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27190 Hwy 6 - 194115300016
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1 142 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: Timothy Farley & Jan Marie Jouflas PHONE: 926-3402 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5 Wolcott, CO 81655 AGENT: PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: Wolcott Center, Wolcott LICENSED INSTALLER: Tames Joufls, JO lfl s Ranch, Tnc- LICENSENO. 28-92 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: Alpine Engineering, Inc. INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 2-1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. DISPERSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED 1053 SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. via Infiltrators SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Install as per R.P.E. design. Provide as built to Eagle County. Inspection portals must be installed in each trench ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: / �LJ =i CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION Ill, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE /N COMLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: QUARE FEET A S. / / J5L70 �a �c . r, ) 5 o..e cc,.�crNr�»w d't a - INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 2 W 0 GALLONS DEGREES � a �EET J I SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE, OR: c_y� /r PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY\y_ YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: �L1� YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF N ESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT APPLICANT/AGENT: OWNER: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT II: CHECK N: CASHIER: NOT Be Accepted Incomplete Applications Will (Site Plan MUST be attached) RECEIVED APR20i9v ISDS Permit # Building Permit # EAGLE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT 'OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 E� EAGLE, CO 81631 d 328-8155/927-3823 (Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION Flij �$150.0� PERCOLATION TEST FEE 8125.00 MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" � ****�cYr�tytyt***Yc�k�r*Y[�cYr�kYcYt���Yt�Yt���:r*���kYc�YtYtycYt�ric�yt��Ye���Yt��YtYc��kyc����Yc�YcYe:ryc�l'�cic PROPERTY OWNER: ,4L . _ • j_ __ MAILING ADDRESS: �)> �� } T CQ e % ,� PHONE: 9.�G •- 3�t� .� APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: ` -f ���;y PHONE : LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: ►K-eS�PHONE9,q) COMPANY/DBA: lOja_ S (jcADDRESS: IL L)OL ycYc*XYc*yC***yc*Yt*YcYc�cycYc�kYc*yC *** *****YC*****YCYc*YcYc*xYrYfkYcyc�ks�•h,�'!YCYc�kyC�Yc�kyfyC�7ryc�k�kyCYt�� PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION (x) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: Tax Parcel Number: Physical Address: BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential /Multi -Family* () Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) (X) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: Lot Size: Number of Bedrooms Number of Bedrooms Type A& eI *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: 1 Date: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: CHECK - : TIME LOG: TRAVEL: PERC: DATE: _ CASHIER: FINAL: �:OMMLI\ITl PEVELOP:\1EV PEP-aRT\IE�T ;,03. 3 30 EAGLE COUNTY, ' • T '' April 20, 19:2 James Jouflas Box 10 Wolcott-, CO 81655 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal system Permit No.: 1142 Dear Applicant: 00 RROAPIk Al P.O. Pox EAGLE.:OLORAL',, 3 i C, I FA\ [303', 323 �- Enclosed is your ISES Permit No. i142 valid for 120 days. Tiie enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installdtlon site. Any changes in plans Or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please call our office well in advance for the final inspection. The final inspection is to be done before any portion of the installed system Is covered. The deadline for final _nspections done by Eagle County Environmental Health is December 1. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Be :,ware that the specifications on ti.e permit are minimum requiremen-s only. Installers should bring this ,I.o the attention of the property owner. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328�8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO December 15, 1992 Timothy Farley & Jan Jouflas Box 5 Wolcott, CO 81655 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1142-92 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328�7207 This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your dwelling may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. Sincerely, Brenda Henderson Office Assistant Environmental Health /bh ENCL: Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: Files BP# 5272 ALPINE ENGINEERING INC April 7, 1992 Mr. Roger Boyd Environmental Health Office P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Jouflas Septic System -Wolcott Junction Dear Roger, Enclosed for your review are the plans for an engineered septic system for the subject property. The following is an overview of the project with criteria and design calculations. INTRODUCTION The project site is located in part of Tract 48 lying within the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 83 West, Eagle County, Colorado. The subject property is a commercial property with a mix of uses located in and comprising the commercial core of Wolcott, Colorado. The property has a gas station and convenience store, lodging building, three rental cabins and an auto shop. The entire site is located on the intersection of U.S. Highway 6 and 131 approximately one-half mile north of the Wolcott I-70 interchange. The property is located on the south side of the highway on mostly level ground with steeper slopes off the road to the south. To our knowledge, there are no easements or encroachments on the property. Edwards Business Center • P.O. Box 97 • Edwards, Colorado 81632 • 303/926-3373 • FAX 303/926-3390 EXISTING CONDITIONS The property consists of six buildings with a variety of uses. The largest of these, referred to as the hotel, is a boarding house with seven rooms on the second level, with a common bathroom and kitchx The main level is a 2 bedroom apartment with a bath and kitchen. Ther are 3 rental cabins ehind the hotel. a bath in each. These are single level cabins with a small kitchen and The commercial store is a one story structure containing the convenience store with a small section of the building rented to the post office. The convenience store contains a single-§imk with a restroom located behind the store. Per restroom counts obtained from the owners, the restroom is used approximate 3 55 times per day d'ing hunting season with a maximum count of 73 flushes per day on Memorial Day. The peak use of the 7 .flushes will be used for design purposes.. The auto/garage shop is located behind the convenience store. There are no plumbing facilities located in the garage. The site is currently served by a central well and septic system serving all of the buildings. The sewer system discharges into a dry well and finally a septic tank from which effluent is pumped to a ditch west of the site. Ultimate disposal is through percolation in the ditch and possible overland flow. 1, PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The major improvement being proposed is the renovation of the existing hotel. Essentially, the seven rooms with a common"4bathroom will be remodeled to provide for six hotel rooms each with a bathroom and a single b Aroom per unit. The downstairs apartment will be remodeled but will remain a t N 2 bedroom apartment. The existing septic system is currently in non-compliance with Eagle County Health Department standards. The existing system will be removed and replaced with a conforming system. The proposed treatment system will be comprised iproviding a total capacity of 3000 gallons 16 with an absorption field utilizing Infiltrator units. 5 4 cole PERCOLATION TEST/SOIL PROFILE Three percolation test holes and a soil profile hole were dug within the boundaries of the proposed absorption field. The percolation tests were performed by our office. The tests were conducted in accordance with Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System regulations The soil profile hole was excavated to a depth of 8 feet. Subsurface conditions consisted of approximately 2 feet of organic silts underlain by alluvial sandy gravel soils to a depth of 8 feet. The percolation test results were as follows: HOLE 1 HOLE 2 HOLE 3 6 mpi Average is 7 min/inch. 7 mpi CNo kroundwater was observed in any of the percolation test holes or the soil profile hole. Percolation test holes were overexcavated in order to establish the percolation rate at the anticipated bottom of the absorption trenches. The proposed absorption field will extend beyond the property line to the east. An easement will be created, with the consent of the adjacent property owner, to facilitate installation of the absorption field. 494) c4� I t p-••A_'er /s03'-�je I ✓ CRITERIA/CALCULATIONS For calculating design flows, we have treated the 3 cabins and the hotel apartment as individual units with a total of 5 bedrooms. The remodeled units in the hotel have been treated as separate hotel bedrooms. As stated previously, the convenience store restroom had a maximum number of flushes on Memorial Day of 73. The value will be used for total design flow A 4d p rcent reduction in absorption area will be applied by using infiltrator units in a trench configuration. incerely, Jim McNeil, PE JM/lm Enclosure G�t�s/1.S � ✓f � ���1 room ,S 6100-1 GK �. - - l j n SI� W lJ/L.c ��jTYOO yvj exreL(eU YPoX. /f ", les GI: 0 ¢�"o 7� w !��s�Yr1• " p t ra�z'f5 ZOO �'O "1�� yhUS �rrsl1 ll I bE 51 M� COw-w � ►�,,.,/f QD e-t-,4."c 1053 1053 4 X . 5 = 5 a7 �� - ,. ,. 5a /.75 P&r -4 : a g ()n li� 1053 f f Z x . 57 re'.//7s 3,2 �-,f INFILTRATOR SIZING CALCDLATION WORKSHEET Step #1 - Determine: Bed Configuration Trench Configuration. Step #2 - Determine: Gravity Feed Pressure Dosing Mound (usually dosed) Step #3 Determine SF of Absorbtion Area for gravel system unless already determined for Infiltrators _SF 'SF Gravel Step #4 - Calculate InfiltratorO SF SF of Gravel System for Trench X .6 = ( SF of Infilt. SF of Gravel System for Bed x .5 = SF of Infilt. Step #5 - SF of InfiltratorO System 18.75 SF/Chamber134 = number of Infiltrators .Chambers Step #6 - Number of InfiltratorO Chambers x 6.25 LF/Chamber= Total LF of Infiltrators Chambers GRAVITY FEED SYSTEMS = Chambers + 1 open end + 1 closed end + l splash plate per row PRESSURE DOSING & DOSED MOUNDS = Chambers + 2 closed ends + 2 splash plates + l pipe hanger at each chamber to chamber connection per row (� c / _A?