HomeMy WebLinkAbout4133 Royal Elk Dr - 194131201001INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1920-99 BP NO. o_ r �� g OWNER: SCOTT SCHOEN PHONE: 718-899-2595 MAILING ADDRESS: 191 KING, GR ANT Drn ta7L)omllx, - - APPLICANT: KEN HARKIAS TRENDS WEST SYSTEM LOCATION: PARCEL 25 DIAMOND S RANCH LICENSED INSTALLER: LONG'S EXCAVATING JERRY McARTHUR DESIGN ENGINEER: ALPINE ENGINEERING GLENN PALMER PHONE: 970-926-9898 TAX PARCEL NO. LICENSE NO. 6-99 PHONE: 970-949-4682 PHONE NO. 970-926-3373 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR 11 BEDROOMS 2500 GALLON 1-COMPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK, 1-1500 GALLON 2-COMPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK INSTALL IN SERIES, 3472 SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH ABSORPTION AREA VIA 112 INFIT TP A TnD T MTTmc ___ _ SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROV, DATE: /0/626 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 3472 SQUARE FEET (VIA 112 INFILTRATOR JJNjjS INSTALLED 1-COMPARTMENT T 2 ) ANK: 500 GALLONS IS LOCATED FROM INSTALLED 2-COMPARTMENT TANK:1500 GALLONS IS LOCATED FROM SEE ENGINEER'S AS-BUIL COMMENTS: DEGREES AND FEET INCHES DEGREES AND FEET INCHES ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: P. 0. BOX 179 &% (6 .1 A_,�q EAGLE, COLORAD.O 81631 6o�Y 949-5257 Vail 328-7311 Eagle 927-3823 Basalt PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 I PERCOLATION TEST FEE S 1IAME OF OWNER: SCaoC_j,) 7 oZI`�3 MAILING ADDRESS: JAI �t,.iL,� G,,ZA,Jr2b.W�STo1� MA. PHONE: C 1 �) —8cAc( NAME OF APPLICANT (If different from owner) : -ME.,, M QE57- lik. ()CEn) IIAF_f4A!�) ADDRESS: F0 TSoX238Z EbWAR.D� S -L 916-32.- PHONE: 9Z6—C�896 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (If applicable): ALPII< Q,34ttJLF_F=1lNL-, ADDRESS: P C), 130yt 9__-'� E: PWAj>S CO. q j (o3-Z_ PHONE: 930--9Z.,G PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: LJ41.S EXCAY rikJ6 LICENSED INSTALLER: (X YES ( ) NO C. ADDRESS: P, o, DoZE�4 P V0 Aj , GO, $ j &7_o PHONE: .94/9 - g687, PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Physical Address: lllan e 1 ►aZ__2-AtJ Parcel Number: '°Z.vLot Si Legal Description: A- T✓-1C,jT_r 1� ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR ze: rt /©o Aar-c BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (Check applicable category): Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential - Fourplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Commercial (Type) ( ) Residential - Triplex 1IUMBER OF PERSONS: ZZ.S"" NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: (m WASTE TYPES Check applicable catevories : 11 11 I NK�xn'tS 3 Commercial or Institutional (X Dwelling ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use (< Garbage Disposal Dishwasher (7� Automatic Washer Spa°Tub ( ) Other (Specify): TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: Septic Tank Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant. (. )_ Recycling, Portable Use ( ) Other ( ) Recycling,,Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF.,THE STATE:'( ) YES >q NO IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: YES ( ) NO WATER CONSERVATION PLAN: ( ) YES ( ) NO NOTE: The Environmental Health Office may reduce the required absorption area upon approval of an adequate water conservation plan. SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: X Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: t�o�-D (tJOT IN), u a) If supplied by community water, give name of supplier: SIGNATURE: DATE: MENOMMENNOM INFORMATION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent ground slope Depth to Bedrock (Per 8' profile hole) Depth to Groundwater table SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: _ Minutes per inch in Hole #1 Minutes per inch in Hole r2 Minutes per inch in Hole #3 FINAL DISPOSAL BY: Absorption Trench, Bed or Pit ( ) Above Ground Dispersal ( ) Under Ground Dispersal ( ) Other ®d AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT NUMBER ( ) Evapotranspiration ( ) Sand Filter ( ) Wastewater Pond J14o U DATE: q NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION. MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" (Environmental Health Dept. - Rev. 4/88)` Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: ercmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: October 26, 1999 TO: Long's Excavating FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1920-99. Property Location: Parcel 25, Diamond S Ranch, Eagle, CO., Schoen residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1920-99. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Alpine Engineering, Glenn Palmer solg :oo Iiuuad SQSI Tnuid omgoozg luuoilLluuojul : IDMH luauidolanaQ fqtunuzuzoD f4unoD a18ug lu3u4ndaQ gllt'all l'eIuauzuortnug sioAaW ejpnV `Xla.Taouls '99L8-8Z£ (OL6) M uotsinIG 1111100H lujuoumozinug XjunoD al.Seg agT joeluoo osuald `ipmod sTgT Suipxe.Faz suoilsonb Auv anvg nod jI •uza�s�s oildos .znoXIo suopnollu ol-eudozddu azmbaz X uT Sulpllnq moX of sagurgo .join pill omm, ag -tuoisAs opcbs mo i jo ono otp �?uipregaa omgoojq -e si posoloua oslV •sluouzannbo.z A4unoD al.Sng iagao Xun ql!m oomildutoo aleotput you saop liuuad si gjL •spaooa.T moX zoI upjoi oT Adoo v si pasoloug •poziluug pue paloodsui uaaq sLq iluuad SQSI Paoua.zaJa.I anogv agl pqj not uuojui of sT nuol STLIZ :uoolloS 'jw no(I •pD `al5,og `peoW golnO ugJnAk ££Tb moplaool fgjodozd "6TO-I0-£SZ-6£6T# taond XUL `66-OZ6T# Iluuad SQSIIo Fuld :aX OCI"OIOD Jl1NnOD 3TJb3 6L 10-1 E918 opE.aoloD '918E3 AEMPEO.19 OOS 6L I Xog •O•d 2u1P11ng L1unoD a ft3 £6 I ZO VW `uoIsam 'P-d IMID sSuTX T 6 T uoogoS U00S OOOZ `8 T fluf woo-Aiunoa-a fta•MMM// :dlly zau•IIEn@p Enapw»a :1iEw3 L6L8-8Z£ (OL6) dal S8IL-8Z£ (OL6) X`A 0£L8-8Z£ (OL6) 1uawijEdad auawdolanad Aa!unwwoD ALPINE Edwards Business Center\P.O. Box 97 Edwards,. CO 81632 — - - PH: (970) 926-3373 FAX: (970) 926-3390 ENGINEERING INC LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL: To: �r)L F Cc�J�1 �� � Date: J r .) �,l �? o•.._) w� /Z 'jT 9 �. Job No: Job Title: Attn: �!