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125 Milburn Ct - 239122307006
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2218-02 BP NO. 14375 OWNER: ANDREW AND ANNA MISHMASH PHONE: 970-923-9498 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 6186, SNOWMASS VILLAGE, CO 81615 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 0125 MILBURN COURT, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 TAX PARCEL NO. 2391-223-07-006 LICENSED INSTALLER: GRESSET EXCAVATION, MARK GRESSETT LICENSE NO. 71-02 PHONE: 970-927-4267 DESIGN ENGINEER: McLAUGHLIN WATER ENGINEERS, DEAN DEROSIER PHONE NO. 970-925-1920 INSTALLATION GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK WITH A BIOTUBE FILTER, 1674 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT VIA 54 STANDARD INFILTRATOR UNITS AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISION LETTERS DATED 9/20/02 AND 9/24/02. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL IN SERIAL DISTRIBUTION IN SHALLOW TRENCHES NO DEEPER THAN 2.5 FEET AND PLACE 6 INCHES OF SAND IN THE BOTTOM OF EACH TRENCH PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE INFILTRA- TOR CHAMBERS. INSTALL A CLEAN -OUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE AND INSPECTION PORTALS IN EACH TRENCH. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARING OF SOILS. AND DO NOT BACK FILL WITH COBBLES LARGER THAN 8 INCHES IN DIAMETER. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK RE- QUIREMENTS, AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS. THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: RAYMOND P. MERRY DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2002 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA:1674 SQUARE FEET (VIA 54 INFILTRATOR UNITS PER DESIGN) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK: 1000 GALLONS LOCATED 80 DEGREES AND 95 FEET FROM THE CLEANOUT. COMMENTS: THE FINAL INSPECTIONS WERE DONE BY RAYMOND MERRY AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER THE ENGIN- EER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION AND AS -BUILT DRAWING WERE RECEIVED ON SEPTEMBER 15 2003. THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE A THREE BEDROOM RESIDENCE. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN W O P ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVALIv, SEPTEMBER 16, 2003 0 �20-2001 10:23R FROM:ERGLE COUNTY ENV HER 9703E88788 TO: 919(Mb38iyb r:1�5 ,ncomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # �6"Z Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 Eagle (970)328-8755, Fax (970)328-0349, El Jebel (970)927-3823 FEE SCHEDULE * APPLICATION FEE $350.00 * THIS FEE INCLUDES THE ISDS PERMIT, SITE EVALUATION (PERCOLATION TEST, �► * SOIL PROFILE OBSERVATION) AND FINAL INSPECTION * ADDITIONAL FEES MAY BE CHARGED IF A REINSPECTION IS NECESSARY, OR A * PRE -CONSTRUCTION SITE VISIT OR CONSULTATION IS NEEDED * REINSPECTION FEE $47.00, PRE -CONSTRUCTION SITE VISIT FEE $85.00 * MARE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: AA + IV oge7Kj � -o � 1ql S ffl A-1..1-k MAILING ADDRESS: ��� D Boy- /1 f 1?e_P _154,9Pv.,yt-&SS 16IZ © S/WSPHONE : %%0iZ3- 4?70 9Z3 - 9�v4�? APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: •4 PHONE: LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: PHONE: COMPANY/DBA: ADDRESS: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (✓} NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: I", `6,VW-AJ e 7- Tax Parcel Number: �� " �� ��- �� Lot Size: /` -73 Acres Physical Address; Z-oT 2-® A-.,PL-7TI V/--7v BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) (Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms_ ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ( ) Well ( ) (( Public Name APPLICANT SIGNATURE:( (Check applicable category) Spring ( ) Surface of Supplier: Date: AMOUNT PAID: 350, RECEIPT #: DATE: b CHECK #: Z D CASHIER: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE:800-225-6136 www.eagle-county.com September 16, 2003 Andy and Anna Mishmash P.O. Box 6186 Snowmass, CO 81615 EAGLE COUNTY RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2218-02, Tax Parcel 42391-223-07-006. Property location: 0125 Milburn Court, Carbondale, CO. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mishmash: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely„ Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Educational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files, September 2003 Chrono file OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: September 27, 2002 TO: Gressett Excavation FROM: Environmental Health Division Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit #2218-02. Tax Parcel #2391-223-07-006. Property Location: 0125 Milburn Court, Carbondale, CO., Mishmash residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit #2218-02, and a field copy of the engineer design stipulated on the permit. It is valid for 120 days, or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer, and views the installation. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files McLaughlin Water Engineers, Dean Derosier OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 �,� E CoUN , co LOLIADC FAX COVER SHEET EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 179, EAGLE, CO 81631 970-328-8755 970-328-8788 FAX TO: Dean Derosier, McLaughlin Water Engineers FAX #: 970-925-1974 FROM: Janet Kohl NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: 1 REGARDING: Mishmash ISDS design These are the comments with Ray's concerns: "8/30/02 Spoke to Paul Jacobson about Preferred changes in 1. Trench detail drawing; and 2. faxed change dated 8/7/02 which stated perforated Pipe would be installed through each trench on 3/4 inch screened rock. Recommend 2 sets of revised plans be sent along_ with a changed "Installation Guide" to indicate a new trench detail showing the 6 inches of sand and the perforated pipe entering each trench through the standard Infiltrator end plate (with a splash plate). Remove references to the pipe goingthrough hrough each trench, and any references to the 3/4 inch screened rock being included in trench design." If you do not received all pages please call our office (970) 328-8755 CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS May 16, 2002 Anna and Andrew Mishmash 611 Edgewood Lane P.O. Box 6186 Snowmass Village, Colorado 81615 Subject: Subsurface Investigation and Percolation Test, Proposed Mishmash Residence 0125 Milburn Court Missouri Heights Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 14867W Mr. and Mrs. Mishmash, As requested, we performed a subsurface investigation and a percolation test at the subject site. The purpose of our investigation was to determine subsurface conditions and percolation rates for an Onsite Wastewater System (OWS). The subsurface investigation was performed on May 8, 2002. SITE CONDITIONS The lot is located in Missouri Heights, along Milburn Court, Eagle County, Colorado. The lot was vacant at the time of our investigation. The location of the profile pit and percolation holes is presented on Figure 1. The ground slopes approximately 15% to the southeast in the area for the proposed OWS and is assteep as 25% in the eastern portions of the lot. A thick cover of scrub oak exists on the lot SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION A subsurface investigation was performed by digging one profile pit and four percolation holes 12 to 17 inches deep at the locations indicated on Figure 1. The depth of the percolation holes was determined by the anticipated receiving soils; which is the volcanic boulder and soil matrix. Subsurface materials in the profile pit consisted of a slightly sandy, silty clay root zone to 1.5 feet, underlain by basalt boulders with a calcareous, slightly silty sand matrix to the maximum depth explored of 5= feet. No ground water was encountered Percolation tests indicate percolation rates of 11 to 3-2-minutes per inch (MPI). The average percolation rate is 24 MPI, Percolation Test Results are attached as Table 1. LPMTATIONS Our investigation is based on data submitted and conditions encountered. If subsurface conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax: 303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 LOVELAND 970.663.2124 WESTERN SLOPE 970.948.5803 Soils and Foundation Investigation and Percolation Test Job No. 14867W Page 2 evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. If there are questions or if we can be of further assistance; please call. The project engineer