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171 Lynns Ct - 239122204011
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2260-03 BUILDING PERMIT NO. 14856 OWNER: ERIC AND BELINDA FAULHABER PHONE: 970-963-9719 MAILING ADDRESS: 13 EASY STREET, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 171 LYNN'S COURT, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 TAX PARCEL NO. 2391-222-04-011 LICENSED INSTALLER: FAULHABER CONSTRUCTION, ERIC FAULHABER LICENSE NO. 76-03 PHONE: 970-379-1411 DESIGN ENGINEER: MCLAUGHLIN RINCON LTD., DEAN DEROSIER PHONE NO. 970-925-1920 INSTALLATION GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, 1581 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA 51 INFILTRATOR UNITS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISIONS AND LETTER DATED 4/8/03, IN SERIAL DISTRIBUTION IN SHALLOW TRENCHES NO DEEPER THAN TWO FEET, WITH A CLEAN -OUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE AND INSPECTION PORTALS IN EACH TRENCH. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEAR- ING OF SOILS AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. LAYOUT THE LEACH FIELD CAREFULLY DUE TO SITE CON- STRAINTS AND MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIREMENTS. INSTALL PIPE IN DRY GULCH WITHIN 25 FT OF THE LEACH FIELD. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR THE FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION, OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS RE- GARDING THE INSTALLATION. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: LAURA FAWCETT DATE: OCTOBER 6, 2003 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 2540-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1581 SQUARE FEET (VIA 51 INFILTRATOR UNITS PER DESIGN ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK: 1000 GALLONS IS LOCATED 100 DEGREES AND 15 FEET FROM THE FIRST CLEANOUT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE HOUSE. COMMENTS: THE FINAL INSPECTION WAS DONE BY VICTOR CROCCO OF EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER ON 10-8-03. THE ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION AND AS -BUILT DRAWING WERE RECEIVED ON 11-10-03. THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE A THREE BEDROOM RESIDENCE. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE - INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 2003 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2260-03 BUILDING PERMIT NO. 14856 OWNER: ERIC AND BELINDA FAULHABER PHONE: 970-963-9719 MAILING ADDRESS: 13 EASY STREET, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 171 LYNN'S COURT, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 TAX PARCEL NO. 2391-222-04-011 LICENSED INSTALLER: FAULHABER CONSTRUCTION, ERIC FAULHABER LICENSE NO. 76-03 PHONE: 970-379-1411 DESIGN ENGINEER: MCLAUGHLIN RINCON LTD., DEAN DEROSIER PHONE NO. 970-925-1920 INSTALLATION GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, 1581 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA 51 INFILTRATOR UNITS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISIONS AND LETTER DATED 4/8/03, IN SERIAL DISTRIBUTION IN SHALLOW TRENCHES NO DEEPER THAN TWO FEET, WITH A CLEAN -OUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE AND INSPECTION PORTALS IN EACH TRENCH. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEAR- ING OF SOILS AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. LAYOUT THE LEACH FIELD CAREFULLY DUE TO SITE CON- STRAINTS AND MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIREMENTS. INSTALL PIPE IN DRY GULCH WITHIN 25 FT OF THE LEACH FIELD. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR THE FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION, OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS RE- GARDING THE INSTALLATION. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: OCTOBER 6, 2003 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET (VIA ) INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM COMMENTS: ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE - INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: §eb-07-03 12:52pm From -Eagle County Community Development 870 328 7165 T-828 P.001/000 F-481 '..L1GUiLLk11C1.0 r+�r.r..+-�.i+�.+vaav •.��� �.v.. ..... --..�. �� -:, (Site: -Plan MUST be attached) r ISDS Permit # s �� Building Permit 2 � APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT _ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 82631 Eagle (970) 328-8755, Fax (970) 328-0349, El Jebel (970) 927-3823 * FEE SCHEDULE * APPLIC'ATION FEE $350.00 �? THIS FEE I MODES THR ISDS PST, SITE EVALUATION (PERCOLATION TEST, SOIL PROFILE OBSMVATION) AND FINAL INSPECTTCN * ADDITIONAL FBES MAY BE CRARGED IF` A REINSPECTION IS NECESSARY, OR A PRE -CONSTRUCTION SITE VISIT OR CONSULTATION I$ NERVED REINSPECTI03.1T FEE $47.00, PRE -CONSTRUCTION SITE VISIT F$E $85. 00 A MAKE ALL..RMUTTANCE PAYABLE .Tos °EAGLE CODZfXT TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER; ✓'� Z- (3e l � ^ � " F�' L1 C" b e✓- MAILING ADDRESS: f- CC) g(6Z3 PHONE:(F63-f 9 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: 6', C- PHONE (9k)3L _ LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: PHONE COMPANY/DBA: d&fha ADDRESS: / YS3wv 8 Z 4?a,.�.le Cd 814Z3 ##tltatiyetltek�rfirdlr�ir*##�k�e+k#�rir####*ytyk�t•ar*#*�adr�tw#�L•�t###�tc�F�tt####=k*##�t••*y: er*��r71lr��r�ic�lc##at##�.ile PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: NEW INSTALLATION. ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: �d� /� ?�+c �,,.,,.,�. - ff3o �, A46-1„ Uz AGE, - Tax Parcel Number: e 2-3 0 q - U / / Lot Size: 9S Physical Address: /-7/ &Zgrs C. a=.✓ /- BUILDIING TYPE: (Check applicable category) N Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms.�w ( ) Res identi al /Multi- Family* Number of Sedrooms . ( ) Commercial / Industrial * Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) S=face (x) -Public. Name of Supplier: ASOch VV.) /fo••� � � �� APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: 31zig_�a3 �katJr*ot�#dryeaYardeF=k�lraairwr�r##t#*de##olrvkF#yb#k�it#•irk-kicFkat•#ilr#ak*#*at*at•vt-'�-*#d-,tatakt-irk##ic#at••,tww AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: C) c�: c -� / DATE: J - CHECK # : /61�.Lr CASHIER: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX. (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE:800-225-6136 www.eagle-county.com November 14, 2003 Eric and Belinda Faulhaber 13 Easy Street Carbondale, CO 81623 EAGLE COUNTY RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2260-03, Tax Parcel #2391-222-04-011. Property location: 171 Lynn's Court, Carbondale, CO. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Faulhaber: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Ifnet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Educational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files, November 2003 Chrono file OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eagle-county.com DATE: TO 6INGRUT1 E-AG-LE COUNTY October 6, 2003 Faulhaber Construction, Inc. Eagle County Department of Environmental Health RAY MOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit #2260-03, Tax Parcel # 2391-222-04-011, Property Location: 171 Lynn's Court, Carbondale, CO., Faulhaber residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit #2260-03, and a copy of the engineer's design for this system. The permit is valid for 120 days or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this Department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer and views the installation. Please note that our ISDS Permit specifications are typically minimum requirements only and should be brought to the property owner's attention in case they may wish to install a system capable of handling larger wastewater flows. This permit does not indicate conformance with any other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (970) 328-8755. cc: ISDS file # 2260-03 McLaughlin Rincon Engineering, Dean Derosier Chrono file October 2003 OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 :;.>i....................�: �.{: i1 :. t•<,s t::. t':;t ai if4 SS: ��:. �.: .'i .^•, :t}: yy `;. ~''` . McLAUGHLIN RINCON Ltd. 111 P AABC ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 fax mweaspen@rofnet MEMORANDUM Date: November 5, 2003 To: EAGLE County Environmental Health, Ray Merry From: Dean Derosier; McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. RE: Faulhaber Septic System - Recommendation of Final Approval 171 Lynn's COURT, Carbondale, Co. ECEH Permit # 2260-03 This Final approval letter is written for the septic system and the associated permit that serves the Faulhaber home at 171 Lynn's Court in Missouri Heights. The system was designed in 2003 and installed in the summer of 2003 and placed into service in fall of 2003. MR, ECEH, and GDD inspected the installation of the system and found it was installed according to MR's design with minor changes as noted on the asbuilt drawings and ECEH requirements. This letter is to serve as the acceptance letter for MR and recommendation to Eagle County for final acceptance of the system. Attached is an asbuilt drawing of the system installation. To my knowledge the system was installed according to MR and ECEH standards and the system layout was installed per the attached asbuilt design drawing, which can be used as the asbuilt for system and permit. The system consists of 1- new 1000 gallon and 4 rows of infiltrator units in a serial distribution system with .51 total units. All trenches were installed using a infiltrator gravelless chamber system. All setback limitations were meet. Please eall_is oil h 7any questions. G`.-Oean r, P. 'E. Apr 09 03 09:38a MCLAUGHLIN RINCON Ltd 970-925-1974 Laughlin Rincon -- + anaIvi00rsndn ncn p da/6couIIifl 1.7 Date: April 8, 2003 McLAUGHLIN K NCON, Ltd. 1 I I P AARC ASPEN, COLOILN130 81611 970-925-1920 970-925.19741ax ►nwcaspcn@ro£nct ►M�iiD�► U7al`1=tT�1�-1 To: Eagle County Environmental Health; From: Dean Derosier - McLaughlin Rincon Ltd. RE: Faulhaber Residence - Septic System Design Notes - Lot II Aspen View Subdivision, Missouri Heights - Carbondale. On April 7, 2003 Laura Fawcett with Eagle County was on site to review two new profile holes dug near the new septic system location. I made a trip to the site to review the new profile holes, that afternoon. The upper hole had good clean topsoil to a depth of —4-feet The lower hole had good soils to a depth of only 3-feet. Below these depths, typical large Basalt boulders, rocks, and clay were found to a depth of over 7-feet. I also reviewed the dry gulch discussed with Laura that is located to the south and west of the property. Based on my site visit, I have the following additional comments and design changes to the system. I did review other options for system for this site and still feel that the original design will work for this site and proposed home. Laura's discussed several good ideas for alternative systems, which I noted and did investigated. 1. Contour the trenches to fit site conditions and the topo of the site. Trenches are to be 6' apart. Minimum depth =12"; maximum depth = 24" to top of infiltrator and 36" to the bottom of the trench. 2. Backfill the dry gulch with soils from the home excavation and install an 8" diameter PVC pipe in the bottom of the gulch to allow drainage through the fill area. The pipe and backfill shall extend approximately 25-feet up stream and downstream of the area near the fourth infiltrator trench. 3. The fourth trench is to be split into 2 trenches of equal length to help keep the system from encroaching into the dry gulch. Backfilling the gulch would eliminate the need for the setback from the gulch, however installing two trenches provides . an additional safety factor. t � ,:.. ,.. , �— G. Dea6berd er, V Lin c. �f I gddlfaulhaber21A2-001.01 l v ,aA&J-CC ,11V-Y �e McLaughlin Rincon Ltd. 2300 15v'Street, Suite 220, Denver, Colorado 80202 P 303-964-3333 F303-964.3355 This is a gravity feed system using infiltrators and serial distribution. Area of Septic field required = A Percolation Rate = 13 to 80 minute per inch Use 30 mpi = Loading Rate of .50 pals per square foot rj A=Q/LTAR 7881.50 = 1575re feet = 101 infiltrators �T Eagle County allowance = 50% for use of infiltrators c: 60% reduction for infiltrators = 788 sq ft or 51 infiltrators. 