HomeMy WebLinkAbout4454 Bellyache Ridge Rd - 194135201006nI)1V11)UAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Telephone: (970) 328-8755 P.O. Bog 179 - 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT# IS-2046-00 BUILDING PERMIT# BP-13431 OWNER: JESSE BEASLEY PHONE: 303-329-0267 MAILING ADDRESS: 120 IVANHOE, DENVER, CO 80220 APPLICANT: TONY THREINEN PHONE: 970-376-4643 SYSTEM LOCATION: 4454 BELLYACHE RIDGE ROAD, TAX PARCEL NO. 1941-352-01-006 WOLCOTT LICENSED INSTALLER: RON BOOK, BOOK & SONS LICENSE NO�51-06 PHONE: 390-7193 EXCAVATING DESIGN ENGINEER: LUIZA PETROVSKA, LKP PHONE: 926-9089 ENGINEERING, INC. SYSTEM SIZED TO ACCOMODATE A 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE: INSTALLATION GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE 1500 GALLON, 2-COMPARTMENT- TANK WITH AN ADVANTEX AX- 20-MODE 1B PACKAGE WITH PUMP OSI-P300511 AND ONE 750 GALLON FRALO DOSING TANK WITH PUMP OSI-P100511, TO 1000 LINEAL FEET OF GEOFLOW SPACED AT 2 FEET WITH 500 EMITTERS AT 2-FOOT INTERVALS. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL EXACTLY AS DEPICTED ON ENGINEER'S DESIGN STAMPED, SIGNED AND REVISED ON APRIL 10, 2006 DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. • Call Eagle County and the design engineer for final inspection prior to back -filling any portion of the installation or with any questions. • The Building Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until the septic system has been inspected and approved. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: Laura Fawcett DATE: June 8, 2006 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS 'VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1000 SQUARE FEET VIA GEOFLOW DRIP TUBING W/EMITTERS AT 2 FOOT INTERVALS IN A CONFIGURATION AS SHOWN ON THE AS BUILT SKETCH. THE GEOFLOW LINES WERE SPACED AT ABOUT 2 FEET APART INSTALLED 1500 GALLON 2 COMPARTMENT PRECAST CONCRETE TANK, AND A 750 GALLON 1 COMPARTMENT "FRALO" SEPTIC TANK, SEE AS BUILTS DATED 9/11/06 FOR LOCATION OF CLEANOUTS COMMENTS: FUTURE MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE INSTALLERS, RON BOOK & ANGELA HELLIWELL, MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE ANYITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: y ,-1 —7J� DATE: 0/ '� lJ Y j O k Department of Environmental Health Eagle (970) 328-8755 Fax: (970) 328-8788 El 3ebel (970) 704-2700 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 EAGLE COUNTY P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT _ ISDS Permit # 0-OL -co Building Permit # 17 c-;? 3 INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE $350.00 This fee includes the ISDS Permit, Site Evaluation (Percolation Test, or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visit or consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $55.00. The pre -construction site visit fee is $85.00. Make all remittance payable to: Eagle County Treasurer. Property Owner: JI ,rse d_ 5ge ��uS�E� Phone: 3o -3 3� p! �� W Mailing Address: �� ��ygC6e. (jrj ( Applicant/Contact Person: Phone: Ivilu Thrcln eo R 7<� Licensed Systems Contractor: � ' License # 61J_� Company/DBA:Phone:Z�_ qU i Mailing Address: Permit Application is for: F, New Installation r Alteration r Repair Location of Proposed Individual ewage DisposrlSystem Legal Description: / , i/LOf Tax Parcel Number: % /� 362 _D / _ u O 6 V Lot Size: Assessor's Link: www.eaglecounty.us/r)atie/­­ Physical Address: Building Type: r Residential/Single Family r Residential/Multi Family AWC40,, .,fib Number of Bedrooms:j�,G��,. Number of Bedroom r,,- r Commercial/Industrial* Type of Use: *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water Supply: r Private Well r Spring r Surface Public If Public Name of Supplier : Applicant Signature : Office Use Only Amount Paid:'!f SC .` � Recei t#: P Check#: Date: Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted _jSite Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # ot Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) ************************************************************************** * FEE SCHEDULE * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * SIZING AND SITE VISIT FEE $85.00 (WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SIZES THE * SYSTEM USING YOUR SOILS REPORT) * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: 'JiP SS MAILING ADDRESS: V �-'J����_,�'J kyey M i1V22()PHONE : 9 9�q Q 4�07 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: ® w� 1 PHONE: LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: PHONE: COMPANY/DBA: ADDRESS: *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: X NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVI?D�UTAQL SEWAGEE' DISPOSAL SYSTEM: l�N�t V (P Legal Description: Tax Parcel Number: ��L(� - �,�--i�/ OZ? fo Lot Size: Physical Address: `'1 C-• BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) V) Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms -- ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spr ng urface ( Public Nam�rf Supp l�r APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: ************************************************************************** AMOUNT PAID: �� U RECEIPT #: DATE: �D CHECK #: 2 / CASHIER: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE:800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us EAGLE COUNTY June 8, 2006 Ron Book Book Excavating P.O. Box 615 Gypsum, CO 81637 RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) Permit #2046-00. Tax Parcel #1941-352-01-006 Property Location: 4454 Bellyache Ridge Rd. Wolcott, CO Dear Mr. Book, Please find enclosed ISDS permit, number (2046-00) to conduct the construction exactly as indicated on the permit and engineered design plan stamped, signed, and revised dated April 10, 2006. It remains valid for 120 days or for the duration of a current building permit. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications must be pre -approved by this department. If you are receiving this permit and have not been contracted to perform the installation, please contact us immediately. Also enclosed is a final inspection completeness check list to assist you in making sure all of the detailed points of an inspection have been properly addressed before calling for your final inspection. It is important to pay close attention to the special conditions which may have been included to address site specific issues. All components of the system must be exposed for our inspection. Projects that require multiple inspections will be assessed a re -inspection fee of $55.00 payable before or at the time of inspection. It is extremely important to remember to rake all infiltrative surfaces and avoid installing systems in wet or frozen ground. In addition to avoiding installations during unfavorable site conditions, please be advised of our annual time frame for ISDS installations, unless otherwise specifically approved by this department. Permits issued on or before November 15 must be installed prior to December 1. If unfavorable conditions prevail between the installation and the final inspection (such as snow) special precautions must be taken to protect the drain field area from the elements. Please keep this office informed regarding the progress of your installation so we can provide responsive customer service when scheduling your final inspection. The Temporary Occupancy Permit (TCO) associated with the building permit cannot be issued without the septic system being finally inspected. Systems designed by a registered professional engineer must be inspected and certified by the design engineer as well as Eagle County Environmental Health. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Terri Vroman, Administrative Technician IV cc: electronic permit folder electronic chronological file hard copy permit file ]kp engineering Enclosures: ISDS Permit #2046-00 Final Inspection Completeness Checklist Engineer design 500 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 W.J. Z-z UU tv.it ry. If. LKP Engineering, Inc. CZVIT /GEoTECuMCAL September 14, 2006 Jesse ,Beasley 120 Ivanhoe Denver, CO 80220 Dear Jesse: �: inspection of Septic System Installation Lot 6, Bellyache Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4454 Bellyache Ridge Road Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 20146- ISDS permit No. 2046-00 At the request of Ron Book, Book & Sons Excavating, on August 11 and 30, and September , 54 . we visited the construction site on Lot 6, Bellyache Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 1, 4454 .we Ridge Road, Eagle County, Colorado. The Purpose of our site to was to inspect the installation of the Advantex/Geoflow, septic system, visits They installed the system in overall compliance with the septic system design, Drawing No. 20146SDADV.DWG, dated April 10, 2006, and as shown on the attached as -built sketch. They installed a 1500-gallon, two compartments h. one -compartment, "Fralo" septic tank. Three-footpriserss were instalconcrete led on both' and a 750-gallon, 1500-gallon septic tanks, and the AdvanTex f lter was installed on. to of the openings of the the two risers. On the 750-gallon tank, one three-foot riser was installed on the a and between Of the connections were done into the 3-foot high risers. 'The building sewer lime was � nrun ected opening.All to the east end of the pre-treatment tank. Two cleanouts were installed on the building sewer line, between the house and the septic tank. Uae east cleanout is for the building sewer line from garage building and the west for the main house. th e The absorption area consisted of about 1000 lineal feet of Geoflow drip tubing with emitters at two -foot intervals in a configuration as shown on the attached as ri t sketch. The Geoflow lines were spaced at about twa-feet a art. into operation by the installers and Angela He 1 welThe (AdvanTex ReprYstem was esentative). tested d put maintenance of the system will also, be provided by the installers, Ron Book and Angela Helliwell, manufacturers' representative. We strongly recommend that the topsoil backfill over the Geoflow leachfield be re vegetated as soon as possible (before winter), since it is very susceptible to erosion due to the weather and the wildlife. The installed system is suitable for afour-bedroom residence. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Petrovska, PE Enclosure cc: A4r, RayMerry, Eagle County Environmental Health Department, fax: 328-8788 JAWP 12-LKP\zo 14605i-ADV.wpd P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, CO 81632, (970) 926-9088 Tel, (970) 926-9089 Fax w LISP Engineering, Inc. CZVT GEOTECHNIC.AL July 6, 2007 Mr. Tony Threinen RE: Ground Water Consultation - ]Beasley Addition P.O. Box 1213 Lot 6, Bellyache Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 1 Eagle, CO 8163.2 4454 Bellyache lodge Road Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 20146 Dear Tony: At your request, and at the request from, Graham, on July 5, 2007, we visited the construction site on Lot 6,, Bellyache Ridge Subdivision Piling No. 1, 4454 Bellyache Ridge Road 4, Eagle County Colorado_ The purpose of our site visit was to observe the ground water seepage in the foundation excavation and to provide recommendations for a remedial action. The foundation excavation was completed and inspected late November 2006. Sometime last week seepage appeared in the excavation and had caused sloughing of the excavation sides. We understand that the seepage is coming from e south side of the excavation, but not from the bUttom of the excavation. 1.ite ground water seepagE was also, observed during the open hole observation for the construction of the garage building in November of 2000. We recommend, in addition to the temporary sump punnp to de water the excavation a permanent underdrain system. The underdrain system should be constructed according to the attached detail. Once the water has been lowered sufficiently and all of the sloughed material has been cleaned from the excavation, a trench should be excavated, about three feet away and two feet below the proposed footing elevation. The bottom of the trench and the south excavation wall should be lined with a filter fabric. A. six-inch diameter, perforated pipe should be constructed over the falter fabric. The pipe should be backfilled with minus 3/4-inch, clean crush rock and wrapped with falter fabric. The drain pipe should be sloping to daylight at a ininimum of one percent slope. After the construction of the concrete foundation the area Between the foundation wall and the excavation wall should be backfilled with minus 3/4-inch to 2-1/2-inch of clean crush rock. The rock should extend to about two feet below the proposed finish grade. The top of the rock should be covered with filter fabric. The top two feet of backfill should consist of impervious backfill material and topsoil for revegetation. We also discussed the rerouting of the building sewer lute. According to the Eagle County Environmental Health Department Regulations for a Subsurface Sewage Disposal System, and Table 1I of the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, the distance between the building sewer or effluent lines and: any subsoil drains should be 10 feet. We recommend that the building sewer line be reconstructed with SCk140 PVC in all areas where 10 feet separation can't be maintained between the perimeter drain and the building sewer line. The above recommendation was confirmed with Ray Merry, REDS, director of the ECEN Department. 1f you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, L KP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE President Ca: -mAY MerrY, by fax: 970-328-8788 J:\WP 12-Y-IP\2000\20146gw.wpd P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, CO 81632, (970) 926-9088 Tel, (970) 926-9089 Pax �f Enterprises, Inc. www.segenterprises.com Alternative Wistewaler Srwenas Product Distribution Product Support histallation .Service Ossile Management Services Alaintenance Contracts Effluent .Sampling October 19, 2006 EAGLE COUNTY, CO�O�g6�� TEAK J SIMONTON 200629680 REC: $0g00 DOC: $12:26:49PM 10r'30��006 Innovative Onsi Fro1 Vuiee: 11111111111111111111111111111111111 )aa-u aj)- Western Slope Office: P.O. Box 4232, Basalt, CO 81621 Office: (970) 963-3742 Fax: (970) 963.3187 New Mexico Office: P.O. Box 3690, Corrales, NM 87048 Office: (505) 792-1200 Fax: (505) 792-8686 Ray Merry Eagle County Environmental Health PO Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: 4454 Bellyache Ridge Road Wastewater Treatment System 0&M Contract Dear Ray, aC4b'.c 0 Z5" Please find enclosed a copy of the Maintenance Agreement for the Beasley Residence as requested. I am sending a copy and retaining the original for my records as I understand the document will be scanned and filed electronically by your department. Please let me know if this is not acceptable and I will start having three originals signed. If you have any questions or if we may be of further service, please call. Sincerely, SCG Enterprises, Inc. /k�// 111dolkle Angela Helliwell Enclosure RECEIVED OCT ' 2006 s ??tip rt1„kjc-{j��!. 1 15\�4i Si..`2kiVl t.-1M AL IIENT' "k 200629680 1 OF 3 Wf Innovative Onsite Wastewater Products and Services Front Range Office: P.O. Box 1411, Conifer, CO 80433 CG Office: (303) 838-0611 Fax: (303) 838-4231 Western Slope Office: P.O. Box 913, Silt, CO 81652 L, n t C 1' p r i s es, Inc. Office: (970) 876-2057 Fax: (970) 876-2360 ADVANTEX® OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Street Address: 4454 Bellyache Ridge Road Wolcott CO County/Legal Description: Lot 6, Bellyache Subdivision Filing Number 1 Eagle County Colorado SCG Enterprises, Inc. will perform operation and maintenance services for the Onsite Wastewater System serving the subject site as outlined below: Control Panel, Pumps and Alarms: During each visit, all electrical components shall be tested for proper function. Correct control settings will be verified. Operations data from the panel will be recorded. Processing Tank: During each visit, the scum and sludge layers in the processing tank (septic tank) will be measured. A recommendation for pumping will be made when the scum thickness exceeds four