HomeMy WebLinkAbout1375 Green Mountain Dr - 239128103007INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1990-00 BP NO. / 3 3-AO OWNER: MARC A. & DIANN KROEGER PHONE: 970-704-1960 MAILING ADDRESS: 0076 SURREY STREET, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: 970-704-1960 SYSTEM LOCATION: 1375 GREEN MEADOWS DRIVE, CARBONDALE, CO TAX PARCELNO 2391-281-03-007 LICENSED INSTALLER: ZAMORA EXCAVATING, JOE ZAMORA LICENSE NO.29-00 PHONE: 970-963-1399 DESIGN ENGINEER: HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, ROGER NEAL PHONE NO. 970-945-8676 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1250 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, 1209 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA, VIA 39 INFILTRATOR UNITS AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED 6/5/00. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS, AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLA- TION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: / DATE: JUNE 23, 2000 CONDITIONS: I. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THIS ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1116 SQUARE FEET (VIA 36 INFILTRATOR UNITS ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK: 1250 GALLONS IS LOCATED WEST DEGREES AND 49 FEET INCHES FROM THE CLEANOUT ON THE WEST STDF. OF THE HOTTSF- COMMENTS: ENGINEER"S FINAL CERTIFICATTON AND AS—BTTTT.T DRAWING RECETVF.D ON DF.CF.MBRR 1 9 , 2ppa THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH TO A(-Cnmmc)T)Q'TF. A FOUR BEDROOM RESIDENCE- THE ORIGINAL DESIGN CALLED FOR 39 INFILTRATOR UNITS, BUT THE NUMBER TNSTAT.T.F.TI IS AIIEQ_TTATE ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVALDATE: DECEMBER 28, 2000 Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # /101, 6 — 0 Building Permit # �� APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) ************************************************************************** * FEE SCHEDULE * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * SIZING AND SITE•VISIT FEE $85.00 (WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SIZES THE * SYSTEM USING YOUR SOILS REPORT) * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER : ma..✓c- A • qa T / t, r rn- fytlec.e-r MAILING ADDRESS: bC (,, Stu Yew �� i'(�wloor do ,; CO 814,Z3 PHONE: -7C-1 q(,Q APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: Pi0-v1r M. Yro-eA2l PHONE: `16L4- I4to1) LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: Tbe- ZGi.morc. PHONE: Q(p3-I q COMPANY / DBA : 7�.ocy-)o,ra C-x Ccty&-A-j q ADDRESS: 'PC) • 6>c -I C,4 Ca, On -c" , (Z t916Z3- *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: b<j NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: Lt,i- 1:3; Mess Tax Parcel Number: 23C1 17,(e> Ib3 b0-) Lot Size: -2-1 AcN-�--s Physical Address: ►'y r b,-& BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) /l (X; Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms _ ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) S rface Public Name of Supplier: -- i YVl�ur-Izci� Vim APPLICANT SIGNATURE: ii7 • 6j2i-=2Jt_ Date: s� l� Ob *************************************************************************** AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: 4o DATE: 119- h-D CHECK #: = CASHIER: 0 Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com Date: June 23, 2000 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TO: Zamora Excavating FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.1990-00. Property Location: 1375 Green Meadows Drive, Carbondale, CO., Kroeger residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1990-00. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files High Country Engineering, Roger Neal Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com December 28, 2000 Mark and Diann Kroeger 0076 Surrey Street Carbondale, CO 81623 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Permit #1990-00, Tax Parcel #2391-281-03-007. Property location: 1375 Green Meadows Drive, Carbondale, CO. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kroeger: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files December 8, 2000 Ray Merry Eagle County Environmental Health Department P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: ISDS for the Kroeger Residence, Lot 13 Sopris Mesa Subdivision HCE File Number 2000004.18 Dear Ray: On December 7, 2000 High Country Engineering personnel observed the construction of the ISDS located at 1375 Green Meadow Drive, Lot 13 in the Sopris Mesa Subdivision. All of the components of the system had been installed, and only minor backfilling had taken place. A 1250 gallon septic tank and 36 Infiltrator Equalizer units with inspection wells had been installed in 4 trenches. The sewer pipe from the house was installed with a cleanout outside the foundation, and the installation of the system was in conformance with the intent of the design. We are providing you with a drawing of the system as constructed with measurements to the major components of the system shown. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, HIGH CO RY ENGINEERING, INC. Roger D. Neal Principal Engineer RDN j ept cc: Kroeger's 923 Cooper Avenue Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 phone 970 945-8676 • fax 970 945-2555 14 Inverness Drive East, Ste B-144 Englewood, CO 80112 phone 303 925-0544 • far 303 925-0547 JUN-cc--uu 111u uO,ct r11 mun uuumni n1Ylr1. cnNinki Juno 20, 2000 r HA NU, b f U 040. 1:'-000 po=oq, R E C1E I V E D J N 2 2 MOO Hepworth-P awl ak (40tecluiical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glerwwd Springs, Colowdo 81.601 E'hnaee. 970)445.7988 Pax- 970-945-8454. lair��co�� Y�peeol¢Cla.Cotn Mavk aliid Diann kroc-cr 16 Sui,rcy Lane Catotadale, Colorado 81623 Job No. 1.00 448 Subj4t.t; Subsoil Study for Foundation Design and Percolation Test, Proposed Residcr,ce, l.ot 13, Sopris Mesa Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado, Dcar Mr, and Mrs. Krooger: As rcqucswd, llcpworth-1:'awlak Geotechnic;af, Inc. performed a subsoil Study and percolation test for founelation and septic disposal designs at the subject site. The s- Iudy was cor?cltictcrl in accordance imiWe with our abreer~aerlt for gcotecTitaical engince.rirag services icy you elated May 23, 20K The; data obtalucd and our recommcndatious based on the proposed construction and subsurface conditions etacountered a.rc presented in this report. Hepworth-Paawlak Geotechnical, h1C. previously cmiductcd a preliminary geotechnical study for the: Sapris Mesta Subdivision and presented our findings in a rc-piOrt dl tcd October 23, 1997, Job No. 197 495, Proposed Construction. The proposed residence will be a single story wood frame strt civre with an attachcd garage located on the site as sbow,a oYa Fig. 1. Ground floors are proposed used to be slab -on -grade, Cat depths are expected to be about 4 fee?v. Forxridation loadings fox this type of construceioii are assumed to be relatively light acid typic-A of thcc proposed type of eonstmetion. The septic disposal system is proposed to he located -about 60 ft:ct downhill to the southwest of tho proposed residence. ICbUi:ding c;onklil..ions or foundation loadings are signifficaritly different from those described above, we should he notified. to re-evaltiate the reconmieiidattiolLs ,.3resenteci in this report. Site Conditions, The site was vacant at the time of our field work. The ground surface lla the building area. is rehaively flat wi[.h a sltalit slope: down to the south- sciaamcst. There i5 sbwt. 3 leer of