HomeMy WebLinkAbout1229 Green Meadow Dr - 239128103002INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2146-01 BP NO. 13 871 OWNER: CHRIS PASSERO PHONE: 970-927-1022 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5097, ASPEN, CO 81612 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 1229 GREEN MEADOW DRIVE, CARBONDALE, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 2391-281-03-002 LICENSED INSTALLER: MOUNTAIN WORKS, ANDREW MCDONALD LICENSE NO. 31-01 PHONE: 970-963-1030 DESIGN ENGINEER: CHURCH AND ASSOCIATES, INC., ED CHURCH PHONE NO. 303-463-9317 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 7 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 2000 GALLON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK, 1736 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA 56 CHAMBERED UNITS, AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISIONS DATED OCTOBER 8, 2001. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN WITH A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE, AND INSPECTION PORTALS IN EACH TRENCH. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARING OF SOILS, AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND DESIGN ENGINEER FOR FINAL PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE IN- STALLATION OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE INSTALLATION. THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS S CTE OVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: OCTOBER 17, 2001 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1736 SQUARE FEET (VIA 56 INFILTRATOR UNIT ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK: 2000 GALLONS IS LOCATED 1,92 DEGREES AND 26 FEET 6 INCHES FROM THE CLEAN —OUT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE HOUSE, COMMENTS: THE FINAL INSPECTION WAS DONE BY RAYMOND P. MERRY OF EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER ON JUNE 26, 2002. THE ENGI3EER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION AND AS —BUILT DRAWING WERE RECEIVED ON JULY 5, 2002. THIS SYSTEM. IS LARGE ENOUGH FOR A 7 BEDROOM RESIDENCE. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CO B E FIN OVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL . DATE: JULY 11, 2002 :[Lcomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # �I 6 ✓ Q Building Permit # / 8 71'- APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 Eagle (970)328-8755, Fax (970)328-0349, El Jebel (970)927-3823 ************************************************************************** * FEE SCHEDULE * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE * PERCOLATION TEST/SOIL PROFILE AND SITE EVALUATION FEE $200.00 * SITE VISIT/CONSULTATION FEE $85.00 * REINSPECTION FEE $47.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" ************************************************************************** PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: �(} �QX J�� % Qtly -�7 /fo/% PHONE : q7O '1.)-7 j(jj1' APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: / PHONE: LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: PHONE: 617 COMPANY/DBA : 1;10U1 i 4-11 J 14-jo"' S ADDRESS: *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (Y/--NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: Ld ; �d�MS /llG"34 5"6j)t,1/510Aj Tax Parcel Number: c�,3//--ZZ— 60 -04J Lot Size: a►� A� ,r Physical Address: 1)- q / ;6q-0 e w ortt e t/E BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) Residential/Single Family Residential/Multi-Family* ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Number Number Type _ of Bedrooms of Bedrooms *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface (�-Publis Name f upp i r: APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: e7 n ***************�j**%********************************************`**%********** AMOUNT PAID :�`�`-� RECEIPT # :� DATE: CHECK #: CASHIER: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO July 11, 2002 Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director Chris Passero P.O. Box 5097 Aspen, CO 81612 RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2146-01, Tax Parcel #2391-281-03-002. Property location: 1229 Green Meadow Drive, Carbondale, CO. Dear Mr. Passero: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and - finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, AV �-- Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: October 17, 2001 TO: Mountain Works, Andrew McDonald Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.2146-01. Tax Parcel # 2467-054-00-003. Property Location: 1714 Cedar Drive, Basalt, Kelly residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 2146-01 and a field copy of the engineer design stipulated on the permit. It is valid for 120 days, or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer, and views the installation. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Church and Associates, Inc., Ed Church OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 APPENDIX A 1229 GREEN MEADOW DRIVE LOT 8, SOPRIS MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECE LAICAL, INC. PERCOLATION TEST SEPTEM BER 29, 2000 Gg.F)tech September 29, 2000 Chris Passero P.O. Box 5097 Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax:970-945-8454 hpgeo@hp,ueotech.com Aspen, Colorado 81612 Job No. 100 782 Subject: Percolation Testing, Lot 8, Sopris Mesa Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado Dear Mr. Passero: As requested by you, Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc., performed percolation testing at the subject site. The work was done in accordance with our agreement for Professional Services to you, dated September 25, 2000. A Profile Pit and three percolation test holes were excavated prior to our site visit on September 27, 2000 at the locations shown on Fig. 1. The subsoils exposed in the Profile Pit consisted of about 0.5 feet of topsoil overlying sandy silty clay to the bottom pit depth of 9 feet. No free water was observed in the pits and the soils were slightly moist to moist. Percolation test holes were hand dug in the bottom of shallow backhoe pits and soaked with water on September 27, 2000. Percolation testing was conducted on September 28, 2000, by a representative of Hepworth --Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. The percolation test results are summarized on Table I. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered and the percolation test results, the tested area should be suitable for a conventional infiltration septic disposal system. We recommend the system be designed based on a percolation rate of 30 minutes per inch due to the clay soils exposed in the profile pit. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, , INC. LC APPROXIMATE SCALE 1"=80' BUILDING ENVELOPE � � f 1 � 1 � P2 i P 1I ' P 3 �, PROFILE / PIT I, / POOH LOT 7 100 782 HEPWORTH - PAWLAK LOCATION OF PERCOLATION TEST HOLES I Fig. 1 GEOTECHNICAL, INC. HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. rrx*_w: 1 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 100 782 HOLE NO. HOLE DEPTH (INCHES) LENGTH OF INTERVAL (MIN) WATER DEPTH AT START OF INTERVAL (INCHES) WATER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL (INCHES) DROP IN WATER LEVEL (INCHES) AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE (MINJINCH) P-1 53 15 water added 6 1 /2 5 1 /2 1 30 5 1/2 5 112 5 4 1/4 3/4 6 1/4 5112 3/4 5 1/2 5 1/2 5 4112 112 4 1 /2 4 112 P-2 63 15 water added 10 6 1 /4 3 3/4 13 6 1 /4 4114 2 4 1/4 2 2 1/4 10 7 1 /4 2 3/4 7114 5114 2 5 114 4 1 1/4 4 3 1 P-3 59 .15 water added 7 1 /2 5 314 1 314 20 53,14 4 314 1 4 3/4 3314 1 7 3/4 6 114 1 112 6 1/4 5 1/4 1 5 1/4 4 1/2 3/4 4 1/2 3 3/4 3/4 Note: The last two readings were used to determine the average percolation rate. CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS September 12, 2001 Chris Passero P.O. Box 5097 Aspen, Colorado 81612 Subject: OWS Design, Proposed Passero Residence 1229 Green Meadow Drive Lot 8, Sopris Mountain Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 14409 Mr. Passero, As requested, we have designed an onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the proposed residence. The subsurface investigation was performed by HP Geotech on September 29, 2000. SITE CONDITIONS The lot is located in a rural residential area in Eagle County, Colorado, where OWS are required. The proposed drain field area has a 5% slope to the southeast. There is a moderate cover of native grasses. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A five -bedroom residence is proposed as the location presented on Figure 1. In accordance with the Indi- vidual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) regulations, the average sewage loading for a five -bedroom residence is 750 Gallons Per Day (GPD) and 1125 GPD with a 1.5 peaking factor. This loading includes a dishwasher, garbage grinder, and washing machine. The residence will be served by the local water district. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS BP Geotech performed a subsurface investigation by digging three percolation holes, 53 to 63 inches deep, and one profile pit at the locations indicated on Figure 1. Subsurface materials in the profile pit consisted of 6 inches of topsoil underlain by sandy, silty clay to the maximum depth explored of 9 fe N2tes round water or bedrock was encountered. Percolation tests indicate percolation rates of 13 t 3t per inch (MPI). The average percolation rate is 21 MPI. Percolation data is presented in Appendix RECOMMENDATIONS The installation must include a septic tank and four chamber -type drain field trenches, at the locations presented on Figure 1. The OWS design is based on an average sewage load of 750 GPD and a percolation rate of 30 MPI. Our OWS design is based on a percolation rate of 30 MPI, as recommended by the EP Geotech