HomeMy WebLinkAboutDiamond Star Lot 4 - 193927401023INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1997-00 BP NO. L 3 ,fib j OWNER: DAVE MITTELMAN PHONE: 508-785-1529 MAILING ADDRESS: 16 ROLLING LANE, DOVER, MA 02030 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 133 WEST DIAMOND STAR RD., EAGLE, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 1939-264-03-011 —,57 41- U� LICENSED INSTALLER: LONG'S EXCAVATING, JERRY McARTHUR LICENSE NO. 25-00 PHONE: 970-949-4682 DESIGN ENGINEER: ALPINE ENGINEERING, GLENN PALMER PHONE NO. 970-926-3373 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1000 GALLON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH AN AEROBJET AND PUMP, 1500 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT„ VIA 64 INFILTRATOR UNITS (ALLOWING A 34% REDUCTION OF THE AREA BECAUSE OF THE CHAMBERS.) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED 6/9/00. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES, AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. BUILDING CERTIFICATE, OF OCCUPANCY NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEE,Ny INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: ��� DATE: JUNE 27, 2000 CONDITIONS: I. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. TIES PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 15 O O SQUARE FEET (VIA 64 INFILTRATOR UNITS ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTICrANK: 1 OOOGALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND 6— FEET INCHES FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE. T401TRE SEE EN-TNEER1S AS —BUTT -Ts COMMENTS: ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTTFT(IATTC)N AND AS —BUILT DRAWING RECEIVED 9-1 1 —01 . THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE A THREE BEDROOM RESIDENCE. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL B ECT FARE FI OVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. r ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 2001 ISDS Permit # Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE- EAGLE COUNTY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823(Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $2.00.00 PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: �� �o\�iRS l any Zjoyec-� 1"�A� 0Z030 PHONE: S08-_785- XSZ9 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: 508 -`18S - IS29 LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: Uron Ey'y-0 ,(M10n SnG- ADDRESS:954 , kVOn PHONE: 0%_10 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ()U NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: Qrj"ej NAap o.( S4,r'7.aRcV1 , -ec• 1Jo. (o(o33 Parcel Number: 1i`? � ��{-8 'f-//q3q-�1�`�-0,3-D�! Lot size:_ 3`jj) 133 Physical Address: IIS\ W ��a•Y,c� ` � �. E a�\er Co sk631 BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) (Y� Residential / Single Family Number of Bedrooms 3 ( ) Residential / Multi -Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial / Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Well ()Q Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public ( ) Name of Supplier: *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" SIGNATURE: DATE: G � IrJ-00 AMOUNT PAID: Ise RECEIPT# l �DATE: CHECK # CASHIER: Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com Date: June 27, 2000 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TO: Long's Excavating FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.1997-00. Property Location: 133 West Diamond Star Rd., Eagle, CO., Mittelman residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1997-00. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Alpine Engineering, Glenn Palmer Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO September 18, 2001 Dave Mittelman 16 Rolling Lane Dover, MA 02030 Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Permit #1997-00, Tax Parcel #1939-264-03-011. Property location: 133 West Diamond Star Rd., Eagle, CO. Dear Mr. Mittelman: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files (• ENGINEERING INC. Alpine Engineering. Inc./P.O. Box 97/Edwards, Colorado/81632/970-926--3373/FAX 970-926-3390 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION t4I-I T Le1 WA AJ -T - JJQB TITLE: WT 4. p )4ew N r-,++ Name:.�14 �{' ri4-� L Name: t),,, Nome; SC ENFI~A~�?K1�4 Compony: 6 RAFAM R Company: [<AE� GCa F ompany. T1Z� s GvC$T Fox: Iq A? -- 19 0 � Fax: -211 _ ` Fax: Nome: Name: Narne: company. Company; Company-. Fox: fox: Fox: Number of pages (including cover sheet) 6Z REMARKS: 4$4/.q1 AYi P 11,14, Jr . Q 5 4r haw 14. c 14 - a Gft, f 14, ew,. S 7` r 22753 SEP-10-2001 MON 98:59AM ID:EAGLE COUNTY ENV HEALTH PAGE:1 Memorandum To: Glenn Palmer CC: From: Fred Tobias Date: 09/0 1/00 Re: Diamond S Ranch - Mittelman Residence Septic System 1 visited the site on Thursday, August 31, 2000 to observe the leach field. The infiltrators and associated piping were installed as well as the subdrain. Depth to the bottom of the infiltrator was approximately 12" to 15" from existing grade. There were no bends in the infiltrator system, just a slight curvature. The soil was dry, sandy silt. Inspection portals were visible and it appears that the pvc was hung in the first row. Excavation for the subdrain system was in material that had small cobbles (+/- 6"). There was no ground water evident and this material appears to be able to drain well. The system appears to have been constructed per the design plan. 91 s/oo -- e�:'L SEP-10-2001 MON 05:OOAM IG:EAGLE COUNTY ENV HEALTH PAGE:2 43 fuz)r-0 i.7 JJ P. 1 A—LPIN NO a em ENGINEERING INC. Alpine Engineering, Inc./P.O. Box 97/Edwards, Colorado/81632/970-926-3373/F'AX 970-926-3390 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION DATE: j �J��eJC}B 11TLE:�7TLlYJ}�U.+- L..® 74f�l1� Name: �)N'G7 K Name: Name: Company. �LC (O J+E7VtTtt Company. Company. Fax: _. $' Fax: Fax: Name: Name: Name: Company. Company. Company. Fax: Fax: Fax: S Number of pages (including cover sheet) f i7 REMARKS: fi e 17 r 1 I _�f�lrhl TI IC Gig • a9 MM Tn • Garl C r ni WTV Ch11 I uCGI TW Dnr-,C - 9 PINE ENGINEERING INC. Alpine Engineering, Inc./P.O. Box 97/Edwards, Colorado/81632/970-926-3373/FAX 970-926-3390 TRANSMISSION DATE: JO-Zy—o/ JOB i1TL.E: Name: N KD Name: �� D 'a,�/ Name: Compony.C.A61.E GO Company- Company. Fax: Fax: Fax: Name: Name: Name: Company. Company. Company. Fax: Fox: Fax: Number of pages (including cover sheet) REMARKS: -J/f T — Pf eA C 1, t ®• �/ r�i fic �,�,, •, whorl �' ! VGN I-ew rlS - : ' L N! !� df'►� Gl h v / lh1 ec �i Y o1 ! 11 SOY') /y►.� R� � / J I oowft I Al IL r\7'. our .- `.� r'�" �,• ate, i �`• j '` y�•�. ����_) .: .. ���' ice. "Sa�;'';'aI. :n,-`.,,. :rf•,$:� , FA Zi hSq ixi` • �,ll."°• "tia. "��j V •C 4.01 �.�'si.T _� a • ;(y�y�. '`y'�r�,'F 7��J,t�}' d� YP Y�l �'•�/��/ ' �+,r a' �9 k <a ..s Y s • 1• fir' 1 �• Y ��` a_ � . Diamond S Ranch, � �az/ eAl Lli Qw r Parcel 4, Sanitary System As -built /porner # '1 t" $�ar •Siba1ea,�1" � t t IN I f j # #i z " ; 3• ti � s�� ti I Y 6q h A s,�. '" . " Comer * Lot Corner #1 North Lot Corner Northin=72818.5095 Eastin =37786.1454 Lot Corner #2 West Lot Corner Northin=72275.7104 Eastin =37541.0978 Lot Corner #3 SouthEast Lot Corner Northin=72206.3094 Eastin =37948.3498 Sheet 1 EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390 IiWJ@A 1002 VO U:91 bZ ID0 PGM 6MP'8d 31IS b101\J@IseW\OMO\I0086Js0\:d S Ranch, Parcel 4, Sanitary System As -built LF ", r !