- A :l r-1 r l- " ,Ve are sending the following items via shop drawings �`___-,.re.productio s originals copy of letter change order samples <C .q urn J specifications other COPIES DESCRIPTION DATE E-AdLt COUNTY These are transmitted: for approval as requested reviewed for review and comment Remarks: for your record after loan to useother for your use Copies to: I4 F',j rA A rK l A 3 - ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC. SEPTIC SYSTEM APPLICATION PARCEL 25, DIAMOND STAR RANCH EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO SEPTEMBER 1999 Zs=�7 Prepared for: Ken Harkias Trends West P.O. Box 2382 Edwards, CO 81632 Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. box 97 Edwards, CO. 81632 (970)-926-3373 INTODUCTION The site is located on Parcel 25, Diamond S Ranch, Eagle County, Colorado and contains approximately 100 acres. The site slopes at approximately 16% in the area of the absorption trenches. Water is to be supplied to the site by a well water system which is to be located more than 240' away from the absorption. field, and more than 50' away from the septic tanks. PROPOSED USE A 6 — bedroom house with 3 — bunkrooms are proposed to be constructed on the Parcel. Per the architect plans, the bunkrooms appear to be intended for bedding children in bunk beds, they are noted as "boy's and girl's bunkrooms. We assumed 3.5 persons per bunkroom, and 2 per guest or bedrooms. What appears to be a large swimming pool, and 1-2 hot tub/spas are proposed to be piped to'a separate disposal system (see following section regarding the swimming pool drain). QUANTITY OF SEWAGE 6 bedrooms x 2 (persons/bedroom) = 12 persons 3 bunkrooms x 3.5 (persons/bunkroom) = 10.5 persons Total = 22.5 persons - Average (gpd) = 22.5 persons x 75 gpd = 1688 gpd 1688 gpd < 2000 gpd so no state review is required - Peak (gpd) = 22.5 persons x 75 gpd x 150% = 2531 gpd SEPTIC TANK SIZE 2531 gpd (I day/24 hrs)(30hrs) = 3164 gal ) check w/ table 4 sec. 4.07.01 ECLUR ) Use 3164 gal min. 1250 + 2(250) + 3(2)(250) = 2800 ) - Proposed Septic Tank Design 1 - Septic Tank = 2500 gal 1 - Septic Tank = 1500 gal Total = 4000 gal 2 PERCOLATION TESTS AND SOIL PROFILE HOLE Percolation Tests and the soil profile review were completed by Alpine Engineering, Inc. on September 1, 1999 and the results are as follows: - Percolation Test Results DURATION HOLE No. 1 HOLE No. 2 HOLE No. 3 0 Minutes 0 0' 0' 10 Minutes 0.15' 0.13' 0.11, 20 Minutes 0.24' 0.2P 0.18' 30 Minutes 0.33' 0.26' 0.22' 40 Minutes 0.38' 0.3 P 0.26' 50 Minutes 0.44' 0.37' Q.29' 60 Minutes 0.49' 0.40' 0.32' Last 10 Minutes 17 min/in 28 min/in 28 min/in Last 30 Minutes 16 min/in 18 min/in 25 min/in Average Percolation Rate = 24.3 min/in — use 25.0 min/in - Soil Profile Hole Two Soil Profile Holes where investigated at the location of the proposed absorption trench. The upper hole revealed 4.5' of a clayey, silty, hard topsoil with large basalt rocks and many roots within°the top 3.5'. Below 4.5' deep there exists a clay layer. The lower hole displayed the same conditions for the top 4.5' as the upper hole; but the clayey, silty soil extended to approx. 7' deep. From 4.5' to 7' deep there appeared to be some possible mottling of the soil. At 7' deep the clay layer was encountered again (see diagram). Both pits where dry and no ground water was encountered. It is therefor proposed to cut the infiltrators 0.5' into the ground, and fill over the top of them in order to provide minimum 4' between the clayey layer or the mottled soil. The area of the absorption trenches is essentially at the top of a ridge, with very little surface area draining to it, so we questioned how much groundwater could be directed to the site, and whether it really could be mottling. It is possible that during snowmelt, runoff percolates into the ground and follows the bedrock or clay layer and is directed to this location. we therefor assumed it would be best to presume that it was in fact mottling, and raise the infiltrators to provide 4' to the "mottled" layer. Z'ON 310H 311308d IIOS I r, h4h." ABSORPTION TRENCHES Area (A) = g T0.5 = 2531 (25)°'S = 2531 SF 5 5 35% reduction for infiltrators = 1645 SF - check w/ application rate Area (A) = Q = 2531 = 3164 SF 0.8 0.8 50% reduction for infiltrators = 1582 SF - USE 1645 SF 1645 SF = 106 units 15.5 SF/unit 7 trenches at 16 units/trench = 100' long, gives 7 x 16 x 15.5 = 1736 SF provided SWIMMING POOL DRAIN 6 K V / W Q cc) �� r L co=. �e s��`v� u7 7;- The swimming pool is planned to be drained through a 4" PVC pipe until the discharge is beyond the absorption field, once past the field the water is planned to be dispersed through the use of sprinklers. The sprinklers will multiple positive effects such as, allowing the Chlorine to be removed prior to reaching the retention pond, as well as spreading out the water to maximize the effects of evaporation and evapotranspiration. This will also control the release of water so that a large onslaught of water is not being discharged all at once. HORIZONTAL DISTANCES Absorption Trench to Building = 20' min. Absorption Trench to Well = 220' min. Absorption Trench to Septic Tank = 10' min. Absorption Trench to Property Line = 10' min. Absorption Trench to Lakes, Water Courses, Irrigation Ditch or Streams = 170' min. Absorption Trench to Dry Gulches = 145' min. Septic Tank to building = 5' min. Septic Tank to Well = 50' min. Septic Tank to Property Line = 10' min. Septic Tank to Lakes, Water Courses, Irrigation Ditch or Streams = 50' min. Septic Tank to Dry Gulches = 10' min. GENERAL NOTES 1. Contact Alpine Engineering, Inc. at least 48-hours prior to installing any septic system improvement. 2. Compact sewer trenches to 90% standard proctor density, or per soils engineer's recommendations. 