report. The installation must include a 2000-gallon, two -compartment, precast concrete septic tank, with an effluent filter on the outlet and a total of four chamber trenches using serial overflow distribution. Each trench must have one row of 10 chambers for a total of 40 chambers. Trenches should be installed no deeper than 4 feet. The trenches may be moved slightly as to not disturb large trees and to DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 LOVELAND 970.663.2124 OWS Design Job No. 14409 Page 2 preserve as much vegetation as possible, but must be level. If gravity flow cannot be achieved our office should be contacted for details regarding pump specifications. We prefer to have a distribution box or flow splitter basin so effluent is directed to two parallel sets of trenches for full time residency homes. This is not the preferred method per Eagle County personnel. If you would like a distribution box or flow splitter basin, discuss this with Eagle County. Movement over the drain field trench during construction should be kept at a minimum to prevent compaction of the receiving soils. The bottom of each trench must be scarified with a pick, shovel, or backhoe bucket teeth prior to the addition of dispersal gravel. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The owner must realize an OWS is different from public sewer service and must assume the responsibility for maintenance of the OWS. The system is relatively maintenance free, but the owner must have the septic tanks pumped. In the absence of a monitoring program, the septic tank should be pumped and the effluent filter cleaned every two years. There are daily considerations, such as not putting plastic or other nonbiode- gradable material into the OWS. Water use must be monitored so toilets are not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, a running toilet can consume in excess of 1000 GPD. A loading of 1000 GPD could flood and irreparably harm the OWS. The loading from the backwash of a water softener may be harmful to the OWS. A separate drywell should be constructed for the backwash waste, if a softener is installed. Chemically treated water from a swimming pool or spas should not be introduced to the OWS. LEVIITATIONS An OWS design requires installation by a licensed contractor. Our investigation, layout, design and recom- mendations are based on data submitted. If conditions different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. If the health department modifies this design, we should be contacted to evaluate the impact on the performance of the OWS. All construction is to be in accordance with the ISDS regulations. Pipe type and size, burial requirements, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which are not depicted in our report, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to have demonstrated knowledge of the Eagle County ISDS regulations and requirements. If there are questions or if we can be of fiuther service, please call. The project manager is Tim Petz. Sincerely, CHURCH & Associates Edward O. Church, P.E. EOC/trp/erb 3 copies sent CC 0 q IL �§ q zm Ld Of / ¥¥ z s 2 7M �� E x �R§& b § 0k E0M 2 /I irk$ M 2F-C \( . k + _§ kk w eq 0 U) )� ) §7 d m \m LLIk0,r ®2d§k w� 2 b= z U3� § 2.ASF: § w§) 2 z zmu)� w udM<o $ �d8�W b § §a \Ia / 1 m cl # \ 0 $ ; 7 w . J 7W �M k ecm < � § A&= °. k — w LU R7 ul % to§, c . 0 ¥�"7 ,__m LLJ E a aW22� 2 IL r 2§�KK . / § 2 W <03 Mz o <« � �2 ® o\L,�m �2 §� a. \kk\� . - �W �k § zW■�R ± sm r C. kM k . U) in . § w c z . § / e q le ® in m ¢ / c §i / zLd crU. 8 c V) u) BEi� E_ 3 . 2 Lna§ > Ir f<,f"§IngE\ z § §`2��§§ S < zMwzIIF=<U_j # 0 F3 <<�« \ g z wowm W10 < —1 2«�� ci 0 Dw z $ e / 0 E Z � zIts §1 ado o L 0- w cn c 51 w O_ v 0 3 x 0 m O U C. N H Z LLJ _I LL_ LL- LU Q i- 3 Y U Cl- LU LU m U O U N a w w CL- Z LU E W W~ 4_ O C� UJ y ~ aC) in Z u.l O Q Q O LU O J N LL_ D o 0 CD wo ovs o� "i a' Y m CD C .a+ '3 V7 W C Ow W +O+ O E 0 7 U ci ` Q� y c �_ 'v V �C ++ j 7 MN 0C .0 b H j W M a3 v c LU LU S a� ocn w in c U U tx vZ O N Lu cr- LULU F U U w Li I Ix O [n yy U Z 0 rm O cn LU CD - n co N 03 U L C v E M d T C O b 0 O � Z C" m d LO O ucL uzs u.L ua : ezJP P. 1 ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS October 8, 2001 Chri s. Passero P.O. Box 5097 Aspen, Colorado 81612 Subject: Revised OWS Design, Propose( 1229 Green Meadow Drive Post-ir Fax dote 7b71 u"te pa°ges• To ` t p± From Co.