated to the new building envelope. 6) That reference the letter from the Bureau of Land Management dated 07/14/04, permanent signs shall be placed along the southern perimeter of Lot #4 and Lot # 5 where private property abuts BLM lands. The installation of these signs shall be made part of the public improvements required for Siloam Springs at final plat. 7) That prior to any site grading, the Applicant shall obtain a Colorado Pollution Discharge Elimination System (CPDE) Permit, as referenced in the referral response from the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments. 8) That all residential structures shall be equipped with self contained fire suppression sprinkler systems per NFPA 13-D guidelines, as adopted by Eagle County. 9) That all material representations made by the Applicant in submitted materials and in public meetings shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval, unless otherwise amended by other conditions. THAT the Board of County Commissioners directs the Director of Community Development to enter this amendment on the appropriate page of the Official Zone District Map and to provide a copy of this Resolution to the applicant. THAT, the Silo am Springs Preliminary Plan map dated May 26,2004, attached hereto as Exhibit B is approved. THAT, the Siloam Springs PUD Guide, dated April 15, 2005, attached hereto as Exhibit C is approved. THAT the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ~ay of ,/?/" 2005, nunc pro tunc to the 29th day of March, 2005. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, by and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: By: Teak J. Sim nton Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Peter F. unyon, Commiss' ner ~ By: /' '. ., Commissioner Commissioner {~ seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Am M. Menconi ~ Commissioner Peter F. Runyon Commissioner Tom C. Stone This Resolution passed by ~ h vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Legal Description EXHIBIT A A parcel of land located in Tract 37 in Sections 6 and 7, Township 5 South, Range 86 West of the 6th P.M. and in Section 12, Township 5 South Range 87 West of the 6th P.M., and in Tracts 43 and 44 in Section 6, Township 5 South, Rang 86 West of the 6th P.M., ,Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Begjnn;ng at a braSs cap found at Angle Point 4 of said Tract 44, also being Angle Point 6 of said Tract 43; ~~~:;5~~;:A~:::~ee:~;~:t~~rlY line ()f said Tract 44 thence South 300.09 feet along the easterly line of said Tract 37 to the . centerline of the Colorado River; thence S. 490 37' 09" W. 667.08 feet along said centerline; thenceN. 83038' 22" W. 1095.72 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Interstate 70; thence N. 660 12' 30" E. 902.90 feet along ~d right of way line; thence N. 590 25' 30" E. 516.30 feet a:tong said right of way line; thence N. 50057' 30" E. 722.10 feet along said right of way line; thence N; 430 36' 00" E. 7'1.00 feet aiong sajd rightofway line; thence departing said right of way line, S. 450 30' 00" E. 300.00 feet to the centerline of the Colorado River; , thence N. 480 00' 00" E. 125.00 feet al~ng said ce.titerline; ,thence N. 330 10' 00" E. 55.00 feet aloJig said centerline; - ,thence N. 440 00' 00" E. 108.90 feet along said centerune; . , thence N. 450 30' 00" W. 300.39 feet to said Southerly right of way fip.e; thence N. 430 36' 00" E. 353.98 feet along .said Southerly right of Way line; thence S. 420 57' 00" E. 236.20 feet along said Southerly right of way line; thence N.490 22' 30" E. 770.16 feet along said Southerly right of way line to Line 3-4 of said Tract 43; thence N. 890 58' 50", E. 56.99 feet along said Line 3-4; thence South 1319.03 feet to the Southerly line of said Tract 43; thence N. 890 57' 47" feet along said Southerly line to the point of beginning. Except: A right of way for the Union Pacific Railroad across the above described Parcel, containing approximately 7.1 acres, County of Eagle, State of Colorado (for informational purposes only 2412 Hwy #6. I !/"--_..~:~ ..-.. ",. , ,: ./ ",. I ...,;0' , / , . , i . Ao.+- /" : /,/' , '1'7. "I ,.- " ",,,,if , /' '" I' , ",,,,,)/ '" , '" "" I / t -,,,,'" I ,/ /' I' ,,"" , "" , '" , '" \.EGAI. DrSCI'llP'IlQl: / / : __,," _ _ _ ',' A parcoI of ..... Iocolad '" TnIct n I ,," /' k III'W-':= . ,.w. _ " ....... I. T__ S SolI / ' ,,'" , SIctIon a. T_,,",. S SoIIlII. 1laftge II / '" I' , .-., . """'-, " , " , hgM:&ote_cc;fotNotAno / /: - ~ , : t::.. I. 1n7'2O" W. f~f"44 feet <II I' / I g '~'coIIltfofIllld1Not:s7; ", Ill.- Saull\ :soo.oo feet III"", 1IIe .' , I , INnCe So .w3TllI" W. H7.lll1 fMt... I / I " Ill.- No lI3"3lI'22" W. 10Ill.72 fMt t , " Ill.- No trl2'Wt. toUCl fMt ~/ I ' , Ill.- No IlI'2ll'3O" r. 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Auguet U. 21m -~ 11M ........ ..... ... ___ ...... ...... e IE --" ftalIIMnt .. ...... by EaQM Counq. Ir.WIO IAII': SllI'S7'2lI"W '*"-' fouIIII ..... c:e _..Ie ot '" 4 hot oM .. '" I hot n. lIQUIIN1I: o r-.cl :t 1/4" USGI.D ..... c:e .. I" ,.. . r_ QlOl' IIgIIt-of-IIO)' __ IlISetI5_IIIlII~..LStm 5 EXHIBIT B ............-.. PReI.AIHARY PLAT SI.OAAI SPRINGS N 1RAC11 >>. 