inches, or the sludge thickness exceeds 24 inches. Pumping System: During each visit all pumps shall be observed to verify proper performance. The pumps will be operated manually. The Biotube screen will be removed and cleaned. Recirculating Filter: The filter will be observed for signs of excess organic build-up or improper performance. The media will be cleaned as necessary. The system shall be observed to verify proper distribution across the media, and distribution laterals will be flushed. Drain Field: The surface area around the drain field will be.observed for signs of failure such as lush vegetation growth or effluent ponding. Liquid levels within the field will be observed through the observa- tion pipe and levels recorded. Items that are not included in this contract include: 1. Corrective and/or repair maintenance if necessary, other than covered under warranty. 2. Effluent sampling and analysis if applicable. 2. The cost of tank pumping. Alarms: SCG Enterprises, Inc. will respond to alarm conditions at no cost during the agreement period Service Calls: Service calls will be billed at a rate of $75.00 per hour including travel time. A visit to the site other than the routine visits provided by this agreement, will be deemed a service call if the reason for the call is anything other than a system warranty issue. Examples would include but not be limited to; damage caused by acts of vandalism, failure of a tank, or failure of another party's work, i.e. electrician, plumber, excavator, etc. The goal of SCG Enterprises-, Inc. is to observe the operation, and perform maintenance for the onsite wastewater system to allow for proper, long term functioning of the system and compliance with the conditions of the installation permit and recommendations of the manufacturer. Innovative Onsite Wastewater Products and Services Front Range Office: P.O. Box 1411, Conifer, CO 80433 Office: (303) 838-0611 Fax: (303) 838-4231 Western Slope Office: P.O. Box 913, Silt, CO 81652 Enterprises, Inc., Office: (970) 876-2057 Fax: (970) 876-2360 SCG Enterprises, Inc. will perform O&M services as outlined for $125.00 per visit with two visits per year ($250.00 per year). Payment in full for the first two years is required prior to initiation of the agreement. This agreement period will be for the 2-year period subsequent to placing the system into operation. r rty ow r or u orized epresentative: JetsJetso Beas ey Date SCG Enterprises, Inc. authorized representative: gngel elliwell Da �ZO ui3din� the its is no WOOD RETAINING WALL Lnr GIYl711YCGM.Ll.4 7 LINIU 0. 4.' To PROPERTY CORNER co FADE 01/01 Y BEAI.NG '.aAE':• L. � . cat ��• �h��:•.. af.0 rig m um c a p of Lot 12'. - N890, ] U TILI TY A: OVERHANGING WOOD DECK LOG CA8iN --WOOD PORCH 4, RAVEL DRIVE EEIV1A}YXT#FENCE SPLI'T RAIL ,r PROPANE NEW - ARA E' BUlL INN. �....._.. TANK VALVE T 3T , FOUND. ALUmINUM n-aGl-aRMM PPT 914. 4PP rl C f f 11 IM ITV Chll 1 u�nl ru INSPECTION REQUEST CJ EAGLE~COUNTY COMDEV UP--13431 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT garage with dwelling above P.O. SOX 177 , EAGLE, CO 81631 INSPECTION NUMBER Phone."_(970)328-8730 Fax : (970)328-7185 26 TO REQUEST AN INSPECTIONV, CALL.(970) 328--8106 Date Requested • 08/14/2006 CO:Final Inspection------ _-_ _ r-___ Time Requested a 15:42:47 BEA.SLEY Ready Date : Tues 08/15/2006 Caller GRAHAM 280-5963 4454 BELLYACHE RIDGE RD Scheduled inspector : MARK BELLYACHE RIDGE FIL. 1 ----------- 'COMMENTS / NOTES REG.UESTED MUST BE A.M. FDN PERIMETER DRAIN TO BE INSTALLED PURSUANT TO SOILS REPORT. BP EXTENDED UNTIL 8/i/05 ISDS 2046-00 COMPLETED. TOTAL .VALUATION _STY - 1.00000 PLAN CHECK FEES CO:Finatl - Ready on 08./14/2006 Status -DISAPPROVED Inspectcr ;). MARKLE-AUSiiN : 1-=SOTTOM RISER 'E.XCEEDS .3/8" VAR`1ANCE .2----NEED 1 .5", Ci.EARANCE AT HANDRAIL. 3--ADD. DOOR •HARDWARE TO. MECH -RM DOOR. . 4--f:ILL HOLE IN GARAGE CEILING AT G-DOOR OPENER WIRING:PENETR:ATION CO:Final - 'Ready on 68/11/2006.'St'at.us DISAPPROVED Inspeet,on J. MARKLE AUS TIN ISDS NEEDS APPROVAL PRIOR TO.ANY.FURTHER INSPECTIONS DTHER:Cansultatio , - Ready .on :081091:900b. .Status 'PERFLIRMED .Inspector w GLEAN L. HE.:NEEDS A CO. FINAL AN :::HEALTH::,.0.04RTMEN TS:41GN OFF' GEN. `FINAL .- Approved •bye JOHN:'ANGLIN c+n 08/01./2005 ELECTR.ItAL=Final=:­Apprav*d b.jj. GL NN. L: PADGETT on 08/08/2001 ,ALL "CORRECTIONS: HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED PLUMBiNG' i=inal`- Approved bW"BILL G.. DOWNS on 07/31/2001 GEN. FINAL - Ready on. 07/3f/2001 `'Status DISAPPROVED .Inspector -- BILL G. DOWNS CA TOO SMALL NEEDS TO BE 7". ELECTRICAL:Final _ Ready do 07131/.2001 Status DISAPPROVED Inspector - GLENN L. .WATER BOND WIRE NEED A COUPLER CONPR€SSED ON IT TO PANEL NOT TO GAS PIPE. ELECTRICAL:.Rough -'Ready on 0610812091. Status RE -INSPECT Inspector '- GLEAN L. .UNDERGROUND CONDUIT APPROVED '.FOR BACK FILL COVER:Dr•ywal.1 - Approved .by COLLEEN K'AY WHITFORD on 05/10/2001 'COND. APPROVED PROVIDED 0 5/8 INCH TYPE X DRYWALL IS INSTALLED OVER STEEL BEAM IN GARAGE 2) NEED TO COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF DRYWALL CON < ADDITIONAL' COMMENTS AVAILABLE .-,SEE FILE > _ ` APPROVED t-]Upc+n- the- Foitouin� cor~rectior,s_~E 3-DISAPA.--_---------"__ 9 ROVED 1] REINSPECT ---- .-__-__------------------ I --____--__ -ate Timenspectrr _-_._______________________.