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Open Space Plan
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 30 -11 -107, 30 -28 -106,
30-28 -108, 30 -28 -115 and 30 -28 -101, et seq., C.R.S. 1973, as
amended, the Board of County Commissioners, County of Eagle,
State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the "Board ", has
the power to adopt and amend its Plaster Plan to regulate the
physical development of the unincorporated territory of the County
of Eagle, State of Colorado;
WHEREAS, Eagle County up to the 1960's was an agricul-
turally oriented rural county with a small population. The develop-
ment of the tourist industry has brought about a rapid growth in
population and increasing changes in land use threatening the unique
quality of both the physical resources of the County and the life-
style County residents have enjoyed in the past;
WHEREAS, the Board desires to adopt an Open Space Plan,
its objectives to provide a variety of Open Space and recreation
options while preserving the rural atmosphere of the County for
present and future residents; to show impact of growth on natural
resources and present means of protection and to work with the in-
corporated towns of the County of Eagle to coordinate the various
Open Space Plans presently in existence;
WHEREAS, such Open Space Plan when completed shall be in-
corporated within the Eagle County Master Plan adopted in 1973;
WHEREAS, the Board has authorized the Planning Commission
to appoint an Open Space Steering Committee consisting of residents
of Eagle County with various occupations and professions to work with
the organizational committee consisting of representatives of the
County, Western Colorado Rural Communities Program, Colorado Mountain
College, and Colorado State University;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Com-
missioners, County of Eagle, State of Colorado:
41110 41110
THAT, the Board hereby approves the appointment of an Open
Space Steering Committee by the Planning Commission to work with
the organizational committee to study and recommend an Open Space
Plan which if adopted by the Board shall be incorporated in the
Eagle County Master Plan, adopted in 1973;
THAT, the objectives of the Open Space Plan shall be:
1) The analysis of County Open Space needs;
2) The determination of variety of Open Space /Recrea-
tional requirements;
3) Analysis of locational considerations;
4) Determination of appropriate site characteristics
for various types of Open Space;
5) Consideration of a desirable relationship between
Open Space areas and existing public land;
6) Consideration of a desirable relationship between
Open Space areas and urban areas;
7) Use of Open Space areas in conjunction with historic
preservation activities;
8) Presentation of policies, criteria and guidelines for
locating, designating, obtaining and utilizing Open
Space in the County that responds to the identified
Open Space needs;
THAT, the Board hereby adopts the preparatory Open Space Plan
which provides directives and information on the plan outline, budget,
expenditures and plan objectives attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and in-
corporated herein by this reference;
THAT, the Board hereby establishes a new account within the
County General Fund entitled "Open Space Account" and shall appropriate
certain funds received by said County as shown in Exhibit "B" attached
hereto and incorporated herein by this reference for the purpose of
funding the development of such Open Space Plan; such cost to be reim-
bursed from such account to include, but not limited to, manpower cost,
acquisition cost, clerical, travel expenses, office supplies, printing,
telephone, legal, costs of Open Space Steering Committe and Organiza-
tional Committee;
THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that
this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare
of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
of the Board of Commi sioners, County of Eagle, State of Colorado,
held on this '� day of , 1979.
By and through its
By _ y s� By: 1 � Imo. r
erk o the :oa d of Dan Wi iams, Chairman
County Commissioners
/ y��'
Keith Troxel, Commissioner
4)6 .
Dale Grant, Commissioner
20 April 1979
At the direction of the Board of County Commissioners, the Planning
Commission - has initiated a study aimed at developing a plan for
creation of open space and recreation areas. The plan, when completed
and approved by the County, will become an element of the County Master
The study is a three step process to identify the land most useful as
open space and recreation. Step one is to develop criteria for desire-
ability of use. Step two is to identify characteristics of all private
land in the :developing corridors. The third step is to compare each
parcel of land with the use criteria to identify land for inclusion in a '
' County wide plan. Techniques for acquisition and land development will be
presented as the implementation plan.
A cooperative effort for the study between Eagle County, Colorado State
'University, Colorado Mountain College, and the Western Colorado Rural
Communities Program has been initiated. Each entity has committed staff
time and resources to assist in completion of the plan. A team of graduate
students from CSU will perform the field work under direction of the
• Planning Commission.
Eagle County has primary responsibility for direction of this planning
effort. Project coordinator is Terrill Knight, Planning Director for
Eagle County. Jack D'Orio, County Extension Agent is the Organization
Committee Chairman. Vice- Chairman of the Planning Commission, Don Price,
is the Planning Commission representative on the Organization Committee.
Vince Shively, Arnold Dollase, and'Don Sorenson represent the Western'
Colorado Rural Communities Program, CMC and CSU.
The following pages include (in preliminary form) the plan outline, budget,
expenditures, and plan objectives.
D. Site Characteristics
Identification of parcels for inclusion in the plan must consider
the effect to the County'as a whole as well as individual physical
attributes of each parcel. A balance of. location and use must be
attained in order to all of the people.
An information base must be generated which rates individual site
characteristics. This then becomes the basis for decision making
concerning .final designation. •
E. Relationship to Existing Public Lands
In order to attain the most effective use of land, new open space
• .and recreation parcels should be located in a positive relationship
to existing public land. This does not mean that the only acceptable
land must be adjacent to usable public open space although, generally,
this concept is advantageous. This physical relationship of use
should tend to expand current uses into larger homogeneous use areas.