-(N/ m l y ALPINE ENGINEERING INC December 14, 1992 Mr. Ray Merry Eagle County Health Department P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81620 RE: Wolcott Septic System Dear Ray, RECEIVED DEC 14 IR EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY OEVEIOPMENT Per the requirements of the Eagle County Environmental Health Department, I performed the final inspection on the Wolcott Septic system. All of the absorption trenches, cleanouts and the septic tanks were exposed at that time. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the system was installed in accordance with the plans and specifications as prepared by our office. The system was installed in April, 1992, and has been functioning properly since then. An as -built plan has been provided for your records. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call our office. Sincerely, -A,- Jim McNeil, PE JM/lm Enclosure Edwards Business Center • P.O. Box 97 • Edwards, Colorado 81632 • 303/926-3373 • FAX 303/926-3390 SEP.TIC TANK O DISTRIBUTION BOX TYPICAL LAYOUT FOR LEVEL GROUND 0 00 00 000 0 00 0 0 0 00 0� O DRAIN POOL TIGHT LINES �� o0000o aoo0000000�% OPEN. JOINTS \�oo 00 0 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 0� - O DRAIN POOL .1 /BOO l��OOO OOOOO�OOOOOOC/ .. TYPICAL LAYOUT FOR SLOPING GROUND DISTRIBUTION Q o0000 0 00000 DRAIN POOL I W SEPTIC TANK OPEN JOINTS 000000�0 0000q N � 0 O O O OO� TIGHT JOINTS O 00 0 A O i DRAIN POOL SAN-EQUIP, INC. Syracuse 5, New York 323 %rop�se� A451 .S �ccoralP�f kya"e z`71 / Pi r l4clr,a5e Dist ice T �1�� ��Sor4/4,111C Garr/ems T �/eUfrv� f'c�2/G�E Ta)"¢lc ai< ooa 000 v�oo 2 a Z L� 7 goo S yoT Z 3y_0 631 v /1,L -foo t t�:v W7 _ r< jo So velr(les 0i �-2 SV - - - (les ,�Qn toot uS l qq 9 Ss tA� C; o rz p) p(,21-C F l 7 3 gas- «.. as / ` 3 ill �as - jl�v, /774 o "i 71 a *;b 17 f O'OWE� Si,.Cil-e 7 f(tw Cltr3%R �r , CRbi,�l lZ1% 19V '� ra o,�_ t�►� s lath = $9�� -fr " Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. 1928-99IS Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: Major Repair Permit Status: Final Issue Date: 11/2/1999 Expires: 2/17/2000 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 27190 HWY 6, WOLCOTT AREA,194115300016 Owner Information Address Jan Jouflas 27190 Hwy 6 Phone: (970) 926-1390 Cell: Email: jjouflas@aol.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 Engineer Phone Email Contractor License Number Phone Email Permitted Construction / Details: 2400 gallon electric lift station near existing tank system, and a 1000 gallon tank near the new leach field , 3565 sq` of absorption area via 115 Infiltrator units, design revisions dated 10/26/99 THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO System Administrator Date November 02, 1999 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Tuesday, January 2, 2024 1 complete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted ite Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * * * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" **************************************�************************************ PROPERTY OWNER: °� � - �I � � DU PCB (Q j �j 6 o Zu ? 6A MAILING ADDRESS: �, PHONE: x16 26-• 3y.02 pr0;24 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: �--K� ���iuEEI�G, ��C, PHONE:" a£3g LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: K k OTT+ POP S f lV ,� PHONE: COMPANY/DBA : ff�j t-V ('�- (� f 0J V5ADDRESS: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION (t- REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: WOLC-0 1-1- j-_ A P-�-E Tax Parcel Number: 19 q I _ I53..a 'b/( Physical Address: 1106 BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable.ca gory) ( ) Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* (vr Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF ATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) (Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: Lot Size: Number Number Type _ of Bedrooms of Bedrooms *These systems reVire design by a Registered Professional Engineer S I GNATURE : �? _7 C*> "- --J Date: Zo 9 AMOUNT PAID: I-0 _ RECEIPT #: k3 DATE: CHECK #: CASHIER: J_ Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: November 3, 1999 TO: Silver Tip Construction FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Repair Permit No. 1928R-99. Tax Parcel # 1941-153-00-016; Property Location: 27190 Hwy 6, Wolcott, CO., Wolcott Market. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1928R-99. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered. Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files LKP Engineering, Luiza Petrovska 1Lf V77177J 14.14 'j(U-7L6-7U0,J LKi LNUINttKINU, 1NU t AUL U Enginee ClvajoB December 9, 1999 Jan -Marie ,ToufXas :. RF,: Iusp"1. 04" ff "fie Systein P,O. Box 33 Repair/ins. on Wolcott, CO 81655 Wolcott m :''. Eagle Couu lk roject l io n H3 Mr permit No. Dear Jazz: At your request and ate rail it of Keith Pea r, of Silt Tip construction, on N ovember 3 through 16, and 0oc=b0' 5, 1999, we vim •the oftstruetion site at the Wolcott Market, Eagle County, Colorado. Tf Vxwse of our si nsits v+ to observe the installation for the repair of the septic system,`:.. They installed the sys�► in .;;ill earnpliaztce✓? th the.Jo0c system design, Drawing No. 991135D.1WCi, last rev* r 2b, 1999. c of the s i with the installat w of t lids is tank, ,A, 15000 gallon., st Th repair Y ':. two compartment septic tams• v s i ed at the north e f0 .9fthe two existing 1500 gallon tanks,. The original design c for .4+0U gallon, one'ompaa+ent, cotxcrete septic tams. This tank was for the additional 21 : 41l required and nct Zvid by the existing tanks and for a pumping chamber. The effluefif' ltne m the second, g, was over 6 feet below existing grade. In addition. sdl€+. 'bedrock and ground w The above gravelly soil startted caving into the h�[SO;.-.4 power line at i*iw,:-dge�f the excavation was in danger cif collapsing into the open Ziti1 : P `di jon was made -og ate topple the 2400 gallon tank with a 1500 gallon tank, whs d inU a vation was suit efor ft.an-sits conditions. The pipe from the existing tank was c tocied.i`:the north com e0ikthe now tank. The pump was for installed in the south compa ,ern, � t;better mess ti�p•put ,' pair and maintenance, a 4 foot diameter cone type, Mai" s n was placed "hser-trthe amass opening. Five, 12- inch. risers were constmctedqV6r the,-i" access opel . Two-inch diameter, s6hedu .pvc delivery p has trusted from the pump to the 1000-gallon, two-compartm *s . k. The secon his nstalled west of the proposed leachfield instead of the propi� ed- sieast location sk i ot�t above -named drawing. This change was made due to enor-10 merit ernent i the' one hundred fifteen;-' ,,. ixfiltratotw Chi Wet* `installed in nine trenches. From the south fence line north, th'rst trenches lied L+'tl#yrs each, the forth had 13, the fifth had 14, the sixth had 1 i,.t ie S tith had 12 the 210i,-.Orst `94, had,the-ninth had 8. The infiltrators were connected m schi"sUibufi In `last infiltrator of each trench, inspection ports were installil�,I�cata1 distance fr+i:tent` fir. enter of the trenches, was 9 Feet or more, except betwee st a fit ►o trenches, w**' a iihnce from sidewall to sidewall ncr^_o_a000 rui i P,O, Box 2837, Edwards, :9163 (970) 926-9088 (06Y. 9i&9089 pax, & mail: lkpeng@s.nowr.Ap.net ra:t . a �nwn rn. rnri r r•rit YiTi� �: iY•'f'', r.a r� �:i:i6 w ., .-.....^ .- .I. cr uJr 1JJJ lY. lY �rV—Jtv-7civ7 LY�r CIY4a114CC1'KlIV47} 1144� I-'H4at j,j r Ms. Jan -Maxie Jouflas Page 2 - 99113 December 9, 1999 was 5.5 feet. All piping was 15.bR-351flinch PVC. The ':° Of trenches was one to three feet. The soil profile in the trefthes v rconsistent with i6 it exposed in the profile hole. As recommended the di h w :fined with a pond'> ier ar4covered with soil. ,At the time of our last site visit the pond, n .Oagt rom the leachfii `vas nct lined yet, The pond was empty. We recommend that the pond -lined as soon a9.** ssible;: d it must be lined before spring runoff If you have any questiolris, plea ftfl. do not hesitate. call. tint\�kt�llttill Sincerely, `:'D LK P Engineeri� 29M Luiza Petrovslra, President {%•rid'+#{+1``'•+�••�• '1$��`' Fxlclosure cc: Mr. Ray Merry, Eagle County hvironmental l #h Ai ion, fax: 328-0349 ("1Myl'ilcslcorcldoclWpdocs1991130SI.VfTD IICf —d—A OOd TW 1 f.�A A /ICM Tll. Crlr'1 C er I =loll'( 'IJrru TI.I I /- ( u j f 1777 IL+. 14 L.Nr rRut uq APO Al ?E LOAM* Or PaW I. YOX JLKJ F p.0. go. 2837 ..Ediw 13 1632 W4 ;,; m 4 MMM 111 �l . 4 AMM li! r SKETCH kCOTT MARKET WoLcorr EAi74C COUNTr COLORADO PREPARED FOR., ) UFLAS VA 99113 A: I LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81632-2837 (970) 926-9088 Fax (970) 926-9089 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Location: Wolcott Market Eagle County Colorado Project No.: 99113 Client: Jan -Marie Jouflas P.O. Bog 33 Wolcott, Co 81655 P-1 P-2 P-3 TIME/DEPTH 19" 17" J 1711 10:00 7-8/16" 3-4/16" 7" 3-8/16" 7-6/16" 10/16" 10:00 9-4/16" 1-12/16" 9-4/16" 2-4/16" 7-12/16" 6/16" 10:00 9-14/16" 10/16" 10-2/16" 14/16" 8-6/16" 10/16" 10:00 10-14/16' 1" 11-2/16" 1" 8-12/16" 6/16" 10:00 11-14/16" 1" 12-2/16" 1" 9-2/16" 6/16" 10:00 12-14/16" 1" 13-2/16" 1" 9-8/16" 6/16" 10:00 13-14/16" 1" 14-2/16" 1" 9-14/16" 6/16" PERC RATE 10� MIN/INCH 10 MIN/INCH 27 MIN/INCH AVG PERC: 16 MINUTES PER INCH Average Percolation Hole Diameter:12" Inches Holes Dug and Presoaked: 6- 25 -99 Test Run: 6- 26-1999 LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81632-2837 (970) 926-9088 Fax (970) 926-9089 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Location: Wolcott Market Eagle County Colorado Project No.: 99113 Client: Jan -Marie Jouflas P.O. Box 33 Wolcott, Co 81655 P-4 P- P- TWE/DEPTH 16" 10:00 1-6/16" 10:00 6-8/16" 5-2/16" 10:00 8-12/16" 2-4/16" 10:00 10" 1-4/16" 10:00 10-10/16" 10/16" 10:00 11-4/16" 10/16" 10:00 11-14/16" 10/16" PERC RATE 16 MIN/INCH MIN/INCH MIN/INCH AVG PERC: 16 MINUTES PER INCH Average Percolation Hole Diameter:12" Inches Holes Dug and Presoaked: 6- 25 -99 Test Run: 6- 26-1999 `QV4V7-Y PUMPS ,F1NCE �99 Product information presented here reflects conditions at time of publication. Consult factory regarding discrepancies or inconsistencies. COMPARE THESE FEATURES MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 16347 • Louisville, KY 40256-0347 SHIP TO: 3280 Old Millers Lane • Louisville, KY 40216 (502) 778-2731 • 1(800) 928-PUMP • FAX (502) 774-3624 • Non -clogging bronze vortex impeller design. • Durable cast construction. Cast iron switch case, base, motor and pump housing. No sheet metal parts to rust or corrode. • Stainless steel screws, bolts, float rod, handle guard, arm and seal assembly. • 20 foot UL listed 3 wire neoprene cord and plug. Extra cords lengths available in 25-35-50 foot length only. • Automatic reset thermal overload protection (1PH only). • Oil filled motor - hermetically sealed. • 3-phase models available. (292, 115V, 1 PH only) • 60 cycle, 3450 RPM. • Maximum temperature for sewage or dewatering 130• F. (54• C.). If over 130• F. consult factory. • Carbon and ceramic shaft seal. • Upper sleeve bearing and lower ball bearing running in bath of oil. 1. • All models pass 2" solids (sphere). • Major width 121/6". Height 18 9/16". (Single seal pumps) • Automatic units available with float operated, submersible (NEMA 6) 2 pole mechanical switch. On point 14" Off point 5". • Specify 2" or 3" flanged discharge. • 100% computerized testing. MODELS 4292-4293-4294-4295 DOUBLE SEAL PUMPS (non -auto only) • Protects motor from seal leaks. • Moisture sensors available for early warning of seal failure. (Optional) • Improved bearing lubrication. • Helps eliminate seal and bearing damage from dry runs. • Major width 13". Height 20'/,6". Note: The sizing of effluent systems normally requires variable level float(s) controls and properly sized basins to achieve required pumping cycles. See back page For UL & CSA Lisfings SECTION: 2.30.050 FM0450 0494 Supersedes 1093 "292" - "293" - "294" - "295" Single Seal Series "4292" - 114293" - "4294" - "4295" Double Seal Series HIGH HEAD"..