elevation difference in the building area, A smriall irrigation ditch is locates i in the eastern portion of the lot. The lot is vegelared with grnY's wad weeds, S'"a`ubsid once 11otentials Sopris Mesa Subdivision is underlain by Peniasylvauaia=age Eagle Vc,lioy Fvaiporite b--drock. The evaporite contains gypsum deposits, Dissolution of the gypsum trader ceimin conditions can cause sinkholes to develop and can produce areas JUN-ee-UU IMU Uy,GG Hrl MUM UUMIM LNUINtLAIMr PHA 11U, yfU dWD e0nn V. t!i Mark apd t 7iaun Krooger June 20, 2000 Page 2 of locolizecl subsidenct,% Sinkholes were not observed in the inunediato area of the subject lot. The exploratory pits were, relatively shallow, for foundation design only. Based on our present knowledge of the site, it cannot be said for certain that sinkholes will not dovelol7. Ili our opinion, the risk of gromid, subsidence at Lot 13 is low but the owner Should be aware of the potential for sh-&-hole developnifnit. -Subsurface Coiidifl€►ns: The subsurface conditions all,, the site were evaluated by cxcavadjig two exploratory bits in the building a:ea and one profile pit in the septic disposal area at the approximate locations shown. on Fig. 1. The logs of the pits are prese:rlted on Fig. 2. Tlie sulbsoils encountered, below about 2 to 2r/z feet of topsoil, consist of `tiff to very sniff sandy silty clay, Results of swell -consolidation testing pirCarnied on relatively undisturbed samples of the clay, presented on Figs. 3 and 4, g0 ltridly hidic7te low'' coinpressib'tlity under existing molsture conditions and light loadiTig an.d at low expansion potential when `vetted. The sample front Pit 2 at 5V2 feet show,I-A i winor collapse potential (sctderncut under constant load) wheii wetted and login cotapressibili.ty upoa additional loading after wetting. No free water was observed II the Bats at the time of excav, don acid C11e S0118 were slightly in,oist to moist. Foundation Recommendations: Tht) subsoils encountered on Lot 13 are similar to those pnwiously found in the area avd have variable sctticmentllicave potential. Considering the subsoil conditions encountered in the exploratory pits and the nature of the proposWI CUTistrUCLiQ,r, spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural soil designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 psf cmi be used for support of the proposed resl4teir,ce. There could be past -construction foundation movements can the oa-ci: r of I to 2 inches if the beiring soils become wetted. The footing subgrade should be evaluated for se.ttlernent/heave potential at tale tirt,c of construction. .Footings should be a ratinita um width of lb hicbes for continums Walls and 2 feet for columns. Louse caul disturbed soils encountercd at the foundation bearing level within the excavation kll���►ltl toe revioved and the footing bearing level extended down to the undisturbed MMUral. soils. Compressible soils should be nwisteiied and compacted. Exterior footings should be proviclW with, adequate cover above their bearing elevations for frost prot,ec.ticm. Plac4:rx Mitt of footings st least 42 inches below the exterior grade is typically used in airs area, C:oaxti uous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to ql aca l o"ra,1 anomalies 'quch as by assucning an unsupoortod length of at teast 12 feet.. Foundation malls acting as retaining structures should be designed to resist a lateral Wrtlr r;ccs; urc based on an egiiivalerat fluid unlit weight of at least 55 pef for (lie onz site soil as backfill. H-F GFOTFCH JUN-ee-UU IHU 0;Ze_ HM HIUH UUUNIKY tNUINE INU PRA NU, UlU 04b ; bbb i'. U4 Mark and Diarui Kroegcr Juno 20, 2000 Page 3 Floor Slobs: The natural on -site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to suppc�I lightly loaded slab -on -grade construction. There could be. some heave potential of ibe clay soils. 