F. Urban Separation •
When properly planned and designated, open space parcels provide breaks
in the strip development pattern inherent in our private land ownership
pattern. With the valley generally being in private ownership, and being
Most suitable for construction (from a physical standpoint) and being
served by the primary highway, the natural result is continuous deve-
lopment corridors. However, it is advantageous for physical and social
values, to maintain visual breaks between identifiable areas or towns.
This not only lends to preservation of the rural character of the County,
it retains individual area identification.
G. Historic Site Preservation
The preservation of historic and archeologid sites is a related matter
to open space and recreation. The important sites identified for
preservation can be included in the plan and be designated for specific
uses (either for public or private use).
Page 2
III . P1 an Impl emuntati on
There are tv:o catac,ories generally accepted as methods of
obtaining parks, open space, and recreation areas. The first
is fee acquisition of land with the second being acquisition of
use rights.
A. Ownership Acquisition
Obviously, purchase of land is both the most simple and most
expensive method of acquisition. Public ownership provides
permanent use control and complete public access. In addition
to full purchase, ownership can be obtained through donation.
It is possible to accept dedications which would be to the benefit
of the public agency as well as the private land owner.
B. Use Rights
• Acquisition of the right to use land for a public purpose is also
useful in implementation of the plan. Scenic easements, long term
lease agreements, density transfers, and land reservation agreements
can result in provision of open space and in some cases, recreation
use for less than full purchase.
..C. Funding
In addition to use of local tax money to pay acquisition costs other
methods are available. Lard banking, purchase and leaseback, tax
assessment pol icy change, and combinations of both public and private
funds can be utilized to provide land. Reservation of life estates
can also provide for permanent use of land for open space purposes.
Land use regulatory controls such as stream setbacks and steep slope
restrictions can provide a limited amount of non development land.
Page 3."
41110 •
Criteria _ i or Designating cinat_i nc� Oj�en S {�<�ce and F;ect eati on Land
A. men space
1. Key visual open space
2. Geologically unique area
3. Wildlife habitat
4. Relationship to public land
5. Historic areas
• 6. Separation of development areas
7. Natural vegetation type
8. •
10. •
B. Recreation
1. Relationship to population locations
2. Meeting recreation needs
3. Relationship to public open space
4. Relationship to public use areas, i.e. schools
• 5.
7. -
Page 4
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April 1 - May 31 1 X 350 X 2 = 700.00
June 1 - August 31 2 X 700 X 3 = 4200.00
Sept. 1 - December 31 2 X 350 X 4 = 2800.00
Covers health, worker comp., social security
Full Employment Months = 11 X 70 /m, = 770.00
Mileage and Expense: -
7000 miles X .15 /mile = 1050.00
. Per Diem and_Lodging_ = 1000.00
. Total Direct Payments 10,520.00
• Colorado State University
20 man days X $200.00 /day = 4000.00
Western Colorado Rural Communities Program .
30 man days X 5200.00 /day = 6000.00
Colorado Mountain'College
10 man days X $200.00 /day = 2000.00
Total Program /Staff 12,000.00
Printing Costs - 300.00
Travel 200.00
Telephone - 250.00
Office Supplies - 2.50.00
Clerical - 500.00
Office Space - 200.00
Planning Staff 3000.00
Planning Commission Expense - 1500.00
Legal - 1000.00
II I -2-
• County Extension Office
Soil Conservation Service
Bureau of Land Management
Forest Service
Colorado State Forest
Division of Wildlife
Town of Vail
Town of Eagle
Town of Basalt
Eagle Soil Conservation District
Total of 38 man days X $100.00 /day = 3800.00
Total County and Other Agencies - 11,000.00
• Subtotals 10,520.00
• 12,000.00
Total Costs 33,520.00
Contributions In -Kind
Eagle County, Other Agencies, C.S.U., C.M.C., Western
Colorado Rural Communities Program 23,000.00
Contributions /Cash
State of Colorado 5,000.00
Western Colorado Rural
Communities Program 3,520.00
Local Contributions 3,000.00
11,520.00 11,520.00
Subtotals 23,000.00
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To work as an element of Eagle County Master Plan.
To inform Federal and State agencies of Eagle County's drive to maintain
open space and to coordinate with these agencies in keeping the lands they
manage preserved as open space.
• To create buffer zones of open -space between urban areas. This would help
in maintaining the rural character of the County and allow each urban area
to retain it's own identity.
To assist in maintaining visual .quality along main highways.
To identify sites of potential recreation for growing urban population.
To identify unique - land forms and vegetation so they may be protected and
To identify w i l d l i f e corridors which should be protected and preserved.
To identify areas of historical value which should be preserved.
To work with the towns within Eagle County to coordinate with their comprehensive
plans or open space plans.
41 11/ 4
Colorado State University (in kind) $ 4,000.00
Western Colorado Rural Communities Program (in kind) 6,000.00
" " Cash 3,520.00
Colorado Mountain College (in kind) 2,000.00
Agencies (in kind) 3,800.00
County (in kind) 7,200.00
Cash 2,859.52
1041 Funds Cash for 1978 832.52
1041 Funds Cash for 1979 2,027.00
Local Contributions Cash 2,500.00