HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-037 Amending the Land Use Regulations - Matters of State Interest File No. LUR-0053
Commissioner~ moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO. 2005- -?:''J
Eagle COllnty File No. LUR-0053
WHEREAS, the Bollrd of County Commis8ioners of Eagle, State of Colorado
limited 10, CRS. 24-65.1-101 et~, and C.RS, 30-28-101, etM., to plan for and regulate the
use and development to land in the unincorporaled territory of the Count yofEagle, State of
Colorado, for the purpose of promoting thehealth,safety, convenien ce, order, prosperity, and
we]fare of the present and future inhabitants of the County of Eagle; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to such authority, the Board has adopted wning, subdivision, and
document entitled "Eagle County Land Use Regulations" (hereinaner the "E.CLU.R."), pursuant
to Resolution No. 82-26, and as subsequently amended; and
WHEREAS, C.RS. 30-28-]16, and Section 5-230 of the E.CLU.R, respectively,
provide that, from time to time, the Board may amend the number, shape, boundaries, or area of
any district, or llllY regulation of or within such district, or any oth er provi8ions of the County's
WHEREAS, CR.S. 30-28-133, and Section 5.230 of the E.C.L.UR, provide for the
adoption and amendment of regulations and subdivision regnlations by the Board; and
WHEREAS, on or about January 25, 2005 the Eagle County Department of Community
Development initiated proposed amendments to Articles Two and Three of Chapter Two, and
Chapter Six of the E.C.L.U.R, in erder to incorporate revisions pertaining to Eagle County
Guidellnes and Regulations for Matters of State Interest. Such proposed amendments were
referred to both the Eag]e County Planning Commission and the Roaring Fork Valley Regional
Planning Commission for their review and comment; and
WHEREAS, thc Eagle County Planning Commission reviewed the proposed
amendments on March 2, 2005, and certified their comments and recommendations with respect
thereto to the Board; and
WHEREAS, the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission reviewed the
proposed amendments on March 3, 2005, llllli certified their comments and recommendations
with respect thereto to the Board; and
WHEREAS, after public notice was given pursuant to law, the Board held a public
hearing to consider comments on such proposed amendments on March 15,2005, in the Board of
County Commissioners' meeting room, in the Eagle County Building, Eagle, Colorado; and
WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits and study ofthe Master Plan for
the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments of the Eagle County Department of
Community Development. comments of public officials and agencies, recommendation ofthe
Planning Commission and comments from all interested parties, the &lard hereby detennines
that the proposed amendments to Articles Two and Three of Chapter Two, and Chapter Six of
theE.C,L.U,R., are necessary and proper for the protection of the public he alth,safety,we1fare
and best interellt of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado:
THAT, the proposed amendments have been referred to the appropriate municipalities
and agencies for their advisory opinions; the appropriate hearings have been conducted after
proper notice; and there has been compliance with all applicable standards for amendment
contained within the E,C.L.U.R.
THAT, Articles Two and Three of Chapter Two, and Chapter Six of the Eagle County
Land Use Regulations are hereby amended, effective IMMEDIATELY, to read as set forth in
Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and incorporaled herein by this reference,
THAT, this amendment of Articles Two and Three of Chapter Two, llllli Chapter Six of
theE.C.L.U.R.shallnotconslitutenorbeconSlruedasawaiverofanyviolationsexisting at the
lime of adoption of this ResolutiolL
THAT, the Director of Community Development is hereby directed to transmit a true and
correct copy of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, as amended, to the Colorado Land
Use Commission.
l1IAT, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word of this Resoluti on,
including the attached Exhibit 'A',bedeclaredbyaCourl OfC<:ltllpetentjurisdiction tobeinvaJid,
such decision shall not affect the validity of this Resolution as a whole or any parts t hereof,other
than the part so declared to be invalid. For this pwpose, this Resolution is declared 10 be
THAT, except as expressly altered, modified and changed in this Amendment, all terms
and provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall remain in full force and effect,
and bereby are ratified andconfinned in a!1 respects as of the date hereof.
THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public bealth, safety, and welfare oftbe
inhabitants ofthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED hythe Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its reguiarmeeting held the 29th day ofMarcb, 2005,
nuncpro tunc to the ISthdayofMarch, 2005.
COLORADO, by and Through Its
c:::;:,:::r .
BY:~'~):Yl . .
Teak J. Simonton
Clerk to the Board of
Commissioner (6~'Y~ seconded adoption oftbe foregoing Resolution. The roll
havingbeencalled,tb ote was as follows:
Commissioner AmM. MenC(l~d'
Commissioner Peter F. Runyon tf!-
Commissioner Tom C. Stone 1\-.
mcans (I) the expansion of existing domestic water treatment capacityorstol'age; or(2) aJIY
eJCtensionofexistingwatersupplyS)'li1etns to service anadditionaJ developntent density often
(lO) or more residenual dwelling units or the equivalent the:reofin otber uses.
any modification of an existing sewage treatment plant to increase hydraulic capacity or upgrade
treatment capability or any extension of existing main concctor sewer lines or any increase in
capacity of existing main sewer lines or any extensions to serve a total development density of
ten (10) ormoredwelling units or the equivalent thereofinotberuses.
MAJOR NEW DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM means anew water supplYaystem or water
treatment plant ifsuch synem or plant is designed to senre a total often (10) or more residential
dwelling units or the equivalent thereof. (See Water and Sewer Projects.)
wastewater treatment plant, group of wastewater- systems or collec,:tor system designed to treat the
wastewater generated by ten (10) or more residential dwelling units or the equivalent thereof in
components that provide water ormayprovide water-in the future either directlyor by exchange
snowmakingprojcet are limited to (i) thoaetbrough which water is diverted and/or stored for
snowmaking. and (ii) pemtal!cnt distribution systems and components that lUe not otherwise
regulated by state,or federal regulations.
WATER STORAGE FACILITY means any enclosed structure, capable of hOlding five thousand
(5,000) gallons or more, either above or below groUnd and that is used to store water forpublic
consurnption or fire protection. '
WATER AND SEWER PROJEers. The Site Selection and Couslruction of Major New
Domestic Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems, Major Extensions of Existing Domestic
Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems, and Efficient Utilization ofMunicipai and Industrial
Water Projects, including any propo!ed land development directly related to !uch Project ifsuch
development is to be located wholly or Partially within this County and if such development
speciticallygenerates the need for the Project.
I. WATER AND SEWER PROJECTS shall comply with the following standards:
a, Abstract. The applicant shall submit an abstract of the proposal indicating the
sC{)Jle and need for the facility.
b. State Review. Preliminlll)'review and comment on theproposai by the
appropriate agency oflbe Colorado Department of Natural Resources and the Colorado
Department of Health shall be provided within sixty (60) days of submission of the application to
c, Alternatives. Alternatives to the proposed facilityshal1 beevalllllted,
including but not limited to a1teffilltive locations and the no development alternative.
d. Demographic Data. Any demographic data needed to fulfil1 the requirements
of this Section shall be consistent with the data used for the 208 Areawide Waste Treatment
Management Planning for Region XII, Colorado.
2. Waiver Provisloa. The Special Review Use permit application for WATERAND
SEWER PROJEers maybe waived in whole or in part by the Board of County
Commissioners upon a written petition by the applicant shOWing that:
a A permit application pursuant to Chapter6,sectionsonethough five of the
Eagle County Guidelines and Regulations for Matters of State Interest has been submitted to the
Eagle County Permit Authority relative to this land use which would be the subject ofa special
use pennit application.
b. Compliance with the Special Review Use permit requirements would be
unreasonably burdensome for the applicant.
Such a waiver may be granted upon a determination by the Board ofCoUllty
Commissioners that requiring a Special Review Use permit in addition to the permits(s) required
under the Eagle County Guidelines and Regulations for Matters of State Interest would serve no
further legitimate planning, zoning or other land use objective.
6.01.01 Title and Citation 1
6.01.02 Purpose and Findings 1
6.01.03 Authority 2
6.01,04 Applicability 2
6.01.05 Interpretation with Other Enactments and Plans 2
6.01.06 Duties of the Board of County Commissioners 3
6.01.07 Permit Authority Established 3
6.01,08 Severability 3
6.01.09 Definitions 3
6.02.01 General 8
6.02.02 Designation Proposals 8
6.02.03 Moratorium 8
6.02.04 Public Hearing Required 8
6.02.05 Conlent of Notice of Public Hearing 9
6.02.06 Matters to be Considered at Designation Hearings 9
6.02.07 Record of Designation Proceeding 10
6.02.08 Adoption of Designation and Regulations 10
6.02.09 Review by the Land Use Commission 11
6.02.10 ReCOrding the Notice of Designation 11
6.02.11 Effect of Designation - Moratorium Until Final Determination 11
6.02,12 Exemptions, 11
6.03,01 Permit or Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Required After Designation 13
6.03.02 Pre-application Procedure 13
6.03.03 Determination 14
6.03.04 Application Fee 15
6.03.05 Permit Application Procedure 15
6,03.06 Application Submittal Requirements 16
6.03.07 Additional Submittal Requirements Applicable to Municipal
and Industrial Water Projects 25
6.03.08 Additiona! Submittal Requirements Applicable to Major
New Domestic Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems
and Major Extensions of Existing Domestic Water and
Wastewater Treatment Systems 26
6.03.09 Conduct of Permit Hearing 26
, (je)
6,03.10 Approval or Denial of the Permit Application
by the Permit Authority 26
6.03.11 Issuance of the Permit 27
6,03.12 Permit Amendment 28
6.03.13 Combined Designation and Permit Hearing 29
6.04,01 Permit Application Approval Criteria for
Matters of State Interest 30
6.04.02 Additional Criteria Applicable to Municipal
andlndustrialWaterProjecls 31
6.04.03 Additional Criteria Applicable to Major New Domestic Water
and Wastewater Treatment Systems and Major Extensions
of Existing Domeslic Water and Wastewater Treatment
Systems 32
6.04.04 Financial Guarantee Required 32
6.04.05 Amount of Guarantee 33
6.04.06 Estimate 3.
6.04.07 Form of Guarantee 34
6,04.08 Release of Guarantee 3'
6.04.09 Cancellation of the Guarantee 35
6.04.10 Forfeiture of Guarantee 35
6.04.11 Substitute Guarantee 36
6,05.01 Enforcement and Penalties 37
6.05.02 Permit Suspension or Revocation 37
6.05.03 Transfer of Permits 37
6.05.04 Inspection 38
6.05.05 Judicial Review 38
ii (j!)
