HomeMy WebLinkAbout1765 Bellyache Ridge Rd - 194122305001 - SE Fazio RRINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION / P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2127-01 BP NO. 13633 OWNER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PHONE: 970-845-2528 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 959, AVON, CO 81620 APPLICANT: THOMAS KALLENBACH PHONE: 406-586-2289 SYSTEM LOCATION: RED SKY RANCH SOUTHEAST FAZIO RESTROOM TAX PARCEL NO. 1941-221-00-016 LICENSED INSTALLER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT, JAMIE PAPPAS LICENSE NO. 17-01 PHONE: 970-845-2528 DESIGN ENGINEER: FLUIDYNE ENGINEERING, THOMAS KALLENBACH PHONE NO. 406-586-2289 INSTALLATION GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A GOLF COURSE RESTROOM 1,500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, 1,000 GALLON DOSING TANK, AND A D-NITE UNIT, 837 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA 27 INFILTRATOR UNITS AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED 8/1/01. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL EXACTLY AS INDICATED IN THE ENGINEER'S DESIGN, STAMPED AND SIGNED AUGUST 1, 2001. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARING OF SOILS AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIREMENTS. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR FINAL INSPECTIONS PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION, OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE INSTALLATION. THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: RAYMOND P. MERRY DATE: AUGUST 14, 2001 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA CREDIT 837 SQUARE FEET (VIA 27 INFILTRATORS AS PER DESIGN) INSTALLED 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, 1000 GALLON DOSING TANK, AND A D-NITE UNIT EXACTLY AS DEPICTED ON THE PLANS. SEE DESIGN FOR LOCATIONS. COMMENTS: THE ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION WAS RECEIVED ON OCTOBER 10, 2002. THIS SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE THE SOUTHEAST RESTROOM FOR THE FAZIO GOLF COURSE AT RED SKY RANCH. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHE ORI D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVA DATE: MAY 11, 2004 r, Inuomplets'Applications will HOT Be iccepted ;r (Site Plan BUST be attached) 1 _ _ �5D 6 Permit is J} 1 Budding Permit �- r 1PPLICATION . F08 MDDAL BEIMS DISPOSAL SYBTE$ P883[IT ENv�RON�rrrAL BEALTH 0MCE coUrt�t h P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, IM 81631 ' 328-8755/927-3823 (Basalt) F' * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * * M= ALL REMITTANCE PA•YASLZ • '2P' ." REAGLE CO•GHTY TREASDRERR r ' ppop= OWNER: Vail Resorts Development Company-. Marr.rNG ADDRESS: PHONE: Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 845-2528 PHONE• ABPLICAHMICONTACT'PERSON:PHONE: Kallenbach, P.E. :586-2289 . =CENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: Jamie Pappas PHONE: 8 4 5- 2 5 2 8 COMPANY/DSA:Vail Resorts ADDRESS: P.0.13ox 79'14 Avon CO 81620 ekYr#ie�r*##�ie�t*tirdr�e#dr*tirdeat#ir#dr,Firat�kaleare*dr'�tir��k###de*�kdeftiSle*#,Bret,ite�ak+��e�rare��rk#*�t�k�rdnleieksE# PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X) NEW INSTALUTION (} ALTERATION ( } REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPO&r'D INDIVIbVAL Sm4 = D=SPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Des=iption: Red -Sky Ranch Subdivision Sec. 22 TW4-S-R85W Tax Parcel Number: 19 41- 2 21- Off- 016 Trot SiZe:. N / A Physical Address: 1.1 Miles South off I-70 @Red Sky Ranch Golf Course BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicab c tegary} � ( 'Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms (} Res idential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms (X ) Camme* .ial/ Industrial* Type TYPE OF TATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable ca ( ) Well ( ) Sprin ( ) Surfac (X) Publil Name of I' r: . *These syIrn re d i 4is SIGNATURE AMOUNT PA�� J � RECEIPT I : CHECK , • b b�rofess�• �� 7En i e�r33633 _r O ANAL ��� TE: 9/6 CASHIER: • DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328=8788 TOLL FREE:800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us May 11, 2004 Jamie Pappas Vail Resorts Development P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 EAGLE COUNTY RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2127-01, Tax Parcel #1941-221-00-016. Property location: Red Sky Ranch South East Fazio Golf Course restroom facility, Wolcott, CO Dear Mr. Pappas: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, , Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Educational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files, May 2004 Chrono file 500 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com Date: August 14, 2001 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TO: Vail Resorts Development, Jamie Pappas Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.2127-0L Tax Parcel # 1941-221-00-016. Property Location: Red Sky Ranch Fazio Golf Course, Hole #15 Restroom Facility, Wolcott, CO., Vail Resorts Development property. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 2119-01. You will also receive a copy of the field set of plans with a copy of the permit affixed to the front, from the design engineer. It is valid for 120 days, or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer, and views the installation. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Fluidyne Engineering, Thomas Kallenbach F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inventors October 8, 2002 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch SE Fazio Golf Course Restroom Dear Ray: Please accent this letter as confirmation of con-Vetion of the individual septic and disposal system serving the Red Sky Ranch SE FazioRestroom. The system has been built, tested and this letter serves as certification from the Engineer. The system was installed as shown on the approved plans. Please call with any questions. Respectfully, -AKW24 _ 3 P. Thomas J. Kallenbach, P.E. RECEIVED OCT 15 -2002 VIRONMENTAL . DEpa4RTMENT F L U 1 D Y N E Scientists - Engineers Inventors Golf Course Restroom Individual Septic and Disposal System Design Report Introduction Vail Resorts Development Company is in the process of developing Red Sky Ranch, a planned community consisting of 87 residential lots and two championship golf courses in Eagle County, Colorado. Additionally, the community will host two clubhouses and several small maintenance related facilities. The purpose of this report is to provide site and engineering data necessary to obtain a permit to construct an individual septic and disposal system (ISDS) proposed to serve a restroom for the golf course. Description of Facility The proposed ISDS will provide wastewater disposal for a golf course restroom building located in the southeast quadrant of the east side of Red Sky Ranch. An interior layout is included with this proposal. The facility will accommodate a men's and women's restroom accessible to golf course patrons and operations and maintenance personnel. Wastewater Generation Tee times will be scheduled in groups of four players spaced at 10 minute intervals during an eight hour day. Consequently, the maximum number of players passing the restrooms is 192 per day. If every player used the toilet (1.6 gal/flush) and sink (0.4 gal/wash), golfers would account for a maximum daily wastewater flow rate of 384 gal/day. This is clearly an unrealistic scenario and used only to illustrate the maximum possible flow. A better estimate will expect 50% of the golfers passing by to utilize the restroom facility for a total daily flow rate of 192 gal/day. However, as described below, the system has been designed to handle flow rates exceeding this predicted daily maximum. The design flow rate of the system is 384 gallons per day (GPD). Site Information Sheet C8.0 provides pertinent site information such as layout of the proposed ISDS, topography, separation distances from property boundaries, surface water, roads, etc. W co w O U _j Z Z (n W W m O rn O ' p W S J W z: + F Z Q w J J F- m Z m W 0 i Lo p M W QW m 2 F- W Lu m m ` c a OC o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0- ON M LO 00 N I� N 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 r( .