HomeMy WebLinkAbout783 Mountain View Rd - 239122202007INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1944-99 BP NO. 12933 OWNER.: CASS FOLEY nuoTTF: �z�-o�e_2u 2 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 6048, SNOWMASS VILLAGE, CO 81654 APPLICANT: DAVE BRUNNE PHONE: 970-920-2661 SYSTEM LOCATION: 783 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD., CARBONDALE, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 2391-222-02-007 LICENSED INSTALLER: DREAGER CONSTRUCTION, GLENN MEEHAN LICENSE NO. 19-99 PHONE: 970-927-3431 DESIGN ENGINEER: CHURCH & ASSOCIATES, INC., ED CHURCH PHONE NO. 303-463-9317 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 1500 SQUARE FEET OF VIA 48 INFILTRATOR UNITS AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISIONS DATED 12/17/99. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE EN- GINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS RE- CEIVED FINAL APPROVAL. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: /C/-(� DATE: DECEMBER 28, 1999 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1500 SQUARE FEET (VIA 48 INFILTRATOR IINTTf; ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK: 1500 GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM SEE AS —BUILT DRAWING FOR SYSTEM COMPONENT LOCATIONS COMMENTS: ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION AND AS —BUILT DRAWING RECEIVED AUGUST 24, 2000 THE TANK FOR THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE A FIVE BEDROOM RESIDENCE, BUT THE LEACH FIELD IS ONLY LARGE ENOUGH FOR FOUR BEDROOMS, ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: ATTGTTST 24, 2000 Inc:omplete'Applications Will NOT Be Accepted P e Elan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit Building Permit I APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DI SPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENV=RONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE.- EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (Basalt) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE'.TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER'! PROPERTY OWNER: Cgs s oke MAILING ADDRESS: PC). �-,,C (00'y , owlglkj 0144 PHONE: APPLICANT CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: n�.i �L PHONE: COMPANY/ DBA :Ji ` �DalSiW� ADDRESS: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: &) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: Tax Parcel Number: CM 11— �� _ d a--06 Lot Size:-iA= Physical Address: �' `� �^'�'`�lew BUILDING TYPE:. (Check applicable category) (K)'Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms (.) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface (�() Public Name of Supplier: *These systems r re des' n by a Registered -Erofessional-Engineer SIGNATURE: -` *********************** an AMOUNT PAID: /6_D 4614F . Sy76m Zw Date: RECEIPT 1: 9D I &CO) DATE: �� CHECK #: 453?-2 CASHIER: �s«� o 7-0 solg :oo ituzzad SQSI feuid amgooig luuoilLluuolul :'IoNg IuatudolanaQ fqiunuuuo0 XlunOD alBeg Iuau4mdQG giluaH lteluaumOJTAug igoX lauL'r --"--02 `AlazaoutS '99L8-8Z£ (OL6) In uotsinIG gllt'aH leluauzuozinug �SlunoO al-Sug agl lotluoo oseald `lluuad sigl 8uipreOw suoilsonb Niue anrg nofjl •uzalsxs otldas jnoXIo suolluiollu oltudozddu aiinbaz XrTu Buipllnq moX of so2uego zainl lvgl azenm ag •uzalsXs oildos mo.ilo ono agl Sulpxegaz amgoozq n si posoloua osfV •sluautaunbaz fflunoD al2ug.Tagio Niue Blinn aoueilduzoo aieotput lou saop Ituuad sign •sp.z000i moX zoI urelaz of Kdoo v si posoloug •pozilvug put, poloodsui uaaq seg I!uzzad S(ISI PaouaIalaz anogt, agi lugl nofi uuojut of si zallol sTgl flolod -.1w xea(I 'Oo `alepuoq uD '.p-a mwA urelunoW £8L moilvool f4iadozd 'L00-ZO-ZZZ-I6£Z# 100nd XL1 `00-tt,6I# Illmad SGSI3o IRMA :9H 6L 10-1 £918 opea010D'a18e3 AumpuoaB 005 6L 1 Xog 'O'd SulpllnB /4uno:) aft-3 OG"OIOD Jl1NnOD 31JH3 V99I8 OD `a2nIIIA ssLeuinnouS 8tb09 XOg 'O'd Xalod sse0 OOOZ `vz lsn2nV wo:)•4unoa-918e9•mm,m// :dlly 3au•Ilen@p enapw»a TM3 L6L8-8Z£ (OL6) Gal S81L-8Z£(OL6) X`d3 0£L8-8Z£(OL6) w9w3jedaG luawdolanaG /,ilunwwoD I-- Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: December 28, 1999 TO: Dreager Excavating Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health.Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1944-99. Tax Parcel # 2391-222-02-007; Property Location: 783 Mountain View Rd., Carbondale, CO., Foley residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1944-99. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc:' files Church & Associates, Inc.; Tim Petz g CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS June 30, 2000 Cass Foley P.O. Box 6048 Snowmass Village, CO 81615 Subject: Installation Observation, Foley Residence Lot 6, Aspen Valley Mountain View, #2 Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 11894 Mr. Foley, As requested, we observed the installation of the onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the subject site on May 18, 2000 and June 28; 2000. The system was designed under our Job No. 11894, dated November 22, 1999 and revised December 17, 1999. The system includes the installation of a 1500-gallon, two -compartment, precast concrete septic tank with an effluent filter on the outlet and 744 square feet (SF) of infiltrative area in nine gravelless trenches. A distribution box was installed to evenly distribute effluent. Due to very hard bedrock the trench configura- tion was changed from our original design, as indicated on Figure 1. The components of the OWS were installed in conformance with our plans and specifications. If there are any questions or if we may be of further service, please call. Sincerely, CMTRCH and Agcnr.intec Edward O. Church, P.E.' EOChri p OvO�pDO RF fsA to ice® m 73' 72 �} L ENG� 2- copies sent copy to Eagle County Health Department copy to Dreager Excavating, Attn: Glen, 0092 Hooks Lane, #13, Basalt, CO 81621 DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816,1455 c 2.1 ACRES LOT 6, ASPEN MOUNTAIN VIEW #2 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I PROPOSED 4 F BEDROOM RESIDENCE CLEANOUT DISTRIBUTION BOX\ P� �O o`3 0 SCALE 1"=50' J ` ONE 1500 GALLON TWO COMPARTMENT PRE -CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK \ WITH EFFLUENT FILTER ON OUTLET SERIAL LINES 744 SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA IN NINE GRAVELLESS TRENCHES ._ - -.• +. .�..�' WOW OWS AS -BUILT DRAWING JOB NO. 11894 FIGURE 1 -6 LT uu uce Ucp+ 4..nUM%.n •a nM�SUc:e:l.Ies JU.3-'Itb.i-.`J.ieI P.i Memo TO: Heather, Eagle County Health Department Front Tim Petz cc: Mabee O8/24/00 Rw Foley Residence, Lot 6, Aspen Mountain View, #2 The installation consisted of nine graveness trenches using infiltrator diambers. The trenches were dissected due to large fragments of bedrock. The trerxtm were tied serially into one another, as indicated on our original as -built letter and drawing dated June 30, 2000. Our firm did not want chambers to be placed directly onto the bedrock fragments. Trenches were staggered to avoid bedrock fragments. A distribution box was placed to evenly distribute effluent Sincerely, Tim w Geologist, Project Manager PRGir FAQ o b .3 03►A� • Page 1 01 If:.`_�DA-ADM M TWII PH •rr.PM Tfl•COf-1 C rnl IKITV Ch.II I L.ICaI TU • 1 ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS November 22, 1999 Cass Foley P.O. Box 6084 Snowmass Village, Colorado 81615 Subject: Subsurface Investigation and OWS Design, Proposed Foley Residence Lot 6, Aspen Mountain View #2 Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 11$94 Dear Mr. Foley, As requested, we have evaluated subsurface conditions at the site and designed an onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the proposed residence and caretaker unit. Our firm investigated subsurface conditions on November 11, 1999. A Soils and Foundation Investigation was performed on the subject site and is presented under separate cover. SITE CONDITIONS The lot is located in a rural residential area in Eagle County, Colorado. The proposed drain field area has a gentle slope of 10%. There is a thick cover of native grass and scrub oak in the proposed field area. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A four -bedroom residence is proposed at the location presented on Figure 1. In accordance with the Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) regulations, the average wastewater flow from a 4-bedroom residence is 600 Gallons Per Day (GPD) average. The design sewage loading with a peaking factor of 1.5 is 900 GPD. This loading includes a dishwasher, garbage grinder, and washing machine. The residence will be served water by a community well not located on the property. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions were investigated by digging 3 percolation holes, 23 to 39 inches deep, and one profile pit at the locations indicated on Figure 1. Subsurface conditions in Profile 1 consisted of 18 inches of a sandy root zone underlain by a calcareous clayey, silty, sand with massive boulders of basalt to the maximum depth explored of 8 feet. No groundwater or bedrock was encountered. Percolation tests indicate percolation rates of 24 to 30 minutes per inch (MPI). The average percolation rate is 28 MPI. RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend in installation of a septic tank and trench drain field OWS. The OWS design is based on an average sewage load of 900 GPD and a percolation rate of 28 MPI. The installation must include a 1500- DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 OWS Design Job No. 11894 Page 2 gallon, two -compartment septic tank with an effluent filter, and three chamber trenches at the locations presented on Figure 1. The Trench `A' consists of 1 row of I I chambers and the two Trenches `13' include 1 row of 10 chambers. Movement over the drain field trench bottom during construction should be kept at a minimum] to prevent compaction of the receiving soils. We recommend the bottom of each trench be scarified with a pick, shovel, or backhoe bucket teeth prior to the addition of dispersal gravel. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The owner must realize an OWS is different from public sewer service, and must assume the responsibility for maintenance of the OWS. The system is relatively maintenance free, but the owner must have the septic tank pumped. In the absence of a monitoring program, we recommend the septic tank be pumped and the effluent filter cleaned every two years. There are daily considerations, such as not putting plastic or other nonbiodegradable material into the OWS. Water use must be monitored so toilets are not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, a running toilet can consume in excess of 1000 GPD. A loading of 1000 GPD could flood and irreparably harm the OWS. The loading from the backwash of a water softener may be harmful to the OWS. A separate drywell should be constructed for the backwash waste, if a softener is installed. Chemically treated water from a swimming pool or spas should not be introduced to the OWS. LE%4ITATIONS An OWS design requires installation by a licensed contractor who is experienced in its installation. Our investigation, layout, design and recommendations are based on data submitted. If subsurface conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. If the health department or another party makes modifications to this design, we should be contacted to evaluate the impact on the performance of the OWS. The county and our firm must be contacted upon the completion of the OWS. All construction is to be in accordance with the ISDS regulations. Pipe type and size, burial