'i'o reduce t1w effects of so ne differential MOVertaezat, floor slabs should be =.cpnratcd from all bi aring walls and columns with expansion joinm which allow iinuestraained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce dan a ge due, to shrinkage cnicaking. The requireineats for joint spacing and slab reinforcement should bc- established by the designer based on experience and the intc-nded slab use. A minirriar 4 inch layer of free-draird.lig gravel should be placed beneaadi basement level slabs to facilitate drainage. This material should consist of niiraers 2 iaacli ar.ggccgatc with less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and less than 2% passing ti,e No. 200 sieve. All fill riiatcrials for support of floor slabs should be -Witipact-ed to at least 95 ri' of maximinn standard Proctor density at a 1110isiurc CrailtMI near altitimctrn. Required, fill Cato consist of the on -site sails devoid of voge:tatim, topsoil and oversized rock, ii nde�rdrrahi System: Although free water was not encountered during our exploration„ it b as been our experience iti the area that local perched groundwater card dovclop during threes of heavy preeipiiation or seasonal runofff. Frozen ground durii.g spriag, runoff (.-an create as perched conditiota. We re:corninend below -grade construction, such cos re cahting Walls, crawlspace and basement areas, be protected from: wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdraira SYSTEM), The drdairis should consist of drainpipe placed hi the bottom of the wall backfrll surr'ouaded above the invert level with free -draining granular material,. The drain should be placed at each level of excavation and at least 1 foot below lowest adjacent finish grade and sloped at a inininlum 1 is to a suitable gravity outlet. Free -draining crvmwlalr Tuaetcrial used in the 'underdtaairz systcm should contain less than 2% passing the No, 200 s;ovc, less than 50% pu,ssing the Not 4 sieve and have a maximuni size of 2 inches. 'Die (train gravel backfill should be at least 1 a/`a feet deep. An impervious inernbrane such as 20 mil PVC: should be placcd berica-tth the drain gravel in a trough shapes and attached to the foundation wall with mastic to prevent wetting of the bearing soils. Surface Dralmaoge, The following dr:aiDage precautions should be Observed daring c:onr. ,truaio and inaintaained at all tisanes after the residence has been completed: 1} Ittondarion of the: fbundaGion excavations and underslab areas should be avo'decl during coristructioa. Drying could increase the expansion H-P GEoiIGH JUN-ee�-UU 1HU UHi« Hri t11UH UUUNIXY 1~lVUlydlrC. INU tHX NU. 8W Nb Z`bb r. U1j, Marla nad Diann Krocger Ram 20, 2000 llagc 4 potential of the clay soils., 2) 1-I'mrior baeldlill Should be adjusted to near optimum rt oi.slure and compacted to at least 951, of the maximum. staridlard Proctor density hi pavement and slab areas and to at least 90 of the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. Free -draining wall backfi.11 stiou.ld be capped with about 2 feet of the on -site, fincr graded soils to rcducc surface xvater infiltration, 3} The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundatia►a in all directions. We rccot mejid a minimum slope of 12 inches an the first 10 feet in unpaved areas arid a rrlinimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in pavement and walkway areas. 4) hoof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all bockfiil. 