Chapter 6
6.01.01 Title and Citation.
These Regulations are entitled and may be cited as the "Eagle County
Guidelines and Regulations for Matters of Stale Interest"
6.01.02 Purpose and Flndlnas.
(1) The general purpose of these Regulations is to facilitate the
identification, designation, and administration of matters of state
interest consistent with the statutory requirements and the criteria
set forth in Section 24-65.1.101, et sag., C.R.S.
(2) The specific purposes of these Regulations are:
(,) To promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the
citizens and to protect the environment of Eagle County.
(b) To protect the beauty of the landscape and natural scenic
characteristics, to preserve and protect important
archeological and historic sites, 10 protect and enhance
wildlife habitat, air and water quality, and 10 conserve natural
(0) To ensure that new development will pay for itseif to the
maximum extent practicable, and to ensure thai present
residents of Eagle County will not have to subsidize new
development through increased cost of public services
and/or degradation of the quality of life.
(d) To plan for and regulate the site selection, construction,
expansion, and operation of matters of slate interest 10
facilitate the planned and orderly use of land as
recommended by the Eagle County Master Plan.
(e) To regulate the use of land on the basis of the financial and
environmental impact thereof on the community or
surrounding areas within the development area and source
development area.
(3) The Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County finds that:
, -Y
('I The notice and public hearing requirements of Section
24-65.1-404, C.R,S. have been followed.
{b} These Regulations are necessary because of the intensity of
current and foreseeable development pressures on and
within Eagle County.
{o} These Regulations were adopted after taking into
consideration applicable guidelines adopted and issued by
the Colorado Land Use Commission.
6.01.03 Authority,
These Regulations are authorized by, inter alia, Section 24-65.1-101,.ro
gm,.; Section 30-28-101, at sea.; Section 30-28-201, at sea.; Section 29-
20-101, at 56<1.; and Section 24-32-111, C.R.S.
6.01.04 Applicabllitv.
These Regulations shall apply to the designation and regulation of any
area or activity of state interest whOlly or partially in the unincorporated
areas of Eagle County whether on public or private land that has been or
may hereafter be designated by the Board of County Commissioners of
Eagle County, Designations in effect as of the date of these Reguiations
(1) Site selection and construction of major new water and sewage
treatment systems and major extension of existing domestic water
and sewage treatment systems.
(2) Efficient utilization of municipal and industrialwalerprojects.
6.01.05 lntel1>>'8tation with Other Enactments and Plans.
(1) Whenever the provisions of these Regulations are found to be
inconsistent with any other resolution, ordinance, code, regulation,
other enactment or master pian of Eagle County, the enactment
imposing the more restrictive standards or requirements shall
{2} If these Regulations are found to be less stringent U1an the
statutory criteria for administration of matters of state interest set
forth in Section 24-65.1-202, C.R.S., the stalulory criteria shail
, (/3)
(3) If lhese Regulations are found 10 be mora stringent than the
statutory criteria for administration of matters of state interest sel
forth in Sections 24-85.1-202 and 24.94.1 204, C.R.S., these
Regulations shall control pursuant 10 the authorfty of Section
24-65.1-402(3), C,R.S.
(4) Nothing in these Regulations exempts an applicant from
compliance with any other applicable County requirements or other
state, federal or local requirements.
(5) No federal, state, or local approval to carry out a development or
activity shall preempt or otherwise obviate the need 10 comply with
these Regulations.
6.01.06 Duties of the Board of County Commissioners.
Unless otherwise specifically provided, ;t shall be the duty of the Board of
County Commissioners to perform all functions set forth in these
6.01.07 Permit Authoritv Established.
(1) The Board shall seNe as the Permit Authority.
(2) The Pannit Authority shall exercise all powers and duties granled ft
by these Regulations.
6.01.08 Severabilltv.
If any section, clause, provision, or portion of thesa Regulations should be
found to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by a court of competent
jurisdiction, the remainder of these Regulations shall not be affected
Ihereby and is hereby declared to be necessary for the public health,
safety and welfare.
6.01.09 Definitions.
The words and terms used in these Regulations shaJl have the meanings
set forth below unless the context requires othelWise:
(1) Adverse, Unfavorable, harmful, negative.
(2) Affected Party. Any person with an interest in the outcome of the
permit decision for the Project.
(3) Aquifer RecharQe Area. Any area where surface waters may
, rid)
infiltrate to a water bearing structure of permeated rock, sand or
gravel. This definition also includes wells used for disposal of
wastewater or other toxic pollutants.
(4) Board, Board of County Commissioners, County of Eagle, State of
(5) Board of County Commissioners. Board of County Commissioners,
County of Eagle, State of Colorado. (See also Pennit Authority)
(6) Collector or collection sYStem, A network of pipes and condulls
through which sewage flows to a sewage treatment plant.
(7) County. Eagle County, Colorado,
(8) DesiQnation. That legal procedure specffied by Section
24-65,1-101, et seq., C,R.S, and the revocation or amendment of
such designation as carried out by the Board of County
(9) Determination. The Director's decision whether a Project qualifies
for a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or requires a Permit.
(10) Development. Any construction or activity which changes the basic
character or the use of the land on which the construction or activity
(11) Director, Director of Community Development Department of Eagle
County, the acting Director or his designee.
(12) Distribution system, A network of storage facilities, tanks, pipes
and conduits through which water is piped and stored or through
which water Is piped for exchange or trade.
(13) Domestic water and sewaae treatment sYStem, A wastewater
treatment plant, water treatment plant, water supply system, and
any system of pipes, structures, and faciiities through which water
and wastewater is collected for treatment.
(a) Wastewater treatment plant means the facility or group of
units, including the collection system, used for treatment of
wastewater from sewer systems and for the reduction and
handling of solids and gases removed from such wastes.
(b) Water supplv system means the system of pipes, structures,
distribution systems and facilities through which a water
, Ii,)
, .
supply is obtained, collected, stored, treated and sold or
distributed or the system of pipes as well as structures and
facilities through which a water supply is obtained.
(e) Water treatment Dlanl means the facility or facilities within
the water supply system that can alter the physical, chemical
or bacteriological quality of the water.
(14) Efficient utilization of water. The employment of methods and
procedures to encourage use of water that will yield the greatest
possible benefits including environmental, aesthetic, ecological,
domestic, agricultural, industrial and recreational benefits.
(15) Impact. Any alteration or change to the natural or human
environment resulting directly or indirectly from development
(16) Impact Area. Those geographic areas in which impacts are likely to
be caused by the Project. Impact Areas may include areas within the
boundaries of another political subdivision if the County had entered
into an intergovernmental agreement providing for cooperative
regulation of impacts that may occur within the boundaries of both the
County and the political subdivision.
(17) Industrial uses. Manufacturing; mineral processing, exploration or
extraction; snowmaking; commercial recreational seNices and
operations; and other uses that are neither municipal, domestic, nor
(18) Matter of state interest. An area of state interest or an activity of
state interest or both.
(19) Maior extension of existina domestic wastewater treatment sYStem.
Any modification of an existing sewage treatment piant to increase
hydraulic capacity or upgrade treatment capability, or any extension of
existing main collector sewer lines, or any increase in capacity of
existing main sewer lines or any extensions to seNe a total
development density of ten (10) or more dwelling units or the
equivalent thereof in other uses.
(20) Maior extension of existina domestic water treatment sYstem.
(1) The expansion of existing domestic water treatment capacity or
storage; or (2) any extension of existing water supply systems to
seNice an additional development density of ten (10) or more
residential dwelling units (SFE) orthe equivalent thereof in other uses.
, ~J
(21) Maior new domesticwastewatertrealmentsystem, A new wastewater
treatment plant, group of wastewater systems or collector system
designed to treat the wastewater generated by ten (10) or more
residential dwelling units (SFE) orthe equivalent thereof in other uses.
(See Water and Sewer Projects.)
(22) Maior new domestic water sYStem. A new water supply system
or water treatment plant if such system or plant is designed to serve a
total of ten (10) or more residential dwelling units (SFE) or the
equivalent thereof. (See Water and Sewer Projects.)
(23) Material Chanae. Any change in the Project as approved by the
Permit AuthorilY which Significantly changes the nature of impacts
considered by the Permit Authority in approval of the original Permit
as determined by the Director.
