HomeMy WebLinkAboutR1979-33 Concerning Salary Increases for Employees . 4110 4111/
WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners, County of Eagle, State of
Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the "Board" is vested with the ultimate
responsibility for the conduct of the fiscal affairs of the County and has
the exclusive authority to increase the salaries of those persons employed
by the County pursuant to Sections 29 -1 -110, 29 -1 -301 et seq., 30 -25 -201 et
seq., and 30 -2 -101 et seq. C.R.S. 1973, as amended; and
WHEREAS, the ability of the County to provide basic services, as prescribed
by law, to the citizens of Eagle County has been seriously imparied due to the
inability of the County to hire and retain qualified personnel in the various
County departments and offices; and
WHEREAS, The Board has determined that the inability to hire and retain
such employees is primarily caused by the present non - competitive, low wages
and /or salaries as evidenced by letters of resignation from past County em-
ployees; a chart of length of position availability; and salary surveys pre -
pared by the Eagle County Personnel Director as directed by the Board; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined that such a situation constitutes an
emergency and requires immediate action; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the most appropriate method for
alleviating the inability to provide adequate County services is to increase
on an equitable and just basis, the respective wages and /or salaries of
present employees of the County and starting wages and /or salaries for those
positions which are presently available; and
WHEREAS, the emergency or contingency could not have reasonably been
forseen at the time of adoption of the County budget for the current fiscal
year; and
WHEREAS, the Board, pursuant to Sections 29 -1 -114 and 29 -1 -115 C.R.S.
1973, as amended, may authorize the expenditure of funds in excess of the
budget for an emergency not reasonably foreseen;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners,
County of Eagle, State of Colorado;
THAT, a state of emergency exists with respect to the inability of the
County of Eagle to provide adequate services to its citizens as prescribed
by law; and
THAT, the Board finds and determines that said emergency has been
created by the inability of the County to hire and retain quailfied personnel
to perform such services because of the County's present non- competitive,low
wages and /or salaries as evidenced by letters of resignation from past County
employees as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein
by the reference; a chart of length of position availability as set forth in
Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and salary
surveys prepared by the Eagle County Personnel Director in the first six months
of this year as set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein
by this reference; and
THAT, the Board hereby finds and determines that the most appropriate
solution of said emergency is to increase the wages and /or salaries on an
equitable and just basis of the present employees of the County athd starting
wages and /or salaries for those positions which are presently available; and
THAT, the Board hereby increases the wages and /or salaries of the respective
postions within the various County departments and offices as set forth in
Exhibit "D" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference based
upon the attached salary surveys (Exhibit C); the qualifications necessary to
perform the duties within the respective departments and offices; the amount
of revenue presently available; and the present burden and problems placed upon
the various County departments and offices by reason of being understaffed; and
THAT, the estimated cost for such wage and /or salary increases is in the
amount of $105,186; and that said contingency was not and could not have been
reasonably forseen at the time of adoption of the County's budget for the
current fiscal year; adn
THAT, it is hereby authorized and ordered by this Board that the sum of
$105,186 be transferred from the Contingency Fund in the current fiscal year's
budget for the County of Eagle, to the County General Fund in the amount of
$72,561 ; the Road and Bridge Fund in the amount of $27,765 ; and the Library
Fund in the amount of $ 4,860 for the purpose of increasing wages and /or salaries
of County employees; and
THAT, this expenditure is expressly approved on condition that the im-
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plementation of said wage and /or salary increases shall require the elimination
of cost -of- living increases for the budget year of 1980;
THAT, the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified
copy of this Resolution for filing with the Division of Local Government in
the Department of Local Affairs of the State of Colorado; and
THAT, The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to publish this
Resolution in full one time in a newspaper of general circulation within the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and
THAT, This Resolution shall become effective October 1, 1979; and
THAT, the Board hereby finds, and determines and declares that this
Resolution is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health,
welfare and safety of the citizens of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
MOVED, READ AND UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED, at a special meeting of the Board
of County Commissioners, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, held on the
21st day of September, 1979, pursuant to Section 30 -10 -303 C.R.S. 1973, as
By and Through Its
ATTEST: By: ( 411(k)da--4.---leb:--
Dan Williams, Chairman
BY: & . J4 i., i ,•� By: = (` t i Z t,
ir'erk of the :ard o" Keith Troxel, Commissioner
County Commissioners
By: ' / " \ W-C
Dale Grant, Commissioner
Senior Bookkeeper $ 891 $1050 $ 159 $1085
Accountant 1157 1600 443 1833
PBX 743 825 82
Administrative Secretary 743 985 242
Administrator 1836 2250 414 2000
Attorney 1661 2292 631
Animal Control
Animal Control Super. 851 X75 12'4 931
Animal Control Officer 726 900 174 931
Animal Control Officer 726 900 174 931
* *Animal Control Officer 726 900 17.4 931
* *Shelter Aide 635 750 115 736
Clerk III 710 890 180 835
Clerk I 581 720 139 735
Clerk I 568 704 136 735
Clerk I 568 704 136 735
Appraiser /Senior 1110 1380 270 1535
Appraiser 912 1200 288
Appraiser 912 1200 288
Clerk IV Deputy 852 1200 348
Clerk & Recorder
Clerk III 726 943 217 835
Clerk I 601 785 184 735
Clerk I 588 785 197 775
Clerk IV Deputy 871 1133 262
Clerk III 746 970 224 835
* *Clerk I 568 738 170 735
Clerk I 568 738 170 735
Clerk III 746 970 224 835
Secretary 726 943 217 943
Clerk III 743 970 227 835
Election Deputy 726 943 217
Clerk III 786 996 210 835
P. T. Basalt 104 170 66
P. T. Eagle 568 738 170
, _ .
