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350 King Ranch Rd - 210335100005
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 ORIGINAL PERMIT #0644-83 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. ALTERATION PERMIT NO. 2020-00 BP NO. 12936 OWNER: JEFF AND PAULA MILLER PHONE: 818-790-1934 MAILING ADDRESS: 1252 EL VAGO, LA CANADA, CA 91011 APPLICANT: GARY WALKER, BECK & ASSOCIATES PHONE: 970-904-0703 SYSTEM LOCATION: 350 KING RANCH RD., MINTURN, CO 81645 TAX PARCEL NO. 2103-351-00-005 LICENSED INSTALLER: T. NOTTINGHAM CONSTRUCTION, TERE NOTTINGHAM LICENSE NO. 37-00 PHONE: 970-417-2711 DESIGN ENGINEER: LKP ENGINEERING, LUIZA PETROVSKA PHONE NO. 970-926-9088 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 6 BEDROOM RESIDENCE EXISTING 2-1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANKS, WITH AN ADDITIONAL 1000 GALLON LIFT STATION THAT DELIVERS 340 GALLONS PER DOSE, 2250 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA, VIA 73 INFILTRATOR UNITS, AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED AUGUST 4, 2000. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN. IF THE EXISTING TANKS ARE USED, THE FIRST COMPARTMENT MUST CONTAIN A VOLUME OF AT LEAST 675 GALLONS TO ALLOW FOR THE SETTLING OF SOLIDS. MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIREMENTS, AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEP- TIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL:�Ii j2 1j Cc '-h,f DATE: AUGUST 16, 2000 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 2250 SQUAREFEET(VIA 7,4 .INFILTRATOR UNITS AS PER DESIGN ) INSTALLED ELECTRIC LIFT TANK: 1000 GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND @ 2 3 FEET INCHES FROM THE CLEANOUT ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING. COMMENTS: ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION RECEIVED ON NOVEMBER 20, 2000. THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE A SIX BEDROOM RESIDENCE. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL t?jj/1 Q. AP l A j'Za DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 2000 ✓Jl % J7Y" r KU1'i: tHULt I_UUN I Y ENV HEA 9 f ©3280349 TO : 82 i 9428 P: 2/9 Incoinplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted (Site Plan MUST be attached) !SDS Permit # ��.(( Bullding Permit # ZA (O APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENT `LROi�1ENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. LOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) * FEE SCHEDULE * FERI-11T APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * SIZiiVG AND SITE VISIT FEE $85_00 (WREN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SIZES THE * SYSTEM USING YOUR SOILS REPORT) * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: Wo /i MAILING ADDRESS: � � I/�L �AG B1/ 69. PHONE: &S ?_1d :2?3X APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: �A� y l, �A/ e PHONE: D -D O.? LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: L& / h Q w7 C�1 S/ - PHONE: COMPAN-Y/DBA: ADDRESS : OPG�� /<<dsi�e Cz�• �lG�� nER.MIT APPLICATION? IS FOR: ( ) NEW INSTALLATION X ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: •%d eyIY5hri Tax Parcel Number: 0 � ®3 � 5 � 6 d d� S Lot Size: v Physical Address: 35_0& i1c BtiILDINiG TYPE: (Check applicable category) (� Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms ._ ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( } Commercial,/Industrial* Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) (vT—Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: AMOUNT PAID: / RECEIPT #: DATE CHECK #: CASHIER:kj Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: August 16, 2000 TO: T. Nottingham Construction FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Alteration Permit No.2020A-00. Property Location: 350 King Ranch Rd., Minturn, CO., Miller residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Alteration Permit No. 2020A-00. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files LKP Engineering, Luiza Petrovska Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO November 21, 2000 Jeff and Paula Miller 1252 El Vago La Canada, CA 91011 Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Alteration Permit #2020A-00, Tax Parcel #2103-351-00-005. Property location: 350 King Ranch Rd., Minturn, CO. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Miller: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, i Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files {1f ` rrVJ�`A hp !. + November 20, 2000 Mr. Michael Warmenhoven Beck and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 4030 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mire: RR: Inspection of Septic System Installation Miller Residence 350 King Ranch Road, Mintut'm Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 20107 - Permit No. 2020A 00 At the request of Gary Walker, on September 13 and October 24, 2000, we visited the construction site for the Miller" Residence at 350 Ding Ranch Road, mintam, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to observe the installation of the septic systems_ They installed the system in overall compliance with the septic system design, Drawit)g No. 201.07SD_DWG, dated August 4, 2000. The systems was installed as shown on the above -named drawing. The existing septic tank was utilized and a new, 1000-gallon electric lift station was installed. Seventy-three, Standard infiltrator Chambers were installed in five trenches, The first row of the trenches, at the top of the leaclzfield, had 15 infiltrators, the second, 15, the third 14, the fourth 15 and the fifth row had 14 infiltrators. The infiltrators were connected with serial distribution, At each end of the trenches, inspection potty were installed. Horizontal distance from center to center of the trenches, was 9 feet or more. The delivery lute from the pump station to the burst infiltrator of the top trench was a 2-inch diameter, Schedule 40 pvc. All other piping was SDR-35., 4-inch PVC. The depth of the trenches was no more than 36 inches. From the top trelach to the property line was 1 I feet at the south end and 12 feet at the north. end. The pump and the dosing amount were tested and it was as recommended, A vent hole was cut into the pipe above the pump, and it was circled with black marker for visibility and cleaning. The alarm for the pump was installed inside the garage, at the northeast confer. Also, a cleanout was installed between the building and the existing septic tank. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, °"°°"%� e .p ayie° o LKP Eugineerin , `Yp„ y/ 4 XUiZ Petrovska,pa .President cc: Ms. Laura Fawcett, Eagle County Envirortrnental Health Division, fax: 328-0349 Gary Walker, fax: 827-9428. C:WyFileslcoreldoclWJry CMO)pq�.*,,N,pd P.O. box 2837, Edwards, Colorado 81632 - (970) 926-9088 Tel • (970) 926.9089 Fax Fwnt 1-pn-annn MEIN fill - 77PM Tfl - Pnr.'I P rni IWTV P:H1 J I--IPal TN Paf= - 1 ZS � rM1/�r-AA�\\IITi �T11r111T�Ar 1"'ll\IT AAIIIIrIIT'111 IIr 11'I T11 TOO rrpti on..are< OLATION :RIX irpti - n Are;; of Bedroom: DAT will' aim l Ae i % ;;� .IO 3 " 3 3. d _ �.d Jr.. LICENSE NUMBER',` l :ON;APPROVAL, is hereby granted for the -following: �." JT _gallon.septic tank or. aerated areatment un.�t Tr ^, ,dispersal area comuted as' .fol 1 ow i "�. F • 1 i nrh in , 27 minutes'. INSPECTOR: Eta r" V� APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ; ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P.O. Box 850 Eagle, Colorado 81631 No. PERMIT APPLICATION FEE: $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE: $50.00 NAME OF OWNER: Willis McFarlane ADDRESS: 4552 South Quebec, Denver, Colorado PHONE: 779-1219 NAME OF APPLICANT (if different from owner): Beck & Associates, Inc. ADDRESS: Box 1413, Vail, Colorado 81658 PHONE: 827-5711 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (if applicable): ADDRESS: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: William Yeik PHONE: Licensed Installer (see attached list): YES XX NO ADDRESS: Box 502, Eagle, Colorado 81631 PHONE: 524-7585 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Street/Rural Address: %j / / ✓eg K:d Lot Size: 45.14 acres Legal Description: E2, NW-,, SEC 35, T5S, R81W, 6th P.M. BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (check applicable category): ( ) Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential - Quadplex 'Residential - Duplex ( ) Commercial (state usage) ( ) Residential - Triplex Agricultural/Residential NUMBER OF PERSONS: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: �-- WASTE TYPES (check applicable categories): ( ) Commercial or Institutional ( X) Dwelling ( X) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Garbage Disposal (X ) Dishwasher ( X) Automatic Washer ( X) Spa Tub ( ) Other TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: ( X) Septic Tank ( ) Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Recycling, Potable Use ( ) Other ( ) Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE: YES ( ) NO (X ) IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: YES ( X) NO ( ) WASTEWATER FLOW REDUCTION PLAN: YES ( ) NO ( ) (16 Ye/s, see attached wcvstewaten �Zow reduction methods) NOTE: The EnviAonmentat Health 044 icen may reduce the requited absonpti on area upon approval o� an g4quate wa6tewatet 6Zow reduction plan. SOURCE AND TYPE OF Give depth of If supplied SIGNATURE: INFORMATION BELO TER L Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream �Torl w' 0 feet of system: mu give name of supplier: DATE: BE FILLED OUT By ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND COUVITIONS: PeAcent Ground Slope Depth to Bedu ck (peA 8' Pno4ite Hole) Depth to GnoundwateA Table SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: Minuta peA inch in Hole 1 Minutes pen inch to Hone # 2 Minuta pen .inch to Hole # 3 FINAL DISPOSAL By: ( ) Abzonpti.on Trench, Bed on Pit ( ) EvapotAawspvration ( ) Above Ground D,vs peuat ( ) Sand Fit teA ( ) UndeAgnoand Dispegsat ( ) Walstewaten Pond ( ) OtheA Amount Paid: i 50.0y Receipt NumbvL Date: NOTE: Site Plan must be attached to application. (Env. Health Department - Rev. 4-07-83) TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 Board of County Commissioners Ext 241 Assessor Ext 202 June 19, 1 Clerk and Recorder Ext 217 Mr. Willis Sheriff 4552 South Eagle: Ext 211 Basalt: 927-3244 Denver, Col Gilman: 827-5751 Dear Mr. M Treasurer Ext 201 This is to finalized Administration Officer fo Ext 241 EAGLE COUNTY Eagle, Colorado 81631 McFarlane Quebec orado 80237 cFarlane: r inform you that your ISDS Permit #644 has been and signed off by Erik Edeen, Environmental Health Eagle County, on June 18, 1984. ing a copy of this permit for your records. -Q-L ' nke, Secretary al Health Office Y EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE Name Date Routed """""' '� AXA C."kA,5ZvApplication" o. Loca ion Please rev.iev the attached Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit Application and return it with this completed form to the Environmental Health Office._ PLANNING: Complies with - .. YES ''NO *REVIEWED BY DAT Subdivision Regulations: ... ... O-A n 1v /7 a3 Zoning Regulations: Recommend Approval: ii COMMENTS: Am` Q G4I . RA nVA r6 M11 .012 ' I 1• BUILDING: Complies with - Building Permit Applied For: Building Permit Issued:r-,oV \4 . Recommend Approval: YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE COMMENTS: ENGINEER: Complies with - Roads: Grading: Drainage: Recommend Approval: YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE COMMENTS: ENV I RONIMEi 1TAL HEALTH: Complies with - Floodplain Permit Necessary: I.S.D.S. Regs. Compliance: Recommend Approval: YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE COMMENTS: r TELEPHONE 303328 7311 ;Board of County Commissioners Ext 241 Assessor Ext 202 Clerk and Recorder Ext 217 Sheriff Eagle: Ext 211 Basalt: 927-3244 Gilman: 827-5751 f EAGLE COUNTY Eagle, Colorado 81631 October 31, 1983 Mr. Willis McFarlane 4552 South Quebec Denver, Colorado 80237 Treasurer Dear Mr. McFarlane: Ext 201 Administration The Eagle County Department of Community Development has Ext 241 reviewed and approved your application for Building and Individual Sewage Disposal System Permits. Animal Shelter 949-4292 The grading and drainage plans submitted with the application indicate that a small pond and retainage structure (embankment) Building are to be constructed on site. Inspection Ext 226or229 Approval of these permits indicates only that the pond/dam Community area is an acceptable land use. No technical review or Development approval has been assumed by Eagle County with respect to Ext 226or229 the structural integrity or capacity of the reservoir. County Attorney Sincerely Ext 263 Engineer Ext 236 -1^w1 Environmental Ri cha d P man Health Departmen of Community Development Ext 238 EAGLE COUNTY Extension Agent Ext 247 Library S K. FOX Ext 255 Department of Community Development Public Health EAGLE COUNTY Eagle: Ext 252 Vail: 476-5844 Personnel SN F/ 1. f Ext 241 Purchasing Xc: Beth Whittier Ext245 Eldorado Engineering Company Gerry Best Road and Bridge Ext 257 Social Services 328-6328 �' .>.. �„. �t� ' 1 ,r . .r Y , .p �.`. - -- -+ �t i ;; �`� a� G'"..v SECTION.2.30,040 }U<1L1TYUPB1F`EE /c1 ` t FM0494 ��``f 0300 [inconsistencies, sent information . � \ p 1% Supersedes sented here reflects A� j� conditions at time of " 1097 blication. Consult factory arding discrepancies or MAIL TO., P.O. BOX 16347 • Louisville, KY 40256-0347 visit our web site: SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road • Louisville, KY 40211-1961 http://�,ww,zoetier.com (502) 778-2731 • 1 (800) 928-PUMP - FAX (502) 774.3624 COMPARE THESE FEATURES • Non -clogging vortex impeller. • Durable cast construction. Cast iron switch case, motor and pump housing, base and impeller. No sheet metal parts to rust or corrode. All cast iron class 25-30 25000# tensile strength, • Stainless steel screws, bolts, float rod, handle, guard and arm and seal assembly • Shaft Seal - Carbon & ceramic rotary face seal, with stainless steal wetted parts. • UL-listed 3-wire neoprene cord and plug. 10 ft. standard for automatic. 