� p.� t a c Sc ale:� Q' 4 i g. S lO h:y � L dp:rX to • } f �~tt MAIN k f o A t 0 P uCi I r: f Ck1 y S 7` a f S s a ;•5' MH 1 yPU PS CONTROLS t rr' E :..00Q.0� PVC SANK •� % W/ £RQBJET �' r xf ` J ✓ r• �,. 64 INFILTRATORS .r. 4 TRENCHES _® 10,G, LONG �.""... : ..... «-�9V. r !�^ ! J " — ` �'}} .! 2"' PERT. PVC HUNG r✓ Ytr � —ONSIDE' ftRST -TRENCH, — ! 1•• ✓,+� A L,} ".r.. r'M ✓'� O J, �G.7 � oe 111 al., •_ - ..."^' ..�" o, i_ I r �,,,,, r✓' tt .�C7 NOTE: Building Iodafidn-shown,. as.fstaked�� AE1� pp o , O INSPECTION r PORTAL (TYP) f a z SERIAL DISTRIBUTION.�� 66 5' DEEP SUB�N i • • i MH' 'UMPS vCI ;AL. YANK BJET t t' Septic D Co 102 Point , Northing, Eastin , Elev, Description 100,37970.360514,72214.804233,6696.319,CO 101,37966.189196,72232.034133,6695.579,CO 102,38061.675640,72226.949716,6696.216,CO 103, 38057.243235, 72246.293853, 6695.010, CO 104,38061.125215,72269.910807,6693.832,CO 105,37855.421593, 72373.771839,6670.604,CO 106,37865.013027,72370.775759,6670.720,AEROBAJET 107,37874.931078,72362.806704,6669.537,VAULT Sheet 2 EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390 4t11JJ2A 100Z 92 :£Z :91; bZ 130 P@M bmP'G 31IS VIOL\JagseW\gM0\;0096Js0\ :d . Diamond S Ranch Parcel 4, Sanitary System As -built T — fRANSFORMER t# �.....«....„::.,,w,,.,,,,.. •...w..w-..,...yam' f ( ,,..J" k a } t i jf a' 3 i £ er t H n F' —4 t3 G ' RM Scale: f" = 4C1' T 1 oIA n 3 i 2- MjdN '} ►• c FORCE } r t > a 000 %4 P .0 £ 2 n 044 t !` f C i f W # L T " Mf•I W b L R 'WiF £ A T � 'F c S M R` }f U .S dt (:ON Ol5 J h i r kE 4 $ 4 ? { Y { z ��:•, # :.c•�'"r.:s`¢a sr.. # � fA � f.,d. �i�N} vx � �M� F, 'h`ti,.µ, `f .Q •t a�' �' .✓N' �a,:..>t•'`O �,.. ��y�.+• V ww ww n.w. wro ...+.w,wr vw xvw w+w '��+y •,,. .,,, aka.,. `�,:`• F` d• f^'.` ..�•^' O .,,+r•,N>.,:,u•:+a.c•...:ox:.,:roco>.>... .. tix...,•,;�, p (],lJ' /f t , �+4, �^;� � r �� fv«""' � Z � 16 3.83 103 { W m a INSPECTION ` 6 h '� { PORTAL (TYP) ` ...,�y 102 .22 t ` i SduthEd�t Lot Corner a NorthingtF72206.3094. --k'+ 66 � Eating=37948.349.8" f t''•Y +� ; ` / ` p P 64 INFILTRATORS w 4 TRENCHES O 100' LONG 2' PERF. PVC HUNG SERIAL DISTRIBUTION , ,,.•�""•`•�`•.••INSIDE FIRST TRENCH,— f„ North Lot Corner Northin=72818.5095 Eastin=37786.1454 West Lot Corner Northin=72275.7104 Eastin=37541.0978 SouthEost Lot Corner Northin=72206.3094 Eastin=37948.3498 Point , Northing, Eastin , Elev, Description 100, 37970.360514, 72214.804233, 6696.319, CO 101,37966.189196,72232.034133,6695.579,CO 102,38061.675640,72226.949716,6696.216,CO 103,38057.243235,72246.293853,6695.010,CO 104,38061.125215,72269.910807,6693.832,CO 105, 37855.421593, 72373.771839, 66 70.604, CO 106,37865.013027,72370.775759,6670.720,AEROBAJET 107,37874.931078,72362.806704,6669.537,VAULT EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390 11maaN 1002 9v:11:9b £Z qao and 6Mp'9d 31IS viol\aaisew\9M0\ti0096as6\:d PINE ENGINEERING INC. Alpine Engineering, Inc./P.O. Box 97/Edwards, Colorado/81632/970-926-3373/FAX 970-926-3390 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION r41-rTLC--K1A&J DATE: q - -7 - b I JO T1TLE: LOT 44: P I A M /V �vGFi Name: �iJ1rT i<�tt L ame: � ame: �� EN 1 to e1C Company. 