3. Compact to 95% standard proctor density, below distribution boxes, etc., or per soils engineer's recommendations. 4. Provide risers on septic tanks to finish grade. 5. Comply with all Eagle County and Colorado Department of Health regulations regarding septic system installation. 6. Provide inspection portals per Eagle County regulations. 7. Provide Minimum 5' horizontal distance between trees and sewer lines and septic tanks. 8. Field align sewer to avoid existing trees, buildings and structures. 9. Provide 4' minimum cover and 2% minimum slope from building to septic tank. 10. Provide cleanouts at bends. H. Sewer line to be schedule 40 PVC. 12. Provide 6' minimum between trench walls. 13. Install infiltrator system per manufacturer recommendations and Eagle County Health Department requirements. 14. Do not begin any sewer construction prior to notification of Alpine Engineering, Inc., Glenn Palmer 970-926-3373. The septic system is also to be inspected by Alpine Engineering, Inc. Prior to backfill; contact them for this purpose as well. 15. The Distribution Box must have equal invert out elevations on all pipes leaving the box. 16. We recommend that the Absorption field be seeded after installation of the subsurface disposal system. A good native grass cover will promote evapotranspiration from the field. We recommend using a seed mix such as a Foothills, Pasture or Prairie mix available at local feed and seed stores. These mixes do not require irrigation and develop a growth 10 to 15 inches high. No automatic sprinkler system should be installed above the disposal field. 17. The Owner must realize an onsite sewage disposal system is considerably different from public sewer services. The Owner must be aware of and assume the responsibility for continued maintenance of the system. We recommend the pumping of the septic tanks at the end of the first year of use to monitor sludge accumulation and a minimum of two years afterward. There are also daily considerations; such as not putting plastic or other non -biodegradable material down the sewage disposal system. Also, water used must be carefully monitored so toilets are not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, it should be noted that a running toilet would consume in excess of 1000 gallons per day if allowed to run. Excessive loading (such as from running toilets) will flood and irrevocably harm the system and stress the onsite well. 6 is. We also caution you against installation of a water softener. The high levels of salt from the back wash of a water softener is detrimental to all onsite sewage disposal,systems and a separate drywell should be constructed for backwash waste if a water softener is installed. No landscaping or plastic can be installed over the disposal field that will reduce the evapotranspiration from the field. 19. Provide minimum 10' separation between water and sewer lines. Or encase per Colorado Department of Health regulations. 20. Provide two ties to sewer cleanouts, septic tank, and absorption trench corners as required by Eagle County for as-builts. w .. AL..PI N E isg Eh'GINEERHNO INC Edwards Butinet3 Ccnter.'P.Q. Box 97/Edwards, Colorado-I16)11970 926.3373+'F'X 970 926.3390 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION .- i s nme: dame; Co pans.;�/D !!__ rrye 1 C rnpan�': Company; 414:I Al r: name: Name, Company: Company: Numbtf of pa es (int{udino cover shcetj: '1�q,+m ' RJ;t)IARKS: r. t r' I !R rG IZ e fi/A_44 kn IA vw CA. Liu w j ,, • •�i'�'PN r 7<'1G• r° _74, ­c .4. ILI( 140 C ipL? cj��., of Cam• FIE? TO 8E £1. i�lsl. C ... 6SEE " DE AL -OF ORST IMF!!t."fATIlRUNIT , ' CT 1' DEEP s;A' + PROIADE 6' MIN- . r RAINAGE -SWALE, ;. UNDER ENI)RE LEI TWO ABsORPnt INV®m�.tJ / PkoVIDE lhlsF'EC71 4PPKY-7812.5 AT .EACH END(1 • `' 7 � ��d•.. SIN V=7 Oa5' �1 O iIN V7. D-7 4.5 .,TA DEEP---- ' 7 r 1 ' SWALE. 7 _ ) �. HOLE N ERC OLE #1 12 RC HOLE GR D=7811 _ NV $ _ I L1T AND IF FINAL FIELD INV-7 1 '�`, • _ IN'Vi A . 8i12.Cl 4,.E Xa-SEC AA ON 1 k�i+IFSIE ffi° MIN, SK}3 E T TTiE DETAIL SHEET: `� - SAt�RCA�1$�i EST VV!~E INRL• ATOR& WIDE 8' LONG INFILTRATORS. N 1B UNITS CONNECTED IN PERC HOL w •. a7 4. INS T X4 g s ,,, SEVE4 (7) 1 DQ' IRENiCHESII IL P HOLE N0. 2 � .� . C.QPISIRUC.T 1' DE Ilk. fCONSMUCT 1DEEP� DRAINAGE SWALE. %I INSTAL.. spiRINK ER'•HEAD ,. #2 r, . . . (SEE GENERAL. NOTE 41,f ror 4 1 f"6141- 1�1 11-10i tB REG/ ALPINEEM F rn ENGINEERING INC. w � Alpine Engineering, Inc./P.O. Box 97/Edwards, Colorado/81632/970-926-3 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION '1'°' Name: Name: Name: 1920-99 Tax # Ig5cf --JS3 DI `v l q JOB NAME Parcel 25, Diamond S SCHOEN 413 3 UJ aVW , AwLU� R-k JOB NO. LOCATION U BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE: COMPLETED DATE BILLED 'oo0 / r IG hy lJ y .S W✓'� !`>_ t7 ��1. -� �l�l L ,-�C. � �/% � !, s `'� . : 1 �f. +Z GU 'lI Gi r vwi 00 CG o^f C1 i4Y 7'/ hQ2�i� �G GV i A 10/4 / .. S � ✓' iz �D NU e "el, / :els U✓l !�G[c l UL Sg. i', { JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL r — 04 Z o%L/ SWvi12 p v TJw c TOTAL LABOR Ir���l� r�in�S d G✓! - >�� INSURANCE nk O' c� ✓L� ✓a✓� l �-G',h',� ct;�-c, r �c2.,i , Lei "CZcdC SALES TAX , MISC. COSTS •s � -� , s � cam. h� �:� F • i o �..s /�2 c e t vim' � � b - ��- � a r r� �II 4114 r 1 TOTAL JOB COST -7 / 3 Ll / .