HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-008 Appointments to the Eagle County Home Buyers Assistance Committee Commissioner moved adoption of the :<"ollowing Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLlTION NO. 2005- RESOLUTION CONCERCING APPOINTMENTS TO THE EAGLE COUNTY HOME BUYERS ASSISTANCE WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board"), desires to make certain new appointments to the Eagle County Homebuyers Assistance Committee (hereinafter the "HBAC") and desires to make certain reappointments to the Home Buyers Assistance Committee to fill current vaca.l1cies on the HBAC; and WHEREAS, the following appointments and designations do not constitute contractual obligations of the County of Eagle nor of the Board, and the County and the Board are not legally bound for the respective terms of appointment of designation as specified herein below, and the County, by and through the Board, having the authority, in its sole discretion, to change, add, or abolish such appointments and designations and to fill vacancies as it sees fit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the board hereby appoints the following individuals to serve as regular members of the Home Buyers Assistance Committee with their representative designations and term expiration dates set forth bellow: MemberlDesi!!nation: Term Expiration Date: Tamra Nottingham Underwoo~, At- large Group 12/05 Ronald S. Niemeyer, Mortgage Group 12/06 Nicole Magistro, At- Large Group 12/06 THAT, the Board hereby reappoints the following individuals to serve as regular member of the Home Buyers Assistance Committee with their representative designations and term expiration dates set forth below: Member/Desi2nation: Term Expiration Date: Bev Trout, Real Estate Group 12/06 Phil Frank, Banking Group 12/06 Kevin Armitage, Banking Group 12/06 Gavin Brooke, Roaring Fork Valley Group 12/06 Derrick Bretta, Altemate 12/06 THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the _ day of January, 2005. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLO 0, By and Through Its BO OUNTY COMMISSIONERS jlTIEST: c( ~~I ~ ~~~ ~~~.. By: , Clerk to the Board of County r Tom C. Stone, Commissioner Commissioner seconded the adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Menconi Commissioner Runyon Commissioner Stone This Resolution passed by of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. ,1-09-05 01: 17P Und'f. 'load 970 1-8 0110 P.02 .. ~lE COUNTY APPLICA TJON FOR HOME BUYERS ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE Nalm~~'Yv\v',^ No-t1l111j ,""q~ LA~v 'oN 0001- Organization lOvJV\ of A\!o V\ Mailillg Addres.~ ~oX q 75 A:voV\ (0 8' l b '20 ) Day pURe 11' 8'-4-000 E\'emag phODe 71f' - 0 If 0 Fax~- q\3q E-mail t\ A \'\.d .(l.VW cJ~ Q D.,. \j OV\ . 0 V-j Why ar~ you interested in seni!ig o~ tb:. Home Buyers Assistance C.omlDittcc? . ... I J- ..r VU^'\ lMi\ e.~"d-v.."'l\Ct<:-,-nt. ,l.)yOp01'\1..Vcf O.r hory..e OvJ~ 1.-....,.( c.v.,.."tJ... lo,Jvt.<.. a.f~v~ ci<A.t~ ft..o.. Ofllov-h~~~O C(s.~( ~i [-:a.~Lo()~ Cirt"li>>\S i~ a..c.W-e.,1\'o'\C/ -ttv:S 1,~V\ClJW\ c\v~((,ItY\I. l-bcrY\Q...(,~ CiS ~lv"'" "0 1'~ "IV\ !\-VQt'\, =c.- ..J ~~(A.ev.e_'N {o-v..M.O+ NoV\ 5l1o-.u&. {",O,N l-e~Kl.0.f Dh ~-f~".d,~Jpk. ~v.~ ~ LM."'- -th,.v' .I. What expertise or strcagth5 w.uld you contribute to the Committee? 'T- l< I ~ 1~To...JV\. of A'>Jcy\' \.kos't'> t Vv'\lJ.c.k. o-f ~ c..o\J~ ~ ,(')v oE'v.:\- C( f~/~v",.te-Si?(.ThV 'FJY <)~\t' ~~vt)i l"~ ;:t. cO\.~ DV'I,-:-~ t>.. :';\lJl'\ O'f AVeV'... ?c....~vec\ive..1oJ ~ CO"\^t\VIA.i~("e. . I ~ . . '~v:.~~t\:1'r l;.A..Je.- ~o v..;,-e.fy,J ~~~_~I tl.,w Cl''''-~ t\ctV\L€-) ~H^o.t , j>lw......iL- c.l>~(l~ ~~ \',\ \.\.\I\.~v"S."-\Ry"d..