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1765 Bellyache Ridge Rd - 194122305001 - Fazio clubhouse
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2107-01 BP NO. 13 677 OWNER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PHONE: 970-845-2528 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 959 AVON CO 81620 APPLICANT: THOMAS KALLENBACH PHONE: 406-586-2289 SYSTEM LOCATION: RED SKY RANCH GOLF CLUBHOUSE, WOLCOTT CO TAX PARCEL NO. 1941-221-00-016 LICENSED INSTALLER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT, JAMIE PAPAS LICENSE NO. 17-01 PHONE: 970-845-2528 DESIGN ENGINEER: FLUIDYNE ENGINEERING, THOMAS KALLENBACH PHONE NO. 406-586-2289 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING ENTITIES: LOTS # 2, 4, 5, 6, AND 7 THE GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE, THE CARE TAKER UNIT FOR TRACT "H", AND THE STARTER SHACK 12,800 GALLONS OF PRIMARY STORAGE, 11,250 GALLONS OF SECONDARY STORAGE, 3 D-NITE 400 NITRIFICATION UNITS, AND 16,616 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA 536 INFILTRATOR UNITS AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL EXACTLY AS DEPICTED ON THE ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISIONS DATED JULY 10 2001. THE SYSTEM MUST ALSO MEET THE CRITERIA OUTLINED IN THE JUNE 8 2001 LETTER FROM THE WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION GRANTING STATE SITE APPROVAL (#4538). BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE ISDS SET BACKS AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALL- ATION, OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE INSTALLATION ANY CHANGES IN THE DESIGN MUST BE APPROVED BY THIS DEPART- MENT BEFORE IMPLEMENTATION. PROITE AS-BU HE INSTALLATION AFTER THE SYSTEM IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: '% oZ 6 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET (VIA ) INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM COMMENTS: ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: r Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be ACCepted ji t i (Site Plan MUST be attached) ��v"� ISDS Permit # Building Permit APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTHK PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEA.LT14 OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CQ 816.31 CHEDULE * PERMIT APPLICA,TXON F$150.00 * pflft * SITV NVALURT10N F L $200.00 .° SITE VISIT/CONSULTATION yNt $85.00 * REYNSPECTION FEE $47.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURERU PROPERTY OWNER: _ Vail Resort Development Company MAILING ADDRESS! P.O. Box 959, Avon, CO 81620 PHONE. 845-2528 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: Thomas J. Kallenbach, P.E. PHONE: (406) 586-2289 LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: Jamie Pappas PHONE; (970) 845-2528 COMPANY/DBA: Vail Resorts INC. ADDRESS: R.0..Bo 959,Ayon CO 81620 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X) NEW INSTALLATION { ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVVIDUAL StWAGE DISPOSAL SyST'BM: Legal DeSCriptioza: Red Sky Ranch Subdivision Sec 22 T4S R83W Tax Parcel Number: _ 1941221-00016 Lot Size: Physical Address.- s Tni 1 apjjt-h of T-7n@ Rail Skv Col f Course BUILDING TYPE! (Cheek applicable category) ( ) Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Recidezztial/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms (X) COmmercial/Industrial* 'Type *These systems require design by a Registered Profes TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Sprijag ( ) Surface y o (X) Public Name of Su'Onlier:., 11 a' APPLICANT S IGNA'T'UR.E : AMOUNT PAID: D U RECEIPT 11 ^i3J�� DA'z' I 3 t6 CHECK T86 ' ON 00 id-lA3Q S1dOS3d I I dA WdOb : tb T 00z ' z ' wnf Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com Date: July 26, 2001 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TO: Vail Resorts Development, Jamie Papas FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.2107-01. Tax Parcel #1941-221-00-016. Property Location: Red Sky Ranch Golf Clubhouse, Wolcott, CO. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 2107-01. It is valid for 120 days, or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. You will receive a copy of the field set of plans with a copy of the permit affixed to the front, from the design engineer. Also enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Water Control Division granting state site approval for site #4538, outlining additional criteria that must be followed. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer, and views the installation. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Fluidyne Engineering, Thomas Kallenbach i r AIL RESOfir!TSte' COMPANY FAX TRANSMISSION_ TO: tm2 - . , FAX #- TELE t EL1 Date: Time: )6 Total Number aff Pages 4 (Please call 970/845-2535 if all pages are not received,) Message: pcl— oz -c � . �ar Van o SP enrfdqo- o y _s on r0wl edc�r-tat." Res � sue: Telephone: $74f845 2535 . Fax: 87d/846.Z555 Y d' c 1 L R F—5 0 R T S DEVELOPMENT COMFANY April 16, 2002 Ray Merry €A& i oW"y DgmrL- ent Of Envirmne Ztal Health PO Box 850 Eagle, co 81631 Dear Mir, Derry I have owed below the plaza that will be inipletr=ted regarding start up of the iced Sky Ranch East Clubhouse Individual Sewage Disposal System S ). Tbr— syatern bag been designed and inspected by Tom Kallevbach, pp of Pltiidyne Inc. Star# up of the system, will regu re the re -circulation of wastewater through the three de -nitrification units to establish a Healthy microbial grpwth on the media. `r= a bli ment of this growth will require daily inspection by myself in correspondence with Tom K.allenbach, as well as frequent site visits by a Eluitl3e repFesemtive. it addition i have attached a detail of a dosing clasrtcr showing the levels of the "Pumping Zone" which will be the volume of clarified effluent that gets P'=Pcd and hauled away emery 24 days depending upon water use, T'Ile'De-NfteDosingne represents the amount of water that will be left in the tank so that dosing of the Ike -Hite units can ciecur. We welcome a code enforoement Officer from your department to make rm&m tan, c inspection to insure compliance with this plan. Per the attached letter to the Eagle River WEkr & Sanitation Dish ist (RRW&S) we mr. requesting their acceptance of clarifiedlde-nitrified effluent. We plan to have Jahn Bowman, PCB Bost 4330, Avon, CO cell # 303-263-0432 pump f1le 11A+i—fted doses tank as named to i.`1.aL m compliance with this plan. 1 have asked Tobn to make sure his Eagle County Department of Heath pui*ng laoense is ourrent with your depart ment. if IQU &S does not accept the clarified of uent, Zahn would haul the septage to either Glenwood Springs Landfill or Denver Metropolitan District depet:ding upon w}aerebig puropU trek is needed i wd. i -'eCo9qiz0 44 PUMPing0f Sewage is an Odorous Procedure and may be nuisaf We to clubhv se guests. Every effort will be made to get the State Discharge permit in place before opm3ing of'the Cb'Wwuw in June, 2002, such dmt- +gists will b6 abject tc Pumping odor. I live 17-e- Mind thwe fast e r ftm Michael l,u i today via P"luidyne regarding ffie discharge perrniit application. Michael has requested two geotcchaical report& which will be delivemd, to his office this week. I have scheduled the ciao of May 6; 2002 to review naot+.itMing '°` --L n4' MI Points with MicUdi; this is the earliest date available on Ws schedule. Please call me during the day at 845-2528 if you would like to schedule a time to go over this informaticm in tmre detail, 5inserely Vail te5orts Developmeut Company cc: Tom Rallenbach 1 1� Project Manager VAIL RKRONre• i1ii icneori� s7ellslopmew Company a 137 Hemhwk Road . Pwt 011ice Sox 959 + Avon, Colorado 8162M959 • (97o) 84&25..35 • Geac (970) 8 -2555 • www RUow.vum •- �j�g-t 9P ° - ' `823�? - `t3LYidl1�� ► ,,�«7�d�P'liCad • Red Sky Rma— V • Jy.'Vo I Il PJJI I I II YJ e'YJJ YI ILJ..J -J IJUJ • IJ.L MULE - JI LL _ _ _ _ ? V -UU.-I s � D SKY RANCH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT April '16, 2-002 Enb Ttueblood Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road. Fail, CO 31657 kt-- lied Sky Raueh Clarified Sewer Effluent Dear Bob: Asa representative of the Red Sky .ranch and Holland Creep Metropolitan I would like to meet with you to discuss the :Feasibility of the Edwards Wastewater Treatment facility receiving a olarifieci/denitrified effluent from Red Sky Rausl��sol'f Coupe Clubhouse ,during the n couple of weeks. Our estimated volume would be 2000-3500 gallons per week. Furthermore, as the Red Sky Ranch devcaopment becomes occupied we would like to explore the possibility of utilizing the Edwards Wastewater Treatment plant flor septage disposal as well. VW would be willing to provide funding for the incremental costs associe ed with the excess treatmetlt k'equiren=ts, I will contact you to discur, g thus proposal in further detail, I can be reached at 8045-25288 if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, Sincerely, cc: Ray Merry REI) SKY RANCH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT r. /=-c I- Pappas, F.E. 1ojectIi ager tern-11—UL YYMJ IZ:D4 riVi rLUIDYN WWW.PLVIDYHEWN SIN WERIMG. CO 1 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL ITTAL SHEET tea: PAf�F�� Freon � 1 COMPARY: DATE: ' �-- n >� a /`- "`- (' P' 91VrAI NO. CF PT~G=a l-4=1 ll"M Mvi���Sai PHONE NUMBER: Ch1 FP�ii�f�f V ` 5s6-ass RB: €AX% U,pv kak � 13 UROUNT F4FAR REVIEW 0 PLEASE CAMMEK'T ❑ PLEASEL REPLY CI PLEASE RECYCLE 1 �'i o' FL_UIDYNE, INC. 25 NORTH WIr. 41614 AVE. &UITE P BOZEMAN, MT 59715 nrn-ll -UL raPll IZ:D4 ran PLUillYAL Scientists c_„_q -- - !.n..eno... April 17., 2002 Ra'xtvfvtfy AA Eagle County Department of Environmental Health P.O. Box^v Eagie, CO 81531 Pinor Q nv t am ;n rewipt olf a lefteraddressed b you tom Jamie Paws dated 4116102. In his letter, Ur Rnnnx nliflinan n nl4n fnr F! ntnrl !sM 4 aulFnr F r 4hn fnn' ' ri e! nrnirnE u+n+t+ 0 Ij+ces! +v+ ++a+�tdltng t eassu .Y9ekewase+ +os s+mc act prior to apw%re ,^, of the state discharge permit. 1 agree with this plan. It is important. that we have an opportunity to W the spL�m- and establish a heaillt Rin-Flm in t?e Nitrification units before. the slant r raiv riAsign flnW th g cEimmpr, ! mAll on site frequently and Pill oversee operation and the collection of samples. Please call me if ro=u, have any questkm or teems. :3itlSe muz]t..a._.