� of �5�� �4�_ A-rcA j l elv GROSS PROFIT �� �✓�1 LESS OVERHEAD COSTS q/a OF SELLING PRICE ! NET PROFIT I j JOB FOLDER Product 277 �/ — �j &tb, 0-e ," JQ FOLDER Printed in U.S.A. u SEPTIC SYSTEM APPLICATION PARCEL 25, DIAMOND STAR RANCH EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO SEPTEMBER 1999 a Prepared for: Ken Harkias O Trends West P.O. Box 2382 Edwards, CO 81632 Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. box 97 Edwards, CO. 81632 (970)-926-3373 P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 949-5257 Vail 328-7311 Eagle 927-3823 Basalt PER!41T APPLICATION FEE S150.00 I PERCOLATION TEST FEE S125.00 NAME OF OWNER: >Lol_r SG►1oE� 7 OZ1�3 r�ILING ADDRESS: 19 1 Cij-jL,S L+IZA,JT tn. %,)�5T0N A. PHONE: C-4 I �> —8�1` 1 -zS 9 5 i14E OF APPLICANT (If different from owner): 43C (ka)NA;ZPP,!S� ADDRESS: Fo 'P)oX238Z EWAR.DS,CD, $/632— PHONE: ?Z6-985$ JDRESS: SIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (If applicable): ALPlt,l 'PC, 130X 97- EDWA PS CD. gI63'Z PHONE: 9U0--%G-33�3 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: L4J4S EXCAVAT7I06a LICENSED INSTALLER: (>Q ,YES ( ) NO DRESS: p O t50)O ZS4 AVOAJ., CO, SIt,7_0 PHONE: ��CERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (x) NEI4 INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR ATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Physical Address: pl(-\ J).J S?A��AnILI� Parcel Number: -Z5- Lot Size: */00 ACt�-CS Legal Description. A7-rt1C_1ArL_J7 o ILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (Check applicable category): Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential - Fourplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Commercial (Type) ( ) Residential - Triplex .!UMBER OF PERSONS: Z . NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: ro WASTE TYPES Check a s : licable categorieit 11 $JNKr.xA1S 3 O Commercial or Institutional (7Q Dwelling ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( Garbage Disposal (>G) Dishwasher Automatic Washer (>C) Spa Tub ( ) Other (Specify): rjYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: Septic Tank Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Recycling, Portable Use ( ) Other ( ) Recycling, Other Use TILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE: ( ) YES ( NO S SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: C>< YES ( ) NO WATER CONSERVATION PLAN: ( ) YES ( ) NO NOTE: The Environmental Health Office may reduce the required absorption area upon approval of an adequate water conservation plan. OURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: X Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: Sao` - iK)o-r I+ySTACI. �� If supp.l4e4--by;comnunity.water, give name of supplier: LIS IGNATURE: DATE: �INFORI•IATION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent ground slope Depth to Bedrock (Per 8' profile hole Depth to Groundwater table r l SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: _ Minutes per inch in Hole #1 ju Minutes per inch in Hole `2 Minutes per inch in Hole I?3 FINAL DISPOSAL BY: Absorption Trench, Bed or Pit ( ) Evapotranspiration ( ) Above Ground Dispersal ( ) Sand Filter ( ) Under Ground Dispersal ( ) Wastewater Pond ( ) Other f MIOUNT PAID: RECEIPT NUMBER DATE: CHECK NUMBERCASHIER- — NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION. HAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" (Environmental Health Dept. - Rev. 4/88)' I �.J F i F F r F I SEPTIC SYSTEM APPLICATION PARCEL 25, DIAMOND STAR RANCH EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO SEPTEMBER 1999 Prepared for: Ken Harkias Trends West P.O. Box 2382 Edwards, CO 81632 Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. box 97 Edwards, CO. 81632 (970)-926-3373 1 r INTODUCTION The site is located on Parcel 25, Diamond S Ranch, Eagle County, Colorado and contains approximately 100 acres. The site slopes at approximately 16% in the area of the absorption trenches. Water is to be supplied to the site by a well water system which is to be located more than 240' away from the absorption field, and more than 50' away from the septic tanks. a K S� ���G I le !YS I �0 d' kkk . 70 l S-/l.s ! li KJ Wh✓ cat PROPOSED USE ¢tfc�es {lll J A 6 — bedroom house with 3 — bunkrooms are proposed to be constructed on the Parcel. Per the architect plans, the bunkrooms appear to be intended for bedding children in bunk beds, they are noted as "boy's and girl's bunkrooms. We assumed 3.5 persons per bunkroom, and 2 per guest or bedrooms. What appears to be [ J a large swimming pool, and 1-2 hot tub/spas are proposed to be piped to a separate disposal system (see following section regarding the swimming pool drain). QUANTITY OF SEWAGE 6 bedrooms x 2 (persons/bedroom) = 12 persons 3 bunkrooms x 3.5 (persons/bunkroom) = 10.5 persons Total = 22.5 persons - Average (gpd) = 22.5 persons x 75 gpd = 1688 gpd 1688 gpd <2000 gpd so no state review is required - Peak (gpd) = 22.5 persons x 75 gpd x 150% = 2531 gpd [ SEPTIC TANK SIZE 2531 gpd (I day/24 hrs)(30hrs) = 3164 gal ) check w/ table 4 sec. 4.07.01 ECLUR ) Use 3164 gal min. 1250 + 2(250) + 3(2)(250) = 2800 ) r - Proposed Septic Tank Design 1 - Septic Tank = 2500 gal I D UUU 1 - Septic Tank = 1500 gal Total = 4000 gal tJ PERCOLATION TESTS AND SOIL PROFILE HOLE Percolation Tests and the soil profile review were completed by Alpine Engineering, Inc. on September 1, 1999 and the results are as follows: - Percolation Test Results DURATION HOLE No. 1 HOLE No. 2 HOLE No. 3 0 Minutes 0' 0' 0' 10 Minutes 0.15' 0.13' 0.11, 20 Minutes 0.24' 0.21' 0.18' 30 Minutes 0.33' 0.26' 0.22' 40 Minutes 0.38' 0.31' 0.26' 50 Minutes 0.44' 0.37' 0.29' 60 Minutes 0.49' 0.40' 0.32' Last 10 Minutes 17 min/in 28 min/in 28 min/in Last 30 Minutes 16 min/in 18 min/in 25 min/in t� Average Percolation Rate = 24.3 in —use 25.0 min/in �1 DL LJ Soil Profile Hole 1 ? aTwo Soil Profile Holes where investigated at the location of the proposed absorption trench. The upper --ham evealed 4.5' of a clayey, silty, hard topsoil with large basalt rocks and many roots within the top 3.5'. Below 4.5' deep there exists a clay layer. The lower hole`displayed the same conditions for the top 4.5' as the upper hole; but the clayey, silty soil extended to approx. 