6—AG(HEALU Company. CA6� Co 96 ompany. Fax: a A C) Fax: a X_ / s Fax: Name: Name: Name: Company. Company. Company. Fax: Fax: Fax: Number of pages (including cover sheet) 2�� Q REMARKS: NET — 1�0'2-— T fvvG jlol b 1 L Tao tt a wit lop Wu, Q `f - W t-V I I Gt saS Tke qC 11:�f G fi4111 4w�- orl Apo .....,!sr ., .a i 22753 I 9-7-0/ : rr ••a .......' GrJ a Memorandum To: Glenn Palmer CC: From: Fred Tobias Date: 09/01 /00 Re: Diamond S Ranch - Mittelman Residence Septic System I visited the site on Thursday, August 31, 2000 to observe the leach field. The infiltrators and associated piping were installed as well as the subdrain. Depth to the bottom of the infiltrator was approximately 12" to 15" from existing grade. There were no bends in the infiltrator system, just a slight curvature. The soil was dry, sandy silt. Inspection portals were visible and it appears that the pvc was hung in the first row. Excavation for the subdrain system was in material that had small cobbles (+/- 6"). There was no ground water evident and this material appears to be able to drain well. The system appears to have been constructed per the design plan. 91 s / 00 — c> I- bpf 1'� S+Y, zr7e> 1 o L �ptP. SEPTIC SYSTEM APPLICATION DIAMOND S RANCH - LOT 3 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO MITTELMAN RESIDENCE June 2000 Prepared for: Ken Harkias Trends West P.O. Box 2382 Edwards, CO 81632 Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 970/926-3373 153 4!d!U#ii141k1iU�i1b��� a c ur�arrrie MISjTIeSS Center\P-O. Box 97_ PAVIal ds, CO 81632 PTA, M-InI Olf-7-37.1 rAV. f970) ��3390 Yl t y; f Lt ENGI 4EERIW INC IFACSIMIU TRAtNSAUSSION: Date: June 21, 2000 Time: Job: Mittelman Residence - Diamond S Ranch To; Environmental .Health Office To: Co: Co: Fax #: 328-0349 Fax #: To: Glenn Palmer To: Co: AEI Co: Fax #: Fax #: To: To: Cc: Co: Fax #: Fax #: From: Fred Tobias (If there are any problems concerning this FAX please call Marian at 926-3373) Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 2 Transmitted: for approval as requested reviewed for your use for review and comment for your record X other Add to permit application Remarks: Sirs, _ Please note the revised title for the detail (see following�sheeo that is on ttie Septic and ltili Plan that was submitted far septic permit today. ty Confidentiality Statement: `this facsimile transmission and any accompwtying sa_ __ belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legaily privileged. This inforoat-at , ...,: .J use of the individual or entity to whom this facsimile Frsara«s=.e« E F.*, x �. _; > r `t � — intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or Rciicm to Y - _,a — information contained in the facsimile is strictly pr;,hl --. d1-1--- call us collect to arrange for the return of the docunjents to 14- a TI IKI-;:)I -PXAUI@ I.Ir-n ral • 1 MMM TI 1 • anr-i C rni IIJTV CF.11 I Wr-7CI TW P®F'C- 1 2" Forcemoin Existing Ground Infiltrator Unit tM) r SFr c ssl 7- ,4• d' MIRAFI 14ON 3/4" WaShed Rock 4" Perforated PVC 0 1% Min. Stole: 1" = 2'-0" s s MIRAFI 140N 2'-0" 4" Perforated PVC 0 19 Min, 3/4" Washed Ronk 4' SUBDRAIN Stole: 1" = 2'-0" 1' Cover Final Grade Most holes in tap_ 2" Perforated PVC 150 1 /8 Dia holes in first run of infiltrator 5 holes in bottom of pipe, 1st ROW INFILTRATOR DETAIL (Pipe hung in Infiltrators) .. Not to Scale JUN-21-2000 WED 01:10PM ID:EAGLE COUNTY ENV HEALTH PAGE:2 Introduction: A 3-bedroom house is proposed to be constructed on Parcel 3, Diamond S Ranch. The parcel line is currently being revised so that the house and septic system will be on Parcel 4 as shown on the enclosed plan. The parcel is approximately 35 acres and bounded by the Eagle River to the north, an irrigation ditch, and irrigated fields make up most of the site that generally slopes to the north towards the Eagle River at 10 —15%. Domestic water is to be supplied by a well. Proposed Use: -3-bedroom house at 2 persons per bedroom x 75 gpd x 150% = 675 gpd Septic Tank Size: -675 gpd x 30/24 = 