— ?hwas j. Kaltenbach, R b :J i VAIL R g:,SORTS* OrMBLOP E397 COMPANY FAX IRA ...rSI;�N Ta. F - : TELE #: t" I' OM1 �J S �'j r1 A Date: l t 74a '-I— i QXai Number of Pages (Please call 970/845-2535 if all pages are not received.) Ys3Sagea _ �- P.. _ M r r Vail a Smokenftle s.kayotw&*BeeVet-G�;g.98 haler €cult � a-Mpwhead aRed Sky Ranch- Teleiphone, 970W5-25" a Fax: 974/845-2555 9iryVini.SffIdw,CGM t C__ N"Wein"a 402 E. Main Street Buena Vista, 00 0121 -(gD) 547-1 W (719) 395-t0339 !mail: gbis e.no - - February 27 h Mir. Papus, Thank you for your request for Proposal for Pumping Red Sk; Rena;, !Tease find our proposal as follows: SerWce wits incfude Pumping of all sewage from assigned areas, disposal of thy, sewage, and removal and WSPOSal of t h located within -the assigned area, cents per gallop Approx mat ,90ti gallons of p���g per *-to-start at cmce. 50.DIDC gaticna cf Pumping= SvV y 3 o4 Years, thereafte. , ftOnz PurnPing-commenaes we da require that a minimum of no less than 3,000 gallons be requestad. Payment 9a to be 094-ved whin 30 rya -of invoice. later of 1 :� %per month wlii be acoeesed on all past dWOU !nVOICes. Please feet free to call with anY questOns. .qfn-16-UL inu 11:UL IUVI vilu11)1AL VAA: )4U0D00LJJD i-RUE i WWW.FLU IDYNEENGINI!I!RING.CON FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET �c FrtaMS IV gQMPl6NY—. f1 DATE;FAX NuatLw • AAA *cvasai Nvi. or,gHvrsS iSf�iEL�iiiiiiii5 v�iV'C�C: r(o`a� 2, PHONE NUMBEm PHONE: 586-2289 RE: FA?L � jlN& D URGENT ,FOR -REVIEW O PLEASE COMMENTO PLEASE REPLY© PLEASE RECYCLE �1i9'FF�I+�olNat GtuTs� FLUI®YNE, INC. - 25 NORTH WILLSON AVE. SUITE P BOZEMAN-, PAT 59716 Hrrt-;y-UL MU ii:UL fa rLUIDYAL rxn:�4U��tibL � t1 s w r r Scientists - Engineers • Inventors Mut L pAm � J h AhAA Ray Men Eard rnI)anortmant of r-moirnnmaartef He ... g..r vv: ..v�tcwavtroa�t. c.�..r,vesv, nr weeear-�-c['te"rfi- NO-. BOX 850 [_fr3lSF1?_Sl Sip iwOt. ¢ �rE kj R n�;,hs F C'.I�,�e 1101r Near Vicar, I spoke with Jamie Pappas this morning regarding disposal of treated wastewater from the cubhouse facility. it is my understanding that utiTzation of the Lakeside Cluster system will be a acceptable to alto Depart tent The Lakeside sysenh is operational and will easily accommodate the treated effluent from the clubhouse. We will take the necessary steps to insure that the volume ofwasLa water;ftrvfi the LalcesdB s;stam does not erc 6 the daily design Ikwi . I ► wind like to discuss with you the possibility of simply using the clubhouse draintield to discharge teateu effiVeM. My reason for this is the € lubhouse drarnfleld, being larger than LakesiVs. will provide a wider dispersion of effluent and therefore, less localized hydraulic loading. Also, I W-nuld,appMO& ft op'pocturtit; li test the operafron of ftentire clubhouse s;stern W46g- the drainfield pumps and controls. Furthermore, utilization of the clubhouse drainfield will eliminate the need to pump and transp wastewa to art mate site, if the flow from the system remains below the amount necessary for a discharge permits does it really matter where oft sitethe discharge occurs? Please let me know if you need additional information or documentation. Ilespectfuily, Thomas J. Kaltenbacb, A.E. 643 Sytvap Lake R P.O. Box lot Eagle, CO 91 b_ Phone: 970.328.491 Fax: 970,328.49e Jamie Pappas March 11, 20 2 Vail e&orts pevelopt3►tetYt Csa�p+ PO Box 969 Avon, CO3,81620 ... . Dear Jamie: Per your request I am providing you with an update on the leak test for the Guest Club I'louse Write Water System Septic Tank. Guest Club Douse Septic Tank Leak Test On Wednesday March 6, 2002 Nex0en filled the cast in place septic tank with w Ator and took water depth measurement at 1130pm. The Measuremcnt was taken from the bottom of the tank to the top of thr, water surface. NexGen measured 6' T NeXGen• returned on karch 7, 2002 at 1;30pm and took a water depth riieasurem nt. The measurement was again 6' 70'.indicating that no measurable water loss had ocoudod. If you have any questions or need additional information please call me. Regards, Ed Woodland DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us May 26, 2004 Thomas J. Kallenbach Justin Buchanan Fluidyne Engineering 533 Blackwood Rd. Bozeman, MT 59718 Dear Tom and Justin, EAGLE COUNTY RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director A few weeks ago (May 11, 2004) I called your office requesting final certification letters for the Fazio Clubhouse system permitted under IS-2107-01, and the Norman Clubhouse system permitted under IS-2179-02. So far I haven't received anything on either of these projects. Would you please send me certification letters for these permits? We know they are up and operating, but I need the documentation so I can get them off of my desk! Also, last October 9th, Ray spoke with Adie regarding the use of one dosing tank for lots 88 and 89. He expressed concern that if the pump failed it would encumber both properties, and he wants each lot to have its own dosing tank. We released the Building Permit for lot 89, but IS- 2313-03 has not been issued pending the dosing tank issue. Please address this with a letter that alters the original design so that each lot has its own dosing tank. The occupancy of the residence on lot 89 will be denied until this is cleared up. I don't think they are close to finishing the house yet, but I would hate to let this drag on when we can take care of it now. I hope everything is going well for both of you. I'm moving to Denver sometime this summer to be closer to my family, which now includes a new grand daughter! I've enjoyed working with both of you, and I hope our paths cross again before I'm out of here! Take care. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health 500 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 T:30dcl HI-Id3H AN3 AINn0D 3-19u3:ai WdVT:so nHI 2002-2T-030 \/ A'I L R E S 0 P T S D E V E L 9 P M E N T O M P A Y December 12, 2002 Ray Merry, REIIS Eagle County Department of Envirantnental flealth pp Box. 850 Eagle, Co 81631 Dear Mir. Merry I atn writing this letter to address the cohcerns of the r!sagle County Department of Environmental Health regarding the Red Sky Ramch plat amendment and sewa t at er�t foi lob 88, $9, west maintenw,ce facility, and the caretaker Waist. Tots 88 and 89 We have three alternatives for on -site treatment. Alternate I. Qur first altemative would be to collect the sewage from each lot iii a central septic t then pub the effluent to the Nonnan Clubhouse septic tank/ de-mtnfxcatinn unit and drai*ifield, Alternate 2. The second altmatir%e would be to cluster lots 88 and 99, such that they share a common darainfield. Alternate I The thud alternative would be to have lot 88 and 89 on their' own individual systems. our preference would be Alternate 1, provided we can meet the concems of Eagle County and Colorado State Department of Eztvir+vnmental Health. west Maintenance Facility The west maim l e aci i uad has moved to a Place y desiof lot gnyng a IS S f4 this9 on the previously ecorded fa i ity. Red Sky Ranch fins Plat. Caretaker Unit We plan to treat the wastewater from the care taker unit as an individual system. A nearby Widisturbed sate has been found for the ISDS drainfield. We plan to have p'luidiyne Eagineering makpapplication to your office for such sewer systems as we Conti -rue forward. we look forward to w0r1cing with you and your staff on the implementation of these systems, please call me if I can. provide any fuprther information. Sincerely Vail esorts Development CarnpanY darnie Pap f►as, .E. Rtoject Manager VAIN RCfaare• cc: Tarn Kallenbach C".A- AFP 4 la�i ��ds '��07 Vail Resorts Development Compsny • 137 Benchmak Road • fowl WI a DON %9 + Avon, COlo=dD $1620-0959 • (970) 8445-M • fax (970) 845-2555 + www.%'L*...aom Vajl • J3z'nckenxidge • Arrowhbad� • Red Sky Ranch" CIOKpystone& . Beaver Cresk`� + Bachelor Gulch®• F L V I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inventors June 14, 2004 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch Fazio Clubhouse Wastewater Treatment System Certification of Completion Dear Ray: Please accept this letter as confirmation of completion of the wastewater treatment system serving the Red Sky Ranch Fazio Clubhouse System. Fluidyne, Inc. inspected the system during the last visit to the property (August 2003). As -built plans were provided to the Eagle County Environmental Health. Vail Resorts Development Co. engineer Jamie Pappas, P.E, tested the system. The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and dose tanks and a squirt test on the drain field. These tests reveal the functionality of the system and its ability to support the treatment of wastewater. Additionally, Fluidyne Inc. has inspected and tested the functionality of the systern. Results of those tests indicated a high level of removal of nitrogen from the wastewater. This letter serves as a certification of the system, that it is fully functional to provide wastewater treatment. Please call with any questions. es e tfull Thomas J. Kallenbach, P.E_ Cc: Jamie Pappas aDo RIPG�: K p� J. 0 33633 a BONA L E� r --Java , U- IVJ" , urn /111`,I 1u.3 -3 IZJV--a -U.L wve-c -U 4 VMI.1 t-VJV C-V=-IYI Il- - STATE OF COLORADO Bill Owens, Governor Jane E. Norton, Executive tJireotor Dedicated to protecting and Improving the health and environment of the people of Colorado 4300 Cherry Creek Or. S. Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Rhone (3031693-2000 TDD Lino (303) 691-7700 Located In Glendale, Colorado httg;/!i-+W .GdpheAaM-co.us June 8, 2001 Laboratory and Radiation Servicas bivlsion a100 Lowry Blvd. Ltenver, Colorado 60230-6926 (303) 692.3090 Holland tank Metropolitan DiMct/Red Sky Ranch Metropolitan Diattict c/o Jamie Papas Vail Resorts Development Company 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO S 1620-0959 Re: Site Application #64538 _ .. _ Fag1r.. Co nly. - . . - . - -- Dear Mr. Pallas. andEnvkon.ment RECEIVED JUN 2 n 2001 EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY )SVELOPMENT - - - - The Water Quality Control Division has reviewed and evaluated year site application and supporting documentation for constrl zdon of tistee ISDS type wastewater treatment facilities to be located in the E'/a of Section 21 and the W %Z of Section 221 T48, R83'W, to serve the West Clubhouse, the East Clubhouse, and a 27-residwoo cluster all within, Iced Sky Ranch, and to discharge via soil absorption fields. -0 `0()IR-6a. s- alo'1-0 Prior to the operation of any of the tUree facilities, a discharge permit will be required which will specify the final owditions and limitations of the operations of these facilities. Eholased is an application for the permit, We fund your application to be in conformance with the Water Quality Co trol Commission's "Regulations for the Site Application Process". Therefore, the site application is approved with the following condidow listed below. Based upon application iuntiiation, each clubhouse system design will be for; Average 17- oily V'iow Capacity - 4,000 gpd Peak D4y Flow Capacity - 6,000 8Pd Based upon application information, the 27-residence cluster system dmign win be for; Average Daily Flow Capacity- 5,832 gpd ,Peak Daily F1ovy!Capacity - 8,775 gpd Treatment Procisses to be used - Septic taroks, recirculating tanks, recirculating gravel f hers, and soil obsorptiom fields. Clubhouse systems shall also include grease traps. 