7' deep. From 4.5' to 7' deep there appeared to be some possible mottling of the soil. At 7' deep the clay layer was encountered again (see diagram). Both pits where dry and no ground water was encountered. It is therefor proposed to cut the infiltrators 0.5' into the ground, and fill over the top of them in order Ll to provide minimum 4' between the clayey layer or the mottled soil. The area of the absorption trenches is essentially at the top of a ridge, with very little surface area draining to it, so we questioned how much groundwater could be directed to the site, and whether it really could be mottling. It is possible that during snowmelt, runoff percolates into the ground and follows the bedrock or clay layer and is directed to this location. we therefor assumed it would be best to presume that it was in fact mottling, and raise the infiltrators to provide 4' to the "mottled" layer. 11 Vl z c: t'ON 310H 3111406d IIOS ABSORPTION TRENCHES F I t-- L Area (A) = Q10,5 = 2531 25 °'S+'.= 2531 SF 5 5 _.. 35% reduction for infiltrators = 1645 SF - check w/ application rate Area (A) = Q = 2531 = 3164 SF 0.8 0.8 50% reduction for infiltrators = 1582 SF r5 1 i - USE 1645 SF •- P' �o1y ! 3 , U 1645 SF = 106 units 15.5 SF unit -:7 I' a Vio (:7 trenches at 16 units/trenc = 100' long, gives 7 x 16 x 15.5 = 1736 SF provided SWIMMING O@L—DRAT ,l The swimming pool is planned to be drained through a 4" PVC pipe until the discharge is beyond the absorption field, once past the field the water is planned to be dispersed through the use of sprinklers. The sprinklers will multiple positive effects such as, allowing the Chlorine to be removed prior to reaching the retention pond, as well as spreading out the water to maximize the effects of evaporation and evapotranspiration. This will also control the release of water so that a large onslaught of water is not being discharged all at once. UZONTAL DISTANCES I Absorption Trench to Building = 20' min. Absorption Trench to Well = 240' min. Absorption Trench to Septic Tank = 10' min. Absorption Trench to Property Line = 10' min. Septic Tank to building = 5 min. Septic Tank to Well = 50' min. 5 u r^ FGENERAL NOTES Contact Alpine Engineering, Inc. at least 48-hours prior to installing any septic system improvement. 2. Compact sewer trenches to 90% standard proctor density, or per soils engineer's recommendations. 3. Compact to 95% standard proctor density, below distribution boxes, etc., or per soils engineer's recommendations. << 4. Provide risers on septic tanks to finish grade. t >' 5. Comply with all Eagle County and Colorado Department of Health regulations regarding septic system installation. 6. Provide inspection portals per Eagle County regulations. 7. Provide Minimum 5' horizontal distance between trees and sewer lines and septic tanks. 8. Field align sewer to avoid existing trees, buildings and structures. 9. Provide 4' minimum cover and 2% minimum slope from building to septic tank. 10. Provide cleanouts at bends. _ s�V nUo (,) Je:u I J ]I. Sewer line to be schedule 40 PVC. 12. Provide 6' minimum between trench walls. 13. Install infiltrator system per manufacturer recommendations and Eagle County Health Department requirements. 14. Do not begin any sewer construction prior to notification of Alpine Engineering, Inc., Glenn Palmer 970-926-3373. The septic system is also to be inspected by Alpine Engineering, Inc. Prior to backfill; contact them for this purpose as well. 15. The Distribution Box must have equal invert out elevations on all pipes leaving the box. l Y 0-r-1- 16. We recommend that the Absorption field be seeded after installation of the subsurface disposal system. A good native grass cover will promote evapotranspiration from the field. We recommend using a seed mix such as a Foothills, Pasture or Prairie mix available at local feed and seed stores. These mixes do not require irrigation and develop a growth 10 to 15 inches high. No automatic tJ sprinkler system should be installed above the disposal field. 1 17. The Owner must realize an onsite sewage disposal system is considerably different from public sewer services. The Owner must be aware of and assume the responsibility for continued maintenance of the system. We recommend the pumping of the septic tanks at the end of the first year of use to monitor sludge accumulation and a minimum of two years afterward. There are also ' daily considerations; such as not putting,plastic or other non -biodegradable material down the L� ----sewage disposal system. Also,- water used must be carefully monitored so toilets are not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, it should be noted that a running toilet would 1 1�1 consume in excess of 1000 gallons per day if allowed to run. Excessive loading (such as from running toilets) will flood and irrevocably harm the system and stress the onsite well. u [� 18. We also caution you against installation of a water softener. The high levels of salt from the back wash of a water softener is detrimental to all onsite sewage disposal systems and a separate drywell should be constructed for backwash waste if a water softener is installed. No landscaping or plastic can be installed over the disposal field that will reduce the evapotranspiration from the field. 