HomeMy WebLinkAbout730 Green Meadiw Dr - 239122309001INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2072-01 BP NO. 13546 OWNER: THOMAS L. SCHRAMER PHONE: 970-963-6909 MAILING ADDRESS: 139 ARAPAHOE, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 730 GREEN MEADOW DRIVE, CARBONDALE, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 239122309001 LICENSED INSTALLER: ELK PEAKS CONSTRUCTION, THOMAS SCHRAMER LICENSE NO. 39-01 PHONE: 970-963-6909 DESIGN ENGINEER: MCLAUGHLIN WATER ENGINEERS, DEAN DEROSIER PHONE NO. 970-925-1920 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1500 GALLON 2 COMPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK, 2387 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA 77 INFILTRATOR UNITS, AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED JANUARY 2001. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN WITH A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE AND INSPECTION PORT- ALS IN EACH TRENCH. KEEP THIS SYSTEM AS SHALLOW AS POSSIBLE. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARING OF SOILS AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION, OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE INSTALLATION.. AN AS BUILT DRAWING IS REQUIRED FOR FINAL CERTIFICATION. THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPR V2 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: �" CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 2821 SQUARE FEET (VIA 91 INFILTRATOR UNITS ) INSTALLED CONCRf,' . 15 0 0 GALLONS IS LOCATED 9 0 DEGREES AND 4 2 FEET INCHES FROM SOUTH` SIDE OF THE HOUSE FOUNDATIOR_,:-_ '-,. COMMENTS: THE FINAL INSPECTIONS WERE DONE BY WILLIAM CARLSON OF EAGLE COUNTY AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER ON MAY 30, 2001. THE ENGINEER's FINAL CERTIFICATION WAS RECEIVED ON JANUARY 2, 2002. THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH FOR A 4 BEDROOM HOME. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WIL CT D B INAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: FEBRUARY 6, 2002 FE% _:47P FROM:ERGLE COUNTY ENV HER 9703260349 TO:19709636909 P:2%7 Tnc: lalete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted (Sitb Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit #� a �� Building Permit # :—If Lo APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) * FEE SCHEDULE * PERMIT APPLICATION) FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * SLING AND SITE VISIT FEE $85.00 (WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SIZES THE * SYSTEM USING YOUR SOILS REPORT) * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" Ye$r�tak*�irit7h*�*tkkie*aklrykdr*rie�ek#***ak5tir*lat�lryt9t�k*�Yvir*ait#�irkk�kak*�rirksk*Rr�kyt�k*k�c9e*irk*Ytat�tYtfi*it9tit PROPERTY OWNER: TkD wA a J L • s� � r � MAILING ADDRESS: 135 ArA Q hoe. le ,C'o ?16Z3 PHONE: 963-6105 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: To� � j PHONE: 3 ;X9 - ,?8 ;Z 4. LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: PHONE: `�--- COMPANY/DBA: ADDRESS: ^e `jam >�- PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: X NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: L.4- ZO -TZy ; /�Gs � S•,,� cl i�i Tax Parcel Number: 2 3 Ok 2++2 3 0 10 0 l Lot Size : �• `�� Physical Address: -730 6'reeh Megr%Jaw Zy-, Cam,&^aalc 23 BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) (Xj Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Number Number Type _ of Bedrooms of Bedrooms *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) (x) Well { ) Spring ( ) Surface � _-y wa�I ) Public Name of 1 ' 57 d1y1'5'2 � '''' M v„� APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date; A_MOTJJNT PAID: RECEIPT # DATE: 5 ( 16 I CHECK #: CASHIER: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO February 6, 2002 Thomas Schramer 139 Arapahoe Carbondale, CO 81623 Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2072-01 Tax Parcel #2391-223-09-001. Property location: 730 Green Meadow Drive, Carbondale, CO. Dear Mr. Schramer: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: March 30, 2001 TO: Elk Peaks Construction Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.2072-01. Tax Parcel #2391-223-09-001. Property Location: 730 Green Meadow Drive, Carbondale, CO Schramer residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 2072-01, and a field copy of the engineer design stipulated on the permit. It is valid for 120 days, or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer, and views the installation. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files McLaughlin Water Engineers, ltd, Dean Derosier vC Li 1.1 "L VT. GTr.+ 1—IkjL—rlll un L l 11 W!l 1 Elm Gf I A f Ij — 0 1= Q — I ou (T McLAUGI-LL1N WATER ENGINEERS, lid. 11 ! P AABC ASPLN, COLORAD0 9161 1 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 t4x tuwct�tipenr�lr:+l:nct MEMORANDUM Date: December 11, 2001 TO: EA.OLE County Environmental, Health, BILL C From: Dean Derosier; McLaughlin Water Engineers, ntd, RE: MIRAMER Septic System - Recommendation of Final Approval A-100.01 ECEH Permit # 2072-01 The system was designed and installed and placed into service is July of 2001. MWE and GDD inspected the installation of the system and found it was installed according to MWE's design and ECEH requirements. This letter is to serve as the acceptance letter for MWE and recommendation to Sagle County for final acceptance of the system. To my knowledge the system was installed according to MWEZ standards, the system layout was installed per the original design drawing, which can be used as the asbuilt. The system consists of 1 - new 1,500 gallon and a 7 grow, (11 units in each ,cow), serial distribution system with 77 units. All trenches were installed using a infiltrator gravelless chamber system. All setback 1 imitat ians;� -any questions. - -,. - - , ­ -f 7.uluwu1 1 t67 ucrt:I"LucuL.•vtvvc,vurQv vit It L 1:V- J .� 1V CLAl7CHLIN WATER ENCi"1:NE]EM, ltd. II I PAAWA P 1, COLORADO 8W i 970-925_S42o 970-925-1974 ttx ntwcasip4D(d�rolncl MEMORANDUM Mc-11 MAGLB County EitNpa:i'CIP7mental Health, BILL Cawlson Fromm Dean Peranier) XCLaughljn W&t:far E219iMera, Ltd. SCRRA=Jk 9elstic System -- LPCXH Perfmit # 2072-03. The 4saig'n of tkds byst@m ,nd the permit call for 77 infiltrators, 7 rawe of 11. 'units in each xow. The system was located Per the dasigd, but instead of 11 anito In each rcw, 13 were 'nstgt118d, 91 tatal, MY field boteo "nfirm th*t 91 units were :Lnctall,ed, when S wrote the DuceMber 11, 2001 Flnal ACCeptaUce latter, �; listed this, regoir+ed roxmit number of inf,iltraLo3ca (77) instead of the actual Mont (92) ill my filed notem. sDrty about the ccofumion. Attache4 Is a final, i.nsgec'ticn mean randnet with 91 unital. Blma!w call a YOU halve Any Qunlgt;LOnr.. Cf« Dean ®r _ Tf k 1 ^ '"lfA. w!"Y 1 1f" 4 4 . ^Yf•, M TM . 1 ^F f r rnl IL 1-11 rk 11 1 I —, — I McLAUGHLIN WATER ENGINEERS, ltd. 1 I I P AABC ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 970-925-1920 970-925-1974 fax mweaspen@rofnet MEMORANDUM Date: January 24, 2001 To: Eagle County Environmental health; From: Dean Derosier; McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. RE: SCSRAMBR Residence - Septic System Design Notes - Lot 20 Sopris Mesa Subdivision The following are my design notes for the new Schramer Residence Septic System design. The site is a sloped area next to the home. - 4 - Bedrooms - Approx. 