3- System to be 51 units to allow for even length trenches. 3 Install 3 rows of 13 units (78 feet long) and install 1 rows of 12 units in a serial distributed trench system of 51 total infiltrators. Contour the trenches to fit site conditions and the topo of the site. Trenches are to be 6' apart. System size = 80' long X 27' wide. Minimum depth = 12"; maximum depth = 36" to top of infiltrator. install �v+ents on each row of trenches. Tank and disposal field will be installed in the general area Northwest of the home in the open area. Tees will be installed on both the influent and effluent lines of the tank, set on the inside of the tank. Set top of line from tee within 1" of the roof of the tank and extend line downward 14" below centerline of tee. Maximum cover over access to tank shall be 6 and easily accessed for maintenance. Bedding under and within 6" of the tanks will be roadbase compacted to 95%. Installation of native fill or screened rock around the tanks outside the bedding zone is acceptable. Fill tank with water prior to backfill to check for leaks and leave water in tank for placing the system in service. Septic tank will be two -chambered tanks. Install an OSI 4" diameter Biotube, or equal, inside the new 1,000-gallon tank's effluent line. The housing is to be 36" high with a cartridge length of 28", using SDR 26 PVC piping. Piping from the home to the tanks will be 4 SDR 35 PVC laid at a minimum of 1 /o. Insulate lines with less than 42" of cover or in uninsulated crawl spaces. Minimum depth is 3.5' for all piping. Install cleanout between house and septic tank. Use standard 2" Blue Board insulation placed 6" above the pipe and laid on a flat bedding surface if less then 3.5' of cover. Distribution line to the field from the tank and in the serial distribution system shall be 4" SCH 40 PVC piping. All pipe bedding to consist of a minimum of 2" under and 6" over the pipe of native soils with maximum sized material of 1 ". MR, ltd. McLAUGHLIN RINCON Ltd. I l I P AABC ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 fax mweaspen@ro£net MEMORANDUM Date: March 3, 2003 To: Eagle County Environmental Health; From: Dean Derosier - McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. RE: Faulhaber Residence - Septic System Design Notes - Lot 11 Aspen View Subdivision, Missouri Heights - Carbondale. The following are my design notes for the new septic system to serve the Faulhaber residence. The site is a sloped area next to the home. - 3 - Bedrooms - Approx. 2,456 Square Feet of living area - 75 gallons per day p,oerson - Per Rates —13 t C80 PI, se 30 mpi) By = Loading rate of .50 gals/sq ft. - Ground water 250'+1- feet from surface not encountered - Public water supply system. Flow = Q = 3 bed rooms x 2 peo/br x 75 gal/day/per x 1.75(max flow) = 788 gallons per day. Tank sizing - 3 - Bed Rooms requires 1,000 gallons of septic tanks; Q X 1.25 Install 1 NEW -1,000 gallon double -chambered septic tank. Install tank to meet site contours and allow access for cleaning, next to the existing system. See tank notes below. Hang a 4" SCH 40 perforated PVC inside the first row of infiltrators only. Remove all burrs, excess material, and other debris from drilling the perforations in the pipe. The remaining 3 rows shall have serial distribution, but will not use a perforated pipe inside the infiltrators. Follow the manufacturers recommendations for installation of the serial distribution pipe in and out of each remaining rows of infiltrators, where the 4" solid Sch 40 PVC enters the row of infiltrators and stops at the first infiltrator. The serial distribution continues at the end of the row with solid 4" Sch 40 PVC to the next row. Trenches to be with in 2" of level across the entire length of each row. Each row may be stepped down to match contours and other site conditions. Install splash plates under the entry and exit piping at each end of each row of infiltrators. (Splash Plate -1' Wide and 18" Long) Adjustments to fit site contours and conditions may be made per approval of the engineer and homeowner. Minimal Oak Brush to be disturbed during installation The engineer shall finalize elevations of the tank and trenches in the field. Installation and operation shall be approved by the engineer prior to final acceptance. System must meet all Eagle County ISDS requirements and MRLtd. design standrads and must be inspected by MRLtd. and Eagle County prior to Final Approval. Owner is recommended to pump the septic tank at 2-year intervals. Landscaping and watering us on top of septic field shall be minimized or eliminated. G. Dean Derosier, P. E. Loughlin " ,)n91meoring design �tonsviIingf McLAUGHLIN RWCON, Ltd. 111 P AABC ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 fax mweaspen@rof.net MEMORANDUM �aa-02M� io Date: March 3, 2003 Updated 4/10/03 J 13 To: Eagle County Environmental Health;_ H� e �A From: Dean Derosier - McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. RE: Faulhaber Residence - Septic System Design Notes - Lot 11 Aspen'Vl& Subdivision, Missouri Heights - Carbondale. The following are my design notes for the new septic system to serve the Faulhaber residence. The site is a sloped area next to the home. - 3 - Bedrooms - Approx. 