___----------__----_ -_ ISDS Permit 0 2 d L/ i 1- 67,6 • ISDSlnal ectton -7 �a (J s �y (� 1-7 _Omnleteaen Form Tank is I gal. Tank Material _ G r C to- v 0 Qc� 4 Y "r (A � Tank is located 1d & and _degrees from Tank is located Lt. fL and. o degrees from 1, 5V o 4 V/ Tank set level. Tank lids within 8" of finished grade. Size of field fie units O D 1ned fL Technology e 0 l� I® �/� d k Cleanout is installed in betwa n tank and louse(+ 1/100fi� 7; 'Op - the goes down 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank: Effluent fihw on outlet• Yes or No hilet and outlet is sealed with tar tape, rubber gasket etc. Tank has two compartments with the larger compmrdnent closest to the house. Measure distance and relative direction to field ! '3 ti V O V e Depth of field 0 & Nlk' Soil interface raked. N inspection portals at the end of each trench Proper distance to setbacks. Chambers properly installed as per manufacturers specifications. (Chambers latched, and plates prc installed, rocks removed from trenches, etc.) - �? e �- s s So c e �a skj� Splash plate(s) installed at least in first trench inlet. K �0 is a ao Type of pipe used for building sewer liae,_j_, leach field Lv P, n , x � r'. o s 0 1y Other Inspection. meets requirements. Copy form to installer's file if recommendations for improvement were suggested. ACTION TAKEN: AS L-4 �o S. �2_ ,, . Sc G /� n, g t J c� J'v L j u c V -I a %„ , Setbacks Well Potable Water Lines House Property line Lake Stream Dry Tank Drain Field Gulch Field 100 25 20 10 50 25 10 Tank 50 10 5 (0) 50 10 * 10 ■®■■■■®■■■M■®�®■■®■■®MEMMIS®fin Room MEN No ■®■■■■■�■MIMiiMM�ii�Mii�ii�EMEMi�■®Innn ■■E■■■■■M■M■®■E■MM®E■■■E®■■■■ OWN mom ONE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■EMI■■■■ 1 ®■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■E■E■EM®onnM no ME ■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■s■ME■®■■i Ell ■■■■■■■■E■■■EE■■■Eni ■■M■■■■■■■■E ■l MISMISIMMMIEMEIMMMMMMMM Ei ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■EE■■■ ■l ■■■■■®MEE■■MEEM■■®®®®■■®nn■■mil ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■®moon■i M■E■■E■■■■E■EME■■EMIEEmmmmmmioni IMIEMMIMMIMIMIMMIEIMMMMMMMMIMI MENOMONIE, ■■MIME 0 Geoflow Subsurface Dripline Dispersal: Field Calculation Job Description: $ieaiay Residence, Lot 6, Bellyache Ridge Filing No. 1, 4454 Bellyache Ridge Road, Eagle County, Colorado Contact: Roger Shafer, SCG Enterprises, Inc. 303-838-0611, Angela Helliwell, 970-876-2057 Prepared by: Luiza Petrovska, PE, LKP Engineering, Inc. Date: 4/10/2006 Please fill in the shaded areas and drop down menus below: Note. This worksheet can be found in Geoflow's Design and Installation Manual r Dispersal Field as Dispersal Field as Number of Zones 1 .1 zone(s) A Quantity of effluent to be disposed per day 900 900 gallons / day B) Hydraulic loading rate 0.45 0.45 gallons / s .ft. / day C) Determine total area required 2,000 2,000 square ft. D) Choosespacing between WASTEFLOW lines 2 2 ft. D) Choosespacing between WASTEFLOW emitters 2 ft. 2 ft. E) Total linear ft. 1,000 1,000 each F) Total number of emitters 500 500 each G) Select Wasteflow dripline Wasteflow PC-1/2gph V Wasteflow PC 1/2 gph dripline H) Pressure at the beginning of the dripfield 20 psi 20 psi I) lFeet of Head at the beginning of the dripfield 46.2 46.2 ft. J) What is the flow rate per emitter in gph? 0.53 0.53 gallons per hour K) Total flow for the area (gph) 265 265 gallons per hour Total flow for the area (gpm) 4.42 4.42 gallons per minute L) Select pipe diameters for manifolds and submains 1 .75 inch M) Select Vortex Filter (item no.) 424 ft. N) Maximum length of each WASTEFLOW line. For additional technical flow, pressure and flushing data please refer to Geoflow's Design Manual and WASTEFLOW hydraulics worksheet. 424 viav vas vv�-- w viavwv �uuiiu �� -- av11E,u1 — —...Y l Wava Dosing Number of doses per day/zone: Pump run time per dose/zone (minutes): Pump run time per day/zone (hours): Pump run time per day/all zones (hours): 12 12 16.98 16.98 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 minutes hours / day hours .53 c ik1- A "-')0 pvo 61kv- X l�r _ 4 A11 q� X I(O'q , —7S) 6� J �v0 ejl�a� Geoflow, Inc. Wasteflow Design Spreadsheet V.2003H 4/10/2006 ' It �npy Geoflow Subsurface Dispersal: Pump Size Calculation Job Description: Bieslay Residence, Lot 6, Bellyache Ridge Filing 1 Contact: Roger Shafer, SCG Enterprises, Inc. 303-838-0611 Prepared by: Luiza Petrovska, PE, LKP Engineering, Inc. Date: 4/10/2006 ---d Please fill in the shaded areas below: Information automatically inserted is from the multiple zone column in 'worksheet 1-Field Design Note. This worksheet can be found in Geoflow's Design and Installation Manual arliee.: um O) Minimum pump capacity 4.42 gpm P) Header pipe size 1 inch Q) Pressure loss in 100 ft. of pipe 0.44 psi R) Friction head in 100 ft. of pipe 1.02 ft. S) Static head i) Height from pump to tank outlet 9 ft. ii) Elevation increase or decrease T) Total static head 17 ft. U) Friction head i) Equivalent length of fittings Oft' ii) Distance from pump to field 35 ft. iii) Total equivalent length of pipe 35 ft. iv) Total effective feet 0.35574 ft. v) Head required at dripfield 46.2 ft. vi) Headloss through filter or Headwork 25.41 ft. 11 psi vii) Head loss through zone valves 3.927 ft. 13 psi V) ITotal friction Head 75.89274 W) Total dynamic head 92.89 ft. X) Minimum pump capacity 4.42 gpm Y) Choose the pump AdvantexP300511, GeoflowP100511 ***Note a few States + counties