2. Preliminary Effluent Parameter Values - Nitrate +-Nittito (ds N) -10 mpq (daily ma d=m) 4 Total Coliform -1.0 or8anitama/l00 ml average of all gamples taken within a year (Membrane Filter Technique) Rr .y Total Colftm - 2.2 orgamisms/1110 ml average of all Samples taken wi#kun a year (Multiple -Tube ��. Fermentation Teohnique) Sulfate - 250 mg/1(30-day average) Chloride - 250 mg/l (30-clay average) Deaign for values is excess of these contained in. conditions 1 s-Lid 2 above, or failure to comply with any other conditions contained herein, will render this approval void and another site application will have to be processed. L..•JJVIJ ..i .uJ.1 .IIIiJ Fy11 i11._..� J I..fVJ'L1 WVVV'VV VJII V!'Jk'.IG-✓JG-1YI 11 llolj6d Omsk Metropolitan District/Red Sky Ranch Metropolitan District c/o Jamie Papas VO Resorts Development CoiQVaay JtnueT, 2001 P4ge 2 of 2 This site approval will expire One year from the date of this letter if the construction of each of the three systems has not commenced by that date. If expiration occurs, you must apply for a new site approval for any systow(s) for which constructions lass not commenced. Constmetiou is defied as entering kto a contr r the erection or physical placement of materials, equipment, piping, ear&%vo*, or buildings Which are to be a part of is domestic wastewater treatment works. The design (construction plans and specifications) for the treatment works must be approved by the Division ptiox to commencement of constnw ion and all construction change orders initiating variances from the approved platis and sperm' ieatimis must be approved by the Division. (5� The applicant's registered engineer must fiuxish a statement prior to the GgaVeoeement of eratian stating that the facilities were constructed its con'ftnance with approved plans, specifications, and change orders. Soil absorption field at each site shall be of an area no less tbAu the area, resulting from the calculation of peak daily flow multiplied by the square root of the =chew rare at that site divided by fiva. Ali_syate shall rrceet all applicable setback&taheeg4w the Guidites. x-I.ndiiridtial Sewage -Disposal - - -- Syatems. This approval also ackogwlodges the applicant's intent to construct three additional oldster systems serving s �(� four, six, and $Vven residential units respectively. Each of these systems shall have a design capacity to treat less than 3,000 gpd peak daily flow, If the design capacity of stay of these systems exceeds that value, site apptval will be required. In accordance with Colorado Water Quality Contr*l Commission regulations, this approval is subject to appeal as stated under Secular► 22.8 (7) of ILegulations fox the Site Application Process". This approval does not rolieve the owner from compliance with all local regulations prior to construction nor from responsiiyility for proper engiueexiug, construction, and operation of the faaility. Sincerely, J. David Do Director Water Quality Con-dol Division JDH:tIb _ cc: Eagle County Health Department — Attu. Ray Marry Northwest Colorado Council of Governments — Aft. Robert Ray Flwidyue — Attn. Thomas Kallenback P.E. Robertson & Marchetti, Holland Creep & Red Sky Ranch Metropolitan Districts Administrator Thomas Bmett, Environmental Protection Specialist, WQCD Jim Cbubrilo, District Engineer, WQCD Susan Nachtrieb, Permits Unit Manager, WQCD Bill McKee, Upper C 1otado Watershed Coordinator, WQCD 06/13/1'004 FRI 15:15 FAX 406 586 2335 fluidynn RAY MERRY b01 -eel, F U U I © y td t '!/'�[e Ai1 ��3 • E'IIg7A Gi[L lAY6h[6ZYi FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEeT TO - FROM, PHONE NUARi6MR: PHONE 406. 586.2ZG9 REa FAX: rF06.586.2335 E3mo..ENT Cl FOR REYIEW ❑PLEASE COMMENT LIPLEASE REPLY NoTts/G014WENTS: 333 F>LACKWOOD Y.OAD.bO7- .MAI%t. tAT 39r1 a - Y1�fON� 4ad.5aG_zzas FAx i-o6.S�6.z3g5 E-MAIL= fULQeFf (Jjpypkt_LNfAjL4yf��s`�.rcLA ) �:BsiT: WWVY-T -CD -NJ 06-18-04 15:12 TO:ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FROM:406 586 2335 P01 061/181/2004 FFI 15:18 FAX 406 586 2335 fluidyne -)4-) RAY NERR Z009 4?9 ' 1 009S -GPI H4rI 9Z:9T aU 1:04Z/LTi90 � f A I L E S O R T S B E V E L C7 F' M l« N T C O N1 P A N Y May 13, 2003 Justin Ettchatlan Fluidyne 25 N. Willson Ave. Suite F Bozeman, MT 59715 Fax: 406-596-2335 Dear Justin - .As you are aware we have completed the necessary testing requirements the Norman Clubhouse Wastewater System at Red Sky Rauch. I have completed the testimg requ temcuts instructed by lquidnye Inc. The water -tightness test and pressure sqi itt test 'were completed as discussed below. Septic/Dose Tank Water Tightaaess Test After the tanks were constructed and waterproofed, a. watcre tightness test was conducted over 3-&y time period, from August 30, 2002 until September 2, 2002. There was to meastl ble drop in water level. Thim 1'ndacathlg no measurable leak, iu the Septic.iDose Tank. (As you know, coamte is a semi -permeable material, to meet the rrequiresnents as specified by Fluidyue Inc,, the interior of the tanks were water proofed with "Sikagnard", to -mduae the possibility of a failing test.) Squirt Test This morning at 10.30aua I verified the equal pressure distribution of each of the tern drain field laterals for this system. Each lateral s+quitted to a height between. 