2,456 Square Feet of living area - 75 gallons per day per person - Per Rates —13 to 80 MPI, (use 30 mpi) By = Loading rate of .50 gals/sq ft. - Ground water 250'+1- feet from surface not encountered - Public water supply system. Flow = Q = 3 bed rooms x 2 peo/br x 75 gal/day/per x 1.75(max flow) = 788 gallons per day. Tank sizing - 3 - Bed Rooms requires 1,000 gallons of septic tanks; Q X 1.25 Install 1 NEW -1,000 gallon double -chambered septic tank. Install tank to meet site contours and allow access for cleaning, next to the existing system. See tank notes below. This is a gravity feed system using infiltrators and serial distribution. Area of Septic field required = A Percolation Rate = 13 to 80 minute per inch Use 30 mpi = Loading Rate of .60 gals per square foot. McLaughlin Rincon Ltd. 2300 15th Street, Suite 220, Denver, Colorado 80202 P 303-964-3333 F303-964-3355 A=Q/LTAR 788/.50 = 1575re feet = 101 infiltrators Eagle County allowance = 50% for use of infiltrators 50% reduction for infiltrators = 788 sq ft or 51 infiltrators. System to be 51 units to allow for even length trenches. Install 4 rows of 13 units (78 feet long) and install 2 rows of 6 units in a serial distributed trench system of 51 total infiltrators. Contour the trenches to fit site conditions and the topo of the site. Trenches are to be 6' apart, (4' is soils are rocky). System size = 80' long X 27' wide. Minimum depth = 12"; maximum depth = 24" to top of infiltrator. Install vents on each row of trenches. Tank and disposal field will be installed in the general area Northwest of the home in the open area. Tees will be installed on both the influent and effluent lines of the tank; set on the inside of the tank. Set top of line from tee within 1" of the roof of the tank and extend line downward 14" below centerline of tee. Maximum cover over access to tank shall be 6" and easily accessed for maintenance. Bedding under and within 6" of the tanks will be roadbase compacted to 95%. Installation of native fill or screened rock around the tanks outside the bedding zone is acceptable. Fill tank with water prior to backfill to check for leaks and leave water in tank for placing the system in service. Septic tank will be two -chambered tanks. Install an OSI 4" diameter Biotube, or equal, inside the new 1,000-gallon tank's effluent line. The housing is to be 36" high with a cartridge length of 28", using SDR 26 PVC piping. Piping from the home to the tanks will be 4" SDR 35 PVC laid at a minimum of 1%. Insulate lines with less than 42" of cover or in uninsulated crawl spaces. Minimum depth is 3.5' for all piping. Install cleanout between house and septic tank. Use standard 2" Blue Board insulation placed 6" above the pipe and laid on a flat bedding surface if less then 3.5' of cover. Distribution line to the field from the tank and in the serial distribution system shall be 4" SCH 40 PVC piping. All pipe bedding to consist of a minimum of 2" under and 6" over the pipe of native soils with maximum sized material of 1 ". Hang a 4" SCH 40 perforated PVC inside the first row of infiltrators only. Remove all burrs, excess material, and other debris from drilling the perforations in the pipe. The remaining 3 rows shall have serial distribution, but will not use a perforated pipe inside the infiltrators. Follow the manufacturers recommendations for installation of the serial distribution pipe in and out of each remaining rows of infiltrators, where the 4" solid Sch 40 PVC enters the row of infiltrators and stops at the first infiltrator. The serial distribution continues at the end of the row with solid 4" Sch 40 PVC to the next row. Trenches to be with in 2" of level across the entire length of each row. Each row may be stepped down to match contours and other site conditions. Install splash plates under the entry and exit piping at each end of each row of infiltrators. (Splash Plate -1' Wide and 18" Long) McLaughlin Rincon Ltd. 2300 15'h Street, Suite 220, Denver, Colorado 80202 P 303-964-3333 F303-964-3355 Laughlin . �:ngin�Grat�g de ign ,,,n5,minsg Date: April 8, 2003 McLAUGHLIN RINCON, Ltd. 111 P AABC ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 fax mweaspen@rof.net MEMORANDUM To: Eagle County Environmental Health; From: Dean Derosier - McLaughlin Rincon Ltd. RE: Faulhaber Residence - Septic System Design Notes - Lot 11 Missouri Heights - Carbondale. i > 3.e Aspen View Sul n, On April 7, 2003 Laura Fawcett with Eagle County was on site to review two new profile holes dug near the new septic system location. I made a trip to the site to review the new profile holes, that afternoon. The upper hole had good clean topsoil to a depth of -•4-feet. The lower hole had good soils to a depth of only 3-feet. Below these depths, typical large Basalt boulders, rocks, and clay were found to a depth of over 7-feet. I also reviewed the dry gulch discussed with Laura that is located to the south and west of the property. Based on my site visit, I have the following additional comments and design changes to the system. I did review other options for system for this site and still feel that the original design will work for this site and proposed home. Laura's discussed several good ideas for alternative systems, which I noted and did investigated. 1. Contour the trenches to fit site conditions and the topo of the site. Trenches are to be 6' apart. Minimum depth = 12"; maximum depth = 24" to top of infiltrator and 36" to the bottom of the trench. 2. Backfill the dry gulch with soils from the home excavation and install an 8" diameter PVC pipe in the bottom of the gulch to allow drainage through the fill area. The pipe and backfill shall extend approximately 25-feet up stream and downstream of the area near the fourth infiltrator trench. 3. The fourth trench is to be split into 2 trenches of equal length to help keep the system from encroaching into the dry gulch. Backfilling the gulch would eliminate the need for the setback from the gulch, however installing two trenches provides an additional safety factor. G. Dean Derosier, P. E. gdd\faulhaber2XA2-001.01 McLaughlin Rincon Ltd. 2300 15`h Street, Suite 220, Denver, Colorado 80202 P 303-964-3333 F303-964-3355 Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81r)01 Phone: 970-945-7988 rax:970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com December 5, 2000 Steve Dolezal P.O. Box 2136 Basalt, Colorado 81621 Job No. 100 830. Subject: Subsoil Study for Foundation Design and Percolation Test, Proposed Residence, Lot 11, Filing 3, The Summit at Aspen Mountain View, Eagle County, Colorado. Dear Mr. Dolezal: As requested, Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. performed a subsoil study and percolation test for foundation and septic disposal designs at the subject