for this site is Tim Petz. Sincerely, CHURCH & Associates, Inc W4 Edward O. Church, P.E. EOC/trp/erb 3 copies sent 73t 0125 MILBURN COURT SCALE MISSOURI HEIGHTS 1 " = 60` EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO SITE PLAN AND LOCATION OF JOB NO. 14867W PERCOLATION HOLES FIGURE 1 PRO -1: TABLE 1 - PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS 0125 Milburn Court Eagle County, Colorado feet description DATE OF TEST: 5108/02 0 -1.5 To sail, root zone, slightly sandy, silty clay 1.5 - 5 Basalt boulders in a calcareous, slightly silty sand matrix, very hard, moist, white, gray NO GROUNDWATER WAS ENCOUNTERED WITHIN EXCAVATION INTERVAL DEPTH TIME DEPTH DEPTH AVG. HOLE HOLE CHANGE, PERC. OF HOLE, INTERVAL, START, END, PERC. NUMBER (INCHES) (MINUTES) (INCHES) (INCHES) (INCHES) RATE RATE, (MPI) (MPI1 1 17 20 8.50 > 10.50 2.00 10 20 10.50 11.50 1.00 20 20 11.50 12.25 0.75 27 20 9.13 10.88 1.75 11 20 10.88 11.88 1.00 20 20 11.88 12.63 0.75 27 27 2 13 20 5.25 7.88 2.63 8 20 7.88 9.0.0 1.13 18 20 4.75 6.13 1.38 15 20 6.13 7.13 1.00 20 20 7.13 7.88 0.75 27 20 7.88 8.63 0.75 27 27 3 13 20 5.75 8.38 2.63 8 20 8.38 9.63 1.25 16 20 4.75 6.50 1.75 11 20 6.50 7.50 1.00 20 20 7.50 8.25 0.75 27 20 8.25 8.88 0.63 32 32 JOB NO. 14867W PRO -1: TABLE .1 (CONT) - PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS 0125 Milburn Court DATE OF TEST: 5/08102 Eagle County, Colorado feet descrintion 0 -1.5 Topsoil, root zone, slightly sandy, silty clay 1.5 - 5 Basalt boulders in a calcareous, slightly silty sand matrix, very hard, moist, white, gray NO GROUNDWATER WAS ENCOUNTERED WITHIN EXCAVATION INTERVAL AVG. DEPTH TIME DEPTH DEPTH CHANGE, PERC. HOLE HOLE NUMBER OF HOLE, INTERVAL, START, END, (INCHES) RATE PERC. (INCHES) (MINUTES) (INCHES) (INCHES) RATE, (MPI) mall JOB NO. 14867W riu}j - l -vr -i rage -i ! i FAX UO Vi+ 1{ MILET EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P_Ol BOX 170. RAMS- VO R1631 970-328-8755 970-328-8788 FAX TO: Dean Derosier ra ♦ v AL- n.an n^► e ' nrr_a r f'11i #: g 1U-yLGa-171'i FROM: Janet NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: 1 REGARDING Mikhmash iSUR rleg en Here are the issues we discussed, on th 1. Soil only inyestigaied to 5 feet in drain field area and perc test dune at 12"-17" dMR 2. No licensed contractor named on application 3. Xo caic Lions redesi flow, retention tone to or 1 to 4 No description of how to deal with volcanic boulders Ray recommends keeping trenches shallow and placing M § inches of sand dyer and mounded over. If you do not received all pages please call our office (970) 328-8755 ^1 1r -7 �"M-1 1 irn n ". n �nM r n . rnr_i r rn1 1k rlJ rk 11 i 1 irni ri i or,rr. . -7 5er1L rsy. NICLdUgr111r1 Water- tZrlglneer'S, LTa; WU 5CO I&/4; HUg -t -UL IU:LOMA; rage II( I LETTER O M111"TAL mc�ughfin.Wat�c=� McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. I I I P AABC, ASPEN COLORADO 81611 (970) 925-1920 Fax: (970) 925-1974 mweaspen a rof net TO A TE,NTION �r- Ar-, jf- 7_ WE ARE, SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints [I Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Copy of letter oChange Order 0 the following items: 0 Specification COPIES DESCRUMON %DATE l 1z��- 4 RLMATZKS I&.l '1 4- — S a'"t o9 L ! ",1-d COPY't0 SICKED C-- — Tf enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at number above. — — � ^1t](]^'1 I Irf'. A — A =^" TM. r^r ] r i nl Ik 1Tkl r k 11 1 1 1rf [ T1 I rnF1f`C. 4 Beni uy: MCuaugniin wafer Engineers, uza; utu yzo iut4; Aug-r-UZ 1U:24APA; Nage 2/1 Y McLAUGHLIN WATER ENGINEERS, ltd. 111 P AABC ASPEN, COLORADO 51611 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 fax mweavpen@,,rof net MEMORANDUM Date: August 7, 2002 To: Eagle County Environmental Health; From: Dean Derosier - McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd_ RE: Mishmash Residence - Septic system Design Notes - Lot 20 oak Ridge III Aspen Mountain View Subdivision: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PER RAY MERRY REQUEST 1. Attached is the original Design Memorandum that was to have been attached to the drawing. Please review and use as additional information. 2. The contractor has not been chosen at this time, however the homeowner has been notified as to the licensed contractor requirement. 