19. Provide minimum 10' separation between water and sewer lines. Or encase per Colorado Department of Health regulations. t 20. Provide two ties to sewer cleanouts, septic tank, and absorption trenchcorners as required by Eagle County for as-builts. F 11 I r L 7 u ;e Valley Surveying, Inc. FAX NO: : 970 S45 9504 Sep. 08 1999 07:44AM P2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY Those parts of Tract 72, Township 4 South, Range 84 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to Sheet 4 of the Supplemental Plat, Independent Resurvey of said Township and Range, approved June 20, 1922, in the U.S. Surveyor General's Office in Denver, Colorado, together with those parts of Section 31, Township 4 South, Range 83 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to Sheet 1 of the Independent Resurvey of said Township and Range, approved June 20, 1922, in the U.S. Surveyor General's Office in Denver, Colorado, described as follows: (� Parcel 22 The easterly xxxx feet of the northerly 600 feet of said Tract 72, containing approximately xx acres, more or less. tJ together with: Parcel 23 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 NW 1/4, S 1/2 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 NW 1/4 NW 1/40 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 NW 1/4, SW 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4, all lying within said Section 31, containing approximately 37 1/2 acres, more or less. together with: Parcel 24 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW'1/4 NW 1/4, N 1/2 NE 1/4 NW 1/41 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 NE 1/4, l� N 1/2 SW 1/4 NE 1/4, all lying within said Section 31, containing l� approximately 102 1/2 acres, more or less. together with: Parcel 25 W 1/4 NP7 1/4 NW 1/4, t-IN W 1/4 NW 1/4, 1/2 SE 1/4 NW 1/4, 1/2 NW 1/4 SW 1/41 :•• 1 /4 NE 114 SW 1/4, all. ?vineswithin said Section 131 containing pnroximately 106 acres, more or -Less.. together witn: l SEP-08-1999 07:40 970 845 9504 �J 94% am e W T pub cl Fi 4393 LJ E Ul Q u r -11 L x B3 4391 C. T. 4 S.05 \ , If T. 5 S ✓\� C.. - n \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 r 1` AV 4390 000 4389 660000 FEET 0 �11N . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .... Ewl WELL W z VI cr cr . . . . . . . . . .. C5 -- -zz- C3 Li w LLJ '� \SHMI 2 N.Tp. t I It 251i VY 6'i VY STAIR Q ISY 10.�1 E>CRCI5E ® ROOM EL. �I I TERRACE EL 60b" 1 a't 1. EL. 59'-O' lei -ilia 1 1� 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 2613 112' 6keEEDROOM �1 W-10,)• 2+'-Y r MEDIAROOM 1 t Ib I S d I VrlLITY 9TAI O PORT G O G VI E R E 001 MJD-------- I AWft COVERED RA55ASE COUIP I HALLYiAY � I GE) N I 6GiPIPML / I RDdM .bIY WA 5/8, ' \ 1 GRAVEL MOTOR COURT 1 \\\ RROOOOM 1l ABOVE-4 QED TERRACE 1` \/POOL LEVEL EL. 60' ' RESeRYO1R /'/ LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN eom FK�ITCVAfN AT� x x w z 0 H C � a C o O W E V] w z z CQ � a W � w O z 0 P4 a FT. H Q � ✓J w }T1O Q Wa U O O z u C REVISIONS 0 DATE:9.'199 DRAWN BY: DAG C,IECKM BY'. FAT SCALE: 1,T - I'-0 PRO"Cr NUSBER: 9" .1 0 DRAWING NUMBER ff&NC86LhQM ALL 6MP UMeb AFM TO czhlr-Rt.,%,- _-r Los =111*45 SEE FMWArCK M-M FOR E%Af T PthiMpaloms ;,'Z It*, �� 6 ; F-Ul I r Z,% Q I 10" lMNF0f%GW CIOW-IMM MMMATM MM 5M=IUNIN. \- AREAMY WALL -LINI! OF M055 ROCK VErem Typ. Fl z E- C; o C) zoE-1 u QQ 0, z C04 P...TI 0 F0 4 W�4 u 0 ou Z w , 4 v) Uo ZP4 n c � w w P4 REVISIONS z 0 DATE 9.=99 DRAWN Rli�. DAG CHECKEDBY-PAT SCALE: 1/4'- I'-W TNUMBER: 9-903 2.3 DRAYMIGNUUMM LOWER LEVEL UTILITY $ EXGERISE AREA ---------------------� w - ---- d _ LAI✓. ON 1 kc.� ------------------DINING ROOM104��-------------- 104A 98 STUDY 106 GL. L' 9E) -------------A HALLWAY 105 i GL ! ON / 34 105 / ` i FIR5T FLOOR STUDY/DINING AREA �i w W z v ow j H W zAo o p( x Z P4 r�0 0 V v� r� U o Zp4 � REVISIONS z 0 DATE:92L99 DRAWN n i s DAG CiiECKiD HY:PAT SCALE: U8' - 1'-" PROJECT NUMBER: 990.g A2041 0 DRAWING NUAdEF.R LULU LU z z t I �-- ------------- I mix H�4LLWJ4Y 1 � I I u 21-11 � I BEDROOM I 8 I BATH (�I 120A II'F'-T---- GUEST I IaA� I �i GUEST BEDROOM THI BEDROOM I18 I 120 1 MATGHLINE A2.6 L- 1 \Q II?A 1-IA,I_LW.aY ' I I ---------- ---------- I I I I GUEST BEDROOM w FIOST FLOM , I I I I r;----------------------I, I r NJ-1 CLOSET �v 11 ,-j MUD 1 ` 015 - �9Ei r------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I W � ZZr v ZC, rQn� w o �r I a OZ91 rnw fr1rT,� RFVNICI C I DATE:9X-" I DRAWN BY: DAG C HEC 2ED BY, PAT SCAM IJF' - 1'-V I PROJECT NU%om 99m ' c�.7 DRAVIM NUMBER j KA 46kk Pki $=:Z i GENERAL NOTES 1. Contact Alpine Engineering, Inc. at least 48-hours prior to installing any septic system improvement. 2. Compact sewer trenches to 90% standard proctor density, or per soils engineer's recommendations. 3. Compact to 95% standard proctor density, below distribution boxes, etc., or per soils engineer's recommendations. 4. Provide risers on septic tanks to within 8" of finish grade. j - 5. Comply with all Eagle County and Colorado Department of Health regulations regarding septic system installation. 6. Provide inspection portals per Eagle County regulations. 7. ProvideMinimum 5' horizontal distance between trees and sewer lines and septic tanks. 8. Field align sewer to avoid existing trees, buildings and structures. 9. Provide 4 minimum cover and 2% minimum slope from building to septic tank. 10. Provide cleanouts at , bends, and no 90' bends are allowed on building serwer. 11. Sewer line to be schedule 40 PVC. 12. Provide 6' minimum between trench walls. 13. Install infiltrator system per manufacturer recommendations and Eagle County Health Department requirements. 14. Do not begin any sewer construction prior to notification of Alpine Engineering, Inc., Glenn Palmer 970-926-3373. The septic system is ;also to be inspected by Alpine Engineering, Inc. Prior to backfill; contact them for this purpose as well. 15. We recommend that the Absorption field be seeded after installation of the subsurface disposal system. A good native grass cover will promote evapotranspiration from the field. We recommend using a seed mix such as a Foothills, Pasture or Prairie mix available at local feed and seed stores. These mixes do not require irrigation and ;develop a growth 10 to 15 inches high. No automatic sprinkler system should be installed above the disposal field. 