site. The study was conducted in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to you dated October 10, 2000. The data obtained and our recommendations based on the proposed construction and subsurface conditions encountered are presented in this report. Proposed Construction: The proposed residence will be a two story wood frame structure over a walkout basement level located on the site as shown on Fig. 1. The attached garage and basement floors are proposed to be slab -on -grade. Cut depths are expected to be up to about 10 feet. Foundation loadings for. this type of construction are assumed to be relatively light and typical of the proposed type of construction. The septic disposal system is proposed to be located about 50 feet downhill to the south of the proposed residence. If building conditions or foundation loadings are significantly different from those described above, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations presented in this report. Site Conditions: The site was vacant and covered with up to about 1 foot of snow at the time of our field work. The ground surface in the building area slopes moderately to strongly down to the south-southwest at grades up to about 12%. There is about 6 to 8 feet of elevation difference across the building area. There is about 3 feet of roadway fill for construction of Sam Grange Court on the north and Lynns Court on the east side of the lot. An irrigation ditch is located in the southern portion of the lot. The loris vegetated with scattered scruboak and sagebrush. Subsurface Conditions: The subsurface conditions at the site were evaluated by excavating two exploratory pits in the building area and one profile pit in the septic disposal area at the approximate locations shown on Fig. 1. The logs of the pits are presented on Fig. 2. The subsoils encountered, below about 1'/2 to 2 feet of topsoil, Steve Dolezal December 5, 2000 Page 2 generally consist of silty sand and gravel with occasional fragments of basalt rock up to boulder size. About 8'/2 feet of stiff slightly sandy to sandy clay was encountered between the topsoil and sand and gravel in Pit 2. The upper 3'/2 feet of the clay was reddish brown and the lower 5 feet was slightly calcareous. Results of swell - consolidation testing performed on a relatively undisturbed sample of the upper clay, presented on Fig. 3, indicate low compressibility under existing moisture conditions and light loading and a moderate expansion potential when wetted. Results of a gradation analysis performed on a sample of the gravel (minus 3 inch fraction) obtained from the site are presented on Fig. 4. No free water was observed in the pits at the time of excavation and the soils were slightly moist to moist. Foundation Recommendations: Considering the subsoil conditions encountered in the exploratory pits and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural soil designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf for support of the proposed residence. The upper clay soils encountered in Pit 2 are expansive and should be removed from below the building area. As an alternative, design bearing levels could- be reestablished after subexcavation of the expansive clay with properly compacted structural fill. The structural fill should be a granular material compacted to at least 100 % of standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. The fill should extend laterally out from the footing a distance at least equal to the depth of fill beneath the footing. The subgrade should be evaluated for settlement/heave potential at the time of construction. Footings should be a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for columns.`° Loose and disturbed soils and encountered at the foundation bearing level within the excavation should be removed and the footing bearing level extended down to the undisturbed natural soils. Exterior footings should be provided with adequate cover above their bearing elevations for frost protection. Placement of footings at least 42 inches below the exterior grade is typically used in this area. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 12 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure based on an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 55 pcf for the on -site soil as backfill. Floor Slabs: The natural on -site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab -on -grade construction. The upper clay soils encountered in Pit 2 are expansive and should be removed from beneath the building area. To reduce the effects of some differential movement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. The requirements for joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 4 inch layer of H-P GEOTECH y Steve Dolezal December 5, 2000 Page 3 free -draining gravel should be placed beneath basement level slabs to facilitate drainage. This material should consist Of minus 2 inch aggregate with less than 50 % passing the No. 4 sieve and less than 2 % passing the No. 200 sieve. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95 % of maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Required fill can consist of the on -site granular soils devoid of vegetation, topsoil and oversized rock. Underdrain System: Although free water was not encountered during our exploration, it has been our experience in mountainous areas that local perched groundwater can develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff. Frozen ground during spring runoff can create a perched condition. We recommend below -grade construction, such as retaining walls and basement areas, be protected from wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain system. The drains should consist of drainpipe placed in the bottom of the wall backfill surrounded above the invert level with free -draining granular material. The drain should be placed at each level of excavation and at least 1 foot below lowest adjacent finish grade and sloped at a minimum 1 % to a suitable gravity outlet. Free -draining granular material used in the underdrain system should contain less than 2 % passing the No. 200 sieve, less than 50 % passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximum, size of 2 inches. The drain gravel backfill should be at least 11/a feet deep. Surface Drainage: The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the residence has been completed: 1) Inundation of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. Drying could increase the expansion potential of the upper clay soils. 