15 ft. standard for nonautomatic. • Upper sleeve bearing and lower ball bearing running in a bath of oil. • Maximum temperature for sewage or .v dewatering 130`F. - 54`C. • Motor - 60 cycle, 1750 RPM', oil -filled, hermeti- cally sealed, automatic reset thermal overload protected (1 PH and Auto 3 PH). • All models are available in 2" or 3" discharge. • All models pass 2-inch solids (sphere). • Automatic units available with float operated, submersible (NEMA 6) mechanical switch. Available in both 1 and 3 Phase Units." • Corrosion resistant powder coated epoxy finish. • On point 151/4", Off point 5%". Major width 13 5/,6". Major height 18131,6". (Single seal pumps) MODELS 4282-4284 DOUBLE SEAL PUMPS (non -auto only) • Protects motor from seal leaks. • Improved bearing lubrication. • Helps eliminate seal and bearing damage from dry runs, • Major width 13 9/,6'. Height 20 "l,s". 282 - 284 Single Seal Series U� 4282 - 4284 Double Seal Series i s••R� LISTED (For Pump Prefix Identification see News & Views 0052) IT E - M Al' � SUBMERSIBLE !r+Eres+Jjj) y Sw 1y E lA . _h.�E OR DEWATERING PUMP 2" OR 3" FLANGED DISCHARGE - PASSES 2" SOLIDS AUTOt,iATIC T I;PEc PHASE PUt0lP_- i POWDER COATED TOUGH' i fl O D E LS AVAI LAB L -Automatic or Nonautomatic with single seal • Single phase or three phase motors avilable. • Nonautomaticwith double seals • See selection chart for specifications or • 2• or 3" discharge. specific models. "NOTE:: -No11L listing or CSA approval for 2DO-206 V 1 Ph or Extra Duty (E D) pumps or Dautle Seal series. See back page for UL b CSA listings -THREE FK SE AUTOMATIC UNl iS AVAILABLE N 230V SINGLE SEAL ONLY. 0 Copyright 2000 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. E61 161201 140 LITE 240 20, 40 4V "J V o 7LV CONSULT FACTORY FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS • Three phase pumps are available in 20012C8V, 23OV, or 460V, automatic and non- automatic". Electrical alternators, for duplex systems. are available and supplied with an alarm. • Mechanical alternators, for duplex systems, are available �Vit , orwithout alarm switches. • Combinatioi)starters are available Variable level control switches are available for controlling single and three phase Systems. Double piggyback variable level float switches are available for variable level long cydla controls. • Long cords are available in lengths or 25 - 35 - 50 feet. • Simpiex and duplex basins are available. Single �saallj 3outl: Safe Model I P,todel M282 ...— N282 `v::6i SPEC I 1 Valt•Phase trlade Amps 715 '.Ph Av=,�atc t4.3 1 115 ?rh riona.ID 10.E j d f HP CoLgih, 'r[ °u 12 1 1j .; CONTROL SELECTION Listings Simplex Duplex l UL CSA 1 .--. 1 Y I Y 2 3o<56fi l Y Y 1 ^..- Y Y -..— s3� 1'rh iwt,-nat�c 50 i�2 .t •^,292 E E4E: <SO n tJcnavtD 5.6 to 2 3 w 5 6! Y Y 'H2E2 _ _ 2u0-M 'Ph 'f2S2 ;: 2 iG,",'•2v""$ 1P` r3or.av:o d.t 1:2 ' 1 2 3 or 5 6 6 I N N d262 nc 2Cti-28$ SPh Jana s 3 fi -,;2 ; 5 a 6 d �Sa or 556 1 Y Y Fzez 4 sz zzo 3Ph No.^,au;D 3.0 •CF282 -- 23e 3P� FutoTauc 6 1.2 :5 t Y Y G282 L-2F2 16"3Ph Nc^.aura 7 ;:d a d 6 33a a SS6 l Y Y {3284 230 tPh la:tor;.3'i; 8.9 1 1r ---- Y Y E2$4 E-H- 25a I P h Nonau!a 8.9 •µ2$4 -OD.'268 1Ph Aula^.a!i. 9.3 1 '1284 '4284 230;2�8 iT'h Nonauio !, s =5 2 3or536 1 N N 'J2S4 'J42b4 24p12G€ 3Ph Nonauta 5.5 1 15 a $ 6 354 Or 566 Y N 1264 '1:28a 230 3Pt Nonauto 5.0 t 15 4 S 6 ! `s5. rn 58fi Y Y •C}-254 ----- 2?0 3Ph Ana:naYsc 5.0 1 ;5 1 i — Y Y 'r_fae I Aso 3171h I adanautc 1 21$ 1 1 1 1g 496 364or5i6 Y Y •: a rpm 6 8(15:6F J 1 .y✓p. I 1 } 1 L �" -$VF1 SELECTION GUIDE $K1Di3 i . Integral float operated 2-pole mechanical s%vilch, no external control required. 2. Single piggyback variable level float switch or double piggyback variable level float switch, Refer to F1+10477_ 3. Mechanical aitetnator M-Pak 10.0072 or 10.0075, Refer to FMO495 4, Simplex three phase cnnirol panel. Refer to Ft,A1228. 5. See FM0712 for correct model of Electrical Altemator. & Variable level control switch 10-0225 used as control activator, specify simplex (3) float or duplex (3) or (4) float system. No Molded Plug to CSA Appr04 wd6oue plug. TNto -ass avtc'nkc vallaNe in 230V only. A CAUTItSN F� Information on additional Zoeller products refer to catalog ext °igeyback Variable Level Float SwtM`es, Ail inc-.24tion Of COMMIS, protection devices and wiring should be done by qualified licensed ForInf r ationion AdiliDnos, ellerpr duct refers caIDI0nr, Pi9i 95; Sump'Sewaga Basins, Fii6 67; electrician. All electrical and safety codes should befaitew'edinOudingthe mastrecentNationa1 Electric Code tNECj and Simplex Pump Control, FIA1596: Alarm Systems. FM073Z and DiscannecL'Ral Systems, F1,401$7, he Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). RESERVE POWERED DESIGN For unusual conditions a reserve safety factor is engineered into the design of every zoeller pump. © Copyright 200aZoeller Co. Al! rights reserved. LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Boa 2837 Edwards, CO 81632-2837 Fax (970) 926-9089 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Location: 350 King Ranch Miller Ranch Eagle County, Colorado Project No.: 20107 Client: Gary Walker Beck & Associates P.O. Box 4030' Vail, CO 81658 P-1 P-2 P-3 TIIv E/DEPTH 25-4/16" 25-4/16" 26-8/16" 9:30 9-8/16" 2-8/16" 14" 9:40 12-4/16" 2-12/16" 5-8/16" 3" 21-8/16" 7-8/16" 9:50 14-4/16" 1-8/16" 7-4/16" 1-12/16" 22-8/16" 1" 10:00 16-4/16" 1-4/16" 8-12/16" 1-8/16" 22-12/16" 4/16" 10:10 17-4/16" 12/16" 9-8/16" 12/16" 23" 4/16" 10:20 18-4/16" 12/16" 10-4/16" 12/16" 23-4/16" 4/16" 10:30 13-4/16" 12/16" 11" 12/16" PERC RATE 13.3 MIN/INCH 13.3 MIN/INCH t 40 MIN/INCH AVG PERC: 23 MINUTES PER INCH Average Percolation Hole Diameter: Holes Dug and Presoaked: 7-27-00 Test Run: 7-28-00 10" PROFILE HOLE: 0 to 6" Topsoil 6" to 2' Light -brown silty -clayey sand T to T Brown clayey silty gravelly sand No Ground Water Post -if Fax Note 7671 Date pages To From Co./Dept. Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # 0 ,�f5 /�� Fax # Prepared For: Wil McFarlane c/o Aircoa 4552 S. Quebec Street p Denver, C0 80237 Job No. 26,707 September 27, 1983 ncci(rcc• !"-ACPFR . (.nI (1RAnf) SPRIN(RS RFNVFR SALT LAKE CITY ,�caxw:tinru�i CONCLUSIONS (1) The subsoilconditions encountered are generally uniform and consist of a thin veneer of.topsoil overlying silty and clayey sands and gravels.. In,some areas, a variable depth of mediuun to high plasticity clay was encountered overlying the granular soils. Free water was encountered at very shallow depths, bearing near the ground surface, in the reservior:and dam area. No free water was encountered in the residence area. (2) A homogeneous type embankmentdamconstructed of on -site soils is feasible from a geotechnical engineering viewpoint. A blanket and toe drain system is recommended to intercept seepage in the embankment. The embankment should be designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations contained in the body of the report. (3) The proposed residence should be founded on spread footings bearing " on undisturbed natural soils and designed for a maxin un soil bearing pressure of 3000 psf. Other geotechnical aspects of the residence construction are included in the body of the report. (4) Percolation test results indicate a conventional septic system and f leach field should be feasible at the site. 2 SITE CONDITIONS} The site of the residence and dam is located at the McFarlane` Ranch southofMinturn, Colorado. The site of the proposed residence is`a small knoll projecting to the west near the tip of;a north -south trending ridge. The proposed dam and trout pond,area is located in a small natui.al drainage to the southwest of the proposed residence location.. A small creek was observed to be flowing in,the drainage bottom approximately 70 to•80`feet west of the proposed residence. The majority of the site is currently used as pasture land. An old collapsed shed with a partial 4 foot basement is located between the proposed residence and garage locations. The majority of the site is vegetated in grasses and weeds with scattered willows and brush within the proposed pond area. Scattered f pine and spruce were also observed on the site. Slopes across the site are generally, moderate at grades of 5 to 8% in the proposed pond area. Steeper slopes of approximately 30 to 35% surround the knoll where the' w residence is proposed. SUBSOIL CONDITIONS-` ti The subsoil conditions were evaluated by drilling 11 exploratory holes at the locations shown on Figure 1. Three holes were.drilled in the proposed residence area, three holes within the proposed dam aligment, and five shallow holes in the proposed pond area. Four additional holes were drilled north of the proposed residence for percolation testing, n' Graphic logs of the subsoil profiles encountered are presented on Figures 2 and 3. The results of laboratory testing including swell - consolidation tests, gradation analyses, and other index properties are presented on Fi.gures.5 through 9 and summarized on Table I. -4- embankment fill which is to consist of borrow The proposed embankment material from the reservoir area is simi ar and also expected to exhibit moderate seepage tendencies. ;,. Installation of a: blanket and toe drain.beneath the downstream [ slope of the embankment is recommended to intercept" Embankmentthrough seepage. This type drain will not be adquate`'to intercept underseepage (through the foundation). For a 10 foot'high embanlanent with a blanket and toe drain systen,`seepage loss estimates on the order of .l to .2 cfs through the embankment are possible. -Additional losses of, equal or ' greater magnitude due to underseepage should also be:anticipated. If these losses are not tolerable for water retainage in.the reservoir, the entire reservoir should be lined with an impervious material to prevent or reduce eepage losses. Liner materials may consist of on -site clays, soa�l cement or a synthetic membrane. Stability and ant Drainage: Detailed analysis of the embankments side slopes was not performed. Based on engineering classification a properties of the proposed embankment materials, and chart solutions, 3 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) upstream