16. The Owner must realize an onsite sewage disposal system is considerably different from public sewer services. The Owner must be aware of and assume the responsibility for continued maintenance of the system. We recommend the pumping of the septic tanks at the end of the first year of use to monitor sludge accumulation and a minimum of two years afterward. There are also daily considerations; such as not putting plastic or other non -biodegradable material down the sewage disposal system. Also, water used must be carefully monitored so toilets are not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, it should be noted that a running toilet would consume in excess of 1000 gallons per day if allowed to run. Excessive loading (such as from running toilets) will flood and irrevocably harm the system and stress the onsite well. 17. We also caution you against installation of a water softener. The high levels of salt from the back wash of a water softener is detrimental to all onsite sewage disposal systems and a separate drywell should be constructed for backwash waste if a water softener is installed. No landscaping or plastic can be installed over the disposal field that will reduce the evapotranspiration from the field. 18. Provide minimum 10'; separation between water and sewer lines. Or encase per Colorado Department of Health regulations. 19. Provide two ties to sewer cleanouts, septic tank, and absorption trench corners as required by Eagle County for as-builts. 20. Provide 4" conduit for electric service to aerob jets in septic tanks. 21. Provide two 10 GPM sprinkler heads on 4" pool drain line that can withstand min. 35 psi pressures. Note. sprinklers will help disperse the chlorine or bromine disinfectants in the pool water as well as control the amount of water being released in one area at one time, in;addition the sprinklers will minimize the amount of water that will need to be retained in the pond -by maximizing evaporation. and evapotranspiration In order maximize evapotranspiration the pool should be drained during the summer. also note that with two 10 gpm sprinklers it will take approx. 3 days to drain the pool, if a third sprinkler is installed it can be drained in approx. two days, and a fourth would take a day and a half. �22-)If excessive kitchen grease is planned to be a common occurrence than a separate grease trap should be provided. 0 i If ; PARCEL DESCRIPTION i Those parts of Tract 72, Township 4 South, Range 84 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to Sheet 4 of the Supplemental Plat, Independent Resurvey of said Township and Range, approved June 20, 1922, in the U.S. Surveyor General's Office in Denver, Colorado, together with those parts of Section 31, Township 4 South range 83 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to sheet 1 of the Independent Resurvey of said Township and Range, approved June 20, 1922, in the U.S. Surveyor General's Office in Denver, Colorado, described as follows: Parcel 25 SW 1/4 NW 1/4 NW;1/4, SW1/4NW1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4 NW'1/4, N 1 /2 NW 1/4 SW i 1/4, _ NW 1/4 NE 1/4 SW 1/4, all lying within said Section 31, containing approximately 100 acres, more or less. k Itr I i VICINITY MAP it M � r - j �' - �Q / �� .ilk\ %! :r •if/ t 'i _ `� •�- - � ' `74 �j �-�,}-:- .� � %, �! rise • _ - ' -` �. - • `; { 4393 _ •�� • _� 'J r 3 t �• 29 Ay =�� y19 or � -7600 • _ _ , � 9sas { 1 f `32 , _ ..� ! �. ;. _ moo.• Z�.�><y _ _. r. OW =a _ T 4 S - z"4j ,t : ::J �►�aa t - +i ��, ,� t/- �a8051 - -1, t - . •a�"=:M. _ _ , � -���\tea-",y - - "� (r, �fC/)�: 111 4390 Gut _. � t '" ♦ � _ ; /�"`' � - J � +i FEET 1V ROXIMATE -tOCA CENTERLINE IF % x ONLY� IT'O" J ROAD 0 C14 rw) z 0 (D 0. Fo C'4 X x CEO Zw or J, STI_Hfi If 00 N z Wz WELL C-4 J11 J J _LJ LL. 0) f c LW 7 X N 'NOTIFY ALPINE GINEERIN HOLE # W fSMRE L; Ft ING H SEE PLUMBING PLANS FOR PIPING 1,,YgtJLT -BEYOND HERE f MTM Z BEGIN CIVIL JV ENGINEERING PLAt43 A WIRE FENCE 1v=_1 557 2500 gal. a TANKS TO BE N, AND -LINE— W MIN. FROM BUILDING TANK/ IN. FROM WELL _e POOL rwiu. JOR PVC 50 -PSI "E PRIES -RATIN PROVIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR TWO (2)1 AEROB& J PROPOSED WELL ........... 64 1500 1 LOCATION AS OF 40, INV-7da2M SEPTIC %K INV=7852.55- C.O. '#4V=7854 77 ip .Or POSSIBLE FUTURE I e TENNIS COURT "m co -POOt-DRAIN JOINT TRENCPt LINE -AND� SEPTIC PWR4G- CO MAINTAIN 4! MIN. CO N _0 __4 f N oc o C-11 INV-7835.5 P vc JABSORPTION FIELD M BEI so p 'T -OF FIRST 226-MIN-FROM, -WELL— SEE DETAIL &25��FILTRATOR U6 cf) D ___��­,DRAINAGE-SWALE. CONSTRUCT 1' DEEP E 6* MIN. MASONRY SAN PROVID UNDER ENTIRE LENGTH OF -MST TWO AB SORPTION TRENCHES C.O. INV-7813.0 ND-7814.5 - JPAOVIDE INSPECTION POR --------------------- INV=781 .0 ATEACH END (14 PLACE�). TALS; 781Z5j I INV-7809.0 xi GRND-781 (L5 INV-78 0 INV-7907.5 STRUCT DEMT ......... ... ZON INVi-7811.0 DRAJNAGE- SWALEe- VKUHLt -7 soc %--PERC HOLE 11 GRND--7812. LE NO. Ho INV-78 ��NV-7 GRND-7810. LOT LINES TO BE SURVEYED PRIOR GRND-780 . M CONSTRUCTION. ABSORPTION, FIELD NV-78044,110 AND PIPING M BE 15' MIN. FROM FINAL P ROP ERTY LINE LOCATION. z D= CGRN 106.0 vi INV=m7 INIV-7807.5 0 RN -7 07.5Wf Z o -SEC AA ON R 6! MIN. P OVID uj INV-78021- SEE X THE DETAIL SHEET. A ATI& BETWEEN GRND=78OU w INFILTRATORS. S� 0 Z bi bi INFILTRATDRS _dN S WIDE X 6' LONG cn :2 ZERC HOL N 16 UNITS CONNECTED 'TRENCHES SEVEN (7) 100 > ME NSTALL 4x4x4 P[N HOLE NO. 2 DRAI-NAGE SWALE— 0) CONSTRUCT V DEEP 0 OIL PRO LJ 0 0 all 0 0 00 CONSTRUCT 1 DEM�� DRAINAGE SWALL z -HEAD LER HEAD INSTALL, SPRINK INSTALL SPRINKLER -#22) . " ft" (SEIE� GEN[EIZAL NOTE -NOTE #22) (SEE GENERAL, PLUG END W/ 1/8w C6 WEEP HOLE 6w RIPRAP z -FOR 50 LF. 0 CL A> -7 0) 0 0') CONSTRUCT� I' DEEP, DRAINAGE SWALF_--� do Ld LLJ Z Z Ld < LLJ LJ ch < cl —EXISTINa POND SHEET ENLARGE POW RETAIN EXCESS POOL DRAINACE- AS NECESSARY-, 2 -------------------------------- SGA GRND=14.54 6' MIN. 3' --' GRND=12.5 6' MIN. 32y� 1N =7$13. _ 1-' GRND=10.5 6' MIN. 3' Q Li.. J (V / - - ,` �: GRND=09.0 ' ' LO 6MIN. 3o - _ NV=7811.0 -- -� �.....•. Y a Z r - - 7 - - - - _ --`•� ��.: �•.• �?-� GRND 0 .5 6' MIN. 3' - INV=7809.0 _ : - , ' ..'