HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-027 Appointments to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees Commissioner ,~rn.~l moved adoption of the following resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2005 - RESOLUTION CONCERNING APPOINTMENTS TO THE BASALT REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES WHEREAS, C.R.S. 24-90-108 empowers the Board of County Commissioners to make appointments to the Board of Trustees of Library Districts; and WHEREAS, the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees recommends the reappointment of Madeline Simonet, M.D. as Eagle County's Trustee to the Basalt Regional Library District Board in a letter of recommendation incorporated herein as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees recommends the reappointment of Valerie Welch as Pitkin County's Trustee to the Basalt Regional Library District Board in a letter of recommendation incorporated herein as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, James Brundige resigned from further service as Pitkin County's Trustee to the Basalt Regional Library District Board; and WHEREAS, the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees recommends the appointment of Chris Martinez, M.D. to finish the term vacated by James Brundige in a letter of recommendation incorporated herein as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the three members, Madeline Simonet, MD, Valerie Welch and Chris Martinez, MD desire appointment to the Basalt Regional Library Districts Board of Trustees in letters incorporated herein as Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County desires to reappoint Madeline Simonet, M.D. as Eagle County's Trustee to the Basalt Regional Library District Board; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Pitkin County has requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County ratify its appointment of Valerie Welch and Chris Martinez as Pitkin County's Trustees to the Basalt Library Board, Pitkin County Board of Commissioners Resolution Number 020-2005 attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit "C~" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, Madeline Simonet, M.D., be and is hereby reappointed as an Eagle County Representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustee with a term to expire March 1,2010. THAT, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County hereby ratifies the reappointment of Valerie We1ch, as a Pitkin County Representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees with a term to expire March 1,2007. THAT, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County hereby ratifies the appointment of Chris Martinez, M.D. as a Pitkin County Representative to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees to fulfill the term vacated by James Brundige term to expire on April 1, 2006. THAT, a copy of this Resolution be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Pitkin, State of Colorado for their concurrence. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED b[ the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this 15--t oay of V\I1WuVl 2005. ATTEST: COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: AmM. Clerk to the Board of Chairman County Commissioners ~ Peter F. Runyon Commissioner Cv1At"V'YltLVr t:VO-re.wL-- To1~ Commissioner Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the te was as follows: Commissioner Am M. Menconi Commissioner Peter F. Runyon Commissioner Tom C. Stone This Resolution passed by ~?:? vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. G:\Paralegal\Reso\Appointments\Baslt libry Pitkin ratif2005wpd BASALT REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES: 99 MIDLAND AVENUE Interim Director, Linda Levy PETER FREY, PRESIDENT Bft,SALT, COLORADO 81621-8305 MADELEINE SIMONET, TELEPHONE: (970) 927-4311 VICE PRESIDENT !SECRETARY FACSIMILE: (970) 927-1351 BRUCE GABOW POLLY POLLARD MORGAN WALSH VALERIE WELCH February 16, 2003 Eagle County Commissioners P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Commissioners: Enclosed please find letters of interest submitted to the Basalt Regional Library Board of Trustees for the open Eagle and Pitkin County positions on the Library Board. There are letters from the two applicants for the two Pitkin County positions: Valerie Welch and Chris Martinez, as well as a letter from the applicant for the one Eagle County position: Madeleine Simonet. Ms. Welch, immediate past president of the board, and Ms. Simonet, newly-elected vice-president of the board, are both current BRLD trustees who are seeking reappointment after their terms expire on March 1. Dr. Martinez is applying for the Pitkin County position from which James Brundige has just resigned. If approved by the commissioners, Dr. Martinez would serve for the remaining one year term of Mr. Brundige's appointment. At its February 14, 2005 meeting, the Library Board voted unanimously to recommend all three applicants to you for appointment or reappointment as the case may be. The next regular meeting of the Library Board will be held Monday, March 14. Hopefully the appointments can be made in time for the new appointees to attend this meeting. Sincerely, ~ L) to,,^Ja. ~ Linda Levy Interim Director cc: Pitkin