43, AHO -44 H&'S'jj' SEC'IIONS 1 AND 7, T 0 S. R II WEST AND lOG SEcnoN 1. T 5 S. R 17 WEST OF 8TH P.... EAU CClUNTY. <:a.oRAOo Wfox~ DA'II: WAY" :tOO4 ~~137 .a NO. O:S-21S rX1C t70-82....t80:t DOT~ EXHIBIT C PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT GUIDE SILOAM SPRINGS April 15, 2005 1. Introduction This Planned Unit Development Guide is the land use control document for the Siloam Springs Planned Unit Development. This document establishes the land use, development controls and building standards for any and all construction within this project's boundaries. Any matter not explicitly addressed in this document is regulated by the Eagle County Land Use Regulations as may be amended. II. Administration 1. Purpose: The purpose of the Planned Unit Development Guide (Guide) is to ensure the orderly development of the Siloam Springs Planned Unit Development. The Guide substitutes the standard zoning provisions of Eagle County Land Use Regulations with site-specific provisions based on a detailed examination of the property and its proposed residential use. The provisions contained within this Planned Unit Development Guide replace those of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. 2. Enforcement: Eagle County shall enforce the provision set forth in this Guide through the refusal to approve any application for building permit or certificate of occupancy for any building or structure within this property if it is not in compliance with this Planned Unit Development Guide. 3. Conflict: The specific provisions contained within this Guide shall take precedence over the provisions contained elsewhere in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. Where this Planned Unit Development Guide is not full and explicit, the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, as amended from time to time, shall apply. III. Permitted Land Uses 1. Residential: A. Single Family Residential Homes on Lots 1 through 5. B. One accessory building will be allowed on each Single Family Residential Lot as provided in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. C. Home Occupations as defined in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. 2. Open Space: A. Paths and fishing for residents of the Planned Unit Development. 3. Road / Access: A. Access is allowed only within designated road or access easements as shown on the Final Plat. B. Access to any property across the Interstate 70 fence is absolutely prohibited. In addition, crossing of this Access Control Line is prohibited by the State of Colorado. C. All access to this subdivision is limited to the II-foot high by 12- foot wide box culvert. Conventional 9-yard concrete delivery trucks and large cross-country moving vans cannot fit through this culvert. IV. Dimensional Limitations 1. Maximum Floor Area* Lot 1: 4,000 s.f. Lot 2: 4,000 s.f. Lot 3: 4,000 s.f. Lot 4: 4,000 s.f. Lot 5: 4,000 s.f. *Garages, Basements as defined by Eagle County Land Use Regulations and Accessory Buildings are not included in Floor Area calculations. 2 2. Maximum Impervious Lot Coverage'" Lot 1: .15 Lot 2: .15 Lot 3: .15 Lot 4: .15 Lot 5: .15 * Net developable as defined in ECLUR 3. Building Height: 35 feet measured to the top of the ridge of the roof 4. Building Setbacks: All construction must be located within the setbacks shown on the Final Plat. However, ground level patios and decks are permitted within the building setbacks, subject to the following limitations: a. They do not encroach into riparian habitat. All riparian areas along the river should be preserved and enhanced using guidelines from Eagle County. b. They do not encroach within 20 feet of a side lot line. c. They do not encroach into the 50-foot high-water setback. d. No decks or patios allowed within the north setback line. 5. Fire Break: A minimum 30-foot wide area of maintained lawn or other low combustion material approved by Eagle County shall be provided between natural, undisturbed vegetation on the property and any residential structure. If trees and bushes are provide around the perimeter of the homes, this 30 foot wide buffer to the natural, undisturbed vegetation shall be measured from the outside drip line of the trees and bushes planted around the home. No riparian vegetation shall be disturbed as part of this requirement for 30-foot wide buffer. V. Construction Requirements 1. Roofing: Class A rated roofing is required on all buildings. 2. Building Materials: 3 A. All construction shall meet the adopted Fire Code. B. No highly reflective exterior building materials are permitted with the exception of glass. C. All exterior color of building materials shall be earth-tone, generally reflecting the colors of the surrounding earth, rocks and vegetation. 3. Fireplaces: W ood-buming fireplaces and wood-burning stoves are permitted only in accordance with Eagle County Regulations. 4. Individual Sewer Disposal Systems: All systems shall be designed to include a secondary treatment tank approved by Eagle County. (See required maintenance provision in Section VIII of this Planned Unit Development Guide) The Homeowners Association is required to identify a secondary wastewater treatment system and recommended maintenance schedule acceptable to the Eagle County Environmental Health Department. The property owner is required to utilize this recommended system in his/her Individual Sewer Disposal System application to Eagle County. The Homeowners Association shall be the responsible entity for maintaining the Individual Sewer Disposal System's within the Siloam Springs Planned Unit Development. 