5) l,arlclscapir)g which requires regular heavy irrigation, such as sod, should be located at least 10 fCCC fronn the building. Percolation Testiag. Meollation tests were conducted. on May 25, 2000 to evaluate the feasibility of an infiltration septic disposal systern at the site, One proffic pit and three ;percolation holc;s were etug at the locat:iorns sUowxt orl Fig. 1. The test holes (nominal 12 inch tlianle(er by 12 inch sleep) were hand plug at the bottom of shallow backboo pits and gore soialsed witli water otie day pTior to testirag. The soils exposed in the Percolation 1."vles arc sirrnila,r to those exposed iri the Profile Pit shown on Fig. 2 and consist of about 2 felt of topsoil overlylag stiff to very stiff sanely silty clay to the pit del?th of 8 feet. The percohation test results are presented in Table 11, The percolation test results indicate and iridiltratiola rate of. 14 to 15 minutes per, inch. Based on the st,ibsur&ac ; conditions encountered and the percolation test results, the tested area should be suitable fos; a coaventiotnal infiltration septic disposal system. Limitations: This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geoteclmi.al engiriec.rin€; principles alnd practices in this area at tIlis time. We make no w4rramy either expressed or hnplied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in t.nis report are basod upon the data obinined from the exploratory pits excavated at tbc: 1tic0ion5 is7dicated on Fig. 1, the proposed type of construction and our experleac- in the area. Our fia dings include interpolation told extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploriltory pits and variations hi the subsurface conditions may not beconne evidcat until excavation is performed_ If conditions encountered dm-illg consrvucrion appear diffcrfe-nt From those described in this report, we should be H-P GE0TECH JUN-e&UU 1HU U8;ZJ HM t IUH UUUNIXY tNdINEMINU MA NU UIU Mb i�5:lb F, Ub N-14ark and Diarin Kroegeyr JUnO'1,0, 2000 Paue 5 notified at once so re-evaluation of the; recommendations may lid; rnadc. This report has bestir preparod for the exclusive use by cur client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical it terpretations by others of our information.. As ihi,,, project, evolves, Svc should provide conflaued consultation and field services during eon(ruQtion to review aaT)(. Z1101)itOt tflO implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the: re OTYMendations Nave bcen appropriately interpreted. Significant design chaogcs may require additional analysis or modificat.ons to the recommendations prescw.edi berei,n.. We recommend, atY."site observation of excavations and foundation boaria- strata. and tcstina of structural fill by a representative of the geotec:hnical ctt�;inccr. If you havoc !.my questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know, Siac,CrCly, 111' 'WORTH - PAVt LAK G Jordy Z, Adlamsoa, 3 Reviewed by: "MI y y7I w 4 Steven L. i'awlak, P.E. JZA/kscn allac.hrnents cc, Molt Couatry Engineering - Atm. Paid: Tuin H-P GEO1'ECH .lint cc-uu ! rtu ua - cJ m l a 1 un VUUM n { %lYlI11YGC,15 71Y17 C MA IYU. OW u 04U e000 C. u I LOT 14 '711 E 711B 711 is 7119 PROFILE A PIT P 1 1 F, zi A �+ LOT 13 # 1 F l + d � PiT 2 ! 1 i PROPOSED � t RESIDENCE � 1 , PIT 1 f ' e .000, �'� d 1 � r odl BUILDING � � E VELOP o' 7-120 PROPERTY 13 UNDA Y J�A 7122 APPROXIMATE SCALF. 100 448 7122 7124 ti 7124 JUIY`CG—UU I nu Ud - L3 HI'l tl LIN UUUN [ KT LNU 11V M IYtr MA NU. y I U NO Z")!Dn V. Ud PI'f 1 PIT 2 ELEV. - 7118' ELEV. = 7116' iati •113 WC-10.5 ZID-102 pp 57ot1. WC=-16.5 ep=•96 — 10 PRORi-E PIS' ELEV. = 711 Via' 0 5 10 LEGEND: u,PSM, sandy silty clay, organic, firm, moist, brown. CLAY (CL); sii-ty, slightly sandy to sandy, atiff to very stiff, slightly moist to moist, brown, slightly crl rorecrus. 2" Uiornetvr hand driven liner sarnple. I,V1 'J- 1, Explorotor; pits vj:.ru excavates! on May 24, 2000 with a backhoe. 2, Lci+ ,allejnn of exploratory pits were measured approximately by poeng from features 6n thr., situ plan provided. 