and downstream side slopes should have adequate safety against shear failure. New slopes cut in . the reservoir area should also be graded at 3 to 1 or flatter. Where groundwater seepage is encountered in the pond excavation, some slumping or sloughing should be anticipated. The upstream face of the dam should be protected from erosion as described below. A blanket and toe drain system is recommended to prevent seepage discharge on the downstream embankment face which could cause a stability problem. The blanket drain should consist of a minimum 2 foot thick free draining granular material which meets graded filter criteria or a } -6- oafarable synthetic material. Granular or synthetic drain materials should be oonnected to a perforated pipe sloped on a minimum,10 grade ' to a suitable gravity outlet. Potential seepage along bottom drain and/or service spillway outlet works culverts should also be.censidered. We recommend at least 2 seepage collars be provided, one at:each-end.. Synthetic impervious liner is provided, `care must be taken to develop'a t water; tight bond around the pipe and where the liner can be undermined x i uch as at the spillway or stream channel inlet. x �xY r Earth Work: gnban]anent fill material consisting of,on-site soils should ` be carpacted to at least 950 of standard Proctor density (ASTM p-698) near the optimum moisture content. Topsoil, vegetation or der�'s'° d oversized rock should be removed prior to compaction. P�ateobtined in the drainage bottom will be wet and may require drying prior to its reuse as :fill material. The coarse material can be pushed to the dawn- stream outer shell. Along the upstream_embanJanent face which will receive ` slope protection and where an impervious synthetic liner is to be placed on the slope face, ;the section should be overbuilt and rimmed back to design grade. Prior to fill placement, the existing groundsurface should be cleared of all vegetation, topsoil and any locally soft areas. Soft wet clays as encountered in the southeasterly portion of the reservoir area should be completely removed. We recanmnexid observation and testing of grading procedures be provided by a representative of the soils engineer during site preparation, fill placement, and reservoir shaping !" eperations to verify compliance with the recommended specifications. Erosion Contol: The on-site.soils in their natural condition and when oc�pacted are susceptible to surface erosion. Therefore, slopes and channels subjected to beach or stream type action will require protection. This includes the upstream.embankment face, emergency or possibly service �'rl�acb'•••aL'6�q'3A,'kifiw , r.+.-a+.L ..,:w.,.:: .h.. ;: ,.0 - -9- wi.ttt control joints to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking, and the r.slabs should be adequately reinforced. We suggest that control joints be provided on the order of,15 feet on center.. A minimum 4-inch_ gravel layer should be placed floor slabs.: The- gravel should contain at aced beneath t least 50%retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 10o passing the ? . F No. 200,sieve. Fill placid beneath floor slabs should be a nonexpansive material Rrt t SY oca�acted to at least 95% of the maximun standard Proctor density at a ' 4 moisture content near optimum. Prior to fill placement, the ground l surface should be stripped of vegetation,; topsoil, or existing.fill and xa m oaffpacted to 95% of the maximun standard Proctor density. The on -site granular soils devoid of vegetation, topsoil or oversizedrockshould be suitable for use as structural fill. 4 Underdrain System; Although free water was not encountered in the residence area during our investigation, it has been our experience in mountainous areas such as this, that local perched ground water may develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff. Therefore, the lower level; or each level cut. into the hillside should be protected " from wetting by installation of an underdrain system. The underdrain system should consist of a perforated pipe installed in a gravel filled trench placed along the building perimeter or at subsequent interior levels at least 12 inches below the lowest adjacent grade and sloped on a minimum l% grade to a suitable gravity outlet or a sump where water I. ,can be removed by pumping. The gravel drain material should contain Tess than 5% passing the No. 200 sieve and more than 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve. The drain should also act to prevent the buildup of hydro- static behind basement walls. pressure i'; 4� $: :.,. �•. d Q: CDC)t71 O O W •O - N t-•. 11 OO P-+ V1 0N •� ri � W + N N O^ G O - ¢, •. ,• •,• , .. N W 1 N N. to N O a on� 0 j N II V•:. O - CD _ \ .� . It - vim. •. 