3,400 Square Feet of living area - 75 gallons per day per person - Per Rates - 35 MPI (avg) By HP Geotech = Loading rate of .45 gals.sq ft - Ground water 100'+\- feet from surface Public water supply system. Flow = Q m 4 bed rooms x 2 peo/br x 75 gal/day/per x 1.75(max flow) = 1,050 gallons per day. Tank sizing - 4 - Bed Rooms requires 1,500 gallons of septic tanks; Q X 1.25 Install 1 - 1,500 gallon double chambered septic tank. Install tank to meet site contours and allow access for cleaning. This is a gravity feed system using infiltrators and serial distribution. Area of Septic field required = A Percolation Rate = 35 minute per inch = Loading Rate of .45 gals pe square foot. 1,050/.45 = 2,333 square feet = 150 infiltrators sagle County allowance - 50% for use of infiltrators SO% reduction for infiltrators • 1,167 sq ft or 75 infiltrators. rn,-v-mAmp swatem to 77 un is to a1JQW for even lenath trWches Install 7 rows of 11 units in a serial distributed trench system of 77 total infiltrators. Contour the trenches to fit site conditions and the topo of the site, Trenchers are to be 106 apart. System size = 770 long R 660 wide. Minimum depth n 240 maximum depth . 720 to top of infilArator. Install vents on every other row of trenches. #� �;S� 4�S Pn" (Q- Tank and disposal field will be installed in the general area South of the home in the open area. Tess will be installed on both the inffluent and effluent lines of the tank, set on the inside of the tank. Set top of line from tee within 1' of the roof of the tank and extend line downward 140 below center line of tee. Fill tank with water prior to backfill to check for leaks and leave water in tank for placing the system in service. Septic tanks will be a two -chambered tanks. Maxims cover over access to tank shall be 6' and easily accessed for maintenance. Piping from the home to the tanks will be 4' SDR 35 PVC laid at a minimum of 1%. Insulate lines with less than 5-foot of cover or in uninsulated crawl spaces. Minimum depth is 3.50 for all piping Distribution to the field from the tank and in the serial distribution system shall be sch 4V PVC piping. All piping to be bedded in a minimum of 20 under and 60 over of 3/401 screened rock. Run 40 SCH 40 perforated PVC inside each trench of infiltrators for serial distribution. Use solid Sch 40 PVC between each set of trenches. Trenches to be with in %0 of level across the entire length. each row may be stepped down to match contours and other site conditons. Adjustments to fit site contours and conditions may be made per approval of the engineer. Blevations of the tank and trenches shall be finalized in the field by the engineer. installation and operation shall be approved by the engineers prior to final acceptance. System must meet all PCBB and ME standards. System must meet all Nagle County ISDS requirements and must be inspected by on and Ragle County prior to Final Approval. Owner is recommended to pump the septic tank at 2 year intervals. Landscaping and watering us on top of septic field shall be minimized or eliminated. G. De:�. osier, P. 2. oP�•E4� . NAL White - Customer Canary = El Jebel Office Pink -Treasurer _ Goldenrod - Department - I,= W�.W 27 LZ Thomas Schramer P.O. Box 982 Basalt, Colorado 81621 Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone. 970-945-7988 Fax- 970-945-8454 hpgeo0hpgectech com Job No. 100175 it Study for Foundation Design and Percolation Test, Proposed Residence, Lot 20, Sopris Mesa Subdivision, Green Meadow Drive, Eagle County, Colorado. Dear Mr. Schramer: As requested, Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. performed a subsoil study and percolation test for foundation and septic disposal designs at the subject site. The study was conducted in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to you dated February 7, 2000. The data obtained and our recommendations based on the proposed construction and subsurface conditions encountered are presented in this report. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. previously conducted a preliminary gotechnical study for the Sopris Mesa Subdivision and presented our findings in a report dated October 23, 1997, Job No. 197 495. Proposed Construction: The proposed residence will be a two story wood frame structure over a walkout basement level located in the building envelope as shown on Fig. 1. Basement floor is proposed to be slab -on -grade. Cut depths are expected to range between about 4 to 10 feet. Foundation loadings for this type of construction are assumed to be relatively light and typical of the proposed type of construction. The septic disposal system is proposed to be located downhill to the southwest of the building envelope. If building conditions or foundation loadings are significantly different from those -described above, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations presented in this report. Thomas Schramer February 21, 2000 Page 2 Site Conditions: The site was vacant and covered with up to 12 inches of snow at the time of our field work. The ground surface in the building area is gently rolling with a slight slope down to the southeast. There is about 15 feet of elevation difference across the building envelope. The lot is vegetated with scattered sagebrush, grass and weeds. Scattered basalt cobbles are exposed on the ground surface. Subsurface Conditions: The subsurface conditions at the site were evaluated by excavating two exploratory pits in the building area and two profile pits in the septic disposal area at the approximate locations shown on Fig. 1. The logs of the pits are presented on Fig. 2. The subsoils encountered, below about one foot of topsoil, generally consist of relatively dense basalt cobbles and boulders in a silty sand and gravel matrix. Between 1 and 3 feet of stiff, sandy silty clay with scattered gravel was encountered between the topsoil and basalt rock in the profile pits. Results of a gradation analysis performed on a sample of the gravel matrix (minus 3 inch fraction) obtained from the site are presented on Fig. 3. The laboratory testing is summarized in Table I. No free water was observed in the pits at the time of excavation and the soils were slightly moist to moist. Foundation Recommendations: Considering the subsoil conditions encountered in the exploratory pits and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural basalt rock soils designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf for supporrof the proposed residence. Footings should be a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for columns. Loose disturbed soils and clays encountered at the foundation bearing level within the excavation should be removed and the footing bearing level extended down to the undisturbed natural basalt rock. Boulders in the subsoils will make excavation difficult. Voids created by the removal of large rocks should be backfilled with concrete or compacted sand and gravel. Exterior footings should be provided with adequate cover H-P GEOTECH Thomas 5chramer February 21, 2000 Page 3 above their bearing elevations for frost protection. Placement of footings at least 42 inches below the exterior grade is typically used in this area. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure based on an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 45 pc€ for the on -site gravelly soils, excluding oversized rock as backfill. Floor Slabs: The natural on -site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab -on -grade construction. To reduce the effects of some differential movement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing waits and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. The requirements for joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 4 inch layer of free -draining gravel should be placed beneath basement level slabs to facilitate drainage. This material should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95 % of maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Required