2) Exterior backfill should be adjusted to near optimum moisture and compacted to at least 95 % of the maximum standard Proctor density in pavement and slab areas and to at least 90 % of the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. Free -draining wall backfill should be capped with about 2 feet of the on -site, finer graded soils to reduce surface water infiltration. 3) The 'ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in pavement and walkway areas. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of H-P GEOTECH Steve Dolezal December 5, 2000 Page 4 all backfill. 5) Landscaping which requires regular heavy irrigation should be located at least 10 feet from the building. Percolation Testing: Percolation tests were conducted on November 29, 2000 to evaluate the feasibility of an infiltration septic disposal system at the site. One profile pit and three percolation holes were dug at the locations shown on Fig. 1. The test holes (nominal 12 inch diameter by 12 inch deep) were hand dug at the bottom of shallow backhoe pits and were soaked with water one day prior to testing. The holes were covered with rigid foam insulation to protect against freezing overnight. The soil temperature at the time of testing was 37° F. The soils exposed in the percolation holes are similar to those exposed in the Profile Pit shown on Fig. 2 and consist of about 2 feet of topsoil overlying silty. sand and gravel with fragments of basalt to the profile pit depth of 8 feet. The percolation test results are presented in Table II. The percolation test results indicate an infiltration rate between 13 and 80 minutes per inch. The slower rate of test P-3 was likely due to a large rock near the test hole or localized calcareous cementation of the sand and gravel. Based on the test results and our experience in the area, an average percolation rate of about 30 minutes per inch should be used for septic system design at this site. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered and the percolation test results, the tested area should be suitable for a conventional infiltration septic disposal system. Limitations: This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either expressed or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory pits excavated at the locations indicated on Fig. 1, the proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory pits and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified at once so re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has-been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or iriodifications to the recommendations presented herein. We recommend on -site observation of excavations and foundation H-P GFnTF(-H Steve Dolezal December 5, 2000 Page 5 bearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. If you have any questions or If we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK Jordy Z. AdamsonlJr., Reviewed by: aniel E. Hardin, P.E. JZA/ksw attachments INIMIN N=.I n 29707 �`�Sinn�fl, ENc� H-P GEOTECH APPROXIMATE SCALE 1" = 80, LOT 10 S� 9004? p 80 �\ 70 / PIT 1 t �N /� BUILDING SETBACK L / '10�k// P 1Q / / �P 2 PROFILE / PROPOSED / 0 N PIT / RESIDENCE / Q PIT 2 / \ P 3 L 1 U -EXISTING .DITCH LOT 12 100 830 1 HEPWORTH- PAWLAK I LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY PITS GEOTECHNICAL, INC. AND PERCOLATION TEST HOLES Fig. 1 4J N G4 1 4 4J N Q rll L PIT 2 ELEV.=83' ELEV.=76' M WC=12.5 DD=112 5 :.a• +4=44 -200=21 a P � NSI .A _J WC=10.7 .dr DD=103 10 P•r-200=95 •a•' LL=34 LEGEND: PI=15 ,o PROFILE PIT ELEV.=73' TOPSOIL; sandy clay, organic, firm, moist, dark brown to black. CLAY (CL); sandy, stiff, slightly moist, reddish brown, medium plasticity, blocky. CLAY (CL); silty, slightly sandy, stiff, slightly moist, brown, slightly calcareous. SAND AND GRAVEL (SM-GM); silty, occasional cobbles and boulders, dense, •�O' slightly moist, light brown to white, calcareous, basalt fragments. 2" Diameter hand driven liner sample. Disturbed bulk sample. -J NOTES: 1. Exploratory pits were excavated on November 22, 2000 with a backhoe. 2. Locations of exploratory pits were measured approximately by pacing from features on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of the exploratory pits were obtained by interpolation between contours on the site plan provided. 4. The exploratory pit locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory pit logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. No free water was encountered in the pits at the time of excavating. Fluctuations in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content ( % ) -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve DD = Dry Density ( pcf ) LL = Liquid Limit ( % ) +4 = Percent retained on No. 4 sieve PI = Plasticity Index ( a ) 1100 830 I GEP WORTH- ALWLAK. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY PITS Fig. 2 / Srr�-�i"rrr� r/ ram/ rr� FA rrrr• rr� rfi r rrr� rr� � � rrr� rrri i rr� rrr� rrr�r rrir r rr� rrri rrr� r/ rr� rr� rrr� rrrl r rr� rrr� rrr� i r� rrr� rrr� rr� r rr� rrrr• rrr� ram �� rrr� rr� r rr� rrr� rrrr. i ri rrr� �� rir r ��� rrr� rrr� rrr� rrrr� rrr� rrr r irr rrr� rrr� � r� rrr� rrr�r rr� r rr� rrrr� rrr�r ii'rrri rrr� rr� r rr� rrr� rrrrr rr� �� rrr� rr� r �� rrri rrrr� i r� rrr� rrr� rri r rr�r rrr� rrr� r�� rrrr� wrr� rr� r rr� rrri rrri i i rrrr rrr� rrrl r rr� rrr� rrri i ri rrr� rrr� rr� r �� rrr� rrr� rrr�r rrri r� rr� r rrrl rrr� rrr� i ri rrr� rrr� rr� r rr� rrrr� rrri i ri rrr�r rrr� rrrl r rr� rrr� rrr� rrr� � rrr� rrrl r rr� � rrr� i ri rrr� rrr� rr� r rr� rrr� rrr� i � rrr� rrr� rr� r rrri rrrr� rrri r�arr!