3. Elev•7Unns of the exploratory pits were obtained by interpolation between contours on the site plan provid and ch^.ckt'.,d by ln.e&umer;t lovel. Logs are drawn to depth, �1. Tho ":'rplc,rntory pit locrltlons and elevations should be considered or -curate only to the degree imsplic,.�3 by the rr athod used. 5, haT firm-,,' beLwcon materials sli6wn on the exploratory pit logs represent the approximate boundcriot; b%k eon materiel tyke;t and transitions may bo gradual. 6, No frs^.3 water *=a encountarad in the pits at the time of excavating. Fluclu(jI:Ton!, in wator (evel may occur with time.. a. Laboratory Tosting Results: WC Water Content ( % ) DD Dry Derislty ( pcf ) w200 -- Flarcer,t posing No. 200 sieve 100 11,.48 1 _HEi"W CHN,fi PA�`h AK I LOGS OF EXPLORATORY FITS ---I Fig.--2 JUN-GG-UU InU Ud.-e4 Kri IIIUn UUUNINY tNU1IYCtXlNlT rHx NU. M 640 ZObt� r, Uy JUN-Ee-UU IHU Ua"Ir4 Rn MUn UUUNIKY l;lYlrlMMINU MA NU, 81U d4b ;�bbb F. lU JUN-eZ--UU It1U UZJ;e4 Hil H114H UUUNINY 1 NUINtMINU MA NUS 8W U4b i�bbb V, 11 a �✓Y L� vi Lo V■ 0 Vl co YJ 4h tJ It w y P� LL c Ll n. w r n r � r r a t lu Q y a �o . 1¢ a .r c (Y7Wl L5 L9 !V Ln H — tL e JUN-_,'&UU IHU U!J;Zq RM HIUH UUUNIKY tNU1NEhX1Nki MX NJ. H(U Ab 2bbb K 12 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS JOBNO.100 448 "Mr: No, HOL5 DEPTH (INCHES) LENGTH OF INTERVAL {MIN) WATER DEPTH AT START OF INTERVAL (INCHES) WXTER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL (INCHES) DROP IN WATER LEVEL (INCHES) AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE MINJINCH) P-1 Go is wator added -9 1/2 7 % 7 6 1/4 1 'jam 9 7 A 2 7 1Ja Fi 1 A 6 5 1 4 P-2 .52 15 watm' added 9 7 7 Y4 6 8 'Y4 7 A 1 Y4 7 Y2 61A 6 Y4 5 K 5 Y4 4 % 48 wator added 9 7 'A 2 14 7 IY7 51/14. 1 !Y4 9% 7 A 1/4 7% 6 '/4 1 1/4 6 1/4 4 Y4 % Motu: Porcolntion -test holes were hand dug in the bottom of backhoe pits and soaked an May 24, 2000. Percolation tests were conducted on May 25, 2000. The average percolation ontes ,:ire based on the last three readings of each test, 0020 cow" PAW 104 wr+aod sp*gs, ow6mm s mom pUonrr 9704HIP 8 bpao�p�OaoA.00� FAX TRANSMITTAL FORM iA v1 e, r ate, COMPANY:o .._ .�.,.�_�... FAX NU R: _, -7D... l 'I JOB NUMBER.-..., FROM: ' f DATE: `�- C .._ NUMBER OF PAGES: --,-. . nv V(#WHIM Y! u19V u0114"INIL AM WNW UV PVH& Wyi Ordinary Mail Ovemw ve Fax Only IN Othot '�• If you experience any problems receiving this traneffdeslon, piesae call: 970-946-7988 MLW wwaff4ri FALW� mmvtl����[�w 'MAE 'Ar Lit IF, INM �� t, J:\SOSKPROJ\2OOU`"""\Uwg`aUrYey.UHg NUD May 22 17: 18, 18 2000 � ~ , s_ = ' ri Is x x gx EAGLE COUNTY, COLORAD BY - FM COUNTRY ENGINEERINQ INC. !DR. EPT 0]z 7-;;g FILE SUM9Y 1990-00 Tax#2391-281-03-007 JOB NAME.Lot #13, Sopris Mesa KROEGER 1375 Green Meadows Drive JOB NO. P— 3 A5 DATE�TARTED 5hp DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED /.� //�� l/ 0,i/. _/ /t ii / �L 11� / %l ..� / / , ��/ I ✓ �E 15, i MEI ,l / �- • _ COST SUMMARY��, - �� -A.�� ��j �: TOTAL �■ • , �W—" TOTAL MATERIAL _■j ' 'i ®■ COSTS TOTALMISC. ._ COST11111111111111 GROSSPROFIT COSTSLESS OVERHEAD % OF SELLING " _� JOB FOLDER Printed In U.S.A. _ - 1 I kND CAP 19598 I ' i / Ld m Ln i U-) CD NATURAL BACKFILL 12" MIN. COVER 36" MAX. COVER i o� SIDES ROUGHENED- Co ch f I I CD c m: INFILTRATOR UNIT TRENCH BOTTOM LEVEL a' 3 NATURAL GROUND 36" AND ROUGHENED 0 TRENCH CROSS SECTION (TYP. 3 Co N.T.S. ! v i o 0 / I o I o I Cu I / I 0 CC Y Ul O Lo _! I REMOVABLE CAP CUT HOLE IN TOP OF INFILTRATOR UNIT FOR INSTALLATION OF INSPECTION WELL 4" 0 PIPE SOLID PIPE COUPLING 0 4" 0 PERFORATED PIPE O WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC 0 SOLID CAP FOR SUPPORT ON BOTTOM OF TRENCH OR BED If INSPECTION WELL DETAIL PVC FINISH GRADE 4" COUPLING - 4" SEWER LINE USE MARKER IF CAP IS TO BE BURIED. 