fill can consist of the on -site gravelly soils devoid of vegetation, topsoil and oversized rock. Underdrain System: Although free water was not encountered during our exploration, it has been our experience in the area that local perched groundwater can develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff. Frozen ground during spring runoff can create a perched condition. We recommend below -grade construction, such H-P GEOTECH Thomas Schramer February 21, 2000 Page 4 as retaining walls and basement areas, be protected from wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain system. The drains should consist of drainpipe placed in the bottom of the wall backfill surrounded above the invert level with free -draining granular material. The drain should be placed at each level of excavation and at least 1 foot below lowest adjacent finish grade and sloped at a minimum 1 % to a suitable gravity outlet. Free -draining granular material used in the underdrain system should contain less than 2 % passing the No. 200 sieve, less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximum size of 2 inches. The drain gravel backfill should be at least 11h feet deep. Surface Drainage: The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the residence has been completed: 1) inundation of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. 2) Exterior backfill should be adjusted to near optimum moisture and compacted to at least 95 % of the maximum standard Proctor density in pavement and slab areas and to at least 90 % of the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. Free -draining wall backfill should be capped with about 2 feet of the on -site, finer graded soils to reduce surface water infiltration. 3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in pavement and walkway areas. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. H-P GEOTECH Thomas Schramer February 21, 2000 Page 5 Percolation Testing: Percolation tests were conducted on February 15, 2000 to evaluate the feasibility of an infiltration septic disposal system at the site. Two profile pits and three percolation holes were dug at the locations shown on Fig. 1. The test holes (nominal 12 inch diameter by 12 inch deep) were hand dug at the bottom of shallow backhoe pits and were soaked with water one day prior to testing. The holes were covered with rigid foam insulation to protect against freezing overnight. The soils exposed in the percolation holes are similar to those exposed in the profile pits shown on Fig. 2 and consist of about 1 foot of topsoil and 1 to 3 feet of sandy silty clay overlying relatively dense gravel, cobbles and boulders: Refusal to the backhoe digging was encountered in the profile pits at depths of 5 and 7 feet. The percolation test results are presented in Table H. The percolation test results indicate an infiltration rate of between 23 and 45 minutes per inch with an average of 35 minutes per inch. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered and the percolation test results, the tested area should be suitable for a conventional infiltration septic disposal system. Eagle County may require an engineered system due to the shallow refusal on basalt boulders. Limitations: This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geoterhnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either expressed or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory pits excavated at the locations indicated on Fig. 1, the proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory pits and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified at once so re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. H-P GsoTecH Thomas Schramer February 21, 2000 Page b This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations presented herein. We