850 gallons (or a 1000 gallon tank) DUE TO GROUNDWATER NEAR THE HOMESITE, USE AMCOR TANK WATER LOADING FOR HYDROSTATIC (BUOYANCY) ISSUES. Percolation Test and Soil Profile Hole: Soil profile 1 — 3' deep: dry topsoil, silty sand Soil profile 3 — 4' deep: very moist sandy silts (appears to be wetted from irrigation ditch) Soil profile 4 — 7' deep: moist sandy silts Soil profile 7' deep: moist sandy, silty gravels Percolation Tests: (3) 2' deep holes were hand dug. The average percolation rate was 20 minutes per inch. ✓ (1) Percolation test was performed at 3.5' to 4' deep in the very moist sandy silts. The percolation rate wa �inutes per inch. It is proposed to provide a subdrain uphill of the absorption trenches to intercept groundwater originating from the irrigation ditch, uphill of the field. The subdrain will only carry groundwater around the absorption trenches and not discharge to the surface. Absorption Trenches: A — Q/5 SIT = (675/5)(440) = 853 SF (55 units) Application Rate: (.45 gpd/SF loam, porous silt/loam) A = 675 gpd = 1500 SF (34% reduction for infiltrator units) I/ .45 1500 SF x 64% = 960 SF at 15.5 SF per unit = 62 units 1/ Use 4 trenches at 16 units per trench ;; 6 64 units x 15.5 SF per unit = 992 SF Horizontal Setbacks: Leach field to potable water supply (25 feet minimum) Leach field to dwelling (20 feet minimum) Leach field to property line (10 feet minimum) Leach field to well (100 feet minimum) Leach field to river (50 feet minimum) Leach field to top of bank (4H) = 18(4) = (32 feet minimum) Septic tank to building (5 feet minimum) Septic tank to potable water supply (10 feet minimum) Pump Design -Dose 4 times daily = 674 _ 4 = 170 gallons -4' manhole at 1' pump depth -A = fIR2=11(2)2 (7.48 gallons/ft) = 94 gallons per foot 1/8" hole = allow pipe to drain back IL 5 I.y -2" pipe at 2 fps = 18 gpm -180 gallons at 20 gpm = 9 minute pump run time (acceptable) -+90 gallons pipe = 12 minute pump run time -Elevation head 64 — 67 = 27 feet -480 feet at .65 psi/100 = 7 feet Volume in Pipe: -480' of 2" PVC 11(1/12)2 = .0218 ft2/ft x 480 = 10.5 ft3 = 80 gallons Subdrain: Provide subdrain uphill of septic system to intercept irrigation derived groundwater. Subsurface discharge so monitoring permit will not be required. , -,, • i- . • - APPLICATIONS Specifically designed for the following uses: • Homes • Farms • Trailer courts • Motels • Schools • Hospitals • Industry • Effluent systems SPECIFICATIONS Pump: • Solids handling capabilities: 1/4" maximum. • Discharge size: 2" NPT. • Capacities: up to 128 GPM. • Total heads: up to 123 feet TDH. • Mechanical seal: silicon carbide -rotary seat/silicon carbide -stationary seat, 300 series stainless steel metal parts, BUNA-N elastomers. • Temperature: 1040F (40°C) continuous 140OF (60°C) intermittent. • Fasteners: 300 series stainless steel. • Capable of running dry without damage to components. Motor: •Single phase:'/3 HP, 115 or 230 V 60 Hz, 1750 RPM; '/2 HP,115 V, 60 Hz, 3500 RPM; '/2 HP —1'/2 HP, 230 V, 60 Hz, 3500 RPM. Built-in overload with automatic reset. Class B insulation. • Three phase:'/2 HP — 1'/2 HP 200/230/460 V, 60 Hz, 3500 RPM. Class B insulation, overload protection must be provided in starter unit. • Shaft: threaded, 400 series stainless steel. • Bearings: ball bearings upper and lower. • Power cord: 20 foot standard length (optional lengths available). Single phase:'/3 and'/2 HP —16/3 SJTO with three prong plug. 1/4-1'/2 HP —14/3 STO with bare leads. Three phase: '/2-1'/2 HP —14/4 STO with bare leads. On CSA listed models — 20 foot length SJTW and STW are standard. METERS FEET r 90 25 r 80 70 20 W 60 L) 50 a 15 Z 0 40 a 0 10 30 2C 5 10 0 Goulds Submersible Effluent Pump 3885 CANADIAN STANDARD ASSOCIATION SP FEATURES Impeller: Cast iron, semi - open, non -clog with pump - out vanes for mechanical seal protection. Balanced for smooth operation. Silicon bronze impeller available as an option. Casing: Cast iron volute type for maximum efficiency. 