3. The attached memorandum relates to the questions regarding the design flow, retention time, sizing criteria, and loading rates. Please review for information on these issues. 4. Dealing with the volcanic boulders. Per the original memorandum, it does recommend the shallow trenches, however a did not add 6" of sand. Correctlons Ajer ECEH and RaX Herry- 1. Maximum depth of system is to be 2.5' to the bottom of the trench. A minimum of 1, of the infiltrator is to be keyed into the existing soils. A 6" layer of Sand is to be placed in the bottom of the infiltrator trench to increase the effective area under the infiltrator. see attached drawing for additional information. Please call if you have any questions G. Dean Derosier, P. E. gdd\M:LsI-.masr;2 ;a1-050.01-540420 Sent By: McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd; 970 925 1914; Au9-i-U2 lU:24APA; rage o1r • y M"T McLAUGHLIN WATER ENGINEERS, ltd. 111 P AABC ASPEN, COLO12A1 0 81611 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 fax mweaspen@rof.net MEMORANDUM Date: August 7, 2002 To: Eagle County Environmental Health; From: Dean Derosier - McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. RE: Mishmash Residence - Septic System Design Notes - Lot 20 Oak Ridge III Aspen Mountain View Subdivision The following are my design notes for the new Mishmash Residence septic system design. The site is a sloped area next to the home. - 3 - Bedrooms - Approx. 3,500 Square Feet of living area - 75 gallons per day per person - Per Rates - 24 MPI (avg) By HP Church = Loading rate of .50 gals/sq ft. soils are volcanic rock and were only excavated to - 51 in depth. - Ground water 100'+\- feet from surface - Public water supply system. Flow = Q s 3 bed rooms x 2 peo/br x 75 gal/day/per x 1.75(max flow)}`= 788� gallons per day. �✓ i� Tank sizing - 2 - Bed Rooms requires 1,000 gallons of septic tanks; Q X 1.25 Install 1 - 1,000 gallon double -chambered septic tank. Install tank to meet site contours and allow access for cleaning. This is a gravity feed system using infiltrators and serial distribution. r]nr_C . -7 sent ry: MCuaugniin water engineers, t_ta; W U �IZC 1Vf4; AUg - / - UZ 1 U : Z4H1U7; rage Ot t Area of Septic field required = A Percolation Rate = 24 minute per inch = Loading Rate of .50 gals per square foot in loaming soils_ i 768/.50 = 1,576 square feet = 102 infiltrators Eagle County allowance = 50% for use of infiltrators 50�; reduction for infiltrators = 788 sq ft or 51 infiltrators. Increase system to 54 units to allow for even .length trenches. install 6 rows of 9 units in a. serial distributed trench system of 54 total infiltrators. Contour the trenches to fit site conditions and the topo of the site. Trenches are to be 10' apart. System size = 54' long X 50' wide. Minimum depth = 12"; maximum depth = 24" to top of infiltrator. Install vents on each row of trenches. Tank and disposal field will be installed in the general area Southwest of the home in the open area. Tees will be installed on both the influent and effluent lines of the tank, set on the inside of the tank_ set top of line from tee within 11, of the roof of the tank and extend line downward 14" below centerline of tee. Maximum cover over access to tank shall be 6" and easily accessed for maintenance. Bedding under and within 6° of the tanks will be roadbase compacted to 95%. Installation of native fill or screened rock around the tanks outside the bedding zone is acceptable. Fill tank with water prior to backfill to check for leaks and leave water in tank for placing the system in service. Septic tanks will be two -chambered tanks. Install an OSI 411 diameter Biotube, or equal, inside the new. 16" gallon tank's effluent line. The housing is to be 36" high with a cartridge length of 2811, using SDR 26 PVC piping. Piping from the home to the tanks will be 4" SDR 35 PVC laid at a minimum of 1%_ Insulate lines with less than 5-foot of cover or in uniP_slLulated crawl spaces. Minimum depth is 3.51 for all piping. Install cleanout between house and septic tank. Distribution line to the field from the tank and in the serial distribution system shall be sch 40 PVC piping. All pipe bedding to consist of a minimum of " under and 6" over the pipe screens ro Run 4" SCH 40 perforated PVC inside each trench of infiltrators for serial distribution. Use solid Sch-40` ween sac set of trenches. Trenches to be with in.'