require additional flow for flushing. Please check your local regt If you need assistance designing for this additional flow, please a. See Geoflow flushing worksheet or b. Contact Geoflow at 800-828-3388. Geoflow, Inc. Pump Selection Worksheet, V.2003H 4/10/2006 F • x'9 ey i_ .7 � AZ tr CG Enterprises, Inc. www.scgenterprises.com Alternative Mastewater Systems Product Distribution Product Support brstallation Service Onsite Alanagentent Services Maintenance Contracts Effluent Sampling October 19, 2006 f ? ro 0 Innovative On s� °�` . v o- ; Frog' r uulce: (.iw) as5-uo1i rax: (sus) ss5-4LS1 Western Slope Office: P.O. Box 4232, Basalt, CO 81621 Office: (970) 963-3742 Fax: (970) 963-3187 New Mexico Office: P.O. Box 3690, Corrales, NM 87048 Office: (505) 792-1200 Fax: (505) 792-8686 Ray Merry Eagle County Environmental Health PO Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: 4454 Bellyache Ridge Road Wastewater Treatment System O&M Contract Dear Ray, acLlto Co Please find enclosed a copy of the Maintenance Agreement for the Beasley Residence as requested. I am sending a copy and retaining the original for my records as I understand the document will be scanned and filed electronically by your department. Please let me know if this is not acceptable and I will start having three originals signed. If you have any questions or if we may be of further service, please call. Sincerely, SC(T Enterprises, Inc. Angela Helliwell Enclosure RECEIVED OCT 2 2006 0 It FAx TRANSMISSION LKP ENGINEERING, INC. 275 Main Street, C-104 A.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81832 (970) 926-9088 Fax: (970) 926-9089 E-mail:-kpke1 net To: Mr. Ray Merry Tate: July 6, 2007 Fax: 970-328-8788 Pages: 3 including this cover sheet. Phone: 970-328-8757 From: Euiza Petrovska, PE Project: 20146 Subject: Change Building Sewer line into SCH40 PVC and reroute to East of Building COMMENTS: ISDS -PERMIT NO. 2046-00 ! PE WOU «OSRAR£ BARRIER GLUED TO 7N£ F UNp po* WALL r£TFR FABRIC UNDER 77-I£ DRAIN Ar£ AN AGAINST THE E C V 77O WALL COVER S C FILL w7H ONE r OT O RL pVElrIp RWOU SOIL MN S- NC DIAMETER, RIGID, pE F R 717D RP SLOPED T A DAYLIGHT OR T A SUMP LOC 77o AT A 1 4- NC PER F of omv__EC_Ig \LKP\ Engineering, Inc. FIAtel 0) 22e ae� l %70) 81632 s ae■ PERIMETE£ aRMN LOT #BalrCHE W,&Drtq-qoN nAto Na , 4454 ML£am£AME ■A, WiXCOREMZcOUNR COLmADo SW L FAX TRANSMISSION EAGLE COUNTY Environmental Health P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8756 Fax: (970) 328-8788 To: Luiza Petrovska, LKP Engineering Date: l l/l/2007 Fax #: (970) 926-9089 Pages: 2 including this cover sheet. From: Laura Fawcett Subject: Beasley permit #2046-00 COMMENTS: I located the permit in our file and perhaps you received an earlier version of the permit. Here is a copy of what we have in our file. It lists 4 bedrooms as per revised design dated April 10, 2006. 10/21/2008 11:55 3036979434 SCGENTERPRISES PAGE 01/02 7.1 Enterprises, Inc. www.scgentelrprises-com :4hcrrurliPP ' .pfemv prodn(i Distribution l'rodhc4 .4npporl Igstallarion smire Orrsirc Management Sun';Vec Maintenance. Ciro►rarts Efp9ncrn samplin'g October 211 2008 Jesse Beasley 120 Ivanhoe St. Denver, CO 80220 Innovative .lpnsite Wastewater Products and Services Front Range Office: F.O. Box 1411, Conifer, CO 90433 Ofricc; (303) 838-0611 Fax; (303) 838-4231 Western Slope Office: PO. 13ox 4232, BmIt. Co 81621 Ofriicc: (970) 963-3742 Pas: (970) 9C,3-3187 New Mexico Office: P.O. Box 3690, Corrales, NM 87048 Office: (505) 792-1200 Fax: (505) 792-086 Subject: Onsite Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance Agreement Renewal 4454 Bellyache Ridge Rd. Eagle County, Colorado arx� ja Sege The 2-year Operation and Maintenance Agreement for servicing your onsite wastewater treatment system has expired. At the time of our last visit on October 14, 2008 the system was operating properly, and the tanks did not need pumping. To renew your Maintenance Agreement, please contact the Service Provider for your area: Don O'dell with. Septic Smart at (970) 343-0229. If you have any questions please call. Sincerely, SCO Enterprises, Inc. Mike Scrivner Copy to: Eagle County Health Department, fax (970) 328-7185 r . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERMIT NO. P.O. BOX 811 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 PERMIT FEE $25.00 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT M 458 ,/ Name of Owner: '�'y I A I`D To'\j L ac Phone: Address of Owner: _____�e , Lic-i G' 1 2 1p t A, l e- PS, Is facility within boundaries of a city/town or sanitation district? NVa Distance to nearest sewer system: 4Z a Location of Proposed System: J/-L1 to ty / O vs 491,7 �►d'_0 pe Legal Discription: - -P-rr S y 4tc — Type of Structure: Single Family Dwelling ( t_�) Other: No. Bedrooms Water Supply: Private Well ( ) Location: Size of Lot:y -7 r e s Distance From leach field: Public Water Supply: 1041AU 0AI 4CnA,) An appropri at plan ust accompany site inspection for this application showing required information. (See attached sheet.) T e in ividual sewage disposal system will be constructed and installed in accordance with the regulations governing individual sewage systems within Eagle County, and shall comply with House Bill 1553 CRS 66-14, 1973. Payment shall be made to the Eagle County Treasurer. Permit, upon approval of this application, may be obtained at the Eagle County sanitarian's office. Appointment for final inspection must be made prior to construction by contacting the inspecting sanitarian. [Phone 328-7718 between 8:30 and 9:00 AM.] Refer to permit number. No approval will be given on any system without final inspection. O l Name, address, and telephone of per� per, -,,on responsible for design of system: ^eGl'6 The undersigned acknowledges that the above informatio jistrue nd that false information will invalidate the application or subsequent permit. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: Date: (This application becomes invalid 6 months from above date.) HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE ONLYC � - Percolation Information: a0/�� Permit No. iiJ Tank Capacity: WOO O gal. (minimum) Fee Receipt: Absorption Area: r �l� n sy Sq. ft. (minimum) File: ✓i -2115� REMARKS: APPLICATION IS: APPROVED DENIED The above individual sewage disposal system was installed by AND HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. Date:1c:5?Z9/7 % Sanitarian:,c/ L{" GRAVE ` . EA�� COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL IIEA I INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT At ROUTE FORM ��C%/c./%C0 gy(i12/2 NAME tte Refered // Permit Number �07- Cam, ���Ly/�c/✓L= �iJ6C LOCATION )lease review the attached application and return it and this completed form to :he Environmental Health Office within 6 working days. >LANNING: File No. Complies with: Subdivision Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval 'omments: ..OUNTY ENGINEER: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval [all ;omments: 3UILDING DEPARTMENT: Set backs :Aher :omments: Site Access I Recommend Approval Reviewed by Date /6J, L!01----'� PEAtCOL'"TION TEST lrnlicp tion No. Permit No. Owner: Legal Description: - Tyne of Dwelling: No. of Bedrooms: Date of Test: -tom_ Q Denth of Holes: Diameter: Tyne of Soil: a �4 h A Locstion of Test Holes: Test hole was nresor,ked from: To: Time Date Time Date _ hde" /'s "/� 1 '4 >�' GL(ec' IDLE TIP, WATER DEPTH � INCHES OF FALL RATE 1 2 3 1 2` 3_ I` 1 2 ; 3 2 3. z v =1 -F F Percolation SItt, _leas been reaieved•and teste for percolation rate. We recommend: - [,PPj:t'JVPL DIS. PPROVAL DITE G En.vironment�,l Iic:r Ea-1.e C o u a L y 2046-00 Tax #1941-352-01-006 ��� 0226-Lot 6 Bellyache Ridge Lot #6, Filing 2, BEASLEY 1 JOB NAME 54 Bellyache Ridge Rd TAVCAR Bellyache Ridge Subdivision JOB NO. 4454 Bellyache. Ridge Rd, OB LOCATION BILL TO L �� - C C. � DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED E BILLED LInj �AL&u J-/j oed L'.y4u'u -'j Z(LA)I�a E�( l670 ' tinZa J r' /('') -4to 67 a J 'I 1 r ' JOB COST SUMMARY — TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL L� TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE 'O� i t/ n 60- SALES TAX MISC. COSTS ,! Qs . �To S �~ A�-�T V- tUt J TOTAL JOB COST r/Ci C° lyl t [l (—a,) Y K O 2l&0 Ju- &— ,f-'AJiCCt-&'t GROSS PROFIT , O . Aq n el (mC7�P�- ,%-, OVERHEAD COSTS LESS OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 8�@ NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MASS. 01471 t/ B FOLDER ? Printed in U.S.A. � o� "� l '���� p obs ! ! cn r► ACUA C L36 &6�r a t a -6z-cv e�kf q- i � � ���-gin. d�-�-��-,�•.� c���L �0/s !ems , �� . �-� 'u�, ��-u-v�. �r- ,Q.�,e. u�-�.�. e�- �rr�.cac_ +o 2 IC`3�1C5 -P24t"'`�u O-Kk t50C) 'Ze�,�,.� �E,v` 1 + � w� t� -�^� A—/Lzci,,&� Gam- Zu lllq�,5 fz"� Ij C'O to -c, OL L �1Z3/v�, `�un..��- -� � � ,� ���� , � ,-►ti .�t�-c.e_eu-c.vl ��?�,�� �..���,:� . �} (b A-x viva� � r� adxa4d 2aCI ObO �C Vie Q i D n p a O � `! ,� �� l n A� _ a c � z -�-e�� 5latA I o 6 c��' e�.0 e cQ cv� `-e w c��". a ce t4 c kW Jtt �2�vn fo cQcc� D k $W6 �Us1 a,clnvtiwbt �t w� /kl;,.� �1rfI.L - t 0 7E -�O too Ma,u"ihG tt ` 4j(iTwN µ i � .. (n+QQ/� ' �jvi L/C c/, i 6��CCn� IC/�q 7I C V �`C�i j ®C A-C) C kN�. pre.S uric. w,�l Sa..s1- w� may; SYJ GREEN BELT AREA FOUND ALUMINUM -- - - - - - - - CAP LS 5933 .� m NOTE.• — TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY AND SiTE PLAN BY WHITE SYRVEYING, DATED 09-21-2000, AND 10— 10— 01. ; N89'44'S2" 330.00' - - 468 �, •_-..- _._ �w_ _. �_ N W --- - --- i O L£ACHFlELD CONSISTING OF A - MINIMUM OF 1000 LF OF GEOWFLOW-------------- TUBING "` 15' UTIIJTY AND DRAIT7AGE-EASEMENT `All/ O SPACED AT TWO FEET WITH 4 76 -_ EMITTERS AT TWO INTERVALS. ` - - - - i Q - _ 47 - lN/MUM OF 750 GALLON - 478 HEADINORKS FRALO DOSING TANK 1 ~`� ,• Cr. 3 U Y T THE 'r8 CJ O i. vl ADD ONE FOOT OF FILL (TOPSOIL OR SAND, APPROPED BY THE ENGINEER). LA OUT E 0. PROFILE HOLE ,_- 2 (typicolj ~ 474-------_ li lv GEOWFLOW DRIPLINE AND BACKFlLL WITH AN ADDITIONAL 8 TO 12 INCHES OF TOPSOIL OR 10 480 - ---------------------_------- 70•+� 1 --- - - - - _ MEDIUM TEXTURE SAND. THIS WILL PROVIDE THE MIN/MUM SEPARA770M OF 4-FEET -`- �- = - - - -- ~ _ BETWEEN THE BEDROCK AND THE BOTTOM OF THE LEACHFIELD. O O O 47 LU �I -4 Ct WOOD RETAINING `--4 �'-------- _-------------------------- —' _ __ WALL 84" PVC ------ - ------------ ------�-------------------- -INCH SCH40 �'-""• --- _- - O �I - SUPPLY LINEa'''-- -i J' ' --- --- --- --- -•- O N07E LOOP THE GEOWFLOW WASTELINE AROUND ------- LARGE TREES. SMALLER TREES WILL BE ------ a - ' - ---- - P - - -------------- p - 486- INCH DIAMETER SCH40 VL` O ------------------------ CN RELOCATED /F ON THE WAY. -------- ----•- � �.._ .% of FLUSH LINE 4g2_, d- ���- - ``- - ---------------- - .---------------- p' p --- ` ----- - --- A/ 488 - f- -- - 30 +/= 85 FEET OF J-INCH DiAMETL'R -- -- -- ti--------• .'