�s: CID �; � V SMATE" ecification *LIM0 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE SpPJMP Y!R$ASSN. SS Number r SC-1225 Number SC-1225 OR DEWATERING PUMP !I Non -Automatic Models Double for variable level systems T M Seal Pump 230V Non -Automatic Pilot controlled by variable level float Automatic units switch in 295/4295 Available in single phase 292, Series only 293, 294 & 295 Series (XE Model), f W s 2z w LL 75 70 HEAD CAPACITY CURVE MODELS"292/4292.29314293-29414294.29514295" TOTAL DYNAMICH ADI L EFFLUENT AND DEWATERING W MINUTE SERIES 292/4292 29314293 294l4294 1 29514295 FT. M. Gal Ltr Gal Ltr Gal Ltr Gal Ltr 5 1.52 14 5530 196 742 225 852 10 3.05 1124 469 181 685 205 776 20-6s ° 15 4.57 106 401 130 492 165 625 185 700 20 6.10 88 333 119 450 150 568 168 636 25 7.62 68 257 106 401 136 515 153 580 18 16 i 14 55 30 9.14 47 178 90 340 121 458 140 530 40 12.19 5 19 50 189 94 356 115 435 50 50 15.24 1 58 220 89 337 60 18.29 13 49 59 223 70 21.34 25 95 12 0 ¢ 1D as 40 80 24.38 90 27.43 35 100 30.48 I 4 30 SK8243 8 25 6 20 5 4- 10 293/4293 2 5 I292/4292 294/429 295/429 0 U.S. GALLONS I t0 201 30 401 5D 601 10 BO i 90 t00 i110 120 It 30 740 I75D 160 h7018019D� 200 2t 01 220 210i 0 90 160 240 320 400 400 550 640 720 8DD 880 FLOW PER MINUTE WARNING: Model 293 should not be subjected to less that 15 feet TDH. Standard all models - 20 ft. cord - % H.P. 292MODELS 4292MODELS Control Selection Listings"' Single Seal � Double Seal" Volts - Ph Mode Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL M292 - 115 1 Auto 15.0 1 or 1& 9 Y Y N292 N4292 1 115 1 Non 15.0 2 & 8 3 or 5 & 6 Y YI11 Standard all models - 20 ft. cord -1 H.P. 293MODELS 4293MODELS Control Selection Listings"' Single Seal Double Seal" Volts - Ph Mode Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL D293 - 230 1 Auto 10.6 1 or 1& 9 Y Y E293 E4293 230 1 Non 10.6 2 or 2& 8 3 or 5& 6 Y Y ` H293 --- 200-208 1 Auto 10.7 1 & 9 Y N ' 1293 • 14293 200-208 1 Non 10.7 2 & 8 3 or 5 & 6 Y N ' F293 ' F293 230 3 Non 6.6 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y Y ' J293 ' J4293 200-208 3 Non 7.6 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y Y ' G293 ' G4293 460 3 Non 3.3 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y Y ' BA293 - 575 3 Non 2.8 2& 4 3& 4 or 5& 6 Y N Standard all models - 20 ft. cord -11A H.P. 294MODELS 4294MODELS Control Selection Listings"' Single Seal Double Seal" Volts - Ph Mode Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL D294 - 230 1 Auto 13.7 1 or 1 & 9 Y Yin E294 E4294 230 1 Non 13.7 2 or 2 & 8 3 or 5 & 6 Y Y5 ' H294 - 200-208 1 Auto 15.4 1 or 1 & 9 N N ' 1294 14294 200-208 1 Non 15.4 2& 7 3 or 5& 6 N N ' F294 F294 230 3 Non 9.0 2& 4 3& 4 or 5& 6 Y Y ' J294 J4294 200-208 3 Non 11.0 2& 4 1 3& 4 or 5& 6 Y Y ' G294 G4294 460 3 Non 4.5 2& 4 3& 4 or 5& 6 Y Y ' BA294 - 575 3 Non 3.8 2& 4 3& 4 or 5& 6 Y N Standard all models - 20 ft. cord - 2 H.P. 295MODELS 4295MODELS Control Selection Listings"' Single Seal DoubleSeal" Volts - Ph Mode Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL D295 - 230 1 Auto 16.6 1 or 1& 9 N Y E295 E4295 230 1 Non 16.6 2 & 7 3 or 5 & 6 Ym Y XE295 XE4295 230 1 Auto 16.6 2 Y Y ' H295 - 200-208 1 Auto 20.5 1 or 1 & 9 N N • 1295 ' 14295 200-208 1 Non 20.5 2 & 7 3 or 5 & 6 N N ' F295 ' F295 230 3 Non 12.2 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y Y ` J295 ' J4295 200-208 3 Non 13.6 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y Y ' G295 ' G4295 460 3 Non 6.1 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y Y ' BA295 - 575 3 Non 4.3 2& 4 3& 4 or 5& 6 Y N I 20 7/16 J- 4 1/58 3/4 r'6r'61/2-- '- , - 11 1/2 NPT 8 NPT SELECTION GUIDE SKA863 SKA1415 1. Integral float operated mechanical switch, no external control re- quired. 2. Single piggyback wide angle variable level float switch or double piggyback variable level float switch. Refer to FM0477. 3. Mechanical alternator "M-Pak" 10-0072 or 10-0075. 4. Combination starter. Refer to FM0514. 5. See FM0712, for correct model of Electrical Alternator, "E-Pak". 6. Variable level control switch 10-0225 used as a control activator, with "E-Pak" duplex (3) or (4) float system. 7. SIMPLEX CONTROL BOX 10-0050, 115/23OV, 1 Ph. max. 2 HP uses: One (1) single piggyback wide angle variable level float switch OR two (2).10-0225 control switches for level control. 8. 4 hole "J-Pak", junction box, for watertight connection or wired -in simplex or duplex operation. 9. 2 hole "J-Pak", junction box, for watertight connection or splice. CAUTION All installation of controls, protection devices and wiring should be done by a qualified licensed electrician. All electrical and safety codes should be followed including the most recent National Electric Code (NEC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). No Molded Plug For information on additional Zoeller products refer to catalog on Combination Double Seal pumps are available with optional moisture sensors. Seal Fail indicator light available in NEMA 1 or NEMA 4X control panels. Starter, FM0514; PiggybackVariable Level Switches, FM0477; Electrical Alternator, Currently no UL or CSA listing on Double Seal Pumps. FM0486; Mechanical Alternator, FM0495;Alarm Package, FM0513; Sump/Sewage "1 UL listed unit available with 20 Amp plug. Basins, FM0487; and Simplex Control Box, FM0732. - - m CSA Approval without plug cap. RESERVE POWERED DESIGN For unusual conditions a reserve safety factor is engineered into the design of every Zoeller pump. Y� SCHEDULE A Order Number: 99017488-C2 LEGAL DESCRIP77ON A Tract :of land .situated in Tract 48, Section 15, '2'ownship 4 South, Range 83 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1, a point: on the northerly right-of- way boundary line of Interstate Highway No. 70, from which the position for Corner No. 3 of Tract 48 bears West 519.60 feet distant, - thence along ,paid right-of-way boundary line 176.82 feet on a curve to the left having a radius of 2461.80 feet, the chord of which bears N 73 degrees 34' W 176.82 feet to Ccrner No. 2; thence departing from said right-cf-way boundary lire North 69.82 feet to Corner No. 3 on the southerly boundary line of the right- of -way of U.S. Highiway No's 6 and 24; thence N 87 degrees 23,30" E 272.77 feet along said right-of-way boundary line to Corner No. 4, a point on the westerly boundary line of an old county road, 60 feet wide; thence S 35 degrees 45' E 162.95 feet along said westerly_boundary line of Cosner No. 5; thence Wesr 198.10 feet to Corner Na. 1 The Place 01! Beginning. EXCEPTINGTHEREF'ROM a Tract of Land recorded in Book 228 at Page 19 of the Official Records of Eagle County, Colorado. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO THIS COMIXTMENT Wicks PREPARED ON FEB.. 2, 1999. FOR QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL LINDA WILLIAMS AT (970)949-1011. This comiiii.trae.it is sent to: HOLLI EASEMENT AGREEMENT G. JOUFLAS RANCHES, LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company (hereinafter "Ranches"), whose legal address is P. O. Box 55245, Grand Junction, Colorado 81505, hereby grants the following described easement rights to JAN MARIE JOUFLAS (hereinafter "Jouflas"), whose address is P. O. Box 33, Wolcott, Colorado 81655. Jouflas hereby accepts such Easement and all obligations imposed by this Easement. The benefits and burdens of this Easement shall run with and burden the property described in Schedule A and the property described as Parcel B. 1. Grant of Easement. Ranches grants a ten (10) foot easement for the installation, maintenance and repair of an underground sewer line and associated clean -outs. The sewer line easement shall commence at the approximate southeast corner of the Jouflas property described in Schedule A and shall proceed in a southeasterly direction onto Parcel 4 for a distance of approximately three hundred forty (340) feet. The sewer line easement shall be located within twenty (20) feet of the southern boundary of Ranches' Parcel 4 property. Ranches also grants an easement for the installation, maintenance and repair of a sewer leach field. The leach field easement is located within a one hundred fifteen (115) foot by one hundred (100) foot rectangle with the southern boundary of the rectangle being the easterly one hundred fifteen (115) feet of the sewer line easement granted above. 2. Burdens and Benefits. The Easement shall benefit and burden Jouflas and all heirs, successors and assigns who acquire an interest in the Schedule A property and such heirs, successors and assigns shall be obligated to perform the maintenance and repair obligations imposed on Jouflas. The Easement shall also burden the Parcel 4 property and shall run with the land. 3. Terms and Conditions. (a) Upon thirty (30) days' advance written notice to Jouflas or her successors and assigns, an individual or entity having an interest in Parcel 4 can require all parties possessing an interest in the Schedule A property to obtain a survey (from a licensed Colorado surveyor) specifically locating the sewer line and the leach field. The costs of the survey shall be the sole responsibility of the owner of the Schedule A property. Upon acquisition of the survey, all parties having an interest in the Schedule A property and the Parcel 4 property shall forthwith execute an Amended Easement Agreement setting forth the exact location of the sewer line and leach field easement and simultaneously declaring void and rescinding this Easement Agreement. (b) Easement rights afforded by this instrument shall remain in full force and effect until STATE. OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF MESA ) On this 14 day of November, 1999, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared George P. Jouflas; personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: l t - a710 STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF EqWt,) On this oD, day of November, 1999, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Jan Marie Jouflas, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her authorized capacity and that by her signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: -!9 - /3 ---0 3 SCHEDULE A Order Number: 990174 88-C2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Tra,ct,of land situated in Tract 48, Section 15, '2'ownship 4 South, Range 63 West or the 6th Principal Meridian, more particularly ' described as follows: .Beg.fnn?.ng at Corner No. 1, a point: on the northerly right-of- way boundary line of Interstate Highway No. 70, from which the position for Corner No. 3 of Tract 48 bears West 519.60 feet distant; thence along :said right-of-way boundary line 176.82 feet on a curve to the left having a radius of 2461.60 feet, the chord of which bears N 73 degrees 34' W 176.82 feet to Corner No. 2; thence departing from said right-cf-way boundary 13:ie North 69.82 feet to Corner No. 3 on the southerly boundary line of the right- of -way of U.S. fliglzwa.y No's 6 and 24; thence N 87 degrees 23130" E 272.77 feet along said right-of-way boundary line to Corner No. 4, a point on the westerly boundary line of an old county road, 60 feet wide; thence S 35 degrees 451 E 162.95 feet along said wenterly.boundary line of Corner No. 5; thence Wesr 198.10 feet to Corner Mo. I The Place Os° Beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFR011 a Tract of Land recorded in Dook 228 at Page 19 of the Official Records of Eagle County, Colorado. COUNTY 01' EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO THIS COMILTMENT WAS PREPARED ON FEB.. 2, 1999. FOR QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL LINDA WILLIAMS AT (970)949-1011. This. comisritnie.te is sent to: HOLLI , Parcel 4 A parcel of land in Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 83 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, E igle, County, Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly right of way line of Interstate Highway 70, from which the south east corner of Section 15 bears S61 °26'33"E, 1107.77 feet, thence along said northerly right of way the following five (5) courses; ?.. N63024'30"W, 377.10 feet; 1.1 Thence N57°19100"W, 800.00 feet; 3. Thence N67°06'30"W, 235.10 feet;. 4. Thence N56°45'00"W, 311.00 feet; 5. Thence along ON, a.ri of a curve to the left 438.00 feet, with a radius of 2461.80 feet, a central angle of 10° 11'38", and a long chord which bears N66°09'48"W, 437.42 feet, to a point on the northerly line of Tr�:.ct 49, Township 4 South, Range 83 West; 6. Thence departing said northerly right of way line and along said northerly line of Tract 49 on an approximate bearing of N90°00'00", approximately 8C`*.,76 feet, to a point on the southerly right of way line of U.S. Highway 6; thence along said southerly right of way line the following four (4) courses; 7. S69013'58"E, 81.71. feet; 8. Thence S67°45'28"E, 81.40 feet; 9. Thence along the are of a curve to the left 73.0.25 feet, with a radius of 1687.10 feet, a central angle of 24`48'00" and a long chord which bears S80°09'28"E, 724.56 feet; 10. Thence N87°26'32"E, 399.62 feet to a point on the westerly right of way of the connector road between Highway 6 and Interstate Highway 70; thence departing said southerly right of way and along said westerly right of way the following four (4) courses; 11. S32029'30"E, li' .77 feet; 12. Thence along the arc of a curve to the right 316.06 feet, with a radius of 402.50 feet, a central angle of 44°59'27", and a long chord which bears SO1°49'00"E, 308.00 feet; 13. Thence S28 °51 30"W - 183.90 feet; 14. Thence S32°41'00"W, 331.90 feet to the Point of Beginning. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IN EASEMENT AGREEMENT G. JOUFLAS RANC�S, LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company (hereinafter "Ranches"), whose legal address is P. O. Box 55245, Grand Junction, Colorado 81505, hereby grants the following described easement rights to JAN MARIE JOUFLAS (hereinafter "Jouflas"), whose address is P. O. Box 33, Wolcott, Colorado 81655. Jouflas hereby accepts such Easement and all obligations imposed by this Easement. The benefits and burdens of this Easement shall run with and burden the property described in Schedule A and the property described as Parcel B. 1. Grant of Easement. Ranches grants a ten (10) foot easement for the installation, maintenance and repair of an underground sewer line and associated clean -outs. The sewer line easement shall commence at the approximate southeast corner of the Jouflas property described in Schedule A and shall proceed in a southeasterly direction onto Parcel 4 for a distance of approximately three hundred forty (340) feet. The sewer line easement shall be located within twenty (20) feet of the southern boundary of Ranches' Parcel 4 property. Ranches also grants an easement for the installation, maintenance and repair of a sewer leach field. The leach field easement is located within a one hundred fifteen (115) foot by one hundred (100) foot rectangle with the southern boundary of the rectangle being the easterly one hundred fifteen (115) feet of the sewer line easement granted above. 2. Burdens and Benefits. The Easement shall benefit and burden Jouflas and all heirs, successors and assigns who acquire an interest in the Schedule A property and such heirs, successors and assigns shall be.obligated to perform the maintenance and repair obligations imposed on Jouflas. The Easement shall also burden the Parcel 4 property and shall run with the land. 3. Terms and Conditions. (a) Upon thirty (30) days' advance written notice to Jouflas or her successors and assigns, an individual or entity having an interest in Parcel 4 can require all parties possessing an interest in the Schedule A property to obtain a survey (from a licensed Colorado surveyor) specifically locating the sewer line and the leach field. The costs of the survey shall be the sole responsibility of the owner of the Schedule A property. Upon acquisition of the survey, all parties having an interest in the Schedule A property and the Parcel 4 property shall forthwith execute an Amended Easement Agreement setting forth the exact location of the sewer line and leach field easement and simultaneously declaring void and rescinding this Easement Agreement. (b) Easement rights afforded by this instrument shall remain in full force and effect until one hundred twenty (120) days after a municipal or quasi -municipal sewer company or sewer district extends a sewer line to within three hundred (300) feet of the Schedule A property. At that time, owners of the Schedule A property shall be obligated to connect to the municipal or quasi -municipal sewer company; they shall be solely responsible for all costs associated with such connection, including, but not limited to, paying all tap fees and construction costs; and all easement rights shall terminate, with Jouflas and her successors and assigns obligated to quitclaim all easement back to Ranches and its successors and assigns. (c) Should the Schedule A property owners fail to timely comply, the owners of Parcel 4 shall be entitled to specifically enforce this Agreement against Jouflas and her heirs, successors and assigns. In any such proceeding, the Parcel 4 property owners shall be entitled to recover all of their costs and attorneys fees. (d) The parties acknowledge that time is of the essence relative to this Easement Agreement terminating after a municipal or quasi -municipal sewer company or sewer district extends a sewer line to within three hundred (300) feet of the Schedule A property. (e) Any heir, successor or assign who hereafter acquires an interest in either the Schedule A property or the Parcel 4 property shall acquire such interest subject to all terms and conditions of this Agreem�:.nt. :1 y- DATED this _-%day of November, 1999. GRANTOR: G. JOUFLAS RANCHES, LLC By:A_".."' , S�' . George P. Jo as, Manager Owner of Parcel 4 2 STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF MESA ) On this 14 day of November, 1999, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared George P. Jouflas, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: l STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF = ) On this '�- day of November, 1999, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Jan Marie Jouflas, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her authorized capacity and that by her signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: ..S - /3 - 0 -�'- Notary Public 3 1928-99R,Tax #1941-153-00-016 27190 Hwy 6, JOUFLAS JOB NAME Wolcott Market, Wolcott JOB NO. B LOCATION r otd �-, le s s+em ! - f / &o - f4p BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED (7 !a �Q�(% -1" e� F �c 3��' i '� r"7 r l0 a < ay Pt �r� Zoo✓t..G^S r �r� L:/✓27,G.�i <� n / av 0 o o e, r S c e� l -��,s , 3 S 6 5 JOB COST SUMMARY o�J or e�s�•.•.� cr. e•.� a TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR ,f INSURANCE d ►r L�, SALES TAX ql4q L MISC. COSTS v,' 0� ! ,5 1 _ w6G 4'1- '= TOTAL JOB COST as� ��, Sift �a. � v�rr -e,# a� GROSS PROFIT f iti t Gh1701 ���. /� Ill b l v j7 LESSOVERHEAD COSTS OF SELL NG % PRICE r NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 277 JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A. INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. REPAIR P RI�I PERMIT NO. 0 OWNER: Jan Jouflas/ Tim Farley PHONE: (970) 9EL2882 MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. BOX 5 City: WOlCott State: CID ZIP:A 1 h 5 5 APPLICANT: Alpine Engineering, Glenn Palmer PHONE: (970) 926—��71 SYSTEMLOCATION: 27190 Hwy 6, Wolcott, CO TAX PARCEL NUMBER: LICENSED INSTALLER: Tnngta Excavating, Terry MCAr_th r_ LICENSE NO: i5-96 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: Al? ina F.naainaarjug, G]_eT]ll INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: jj�� GALLON SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: YM f SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25- 10- 104. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: GALLON DEGREES FEET FROM SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REQUIREMENTS: YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A REANSPECTION WHEN WORK IS CORRECTED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS APPLICANT / AGENT: PERMIT PERCOLATION TEST FEE OWNER: RECEIPT # CHECK# ISDS Permit # 11VZ -47Z Building Permit I APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE- EAGLE COUNTY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CC 8 16 31 328-8755/927-3823(Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST gBE $200+C, PROPERTY OWNER: Jky �4#A--4-�-x MAILzNr. AnDREss : DYBox s; woL4- rT lb._ _ PHONE- 926-zaoz APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: ALPW5- eWC7.1 &LF_-NL,� ff^t-MW PIioWE; 9F6-a�37S LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: Ele? 4 ADDRESS: �X�l (r ' �� - �- ` �l �o _ _ PHdNE : PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( j REPAr LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTF.M." Legal Description: JrTr���t�r Parcel Number: Lot size: �yG Physical Address : 0-111 ] 0'.9, Hwy(;, WDc.Gvrr BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential j Single Family Number of Bedrooms _) Residential. / Multi -family* Number of Bedrooms (( ) Cc�znmerc j Industrial* Type 5fia�� f�rwie 4legsrx-r.obI UNG 4 'pE�'i� 2 Oe APAprm ; TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Well (X) spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public ( ) Name of Supplier: i *These systems require design by a Registered iZOfesSional Engineer NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION MAKE ALL Rr-KITTANGE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" SIGNATURE: DATE AMOUNT PAID: RiECEIPT# 'DATE: CHECK 0 CASHIER: From: Ray P. Merry To: LAURAF Date: 8/31/99 12:10pm Subject: Wolcott Inn ISDS system -Reply ** Proprietary ** Reply requested when convenient I'm always nervous about the State's site application process. I think Louiza should contact Tom Bennett and get the decision in writing because there is a conflict between definitions of "sewage treatment works" (>2,000gpd) and the State Board of Health ISDS Guidlines which speaks to systems whose average daily flow is up to 2,000gpd, implying we could permit systems up to 3,000gpd design flow. Could you please call her as I won't have a chance until Sept. 20. Thanks!! >>> Laura S. Fawcett 08/30/99 04:55pm >>> Louiza Petrovska called regarding the system at the Wolcott Inn. The two previous ISDS permits were numbers 1142-92 and 1640-96. She has done some calculations and the design flow she calculates is around 3000 gallons per day. Would they need state site approval? Is this discretionary on our part? She would like you to call her to discuss the present system. It has failed and she would like to design a system for them that will work. You probably know more about what is going on there than I do. I'll give the files to Janet. June 10, 1997 Mr. Ray Merry Eagle County Department of Environmental Health P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631' RE: Wolcott Septic System Dear Ray: Alpine Engineering, Inc. has been monitoring the septic system function at the Wolcott store and Inn since December of last year. On our most recent site visit (week of June 2, 1997), the effluent level in the tanks was observed to have risen approximately 14 inches since winter. AEI recommends the collection of additional site information to.be taken immediately. AEI proposes the installation of 3-4 monitoring wells in the vicinity of the absorption area. Drilling and installation of the wells will provide information on depth to.bedrock, depth to groundwater, groundwater table gradient and information about the fluctuation of groundwater in the area. We propose that the wells have'4 inch diameter casings so that, if shallow groundwater is observed, pumps can be installed to lower the groundwater table locally in the area of the absorption trenches to at least 4 feet below the bottoms of the trenches. One of the monitoring wells is to be located on the opposite side of the absorption area from the pumped wells so that water levels during pumping can be monitored. If pumping is required, the tops of the well screens will be placed no. shallower than 4 feet below the bottoms of the infiltration trenches. The wells will be located approximately 10 feet from the absorption area. , Effluent from the. pumped wells will be piped behind the cabins to be discharged to the sub -surface via perforated pipe. We also recommend that a meter be installed on the water system to obtain use. versus effluent depth relationships, etc. Edwards Business Center • P.O. Box 97 • Edwards, Colorado.81632 • (970) 926-3373 • Fax (970) 926-3390 Mr. Ray Merry June 10, 1997 Page 2 We are in the process of scheduling drilling and monitoring well placement during the week of June 1.6, 1997. We have arranged for a representative of Koechlein Engineering to be present on - site during drilling to evaluate soils, bedrock and groundwater conditions. As discussed with you ' on the telephone on June 4, 1997, you found these recommendations to be an acceptable method of investigation and repair, and we are proceeding accordingly. We will continue to provide the County with information on the site as it comes available. 'If you have any questions concerning these recommendations, please do not hesitate to call me or Glenn Palmer. Sincerely, Linn Schorr cc: Jan Jouflas Glenn Palmer AE1 ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC. Edwards Business Center/P.O. Box 97/Edwards, Colorado/81632/970 926-3373/FX 970 926-3390 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION DATE: _ —��ij JOB TITLE: Name: /�ihi �� Name: Jek Name:* Company: Company: A Company: FAX#: FAX#: FAX#: Name: Name: Name: Company: Company: Company: FAX#: FAX#: FAX#: Number of pages (including cover sheet): U. S. HIGHWAY 6 1 (DfiY O` pl�L1'A T/1•.MRY/t: .' I . I I I I I 1 I CIO, \ .. 15 I 1 I O SED £ASEAEHT LWES J wen.rrAa uzxwr CL - o - �- I 1 �' PLAtF BOIL RS AROUO 21 A8 ORPTIQY F TO— I-TRICT VV# UWt� PERC TEST HOLES (TYP I 't1• r fi o r' or 4 Iu• �{(��) r.. 1� ifI � � S•M 1Y' •�' �I. /1 OIL 4"LE HOLE 43• BEAD W/CLEANOUT 01 �.,3.6,� R � s / hew W k; uw,A ,' 2 \ ; VALVE r / -PVZ`� c r s �13 s M✓� y 104%0 1soot prJ-i; — i / % _ 2-WAY ADS TER A VAALV£ 41 AAK V\ ltZ55F 24300 GALLON BLOCKHOUSE' SEPTIC TAWS \ TO evStWACE ,,,� I � wti, tGy✓�, �d fe P..vt;j,,.� m LLJ w Z I June 24, 1996 Mr. Ray Merry Eagle County Department of Environmental Health P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 816-31 1 RE: Jouflas Septic System - Wolcott Junction Dear Mr. Merry: The following is information on the septic system at the Jouflas property (Wolcott Station) located in Wolcott, Colorado. Alpine Engineering, Inc. prepared the application for an ISDS Permit for the Wolcott Station in April of 1992 which is a commercial property with a gas station, outdoor Will/restaurant, convenience store, hotel/inn, and 3 rental cabins. The site is located on the south side of U.S' Highway 6 at the intersection of U.S_ Highway 6 and 131, In June of 1996, we were notifled of a possible problem with the septic system. I have visited the site and have the following opinions regarding the problems with the existing septic system: It appears that groundwater exists at approximately 6.1 feet below the ground at the infiltrative area, The top of the existing infiltrator is approximately, S.g feet deep_ When the original soil profile hole was dug in April of 1992, no groundwater or soil mottling was evident. The groundwater at .the site appears to be influenced by the Eagle River. It would appear that snowroelt on the steep slopes to the south of the site would have a significant impact on the groundwater table. Ilie original soil profile was observed near peak snowmelt of adjacent slopes, but prior to peak river discharge. There appears to be lag time between peak Eagle Riverlow"and peak groundwater at the site- 0, The previous 3 - 4 summers had shorter peak runoff periods so that groundwater at the absorption field probably did not get as hi-0fi as this year as it has the last 4 years. 2 of the previous 4 years also had below average snowpack, hence lower river runoff - The tee on the last septic tank was installed incorrectly, allowing scum and solids to possibly enter the absorption field and clog it. It is not clear whether the absorption area failed from groundwater or clogging or a combination of both, but it is our opinion that groundwater is primarily influenced by the Eagle River, which can raise groundwater at the site to a point where 4 feet of absorption depth is not achieved during peak Eagle River runoff periods. June 1996 Youflas Septic System The septic tanks have been pumped out when full (at 2 to 3 day intervals), until system is repaired. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that a pump be provided to raise the elevation of the absorption field to 4' minimum above the seasonal high groundwater elevations. Since groundwater is currently 6' deep if P of cover was provided on infiltrators, the bottom absorption elevation of the infiltrators would be 2' deep, or 4' above the groundwater, at the lowest of the five trenches proposed. The other trenches are up to 3' higher in elevation than the lowest trench, where depth of groundwater was measured. The tee at the second septic tank outlet needs to be correctly positioned mid all other tees need to be checked - A bubbler should to be added to increase BOD and SS reduction in the second septic tank, QUANTITY OF EFFLUENT Per previous TSDS submittal, the peak daily flow was estimated to be-M-0-4pd. Currently, while the system is being repaired, a pumper truck has been pumping the septic tanks at a rate of 3000 gallons every 2 to 4 days: 3000 gallons every two days is equal to 1500 gpc4 which is consistent with the previous estimate. The use of the area appeared to be a peak period, the rooms are rented, cabins are rented and convenience store and grill use is high. SEPTIC TANK SIZE 1990-gallons (30 hours) 2487 gallons,'3000 gallon capacity provided ABSORPTION J A = Q/5 VT = (1990/5) -V1. 6 1097 sf 40% reduction for infiltrators ;-- (1097)(.60) =:k5g sf APPLICATION RATE 1220 Zpd ;--: 165 8 sf 1.2 gpd/W 50% reduction for infiltrators It is recommended that :'-6,56 sf of infiltrative surface (bottom area) be provided and a bubbler aeration system be added to the end baffle in the last (second) tank to reduce BOD and SS, which has been shown to be beneficial for increasing the soil clogging mats permeability which allows for smaller infiltration areas ("Wastewater Engineering Design for Unsewered Areas", by Rein Laak), June 1996 Joutlas Septic System PUAINSUNIP PIT CRITERIA -Proposed 4' diameter manhole, 2 feet of pumping depth. -Storage volume = 2 x 7Rx 7.48 gal/W = 187 gallons -Average Effluent Flow Rate = 1990.,gallo gpin 10 hrs x 60 min/hr (10 firs, = 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM) -Pump Rate = two pumps at 10 gpm, alternate pumps between two fields. -Pump Time = 187 izallons r 18 minutes to 25 minutes (depending on effluent rate) 10 gpm -Pumps will discharge 1990 = 8 to 10 times per day, or timer, to each of the two fields 187 June 1996 Jouflas Septic System a Provide a 4" perforated distribution pipe in the first (highest) of trench of each of the Two fields, 0 -211 HDPEIPVC force main V = QJA = ( 10/449)/.02 18 sf � 1.02 fps (okay) -I" HDPE/PVC 4.1 -fps (okay) INFILTRATOR DISTRIBUTION LINE 4" PVC @ 43.75 foot long -2 (3/8" diameter holes/ft (g spring line) Area = .0031 sf/hole -43-75" x 2 holes/ft x .0031 = 2683 ft - -V = Q/A = (10/449)/.2683 = .08 fps (okay) PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Hole I Time Depth Hole 2 Time Depth Hole 3 Time Depth 2:11 .99 2:11.5 87 2:12 1.13 2:21 1.09 2-2L5 .99 2-22 1,25 2:31 1.20 2:31.5 1.10 2:32 1.37 2:41 1.37 2-41.5 1.22 2-42 1.49 2:51 1.48 2.51.5 1.29 2;52 1-60 3:01 1.59 3:01.5 1,36 3:02 1,73 3-11 1.70 3:11.5 1,48 12 1.86 Last 10 Minutes 7.58 1nin/in F7.59 6,94 min/in 6.41 min/in Last 20 Minutes min/in 8.77 mill/in 6-41 min/in Aver -age = 7.58 min/in Water filled in holes at 1:4$, reffled. at 2:10 (water was in holes for 20 minutes prior to test). June 1996 fouflas Septic System 4 ,v1% 1I1UIViuvn4,. ILWMIJF. VLJrUWkL JiJtIMa A permit fee of $150.00 shall be charged for alteration, enlargement or any repair involving alteration of aft existing sewage disposal system. This fee is authorized by Edgle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations adopted and effective March 27, 1980. For minor repairs of less than $100.00 for maintenance of the individual savage disposal system, no fee shall be required. A percolation test fee of $225 shall be charged for all new leach fields on repair permits. Percolation testing may be waived at the discretion of the Environmental health Officer on certain repair cases where prompt action aviust be taken to prevent a health hazard. IF PRESENT SYSTEM IS PRE-EXISTING, NON -CONFORMING, A NEW SYSTEM SMALL BE INSTALLED COMPLYING WITH ALL CURRENT REGULATIONS. IF A NEW SYSTEM IS REQUIRED, ALL FEES ARE APPL t CABLE . DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM/MALFUNCTI03, AtF't',44ur TYPE AND SIZE OF SYSTEM PRESENTLY IN USE: eV L !