(24) Mitioation. Avoiding an impact; minimizing impacts by limiting the
degree or magnitude of the action or its implementation; rectifying the
impact by repairing, rehabilitating or restoring the impact area, facility
or service; or compensation for the impact by replacing or providing
for the replacement of biologicai or physical conditions, services or
(25) Municipal and industrial water oroiects. Systems and all related
components that provide water or may provide water In the future
either directly or by exchange for municipal and industrial uses;
provided, however, "systems and related components" for a
snowmaking project are limited to (i) those through which water is
diverted and/or stored for snowmaking, and (Ii) permanent distribution
systems and components that are not otherwise regulated by state or
federal regulations.
(26) Permit Authoritv. The Board of County Commissioners, or its
(27) Person. Any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability
company, association, company or other pubiic or corporate body,
including the federal government, and any political subdivision,
agency, instrumentality, or corporation of the State or the United
States government.
(28) Proiect. The proposed development for which a Permit is sought
under these Regulations.
(29) Reoulatlons. These regulations for matters of state interest and
guidelines as the terms are used In Section 24-65.1-101, et seo.,
. (11)
(30) SFE. One single family dwelling unit, or the equivalent thereof, which
is defined by the in-house use of an average of 300 gallons of water
per day orthe generation of an average of 300 gallons of sewage per
day (synonymous with EQR).
(31) Sionlficant. DeseNing to be considered; important; notable and not
(32) Water and Sewer Proiects. The Site Selection and Construction of
Major New Domestic Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems,
Major Extensions of Existing Domestic Water and Wastewater
Treatment Systems, and Efficient Utilization of Municipal and
Industrial Water Projects, including any proposed land development
directly related to such Project if such development is to be located
wholly or partially within this County and if such development
specifically generates the need for the Project.
, (jiJ
6.02.01 General.
The designation process set forth in this section shall apply to the
designation of any matter of state interest after the effective date of these
Regulations. The designation process shall not apply to those matters of
state interest designated by the Board of County Commissioners prior to the
effective date of these Regulations, which designations shall remain in effect.
Designations In effect are:
III Site selection and construction of major new water and sewage
treatment systems and major extension of existing domestic water
and sewage treatment systems.
121 Efficient utilization of municipal and industrial water projects.
6.02.02 Desianatlon Proposals.
Designations and amendments or revocations of designations of areas or
activities of state interest may be initiated in two ways:
I'l The Board of County Commissioners may propose a designation.
121 The Colorado Land Use Commission may submit a formal request to
the Soard of County Commissioners to designate a specific matter of
state interest within the County of Eagle.
6.02.03 Moratorium.
Upon receipt by the County of a proposal to designate a matter of state
interest by the Colorado land Use Commission, no person shall engage in
development in the area or conduct the activltydescribed in the proposal until
the Board has held a hearing and issued an order relating thereto.
6.02.04 Public Hearlna Reauired.
III The Board of County Commissioners shall hold a public hearing
before designating and adopting regulations for any matter of state
interest or amending or repealing said designation or regulations.
Notice of the hearing shall be sent to the Colorado land Use
Commission and shail be published not less than thirty (30) days nor
more than sixty (60) days prior to the hearing.
121 if the Colorado land Use Commission submits a formal request for
designation of a matter of state interest, a public hearing to
8 \..--,j
consider the request shall be held within ninety (90) days after
receipt of the formal request.
6.02.05 Content of Notice of Public Hearina.
111 The Board of County Commissioners shall prepare a notice of the
designation hearing, which shall include:
1'1 The time and place of the hearing.
I') The place at which materials relating to the matter to be
designated and any guidellnes and regulaUons for the
administration thereof may be examined.
lei The telephone number or e-mail address where inquiries
may be answered.
Idl A description of the area or activity proposed to be designated
in sufficient detail to provide reasonable notice as to the
property to be included in the designation or the type of activity
to be designated.
6.02.06 Matters to be Considered at Designation Hearlnas.
111 At the designation hearing, the Board of County Commissioners
shall consider such evidence as may appear appropriate including,
(,) The intensity of current and foreseeable development
1'1 Model regulations issued by the Colorado Land Use
121 The Board of County Commissioners shall hear testimony and receive
evidence and shall include in any designation:
1'1 The boundaries of the proposed area.
1'1 Reasons why the particular area or acUvity is of state interest,
the dangers that would result from uncontrolled development of
any such area or uncontrolled conduct of such activity, and the
advantages of development of such area or conduct of such
activity in a coordinated manner.
, ~)
6.02.07 Record of Desianation Proceedina.
111 The Board of County Commissioners will collect and preseNe the
following record of the public hearing, at a minimum:
1'1 Notice of the hearing.
Ibl Certificate of publication of the notice.
1'1 Names and addresses of persons who presented written or
oral statements.
Idl Evidence of the identification of the matter of state interest
proposed to be designated.
1'1 Written findings concerning each of the matters referred to in
section 6.02.06.
(2) Any person may, at his own expense, provide for the recording and
transcription of the hearing and a copy of the recording and transcript
shall be furnished free of charge to the Board of County
Commissioners and shall become part of the record.
6.02.08 Adoption of Desianation and Reaulations.
(1) Within thirty (3D) days after completion of the designation hearing, the
Board of County Commissioners may adopt, adopt with modification,
or reject the proposed designation. If the designation and/or
regulation under Section 24-65.1-101, et sell., C.R.S., is rejected, the
Board of County Commissioners may at its discretion regulate the
matter under any other available land use controi authority or it may
reject the regulation of the matter entirely.
121 Such action shall be taken by resolution.
131 Wheneverlhe Board of County Commissioners finallydeterrnines that
any matter is a matter of state interest, it shall be the Board's duty to
designate such matter and adopt regulations for the administration
(4) Each designation order adopted by the Board of County
Commissioners shall as a minimum:
1'1 Specify the boundaries of the designated area orthe boundary
of the area in which an activity of state interest has been
" 0-1)
Ibl State reasons why the particular area or activity is of state
interest, the dangers thai would result from uncontrolled
development of any such area or uncontrolled conduct of such
activity, and the advantages of development of such area or
conduct of such activity in a coordinated manner.
(0) Specify the regulations applicable to the designated matter
of state interest.
6.02.09 Review by the land Use Commission.
Upon adoption of a designation order, all relevant materials including the
record of any public hearing relating to the designation and regulations, as
described in section 6.02.07, shall be forwarded by the Board of County
Commissioners to the Colorado Land Use Commission for review. If, within
thirty (3D) days after receipt of a designation order and regulations, the land
Use Commission has notified the Board of County Commissioners that
modification of the designation or regulations is recommended, the Board of
County Commissioners shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the
recommended modifications:
111 Modify ''''' original order ;0 , manner consistent with 'h,
recommendations of the Coiorado Land Use Commission and
resubmit the order to the Colorado land Use Commission, or
121 Notify the Colorado Land Use Commission thai the Colorado Land
Use Commission's recommendations are rejected.
6.02.10 Recordina the Notice of Deslanation.
A notice of the designation shan be certified by the Board of County
Commissioners to the County Clerk and Recorder for filing in the same
manner as any document affecting real property.
6.02.11 Effect of Deslanatlon - Moratorium Until Final Determination.
After a matter of state interest is designated pursuant to this Section 6.02, no
person shall engage in development in such area and no such activity shaH
be conducted until the designation and regulations for such area or activity
are finally determined as required by Section 24"65.1-404{4), C.R.S.
6.02.12 Exemptions.
The portions of these Regulations or modification of existing permit
authorized exclusiveiy under Section 24-65.1-101, et sea., C.R.S_ shall not
" 6))
apply to any development in an area of state interest or any activity of
state interest which meets anyone of the following conditions:
111 As of May 17, 1974:
1'1 The development or activity was covered by a current
building permit issued by the County of Eagle; or
1'1 The development or activity was approved by the electorate of
the Stale or Eagle County; provided that, approval by the
electorate of any bond issue by itself shall not be construed as
approval of the specific development or activFty; or
1'1 The development or activity is to be on land (1)that has been
conditionally or finally approved by Eagle County for planned
unit development or for use substantially the same as planned
unit deveiopment; or (2) that has been zoned by the
appropriate local government for the use contemplated by such
development or activity; or (3) for which a development plan
has been conditionally or finally approved by the appropriate
governmental authority.
121 Other Exemptions:
As of the effective date of these Regulations, rights have vested
pursuant to County regulations or statute to engage in the activity or
pursue the development in an area of state interest.
131 Exempt Water and Sewer Projects:
A Water and Sewer Project is exempt from these Regulations if it
falls into one of the followlng categories:
1'1 The day to day operations of an existing Water and Sewer
Project, or a minor change in the operation of an existing Water
oed Sewer Project, including retrofitting DC upgrading
technology, so long as the change in operation does not
constitute a material change and does not cause negative
impacts different from lhose of the existing Water and Sewer
Project or otherwise exacerbate existing impacts.
1'1 The maintenance, repair or replacement of an existing
component of a Water and Sewer Project if it does not
constitute a material change and does not cause negative
impacts different from those of the existing Water and Sewer
Project or otherwise exacerbate existing impacts.
" fJ,p
6.03.01 Permit or FlndlnQ of No Sianificant Impact {FONSI} Reaulred After
(1) No person may engage in development wholly or partially within a
designated area of state interest nor conduct a designated activity of
state interest, not othelWise exempt. without first Obtaining a Finding
of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or a Permit under these Regulations.
121 When approval is sought to conduct more than one activity of state
interest and/or engage in development in more than one area of state
interest, the application may be completed for all such activities or
developments and may be reviewed simultaneously.