• o = v IMPORT MATERIAL INV=7807 5- _ `Y- " _` - GRND=05.5 6' MIN. 3' U' _ PROVIDE 6" MIN. MASONRY SAND W/- -MIN. TOPSOIL r r T - GRND=03.5 ENTIRE LENGTH -OF FIRST - - - _ - - - INV= 7806.0 - ` -•� :.',: ' •- - 1' MIN. COVER OVER INFILTRATORS '. TWO ABSORPTION TRENCHES---�_ - e _ - -� : •; - v SANDY, CLAYEY -INV=7$04.0 _ e TOPSOIL. F - - INV=7802.0 - `--' CLAY LAYER - - - _ - l� J- - 141) 0 --A� t ; MOTTUNG , ABSORPTION FIELD SECTION A -A SCALE: 1' = 5' '� d. INLET PIPE W/ SAMPLE TEE (BY OTHERS) 00000�o. 24" RING & COVER LOCKING, AIR AND GAS TIGHT AVAILABLE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000e0000 WT. 251# 0o coo / LID 24" DIA. ACCESS HOLES 11 - 1 A GRADE RING DIM "A' '(AS NEEDED) 24" RING & COVER LOCKING, AIR & GAS TIGHT ARE AVAILABLE TYPICAL 2 PLACES >j GROUTING BAFFLE, AND ALL PIPES (BY OTHERS) INLET -- C: DIM "B" CLEAR ACCESS OPENINGS GROUT BOTH SIDES 2" VENT HOLE IN LID PRECAST DIVIDER PLAN VIEW ` SLOT BOTH SIDES IADJUST TO GRADE f f A 1 -- OUTLET s' U L 2" I 1'_2 1�2fl DIM DIM "E" � 'F' DIM "D' DIM "C" DIM 'C" WATER DEPTH VARIES s Q 1_0" ' G GROUT ALL AROUND SLOT OUTLET PIPE BOTH SIDES W/ SAMPLE TEE 2/3 LENGTH i 3 LENGTH (BY OTHERS) SECTION VIEW AA RETAINING BAFFLE w VAULT SECTION ELBOW (BY OTHERS) SEPTIC TANK Scale: 1' = 2'-0" SINGLE VAULT SYSTEM GALLON CAPACITY 330 500 750 1000 1 1500 1800 2500 3000 3500 5000 MODEL No. 463-GI 464-GI 4113-GI 4114-GI 4116-GI 4117-GI 6126-GI 6127-GI 6157-GI 6187-GI DIM "A' 6'-0" 6'-0' 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 15'-0' 18'-0" DIM "B' 4'-0' 4'-0' 4'-0" 4'-0' 4'-0' 4'-0' 6'-0' 6'-0' 6'-0' 6'-0' WATER DEPTH DIM 'C" 2'-0- 3'-0" 1 3'-2" 3'-2" 4'-7- 5'-6" 4'-6" 5'-6" 5'-4' 1 6-2' DIM "D' 2'-2' 3'-2' 3,-4" 3'-4' 4'-9- 5'-8' 4'-8" 5'-8" 5'-6- 6'-4- DIM "E' 3'-0" 4'-0' 3'-O" V-0" 6'-0" 7'-0' 6'-0" 7'-0" 7'-0" 7'-0" DIM "F' 2'-10" 3'-10" 2'-10" 3'-10' 5'-10" W-10" 5'-10" 6'-10' W-10" 6'-10" WEIGHT 1 10,200 11,850 19,575 22,500 26,100 i 27,300 1 33,025 1 34,450 42,700 63,822 320 - 5500 GALLON CAPACITIES DESIGN CRITERIA: MONOLITHIC BASE DESIGN UNIFORM PLUMBING CEDE - APPENDIX H NUMPERBER OFPEA HOURS X WAS RA GW X RETENTION ON X SFACTOR X IN GALLONS f N�,. '0 1 n t CAP TOP INLET r - - T - - OUTLET INLET - 6. 2' - V-2 e 2500 GAL. (NO BAFFLE) �_ 8 a7. o. . o NOTES: 1. CONCRETE: 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH fc = 4500 psi 2. DESIGNED FOR AASHTO HS-20 LOADING 3. DESIGNED ACCORDING TO ASTM C857-87 AND C858-83 4. FILL w/ CLEAN WATER PRIOR TO START-UP OF SYSTEM 5. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY & INSTALL ALL PIPING & SAMPLING TEES 6. GRAY WATER ONLY, BLACK WATER SHALL BE CARRIED BY SEPARATE SIDE SEWER -- OUTLET 6' _Lj_ } w V-2" - m 1'-2 C 1 0 - y D Uj L �. 1500 GAL 1 a (PROVIDE BAFFLE) EFFLUENT FILTER VARIES %-..d .e.-..- -. D. _...'. GROUT ALL AROUND SLOT BOTH SIDES 1 . e%r-r%T1n TA 6,11 .0 1 A vrt1 1T 2/3 LENGTH 1/3 LENGTH Model Number Air Tube Dia. inches 100 2 150 3 200 4 250 s 300 4� 600 Horse 1/15 - 1/6 1/3 1/2 a t 10 ,� 12 Cubic Feet/Min. air 0.22 0.842 1.74 3.5 - 5-23 t 3 Cubic Feet/Dayair 314 f 1,21d 2,506 5,087 7,536 8 2 11,775 18.85 27,130 LB. n D 5.49 120 21 :120 43 120/240 89 120/240 132 120/240 206 d75 Voltage Single Phase Full Load Amps Voltage Three Phase 0.8 2.2 6.2A/3,1A 8-CA14.OA 12.OA16.()A 120/240 15.6A/7,8A 230 13.OA Full Load Am - 230/460 230/460 230/460 _230/460 213.OA , Lb. Of Oxygen 6.4A/3.2A 2.OA/1.0A 3.2A/1.6A 4.8A/2.4A 7.5A/3.8A LB/HP/HR Approx. Flow (gaUday) 4.20 5.25 5.37 7.41 5. 5.72 6.59 300 PPM BOD5 1-000 . 4,000 6,000 12,000 18,000 25000 65,000 m U J }. i- Z D _ cn Q Z U 0 (!) W 1 > a-V) - ti.! O Z - 0 z ui Flow f e cn LB. of BOD5 = GPD x PPM x 8.34/1,000,000 w o 8.34 - IB. Water Per Gallon VACUUM BUBBLE LOW VOLTAGE AERATORS GPD -Gallons Per Day PPM -Parts Per Million BOD5 - Five Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand Example: 2000 GPD @ 300 Model Number 25 50 75 75H Air Tube Dia. 3/ 1,g 2 2 . Cubic Feet/Min. air- .031 - .062 .086 148 Cubic Feet/D air 45 - 90 125 211 LB. Oxygen pff D .75 1.5 2.0 3.5 Vol 12 12 12 12 Approx. Tank Size in Gallons so to 100 - 100 So -200 ' 400 to 600 600 to 1,000 0) rn EW- N Q N 0 ! 0 O 2000 x 300 x 8.3411,000,000 = 5 lb. BOD5 - To estimate flow per day Gallons per seat - 28-35 - Gallons per seat Fast Food 15 ;` p 2 lb. of Oxygen per lb. BOD5 z _ ---I _ c 0 - C I � I I , � 01) E z Ld Y z U Ld LL1 of _ Q 0 0 U -0 i t F G F SHEET 3 E li;o TEST HOLE _Zz Ny-I _ 1` ^t tt�� L) -X. - _4 511 .0 4" POOL DRAII`4-,_LINE R PVC 50 RSI MIN. P SURE: RATING C.O. INV=785 9 N, 0 N`\ N, V Nk POSSIBLE FUTURE NN TENNIS COURT N, v, %\ IN NN N N, N N, N, SCALE: 1 = 20' N CONTOUR INTERVAL =2' NOTE'. RELATIVE COORDINATE LISTING ASSUMES THE USE OF THE WELL AND TRANSFORMER - PAD AS CONTROL PNT# EASTING E NO%THING DESCRIPTION 20r-. 513 3 5.12 4 1, 7 ol 4.6846 Trans -pad 203, 51331-600�,�- 70101.2718, Trans-pQd L_ 204, 51328,8802, 70951.7048, Welt 205, 51306.1386,; 69�55.7699, Cleanout 206, 51348.1274.69900.8466, Cleanout 207, 51428284111 69�55.6683, Cteanou.t 208, 51498,2334 r, 69803.8984, Cleanout -_�09, 51512.67421 69785.0824, Septic -pipe 210, 516 0 8.8 8 6 3,` 69P06.3841, Septic -pipe 211, 51599-6830, 697,77.7210, Septic -pipe 212, 51515,2728r 69727.7260, Septic -pipe 213, 515 2 2.3 9 8 6.? 691718.94831 Septic -pipe 214, 51607.1668,i 69770.0299, Septic -pipe 215, 51614.3900, 69757,4190, Septic -pipe 216, 51529,6148, 69709.5331, Septic -pipe 217, 51534.5873, 69694.1081, Septic -pipe 218, 51619.7455, t>9745,4774 , Septic -pipe 219, 51634.312510 69?17.0739, Septic -pipe 17.8799, 220, 516 69725.9317, Septic -pipe 221, 51614.0989,E 69726,8358, Septic -pipe 222, 51554,8202, 691 680.7404, Septic -pipe 223, 51563.1469, 69673.2047, Septic -pipe GENERAL NOTE 224, 51605.3250, 69709.8587, Septic -pipe DATE OF SURVEY OCTOBER, 1199 225, 51609,2324, 6 711.4832), Septic -pipe LOCATIONS OF DRAINAGE FIELD ROVIDED BY 226, 51650.8632, 6 698,2165, Septic -pipe EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING ON SHE VERIFICATION L tj LOT a z" 7_ N, f N. f N'\%, x "v\ k N \N N N, IX LLI _j CTI CT) CT) -NX 63 ­4 CID Cu f CD /z _j CD mz < SCALE: 17 = 80' LLJ C-0 I CD V V) ICINI T) MA P LLJ