^� i 5 e�P sia l lvr. t Aff'1GT�.d tZ.,& ?t76&0,0 re-'AJ 7''p�. ycff _ DATE PRESENT SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED: !�UIYd ma !12 Z PERMIT NUMBER FOR ORIGINAL SYSTEM, IF A PERMIT WAS ISSUER BY THIS DEPARTMENT : T SITE PLAN SELOW SHOWING PRESENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS: OVINER OF SYSTEM: ADDRESS: PHONE: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: PRONF: DATE: " Exhibit A LEGAL VZSCRIPTION This -site is described according to the metes and bounds Legal descr:.pticn a5 f of laws That part of Tract 48 lyir'g wzt%i:n tube northeast 1/4 - of the sc7uth4aest 1/4 or section 1.5, Township 4 South? Range 83, ides � bf the Sixth principal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of ColQradca. 1-!ora particularly described.. as follows, to Wit: jaegirui .ng at corner #1, a point of the nOrtherly right of way boundary line of interstate Highway No. 7o, from which the positjon for corner #3, of said tract 48 bea--s west 519.60 feet distant: thence along said right of way boundary line 176.82 feet can a curve to the left having a radius of 2461.80 feet, the, chord of which bears north 73 Degrees 34 Minutas west 176a 82 feet to corner it thence departing from said right of way boundary line north 69.82 feat to corner #3 on the southerly boundary line of the right of way of U.S. Highway 1"t 6 and 24; thence North 87 Degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds east 272 _ e 7 feet along said right of way boundary line to corner n4, a point on the westerly boundary line of an old county road, 60 feet wide; thence south 35 degrees 45 minutas ,fast 16-.95 feet along said westerly boundary_ line to comer T5t thence west 198.10 feet t4 cc =er #1, t♦Ie tainiAg an area of 4 d 836 of an place of beginning; con - acre, more or less, excepting there from a tract of land recorded in Book 228 at page 1.9 of the official records of Eagle County, colarado The total lard area is 35,024 Square Feet or .836 of an. acre more or les$. The parcel is irregular in shape_ ALPINE ENGINEERING; INC. Edwards Business Center P.O. Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 81632 (970) 926 33�3 •Fax (970) 926-3390 ENGINEFRING INC i Edwards Business Center/P.O. Sax 17/Ednard5, Cc5lorado181632/970 9� _6-3373/F.X 9.0 926.3390 NOWS—F.1WE TRANSMISSION DATE: -7 — 1 pia JOB TITLE: ( -{%c I Name: ��'GPtS. Name: re4k tN#me, i :: Company:,... FAX#: ,� Company: FAX'. i Cojrpany: IJame: Name: i ; Name, Company: Company, I Company: FAX#: FAX#: I FApi#: Number of pages (including Cover Sheet): i REMARKS:FAo I I sc:� , f .6.4"' M VA 16,1 aTIC I .00 Y ,►G S/ �i `J ` iIt .+"i A,k i i WOLCOTT SEPTIC SYSTEMS OPTIONS 2. 3 * 4 Whitewater Keith has not returned my cal but — A) No break, from setback reqairem, B) Approximately $7,000.00 to SR,( area near the Whitewater System that we have now, Q Possibly a smaller absorption are Repair & Use Existing Sv-,tcnl 's ).00 cost, but would like ly need to have absorption We would have the same problems with setbacks Peroxide treatment of existing absorption area, lower groundwatcr,i use existing absorption trenches- Probably will need to drill six (6 wells 12 to 15 feet deep, monitor discharge from wells, still too close to the Wolcott store ell, still have to dig a se arate absorption area for P the well discharge, 6 pumps to maintain, monitoring, don't know if we can fix the existing absorption area, I believe that it is severe]' clogged from septic tank solids. Drill 6 wells (minimum) 15 feet 6 pumps Discharge area for pump dischar Drill new water well Package Treatment Plant 'eed minimum of 8000 to 10,000 gpd f( discharge monitoring requirements, rNui $60,000,00) Store or to John' Put new Wolcott Store septic absorption , septic tank and west of cinderblock buildi not lose more parking spaces. $3,000.00 $7,000,00 $3,500.00 S19,500.00 smallest plant (we have! 1990 gpd), Monthly I maintenance, high initial cost ($50,000.00 to the 'Wol ea in the area as currently staked (north of existing g) or place it south of C eorge's house which would 2 effluent pumps 1 $800.00 1 surnp manhole, electrical, controls $4,500.00 100 fort well $3,000.00 Electrical work. well pump $3,000.00 Well Piping, treatment* j $500.00 New absorption area $3,500.00 New water connections to George'i $2,500,00 TOTAL $17,800.00 (materials) (materials) 61 EM *Not included. —DeVW System Provide a devap system for the public rest total 1990 gpd, and will not significantly can't get the minii-num, 100 foot setback). IM If the absorption area is moved to north o: setbacks won't overlap. A long easement easement for the septic absorption area. I area, to avoid parking areas, etc. There is making trenching difficult. 2 effluent pumps 1 sump manhole, electrical Piping (materials) New absorption area (materials) Ze — �,00we i vck,4d, rooms. Public toilets Only generate 365 gpd of the -educe the setback requirements to wells, (\ve still Probably better to put i low flush toilets. louse `Jan's house, 180+ 100 feet cast of John's septic., for the force main will be required, as well as an need to field vcrify a to ation for the absorption a stream crossing and t -$, ere could be large boulders $1,200.00 $5,500.00 $2,000.00 L-1.500-00 $12,200,00 --+— - --- Q �s� i y� l t • i _� I`;,r '` � �`` 1, ; j � * i �� � . � � . !�� � � '� � �V, � .1•• �t S_ f �� � `` /, r i I jr. 1 . � � r I r � � ' �: f � ; -� ro� � ;� ��I t -, ,. , ��_a i � .!� 7r� i ,. ,� ;' / .�� � , t �i � �' ! � ' � f ;; I f f / r I , j i I 1 + � �� - � � 1 i j . � JIB (JI �' ' / / ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC. November 7, 1996 Mr. Ray Merry Eagle County Department of Environmental Health P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Jouflas Septic System - Wolcott Junction Dear Mr. Merry: ``',gz! �0 REGlST No`e+�p. ° e A'PS V a� On behalf of Jan Jouflas and Tim Farley, Alpine Engineering, Inc. prepared the application for an ISDS Permit for the Wolcott Station in April of 1992 which is a commercial property with a gas station, outdoor grill restaurant, convenience store, hotel/inn, and 3 rental cabins. The site is located on the south side of U.S. Highway 6 at the intersection of U.S. Highway 6 and 131. In June of 1996, we were notified by Jan Jouflas of a possible problem with the septic system. I have visited the site numerous times since June and have the following observations regarding the system. GROUNDWATER When the septic tanks and absorption trenches were installed, no groundwater was present, and signs of soil mottling or seasonal high groundwater conditions were not evident. The bottom of the septic tank is 6.5' below the pipe outlet and approximate bottom of absorption field, and no sign of groundwater was evident during excavation. In June of 1996, it appeared that the Eagle River Basin had an above average snowpack, and that river runoff may have been higher and longer than average years, which may have raised groundwater at the absorption area. The river water surface elevations was measured on October 24, 1996 and was found to be I V (+/-) below the pipes in the septic tanks, or 10' below the bottom of infiltrators. Assuming a 4 to 6' increase in streamflow depth during high runoff periods, the river water surface will still be 4' lower than. the bottom of absorption area (adjacent to the site). It does not appear that groundwater generated from the Eagle River could have raised the water table to higher than 4' below the field. Tim Farley noted that a sump pump exists in the basement of the Inn. He has apparently observed groundwater in the basement for an approximate period of 10 years, and thought that the water level was higher in the basement this year than previous years. He thought that irrigation on the ranch (uphill, south of site) had increased and or changed in the last year or two, and may be influencing groundwater at the site. When a valve/tee leading to the absorption areas was excavated in June, the soil was moist (and smelly at about 4' deep), and very moist at 5' deep where the valve was uncovered. Effluent poured out of the tee, under slight pressure. It appeared that the water encountered at Edwards Business Center • P.O. Box 97 • Edwards, Colorado 81632 • (970) 926-3373 • Fax (970) 926-3390 the tee (near the absorption area) was originating from the septic system, not groundwater. The excavation was left open until the end of September. I lookedinto the excavation at different times during the summer and observed that groundwater never collected in the pit, but there was almost always effluent standing in the pipe, most certainly due to effluent backing up from the absorption trenches. It doesn't appear that groundwater has had a significant (if at all) influence in the failure of the absorption field. APPARENT AND ASSUMED REASONS FOR ABSORPTION TRENCH FAILURE It is in our opinion that the absorption area failed as a result of one, a combination of all three, or likely all of the reasons noted below: 1. Conveyance of septic tank solids to the absorption area. The tee in the last tank apparently fell off at some time and was replaced in an incorrect position, allowing solids to enter the absorption area. Continued use of the system after partial failure caused additional failure (see further explanation below)." 2. Use of the system in excess of designed capacities.