requirements, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which are not depicted in our report, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to have demonstrated knowledge of the county ISDS regulations and requirements. If there are any questions or if we can be of further service, please call. The project manager is Tim Pptz. CHURCH & Associ o t o �y ow 13172 Edward O. Churc (:_ZZZ -- 0 , ® .c ° 3 copies sent 2.1 ACRES LOT 6, ASPEN MOUNTAIN VIEW #2 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO SCALE 1 " = 50' I 1 100 CLEANOUT 90 ONE 1500 / GALLON TWO / COMPARTMENT PRE -CAST NOTE: DRAIN FIELD MUST BE 100+ FEET FROM EXISTING WELL AE-- EXISTING WELL EDGE OF OAK BRUSH ♦ PROPOSED 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE CONCRETE_. SEPTIC TANK / WITH EFFLUENT 480.5 SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA IN 3 / FILTER ON GRAVELLESS TRENCHES WITH OUTLET INFILTRATORS/CHAMBERS USING SERIAL DISTRIBUTION TRENCH A - LENGTH 68.75', 11 CHAMBERS - WIDTH 3', 1 CHAMBER TRENCHES B - LENGTH 62.5', 10 CHAMBERS �. - WIDTH 3', 1 CHAMBER SITE PLAN, LOCATION OF PERCOLATION PITS, AND LOCATION OF PROPOSED OWS JOB NO. 11894 FIGURE 1 . C*4 k § � § � W §o IL _§ a § a § 2k \ z§ — io pis ee Zei . is §�§ ƒ §) C ¥«� / � § K§- 7� _H § § cn IL I-L § § § g 2§72 « M In �\ 67a■ =ueaR f 2 § » /�& . § m . _ , ■ -4)V�P)� . ) ' §�§4F o r k § m} :�. a� �� cn § 2« . 1 so.sm §§ is IL 3 ;K § RR ' /ul § 2 z _§ �a _MCI / § is9i �§ ( ) • § � ® 2 s 2 a & 2 2 ƒ / A3.7 2 2 z § R u � §�S'- ■© 9•°° '� -ow•■-. w2 .Pm_ z § o • 7■§72 s o- § � z z Ri;51M gk ® E N U 8 r. c m v d .,L... .-.L� .a; O W = 0 v "m s o o U v� om Eoh v'o c-o G V += 4 3 ca O O _' °� v+ O c X m "U3 Ol N U0. L .+ Y �; 0 0 N 'C ',O� O v y O U 0 O 0 �' d O 'O C ✓ y+ 0 U3 0 w U a cn a) H �� O O d E 0 7 v o 0 Q C) c C 0 O v w c� ` c 0 a .o c p v o v �-0 �. a� c .. c > > n o ,. S ` °= � o t, to � > w > L m Z W ZD .- wow IT � x Q U F oa �c cn W W �i ® cf) W a. OT U W W NQ UQ o. z O Ui m to N W f— cz Q L7 �- W37 w d' rO VJ - < O ui CD m U I— 'O wx , o o `a; n w � zW N oa oa LLB w c o o� v z LU ram- N O w Cn F- a� w o Q z Z U w Z p vi w w < m am Us a= c� = Z V O W W cr � w oF- z i "J P� W � O can oc= Uzo rn I °O O rn 1704 p O W CO W Q LL. LO M CO N dam' q L G E c MaJ CO W T C 0 T ff O o z 0 0. L2 PROFILE: TABLE 1 - PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS LOT 6, ASPEN MOUNTAIN VIEW #2 DATE OF TEST: 11-11-99 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO feet descrintion 0 - 1.5' Clay, sandy, root zone,: stiff, moist, brown Sitt, sandy with massive volcanic fragments, dense to very dense Moist, light brown, tan, white DEPTH INTERVAL AVG. HOLE OF TIME DEPTH DEPTH CHANGE, PERC. HOLE NUMBER HOLE, INTERVAL, START, END, (INCHES) RATE PERC. (INCHES) (MINUTES) (INCHES) (INCHES) (MPI) RATE, MPI 1 23 30 2.50 7.00 4.50 7 30 7.00 9.00 2.00 15 30 3.00 4.50 1.50 20 30 4.50 5.75 1.25 24 30 5.75 7.00 1.25 24 24 2 33 30 3.00 7.00 4.00 8 30 7.00 9.00 2.00 15 30 2.00 3.75 1.75 17 30 3.75 4.75 1.00 30 30 4.75 5.75 1.00 30 30 # � s�' S'�L P�►�' �4r �Ea`t4�?, Y��YF %° ��41�Zsjsr��; NUMBpIwR AVG er£# �?QtAAT1�-NRA... Holes presoaked 8 hours before percolation testing JOB NO. 11894 CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS December 17, 1999 Cass Foley P.O. Box 6048 Snowmass Village, Colorado 81615 Subject: Revised OWS Design, Proposed Foley Residence Lot 6, Aspen Mountain View, #2 Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 11.894 Dear Mr. Foley, We are providing this revised OWS design for the subject site. The revision is based on a conversation and the transmitted new requirement of Eagle County Environmental Health Department with respect to sizing of drain fields. The revision requires using the Rate of Wastewater Application, in this case 0.6, gallons/day/. square -foot, `instead of the average percolation rate of 28 minutes per inch (MPI). This letter should be used; in conjunction with our original design: This letter includes- two revised: figures,: Figures Land; 2., The. original Figures 1 and 2 should be removed to avoid confusion. RECOMMENDATIONS - The OWS proposed includes: one septic tank with an effluent filter and three chamber -trenches as indicated on Revised Figure 1. The OWS design is based on an average sewage load of 900 GPD and an application rate of 0.6 gals/day/square-foot. We recommend the installation of one 1500- gallon two -compartment pre -cast concrete septic tank with an effluent filter on the outlet and three chamber -trenches, each with I row of 16 chambers. Serial distribution must be used to distribute effluent throughout the trenches. The surface of the drain fields should be seeded. We recommend using a native seed mix. These mixes do not require irrigation and develop a growth 10 to 15 inches high. No automatic sprinkler system should be installed over the fields. No landscaping or plastic can be installed over the fields, which will reduce performance of the fields. LIMITATIONS - An OWS design requires installation by a contractor who is experienced in its installa- tion. Our investigation, layout, design and recommendations are based on data submitted. If subsurface conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. If the health department makes modifications to this design, we should be contacted to evaluate the impact on the performance of the OWS. All construction is to be in accordance -with the ISDS regulations, Pipe type and size, burial requirements, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which are not I depicted in our report, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to have demonstrated knowledge of the county ISDS regulations and requirements. DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 Revised OWS Design Job No. 11894 Page 2 If there are any questions or if we can be of further service, please call. Sincerely, CHURCH & Edward O. Church, EOC/trp 2 copies sent copy to Eagle County Environmental Health Department, Attn: Heather P.O. BOX 179 Eagle, CO 81631-0179 2.1 ACRES LOT 6, ASPEN MOUNTAIN VIEW #2 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO CLEANOUT--, 90 ONE 1500 / GALLON TWO / COMPARTMENT PRE -CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK / WITH EFFLUENT / FILTER ON OUTLET NOTE: DRAIN FIELD MUST BE 100+ FEET FROM EXISTING WELL 0--e- EXISTING WELL EDGE OF OAK BRUSH PROPOSED 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 744 SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA IN 3 GRAVELLESS TRENCHES WITH INFILTRATORS/CHAMBERS USING SERIAL DISTRIBUTION EACH TRENCH - LENGTH 100', 16 CHAMBERS -WIDTH 3', 1 CHAMBER SCALE 1 to = 509 SITE PLAN, LOCATION OF PERCOLATION PITS, AND LOCATION OF PROPOSED OWS JOB NO. 11894 REVISED FIGURE 1 % (N )� Q D §§ §§ 2§ L I� O w § @ \ � 2z � 2 ' q( \O� e . 2°§I. o §zw . � 2 ' g) . z �F= <� 6m / � � �«8� .e a.0wa )�k§ £ / $§@z a � � © A @ m § � g u 2 00 < }* 3, LLI m § �f _ $ OM � §§a �2"i2 2 {m( )K&xU § 2Z§X§r, w LLI § IILI k �m }\ w§3 U 8 . ' § 2� RR .� IAJ cl � 0 �\ �§ / 7 § R �� z \§ww f ® �� �§ z E ■LAJ , § R 27§0"b! / S �2KR ¥ < _o�� 2 z § § Z J ip2��§` \ / -KI v « B .� j o\� y I� d § o § S§ < N 120 ���� _�w� ®R m 0 1944-99 Tax #2391-222-02-007 Lot #6, Oak Ridge II, FOLEY JOB NAME Aspen Mountain View JOB NO. ' a i3 JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED L16A r2 l0 I 99 �pfffd .0. CEc�"cA ve Ord - SW o leg �GI�refcr', l!'SeoO r7ytl I'It fa Ze cif LTA?, w,l) G�fl �aG� �� I�U�►d�S IZ 3IQ,7 T;4 ; I %x rev""t-al haled C-kl (o LTA2. x�d r%�, � �� c Z 1 el-, r /Zz 1 �1 cc- o, . ow /tz,(-, d . U Uj ou Az-ltx '. le,m64z-� Sfy; Gk,6- vz2- m �✓ ice' �� lSo a a 2� 0I az��j ' r 7-6 !/cl ' I' S 0 o D %k vt �. 'Too q53 ft y = Z = Li f� Z w 30 7 Isvo Utz - z e 7Sd�4� i JOB FOLDER Product 277 JOB FOLDER