recommend on -site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. If you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - P. A Jordy Z. lkW V-.T.LV-' Reviewed By: �� Ljt4- Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. JZA/rso attachments INC. H-P GEOTECH APPRO UMATE SCALE 1" = 80- 714D-- — LOT 19 GREEN MEADOW DRIVE 1 PROFILE PIT 1 ■ 7160 7150 ` ■ PIT 1 { � i �_BU-IL�NG`\ PR 2 \ VELOPE .., l P 2 `` P 1 11%% PROFlLI= � --- — \PIT 2 \ 7150 t LOT 21 --7140 nn 175 H_E_P_WORTH — PAWLAK LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY PITS 1 .. - - --r- .ftr-n^ni A "nnC kt TCT unt CC C�. t I Litt/ I LL;rlNlt-AL. IIVL_ AIMU 44-8- --w-- f t PIT 1 PIT 2 PROFILE PIT 1 PROFILE PIT 2 ELEV. = 7151' ELEV. = 7152' ELEV. = 7142' ELEV. = 7141' 0 0 y F1•' ;-2i� DO 17 s . i� I WaM s p—a � _ 5 5 a m 0 10 10 .� LEGEND: TOPSOIL: sandy silty day, organic, fern, moist. dark brawn. CLAY (CL). silty. sandy. scattered basalt grovel, stiff, slightly moist. reddish brown. BASALT COBBLES AND BOULDERS (GM).- in a silty sand and grovel matrix. dense, slightly moist. light brown to white. highly calcareous. i Disturbed bulk sample. TPractical refusal to digging in boulders. NOTES: 1. Exploratory pits were excavated on February 14. 2000 Wirth a Cat 426E backhoe. 2. Locations of exploratory pits were measured aporoximately by pacing from features on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of the exploratory pits were obtained by interpolation between contours on the site plan and checked by hand level. Logs are drawn to depth_ 4. The exploratory pit locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory pit logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. No free water was encountered in the pits at the time of excavating. Fluctuations in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: +4 = Percent retained on No. 4 sieve —200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve LL = Liquid L'nmit ( A ) Pi = Plasticity Index ( Z ) inn 17.5 1 HEPWORTH — PAWLAK 1 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY PITS � Fig. 2 1 1 GEOTECHNICAL, IN(:. 1 r ..�... �_.�. =.a�� rfrff� rim ...� �...:.. �r �� �ffff[ �� fir _� � i r fffff� �! afftfs � r�� t ��� rrrrf ��frifff'r�rrffff�' �irrrwt w fffi w f�rr� �� ffffr �r �� fft �w frfwf�wwffrfff��.��frr �fffr�r�i� rrff� iUr �� at r� w ffI �r fr�r fe ref w �� �wr�w rrff� �r �r rrrfr ffrfff� ��� � �� s� �� r�s r �� �� fffw rf�r �.�� fw�a>•f�� rw� r�fr rrr� frwnf� frrrf� fffea_ �..�� i�i �� r �r rrs it fri rrrr. f��f� r_� frffff�f �.� �� ■�w� w rfr rr� . �� r� f. �� i rfi �� �.�� w �r afffff� �� ��� �� rfi s r� � a �� i r ii i ��ffffrr�.��wl�fft �ffA rff�sfffi rrUf�aisw rr. ���frrrrf�r fffrfa w ��� w war w w �� f�fr ��a� � r� � nfff ��a ffffffw .� ffrrf rrffe �� �.� �.�� w flies .�� frrfffff f�� �wr ffr�� � �� s �� rrrr• i r rff� .`� rf�rra �w rat �� �� w �r.w ��. �i� r i r ffffff� i rrrf�f�rr�wrrrr�r�r�fffrl�f�fffffrlff{wfri frrf/� ��irffffi fr�wwfrf.r.�ffffff�fRffffffff�wffffffw wrfffr wfrrr���>. ff�� ff� �� �� �� �r w �� �� �r i� fff�� rF= � sari �� s � ffrf� w ff�� w ��� �� �� w �� �/� fry ff� fr l r! � aAI r � i i f�fffffrfr frffr� �� rrrrf ffrrr/ ffff� rrfrr ���' w ffffffffflfllf�rM fluff r rrrr �� r r�s �� ��! �� rfrl �� �� frrfl r �� w>iffr ��ww�w�lr�r�� �� �� frf� I �� �� �� i r rrf/ w �� r .r fr>_ f�wi �� �� r ffffffa rrrf�f fri �► i f11�1 r� a��/ ffrlf� i r 1f�f �t f�f� >•� w fffffffff� � lffffrrl r� fffffr� rr� !/ �� � rf� rffff� � i i � i �� �fl ff� fff� w �� �fr ffffff�fi � >•ff� �r�l ffffrr�'rf� �� r fr�f i �ffff��rrrrf rrrN��rrr��fri iAffflr�ffi•ff�ir� r� r�� fffff�!