*' 3. Grease entering the absorption area and clogging the soil. There apparently is not a grease trap in the kitchen area. * 1. Once the septic system partially failed, effluent began to back up into the septic tank, raising the water level in the septic tank to the point where it apparently flowed over the top of the tees, allowing solids from the first tank to enter the 2nd tank and pass into the field. Any grease in the tanks would float; which would also flow over the tees into the field. *2. The original permit estimated flow rates to the system based upon 73 flushes per day and was based upon an actual count of restroom users in the summer of 1992. The outdoor food service appears to have become quite successful in the last 2 - 3 years, so that the 73 flushes noted on the original permit application may not be too low. Last summer there was also an evening gathering of people who socialized and drank on the picnic tables and presumably also used the restrooms. SOLUTIONS During the summer of 1996, we proposed various alternative plans for the repair and correction of the septic system. It was desired to provide a system that would be of adequate capacity to handle possible/probable increased flows, meet setback requirements to streams, wells, etc. and meet current department of health regulations. Of particular concern is the proximity of the absorption area to the well on site, and to the well inside George Jouflas' house. There is no location on the Wolcott Store site that would meet current setback requirements. After various meetings with the Jouflas Family and Eagle County, the Jouflas Family was very much opposed to locating a new absorption area outside of the Wolcott Store property, and argued that the two parcels were under different ownership and that George did not want the system on his property. We noted that setback requirements could be met if the wells were abandoned and the water systems at the store and George's house connected to an existing water system (this would provide sufficient Since I have been trying to help the Jouflas Family with this situation since June, and found out that Tim Farley (the person working on repairing/improving the system) is leaving town in 4 days, I felt that it was desireable to get improvements in place as soon as possible. The intent of the Aerob A Jet is to: A. Improve the quality of the effluent discharged. B. Improve effluent quality and to aerate the effluent discharged to the absorption area to enhance aerobic bacterial growth in the field, and hopefully unclog the field. CONDITIONS REQUIRED FOR THE TEMPORARY USE OF THE Aerob A Jet: The installation of the Aerob A Jet system should not be considered to be a permanent or sure-fire corrective measure for the septic system. * 1. If nitrates/nitrites are generated and measured in excessive amounts (above EPA accepted levels), additional or alternative measures should be completed. Nitrate and nitrite (as well as total nitrogen (TKN) should be tested and measured at least twice, probably December 15th and January 15th at the outlet of the septic tanks (and possibly 3' below the absorption field, as recommended and coordinated with Eagle County. *2. If _a sewage collection system (sewer main) is constructed nearby, the sewer service should be connected to it. *3. The absorption area may be clogged beyond repair. The absorption area should be inspected regularly to see if any sign of improvement is occurring. If no improvement to the percolation rate is noted within 3 months (February 15, 1997), a new absorption field should be constructed, which should be 1.5' minimum, 2' maximum depth (which will require the addition of a pump to the last septic tank) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The Aerob A Jet should be inspected every 3 months per "trouble shooting chart", attached. The test for the warning system should be completed every 6 months, and written notice of completion of inspections should be submitted to Eagle County Health Department, with a note that the water unit was pulled up and the -impeller inspected for tightness, play, and tangled material, and that both aeration units are operational, or corrective measures taken with a schedule for repair. NOTE: Although the installation instructions call for the Aerob A Jet to be placed generally at the outlet of the first tank compartment, Jerry Hoage of Sewage Aeration Systems provided direction to install one jet at the inlet of the first tank, and one at the outlet of the second tank. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1. A filter should be placed on the outlet tee, and the outlet tee vent raised/extended to 6" above the top of the tank. It may take 2 to 6 weeks to unclog the absorption area, and effluent levels may back up in the septic tank until the field can percolate again. setback requirements). This option was argued against by the Jouflas' because of costs, possible sizing concerns of the existing water system, and disruption to George's yard. Greg Jouflas noted that under current Eagle County regulations: Section 4.03.08 PRE-EXISTING, NON -CONFORMING SYSTEM Upon failure or need or repair or alteration, pre-existing, non conforming systems must be brought up to current regulations of a two -compartment septic tank and the required square footage of absorption area. The system was a pre-existing, non -conforming system in 1992. The above note infers that the system be brought up to current septic tank compartment and square footage absorption areas only, and not necessarily set back requirements. At this point, it was felt that if regulations did not require the system to be brought up to all current requirements, including setbacks, that it would be best to improve the qualily of effluent as much as possible before discharging to the absorption area, and a Whitewater packaged treatment system was recommended. The Whitewater system is a low maintenance aerobic package treatment that also denitrifies nitrates (treats the ammonia nitrogen and organic nitrogen). There is no location on the Wolcott Store site that would meet current setback requirements. After the owner rejected the Whitewater system because of excessive costs, the "Aerob A Jet" aeration system was studied. Simple aeration systems significantly reduce the BOD of the effluent discharged from the septic tanks, and are supposed to significantly improve the quality of effluent discharged, but could have the tendency or possibility to create nitrates and nitrates which could pollute groundwater. I contacted: Jerry Hoage Sewage Aeration Systems P.O. Box 117 103 North Broadway Lockridge, Iowa 52635 Phone: 319/696-3500 FAX: 319/696-3555 who sells the "Aerob A Jet" system, which is an improved aeration system which works by more efficiently dissolving air into the septic tank than standard bubbler systems. I asked Jerry if he had any information about the creation of nitrates/nitrites and if he had any data on the quality of effluent discharged from systems utilizing the "Aerob A Jet" system. He said that he did have test results from one system tested, and that nitrates/nitrites were not generated. I did not understand from his explanation why nitrates were not generated, but have read that nitrification and creation of nitrites may begin after 5 days (or, at any rate, not immediately upon commencement of aeration of effluent. It is possible that the effluent is aerated enough to reduce the BOD, but not enough to create nitrates. It is also possible that their standard system provides some anaerobic conditions sufficient for denitrification. I do not have sufficient, data or information to know if the Aerob A Jet does or doesn't create nitrates/nitrites. I Treatment Unit Sewage Aeration Systems Inc. P.O. Box 117 103 North Broadway Lockridge, Iowa 52635 24—Month Limited Warranty For 24 months from date of purchase, Sewage Aeration Systems Inc. will repair or replace, at its option, for the original purchaser any part or parts of its AEROB-AJET FINE AIR BUBBLE AERATOR, found upon examination by S.A.S. Inc. to be defective in materials or workmanship. Please send the claimed defective product or part to: Sewage Aeration Systems Inc.,103 North Broadway, Lockridge, Iowa 52635. All transportation charges on product or parts submitted for repair or replacement must be paid by purchaser. This limited warranty does not cover parts which have been damaged as a result of accident, abuse, misuse, neglect, improper installation, improper maintenance, or failure to operate in accordance with Sewage Aeration System's written instructions. This warranty applies only to the aeration unit and does not include any of the house wiring, plumbing, drainage, or disposal system. S.A.S. Inc. is not responsible for any delay or damages caused by defective components or materials, or for loss incurred because of interruption of service, or for any other special or consequential expenses arising from the manufacture, sale, or use of this device. The company reserves the right to revise, change, or modify the construction and design of the AEROB-AJET or any component part or parts thereof, without incurring any obligation to make such changes or modifications in present equipment. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. k Ll j. 16WIMM •� �/ for Residential Septic Tanks OEM Important Safety Instructions Rules for Safe Installation and Operation 1. Read these rules and instructions carefully. Failure to follow them could cause injury and/or property damage. 2. Check your local plumbing and electrical codes before installing. You must comply with their rules. 3. This aerator is supplied with a ground fault interrupt power source to reduce the risk of electrical shock. Be sure that it is connected to the unit as shown in the instructions. Never lift this unit from the housing by the power cord. 4. Do not run this unit out of the tank. Shut off power before working on this unit. Water must be within water line marks on air tube. G.F.i SvAtch �f Motor and Air Transfer Tube These parts should be in each package. Bottom Fitting 3 AE R4 B-A-J ET TK Model 100 Aerator (Vacuum Bubble Transfer Unit) Description: Model 100 Unit for Residential Septic Tanks Made of PVC and stainless steel parts, noncorrosive material for longer service. A solid state control system on printed circuit board runs the unit 10 minutes each half hour to maintain an aerobic condition in the septic tank. Tank odors are reduced and the effluent is cleaner than effluent from a septic tank with an anaerobic operation. System controls allow setting time of operation: (timed or continuous running). Controls indicate when motor is running with an indica- tor light. The unit registers when air is not going into tank liquid and sounds signal warning horn indicating that the system needs attention. Switch horn to silence warn- ing when servicing unit. The controls are conveniently located in unit top inside a weather -tight cap for easy inspection without enter- ing residence. The AEROB-A-JET fits into any standard septic tank. Air is drawn into the wastewater in the tank by the move- ment of the water itself. The water pulled down the tube pulls air into the water, the air vacuum is maintained by a water venturi, and a controlled water vortex closes over the air stream creating bubbles without pressure. These bubbles are so small that they do not float to the top of the tank