6.03,02 Pre- Application Procedure.
(11 Before submitting an application for a Permit under these
Regulations. the applicant shall meet with the Director.
121 At or before the pre-application meeting, the applicant shall provide
the Director with:
1'1 A written summary of the Project including:
(i) The applicant's name, address and phone number.
(il) Map prepared at an easiiy readable scale showing:
,. Boundary of the proposed activity.
b. Relationship of the proposed activity to
surrounding topographic and cultural features
such as roads, streams and existing structures.
o. Proposed buildings, improvements and
(Iii) Information that is sufficient for determining the nature
of the Project and the degree of impacts associated
with the Project.
131 Within ten (10) days of the pre.applicatlon meeting, the Director
shall establish an estimate in an amount necessary to cover costs
of determining whether a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
u l_./
or a Permit is required. The estimate will include the costs of copying,
mailing, publications, labor, overhead and retention of consultants,
experts and attorneys that the County deems necessary to advise it in
making the Determination.
6.03.03 Determination. Based upon review of the pre-application submittals and the
information obtained at the pre-application meeting, the Director may
determine that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is warranted or
that a Permit is required. Such determination may be made by the Director
at such time as sufficient information is provided by the applicant after the
pre-application meeting.
111 Findina of No Sianificant imoact (FONSil. The Director may
determine that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) should be
issued if the construction or operation of the Project, without
mitigation, in its proposed location is unlikely to have any significant
adverse impact to the County in consideration of the Permit
Application Approval Criteria in Section 6.04 of these Regulations. If
the Director makes a FONSI, the applicant does not need to submit a
permit application unless the Permit Authority deems that a Permit is
necessary, following a reconsideration under section 6.03.03(4).
121 Permit Reauired. If the Director determines that a Finding of No
Significant impact (FONSI) is not appropriate based upon review of
the pre-application submittals and the Information obtained at the pre-
application meeting, then the applicant must obtain a Permit.
(3) Notice of Director's Determination of a FONSL
I'} Upon the Director's Determination of a FONSI, the Director
shall notify the applicant by mail, and shall notify the Board, the
County Administrator and the County Attorney of the
Determination bye-mail or memorandum.
Ibl The Notice of Director's Determination of the FONSI shall be
published once in the County legal newspaper not more than
fourteen (14) days following the Determination. The notice
shall describe the Project and the procedure for requesting
reconsideration as set forth in section 6.03.03(4).
141 Reconsideration of Director's Determination of a FONSL
1'1 Call-up by the Board. Within fourteen (14) days after publication of
the Director's Determination of a FONSI, the Board may decide to
reconsider the Determination. Such reconsideration shaU be made at
" (~~
the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board for which proper
notice can be accomplished.
Ibl Request for Reconsideration by Affected Party. Any affected
party seeking a reconsideration of the Director's Determination
of a FONSI shall file a written request with the Board within
fourteen (14) days of the date of publication in the newspaper
of the Notice of the Director's Determination of the FONSI. The
Board shall reconsider the Director's Determination of the
FONSI at the next regularly scheduled meeting for which
proper notice can be accomplished. The affected party may
request a reasonable extension if necessary.
6.03.04 ADDlication Fee.
(11 Ifpursuantto section 6.03.03 a Permit is required, then within ten (10)
days the Director shall establish an estimate in an amount necessary
to cover costs of reviewing and processing the application, including
costs of copying, mailings, pubiications, labor, overhead and retention
of consultants, experts and attorneys that the County deems
necessary to advise it on the application package.
121 Once the estimate is established, the Director shall notify the applicant
in writing of said fee and its amount. Not later than ten (10) days
following receipt of such notice, the applicant shall present to the
Permit Authority non-refundable certified funds in the amount set.
Until the fee is paid, the application for Permit shall not be further
131 The amount of the payment under section 6.03.04(1) may be
increased at any time if it is determined by the Director that the fee is
not sufficient to cover all costs associated with the application.
141 The Permit Authority may in its sole discretion waive ail or a portion of
the fees"" the applicant demonstrates a special need or such waiver
of fees is found to be in the best interests of the citizens of Eagle
6.03.05 Permit ADDlication Procedure.
If pursuant to section 6.03.03 a Permit is required, then the following
permit application procedure shall apply:
(11 FollOwing the pre-application meeting described in section 6.03.02
" (cC)
and/or the Director's Determination under section 6.03.03, the
applicant shall submit application materiais to the Director. The
application submittal requirements are described in section 6.03.06.
(21 An application will not be considered uniess it is complete. If the
Director determines that the application is incomplete, the Director
shallspec!fy in writing the additional information that is required. An
application is not complete unless the fee requirements in section
6.03.04 have been met. The Directorshall note on the application the
date the application is determined to be complete.
131 The Director shaU determine the number of copies of the application
required and the applicant shall provide such copies prior to the permit
being formally scheduled for hearing.
141 The Director shall send a copy of the complete application to and seek
review comments from the Planning Commission and may send a
copy to any locai, stale or federal agency that may have expertise or
an interest in impacts that may be associated with the Project.
151 Not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of a compiete application
for a Permit, the Permit Authority shall set and publish a notice of the
date, lime and place for the Permit Authority hearing on the
application. Such notice shall be published once in the County legal
newspaper, not less than thirty (30) days or more than sixty (60) days
before the date set for the hearing. Notice shall be given to the
Colorado land Use Commission and to adjacent property owners.
161 No less than seven (7) days prior to the hearing before the Permit
Authority, the Director shall prepare a staff report that summarizes the
application and comments from review agencies, if any, and that
identifies whether the permit application adequately demonstrates that
the Project will comply with each of the applicable Permit Application
Approval Criteria in sections 6.04.01, 6.04.02 and 6.04.03. Th,
Director shali include in his report the reason why any approval
criterion has not been satisfied and may recommend conditions to
ensure that the Project will satisfy each criterion. A COpy of the staff
report shall be provided upon completion to the applicant and to the
public upon request.
6.03.06 Application Submittal Reauirements.
The Director may waive one or more of the submittal requirements when the
submittal information would not be relevant to whether the Project
" Ii;)
complies with the approval criteria. Additional materials may be required
under sections 6.03.07 and 6.03.08 for a particular type of Project.
(11 Information describing the applicant.
1'1 The names, addresses, including email address and fax
number, organizational form, and business of the applicant
and, if different, the owner of the Project
Ibl The names, addresses and qualifications, including those
areas of expertise and experience with projects directly related
or similar to that proposed in the application package, of
individuals who are or wJII be responsible for constructing and
operating the Project.
101 Authorization of the application paCkage by the Project
owner, If different than the applicant.
Idl Documentation of the applicant's financial and technical
capabiiity to develop and operate the Project, inCluding a
description of the applicant's experience developing and
1'1 Wrftten qualifications of report preparers.
121 Information describing the Project.
1.1 Plans and specifications of the Project in sufficient detail to
evaluate the application against the Permit Application
Approval Criteria in Section 6.04.
Ibl Descriptions of alternatives to the Project considered by the
101 Schedules for deSigning, permitting, constructing and
operating the Project, including the estimated life of the
(dl The need forthe Project, inciuding a discussion of aiternatives
to !h, Project that w,'" considered ,"d rejected;
existing/proposed facilities that perform the same or related
function; and population projections or growth trends that form
the basis of demand projections justifying the Project.
1'1 Description of all conseNaUon techniques to be used in the
construction and operation of the Project.
n 8))
If) list of Adjacent property owners and their mailing
131 Property rights, other permits and approvals.
1'1 A list of aU other federal, state and local permits and
approvals that will be required for the Project, together with
any proposal for coordinating these approvais with the
County permitting process. Copies of any permits or
approvals that have been granted.
Ibl Copies of all official federal and state consultation
correspondence prepared for the Project; a description of aU
mitigation required by federal, state and local authorities;
and copies of any draft or final environmental assessments
or impact statements required for the Project.
101 Description of the water to be used by the Project and
alternatives, including: the source, amount, the quality of
such water; the applicant's right to use the water, including
adjudicated decrees, applications for decrees; proposed
points of diversion and changes in the points of diversion;
and the existing uses of the water. if an augmentation plan
for the Project has been decreed or an application for such
plan has been filed in the court, the applicant must submit a
copy of that plan.
Idl Description of property rights that are necessary for or that
will be affected by the Project.
141 Description of the technical and financial feasibility of the Project.
1'1 The estimated construction costs and periOd of construction
for each development component and the total mrtigation
costs for the Project.
Ibl Revenues and operating expenses for the Project.
(0) The amount of any proposed deb! and the method and
estimated cost of debt seNice.
Idl Details of any contract or agreement for revenues or
seNices in connection with the Project.
lei Description of the persons orentity(ies) who will pay for or use
'" ;j.q)
,- .
the Project and/or services produced by the development and
those who will benefit from any and all revenues generated by
(51 Socioeconomic impacts
A comprehensive socioeconomic impact analysis that addresses the
manner in which the applicant will compiy with the relevant Permit
Application Approval Criteria in sections 6.04.01, 6.04.02, and
6.04.03. The impact analysis shall be limited to the impact area and
shall include the following information:
1'1 Land Use
(i) Description of existing iand uses within and adjacent
to the impact area.
(ii) Description of provisions from local land use plans that
are applicable to the Project and an assessment of
whether the Project will comply with those provisions.
(iii) Description of impacts and net effect that the Project
would have on land use patterns.