/2" of level across the entire length. Each row may be stepped down to match contours and other site conditions. lent tjy: nricLaugniin water Engineers, eta; VIU VZO ]yr4; Aug-f-uZ lu:ZOAM; rage oit Adjustments to fit site contours and conditions may be made per approval of the engineer. The engineer shall finalize elevations of the tank and trenches in the field. Installation and operation shall be approved by the engineer prior to final acceptance. System must meet all PCER and MWE standards. System must meet all Eagle county IsDS requirements and must be inspected by mM and Eagle County prior to Final Approval. owner is recommended to pump the septic tank at 2-year intervals. Landscaping and watering us on top of septic field shall be minimized or eliminated. G. Dean Derosier, P. E. grid\Mishmash\aI-a5a_01-500420 AI - - ^1--! I .rM A M. A r^" TM. r^1 I r F+ I Ik ITkJ rk 11 1 1 1r-I TI 1 Il---. G' ,;en! by: PICLaugniin vaier engineers, eta; VIU UZO 1&14; AUg-f-UZ ]U:ZOAIV; rage z)i( m z r". F_j til Aj ----------------- r .......... 3: Z 25 F-I m x M ct M Z: M, Mr- 70 X ;u to m <1 tzi 0 —i r. C.1 -T- ---i too k-J M -d Z L;,-r < om M --j --i M --I CP x 7Q X ;:7 m mml 71 Z— < z z m ED 1D, M 7j Z il. 3" rrl Z w m 0 r7l, . rl C!, f,} M M X 71 N -4 M 417 '1 X M -r Lj M M _4 m M M 0 M 0 rri M McLAUGHLIN WATER ENGINEERS, ltd. 111 P AABC ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 fax mweaspen@rof.net MEMORANDUM Date: September 20, 2002 REVISED To: Eagle County Environmental Health; From: Dean Derosier - McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. RE: Mishmash Residence - Septic System Design Notes - Lot 20 Oak Ridge III Aspen Mountain View Subdivision The following are my REVISED design notes for the new Mishmash Residence Septic System design. The site is a sloped area next to the home. - 3 - Bedrooms - Approx. 3,500 Square Feet of living area - 75 gallons per day per person - Per Rates - 24 MPI (avg) By HP Church = Loading rate of .50 gals/sq ft. Soils are volcanic rock and were only excavated to - 5' in depth. - Ground water 100'+\- feet from surface - Public water supply system. Flow = Q = 3 bed rooms x 2 peo/br x 75 gal/day/per x 1.75(max flow) = 788 gallons per day. Tank sizing - 3 - Bed Rooms requires 1,000 gallons of septic tanks; Q X 1.25 Install 1 - 1,000 gallon double -chambered septic tank. Install tank to meet site contours and allow access for cleaning. This is a gravity feed system using infiltrators and serial distribution. 1N31N18dd3a HJIV3H - V1N3WNOHIAN3 ZOOZ 9 Z d3S a3N3038 Area of Septic field required = A Percolation Rate = 24 minute per inch = Loading Rate of .50 gals per square foot in loaming soils. 788/.50 = 1,576 square feet = 102 infiltrators Eagle County allowance = 50% for use of infiltrators 50% reduction for infiltrators = 788 sq ft or 51 infiltrators. Increase system to 54 units to allow for even length trenches. Install 6 rows of 9 units in a serial distributed trench system of 54 total infiltrators. Contour the trenches to fit site conditions and the topo of the site. Trenches are to be 101 apart. System size = 541 long X 501 wide. Minimum depth = 12"; maximum depth = 2411 to top of infiltrator. Install vents on each row of trenches. Over excavate each row of infiltrators by 611. Replace 6" of overexcavation area with 6" of sand. Install sand level with bottom of the infiltrator trench. Tank and disposal field will be installed in the general area Southwest of the home in the open area. Tees will be installed on both the influent and effluent lines of the tank, set on the inside of the tank. Set top of line from tee within 1t1 of the roof of the tank and extend line downward 1411 below centerline of tee. Maximum cover over access to tank shall be 611 and easily accessed for maintenance. Bedding under and within 611 of the tanks will be roadbase compacted to 95%. Installation of native fill or screened rock around the tanks outside the bedding zone is acceptable. Fill tank with water prior to back£ill to check for leaks and leave water in tank for placing the system in service. Septic tanks will be two-chamb ed ' 000 tanks. Install an OSI 411 diameter Biotube,_ or equal, inside the ne �2,500- gallon tank's effluent line. The housing is to be 3611 high with a car gek length of 2811, using SDR 26 PVC piping. Piping from the home to the tanks will be 411 SDR 35 PVC laid at a minimum of 1%. Insulate lines with less than 42" of cover or in uninsulated crawl spaces. Minimum depth is 3.51 for all piping. Install cleanout between house and septic tank. Use standard 2" Blue Board insulation placed 6" above the pipe and laid on a flat bedding surface. Distribution line to the field from the tank and in the serial distribution system shall be 4" Sch 40 PVC piping. All pipe bedding to consist of a minimum of 211 under and 611 over the pipe of native soils with maximum sized material of 1". Hang a 4" SCH 40 perforated PVC inside the first row of infiltrators only. Remove all burrs, excess material, and other debris from drilling the perforations in the pipe. The remaining 5 rows shall have serial distribution, but will not use a perforated pipe inside the infiltrators. Follow the manufacturers recommendations for installation of the serial distribution pipe in and out of each remaining row of infiltrators, where the 4" solid Sch 40 PVC enters the row of infiltrators and stops at the first infiltrator. The serial distribution continues at the end of the row with solid 4" Sch 40 PVC to the next row. Trenches to be with in 1/2" of level across the entire length of each row. Each row may be stepped down to match contours and other site conditions. Install splash plates under the entry and exit piping at each end of each row of infiltrators. (Splash Plate - 1' Wide and 18" Long) Adjustments to fit site contours and conditions may be made per approval of the engineer. The engineer shall finalize elevations of the tank and trenches in the field. Installation and operation shall be approved by the engineer prior to final acceptance. System must meet all PC-tffff and MWE standards. E G [:11 System must meet all Eagle County ISDS requirements and must be inspected by MWE and Eagle County prior to Final Approval. Owner is recommended to pump the septi tank at 2-year intervals. Landscaping and watering us on top of septic f 1l- s'Yi�ll/beNminimized or eliminated. G. 0 MCLAUGBLIN WATER ENGINEERS, ltd. 111 P AABC ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 fax mweaspen@rof.net MEMORANDUM Date: September 24, 2002 To: Eagle County Environmental Health; From: Dean Derosier - McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. RE: Mishmash Residence - Septic System Design Notes - Lot 20 Oak Ridge III Aspen Mountain View Subdivision: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PER RAy MERRY REQUEST of 9119102 1. Attached is the REVISED 9/20/02 Design Memorandum. Please review and use as additional information. 2. The contractor has been chosen at this time and has approvals from the ECEH to proceed with the home construction. The septic system has been approved based upon this information and design changes. 3. This memorandum relates to the questions regarding sand and piping location into the infiltrator. Please review for information on these issues. Corrections per ECEH and Ray Merry. 1. Maximum depth of system is to be 2.5' to the bottom of the trench. A minimum of 1' of the infiltrator is to be keyed into the existing soils. A 6" layer of SAND is to be placed in the bottom of the infiltrator trench to increase the effective area under the infiltrator. See attached drawing for additional information. Screened rock shall not be used under the infiltrators. The piping into the infiltrator unit shall use the standard infiltrator inlet located at the top of the unit. The 4" perforated pipe shall be hung from the top of each unit in the first row only. The contractor shall remove all burrs, excess material from drilling, and other debris from the perforated holes and piping being hung in the first row of infiltrators. The remaining 5 rows shall have the serial distribution pipe enter and exit the row of infiltrator and stop per the manufacturers recommendations. On the five remaining rows a 1' wide X 18" long splash plate shall be installed at the piping entry and exit of each row of infiltrators. Place the splash plate on the sand or bottom of the trench. 