6 and S feet above ground level_ I have attached the Colorado State Di,seb=ge Potmit (part 1) for your: tiles. Please feel free to call me dutrirng the day if I Gan provide you with any further itlforwation. Thank you, Vail Resorts Development Company /,�- z" Jodiia Pappas, Project Manager VRIL RERORrs- Unit Resarta Uavel❑Pmoat Cmptmy -137 BL- uhmm-k Road - Poe, Ofliee Boa 959 • Aron, C,olaz360 81p3 4959 . (970) 8,15.2M * fax (y i0) 545-s555 v TrfV-Vr;lc,GOm — Vail - Breckenridge - Ketystnit" - &,%ven Crt ak'� • Baoholar G040 • Arrow6ad" • Rmi Sky Rauh" 06-18-94 15:15 TO:ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FROM:406 586 2335 P09 06 J18- 2004 FFI 15:17 FAX 406 586 2335 fluidy>;11J FAY HU F L U I D Y N E 5 ci-n Ii_;ir - E n n i n e e r 5 - I.v I_n to June 14, 2004 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.Q. Box 179 Eagle, CQ 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch West Norman Clubhouse Wastewater Treatment System Certification of Completion Dear Ray: Please accept this letter as confirmation of completion of the individual septic and disposal system serving the Red Sky Ranch Norman Clubhouse System. Fluidyne, Inc. inspected the system during the last visit to the property (August 2000). At that time the system was complete, and a final walk through inspection was performed. Additionally, a sample of the wastewater was taken (August 2003) and the results indicated a high level of nitrogen removal. The system was built in accordance with the plans with the following changes to the original plan sets: 1. The septic tank was installed 20' to the east of where it was shown on the plans, but remained on the same alignment_ 2. The Eliminite@) Units were constructed according to the revised C9.2 plan dated 06-05-2002 Mail Resorts Development Co. engineer Jamie Pappas, P-E, tested the system_ The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and dose tanks and a squirt test on the drain field. This letter serves as a final certification of the system and that it is fully functional to provide wastewater treatment. Please call with any questions, Respectfjilly, Thomas J. Kallenbach, P.E_ Cc- Jamie Pappas s 33633 Sf�NAL 06-18-04 15:14 TO:ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FROM:406 585 2335 F'08 06j 1/1004 FEI 15:17 FAX 406 586 2335 fluidyne RAY MERR a00► Tune 17, 2004 Tom Kalle;nbach 1' JUidyrle 25 N. Willson Ave. Suite F Bozeman, MT 5�>715 Fax: 406-586-2335 Dear 'I"oru: As you are aware we have completed the necessary testing requirements for the Caretaker, Residence at Red Sky Ranch. I have completed the testing requirements as instruCted by Fluidnye ]:uc. 'i'he water -tightness test and squirt test verification is discussed below. 1500 and 1000 Gallon Tank, A water tightness test was conducted over a 2-day period from Sept.embe.r 23 — Septen-11-)er 25, 2003. '.there was no measurable drop in water level. Thus indicating no meUKUrable leak in the 1500gallon Septic and 1000 Dose'rank. Squirt Test On September 25, 2003 a squirt test was performed in which each ofthc laterals showed equal pressure with a height of approximately 5-6 feet above each lateral_ Plcasc Iccl tree to call me during the day if I can provide you with any further information. Thank you, .'ail ResorLs Development Company _lamic Pappas, Project Manager 06-18-04 15:14 TO:ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FROM:406 586 2335 P0? 06/18%2004 FRI 15,16 FAX 406 586 2335 fluidyne RAC' MERRY Z005 643 Sylvan Lake R. P.Q. Box e 1} ' ,E991e, CC) 8, 62 Cottstruckars, Inc Pltnile: 970-37_5.494' Fax: 974,328.4 3:: Jamie Pappas, R2arcix 11, 20 2 Avon. C4,,81620 scar Jaggi�: Per your myuesi I am providing you With an update of the leak test for the Guest Club House Waste water Syst Septic Talc. Oue LQub House 5j .c anl: Leak Test On Wednesday March 6, 2002 Nexach filled the cast in placa septic tank with wLr and took water dcap maasure mmt at 1i30prm. The %rNk 0mct•It was ta;,en from the bottom 'Of the tank to the top of tha water surface. Next measured 6' 7". NzXGx ,zr returned on Mare; 7, 2002 at 1'.30prn and took a Water depth. nicasurem nt. The measurement +eras ag9in 6' 7" indicatjvS tbat.;10 moasigable water loss had ocoMtd, If you have any questions or need addiaoital inform,yxion plcas+r Doll rne. regards, Tad Woodland 06-18-04 15:13 TO:ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FROM:406 586 2335 P05 0611/181/2004 FRI 15:16 FAX 406 586 2335 f luidyne +H RAY MERRY Z 004 F L U I D Y N E S.i cn I it;Ic; - En in eery - I rlv Ln10,S June 14, 2004 