but stay suspended in the wastewater throughout the tank. These small bubbles have a high level of oxygen transfer. This is the interface between the organic material and the dissolved oxygen for the biochemical action of the bacteria. EI Septic tanks have different interior baffels, tees, and compartments. To install the AEROB-A-JET, find the tank arrangement below that it similar to yours and proceed with installation . Between outflow baffel and end From house sewer ore= Septic tank single compartment with inlet and outlet baffels. Baffels must in place to divert flow from going directly to the ni rtflnw Outflow • Tanks must have tees or baffels so liquid flowing into tank does not flow straight through to outflow. ® For best results, existing tanks should be pumped out before installing the AEROB-A-JET. 5 For maximum efficiency, septic tank should be pumped out before installing AEROB-A-JET. To install the AEROB-A-JET: (Figure 1) Step 1: Excavate outflow end of septic tank. Locate baffel at outflow end of tank. Inspect to be sure baffel is in good shape and replace if necessary. Step 2: Drill 2 3/4' diameter hole through top of septic tank between end of tank and baffel. Put bead of caulking around 2 3/4' hole and set 6' bottom cap of AEROB-A-JET on caulking. This will hold cap centered in hole while back filling. Figure 1 (Figure 2) Step 3: Place 30' length of 6' pipe into bottom cap. Drill hole in side and install raintight Romax Box Connector. Install 14-2 underground Romax through Box Connector and up 6' above top of pipe housing. Step 4: Backfill earth back in around housing and tamp, being careful to keep bottom cap hole lined up with hole in tank. Service for AEROB-A-JET should be from 110V fuse box or circuit breaker. Figure 2 6 (Figure 3) Step 5: Install power unit, with air tube down through hole. Lower unit into tank until motor rests on bottom cap. Rotate unit until square shoulder on motor base sits into hole in bottom cap. Connect Romax power line to the black and white leads on timer. Connect black line on timer to HOT — positive black line on Romax power line. Timer to motor lines uses snap -on connectors. Step 6: Unit is now ready to start. If tank has been pumped, unit can be set on TIMER. This will set unit to run 10 minutes and be off 20 minutes. Step 7: When installation is complete, and tank filled, unit is now ready to start. A packet of aerobic bacteria is included with this unit which will start the tank off with an efficient aerobic bacteria. Remove packet from plastic wrapper and drop into tank liquid. Set unit control on MANUAL and run for a week. At the end of the first week running full time, take a sample of the effluent and check for odor and cloudy color. The liquid should not have any objection- able odor, and the water should be clear to cloudy. Then take off control Figure 4 Figure 3 cap and shut unit off. Then set the unit to run on TIMER which will set the unit to run 10 minutes on and 20 minutes off. On tanks that do not respond in a week, the unit can be set to run longer, at full time, to get the aerobic bacteria to an operating population. Then set to a timed operation. The AEROB-A-JET can be run at full time continuously when heavy waste flow is encoun- tered. (Figure 4) Note: Standard AEROB-A-JET unit has a 30" housing for septic tanks 1' 6" to 2' 0" deep to top of tank. For tanks set deeper into ground, a 6" pipe coupling and a length of 6" PVC must be added to bottom of standard unit. REPLACEMENT PARTS LISTS Cap with Control Unit and Indicator Lamp and Horn. Housing PVC with Air Vent with Filter Motor Base Cap with Motor Drive Slots Motor to Drive Shoff Coupling Stainless Steel Drive Shoff Air Delivery Tube Stainless Steel Air Propeller Stainless Steel Socket and Screw M. SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Equipment Motor Magnetic Universal Electric Motor, Model JFIK, Class B Insulation, 3000 RPM, .8 AMP Rated, 1 /20 HP, 115 V, 60 HZ. Timer & Current Monitor Solid State Repeat Cycle Timer and Electric Current Monitor. Timer times running time of 10 minutes each one-half hour (10 minutes on and 20 minutes off). Current monitorwill check current usage and engage alarm when power load increases above normal running load or if it drops below normal load. Long life neon light to indicate when motor is running. D.B. Hom to warn of motor overload or motor no load. Ground Fault Interrupt Motor Switch Ground fault switch to be placed at electrical source (fuse box or breaker panel) or put in outdoor weather -protected box on outside of residence. For convenience, there is a power shut off to work on unit. Pass & Seymore specification grade GFI switch , 5 AMP, UL approved. Total Energy Use on Full Time Running (.53 AMP @ 115 V) for (24 hours/day) = 1465.56 Watts (1,465 KW) @ S.07/KW = $.10/day 30 days = S3.00/month Total Energy Use on 'Timer' (10 minutes on and 20 minutes off) .53 Amp ® 115 V for 10 minutes each 1 /2 hour (.53 Amp ® 115 V) (24 Hours) x (.33 Hour) = 487 Watts .487 KW ® S.07/KW = S.034/day 30 days = $1.022/Month -r 6 6 I �II�ouSE PA�6EI_ l 16R E�, ►css�" Q P.-I I 51\J ITCH 112 L lox Lj�j 1. 340 R4_. � MOroR � I rHE - - - - L4RM V. Oki I CONTROL 'SOAR,D M Trouble Shooting Chart Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action Light is on, motor A. Motor leads loose connec- A. Lift control cap and push spade termi- won't run tion on control unit. naffs down tightly on plugs and check connections tightly on plugs. B. Motor shut down from B. Set unit switch on controls to off position. thermal protection. Let cool for 15 minutes, then reset switch to MAN or TIMER. When horn is on A. Impeller is loose and no air A. Shut off electrical pull unit from housing. and motor is is pulled in. Inspect impeller and tighten screw. running B. Shaft loose on motor. B. Shut off electrical pull unit and inspect shaft. Push shaft coupling firmly onto (Horn is on because of low motor shaft and tap. amperage draw.) When horn is on A. Material restricting impeller A. Shut off power. Pull unit from housing. and motor is such as string, hair, or lint Locate material problem. Cut material stopped from laundry. from impeller and re -install. B. Excessive wear in bottom B. Replace air delivery tube. See instruc- bushing. tions. (Horn is on because of motor overload.) Inspect unit every A. Check lower bearing. A. Shut off power. Remove cap. Pull motor 3 months Inspect impeller for string unit up from ground housing. Let water or hair. drain from air tube. Inspect impeller for tightness and tangled material. Check play in bottom bearing by pushing prop shaft to one side. Up to 1/16" play is in operating range. To test warning A. Test will simulate low A. Lift cap and shut off unit switch. (Make system (horn) current draw. sure alarm switch is on.) Wart 5 minutes for water to come back into air tube. Turn unit switch on and wait until water is pulled from the air tube and a "suck- ing"sound is noted. When this condition is running, move timer switch to off and wait 2 seconds, then move switch back onto timer. With unit running, the horn will turn on due to low current charge because no water was in the tubs at the start. When test is complete, move horn switch to off for 5 minutes then turn unit back on to TIMER or MAN. ILI AL 10 C�- - C� ID, t-J W Z Yj a� I Y` o r n � J i i a Q W r V d r V i� J Y 7 it CQQ% d�4 p + O ySCt 91' ii �vJ J zo � •t a 'o !v 0 �y o t Q L I 71 a .J[ C j v c OI W Q sl � snoN Eit C Cz >, CS Q CS o ,V L m 0 CD Of cad NNO CD tD LO CD m A ui t4 oy y � � c>e c>e t3 (4 CC t4 C6 CC A ftS t4 C4 t4 CC n tm 0 0 Im cm = m c o 0 0 0 0 0in0Un0 E cu clvCOt-rn 0 CD F m is m N m 0 m m m _co m O o 0 0 0 u>oinoV) VS a ^oc�TT T T c O N E N tD 8 E` c c7 d' to CD Z LM ig Example: Free Access Sand Filter Check with state and local EPA an DNR Administrative Authority for speci- fications for size and gallons per day per square foot of filter. d Effluent from septic tank Curb for fitter treated lumber Effluent flows into filter flooding the sand surface to a depth of approximately 2 inches, several times each day, which fitters thru sand and gravel to collector pipe. Bacterial levels are reduced by 99% after passing through a sand fitter. Treated plank or Plywood cover To drainfield or other means of effluent disposal 4" schedule 40 PVC VA- v 01 1�-Ok1-ZJU 1� • il- ouoozo 1:&k) I-)L- o mmu n i t yuev e I opme n t am M A L9G-oaRJN0 INCIN, ausi"" Ccnt'cr/r.0- flox 97/Edrvards, CtJIcMd(W8163Zi970 926-331VYX 970 916�3390 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION - �.. #= - �, £ ! � f ., .. .. .. .�.. iJ�j►.. aT O�eiVfi�'�. �� ��;�.�. 1�I�M} % a'� 'ijn�aa�t�. �1 'ti �� �T wi,. �� rt �� '� 1. ��' !w Lri '�t��.. r r,....�..�in+�, .��� '� �� #���' �� � .. �� rti �r �� .�� z �� �� �� �� ;, t f� rr � �����f�ll �� �� .rtv � '� ,� �� � � �*�� r`f. �+, rr, �� Y_ t �* !1/j� v , . �? �1��I�I�I .... .. ` 't � i �� i*r � '`����. �.���wlva�� �R�A � rt, .� ��y�� ��t"ii4 ... -,:� 4 4A ., t �. * r, ,. ;, ,, �ir�". � '11!' 4 # 7+ Ala? 705ow 10 L�j el Z?7 F77I3:P?F:p al J9 f el v-2 10,1i w A iO4 W-4 I -OV4 2A41 a A 1.1 API/ 40FOof V4 wvi7u V LAA jo, A/w a5v"Flvo 7140 5-01 =4 2," 4-! 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IUMILL got ` zz -� t� 1.�Q � �6i tiL6 £LE ' Ulrli€9 t $Mpwol ao 'spx-%n l4.6 xog ,o,4lnllu* SgAllSR'a spremp3 U. S. HIGH WA Y 6 �A) N 872330" E SPRUCE TREE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WOL CO TT CENTER EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO EDGE OF ASPHALT PROPERTY LINE (TYPICAL) 272. 77' DRAIN EXISTING SEPTIC \ SATELLITE DISH VAUL TS AND EITHER REMOVE UNITS \ \ OR ABANDON AND BACKFILL VAULTS !R \ \ 9 \ CONCRETE SLUDGE (2) CMP RISERS VAULT �iS� \ f;EXISTZINGSSEPTIC SYSTEM PROPANE TANKS \ \ O O 'S� \ HO �S2 \ RN SHED ON \ \ `— CONCRETE PAD \ \ V A PG \ \ \ \ CLEANOUT \ \ \ INV=47.0 om \ \ \ \ INV=469 \ I�MV=46.3 \ \ \ \ \ tl Q. 50—� = 04'06'58" R = 2461.80' T = 88.47' L = 176.86' �; ollo- T� �o f�y -Irt'�/ ��r c � ,J1 A4 LARGE DOGWOOD �o SUBSURFACE GASOLINE TANK VALVE PERC TEST HOLES (TYP, - 148 - 6' TYP 3' TYP t 4 Pv KK'S 880 E—j iJpojpm U. S. HIGH WA Y 6 24" CUP I EDGE JF DRIVEWAY/PARKING I I I I I I I I I 147 I I I I I I I I I \ I I 148 — PROPOSED EASEMENT LINES 1 / I I I--,' — I / 1 I / I I I 1 781 a _ POST & RAIL FENCE (TYPICAL) O 14s O 750 / o 1 INV=45.7 TOILET \ ,,2 SOIL PWOFILE HOLE / \ ` Ai o 149 -11 ' / INV=45.4 • _ WE Ilk � so as low no \ 45• BEND - �■ WICLEANOUT INV=44.5 t I / INV=43 64 4"P 1 / \ -0 3-WAY NDS DIVERipir \ 3- WAY NOS DI VRTER VAL VE VAL VE_ — I VALA Y VE NOS DI FRYER CABIN I o 1NV=43 25 +INV=43 O _ � 1 GARAGE 2 O - 2-I500 GALLON V SI1� SEPTIC TANKS wl/� j� EXTEND RYMS I'HESOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE ABSORPTION FIELD SURFACE TD IS APPROXIMATELY 70 FEET FROM THE EXISTING WELL. BASED ON TOPOGRAPHIC \ IS OUR OPINION THAT WASTEWATER IFLOWMWILLNMIGRATE TO THE NORTH, AWAY FROM THE WELL. N 90'00'00" w 10' SCALE 1 " = 10' / / %' ° � T��Ta fPOliL�r�l �(� .dl'�f.Tlafj,` ° 3� (/n� s L•]