5. The 4" piping from the tank to the septic field shall be insulated at all depths under 42". Use a 3' wide X 2" standard blue board insulation, placed 6" above the pipe. Place the insulation on flat bedding material. Please caltjif yo have any questions G. �1-0 i-5002VW* a ,O o v ® a�w © y ISDS PERMIT # PERCOLATION TEST .OWNER: z ®� -PHSYSICAL ADDRESS: - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO SOIL TIME WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE PROE n .......... TIME TO DROP LAST INCH: PERC RATE: MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST DATE `.J 4��''� �"�✓''-.ems er`,� A-.� RUIr—lU—LUU3 1UL UI:lU RIDl JLLUU U�1 H1 P,J —AiM UIULO r, UUL/UUL =Laughlin Rincor n -----_---- onflifsdprSaq 4,4v1gn dgnupliSnq McLAUGHLIN RINCON Ltd, I I I P AADC ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970.925-1920 970.925-1974 fax mweaspen ccrobet MEMORANDUM Date: August 8.2003 To: EAGLE County Environmental Health ro • Dean Derosler; McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. REE:, Mishmash Septic System - Recommendation of Final Approval 0125 Milburn Court, Carbondale, Co. ECEH Permit # 22 9 8-02 This Final approval letter Is written for the septic system and the associated permit that serves the Mishmash home at 0125 Milburn Courtin Missouri Heights, The system was designed, Installed in the fall of 2002 and placed Into service in summer of 2003. MR, ECEH, and ODD inspected the Installation of the system and found It was installed according to MR's design and ECEH requirements. This letter is to serve as the acceptance letter for MR and recommendation to Eagle County for final acceptance of the system. To my knowledge the system was installed according to MR and ECEH standards and the system layout was installed per the attached asbuilt design drawing, which can be used as the asbulit for system and permit. The system consists of total al units. All trenches were Installed using a infiltrator graveiless chamber system. All setback limitations were meet. Pleas call Is you have any questions. G. r e /�1 1i 4 n r5rw('wT TI !1- Min. 4 C'nM TM" =ne'l C e'i-kl Ik rrV Ck 11 I LJ=11 TLl on(--=. =0 RAT-Id-ZM 1UL U1:IU RM JtLt,U VL'N1UM 7VMZUInZ6 r, UUI/UUL Andrew Mishmash 970-704-0490 970-923-9498 970-948-8907 Cell RE, 0125 Milburn Court, Carbondale CO, 81623 TO: Eagle County Environmental Health 970-328-8788 Attn: Victor Following is the recommendation for final approval of the septic system from Dean Derosier of McLaughlin Rincon Enginering Desing Firin. Please contact me or Mr. Derosier if there is anything else needed, Thank you, Andrew Mishmash �i, ,:+ w .� r.rst•sT TI IT ril'S � w r�hw Tl's � 1—/+,/�I )— /'�l51 I4 ITt J !—L 11 1 1 Irlil TI 1 ISDS Pesmit # 2218.0Z Date YBDis Final LMectlon ��� etenees Form Tank is 1.000 gal. Tank Material-= Tank is located ft. and __.degrees front Tank is located ft. and degrees fzvet UwdmLCW Tank set level. Tank lids within 6" of finished grade. _ Size of field ft' units lineal ft. Technology cleanout is installed in between tank and house(+ 1/10Oft)_ _ There is a "T" that goes down. 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank,. et.and outlet is sealed with tar tape,. rubber gasket etc. -has tv*::eompartments with the ..1 _ger.<:cptgpartatent closest to the house. :. Msaet a distance and relative dire3 OA: tor.:: e11 . Depth of field. 2"Z ft. �p�s S� (:- Soi3 interface raked. S� ► 2r�t�,. :::--�a1 ... �..".,s�`®. I�Ak&10 Inspection portals at the .end of each trench-.- 16'?q :::/ZProper distance to setbacks.Chambers properly installed as per manufacturer$ specifications. (Chambers latched, end plates properly installed, rocks itemoved from trenches, etc .) ��r Type of pipe used for huilding sewer line S, leach field.S�•'y:� T✓o Zp,�s �r -)Other oN4 y ( Inspection meets reern_iriampnts . - ! - } a +-t4. Q ?,k c y Copy form to installer's file if reeovmendations for improvement mere suggested. ACTION TAKEN: Setbacks Well Potable House Property Lake Dry Tank Drain Water Lines line Stream Gulch Field L00 25 20 10 TAJO& 50 10 5 10 50 25 10 10 50 10 * 10 13-4-c< Fit-t 41, Avi7a,4 F T • •�' - _ ti - gyp[ �,�/ �•` 1 I � ,? ,. rr- i 2218-02 Tax #2391-223-07-006 JOB NAME- Lot #20, Aspen Mountain View MISHMASH 0125 Milburn Court, Carbondale JOB NO16 P Z LL5 OB LOCATION BILL TO J� DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED _ J( �aL�Xii �IJSO�/ f1�t/ /�l�J(C^ .LG !LCZlrl'J`C!