Ibl Local Government SeNices
(i) Description of existing capacity of and demand for local
government seNices including but not limited to roads,
schools, water and wastewater treatment, water supply,
emergency seNices, transportation, infrastructure, and
other services necessary to accommodate development
within Eagle County.
(ii) Description of the impacts and net effect of the Project
to the capability of local governments that are affected
by the Project to provide seNices.
101 Housing
(i) Description of existing seasonal and permanent
housing including number, condition and oostof
dwelling units.
(ii) Descliption of the impact and net effect of the Project
on housing during construction and operation stages
" (?~
of the Project.
Idl Financial Burden on County Residents
(i) Description of the existing tax burden and fee
structure for government services including but not
limited to assessed valuation, mill levy, rates for water
and wastewater treatment, and costs of water supply.
(ii) Description of impacts and net effect of the Project on
financial burdens of residents.
1'1 Local Economy
(i) Description of the local economy including but not
iimited to revenues generated by the different
economic sectors, and the value or productivity of
different lands.
(ill Description of impacts and net effect of the Project on
the local economy and opportunities for economic
1'1 Recreational Opportunities
(i) Description of present and potential recreational uses,
including but not limited to the number of recreational
visitor days for different recreational uses and the
revenue generated by types of recreational uses.
(II) Map depicting the location of recreational uses such as
fishery stream segments, access points to recreational
resources, hiking and biking trails, and wilderness
(iii) Description of the impacts and net effect of the Project
on present and potential recreationai opportunities and
revenues to the local economy derived from those uses.
(9) Areas of Paleontological, Historic or Archaeological
(I) Map and/or description of all sites of paleontological,
historic or archaeological interest.
" ~)/
(il) Description of the impacts and net effect of the
Project on sites of paleontological, historic or
archaeological interest.
Ihl Nuisance
Descriptions of noise, glare, dust, fumes, vibration, and odor
levels caused by the Project.
161 Environmental impacts.
Description of the existing natural environment and an analysis of
the impacts of the Project to the natural environment. Descriptions
in this section shall be limited to the impact area, and shall include
an analysis of existing conditions, SUpported with data, and a
projection of the impacts of the Project in comparison to existing
conditions. The analysis shall include a description of how the
applicant will comply with the applicable Permit Appiication
Approval Criteria in sections 6.04.01, 6.04.02 and 6.04.03.
1'1 Air Quality
0) Description of the airsheds to be affected by the
Project, including the seasonal pattem of air
circulation and microclimates.
(ii) Map and/or description of the ambient air quality and
state air quality standards of the airsheds 1:0 be affected
by the Project, including particulate matter and aerosols,
oxides, hydrocarbons, oxidants, and other chemicals,
temperature effects and atmospheric interactions.
(Iii) Descriptions of the Impacts and net effect that the
Project would have on air quality during both
construction and operation, and under both average
and worst case conditions.
Ibl Visual Quality
(i) Mapandfordescription of ground cover and
vegetation, forest canopies, waterfalls and streams or
(ii) Description of viewsheds, scenic vistas, unique
landscapes or land formations.
" 6)
(iii) Map and/or description of buildings and structure
design and materials to be used for the Project.
(iv) Descriptions of the impacts and net effect that the
Project would have on visual quality.
(0) Surface Water Quality
(i) Map and/or description of an surface waters to be
affected by the Project, including:
,. Description of provisions of the applJcable
regional water quality management plan that
applies to the Project and assessment of
whether the Project would comply with those
(ii) Existing data monitoring sources.
(iii) Descriptions of the immediate and long-term impact
and net effects that the Project would have on the
average and worst case corulitions.
Idl Groundwater Quality
(i) Map and/or description of all groundwater, inciuding
any aquifers. At a minimum, the description should
,. Seasonal water levels in each subdivision of
the aquifer affected by the Project.
b. Artesian pressureJn aquJfers.
o. Groundwater now directions and levels.
d. Existing aquifer recharge rates and
methodology used to calculate recharge to the
aquifer from any recharge sources.
, For aquifers to be used as part of a water
storage system, methodology and results of
tests used to determine the ability of aquifer to
impound groundwater and aquifer storage
" K'))
f. Seepage losses expected at any subsurface
dam and at stream-aquifer interfaces and
methodology used to calculate seepage losses
in the affected streams, including description
and location of measuring devices.
g. Existing groundwater quality and classification.
h. Location of all water wells and their uses.
(ii) Description of the impacts and net effect of the
Project on groundwater.
1'1 Water Quantity
(i) Map and/or description of existing stream flows and
(Ii) Map and/or description of existing Colorado Water
ConseNation Board held minimum stream flows.
(iii) Descriptions of the impacts and net effect that the
Project would have on water quantity.
(iv) Statement of methods for efficient utilization of water.
ID Floodplains, Wetlands and Riparian Areas
(i) Map and/or description of all floodplains, wetlands,
and riparian areas to be affected by the Project,
including a description of the types of wetlands,
species composition, and biomass,
(ii) Description of the source of water interacting with the
surface systems to create each wetland (Le.. side-
slope runoff, over-bank flooding, groundwater
seepage, etc.).
(iii) Description of the impacts and net effect that the
Project would have on the floodplains, wetlands and
riparian areas.
IgI Terrestrial and Aquatic Animals and Habitat
" ~1)
(i) Map and/or description of terrestrial and aquatic animals
inciuding the status and relative importance of game
and non-game wildlife, livestock and other animals; a
description of streamflows and lake levels needed to
protect the aquatic environment; description of
threatened or endangered animal species and their
(Ii) Map and description of critical wildlife habitat and
livestock range to be affected by the Project including
migration routes, calving areas, summer and winter
range, and spawning beds.
(iii) Description ofthe impacts and net effect that the Project
would have on terrestrial and aquatic animals, habitat
and food chain.
(h) Terrestrial and Aquatic Plant Life
(i) Map and/or description of terrestrial and aquatic piant
life Including the type and density, and threatened or
endangered plant species and habitat.
(iI) Descriptions of the impacts and net effect that the
Project would have on terrestrial and aquatic plant
(i) Soils, Geologic Conditions and Natural Hazards
(i) Map and/or description of soils, geologic conditions, and
natural hazards including but not limited to soil types,
drainage areas, slopes, avalanche areas, debris fans,
mud flows, rock slide areas, faults and fissures, seismic
history, and wildfire hazard areas.
(Ii) Descriptions of the risks to the Project from natural
(iii) Descriptions of the impact and net effect of the
Project on soil and geologic conditions in the area.
(7) Hazardous materials description.
(a) Description of all hazardous, toxic, and explosive substances
to be used, stored, transported,disturbed or produced in
connection with the Project, including the type and amount of
such substances, their location, and the practices and
" 60
procedures to be implemented to avoid accidental release
and exposure.
Ibl Location of storage areas designated for equipment, fuel,
lubricants, and chemical and waste storage with an explanation
of spill containment structures.
181 Monitoring and Mitigation Plan.
1'1 Description of all mitigation that is proposed to avoid, minimize
or compensate for adverse impacts of the Project and to
maximize positive impacts of the Project.
(i) Describe how and when mitigation will be
implemented and financed.
(ii) Describe impacts that are unavoidable that cannot be
Ib) Description of methodology used to measure impacts of the
Project and effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures.
1'1 Description, location and inteNals of proposed monitoring to
ensure that mitigation wiU be effective.
191 Additional Information may be necessary. The Director may request
that the applicant supply additional information related to the Project if
the Permit Authority will not be able to make a determination on one of
the Permit Application Approval Criteria in Section 6.04 without the
6.03.07 Additional Submittal Reaulrements ADDlicable to Municipal and
Industrial Water Projects.
111 Description of efficient water use, recycling and reuse technology
the Project intends to use.
121 Map and description of other municipai and industrial water projects in
the vicinity of the Project, including their capecity and existing seNice
levels, location of intake and discharge points, seNice fees and rates,
debt structure and seNice plan boundaries and reasons for and
against hooking on to those facilities.
131 Description of demands that this Project expects to meet and basis
for projections of that demand.
. \
" ClisJ
6.03.08 Additional ~ubmittal Reauirements Applicable to Maior New
Domestic Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems and Malor
Extensions of Existina Domestic Water and Wastewater Treatment
1'1 Description of existing domestic water and wastewater treatment
facilities in the vicinity of the Project. including their capacity and
existing seNice levels, location of intake and discharge points, seNice
fees and rates, debt structure and seNice plan boundaries, and
reasons for and against hooking on to those facilities.
121 Description of how the Project will affect urban development, urban
densities, and site layout and design of stormwater and sanitation
131 Description of other water and wastewater management agencies
in the Project area and reasons for and against consolidation with
those agencies.
(4) Description of how the Project may affect adjacent communities
and users on wells.
6.03.09 Conduct of Permit Hearina.
111 The Permit Authority shall conduct the hearing in a manner to afford
procedural due process to the applicant and any person who opposes
the issuance of the Permit.
121 The Permit Authority shall hear relevant testimony and receive
relevant evidence and may impose reasonable time limits on
presenters and witnesses.
131 Although the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure do not apply to the
hearing, all persons appearing at the hearing shall be afforded the
right of cross-examination and a reasonable opportunity to offer
evidence in rebuttal.
141 Any person may, at his own expense, provide for the recording of the
hearing and transcription thereof, provided, however, that a copy of
the transcript shall be furnished free of charge to the Permit Authority
and become part of the record.