� ~ ' N O 0 oL NAIL TYPICAL SOIL PROFILE AIR VACUUM --- _._-� Smemo_CH40 PVC DELIVERY LINE - _ - ¢90 �''BM ELEV REAKERS - ------ - 484 - --- Z -- -- - -- O -��- 491.5 __� - P - ' Topsoil. —�_� 2 t° 3 feet •---------486--•---•_-.___•_ r brown, o e a ' P` : � .-ag2'-•. \ �----------------------- ------ -----------_- -- - -- - _- weathered sandstone --APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF fXISTI _.4 `�. (clayey -sandy gravel) .... _ Q .... .'.':. ...... 100Q GALLON SEPTIC TANK -----_---- 3 t0 8 feet Sandstone an ----- {<_ �2V • ..... (THE TANK TO 8E ABANDONED ACCORDING cloystone bedrock G�L ..... " ` "' TO THE ECEH DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS) :.'.:....`.:LOG:•::.: 90 \J� .'......CABIN . a :,....... ADVANTEX FILTER _ A_ _ •• .• :. , ....:. AX20-MODE18 LOT 6 1500 GALLONS, 2.0687 ACRES `A9�__ �� P\� i TWO -COMPARTMENTS, ��`�� DESIGN CALCULATIONS Z Q r^ X ?( ONCRE7E SEP77C TANK \�� 0 �,0 W O C) "� LZ 0 N Number of bedrooms 4 �\ ! GRAVEL , -INCH DIAMETER SDR35 `' of PGA _ --- BUiLDING_SEWER_L1NE -=- _-- - - 0� Max/mum daily Flow = Omax `- - . - - --_-- - - 0 P _ _ A DRIVE----- - __ , _ - _ - � W _ -RIFY CLEANOUT, REPLACE /F NEEDED E FOR Qmax = 4 bdrms x 2 persons/bdrm x 75 gallons/person/day x 150X Q O Qmax = 900 gpd ✓ ] O LL SEP77C TANK O tylLCJ Minimum required for a 4-bedroom residence = 1500 ga/Ions m V ~ - SPLIT RAIL 502-------------- Z Use one 1500 gallon, septic tank, as required b AdvanTex, with two corn artments, and • � FENCE � PROPANE 9 P q y P � Q � ' Test it ` 1 TANK VALVE one 750 gallon, minimum, dosing tank. Abandon the existing tank. J O Q_ W Q w CL ABSORP11ON AREA ----- ---- e n A licatio Rate: Based a PP J m O A= 900gpd/0.45 gpd/s. f. C = �"1 ------------ S LOT 7 The septic system will consist of AdvanTex system for the treatment of the effluent and a Geoflow wastellow �- line tb disposal of the effluent. O -- .: • .;,• say_` -..__ Based on four drooms ono an application rate of 0.45ga1/sf, 1 meal feet of the geoflow line, spaced `` at two feet with emitterset intervals will be required. The pretreatment of thA�se will consist of ne three -compartments septic tank with an Advantex GATE POST - - 1b Package. AX 0 Mode a e 2 �� In the second and third compartments of th ree compartment septic tank there will be pumps. The - - ..._ g - 0511 in t �P middle compartment will we�he um for the Advan liters, Pump OS! P30 and the lost _ ---- _---- �Q\ .� �compartmentewdl ha Fie pump for the Geoflow system, Pu S!-P100511. _----------A?p- ----- �`O - - - - - 00 - - 522 - --- - ,>w a+� o.i �'r r of.T.w ,y,r.�► ,� e5. r�..a O I - 524 -- - - - - -- - - - - ift• •fe4.nt .r re, .M ..t ow • C+a Ba . �a„a��w. rCV O) at f With .,t i °A s t r rsrie r f i;-1 de a � C(� T• _ iesterrars wdf becsf, ADVANTEX TREATMENT SYSTEM04 P �! ttt. IAear��wr ,'�;.�y agar -_ -- � GATE POST GRAPHIC SCALE - fft.,,� fkft,.Gotn,. -_ 4, - 00 A.'3--vrartff ft t�k �Q�s-'� ,wYi c�east�rl� ad a.s raxr-s �9e.3a�fmas,,: rrtl� tcvEir •ytt, mr Arm,%x _ AX 20 Series - Mode 1 b - DriP2 f�,a: i a o 0 x .. iasna wit use rr rW aW--P,3tz11 tt rr a xs qr 20 o fo 2a �o so i� for M, U NOUN z -p Filtrate Return Line _ r x L x f IN FEET in t/8'/ft.) 20 ft. (m - 1 inch = ----- c W nl MR comma INTN RAYSfi CRADE 00 FrrAco ffo CIN TA a� �V M 0-1 00 N lsoo cAMMNONE RISER R�n� CCVMEYWAAM i xO 0) .� m - - - -- - __- -= --- -= - -_ ---__ -- - _ __ _--- -- -- _ --- -- -- or- �� 4 �� ,, o Discharge Fli trate 0. v Inlet -+ a v --r.- �H FOUND- ALUMINUM - - RIDCAP LS 26598 (80 o�R0,j� HYDRANT `1' �"`•,�•.... P, AdvanTex Filter Top View 30' Dia. PVC Riser/Ud Inlet Riser/Lid w/ 2' Insulation with 2' Insulation AdvonTez Filter ` 2' Dia. Vent FLus+l WTH Fri caAD NOTES annrnm��,, 1. Bends in the building sewer shall be limited to 45 degrees. r�O•.•PETRp�;.T�`� 2. The septic tank shall be installed level. The tank shall have removable covers or 1 - =V: 34ld manholes to within 8 inches of the finished grade, for inspection and cleaning. For : Discharge Filtrate lie In- 9526 the Adontex components the covers will be exposed at finish grade. _'� : �= 6' J. The AdvonTex System will be installed by the Eagle County Licensed installer l'?`g' /f' -� - (excavation and backfilling) and by the AdvanTex representative (putting the system together.) filet-•— R� AV ecirculating Splitter (//I ��� Valve With� E'��\ 1i/j1g1111111111�� 4. The Installation of the Geoflow drip irrigation will be constructed according to the o �- Quio` a�onnect manufacturer's recommendations and in accordance with the local rules and regulations;-and-OU-by_Installers trained-by_the_Geoflow representatives. THE _ GEOFLOW WAS7EFLOW LINE- W/L&BE--CONSTRUCTED OVER ONE FOOT OF-F/LL-(TOPSO/L - - -OR`SAN"PPROPM-GY.�:IHEENG/NEER) AND BACKFICLED:WITH AN ADD/77ONA"-TQ DRAWN BY.• L.P. OV--12-INCHES' OF -TOPSOIL. - - - 5. ' Avoid vehicle traffic over the system. CHECKED BY L.P. 6. Al! installations shalt meet the rules and regulations of the Eagle County Environmental Health Division, Chapter 4, Individual Sewage Disposal Systems PROJECT NO: 2014ti 7. The Septic System Installation shall be inspected by the Eagle County SEE REVISIONS BOX Environmental Health Department, by the advantex representative, and by the Design Side View ' End view DA7F• OCTOBER 5, 2005 Eng/neer prior to backfflling. of AdvanTex - Processing Tank ORAWINc No.: 20146SDADV.DWG sHEEr 1 OF 1