- fff�ft ffff�i fr�� ffffffrfr fffi a_� w rl ffff� � w fff�f{ r rrrl fl�f frrrf� rfi rrrs rrr� — � � � � ♦ rrff� �asrfffffff� fffffrfr � if �r i fffrrrt fr�n! fffffffff� w �ff� fffffrw rrffffa w� fffffr fl rffff�s ffn7•� �� ar•frr ff�� � �f i rr� rffffr� ffffffffffl fffi �>! � w ff�I aff r�lfr ff� rrff ffrffffr \� i r i �� ffffrrf� � t. s ffffrrr � rr�ffffrrfrf� i r �ffr rrr �r r�ff� rrr�a rrrlr>_r �� ��� ffffffrfft / i frir0! rrfffrl �� i r fflri ifrffr��li�� fffffffff�fffffffff�wl�fff�f�/i�rwrsllUl�r ffrf�fffffffrfl �rfrfl� i irrfffrrfrlrrffrffwffffffrr ���rrrrl� .i�awrffff��rrr�r�r�i1111frr� fffffrif�rww#ffffffff��rif>_f�frs �frrfffff�nwr�w r��rfffffr i it �r fffffffff� ws �A �fr �� frf� s rrffff�>_ ��� �� rrr� nrrf rafffr� w��.ir fir >•� fffffr� w a�flif{ fffr�� �� � a f�r� fr ffff� �� r� � a frr� fff�fwf�wfffffff�f�ff�f�ffffffrr� �rrffffrrrffff�>trf�fsrrrfrrrr�fffffrrffi ���� �wfffffffw w>s.��fffffffff�wirrrf� i rrrrrffff.�ur�if�ffrrfffffffiws>•f�rsr�f. ei�rrfrf�rruf��ff��rr�fffrfffr iif� ir��`t'i �� �wfrifrfrr�>•ffrwffffffrw �ifrrfeirrrl rffrl fffffr�, ��� �� rww�A ffffrrs+� �� r•fffff� f�fl �� Yr frr w ffrrfw i fft�� i r��fff�fi rfi rr�Sl ���fffffrw ��ffr�fr�Rlffff�ffAilrrs frf�f rffw r� � fffff� fffffw fff�fs- .tee w.w�f wsf� s� �.�. �� �.� r fr�fw i ffiw>ir �r w rfi ��' �� ffrrlsiifR rrrra fffl fw� rfrrr rrrrf is fr�s �a r� w w fs �.r �� ���� fri � �� �� fffrfffr � fr �� �! �IIfIrA ffffrf� rfffff� rrr�a rr� � S # rrrrs rfffrf� �� r�_�rs itr rr� �� r fff�A ��� f� iflf� �� �� �r� ► �� �� rr� frrrr �� fffffrr/ fffffffffft ffrfrfr r� r rw� i �� rrrrf rrr�r Ai ffffrs I�rlr ��r i rrrfw fir r! rrf ffr�r rr! rr� 1 irfM i frrrs rrrf� w w �� . w � �� �� � f� ffff�fr�rfut rrww 1!�!• frr� w frr�e ffw�w ��� ��� r .� a•� as rrni ffffff� ffl�lffiff�l ffnfw� rfi w>_ r r� i �� �� �� i f� of w �r>•� i1t ff�� � >rfflft fffffffff� �1! i � ftllff�� i � l� �� rrrfr I � ifr� rwff�r � �� �� fr rA rff� frrff� � r ffffff� ��� ��� a_ r�rw � �f� r w �� i.r rr i ���� �r+��w �� w �� fs � a_� i� �� i �r a w rfi w — � w w ��� fri fffi ffrfw f� at �� �� rfffr r �� frffff>•rffffrtlfffff/iffifffffffff�fl�lr#1��1w�� �!♦�>+Ir��1R��� �!>•r ��� �!� w fffi w 1rr� r� rrrfr �� a � �� frfrr� i r f� w w fffi fffi ffffffffff!>_r frrli ��� frrflrl r�w�� rrffifrfffffr i r fffrr rffri w ffffff�f w w rrrfr w�f� �ffff�� f� �>tii �ff�fl ffffffrr iff{>•� i ri � rrrfffl ffffffffffl �t �� ��\ � � I� � Mr � itA i 1 � �.�>-r � �� .irfrr �� w�� s �r. w� �r� i r a� rrrw�fffffrffrr.�. ��ffffffffr rr�w �rr�.rwr>•���wf�,•��.�.�r ��r�� �� pis r �� �� ��� frffff� i.r a�� rr� �� fw nip rfrrf� r�fFfrw�r�f f�ii 4 y� �� rrfffffffr i �r«r ��� few air„�rr� �.�>tw� s•� s�� � s.�.�r .�w� r�.� �r� fir �� �� �� r�� rrrfr rr� rrrrt frrfrw �fw fri i� ifffrfraffr� r�ir �� ar a ff� fw ffrr�fffr i �� fffr�e w �.>� rfrfffi �r rrrfr �f� r.� rf�r>i�>w�ff� rff� r ff�rf �� wrrtr r f� � �� �rf� � ��.�� f�ffr�>�aff� rea ffffffff� ffffrf� ffw�>t rrwe U Z J � Q � Z uj N W 4W- 0 W - 0 C7 U4 F- YmCc In 0 arc a o a a W 1111111 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE II PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 100 175 HOLE NO. HOLE DEPTH (INCHES) LENGTH OF INTERVAL (JINN) WATER DEPTH AT START OF INTERVAL (INCHES) WATER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL (INCHES) DROP IN WATER LEVEL (INCHES) AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE (MIN.MCH) P-1 38 30 9114 8114 1 46 8 114 7 112 314 7 112 7 114 114 7 114 7 114 7 6 112 112 6 112 6 1/4 114 6 114 5 314 112 5 314 5 112 114 P-2 32 15 water added 7 112 6 314 314 23 6 314 5 314 1 5 314 5 314 6 4 1 6114 5 112 314 4 112 4 314 314 4 314 4 314 4 3 112 112 P-3 46 15 9 114 9 114 1 36 9 8 114 314 8 114 8 114 8 7112 112 7 112 7 112 7 6 314 1/4 6 314• 6 114 112 .6114 1 5 314 1 112 Note: Percolation test holes were hand dug in the bottom of backhoe pits and soaked on February 14, 2000. The holes were covered with rigid foam insulation to protect against freezing. Percolation tests were conducted on February 15, 2000. The average percolation, rate was based on the last three readings of each test. ISDS Permit # 7Z - a / Date