4111 11111
Engineer 1864 2186 322 2032
Road Cut Inspector 1023 1318 295 1149
Environmental Health
Director 1401 1786 385 1999
Assistant 1110 1403 293 1864
Secretary 743 956 213 943
Extension & Fairgrounds
Activities & Maintenance 694 868 174 920
Ext. Asst /Secretary 743 944 201 943
Grounds & Buildings
Maintenance Person 813 1016 203 920
* *Custodian 750 850 100 802
* *Operator 743 (Super) 1680 937 1666
Fee Collector 635 790 155
Fee Collector 635 790 155
Operator 851 1050 199 1060
Librarian 1286 1607 321 1900
Clerk III 726 Lib Tech 1040 314 1099
Clerk I P. T. 3.48 hr (301) 426 125 360
Driver /Clerk III 568 887 319 1099
Asst. Librarian 1065 1331 266 1328
Clerk III 726 907 181 835
Nurse 3.42/P.T. (456) 570 114 660
Nurse 3.35/P.T. (456) 570 114 660
Nursing Director 1314 1653 339 1697
Secretary 746 932 186 943
Nurse Aide 594 742 148
Comm. Health Nurse 1087 1371 284 1316
Nurse Aide 655 818 163
Secretary 780 975 195 943
Nurse Aide 581 735 154
Health Officer P. T. 162 202 40
PAGr 3
4111/ 41111
Building & Planning
Building Inspector 1110 1314 204 1312
Planner 1314 1667 353 1667
Secretary 710 850 140 943
Building Official 1562 1949 387 1932
Planning Director 1706 2133 427 2003
Office Manager 871 1109 238
Planning Technician 891 1250 359 1302
Zoning Inspector 1065 1291 226 1363
Building Inspector 1065 1286 221 1312
Purchasing & Personnel
Secretary 743 929 186 943
Purchasing Agent /Per. Dir 1286 1790 504 1903/2122
Road & Bridge
Parts Clerk 726 970 244 929
* *Accounts Rec. Clerk 684 965 281 881
Operator II 797 1110 313 995
Overseer 912 1310 398
* *Overseer 912 1310 398
Overseer 912 1310 398
Overseer 912 1310 398
Operator II 891 1210 319 995
Overseer 932 1330 398
Det. /Operator 851 1155 304 1086
Asst. R & B Supervisor 1065 1635 570 1666
Operator III 871 1275 404 1338
Operator II 743 1000 257 995
Operator III 932 1330 398 1338
Operator II 851 1170 319 995
Operator II 871 1190 319 995
Overseer 932 1330 398
* *Mechanic 951 1330 379 1250
* *Mechanic 971 1330 359 1250
* *Mechanic 832 1330 498 1250
Asst. R & B Supervisor 1110 1680 570 1666
Operator III 932 1330 398 1338
Operator III 851 1250 399 1338
PAGE 4 ill 410
Jailer 813 1120 307 943
Jailer 813 1120 307 943
Deputy I (INV) 833 1275
442 1440
Secretary 710 963 253 943
* *Deputy, Civil 813 1275 462 1040
Deputy I 813 1120 307 1040
Sargent 932 1275 343 1065
Deputy II 932 1170 238 1151
Deputy II 932 1170 238 1151
Undersheriff 1072 1525 453 1895
Jailer 912 1275 363
Deputy II 912 1170 258 1151
Jailer 813 1120 307 943
Sargeant 932 1275 343 1065
* *Secretary 710 943 233 943
Deputy I 813 1120 307 1040
Deputy III 1087 1220 133 1265
* *Deputy II 932 1170 238 1151
Clerk II 684 882 198 790
Clerk II 635 825 190 790
Clerk IV 832 1106 274 890
* *Clerk IV 871 1132 261 890
TOTAL 33,036
33,036 x 1.0613 = 35,062 Monthly cost to County - Social Security
35,062 x 3 = 105,186 Total cost to County
** Position Open