• r� i r rrrl iir rrri i ri /fir �� rw r �� � i• �� � r/ r�i � �r rrr� rrr� i ri rrr� rrr� rr� r rr� rrri r� i � rrr� r � �i♦ rrr� rrr� r�� rrr� rrr� rr� r rr� r i i ri rrr� rrr� rrrl r rr� rrr� rrr� i ri rrrrr rrrr. �� U Z J J a U U) W z a U U) W H o �- W 0 C) Lu P Y m a Q J ~ m Q J aLL O H � Q O W v, W a _co U o Y i O O w m m U U > +• c rn m . C o > z_ N o a V y ¢ V N Z p � U . �x H N LO O 2d J tu Q W . 0 a * d d 1 (') �- o 0 > .- LO oVc N p y N . a a 2 z e - M 2 to) O P O a - ac J vui 0 J — N co cr } 3 cc N O a r- 2 w s � W F w z N O z °v `— g co _ _ o m m co O O a • U O. J _ J a HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE II PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 100 830 HOLE NO. P-1 HOLE DEPTH (INCHES) 38 LENGTH OF INTERVAL (MIN) 10 water added WATER DEPTH AT START OF INTERVAL (INCHES) 6 h WATER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL (INCHES) 5 DROP IN WATER LEVEL (INCHES) 1 AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE (MIN./INCH) 20 5 h 5 5 4 %2 %z 4 % 4 '/2 4 3 '/2 '/2 7 6 1 6 5 %2 %2 5 '/2 5 A P-2 42 10 water added, 6 '/2 5 13 5 %z 4 4 '/z 4 %2 4 3 '/2 Y2 3 'h 3 %2 6 �/z 5 5 %: 4 4 '/2 4 Y. P-3 . 26 10 6 '/a 5 %z 1 80 5 : 5 '/4 '/4 5 '/4 5 Y4 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 4 3/4 %4 4% 4% 0 12 Note: Percolation test holes were hand dug in the bottom of backhoe pits and soaked on November 27, 2000. The holes were covered with foam insulation to prevent against freezing overnight.- Percolation tests were conducted on November 28, 2000: The average percolation rates were based- on the last two readings of each test. ISDS PERMIT #_2aL.0 O j PERCOLATION TEST EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL ATLR •PHSYSICAL ADDRESS: I ` _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 't, l 1 , MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO SOIL TIME WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE �y`"� PROFILE mmmm wwwo mmmmmmmm mmmmmm m mmmmmm WREN mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm m- mmmmmm mmmmmm mm mmmmmmm m TIME TO DROP LAST INCH: PERC RATE: MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST DATE ISDS Permit # Inspector Date / 0 - O 'a - 0.3 ISDS Final Inspection Completeness Form Tank is �) O O 0 gal. Tank Material f W ej Ln e .,J r e C_, cc _, c e4 © N Tank is located 15 ft. and 100 degrees from Tank is located ft. and degrees from Tank set level. "'Tank lids within 8" of finished grade. '71 OS Size of field t ft2 S l units 31 c" lineal ft. Technology s 4 or Cleanout is installed in between tank and house(+ 1/100ft). o k "T" that goes down 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank. Effluent filter on outlet- Yes or No a -It Inlet and outlet is sealed with tar tape, rubber gasket etc. a 1- Tank has two compartments with the larger compartment closest to the house. car C-2- Measure distance and relative direction to field. � y ` � ram, ��� �� �� r°`'.' Depth of field 2 a ft. _5 Soil interface raked. Inspection portals at the end of each trench. , J. -� o N � " c � A-,r ewq `' I'-' P 1, r g`" i `"_" ` � C. s - W Proper distance to setbacks. �1 �S Chambers properly installed as per manufacturers specifications. (Chambers latched, end plates properly installed, rocks removed from trenches, etc.) Splash plate(s) installed at least in first trench inlet. Type of pipe used for building sewer line S U k L10, leach field '1 — C, I A ` ° �02 Other Inspection meets requirements. �e s Copy form to installer's file if recommendations for improvement were suggested. ACTION TAKEN: S E 6 A< 1� Vc, r c L, y des , y ► v r CA11 1p 4,o— �,e )j Setbacks Well Potable House Property La'1`I Dry Tank Drain Field Water Lines line Stream Gulch Field 100 25 uU, , 20, 10 �� 50 33 25b 10✓ *' Tank 50 10 5 vS 10�5 50 101// * 10/ EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FINAL AS -BUILT SKETCH I? j L\I,tis Co—) ISDS PERMIT # 2 2 bo-b3 DATE /G £s -o3 LOCATION ADDRESS A s r N � M � U ),,w SJ d IT t r `y a Y J V \ 1 ti O l 4N 6 0 J l , M , r r �y 1 •1 { 100, 1[a Fj�jjA/ f Ale any : 4 44 A w A I U) I IN C) I C) CA) U) m z C� 7r" i' 4 � :�r �". �� I`� 2260-03 Tax #2391-222-04-011 JOB NAME_. Lot #11, Filing 3, FAULHABER Aspen Mt. View Subdivision JOB NO. L / 4 Fg, � nnwrtnw, BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED 7 e2 % 3/31 J03 hung - /Doi OOLga�/ /3 - o o(0Own 1 -- 2htn'i 14_� ovdch 4)'I CIL 1 A I/VWbtA, t-z put JOB COST SUMMARY - TOTAL SELLING PRICE J 2S� [6 Z TOTAL MATERIAL o (^ t �CI�R �, TOTAL LABOR C 1— �J INSURANCE ' SALES TAX �n n e kj- (t JAI C MISC. COSTS Ch`A'�'`��cS. brojt-h,.a` \h•�,l�rc.�:7r P1(i.N [ E S Ave w lo it �) •J L 1 t <<. r. l r, �..• I -7 C c l LA G C..f �- N .. ` �-j << 1 x 5, C , c' �`• ,^� 5 �. a v� •l,_ �n 4 4 4 c 1 1,fk vl2 hlf J 1 ` v " TOTAL JOB COST ( r c� Y 1 G Y C a L ` t Y Q l� 1 e. t r. .L v, c7 < i c7 M 0 4 S t r eV -A. r 7L GROSS PROFIT E l t w rA i t r c p c: t- i✓ 5 G z0•v �nt / r'�i x C� LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE �Yti d b c c C.� 5 t S t �<iE r 4 roco "0�' 1),jAcAKC NET PROFIT IV V 1 wr e . , v w _3 v , I v) 4c i I }r c, 't 0 ''v •F f e v t c: h, e S ! 5 I,-'c, ? , j ; —, cj ` 7=3 , .5 • 7f .. ,--• 4, 5 ! JOB wI.nER Product 2M JOB FOLDER V Printed In U.SA i ©3 D� -03 s,(J 0,�2 't� ��- �ol � e �- q�� yt,� G � f� G�i• � � u i n�J�,n� � �---�� c� � L cr,� y� , .� a � ✓v>k�X � V 4� ? t� C Q � Z 4 L S 1.tn.' so.,6 x.,e- dts� ,-�, �- �� Q ,Vim.- 5ood r`�-1 04 -�z /S� �r��C�, ale �,�� ,� �-a.�-c � L,�,-�w�� lv�i 11�— -T 7'x �e•�� a,�✓6Y.S �iz (� G(a .Lai 1y 12t /t'h K K� COY j��t�v Ye GG Inv. 2c Gl f t 5 yt ^l-2.�v L� �Vt �s ✓�j�.� y( 0 Ju 6tpprpoe- t U, C' Recycled Content 10% Post -Consumer a _ �. o r 2 HECI iVED 0 zil o O aN h PROFILE HOLE � --} o.I 1Trt ��T h SEPTIC TANK - INSTALL 1-1,000 GALLON DBL Q) / CHAMBERED TANK, IE-IN-7415. 4" SDR 35 INTO 2 PREC HOLE '0 2 TANK AND TO SEPTIC FILED. IE OF ROW # 1 TO �� NEIGHBOR'S r FOOTPRINT BE N7414 USE 4 SCH 40 BEWTEEN ROWS FOR P CEIVED NN• SERIAL DISTRIBUTION a .�i 100`-0 0 HOUSE= O % ° .p, � 7426 ®SITE NL33 S`LTFIDE-1� h D 44 t 4 PVC N2 a2 ig E - `C ITC�I PROPERTY LINE��� 't DA7LKaF•it FOtR�ATION 3O' IRRI(SATION D AN LOT 111. 