41- (D !t W - N1 W CI1'OrN C7 �:W Ull OC7 V Gt+rO C7 C')N \ - - - - - C 11 \ \II-t1 O it 11\ it It �- -1� N N CT 00 - 0\ N too V A• to C O V O II 0 • •• ••• CD t r- Q II IQ O r- 11 o to Ul tJ O W O W O p\ C\ \ II �- tr It o to C\ C O -. 00 N 00 .;r CD Co \ o\ II 11 O\ H W II F✓4N.N II N N O N N t J - co to to © ►C- j 11 O O N N p Y CD CID CD V 1 CD a W W p O to O r+ tQ J1 CCD 70 Yit to W . to (D (D • " ; o o o II11,41 O..N .�• .:IVQ + �Ilt i tD r 11 O - C\ :o. CJ CD to C; ., ro\ r o ` n ❑ o" 11 n o A W ON It N t.n 0o it Ul 1-3 90 .. r o I - 11 0 'J. t CD I„ - - ... : - O tJ 11 N- ' - ..,.NWtDOo - J t1 0 to O to C.) W U 1 O W O to CD to CD 11I���t�(����l���il����������� T. Elevation = feet 1, b PIl-1 P-1 P-2 P-3 j Q r p I � R7M�.f I i � � • • •• • Q •. 0. 1 �aawwl�� 5 � Y M' f10 { y Profile Hole" Percolation Holes E{ i f( � J. Y F � g Y �}k i c rh +n and secsneinter,e 9d1lC_ 3 LOG Or PROFILE HOLE AND rnnnt nmt nwx ainr 11 1 Fia. y}f T4psoil,,soft, slightly organic clay, dark gray to black. $ 1 y +?gyp AS' [lay.(CL CH)_; medium to high plasticity, sandy, very moist to wet, medium }� � to stiff, light brown to brown. Sand'(SC;GC); clayey gravelly, dense to dense with cobbles and occasonal;boulders,,wet, brown. a ; �� Sand (SM GM); gravelly, silty with cobbles and boulders;; medium dense ,to a y •• � �� dense, moist, "brown.•." 3XC4 S '• 3 `!`• ah Y,s � a x Gr1 (GC-GM);`"sandy,.silty3 clayeycobb 4vles and boulders, dense ,to very ,u depse;y'wet, brown. f kj t; Relatively Undisturbed Drive Sample, 2'inch `I.D. California liner sample. The symbol 13/12 indicates that-13 blows of a'140 lb, hammer falling 30 i inches were .required to drive thesampler12 'inches. Standard Penetration Test, ASTM D-1586 fi Disturbed "bulk sample pepth at whichwater was encountered and number of. days after drilling F N ._measurement was made. ►'Depth at which test hole caved. NOTES 1) Test holes were drilled on August 30, 1983 with a 4-inch.diameter continuous flight power auger. 2) Locations of test holes were measured approximately by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3) Elevations of test holes -were measured by instrument level by'Fldorado Engineering on August 31, 1983. 4)-The test hole locations and elevations shouldbe considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. S) The lines between materials shown on the test hole logs represent the .,approximate boundaries between material types and the transitions may be gradual. �) Water level readings shown on the logs were made at the time and under conditions indicated. Fluctuations in the water level may occur with time. No water was encountered in Holes 1-3 and 6 at the time of drilling or when checked one day later. 7) WC = Water Content (o) DD = Dry Density (pcf) ,} -200 = Percentage passing No. 200 Sieve LL = Liquid Limit' (a) Plasticity.Index (o) Fig. 4 C�len and associates, inc. LEGEND AND NOTES " `chen and associates, inc.' Moisture Content = 16.0 percent Dry Unit Weight = I 114.4 pcf ,t f Sample of: sandy clay r3T From: Hole 3 at 3' SeJ t � �y fi i }'r m 7 tna rf J p� y f f Ad litidnaI co pre si n u d r a co star t r s u H du to wet n o ' 2 U, t f .i4 Y 'r I 100 1.0 10 0.1 APPLIED PRESSURE — ksf 1 'S F-+ _ 11� T t O. x - •s-I ,N U o 4Jcd O ° a +J 4, , a 4J' 2 PH o � a O O + A N F 00 Q cA O rn a� O r� W O •d G1 G Cd 3 cn E" a)U F n O cd X U rlz N a O / W �✓ c O o�� U orn 9Q CL W a� a� cd M N (D +-) .: M 3 aU N ao � .PA pq .•. o LH r-i p 'CS 261707 TYPICAL EMBANKMENT CROSS SECTION _`Fig. 11 -7 1 cad cd cd w - V) V) V) (1) I� w ri ri r-i r-i Cif I N N CU N U p� J YUt� O N cc�" �+ Cd r- i-I S-I S-1 S-1 •d _ Cb cd Cd V1 I w Cb Cb ' I cd V) b4 by bA (ti ri ri U u II m V) V1 1�' > Cd 0 * w WL>_ z° �! >� �] 2.N N LL _ C z�wd oar. "Y4 Z O N U {� F H v W c ~ z°\.. N N rl N r-i b U) tM M '� H rN{ r-I _. W a J JJ p C w CD O Lo 00 %D N INV) W W Z z y r i \D N 00 m M M o0 u N N.w M N 0 N M r/ N rl Cn C\ r— M m Qa;y'" Q H Q m a— --I � tM N LO � O � 00 r- J : � 0 a CC J a u p p O N � N CD O lh c� ¢r—� 4C]W- 4 w z 0, N O 00 { ¢ W o QOO ,.Y2v �= w N M 't O O Ln M 00 rl N \N I I ..�N N F= r U. N - 1^ I w a W F N M LnDO_ c I` I i i( 1 l h TABLE II Job No. 26, 707:1"' PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Y. yx WATER DEPTH WATER DEPTH )'L LE -t E N G TH: OF AT START AT END DROP�]N, -AVERAGE 10., L DEPTW';.,� I NTERVA: OF INTERVAL. OF INTERVAL' WATER LEVEL P E RCO LAT I ON RAT E I n mi n (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Min./Inch) 8 , 34 1/2 30 1/4 4 1/2 10 30 1/4 27 1/2 2 3/4 r�w 101 27 1/2 2 25.3/4 3/4 0 25 3/4;,; 23 3/4 2 10' . �23 3/4 22 1 /4 . 1 1/2 10`22 1/4 20 3/4 1 1/2 10 20 3/4 19 3/4 1 10' 19 3/4 18 3/4 1 30 18 3/4 16 1/4 2 1/2 M .16 1/4 14 1/2 1 3/4 4 Mi K P-2 35' , 0 30 3/4 24 1/2 6 1/4 PC F 10 24 1/2 21 1/2 3 rr 10 !!' 