�{ C�hPi{ L' ! ��II /fir/ %% �V t `G-e. , 7 ,1 , S C'v-i r. ox dr 1"4 rzc Q 11C 4111 '74 (� ( (�- f%!� /�+.t"f L J ©:%(,. G�.� /� �-f/K'�-Fyn.'` �'" 7 � �•2, ..5 & r !! SGv+wGf cL -?-� 9t niDL�+z-dG-� Q i / ,� JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL ,4 TOTAL LABOR l _ �� ��, i INSURANCE SALES TAX / GL (UL2 MISC. COSTS i/f %' � .S Y I �(r(,` ... C/Lt�!!/� Cam' t � _i 't k TOTAL JOB COST Olt �� �� GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE At A!' r' � NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product Z78 U JOB FOLDER '- oa,Y..l• mot,:°.. .. j�. Printed In U.SA ;;s 0� WIJ -74 C , � l`/L� �,Gi''� / ��/r��`- r� e iti2, p t/Ze �.� �a 7`Zc. �i'V.f7 Gh.!✓,-..�.�- q- .S�- ��.�1 � �' ,v✓t vt..e c=. �I.i� c�+-� C\' \ Cl i'�� c✓/�-- r Ni 7' /.-E'ir% i �-(ify% r t, i I o ic! u.e� j-rC�w�.-`{i- '� j�y� dL,� /�' T �' �' " �, —' ..�-� "�i'� �} s �/ � �7. w� �- J CZ,*),— r✓t. ct +� � (� �`- rL � �- 7�-u ✓y I � � a ��c �H. � r. ��-�,-f'te.— Gva +� ! � ,cam lv � � �-c.�- �- �.��` %�.r- �i, T ^�e, l /a 3/0� _ / c� lG�,�.� w' sa�G1 /4y s7��,� W= f— = �/ f7w�Uu - f :lr?�•-� _4� GAL-- ",-, l 14-va^-- 7 ^'" wi.✓� r �� r sw� �"LVn,,f , / f4 :: ��O�S s"ty� SGt-ow � ✓�Z �i�y..,�''S'T�r.htt-�7'L►.._�� its�✓c.fa-F-4� ti�a l � v1w l�-t t r wry-c�� OK q Q /l/-t sat- 4 Recycled Content G T I to?b Post -Consumer JST' Two Rw �J„5 v F I rl r='(t: j�j3Txc, L771'f L G15 -rPtH K� e>P\ APE p r add il COMMUNITY WELL/WATER SY&TEM f LOTERFE19 (UNVRTH) �2('. N y , I w REBAR AND = LS#,,2O&Z5 S72o 86S33�E 6 INSTALL Y AT tH U1 OF IN T f i % 5 D ISTR [BUT ION �titio INSTALL 4 11 FE A -MID � FvC INS ID RST ROW, OF INF I TOR5 ONLY, U'SE los OLID FVC BETU EE . C % 5 SI-IAL REM,4 IN IN_� �t �1Q NOT HA PERFORATED 6 STALLED INOIDE. l.e STD, MANUFACTURER � - -"l04 RECOMMENDA Fo P D OUT OF �� INFILTRATORS. 5�E DET,4ILM / HIS SHEET. Lo LOT 21 too (WALKER) 11 10,0' -'� EXISTING AND FUTURE GROUND MOUND 6' OF TOP SOIL OVER EACH ROW OF INFILTRATORS BACKFILL - 3'MINUS MAX. D REBAR AND LS# 14111 BEDDING ZONE - FINE NATIVE' KEEP TRENCHES AS SHOLLOW AS POSSIBLE MATERIAL NO LARGER THAN MINIMUM DEPTH I2' V IN DIAMETER WITHIN 6 ' OF MAX DEPTH 24- TO TOP OF INFILTRATOR INFILTRATOR SOILD 4' SCH 40 PVC PIPING TO V V V V V FIRST ROW OF INFILTRATOR TRENCHES V V V V V V V V V AND BETWEEN EACH ROW OF TRENCHES, INSTALL V V V V V V 4' PERFORATED SCH 40 PVC INSIDE FIRST ROW OF INFILTRATORS ONLY V V V V V 6 - 54 - FOOT INFILTRATOR STD. SERIAL DISTRIBUTION TO EACH OF THE 5 V V V V TRENCHES - 9 UNITS IN EACH REMIANING ROWS OF THE TRENCH SYSTEM V V V TRENCHES. I£ TO BE FIELD DETERMEINED V MINIMUM DEPTH IS 3-FOOT TO BOTTOM OF V TRENCH, 10' APART MINIMUM INFILTRATOR IE TO BE FIELD DETERMINED BY ENGINEER INFILTRATOR HEIGHT IS '-12' 6' SAND 0 F ROFILE ROLE OVEREXCAVATE 6' AND PLACE INSTALL SPLASH PLATE 1' WIDE x 18' LONG AT PIPE 6 SAND UNDER INFILTRATORS LAY PERFORATED PIPE ON TOP OF SAND ENTRY AND EXIT TO EACH INFILTRATOR ON TRENCH FLOOR f=ERC HOLES -6?s 8 6 + 84 FOUND REBAR AND J ALU.C:AF LS# 20&9E NEW TRENCH DETAIL - NTS REVISED 9/20/02 NOTES 1, SEE ATTACHED_ DESIGN MEMOS FOR MORE DETAIL ON SYSTEM- DESIGN, AND INSTALLATION 2. SYSTEM MUST MEET EAGLE COUNTY REGULATIONS FOR ISDS, SEE LATEST VERSION OF REGULATIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 3. SYSTEM LOCATION MAY BE ADJUSTED _ TO MEET FIELD CONDITIONS WITH ENGINEERS APPROVAL .4. EAGLE COUNTY AND MWE INSPECTION REQUIRED PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE S. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ASBUILTS OF COMPLETED SYSTEM TO ENGINEER AND COUNTY 6. SURVEY BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY HIRED GUN SURVEYING ANNA ,AND AND`r 1„16l-IMA6I'-I SITE - 0125 M ILB URN CT LOT 20 ASI='EN MOUNTAIN V IEI,U SUB[) IV 15 ION A&—E3U ILT P,O, BOX 618r0 SNO.UMASS V ILLAC-iE, CO. 81�15t"�j` c r �� ANNA AND ANDY MISHMASH , . E • 1323-498 _ sue, t-•� SEPTIC SYSTEM ��r`FS';�••....� Y S 1 TE PLAN AND PROJECT NUMBER DETAILS 500420/A1-050.01 IiiYil� ��T!✓ 2420 Alcot303.4t Street, Denver, CO 80211 YI PH. 303.458.5550; Fax 303.480.9766 DESIGN: GDD .�9�....... email mwe®mwewater.com c DETAIL' GDD CHECK: _ 1 DATE: 6�2002 DRAWING NUMBER S S 1 c _ t