5. One single-form roof is prohibited on any house larger than 2,600 sq. ft. VI. Landscaping/Lighting and Signage Requirements/Maintenance 1. Landscape Plan: It is the goal of the landscape concept to respect the existing conditions. Natural dry-land vegetation group is pervasive in the general vicinity. Disturbance to the natural landscape is only permitted around the home or outbuilding. Riparian areas along the river are to be protected and enhanced where they have been degraded. Any enhancement of riparian areas must be reviewed and approved by Eagle County. 4 A minimum 30-foot wide maintained lawn area is required around the house to provide a firebreak from the house to the native vegetation. Trees and bushes are permitted around the perimeter of the house. In such cases, the 30 foot wide lawn area can be placed between the trees and bushes and the edge of the native material. A minimum of 8 trees and 12 bushes are required to be planted on each lot in association with the home. Trees shall be a minimum caliper of 1.5 inches for deciduous and 6 foot high for evergreen. Bushes shall be 5- gallon size. Two of the 8 trees are required to be planted along the access road. On Lots 1 and 2, 4 of the trees and 6 of the bushes shall be located on the west side of homes in a fashion to buffer the homes from views of 1-70. 2. Lighting: A. All illumination of the building entrances and signage shall be downlit with concealed luminaries. Any driveway intersection light posts will also use down lighting. B. Deck Lighting will be permitted provided that such lights comply with above standard and that no glare is cast on adjacent units. C. Maximum Height of Driveway Lighting: 10 ft. 3. Fences: A. Any fence constructed within the Siloam Springs PUD must be no higher than 42 inches with an opening in the lower half of the fence of at least 16 inches to allow passage of deer fawns and elk calves unless approved in writing from the Colorado Division of Wildlife. VII. Miscellaneous 1. Domestic Animals: A. Occupants are allowed a maximum of two licensed dogs per dwelling unit. All other domestic animals are regulated by Eagle County and State of Colorado Standards. B. A series of escalating fines for owners allowing their dogs to run loose will be incorporated into the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. 5 C. All dogs must be controlled in accordance with Colorado Division of Wildlife regulations. 2. Livestock: A. No large livestock shall be allowed in this project. Large livestock include, but not limited to, horses, cows, mules and llamas. However, a maximum of five small livestock weighing less than 150 Ibs. at maturity, such as sheep, rabbits, goats and fowl are permitted. 3. Trash: Any overnight storage of trash outside must be contained within Bear- Proof Trash Receptacles approved by the Colorado Division of Wildlife. The Homeowners Association will contract with a private haul company to provide weekly trash removal. service to the subdivision. 4. Outside Storage: Any outside storage must be screened from neighboring properties and the 1-70 view corridor. VIII. Maintenance 1. The access road from Lot 5 to Lot 3 has been constructed as part of this subdivision and shall be maintained by the Homeowners Association. The access road from the north side of 1-70 to the east side of Lot 5 is located within the 1-70 Right of Way. This portion of the access road is provided basic maintenance by Colorado State Highway Department. However, the Homeowners Association is responsible for providing this road with supplemental snow removal and street sweeping services on an as-needed basis. As required by the State Highway Access Permit for this subdivision, the Homeowners Association is responsible for the maintenance of all signage and the convex mirror installed on the access road. 2. The cistern provided for firefighting shall be maintained in proper working order by the Homeowners Association. 3. The open space within the Planned Unit Development shall be maintained by the Homeowners Association. This open space is to be generally 6 maintained in its natural, undisturbed condition. Paths are permitted in the open space on the north side of the Colorado River. Maintenance will primarily be to ensure that the property is litter free and an attractive natural open space area. 4. The Homeowners Association shall maintain all of the Individual Sewer Disposal Systems within the Planned Unit Development pursuant to the manufacturers recommended maintenance schedule. The Homeowners Association shall maintain a fund sufficient to provide the aforementioned maintenance responsibilities. Maintenance records shall be provided to Eagle County Environmental Health Department. The designee of the Homeowners Association has the right of entry onto all lots within the Planned Unit Development limited to the purpose of inspecting and maintaining the Individual Wastewater Disposal Systems. 7