-( N 0 W� m W Lmo O ON r, W n m O N I, ti— 1, m O of 000 0 0 0 .-+ N � 19 n O O O O O O O O O O O O Lo In (n Ln U7 LC7 Uf u) In (n Lr) m N I� ,-I N N m m -;t 't Mi° .I r+ W m N-* W M 0(V N't W 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gym+ - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 00 I, -:t f\ N d> r,0 a1 O O ONO L.0 00 W- LO O LO W W W L, O d o-, m 00 00 L1') c� �rmr�cd0 �j -- C M LP O W N LO h of m of O W W W of m Lo O Lo N N N N N m m m't d m w O r, 000 m m (N l(\jo O ON W m I�I�I�rn arnLod-d Lo n n h h W W W o) O �-( N i O O O O O O O O .-( - ti .-1 - ,--I r-1 - .-I .-I ,-1 '-1 r-I '-1 '-I ( 0J W LL _J Z "6 Q N : O rl N m d' m Lo n W of 'y C p m Q m i E J N E J W 7 Q n C F ED O.J (L w w p J U LL Lo W of u) W .--I M N m Lo O O O O N W O N n N m W O Lo N .-I M N zt W m N O 2 J w O 0 N d' I,mm r,I, O Lo O 0 -I 0 0 0 0 -i ('\! m Ln W W U) Q W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 J 2 cr F- W Ln M u) Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo m m m LLI F Z N I� -- N N m m d dt Lm m w J J F Ln Z 0 W m Lo Lo o) O N O 4 -gLo W J 0 pLo � r-I lfl M N t LO N o N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— .-I - N w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ~m W N m N O '+ Lo Lo I, n r, O d* O W W d> cf W m N N I�m-I Ln mOJ O Lq � O a Wmr,Nr, ri w ri4 o6 m ';t mLr u) I L" U n Lo o rn a r, W I O 2i E m m 'cY d' l0 W W W Lo Nt 14 't -;t Nt a u-)m Lo O r, J 'zt a � � 't d' a � ';I: � d' 0 W I ,--1 r-I r-i .--I ,--I ,--I - r-I ,--I r-1 r-I W O W O w N .-+ �--I M N� W Lo m p O W r-I �t of n N Nt W N't m N w G O O N ct rl N m n h 0 m O O O O O O .-I �-I N M u) LO W .-L ,--I .--I ti .--I r-I .-1 '-1 .--I r-I .-i ,--I '-I .-a ,--I I d I O L, _1 = W m-;t Lo Lo Il W of o ,y C F- - m Q E O O U 4 N Y E H w w p J U W O l0 O O w N-It m o LJ N M ISM NNM M w co N 0° O O !-. eo .� 't m m m r- r. w Ol r, W O to ti 00 N t or, ?�� M Q 00000 NM Ln LO 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 2 J = W 0 LoLO nmmLoinlnunmmm w Z � N h N I, N n N h N LO Q W NNMMd -tt Lo Ln J J v w ti0 k m m t 000 LNo (wO d L'O Lc)u) p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M O W w O O O O O O O O O O O O U (n = O C_ R LOLu ~ _ E �nNd'O co oo 00 ,-,�,-, iommM rnLn(n rn mU p�00 � WM�NI�-Ln�M1 0010 M J 't 00 M Il N lfl L6 U _ W LL .ti N .4 Ln I� W 0 ti N O U O w m O 0 m't n m N O m Ln o Uov� E mm��moo,- LD m(o O O w v d' �i' d' Ln m l0 "o n > N — — N .-1 .-1 r-1 r-i '-I '-1 f-I .--1 R w o OO m S^ W^'Mt M Wmn�WO w L m N v o 0 o N d' rl N Ol n W O lfl O O o 0 0 0 N M U f LO w 0_ --——— . -a— — —— —— C N 0_ J C W _j R N v � J N Lo W U .--i N m� Ln 0 n M m (D o W M E " R ~ E R O w p O J Q O 0 J d = w C7 _ 0 p O rn E m a r" O bDD� O F- 0 LLIO p _ w O O Ow � �^, U O N Q W to O2 W co v — — - LLJ S < v < < � C 0 Z F- F u) r Z O LU J O m o M F p s — m :EU0 p vo 0 w ¢ v� S W W 0 J O w O O U S > Z Z } J Q F- m R Ln �Ln L ,..o O o rn rlQ oo>2 W WQ J N N N J w > Z _ JO ?� 01 O Ol w F 0 N O O w E r a oo T U N O � � rn W () d °D � m -j O N d 2 > Z -J Z 2 O_ W es" O O R omo ti M Z U' 2:v 0 .-� > Q LLJ 2 m J I W LO mLO t J Q LLJ N ti N_ N_ zLL, v O O O Q Q Q Q O O O � p J 0 o W a ¢ C W-- 2i 0 O F 0) O 00 rn N ao J _ w °- W N •-, o 0 LLJ J Q p LL J LO LO. .-i LO K `w' Q L �'' O O O O O O L z hC0 N Ir O J O J S 0 0= N N N W Q u') H Z LO lO to LO LO In = HE p ' v . 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