5 AC f 4,810 O.FT.± DITCH { INSTALL VE EACH ROW TS AT END 0 s SETBA K LINE NOTES: 1. SEE ATTACHED DESIGN MEMOS FOF tres_ 53, 18 MORE DETAIL ON SYSTEM DESIGN, 0 p SEPTIC - AND S?i INSTALLATION ��` TANK 2. SYSTEM MUST MEET EAGLE COUNTY REGULATIONS FOR ISDS, SEE LATEST TO LEAC WO ( 1 / 4 VERSION OF REGULATIONS PRIORFIE INSTALLATION ARE 3. SYSTEM LOCATION MAY BE ADJUSTED d- n n - FILLED n I WITH ENGINEERS FI CONDITIONS_ TO MEET FIELD I 2 TER G RAG P VA - - AP RO L 4. EAGLE COUNTY AND MWE- SiS O INSPECTION REQUIRED PRIOR TO EXISTING V ETATION TO REMAIN DISTURBED FINAL ACCEPTANCE 1~oA 5. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ASBUILTS -� 02 . UJ.4TER g ��, a�, LINE OF COMPLETED SYSTEM TO ENGINEER AND COUNTY 6. SURVEY BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED SEPTIC SYSTEM - SERIAL DISTRIBUTION, 4 ROWS, I I BY HIRED GUN 6' APART 4' MINIMUM IF SOILS A?c ROCKY), 3 `SS ROWS OF 13 (78' LONG) AND 1 R)WS OF 12 (72 LONG). STEP DOWN TO MATCH CO'JTOURS, TOP OF �' y UNITS TO BE -12" BELOW FINISH TRADE. 51 ?Q TA INFILTRATOR UNITS / TOTAL SERIAL DISTRIBUTION F _ MINIMA TREE / 4" PERFORATED PVC IrCIDE FIRST ROW GUTTINGz L INSTALL REQ'D, V, LF. OF INFILTRATORS ONLY, USE SO -ID PVC BETWEEN b ROWS. REMAINING 4 ROWS SHA_L NOT HAVE ° PERFORATED PIPE INSTALLED IN;IDE. USE STD. -, PHONE MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATpNS FOR PIPING IN (1 + ELECTRIC AND OUT OF INFILTRATORS. SEE DETAIL THIS LJ {� UTILITIES ; SHEET. 6 EXISTING AND FUTURE GROUND MOUND 6" OF TOP SOIL / OVER EACH ROW OF INFILTRATORS EXISTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED BACKFILL — 3"MINUS MAX BEDDING ZONE —FINE NATIVE KEEP TRENCHES AS SHOLLOW AS POSSIBLE MATERIAL NO LARGER THAN MINIMUM DEPTH 12" SOILD 4" SCH 40 PVC PIPING TO 1" IN DIAMETER WITHIN 6 OF MAX DEPTH 24" D TOP OF INFILTRATOR FROM EXISTING GRADE _ FIRST ROW OF INFILTRATOR TRENCHES INFILTRATOR ADD FILL AS NEEDED TO OBTAIN A MIN OF 12" OF COVER OVER UNITS AND BETWEEN EACH ROW OF TRENCHES, INSTALL e PERFORATED SCH 40 PVC INSIDE FIRST ROW OF INFILTRATORS Y 0 0 0 STD. SERIAL DISTRIBUTION TO EACH OF THE 8 0 Q 0 0 V O V V 3 ROWS 78' LONG (13 UNITS), PLUS R REMIANING ROWS OF THE TRENCH SYSTEM V 0 V 1 72 — FOOT (12 UNITS EACH) INFILTRATOR V QVV TRENCHES — 51 UNITS TOTAL TRENCHES. IE TO BE FIELD DETERMEINED MINIMUM DEPTH IS 1—FOOT TO BOTTOM OF -A TRENCH, 6' APART MINIMUM, (4' APART IF SOILS ARE ROCKY) INFILTRATOR L IE TO BE FIELD DETERMINED BY ENGINEER ' `Oi I 20 0 20 1 inch = 20 feet INFILTRATOR HEIGHT IS -12" INSTALLED 50' OF 8" SDR 35 PVC PIPE IN DRY On2h p GULCH AND FILL GULCH WITH EXCAVATION �C REVISED 4/10/2003 MATERIAL. / ASBUILT 11/4/03 GDD AN INSTALL SPLA3H PLATE 1' WIDE x 18" LONG AT PIPE ENTRY AND EGT TO EACH INFILTRATOR ON TRENCH FLOOR O EERIC AND BELINDA FAULHABER V � + - " , SEPTIC SYSTE, TRENCH DETAIL �- NTS SITE PLAN I AND DETAILS ASBUILT 11 /4/03 GDD (� 1 PROJECT NUMBER LOT T I1 ASPEN MESA A2-001.01 j I ■' � �� 2420 A03.4 Street Denver, CO 80211 0 � ■I�'jwQU911 PH. 303.458.5550; Fax 303.480.9766 DESIGN: GDD �^ �' _,• email mwe®mwewater.com DETAIL- GDD DATE: 11 03 DRAWING C C CHECK: GDD NUMBER S J DATE REV ` REVISION BY N. ��ie Cup, V PROFILE HOLE O PREC HOLE NOTES: 1. SEE ATTACHED DESIGN MEMOS FO MORE DETAIL ON SYSTEM DESIGN, AND INSTALLATION 2. SYSTEM MUST MEET EAGLE COUNTY REGULATIONS FOR ISDS, SEE LATEST VERSION OF REGULATIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 3. SYSTEM LOCATION MAY BE ADJUSTED TO MEET FIELD CONDITIONS WITH ENGINEERS APPROVAL 4. EAGLE COUNTY AND MWE INSPECTION REQUIRED PRIOR TO O, FINAL ACCEPTANCE 5. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ASBUILTS O , OF COMPLETED SYSTEM TO ENGINEER AND COUNTY 0v %%.- 6. SURVEY BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED �(! SEPTIC SYSTEM -SERIAL DISIIBUTION, 4 ROWS, BY HIRED GUN 6' APART (4' MINIMUM IF SOIL: ARE ROCKY), 3 ROWS OF 13 (78' LONG) AND ?- ROWS OF 6 (36' LONG). STEP DOWN TO MATCHCONTOURS, TOP OF UNITS TO BE -12" BELOW FINCH GRADE. 51 ?Q TOTAL INFILTRATOR UNITS SERIAL DISTRIBUTION INSTALL 4" PERFORATED PV INSIDE FIRST ROW OF INFILTRATORS ONLY, USESOLID PVC BETWEEN ROWS. REMAINING 4 ROWS HALL NOT HAVE PERFORATED PIPE INSTALLEI INSIDE. USE STD. MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENATIONS FOR PIPING IN AND OUT OF INFILTRATORS.3EE DETAIL THIS SHEET. EXISTING AND FUTURE GROUND MOUND 6" OF TOP SOIL OVER EACH ROW OF INFILTRATORS SOILD 4" SCH 40 PVC PIPING TO FIRST ROW OF INFILTRATOR TRENCHES AND BETWEEN EACH ROW OF TRENCHES, INSTALL 4" PERFORATED SCH 40 PVC INSIDE FIRST ROW OF INFILTRATORS STD. SERIAL DISTRIBUTION TO EACH OF THE 8 REMIANING ROWS OF THE TRENCH SYSTEM INFILTRATOR HEIGHT IS -12" BACKFILL — 3"MINUS MAX. BEDDING ZONE — FINE NATIVE MATERIAL NO LARGER THAN 1" IN DIAMETER WITHIN 6 " OF INFILTRATOR vvv vv vvvv vvvv v v vvv vv vvv vv ry vI INFILTRATOR KEEP TRENCHES AS SHOLLOW AS POSSIBLE MINIMUM DEPTH 12" _ MAX DEPTH 24" TO TOP OF INFILTRATOR FROM EXISTING GRADE ADD FILL AS NEEDED TO OBTAIN A MIN OF 12" OF COVER OVER UNITS 3 ROWS 78' LONG (13 UNITS), PLUS 2 —36 — FOOT (6 UNITS EACH) INFILTRATOR TRENCHES — 51 UNITS TOTAL TRENCHES. IE TO BE FIELD DETERMEINED MINIMUM DEPTH IS 1—FOOT TO BOTTOM OF TRENCH, 6' APART MINIMUM, (4' APART IF SOILS ARE ROCKY) IE TO BE FIELD DETERMINED BY ENGINEER INSTA SPLASH PLATE V WIDE x 18" LONG AT PIPE ENTR'%ND EXIT TO EACH INFILTRATOR ON TRENCH FLOOR TRENCH DETAIL - NTS DATE I Ktn ' I REVISION I BY I SEPTIC TANK - INSTALL 1-1,000 GALLON DBL CHAMBERED TANK, IE-INN-7415. 4" SDR 35 INTO TANK AND TO SEPTIC FILED. IE OF ROW # 1 TO BE -7414 USE 4" SCH 40 BEWTEEN ROWS FOR INSTALL 50' OF 8" SDR 35 PVC PIPE IN DRY GULCH AND FILL GULCH WITH EXCAVATION f� MATERIAL. INSTALL PIPING IN AREA NEXT TO 2 LOWER SEPTIC TRENCHES. MAIN THIN 10' SEPARATION BETWEEN DRY GULCH AND SEPTIC SYSTEM. �0e NEIGHBOR'S FOOTPRINT /I 20 0 20 i inch = 20 feet REVISED 4/10/2003 ERIC AND BELINDA FAULHABER SEPTIC SYSTE, SITE PLAN AND DETAILS LOT 11 ASPEN MESA p��'■+ � 2PH. 303.4 Street, Denver, CO 80211 j�I�.J]u! w PH. 503.458.5550; Fax 303.480.9766 ,nemeers. ua, email mwe®mwewater.com DATE: 4�03� NUMBER G S S — 1