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch Fazio Clubhouse Wastewater Treatment System Certification of Completion Dear Ray: Please accept this letter as confirmation of completion of the wastewater treatment system serving the Red Sky Ranch Fazio Clubhouse System. Fluidyne, Inc- inspected the system during the last visit to the property (August 2003)- As-built plans were provided to the Eagle County Environmental Health - Vail Resorts Development Co. engineer Jamie Pappas, P-E, tested the system. The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and dose tanks and a squirt test on the drain field. These tests reveal the functionality of the system and its ability to support the treatment of wastewater. Additionally, Fluidyne Inc- has inspected and tested the functionality of the system. Results of those tests indicated a high level of removal of nitrogen from the wastewater. This letter serves as a certification of the system, that it is fully functional to provide wastewater treatment, Please call with any questions, es e tfull Thomas J. Kallenbach, P.E. Cc: Jamie Pappas 33633 0, L 06-18-04 15:13 TO:ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FROM:406 586 2335 PO4 06118i2004 FRI 15:15 FAX 406 586 2335 fluidyne -)4-4 RAY MERRY 4003 June 14,2004 Tom Kalleabach Fluidyne 25 N. Willson Ave. Suite F Bozeman, MT 59715 Fax: 406-58+6-2335 Dear Tom: As you are aware we have completed the necessary testing requirements for the Macdonald, Residence at Lot 61, Red Sky Ranch. I have completed the testing requirements as instructed by Fluidnye Inc_ The water -tightness test and squirt test veriilcation is discussed below. 1500 and 2500 Gallon Tank: A water tightness test was conducted over a 2 day period from July 14 July 16, 2003. There was no measurable drop in water level. Thus indicating no measureable leak in the Septic/Dose TanIL Squirt Test On July 18, 2003 a squirt test was performed in which each of the laterals showed equal pressure with a height of approximadey 5 feet above each. lateral. Please feel free to call me during the day if I can provide you with any further information. Thank you, Vail Resort Development Company Jamie Pappas, project Manager 06-18-04 15:12 TO:ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FHOM:406 586 2335 P013 061118/2004 FRI 15:15 FAI 406 586 2335 fluidyno 4-44 RAY MERRY 4002 F L U E D Y N E 5 c i a n d i s l s - E n g i n c n r I n v e n t o r June 18, 2004 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch Lot 61 Certification of Completion Dear Ray_ Please accept this letter as confirmation of completion of the components serving the Red Sky Ranch Lot 61 individual septic system. This system is comprised of a 2500 gallon precast concrete septic tank, a 1500 gallon precast concrete dose tank, an EliminiteO unit, and 1240 s.q ft of drainfield area_ Fluidyne, Inc. inspected the system during the fast site visit and found the components were installed according to the plans, at that time; the electrical components were not installed. When the electric components were installed, Vail Resorts Development Co engineer Jamie Pappas, P.E, tested the system. The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and dose tanks and a squirt test on the drain field. The inspection and testing reveal the functionality of the system and its ability to support the treatment of wastewater. This letter serves as a certification of the system, that it is operative to provide wastewater treatment and that it was built in accordance with the plans. Please call with any questions. l ly, Thomas J. Kaltenbach, P.E Cc: Jamie Pappas 33633 _ NAB 06-18-04 15:12 TO:ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FROM:406 586 2335 P02 F L U I D Y N E S c i e n t i s t s Engineers Inventors June 4, 2004 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch Lot 61 Certification of Completion Dear Ray: Please accept this letter as confirmatioritof"mpletion of the components serving the Red Sky Ranch Lot 61 individual septic system. This system is comprised of a 2500 gallon precast concrete septic tank, a 1500 gallon precast concrete dose tank, an EliminiteO unit, and 1240 sq ft of drainfield area. Fluidyne, Inc. inspected the system during the last site visit and found the components were installed according to the plans, at that time; the electrical components were not installed. When the electric components were installed, Vail Resorts Development Co engineer Jamie Pappas, P.E, tested the system. The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and dose tanks and a squirt test on the drain field. The inspection and testing reveal the functionality of the system and its ability to support the treatment of wastewater. This letter serves as a certification of the system, that it is operative to provide wastewater treatment and that it was built in accordance with the plans. Please call with any questions. Res ustin Buchanan Cc: Jamie Pappas _-. --. - ... I - JJJ I .