6.03.10 Approval or Denial of the Permit Application bv the Permit Authoritv.
(1) If information presented at the hearing leads the Permit Authority to
find that additional information is necessary for it to determine whether
" (31)
the Permit Application Approval Criteria in Section 6.04 have been
met, the Permit Authority may continue the hearing for not more than
sixty (60) days unless a longer period is agreed to by the applicant. or
121 The Permit Authority may approve the application if it determines that
the applicant has proven that the Project complies with all applicable
provisions of these Regulations. If the Permit Authority determines
that the applicant has failed to prove that the Project complies with
any applicable provision of these Regulations, the Permit Authority, at
its sole discretion, may either approve the permit application with
reasonable conditions necessary to ensure compliance with the
Regulations, or deny the Permit.
131 If the Permit Authority decides to approve the Permit with conditions,
the Permit Authority shall make written findings that each condition is
necessary to ensure that the Project will comply with the Permit
Application Approval Criteria in sections 6.04.01, 6.04.02, and
6.04.03, and that each condition Is necessitated byimpacts caused by
the Project.
141 The hearing record shall include the following:
1'1 The application package.
Ibl Written statements or documents in supportof or in
opposition to the permit application.
1'1 Any recording and transcript of the hearing.
Idl Written minutes of the Permit Authority hearing.
1'1 The resolution of the Permit Authority granting or denying
the permit application.
151 The burden of proof shall be on the applicant to show compliance
with provisions of these regulations governing areas or activities of
state interest involved.
6.03.11 Issuance of the Permit
111 The Permit shall be issued in writing by the Board.
{21 The Permit may be issued for an indefinite period or for a term of
years, depending upon the nature of the Project.
" (5J)
131 The Permit is valid only for the construction and operation of the
Project described in the application package together with the
conditions of approval, if any, imposed by the Permit Authority.
141 A copy of the Permit shall be certified by the Permit Authority and
presented to the County Clerk and Recorder for recording in the
same manner as any document relating to real property.
6,03,12 Permit Amendment.
1'1 Any change in the construction or operation of a Water and Sewer
Project from that approved by the Permit Authority shall require a
permit amendment, unless otherwise exempt.
121 A permit amendment will be subject to the following requirements
and procedures:
1'1 Permit Application Submittal Requirements.
(i) A copy of the current Permit and reasons for
(il) As-built drawings of the Project, if available.
(iU) Drawings and plans of proposed changes to the
(iv) Additional or changed mitigation plans.
1'1 Statement of need for amendment.
(vi) Site Plan.
(vii) Viclnltymap.
(viii) Written report of how amendment satisfies the criteria
in sections 6.04.01, 6.04.02 and 6.04.03.
Ib} Permit Amendment Procedure,
(i) The applicant shall meet with the Director to discuss
the proposed permit amendment.
(ii) Application submittal requirements shall be reviewed
by the Director.
" (50
(iii) Subsequent to the meeting, the Directorshall determine
whether the modified Project would satisfy the criteria
contained in sections 6.04.01, 6.04.02 and 6.04.03, or
whether additional conditions would be necessary to
ensure compliance.
(iv) If the Directordeems that the modified projectwouid not
satisfy applicable criteria, without additional conditions
the proposed modification shall require a new Permit.
1'1 If the Director deems that the modified Project would
satisfy applicable criteria without additional conditions,
the Director shall make a Finding of No Significant
Impact and a resolution for an amended Permit shall be
presented to the Permit Authority for its consideration.
6.03.13 Combined DesiQnation and Permit Hearing.
111 If a person proposes to engage in development in an area of state
interest or to conduct an activity of state interest not previously
designated and for which regulations have not yet been adopted, the
Permit Authority may hold a combined hearing to determine the
designation, adopt the regulations and approve or deny the Permit.
(2) No Permit that is granted at the conclusion of the combined hearing
shall be authority to engage in development or to conduct an activity
until the identification; designation and regulations are finally
determined and adopted.
" ~~)
6.04.01 Permit Application Approval Criteria for Matters of State Interest.
A Permit to conduct a designated activity of state interest or to engage in
deveiopment in a designated area of state interest shall be approved if the
Project complies with the following general criteria and any additional
applicable criteria in sections 6.04.02 or 6.04.03. If the Project does not
comply with anyone or more of these criteria, the Permit shall be denied
or approved with conditions. In determining whether the Project complies
with these criteria, or if conditions shOtlld be imposed, the Permit Authority
may utilize the considerations in Appendix "A:
1'1 Documentation that prior to site disturbance for the Project the
applicant will have obtained all necessary property rights, permits
and approvals. The Board may, at its discretion, defer making a
final decision on the appiication untii outstanding property rights,
permits and approvals are obtained.
(21 The Project wiil not impair property rights held by others.
131 The Project Is consistent with relevant provisions of applicable land
use and water quality plans.
(41 The applicant has the necessary expertise and financial capability
to develop and operate the Project consistent with all requirements
and conditions.
(51 The Project is technically and financially feasible.
161 The Project is not subject to significant risk from natural hazards.
17) The Project will not have a significant adverse effect on land use
181 The Project will not have a significant adverse effect on the
capability of local governments affected by the Project to provide
seNices, or exceed the capacity of service delivery systems.
19} The Project will not create an undue financial burden on existing or
future residents of the County.
(10) The Project will not significantly degrade any current or foreseeable
future sector of the local economy,
(11) The Project will not have a significant adverse effect on the quality
" (>1:,)
or quantity of recreational opportunities and experience.
(12) The planning, design and operation of the Project shall reflect
principals of resource conseNation, energy efficiency and recycling
or reuse.
(13) The Project wili not significantly degrade air quality.
(14) The Project will not significantly degrade existing visual quality.
(15) The Project will not significantly degrade surface water quaiity.
(16) The Project will not significantly degrade groundwater quality.
(17) The Project will not significantly degrade wetlands, and riparian
(18) The Project will not significantly degrade terrestrial or aquatic
animal life or its habitats.
(19) The Project will not significantly deteriorate terrestrial plant life or
plant habitat.
(20) The Project will not significantly deteriorate soils and geologic
(21) The Project will not cause a nuisance.
(22) The Project will not significantly degrade areas of paleontological,
historic, or archaeological importance.
(23) The Project will not result in unreasonabie risk of releases of
hazardous materials.
(24) The benefits accruing to the COtinty and its citizens from the Project
outweigh the losses of any natural, agricultural, recreational,
grazing, commercial or industrial resources within the County, or
the losses of opportunities to develop such resources.
6.04.02 Additional Criteria Applicable to Munlcical and Industrial Water
In addflion to the general criteria set forth in section 6.04.01, the following
additional crileria apply to municipal and industriaiwaterprojects:
1'1 The Project shall emphasize the most efficient use of water,
including the recycling, reuse and conseNation of water.
" Cct~
121 The Project will not result in excess capacity in existing water or
wastewater treatment services or create duplicate services.
131 The Project shall be necessary to meet oommunlty deveiopment
and population demands in the areas to be seNed by the Project.
141 Urban development, population densities, and site layout and
design of storm water ancl sanitation systems shall be
accomplished in a manner that will prevent the pollution of aqUifer
recharge areas.
6.04.03 Additional Criteria Annllcable to Malor New Domestic Water and
Wastewater Treatment Systems and Maior Extensions of Existing
Domestic Water and Wastewater Treatment SYStems.
In addition to the general criteria set forth in section 6.04.01, the following
additional criteria apply to any development of major new domestic water
and wastewater treatment systems or major extensions of existing
domestic water and wastewater treatment systems:
(1) The Project shall be reasonably necessary to meet projected
community development and population demands in the areas to
be served by the Project, or to comply with regulatory or
technological requirements.
(2) To the extent feasible, wastewater and water treatment facilities
shall be consolidated with existing facilities within the area.
131 New domestic water and sewage treatment systems shall be
constructed in areas which will result in the proper utilization of
existing treatment plants and the orderly development of domestic
water and sewage treatment systems of adjacent communities.
(41 The Project shall be permitted in those areas in which the
anticipated growth and development that may occur as a result of
such extension can be accommodated within the financial and
environmental capacity of the area to sustain such growth and
6.04.04 Financial Guarantee Required.
Before any Permit is issued, the Permit Authority may, at its discretion,
require the applicant to file a guarantee of financial security deemed
adequate by the Permit Authority and payable to the County. The purpose
of the financial guarantee is to assure the following:
111 Faithful performance of the requirements of the Permit and
" 4,,)
121 That the Project or activity is completed and, if applicable, that the
development area is properly reclaimed.
131 That the applicant performs all mitigation requirements and Permit
conditions in connection with the construction, operation and
termination of the Project.
141 That increases in public facilities and services necessitated by the
construction, operation and termination of the Project are borne by
the permittee.
151 That shortfalls to County revenues are offset in the event that the
Project is suspended, curtailed or abandoned.
6.04.05 Amount of Guarantee.
In determining the amount of the financial guarantee, the County shaJi
consider the following factors:
111 The estimated cost of completing the Project or activity and, if
applicable, of returning the development area to its original
condition orto a condition acceptable to the County.
121 The estimated cost of performing all mitigation requirements and
Permit conditions in connection with the construction, operation,
and termination of the Project, including:
1'1 The estimated cost of providing all public services
necessitated by the Project until two (2) years after the
Project ceases to operata; and
Ibl The estimated cost of providing all pubiic facilities
necessitated by the Project until all such costs are fully paid.