21 1/2 20 1 1/2 20 19 10 19 18 1/2 1/2 10 18 1/2 18 1/2 10 18 17 3/4 1/4 10 17 3/4 17 1/2 1/4 *3 0 17 1/2 16 1/4 1 1/4 30 16 1/4 15 1/4 11 27 )-3 34 10 31 3/4 30 1/2 1 1/4 10 30 1/2 29 1/4 1 1/4 10.1 29 1/4 28 1/2 3/4 i, Ftp 101 28 1/2 27 1/2 101, 27 1/2 26 1/2 1 0� 26 1/2 26 1/2 10 26 25 10 25 24 3/4 1/4 30 24 3/4 22 1/2 1 3/4 -30 22 1/2 21 1/2 1 22 202OA-00 Tax #2103-351-00-005 350 King Ranch Rd MILLER JOB NAME— Minturn, CO �3 P - IA'7 � 'K JOB N4. Wn�Ll/ - - B LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED g(! 73 (!�j -�' z" io©o — �75 lb�tro G�?b Q X 1� 0 �GL/Ov (� JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product.278 Q® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC.. GROTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A. v v - o \\ ' v ATh N v ' v - 7J i v � v v CO AI& M r1 N Aun _ _ I _= h v i r 0o v Y 1 .. NEW, 1000—GALON I = N LIFT STA 70N TRACT C (PARCEL 1) =9 W. SERIAL DISTRIBUT70N SEE DETAIL A —A INSPECTION PORT—\\ STANDARD /NF7L TRA TOR TYPICAL 87.5' M 93.75' rn LIT n / ( EXISTING, TWO, 1000—GALLON _ SEP_ 77C TANKS, TO BE CLEANED \\ P G AND INSPEC7FD, PRIOR TO CONNEC77NG TO 7HE NEW LEACHF7ELD. v - n r� / ' 90 " �R SCy • • 23' — _ 40 C 01 CLEANOUT TO BE INSTALLED — `�_\V \ \\ BETWEEN 7NE SEP71C TANK AND THE BUILDING — v i I I� A W O Z 00 it 0 E o `\ a \ - 7C \' U 46 133'(128' MIN REQ'D) i o \ \ X \ \ 0 PERCOLATION TEST RESUL TS Design percolation rate T = 25 minutes per inch Perc No. 1 Perc No. 2 Perc No. 3 Number of bedrooms = 6 13.3 minutes per inch 13.3 minutes per inch 40 minutes per inch Maximum daily Flow =Qmax Qmax = 6 bdrms x 2 persons/bdrm x 75 gallons/person%day x 1507. Z Average percolation rate recommended for design T = 25 minutes per inch. Qmax = 1350 god Percolation, test results and soil profile data done on July 27 and 28, 2000.Q. SEPTIC TANK V = Qmax/24hrs x X hrs V = 1688 gallons o 2000 gallon, two compartment concrete tank is required. The existing, two, one-1000 gallon tanks will be used, after being cleaned and inspected. ABSORPTION AREA i SOIL PROFILE A = Qmax/5 x ✓T A = 1350/5 x✓ 25 = 1350 s f. PROFILE HOLE Based on Applicatio Rate: o 0 to 0.5 feet Topsoil 0.5 to 2 feet Light Brown, A = 1350gpd/0.6 gpd/s.f. silty -clayey sand A = 2250 s.f. Z 2 to 7 feet Brown, clayey -silty, gravelly sand to sandy gravel. Standard Infiltrator Chamber System in a trench configuration with on al/owed 50 percent No Ground Water. reduction in the absorption area is recommended. No Bedrock. A correc ted = 1125 s. f. Surface area of one Infiltrator Chamber = 15.5 s. f. Use 73 /n filtrator Chambers in five trenches, as shown on the p/ano _ V NorEs r� V � 1. A cleanout should be installed between the house and the existing septic tanks, if one is not there. Qoc oc �1 2. The two existing septic tanks should be pumped out and inspected. A new, 1000-gallon lift station should be installed north of the existing tanks. The lift station must be filled with water and tested. J. Excavate three (3) feet wide trenches. The horizontal distance from sidewall to sidewall between the p Z O trenches shall be a minimum of six (6) feet. Q ~ O Q 4. The bottom and the sidewalls of the trenches shall be raked to eliminate smearing. W vzQ C 5. Assemble and install the Infiltrator Chambers in the trenches according to the manufacturers �4' Z Y W Q recommendations. r,�Uj `�1 0LO 6. Backfill the sidewall area with native on -site soil for proper support. W n W A 7. Backfill the trenches with a minimum of 12 inches of tamped soil cover. _j Z 8. Avoid vehicle traffic over the system. Z 9. All installations shall meet the rules and regulations of the Eagle County Environmental Health Division, cu Chapter 4, Individual Sewage Disposal Systems. o 10. The Septic System Installation shall be inspected by the Design Engineer prior to backfilling. J W U 1 Q CL Pump Selection A00 A pump capable of delivering 20 gpm a ainst 17 feet of head can be used.- Theevations N 0between the pump invert and the inver of the infiltrator should be field verified.he pumping rr) I system must also include pump contro and an alarm system, audible and visual. A :'dose 04 co volume of 340 gallons, four times a day will be pumped to the absorption area. Zoeller pump, 000) GRAPHIC SCALE Model 282, or equivalent can be used The pump selection must be verified with the 'engineer. 01-1 20 0 10 20 40 so The pump dose and the alarm system must be tested prior to the final inspection of the U C system. U vi v v L ` - IN -FEET i 1 inch = 20 ft 1000 GALLON ELECTRIC LIFT STA TION co co 90' ELBOW GROUND SURFACE I r7 0)PLAN I 00 I .r cV cn 22-1/2 ' ELBOW 6' MINIMUM DETAIL A - A N. T S. NOTE. SITE PLAN BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING, INC. 90' ELBOW INFIL IRA TOR CHAMBER SECTION GROSS NET DISCHARGE WEIGHT VOLUME . VOLUME. PER CYCLE TANK/LID 1050 GAL 900 GAL. Variable 17.62 gol/vert in 9300 LBS I NOTE. • The above septic tank is produced by Front Range Precast Concrete i DRAWN BY L. P. CHECKED BY L.P. PROJECT NO.: 20107 DA TE. 08- 04-2000 DRAWING NO.: 20107SD.DWG SHEET 1 OF 1 i