ISDS Final InnRection Cg=leteness Form Tank is �gal. Tank Material Ca PC nQL k Tank is located ��2 ft. and 2 degrees from, (paimnent landoaskl Tank is located ft. and degrees from (perm^mit Um0mck) Tank set level. /�J o Tank lids within 8" of finished grade. Size of field �62 t2 wa}ts -- li eal ft. , Technology—aJ -/e-S_ Cleanout is installed in between tank and house(+ 1/100ft). There is a "T" that goes down 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank: � Inlet.and outlet is sealed with tar• -,tape] rubber gasket etc. e Tank-- ;has twa d mpartments with the._=jargar-;:.cpmpartment closest to house. ✓... , - -•mature: distance and relative direp��c�n; f. Aepth of field. �_ fit. ti ,o Soil interface raked. :�fS Inspection portals at the.end of each trench. `Y S Proper distance to setbacks. Chambers properly installed as per manufacturers specifications. (Chambers latched, end plates properly in ��lgg2py� rocks 'removed from trenches, etc.) !"' Type of pipe used for building sewer line f)8, M Q-1-4rleach field - 2 Other �s Inspection meets reauirements. Copy form to installer's file if recommendations for improvement were suggested. ACTION TAKEN: S��S e/►C, rr✓+��'xL/�`�'�ca Setbacks Well Potable House Property Lake Dry Tank Drain Water Lines line Stream Gulch ,Fie d 100 25 20 10 50 25 10 10 �, 50 10 5 10 50 10 * 10 2072-01 Tax #2391-223-09-001 JOB NAME_ Lot #20 Sopris Mesa SCHRAMER JOB NO. 730 Green Meadow Drive C. a rh.on.dalP _ r LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED �',/9 r 1 el ;'� ��I a P n/!V. S's�1 xi X_ el-9 coo C%J CCU f r! % fj z ( �' �. � � Jam. L 4� � � @ d� �"/ � �f f ./ �] � � �? ...�j i°"�2 f l `"?a ,,� � � ��•=,� �' C-/ "S 0B COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE ' ""� e p� TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR o Co r /� \ UV �d 4� INSURANCE SALES TAX r '` �'" ^ v �o Qc " Z7 �' a MISC. COSTS �'— ^ I r lam/' M-zz�yA, ' - TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT n l�r � LESS OVERHEAD COSTS °° OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT .los FOLDER Product r►s C CC G f S ,"f i� /,°�S JOB FOLDER Printed In USA Recycled Content 10% Post•Consumer ' 1 20 0 20 40 3 1 inc20 feet NOTES: 1, SEE ATT,4CHEC DES ICON MEMO FOR MORE DETAIL 011 SYSTEM DESIGN, AND INSTALLATION = 2. SYSTEM MUST I%lE =T EAGLE COUNTY REGULATIONS FCIR ISDS, SEE LATEST VERSION OF RE6jLAT IONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 3. SYSTEM LOCAlION MAY SE ADJUSTED TO MEET FIELD COND IT IONS WITH ENGINEERS APPROVAL 4. EAGLE COUNT' AND MWE INSPECTION fREOLRED PRIOR TO - FINAL ACCEPTANCE - 5, CONTRACTOR 'O PROVIDE AS5U ILTS OF COMPLETED STEM TO ENGINEER AND COUNTY ff DATE CO N" REVISION BY • EXETNG AND FU LRE riQli LM -- M CICILL 311HO MAJG b' -TOP am E OcnoNG zom - FNE NATNS MATERIAL NO LARGER THM MINIMUM DEPTH 24" Im N DWIMM WITH i ' OF MAX DEPTH 72" TO TOP OF WLTRATOR NFLTRATOR vvv vv vvvv vvvv vv v vvv v v vvv 7 - 77 - FOM NFLTRATOR v v v v TREJQ-Eb - a WITS N EACr�{ v v v v T3CHEL E TO BE FBA OEt> hEN® v M nJM O@'TH 10 "= TO OOTTOM OF v TFANCK I& APART MN1" t M NPLTRATOR 1-EWT 15 -12" NFLT�?AtOR E TO BE FED OETEpgMN D CY ENG iM N 4" SCH 40 PVC PPNG TO END I OF FIRST ROW OF WLTRATOR TRENCHES AND BETUE£N EACW ROW OF TRENCHES, F STAL.L 4" PERFORATED SCH 40 PVC NSDE EACH ROW FOR T14E SERIAL DISTRIBUTION TO EACH OF THE 7 ROWS OF THE TRENCH SYSTEM TRENCH DETAIL NTS ' �1✓j, S SQL G 4� Vfi , P S - el 7-5 I dot fl fit4- )42_S 1 `s . 01 f TOM AND LESL IE SCHRAMER p LOT 20 609R IS MES4 SU5D IV IS ION " EAGLE COUNTY PROJECT NUMBER AO- 1000.1 DESIGN: GDD DETAIL GDD CHECK: TOM AND LESLIE SCHRAMER SEPTIC SYSTEM — LOT 20 SOPRIS -MESA SYSTEM PLAN AND DETAILS EAGLE COUNTY MdaughGn�Wa�erc 2420 A03.4 Street, Denver, CO 80211 PH. 903.458.5550; Fax 303.480.9788 ena�.aa. ua. email mwe®mwewater.com =DATE-./2001 DRAWING C NUMBER S J Ll