2" NPT discharge adaptable for slide rail systems. Mechanical Seal: Silicon carbide vs. silicon carbide sealing faces. Stainless steel metal parts, BUNA-N elastomers. Shaft: Corrosion -resistant stainless steel. Threaded design. Locknut on three phase models to guard against component damage on accidental reverse rotation. M. Motor: Fully submerged in high-grade turbine oil for lubrication and efficient heat transfer. Designed for Continuous Operation: Pump ratings are within the motor manufacturer's recommended working limits, can be operated continuously without damage. Bearings: Upper and lower heavy duty ball bearing construction. Power Cable: Severe duty rated, oil and water resistant. Epoxy seal on motor end provides secondary moisture barrier in case of outer jacket damage and to prevent oil wicking. 0-ring: Assures positive sealing against contaminants and oil leakage. NONE MENEM MEN MENE M owl ON 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130GPM 10 20 30 W/h CAPACITY © 1994 Goulds Pumps, Inc. Effective May, 1994 P•d ELE£92SOLS 9NIN33NI9N3 3NId-lU d09:10 TO TT des xtlr_ r-11U 111GCK 11IL2 U'(uueuJJ73 P.1 FAXED 9110 Z Alpine Engineering, Inc;,/p.o, 8OX '97%Edwards, Colorodo/,81632/97o-926-3373/FAX 970--925-3390 ------- FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION ��r �� �� �+�+• vdc nl_r111C G11U111ttKIfjU b"M8263323 p.2 TO: Glenn Paimer CC: From. FrMd Tobias Date: 09/0 l /00 Re: Diamond S Ranch - Mittelman Residence Septic System I visited the site on Thursday, august 31, 2000 to observe the leach field, The infiltrators and associated piping were installed as well as the subdrain. Depth to the bottom of the infiltrator was approximately 12" to 15" from existing grade. There were no bends in the infiltrator system, just a slight curvature. The soil was dry, sandy silt. Inspection portals were visible a ld it appears that the pvc was hung in the first row. Excavation for the subdrain system was in material that had small cobbles (4./- f "). There was no ground water evident and this material appears to be able to drain well. The system appears to have been constructed per the design plat. tC ? S kr. 2r� E _—� C9 Sy r 1997-00 Taxi - =�f q 5 ,'�/ ' U 01 — — JOB NAME _ 13 t #4, Diamond Star MITTELMAN �s 3 West Diamond Star Rd. Eagle JOB NO. 13 5 D I nnertnwi BILL TO DATE ST RTED b DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED ZZ UU �W /f y /!/! Q lv i/J {7'Gt {71Y UvtA /T 4a V�/I/ -Z�"d 3 /'l 4 JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 JOB FOLDER Pr►nted In U.SA • 06££-9Z6 XV3 - £L££-9Z6 OL6 • Z£9l8 OOVSO'100 `SCISVM03 - L6 X08 'O'd 2i31N30 SS3NISf18 SOZIHMa3 HONVU 1JViSCINONVICI OONI DNIH . 39MON3 NV�lcA Aiiii.Ln CINV 011cADS m 1 d49 03N33HO i3A rMvaa SNOISIN321 31VU 'ON 13� ' U3N91S30 w W 2 V) s Ml 9 _a .O O C9t7 �p +O. a Ow O o U) p 0 O li.l Lki C O JJ m W -0 V a' U A= -1 N .- In �. m W w yj �! vV '* Ocn N W F \ �- \\//� af 0 . ••i, f � � � w \/����i 1,/' � (V / ��, / \ %� ` /` � Q � ,` �, LLJ ;�. Q o \ 0 (� XN 0 i/� \.I 0 CPO \� N V� o ,�` .. V� - )•'...�''!:: >�.: 3v CV - �\ 0 �oOO� %��N (n `��� �it o0 `\� N ': Z LWWZ�=y • ` , �: ; a.;�\ 0 po\�� 6�C? �\ \ .. \�� (n Lol a _LLJ \ w Q U a Y • Q rod - 20 p ,;t„->: JOLL- V)a- w cx �U 0 "• 3 Z O V a W Y� +, t;. *y.. 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