" ~)
6.04.06 Estimate.
111 Estimated cost shall be based on the applicant's submitted cost
estimate plus the Permit Authority's estimate of the additional cost
to the County of bringing in personnel and equipment to accomplish
any unperformed purpose of the financial guarantee. The Permit
Authority shall consider the duration of the development or activity
and compute a reasonable projection of increases due to inflation.
The Permit Authority may require, as a condition of the Permit, that
the financial security be adjusted upon receipt of bids to perform
the requirements of the Permit and these Regulations.
121 Revisions to the estimate may be required based on information
available to the County.
6.04,07 Form of Guarantee.
111 The guarantee may be in the form of cash. federally-insured
certificates ot deposit, irrevocabie letters of credit issued by a bank
acceptable to the Board, or any other form, or combination of
forms, established by the Board.
(2) At least ten percent (10%) of the amount of the financial guarantee
must be in cash deposited with the County's treasurer and placed
in an earmarked escrow account mutually agreeable to the Board
and applicant.
6.04.08 Release of Guarantee.
1'1 The financial guarantee may be released only when:
1'1 The Permit has been surrendered to the Permit Authority
before commencement of any physical activity on the site of
the permitted development or activity.
Ibl The development or activity has been abandoned and the
site has been returned to its original condition or to a
condition acceptable to the County in accordance with
criteria adopted by the County for the matter of state interest
for which the Permit is being granted.
101 The Project has been satisfactorily completed.
Idl A phase or phases of the Project have been satisfactorily
completed allowing for partial release of the financial
guarantee consistent with Project phasing and as
" fJJt/
\ _/ ~
determined appropriate by the Board of County
1'1 The applicable guaranteed conditions have been satisfied.
6.04.09 Cancellation of the Guarantee.
Any security may be canceled only upon receipt of the Permit Authority's
written consent, which may be granted only when such cancellation will
not detract from the purposes of the security.
6.04.10 Forfeiture of Guarantee.
1'1 If the Permit Authority determines that a financial guarantee should
be forfeited because of any violation of the Permit, mitigation
requirements, conditions or any applicable regulations adopted by
the Board, it shall provide written notice to the surety and the
permittee that the financial guarantee will be forfeited unless the
permittee makes written demand to the Permit Authority within thirty
(30) days after permittee's receipt of notice, requesting a hearing
before the Permit Authority. If no demand is made by the permittee
within said period, then the Permit Authority shall order the financial
guarantee forfeited.
121 The Permit Authority shall hold a hearing within thirty (30) days
after the receipt of the demand by the permittee. At the hearing,
the permittee may present for the consideration of the Permit
Authority statements, documents, and other information with
respect to the aUeged violation. At the conclusion of the hearing,
the Permit Authority shail either withdraw the notice of violation or
enter an order forfeiting the financial guarantee.
131 The deposit described above may be used by the Permit Authority
of the County in the event of the default or alleged default of the
permit holder, only for the purposes of recovering on the surety or
fulfilling the permit obligation of the permit holder. In the event that
the ultimate reviewing court determines that there has been a
default by the permll holder, that portion of any moneys expended
by the County from the escrow funds relating to such defauit shall
be replaced in the escrow account by the Board immediately
following such determination. The County may arrange with a
iending institution, which provides money for the permit hoider, that
said institution may hold in escrow any funds required for said
deposit. Funds shall be disbursed out of escrow by the Institution
to the County upon County's demand for the purpose specified in
this section,
" (~y
141 If the forfeiture results in inadequate revenue to cover the costs of
accomplishing the purposes of the financial guarantee, the
County's attorney shall take such steps as deemed proper to
recover such costs where recovery is deemed possible including
costs and attorney fees.
6.04.11 Substitute Guarantee.
If the license to do business in Colorado of any surety upon a security filed
pursuant to this regulation is suspended or revoked by any State authority,
then the applicant shall within sixty (60) days after receiving notice thereof,
substitute a good and sufficient surety licensed to do bUSiness in
Colorado. Upon fallure of the permittee to make substitution within the
time allowed, the Board of County Commissioners shall suspend the
Permit until proper substitution has been made.
" 1+1)
6.05.01 EnfOl'C9ment and Penalties.
111 Any person engaging in a development in the designated area of
state interest or conducting a designated activity of state interest
who does not obtain a Permit pursuant to these Reguiations, who
does not comply with Permit requirements, or who acts outside the
jurisdiction of the Permit may be enjoined by the County or the
Colorado Land Use Commission from engaging in such
development or conducting such activities and may be subject to
such other criminai or civilliabilily as may be prescribed by law.
121 If the County determines at any time that there are material
changes in the construction or operation of the Project from that
approved by the County, the Permit shall be immediately
suspended and a hearing shall be held to determine whether new
conditions are necessary to ensure compliance with Permit
Application Approval Criteria or if the Permit should be revoked.
6.05.02 Permit Suspension or Revocation,
111 The Permit Authority may temporarily suspend the Permit for a
period of thirty (30) days for any violation of the Permit or these
Regulations. Prior to any permit suspension, the Permit Authority
shall provide the permit holder with written notice of the violation
and will have a minimum of fifteen (15) days to correct the violation.
if the violation is not corrected, the Permit shall be temporarily
suspended for thirty (30) days.
(2) The Permit Authority may, following notice and hearing, revoke a
Permit granted pursuant to these Regulations if any of the activities
conducted by the permittee violates the conditions of the Permit or
these Regulations, No less than thirty (30) days prior to the
revocation hearing, the Permit Authority shall provide written notice
to the permittee setting forth the violation and the time and date for
the revocation hearing. Public notice of the revocation hearing
shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation not less
than thirty (30) days or more than sixty (60) days prior to the
hearing. Following the hearing, the Permit Authority may revoke the
Permit or may specify a lime by which action shall be taken to
correct any violations for the Permit to be retained.
6.05.03 Transfer of Permits.
A Permit may be transferred only with the written consent of the Permit
" (*~
Authority. The Permit Authority must ensure, in approving any transfer,
that the proposed transferee can and will comply with all the requirements,
terms, and conditions contained in the Permit and these Reguiations; that
such requirements, terms, and condfi:ions remain sufficient to protect the
health, welfare, and safety of the public; and that an adequate guarantee
of financial security can be made.
6.05.04 Inspection.
The Permit Authority may enter and inspect any property subject to these
Regulations at reasonable hours for the purpose of determining whether
the Project is in violation of the provisions of these Regulations.
6.05.05 Judicial Review.
Any action seeking judicial review of a final decision of the Permit
Authority shall be initiated within thirty (30) days after the decision is
made, In the District Court in and for the County of Eagle, pursuant to Rule
106 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure.
'" (0..
Following are consideraUons to help the applicant understand the types of things that the
Permit Authority may consider on balam;e In determining whether a Project compiles with
the Permit Application Approval Crl1erla in sect/Qns 6.04.01, 6.04.02, and 6.04.03. These
considerations are not criteria that the Project must satisfY; they serve solely as guidance.
The considerations are in regular type and the actual criteria that the conslderat/Qns relate to
are In bold type.
6.04.01(5) The Project is technically and financially feasible. The determination of
technical and financial feasibility of the Project may include but is not limited to
the following considerations:
1'1 Amount of debt associated with the Project.
Ibl Debt reliremef'lt schedule and sources of funding to retire the debt.
(0) Estimated construction costs and construction schedule.
Idl Estimated annual operation, maintenance and monitoring costs.
6.04.01(6) The Project is not subject to significant risk from natural hazards. The
determination of risk from natural hazards to the Project may include but is not
limited to the following considerations.
1'1 Faults and fissures.
Ibl Unstable slopes including landslides, rock slides and avalanche areas.
101 Expansive or evaporative soils and risk of subsidence.
Idl Wildfire hazard areas.
Ie) Floodplains.
6.04.01(7) The Project will not have a significant adverse effect on land use
patterns. The determination of effects of the Project on land use patterns
may include but is not limited to the following considerations:
1'1 Whether the Project complies with and is consistent with applicable
Ibl likelihood that the Project will/will not cause or contribute to urban
sprawl or "leapfrog" development.
101 Significant changes in the amount of impervious surfaces.
/ "'\
! l..j
, >c/
(d) ConUguity of development associated with the Project to existing growth
lei Changes to unique land forms.
Iry Changes in the amount of character of open space.
191 Changes to traffic patterns, road capacity and congestion.
6.04,01(8) The Project will not have a significant adverse effect on the capability of
local governments affected by the Project to provide services, or exceed
the capacity of service delivery systems. The determination of the effects
of the Project on local government services may include but is not limited to
the following considerations:
1'1 Existing and potential financial capability of local governments to
accommodate development related to the Project.
Ibl Current and projected capacity of roads, schools, infrastructure,
housing, and other seNices necessary to accommodate development,
and the impact of the Project upon the current and projected capacity.
lei Changes caused by the Project in the cost of providing education,
transportation networks, water treatment and wastewater treatment,
emergency services, or other governmental seNices or facilities.
Idl Changes in short or long term housing availability, location, cost or
lei Need for temporary roads to access the construction of the Project.
Iry Change in demand for public transportation.
191 Reduction in the amount of water available for future water supply In the
6.04.01{9) The Project will not create an undue financial burden on existing or
future residents of the County, The determination of the financial effects of
the Project may include but is not limited to the following considerations:
1.1 Changes in assessed valuation.
(b) Tax revenues and fees to iocal governments that will be generated by
the Project.