- Gordon, Gurneson and Associates, Inc. 4725 South Monaco Street, Suite tot] FAC S I IM I L E Denver, Colorado 80237 TRANSMITTAL 3O31779.1222 Fax; 303/694-9144 TO: RAY UMY FROM; ERIC JOHANSON FW-, EAGLE COUNTY DEPT. OF FAX NUMBI�R: 970-328-8788 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROJECT: RED SKY RANCH PROMCT .NUMBER: 00139E DATE: 7113/01 NLTMBER OF SHEETS" INCLUDING THIS SHEET: 3 PLEASE CONTACT US AT 3031779-1,2.22 IF ALL SMETS ARE NOT RECEIVED IN 00013 CONDITION. Dear Ray, Per your direction, the elevator sump pump and the dedicAted sand/oil interceptor, lave bemi removed from the plumbing drawings. Electx al service for the pump should also be deleted, However, we recommend 4 duplex receptacle be installed in the elevator shaft radar the pu for future eonueciimi to a portable ptutap. The 24" x 24" x 24" deep concrete sump y tfiin the elevator pit will remain. Attached are two 8-1/2" x 1t" drawings slumdzg deletion of the pump and interceptor. Vail Resorts, through normal facility mainw a , will cl=k the mT within the elevator pit for moimii re and fluid. Arty accumulated fluid within the sump will be pumped out and disposed of by means acceptable to the Eagle County Depammut of En*onmental Health, Very truly yours, GORDON, GUM ESON AND ASSOCIATES, INC.: A2.S k . W" re �J 41 a I;'- '�'z pie ts-�s e Eric D. JohMon, P.E. Mmo E INFORMATION REVIEW & COMMENT cc: Vail resort&, told goul4ins e. mae, join ii�zgarald hart/howortow, jilt, mcrobert RESPONSE; El REQUESTED NOT RFUp file: fax 7-13.doe edj gat hall rca ORIGINAL IN MAIL: F] YES ME Till _n -2_7rXM4 171771T 4 M. AAnM TM. rnr-I r rMl II.ITtJ 1-1.H I 1 -^1 -n 9 � 77 d�L.f 7 0mAI mmm- -00 lkilsimilmlill-I .10, ilawwAl I Ni 4" I .... ......... I........ ....................,1 I 609 .1 f 4° 2"A 2°FS-1 19 1 I SLOPE AT 114' " FC41 FC4 PER F T, MIN4FC'O 1 00, PROJECT NAME: SHEET TITLE. RED SKY RANCH CLUBHOUSE UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING PLAN GORDON, GUMESON AND ASSOCIATES, INC PROJECT WM9ER: oa138s DATE: 7/13�41 DRAWING NO. 4725 SOUTH MONACO STREET, SUITE 200 D V _4 REFIERENCE DRAWINC(S): - SCALE! DENVERCOLORADO 80237 r A- 17 (303) 179-1222 FAX: (303) 694-9144 P200 1%S"Tt`�OA ----------- DRAWING NOTES 12 NOT USED. 13� 4" UP TO RE DEPARTMENT CON ION. 14 COORDINATE ROUTING IN THIS AREA WITH THE UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL WORK. 15 4" FDC AND 4" COMBINATION DOMESTIC AND FIRE WATER SELOW GRADE INTO MECHANICAL ROOM. SEE DRAWING P204, 16 4" COMBINATION DOMESTIC AND FIRE WATER BELOW GRADE FROM THE SITE SUPPLY, SEE CML DRAWINGS, 17 COORDINATE ROUTING IN THIS AREA WITH UNDERGROUND PIPES w NOT USED. 2O APPROXIMATI; LOCATION OF SAND/OIL INTERCEPTOR (PROVIDED A AND INSTALLED BY THE CIVIL ENGINEER), CONNEGT THE 2" WASTE LIN TO THE INTERCEPTOR, FIELD COORDINATE EXACT ELEVATION OF CONNECTION. i PROJECT NAME: SHEEP TITLE; RED SKI( RANCH CLUBHOUSE UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING PLAN GORDOR GUMESON AND ASSOCIATES, INC PROJECT NUMBER: aalss0 DATE: 7111/01 DRAWING ND, DENVER, COLORADO 80237EEf. SUITE 200 P REFERENCE DRAWING(S): SCALE: (303) 779-IV2 FAX: (303) 694-9144 2107-01 Tax #1941-221-00-016 JOB NAME. Red Sky Ranch VAIL RESORTS DEV Golf Course Clubhouse T,T- 1 , - t- i- JOB NO.0 PZ 15 7 7 LOCATION LA BILL TO DATE ITARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED -Y 12d /s, A� I i60 0 q e' A deA s - -M4, IA-< M-1,14 ;L, fe 1A e-A"&4lV 4L I/If Uis-4 A 71io /0 S 15 0 v/- /,),Soo C) J J013 COS SUMMARY ho- - 7 TOTAL SELLING PRICE )trj. TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR LAI INSURANCE a, S� o--e- SALES TAX a MISC. COSTS e TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 61 JOB FOLDER Printed In LIZA 5-1a&laz� 6et�O x;r Recycled Content 10% Post -Consumer A B `1 \ \ \ \ \ t 1 1 \ / 1 t \ 1 t t i A • \ > \ i - \ / \ \` NN \ \ Al TROOM • � \ \ V � \YA'''� \ II \ / V \\ tk e -- 7' \ \ \ \ '-- \ t � \ J \1 \ .� / � �. \ � -• \ ` \ \ mow- � �� _SYa �� �w � �_. � - 1 f �' // / ��- \ --S 1, tJ •j t ! 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I0 E ! LEGEND` t « \: A-/ SOIL PIT # PERCOLATION TEST � T EIS ; WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM PROPOSED TELEPHONE HANDHOLE \ - I PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE STUB ® PROPOSED LARGE ELECTRIC VAULT UM1-35L EV PROPOSED TELEPHONE SERVICE STUB A \T t \ PROPOSED SMALL ELECTRIC VAULT UM-30R E EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC a Q PROPOSED ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER UMi-13S 0 PROPOSED BURIED ELECTRIC MAiN '< — Fz — "� —'� '� —'� '� PC PROPOSED FINAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS FOR RED 9(Y RANCH p00 RE,' PJT - PJT - PJT PJT PJT PJT - PJT PJT ARE ACCEPTED BY THE EAGLE COUNTY ENGINEER AND G PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH ST 60 30 0 60 120 180 240 PROPOSED ELECTRIC SWITCHGEAR UM1-35 �O S KA� E� \\ EXISTING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL Q SCALE 1'= 60' CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2 FEET PROPOSED TELEPHONE FIBER OPTIC THE EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COItI�IIS90NERS. �• — — PT. — P>. —,.• — Pn �• — �• c° 45 �Fy �o PROPOSED CAS STATION _ AREA OF DETAIL S R® r 33633 z PROPOSED TELEPHONE DLC (''� PROPOSED 2' GAS SERVICE STUBEAGLE_-COUNTY ENGINEER DATE —� `•. pF SIpNAL PROPOSED CENTURYTEL TELEPHONE VAULT PROPOSED 4' GAS LINE N4 .•,— �, P�. .a. P•. ►a. FS �\ « \\ _ ___ - _\ PROPOSED VA TELEPHONE VAULT VA PROPOSED 6• GAS SERVICE -CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CWNTY OOMMISS16RMT DATE I _ 7. !