(Deht. co. Phone # Phone # Fax N Fax # Lot 8, Sopris Mountain Subdivision "'=L1 VD Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 14409 OCT 1 0 2001 Asir, Passero, EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY ®EYELOP As requested, we are providing this revised OWS design for the subject, site. The revision 1s on an. increase in number of bedrooms froin five to seven, from our September 12, 2001 design letter. TIbe revisions include the addition of a second septic tank and changes to the size and configuration of the drain field. This letter should be used in conjunction with our original design. RECONINUNDAXIONS The upgraded OWS proposal includes a. septic tank and four gravelless chamber -trenches at the locations presented on Revised Figure 1. The OWS design is based on an average sewage load of 1050 GPD and a percolation rate of 30 N4PL The installation must include one -nOO-gallon, two -compartment, precast concrete septic tank with an effluent filter on the outlet and four chamber -trenches, each with 1 row of 14 chambers, for a total of 56 chambers. The surface of the drain field should be seeded. A. native seed mix should. be used. These mixes do not require irrigation and develop a growth 10 to 15 inches high. No automatic sprinkler system should be installed over the fields. No landscaping or plastic can be installed over the fields, which dvill reduce performance of the fields. LIMITATION- S An OWS design requires installation by a contractor who is experienced in its installation. Our investigation, layout, design and recommendations are based on data submitted. If subsurface conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. if the health department makes modifications to this design, we should be contactedto evaluate the impact on the performance of the OWS. DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303,660.435,9 303.463.9317 Fax: 303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303,816,1455 LOVEL.AND 970.663.2124 uct uH ui ui:eup p.2 Revised OWS Design Job No. 14409 Page 2 All construction is to be in accordance writh the ISDS regulations, Pipe type and size, burial requirements, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which axe not depicted in our report, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to have demonstrated Knowledge of the .Eagle County Environmental Health Department ISDS regulations and requirements. If there are questions or if we can be of further service, please call. Sincerely, CHURCH &.associates Inc. Edward O. Church, P.E. EQC/trp 2 copies sent, via priority mail fax copy to Chris Passero, 970-927-5036 fax copy to Eagle County Health Department, 970-328-8755 SCALE 2.877 ACRES 50r LOT 8$ SOPRIS MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION 1229 GREEN MEADOW DRIVE E-AGLE COUNTY. COLORADO .-CLEANOUT ROPOSED T�8EDROOM RESIDENCE.,, 40 PVC SEWER LINE v eTBAC OFIL T1�COMPARTME�Nlj 2000-GALLON] PRECAST 'CONCRtTE SEPTIC TANK WITH FILTER ON TVie OUTLET. jAN EFFLUENT 868 SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA IN FOUR GRAVELLESS CHAMBER -TRENCHES USING SERIAL DISTRIBUTION. EACH TRENCH MUST HAVE I ROW OF 14 CHAMBERS FOR A TOTAL OF 56 CHAMBERS. LOCATION OF SITE E PUAN, REVISE® PERCOLATION HOLES, AND LOCATION FIGURE I JOB NO. 14409 OF PROPOSED OWS CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS July 1, 2002 Chris Passero P.O. Box 5097 Aspen, Colorado 81612 Subject: Installation Observation, Proposed Passero Residence 1229 Green Meadow Drive Lot 8, Sopris Mountain Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 14409W Mr. Passero, RECEIVED JUL 0 5 2002 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT As requested, we observed the installation of the onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the subject site on June 26, 2002. The system was designed under our Job No. 14409W, dated September 12, 2001 and revised October 2, 2002 and October 8, 2002. The system includes the installation of a 2000-gallon, two -compartment, precast concrete septic tank and four serially, fed gravelless chamber -trenches. Each trench has one row of fourteen chambers for a total infiltrative area of 868 square feet. An as -built drawing is included as Figure 1. The components of the OWS were installed in conformance with our plans and specifications. If there are questions or if we may be of further service, please call. Sincerely, CHURCH and Associates, Edward O. Church, P.E. EOC/trp/erb 2 copies sent Copy to Eagle County Environmental Health Department DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303.463.9317 Fax: 303.463.9321 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 LOVELAND 970.663.2124 WESTERN SLOPE 970.948.5803 2.877 ACRES LOT S, SOPRI MOUNTAI SUBDIVISION 1229 GREEN MEADOW W11VE EAGLE C NN, COL DO C / I RESIDENCE -4" PC/SEWER LINE /2000-GALLON, TWO -COMPARTMENT PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK 3E ATION/VENT PIPES 1" = 860(SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA lf4 4 RIALLY FED GRAVELLESS CHAMBER -TRENCHES. EAC RENCF HAS I ROW OF 14 CHAM S FOR A TOTAL OF 56 CHAMB S. TIDRAW NG Ray Merry - 14409W inob 3.jpg Page 1 I Ray Merry - 14409W inob 5.jpg Page 1 qL IMII- Fl, -4ft- On, d i Pol. Ray Merry - 14409W inob 6.jpg Page 1 GA i ye��.. � N � i�i.' = • �J� -. "'' .� • i was • �;� -{t rt '� � �: " _ � ip Ott •i J. A � _ e 4 i� r1� 4 ✓' � tea..-' �' , •��� yy — ! 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