County Commissioners EXHIBIT l p\ ~ s___ - Madeleine Simonet, MO 306 Sopris Circle Basalt, CO 81621 January 9, 2005 Members of the Board Basalt Regional Ubrary District Basalt, CO 81621 Dear Members of the Board, I am writing to request a second tenn as board member for the Basalt Regional Library. My tenn ends 03/2005. It was an abbreviated tenn, because I filled a vacancy in which the tenn was not completed. Having been on the Board for two years, and been involved with two election ballot initiatives, I believe I am at a point of experience to maximally assist the library in its new initiatives. I appreciate your consideration. Sincerely, . ~ C':---- ~ Madeleine Simonet EXHIBIT :: :z; fD j . Valerie L. Welch PO Box 1818 Basalt, CO 81621 970-927-4393 January 10, 2005 Board of Trustees Basalt Regional Library District 99 Midland Avenue Basai'i, CO 61 oLl Dear Library Board, My current term as a board member on the Basalt Regional Library District expires in March, 2005. My past year as President of the Board was challenging, educational and inspiring. The campaign and leadership experience has been invaluable for me personally and I think this and my past library experience can continue to benefit this library and the community. I would welcome the opportunity to continue and complete projects that I participated in initiating and respectfully request that you recommend me to the County Commissioners for a five year term on the Basalt Regional Library District Board. ~~~ Valerie L.. Welch " ~1")'/7/;'V (;"J _" ~~~ Board of Trustees Basalt Regional Library Dear Board of Trustees: Thi'; !cUer is to express my interest in serving on the library Board, if a position becomes :lvai1Jblc. f have lived in the '/allcy ttlr the past 13 years and in Basalt for the 1851 10 years af my ClJlTen! address. I am an enwrgency medicine doctor at Aspen Valley HuspitaL I lw C ii special fi.mdncss for libraries and their role in our lives. I'm p;.!rticu:arly tlldillonxJ ol'!i;c vvdr1llth and congeniality of pur library sufT I have no special qualilicalions j~)!' this position, besides a willingness to persevere j\)I' it '!()od cause Tha nks for your considerat ion. //)' '; c...'C_. - ) , GIJ J<h 7 tz-~~ .!n';cph {Chris) !\1artincz- og5 Lupine Cir Basalt, CO 81621 'no-i.) 27 ..962 f) ) ,.<" 985 LupirH~ Circlf: FliC\I;U q7()"~121'-I,:,;G2'~" Basal!. CO 51621 1=,1): g70-S44w-!2_~:B [:-lni-ilf ft:<,;.~t)-i (8':h<:il;YJ,d >:iT; Joseph C. Martinez --------- --, --'--<-_._----------^-----,-.,~-, --,--~-..-- -'''' ~ Education 1975 - 1977 Louisiana State University ~;hfevepon, L:l.\ B.S. AcceleratediScience and Medicine 1977 - 1981 Louisiana S((ltc Untversity Me(jlcal Schoel Shn:::vepc1i, l_,~i, M.DJDoctor Of Medicine 1981 - 1982 Louisi<l;l<l State University Hospita! ii' Internstlip/Cdlegorjcai Ortf'opecjics 1985 -1987 Carolinas i\t1edica! Center (~h3POltt.~ f\iC. Residency/Emergency Medicine Work t~xperi~nce 1983 - 1985 Monroe Comrnunity Hospital ~10f irOf). f"J;~: Emertjency Medicine Statf Physioan 1987 -1991 Carolinas Medical Center C;ladcttc. t<.<" Faculty/Emergency Medicine Residency ProgrmYi 1991 - present Aspen VaHey Hospital f~spen. (~() Emergency fviedlcme Staff Physician Commu"i~J 1994 - rresent Pitkin County Ambulance Distnct -- ,:\;J '/::3e) A~''''bvities Hobbies Rock climbing Snowboarding Computers/Electronics Science Fiction >erit' By: !11a..salt Reg~~n.al L,ib,~.~:Y; 927 1351; Mar- 1D:53AM; Page 2/2 .- " ~. NO. 6554 P. 2/2 :.. - , ' MANAGER MAR. 4. 2005 3:29PM P ITK I N A RESOLUTION OFTHB BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO, REAPPOlNTlNG V ALBRm WELCH. APPOINTING JOSEPH MARTINEZ AND RATIFYING 1'HE EAGLE COUNTY APPOnIT.MENT OF MADELEINE SIMONET TO THE BASALT REGIONAL LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Resolution # Q PI. 0 -2005 RECO'ALS l. Volunteer Citizen Boards are established p,et' the Home Rule Charter and State Statute. 2. The Basalt Lwrcy Board has advertised for the vacancies on the Pitkin County positions as required. . 3. The Ea.gle County position on the Basalt Library Board of Trustees expires in March. 2005. Both Eagle C9unty and Pitkin County must approve a new appointment I \ 4. The Library advertised for the Eagle County position in local papers as required. \ i Madeleine Simonet has applied to be reappointed. 3. . The Basalt RCgional Libraty Board of Trustees recommends're-appointing V aleri~ We1ch and appointing Joseph (Chris) Martinez as Pitkin County representatives to the Ba.5alt Ubrary Board and to ratify the re-appointment of Madeleine Simonet as an Eagle County representative. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TYE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO: Thatlb.e request from the Basalt Regional Librazy Board of Trustees to reappoint Valerie ' . Welch and to appoint Joseph (Chris) Martinez to the Board of Trustees and to ratifY the Eagle County appointment oiMadeleine Simonet to the Basalt Regional Library Board ofTrostees, is hereby approved. . d APPROVBD AND ADOPTED ON THE JJ. '7DAY OF F~RUARY~ 2005. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~L o:~~ COLORADO By: -(~ ean Jones atti Kay-Clapp ) Chair Deputy Clerk & Recorder Date:Q:<-ol9"'~b MANAGER APPROVAL: EXHIBIT ! ~ lb w ....~ lA.~ llO. &- ~. n '^, t "'"( :8 B Hilary FIe cher Smith ~-+S I County Manager , ,