(el Changes in tax revenues caused by agricultural lands being removed
from production.
/ \
ii ! c:Y
1'1 Changes in costs to water users to exercise their water rights.
1'1 Changes in costs of water treatment or wastewater treatment.
(fl Effects on wastewater discharge permits.
191 Changes in total property tax burden.
6.04.01(10) The Project will not significantly degrade any current or foreseeable
future sector of the local economy. The determination of the effects of the
Project on the economy may include but is not limited to the following
1'1 Changes to projected revenues generated from each economic sector.
Ibl Changes in the value or productivity of any lands.
Ie) Changes in opportunities for economic growth and diversification.
6.04.01(11) The Project will not have a significant adverse effect on the quality or
quantity of recreational opportunities and experience. The determination
of effects of the Project on recreational opportunities and experience may
Include but is not limited to the following considerations:
I') Changes to existing and projected visitor days.
Ibl Changes to duration of kayaking and rafting seasons.
lei Changes in quality and quantity of fisheries.
1'1 Changes in instream flows or reseNoir ievels.
1'1 Changes in access to recreational resources.
ID Changes to quality and quantity of hiking trails.
191 Changes to the wilderness experience or other opportunity for solitude
in the natural environment.
(hi Changes to hunting experiences.
6.04.01(13) The Project will not significantly degrade air quality. The determination of
effects of the Project on air quality may include but is not limited to the
following considerations.
1'1 Changes to seasonal ambient air quality.
'" (,,))
Ibl Changes in visibility and microclimates.
1'1 Applicable air quality standards.
6.04.01(14) The Project will not significantly degrade existing visual quality. The
determination of visual effects of the Project may include but is not limited to
the following considerations:
1'1 Visual changes to ground cover and vegetation, waterfalls and streams,
or other natural features.
Ibl Interference with viewsheds and scenic vistas.
1'1 Changes in appearances of forest canopies.
Idl Changes in landscape character types of unique land formations.
Ie} Compatibility of building and structure design and materials with
surrounding land uses.
6.04.01(15) The Project will not significantly degrade surface water quality. The
determination of effects of the Project on surface water quality may include but
is not limited to the following considerations:
1'1 Changes to existing water quality, including patterns of water
circulation, temperature, conditions ofthe substrate, extent and
persistence of suspended particulates and clarity, odor, color or taste of
Ibl Applicable narrative and numeric water quality standards.
1'1 Changes in point and nonpoint source pollution loads.
Idl Increase in erosion.
(a) Changes in sediment loading to waterbodies.
1(1 Changes in stream channel or shoreline stability.
191 Changes in stormwater runoff flows.
1"1 Changes in trophic status or in eutrophication rates in lakes and
(I) Changes in the capacity or functioning of streams, lakes or reseNoirs.
tiJ Changes in flushing flows.
" , '/
Ikl Changes in dilution rates of mine waste, agricultural runoff and other
unregulated sources of pollutants.
6.04.01(16) The Project will not significantly degrade groundwater quality. The
determination of effects of the Project on groundwater quality may include but
is not limited to the following considerations:
lei Changes in aquifer recharge rates, groundwater levels and aquifer
capacity including seepage losses through aquifer boundaries and at
aquifer-stream interfaces.
Ibl Changes in capacity and function of wells within the impact area.
101 Changes in quality of well water within the impact area.
6.04.01(17) The Project will not significantly degrade wetlands and riparian areas.
The determination of effects of the Project on wetlands and riparian areas may
include but is not limited to the following considerations:
lei Changes in the structure and function of wetlands and riparian areas.
Ibl Changes to the filtering and pollutant uptake capaciUes of wetlands and
riparian areas.
(0) Changes to aerial extent of wetlands and riparian areas.
Idl Changes in species' characteristics and diversity.
lei Transition from wetland to upland species.
1'1 Changes in function and aerial extent of floodplains.
6.04.01(18) The Project will not significantly degrade terrestrial or aquatic animal life
or its habitats. The determination of effects of the Project on terrestriai or
aquatic life may include but is not limited to the following considerations:
{el Changes that result in loss of oxygen for aquatic life.
Ibl Changes in fiushlng flows.
(ol Changes in species composition or density.
Id) Changes in number of threatened or endangered species,
" ~c\)
lei Cl'1anges to habitat and critical habitat, including calving grounds,
mating grounds, nesting grounds, summer or winter range, migration
routes, or any other habitat features necessary for the protection and
propagation of any terrestrial animals.
(fl Changes to habitat and critical habitat including stream bed and banks,
spawning grounds, riffle and side pool areas, flushing flows, nutrient
accumulation and cycling, water temperature, depth and circulation,
stratification, and any other conditions necessary for the protection and
propagation of aquatic species.
Ig) Changes to the aquatic and terrestrial food webs.
6.04.01(19) The Project will not significantly deteriorate terrestrial plant life or plant
habitat. The determination of effects of the Project on terrestrial plant life or
habitat may include but is not limited to the following considerations:
1'1 Changes to habitat of threatened or endangered plant spedes.
Ibl Changes to the structure and function of vegetation, including species
composition, diversity, biomass, and productivity.
101 Changes in advancement or succession of desirabie and less desirable
species, including noxious weeds.
Idl Changes in threatened or endangered species.
6.04.01(20) The Project will not significantly deteriorate solis and geologic
conditions. The determination of effects of the Project on soils and geologic
conditions may include but is not limited to the following considerations:
lei Changes to the topography, natural drainage patterns, soil morphology
and productivity, soil erosion potential, and floodplains.
(bl Changes to stream sedimentation, geomorphology, and channel
101 Changes to lake and reseNoir bank stability and sedimentation, and
Idl Changes to avalanche areas, mudflows and debris fans, and other
unstable and potentially unstable slopes.
lei Exacerbation of seismic concerns and subsidence.
\.; .
6.04.01(21) The Project will not cause a nuisance, The determination of nuisance
effects of the Project may include but is not limited to the following
lei Increase in odors.
Ibl Increase in dust
101 Increase in fumes,
Idl Increase in glare.
lei Increase in heat.
(II Increase in noise.
191 Increase in vibration.
Ihl Increase in artificial light.
(i) Increase in traffic impacts.
6,04.01(23) The Project will not result in unreasonable risk of releases of hazardous
materials. The determination of the risk of release of hazardous materials
caused by Project may include but is not limited to the following
lei Plans for compliance with federal and state handling, storage, disposal,
and transportation requirements.
Ibl Use of waste minimization techniques,
101 Adequacy of spill prevention and response plans.
6.04.02(1) The Project shall emphasize the most efficient use of water, Including
the recycling, reuse and conservation of water. The determination of
whether the Project emphasizes the most efficient use of water may include
but is not limited to the following considerations:
(el Whether the Project uses readily available conseNation techniques.
Ibl Whether the Project recycles water to the greatest extent allowed by
6.04.02(2) The Project wlll not result in excess capacity In existing water or
wastewater treatment services or create duplicate services. The
." l S:;
determination of whether the Project will result in excess capacity or create
duplicate services may include but is not limited to the following considerations:
1'1 Whether the Project creates overlapping or competing seNice areas.
Ib) Whether the Project differs significantly from the provider's facility plan,
101 Whether the Project impacts other water and wastewater permits.
6.04.02(3) The Project shall be necessary to meet community dewlopment and
population demands In the areas to be served by the Project. The
determination of whether the Project meets community development and
population demands may include but is not limited to the following
1'1 Relationship to reasonable growth projections and local land use plans.
(bl Relationship to other water and wastewater provider's seNlce area.
6.04.02(4) Urban development, population densities, and site layout and design of
storm water and sanitation systems shall be accomplished in a manner
that will prevent the pollution of aquffer recharge areas. The
determination of potential for pollution of the aquifer recharge areas by the
Project may include but is not limited to the following considerations:
1'1 Proximity of urban development and population densities to aquifer
recharge areas.
Ibl Proximity of stormwater and sanitation systems to aquifer recharge
101 Changes in water quality in the aquifer recharge areas.
6.04.03(1) The Project shall be reasonably necessary to meet projected community
development and population demands in the areas to be served by the
Project, or to comply with regulatory or technological requirements. The
determination of whether the Project is reasonably necessary may include but
is not limited to the following considerations:
1'1 Relationship to reasonable growth projections and local land use plans.
Ibl Relationship to other water and wastewater provider's seNice area.
101 Whether the Project is not in compliance with regulatory or
technologicai requirements or will not be in compliance in the near
6.04.03(2) To the extent feasible, wastewater and water treatment facilities shall be
viii ~y
consolidated with existing facllltles within the area. The determination of
whether consolidation is feasible shall include but is not limited to the
following considerations:
(al Whether there is an opportunity for consolidation.
Ibl The environmental, financial and sociai feasibility of consolidation.
6.04.03(3) New domestic water and sewage treatment systems shall be constructed
in areas which will result In the proper utilization of existing treatment
plants and the orderly development of domestic water and sewage
treatment systems of adjacent communities. The determination shalt
include but Is not limited to the following considerations:
(a) Relationship to reasonable growth projections and local land use plans.
Ibl Proximity to other water and wastewater provider's service area.
6.04.03(4) The Project shall be permitted in those areas in which the anticipated
growth and development that may occur as a result of such extension
can be accommodated within the financial and environmental capacity of
the area to sustain such growth and development. The determination shall
include but is not limited to the following considerations:
lal Relationship of the Project to approved land use plans for the area.
Ibl The environmental, financial and social impacts related to such
" ~V