\;:t.'S>\J<S fto,,(A\,\ '} 'fi....t.. (~~ -{t-<C'. ': Wh~t are the chaUeages r. by Eagle County residents en it comes to housmg? PY\~~NfJ v~\IJ~S -,'-^. tJ v., V C 0 ~~t-\ 1>\.O.lrl f ~y' ~~ t-e I h.t:(fA~i \.I~ c u.l -0( \i <CA.Ct.\. 0.( ~GL~\ \ peN (...,P-.~S 1'11.0 5( fA.::'}e, Co () VI +t 1J)o.l j(.PkS W ~ 0 ~'e (tM,.""l1\:l~~ib _Ol.ive.cOY\OY'r\~ctA..tL~l, Ih~e. ~_)k f,'''0f<'V,",,~V^\\'~ (p"iCC\),0tU.'Vl t~~,~~ l,.(H-tf.... co:' o-f Uv'\,,:~Lu.ve, pl.45M Vt~"v...\ ,.-v:l.v.f ,^W~~(,'YY\c.tI\Jv\:~ ~~s o~dve.~ SI~\.t.(CIS~f{ow ~"V.(f50" Is ther . any additionaJ Information or comments you would like to provide? 'j-:.1. (\b0~f'...V-e.. S~. bo.c.~~v,),)"O\. \.n. o.{(~...dl\.l;,le. ko\.{.(II/'5 Cl~tt..ovd{ hv",.J \ SSVCtV\<>e. u.~ (t.l'l"\Ay.Lr......\-tLe" Pltase return form to: r.a~lc County Housing Department r 0 Box8SOF..<<k. <':0 81631 OJ' e-mail us at b.uiR2(4;eaelecountv.us Phone 328-8771 Fu 328-8787 . 7 04 11: 06a TOtJrlF MINTURN 970 -5545 p.2 : IW ~.' . .. i .-.. " - EAGLE COUNTY APPLICA TION FOR HOME BUYERS ASSISTANCE COIvfMITTEE Name t'flCQlt, ~\Cl~ tl1TD O~mu_ ~~)~M~~ MailiDg Address ~3 0 I M I r\i!C\J\,'\r--- ~ t b lfS Day phone ~. ~ ~ I. S ~EVening phoDe "l. -, 0 . ;:; q CJ .s \ scr Fax57 0 ~ .5 l- -mail ~ ~V){t("e-\-~M)YlhJ(noOr~ Wby are you interested in serving 00 the Home Buyers Assistance Committee'? -= ~Clvr petri lCl PCt~~C( \t\. 1Jtf P~cq-1lltY\ ({I\d I~ \ l+ IS'" \! n \.f v Ct \ vel b l-e... 1\ S 5eH 11'\ 0 \l r ((WV\ VV\ \..J \'\~ . J\,tOltD\ler) N~+UrV\ (f1Sldf'frts \"M~ b-e (( ~~ ta l(tt\llurrhA~e 1hl~ Ef'O~ (VV\lt I\.i t\€ \AY-- Wltat expertise streagtlis wo1lJd yo. outrib te to the Committee? (j) ~lrOl\~ th'\.~ers-!anclllvJ Df COm 1'\0\ u\'\~4 X w '\0/lY'K' ~ 1~ 1a..-hCI1Gh \ p v:> I ~o\ler I'ywr 5 . @ frv\eres. \ \~ eccn~'V\\c d?\{e opmeh-t- H\ Vet ll-e'i What are the challe~es faced by Eagle County resJ when it comes to housing? -C\Horclab\li+to m.~ - CO\'\\?etl+\..DY\ . f (,l~-Cordab\e t\crU1Jd~~ OptlCv15 .. C lar-l+Y I underS-\and U'\.t) ~ 1l~ V1() cQ"X) Is tbere any additional information or comments you woald 6ke to provide? Please return form to: Eagle County Housing Department POBox 850Eagle. CO 8163 t or e-mail us at housil1~(o'eal!lecounh-.us Phone 328-8771 Fax 328-8787 12-30-2004 02:13pm From-Ai.ERICAN Nf 'AL BANK + T-016 P 0011001 F-218 . APPLICATION FOR HOME BUYERS ASSISTA1'TCE COWvlIITEE Name ~\)",JJ. S. M', em"jU ~a.n h- Organization ~-el"iCa.'" Na+i () t"\a I MalliugAddress \>0 Be> X t{(p(oO } f~f' ~I/.o1'1 Dayphoae q'?D-~# 71_53 / ' Evening phonel:17o - 5 CJ- Y - 9 7<1 ~ Fax C{7o-3;t~-7311' E-mail rn;~YY\eV-T'V' ~ OI..nbbo..V\k,LDWI , I ~ are you interested ia serving on the Bome Buyers Ass~tance, Committee? J "- J. Wou..\.~ (; k< ~, .See.... -e.1X~DV\-e l..R,;)~O. I.'> ~ 4-e~re~~ ,._' q 10"1 i "'1 0.. "'-OM V\<We --!\e 0 W'...\-..., '" ,'-17' _LA- ,s Dc \:), J S\-e~O-~T~~~\~ l~~~)~vJ ~ ~'i~f- t\l\ \"\e.\b""1 't'wk 4-0 't~~ ;AVCL{ '. What exp 'se r streagths would yoo con bote to the Committee? r Dt:l,-,'fDee'1\ l ~ If\/\O''"'~j~ lc(.l..v\ ~ VlJ ~ % ~U[V'~ 1 tt-VV\ t0e.\\ Je.\t'SeJ \~:C\1\ ~~-eb o.\. m~ct1€5 ()..~ c.OV15~Y'tll -c? I( ..e"f. '-'-P 0"'- ~ -rm;'&'s c......&.. ~"'-\ -40 J;'\ V\o.w.e 100 '" J 0 · , J ~ J ~f'o~\ae ~e~ ~r~ \ "";\0\.0 \l'-AU\+r-r-S a.J'~ l.V'J.~t 0' r r Ite ~1 . What are the challenges faced by Eagle COllnty residents when it comes to housing? .Cos+ - 1- T,"",:: k. -t\..e b, ~j es+ cl'aJl~ \ ~ ~-y.J.~J \.(XL'75 -\-0 Y<.~ b fA.. ~e,""" - Fa "",e>l+ ~""'- ~(U '^-""- PQ.it"'l t~ V\;~ '^ c.os+ 0+ Ii ~, "'1Ir.el'"€. Th,s',; \)) '" ef< ""t C\e &. <\>>V\ ~ /l ~ "" €V1T ().. c:6 IS-\-O...-.....,,1" \ 5 ~fe.~t- \~lI:..e€dJ, Is there any addit.ional jniorma . n or eo ents you would like to provide? Please return form to: E~gle County I{f)using Department pOBox 8S0Eagle, CO 81631 or e-lJJ.:lil us at h..usil1~J.ea2iecountv.us Phone 328-8771 Fax 328-8787 I I I