4" RISER 4" 45' SWEEP BEND 4" x 4" x 4" —f PVC WYE O� CLEAN OUT ASSEMBLY SEWER CLEAN OUT DETAIL `c \ PF7pAR Amr) rep F- f f = 13'S6'55" R = 430.00' L = 104.68' ! T .= 52.60' CB = S38'52'21 "W C=104.43' - GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 120 VICINITY MAP T7S, R87W, 6TH PM ,SCALE: 1" = 2000' f I I i i I i ! i. i l GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY AND COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (CDOH) REGULATIONS OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, EVEN THOUGH ALL SUCH REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ONTHE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH SPECIFIC DETAILS AS ARE REFERRED TO IN THE ABOVE -MENTIONED REGULATIONS. 1 FLOW: 4 BEDROOMS *2 PERSONS/BEDROOM *75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAY IS 600 GPD = AVERAGE DAILY F ) MAXIMUM = 1.5* AVERAGE 900 GPD Q 1C I. SEPTIC TANK: MINIMUM PRE -CAST CONCRETE TANK SIZE ACCORDING TO 30 HOUR DETENTION - 4 * 900 = 1125 GALLON TANK. EAGLE COUNTY RECOMMENDS M H USE TO HAVE A 1250 GALLON TANK. RECOMME A 1250 GALLON TA K, OR 1500 GALLON TANKiTO ALLOW FOR FUTURE EXPANSI d /L *FIELD SIZE- PER CDOH,' EQUATIONS: A = Q�-t Q = MAXIMUM FLOW 5 ti= PERCOLATION RATE = 15 A 900 * 15 = 698 SQ.FT 5 I I PER CDOH REGS FOR USE OF "INFILTRATOR" TRENCH SYSTEMS ABSORPTION AREA CAN BE REDUCED BY 50% FOR TRENCH CONFIGURATION UNITS REQUIRED = 698 S.F. * 0.5 / 15.5 S.F./UNIT = 22.5 UNITS. 24 UNITS. !EAGLE COUNTY RECOMMENDED A LOADING RATE OF. 0 0.5 / 15.5 S.F./UNIT = 3 UNIT ECOMMEND 39 UNITS. b ad 3 TOPSOIL: SOIL EXCAVATED FROM SITE ACCEPTABLE IF NO CLAY IS I �{ PRESENT.- 4 ; VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IS PROHIBITED ON THE FIELD AREA. i (r' 5. CLEANOUTS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL BENDS AND AT LEAST EVERY 100 1 FEET ALONG THE HOUSE SEWER. 6. INSTALL RISERS AS NECESSARY TO BRING ALL ACCESS POINTS TO WITHIN 1/2-FOOT OF FINAL GRADE. E' 7_ LOCATIONS OF ALL COMPONENTS MAY BE VARIED AS NECESSARY AS LONG AS ALL MINIMUM DISTANCES AND SLOPES MEET THOSE REQUIRED. k 8_ PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM AREA USING DRAINAGE SWALESAS NECESSARY. 9. PERCOLATION RATE BASED ON TESTING BY H.P. GEOTECH, INC. ON MAY 25, 2000, JOB NUMBER 100448. 10. THIS DRAWING DOES NOTICONSTITUTE AN ISDS PERMIT. PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM; APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY OFFICIALS. ENGINEER MUST OBSERVE CONSTRUCTED SYSTEM BEFORE BACKFILL AND PROVIDE REPORT TO COUNTY. 11. THIS SYSTEM IS SIZED FOR TYPICAL DOMESTIC WASTES ONLY. BACKWASH OR FLUSHING FLOWS FOR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNITS OR WATER SOFTENERS OR FILTERS SHOULD NOT BEINTRODUCED INTO THIS SYSTEM. 12. HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. AND THE EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT SHALL BE NOTIFIED AND A FIELD INSPECTION SCHEDULED, COMPLETED AND APPROVED, PRIOR TO BACKFILLING THE ISDS SYSTEM. GENERAL ABSORPTION TRENCH NOTES 1. TRENCH LENGTH SHALL NOT EXCEED 100 FEET. 2. THE BOTTOM OF EACH TRENCH SHALL BE LEVEL. 3. DRAINAGE DITCHES ARE TO BE PROVIDED ABOVE AND AROUND TRENCHES, AS NECESSARY, TO PREVENT SURFACE RUNOFF FROM ENTERING ABSORPTION AREA. 4. TRENCHES SHALL FOLLOW CONTOURS. 5. INSTALL INFILTRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS. O Z O O (n W w i ca W F-- Ltl W Y Q wm h- >- � Z 0 Q LL, < DO m U 0 m *�" Ld � (� w Q WOO w0 `L J w Q 0 m Z PROJECTIII O N.T.S. N.T.S. - - ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 30 ft ! NOTE: EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY INFORMATION IS FROM AN AERIAL SURVEY AND WAS FIELD I SHEET 1 VERIFIED TO HAVE AN ERROR OF t2 FEET IN SOME LOCATIONS. I ----