HomeMy WebLinkAbout2247 Upper Cattle Creek Rd - 239127402003INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. ALTERATION PERMIT NO. 1917-99 BP NO. 12855 OWNER: JAMES MILKOVICH PHONE: 970-963-6066 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 322, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: 970-963-6066 SYSTEM LOCATION: 2247 UPPER CATTLE CREEK RD., CARBONDALE, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 2391-274-02-003 LICENSED INSTALLER: DORAIS EXCAVATING, BILL DORAIS LICENSE NO. 3-00 PHONE: 970-963-2670 DESIGN ENGINEER: TIMBERLINE ENGINEERING, DAVID POWELL PHONE NO. 970-963-9869 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 5 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 2189 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA VIA 88 INFILTRATOR UNITS AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL IN SERIAL DISTRIBUTION IN A BED CONFIGURATION AS PER ENGINEER DESIGN REVISIONS DATED 1/4/00, WITH A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL SET BACK REQUIREMENTS. DOUBLE ENCASE THE EFFLUENT PIPE RUN UNDER THE DRIVEWAY TO PREVENT COLLAPSE. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION OF THE SYSTEM. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HASI CEIVED FI RTIFICATION. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVA DATE: MARCH 14, 2000 CONDITIONS: I. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 10 2 2 SQUARE FEET (VIA 32 Infiltrator units EQ 3 6 ) INSTALLED Concrete Sept 1 CTANK: 1 5 0 0GALLONS IS LOCATED 40 DEGREES AND 22 FEET INCHES FROM the cleanout on the north east side of the house. COMMENTS: Engineer design revisions received with as -built drawing allowing for mnse.=aggressive loading based on different Soils nrmuntPrg-d at thQ _-,; t---r='-rmG„i in in less area need d Final m-rt; f; rat; nn rempived 1 -�Qa, This G)zGtPm ; s —age enoug or a necroom re i nce,according to the engineer. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CO TED B O P OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: January 18, 2002 to-L .e riaii nuaw ne azzacnea) ISDS Permit ,r APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL.SYSTEM PERMIT ;ENVIRONMENTAL -HEALTH OFFICE-_-EAGLE-'COUNTY P.' 04. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO''' 81631- 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) * PERMIT<APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST•FEE $200.00 * MAKE ALL`REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "'EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER"" PROPERTY OWNER:? I� ILKii iCF PHONE: c 970� 96 (a�G -,,.,.,,'.MAILING -ADDRESS: > ao X (`b ro Z 3 APPLICANT CONTACT PERSON: -1VK / PHONE e 1 b191 MAILING ADDRESS • 0` cx 312.2 e�u�A-� Cam• Z� X LICENSED ISDS CONTRACTOR.W�4�5 PHONE. -70 COMPANY/DBA.Q{SP/�VtN.6 '�iVc' `' ADDRESS: �zs. x9 i =. Ci�xi►a z- . C© 81�Z PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (k� New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF'PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE•DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building Permit # (if known) Legal Description: 00 3 Subdivision: -c 1 wo&ES � 9 /2-7 "7 � _��Filing: _Block: Lot No. a� ©� Tax Parcel Number: Lot Size:-2,0-77:Z cue-• Street Address: 2-2-4-7 247 .BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) (� Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms :3 ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) (� Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: *These syste s.require design b a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: Date: Z - 9 TO BE COMPL TED� THE COUNTY AMOUNT PAID: // RECEIPT # DATE: �. NOV � 1 WW"fum # = a0� CASHIE Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com Date: March 14, 2000 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TO: Dorais Excavating Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1917-99. Tax Parcel # 2391-274-02-003; Property Location: 2247 Upper Cattle Creek Rd., Carbondale, CO., Milkovich residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1917-99. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Timberline Engineering, David Powell Llwell jllllllll1111111111111'illlillJlllll�'llllzilu Zibi Vll�ilzjUUj I�III'"III IP. I IIII III '�'ll �Illlllll�llil��l�li�� III I� Il�ll o' Ali III i III ' IIJIIIIi I Ire ENGINEERING January 8, 2002 Eagle County Environmental Health 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Re: ISDS Installation Milkovitch Residence Lot 5, Los Pinones Estates Building Permit #12855 Dear Environmental Health Department: The installation of the ISDS for the above residence has been completed and has been installed in accordance with applicable county specifications and plans. If you have any questions, please call me at 963-9869. Sincerely, David A. Powell, PE Reg. No. 25851 Post-1V Fax Note 7671 Date tl � 1 a y pa9es ll' 1 To rr AC) ug From <f W Co./Dept. Co. Phone # e Phon# 6 3 otti�� q -T Fax # ?j2',. i o$ Fax # re�LF. M�UA�% U31L L, U1 Ur]S.lL r" U. U. IY 10L.5 PHONE 970 � —3 9869 f FAX 9 U 963 9003 .TQW-R-PMMP TI IP GIP! 1gPM Tn-PpfI P rni INTV P It Wg=U TI-I Dnr=- I DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO January 18, 2002 James Milkovich P.O. Box 322 Carbondale, CO 81623 Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2133-01 Tax Parcel #2107-094-06-026. Property location: 0758 Graham Rd., Edwards, CO. Dear Mr. Milkovich: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 TIMI: FI-'ZLIINI-=: FI�(�II1�'[FKII� 'CJ ST RIJC7CURAIL/MM ENGINEERING # CONTRACTING # CERTIFIED ENERGY DESIGN PROFESSIONAL January 8, 2002 Eagle County Environmental Health 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Re: ISDS Installation Milkovitch Residence Lot 5, Los Pinones Estates Building Permit #12855 Dear Environmental Health Department: The installation of the ISDS for the above residence has been completed and has been installed in accordance with applicable county specifications and plans. If you have any questions, please call me at 963-9869. P.O. ]SOX 63 t CARBONDAILIE, CO. 81623 ]PHONE VE 970 963 9869 / FAX 970 0 963 9003 T I Mr: ML IrN F N IIN E I I�Z ila J STRNCTURAL/MnL ENGINEERING # CONTRACTING ING ♦ cCIER=D ENERGY DESIGN PROFMSSIIOIYAL January 9, 2002 Eagle County Environmental Health Mr. Raymond Merry P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Re: ISDS Installation Milkovitch Residence Lot 5, Los Pinones Estates ISDS Permit #1917-99 Dear Mr. Merry: Attached is the ISDS as -built for the above residence as requested. The total number if EQ36 units is 32. At 31.93 sq. ft. per unit this system provides 1,022 sq. ft. of absorption area which is greater than the 938 sq. ft. as agreed on January 10, 2000. If you have any questions, please call me at 963-9869. Sincerely, r David A. P well, PE Reg. No. 25851 rr 1 �ti�r: : K L IrN F 1 ANI F0, F K Ir� � J STRU CTURAUCIIVIIII, ENGINEERING # CCONTRACC TNG ♦ CERTIFIED ENERGY DSIG Y PROFESSIONAL January 11, 2002 Eagle County Environmental Health Mr. Raymond Merry P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Re: ISDS Acceptance Rate Milkovitch Residence Lot 5, Los Pinones Estates ISDS Permit #1917-99 Dear Mr. Merry: The subsoil type in which the above system was installed was not the sandy clay encountered in the shallow excavations which were tested by Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc in their December 8, 1999 report. The system was installed in a subsoil which consisted of basalt gravels and cobbles in a sandy matrix and is indicative of an acceptance rate of 1.2 gallons/square foot/day. If you have any questions, please call me at 963-9869. Sincerely, David A. Powell, Reg. No. 25851 Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com David Powell Timberline Engineering P. O. Box 631 Carbondale, CO 81623 January 5, 2000 Dear Mr. Powell, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 I have made numerous attempts to contact you by telephone regarding the ISDS system you designed for the Milkovich residence on lot 5, Los Pinones Estates, 2247 Upper Cattle Creek Rd., El Jebel, Colorado. I would like to discuss this system in further detail, and decided to put my thoughts in a letter since we keep playing phone tag. It has been our observation that a system design based solely on the percolation rate is undersized due to the formation of the bio- mat. The long term acceptance rate of the bio-mat is .35 gallons per square foot per day. If you look in the EPA Design Manual for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, on page 214 there is a table that lists the recommended rates of wastewater application for trench and bed bottom areas. I have copied and enclosed this table for your reference. It illustrates the different soil types and percolation rates, and gives a corresponding application rate. Another issue that needs to be addressed in your design is that the effluent pipe which runs underneath the driveway is listed as schedule ASTM 3034, which is a thin -walled pipe. Depending on the depth of installation and the load on the driveway this type of pipe may not work. You might consider a thicker walled -pipe in this instance. As we discussed via voice mails to each other, Eagle County Environmental Health does not encourage the use of distribution boxes. Specifically it states in section 4.06.13 of our Land Use Regulations, "a distribution box is not recommended, but if used, shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the necessary field lateral lines." We both want a system which will do a good job treating the wastewater and which will function for many years. This is a five bedroom home that could have periods of very little wastewater produced and periods of a lot of wastewater produced, depending on the number of people inhabiting the dwelling. Thus, a serially distributed leach field in trenches, or a dosed bed Page 2 Timberline Engineering system would not only do a better job of aerobically treating the wastewater than a basic bed installation, but could possibly extend the life time of the leach field. I copied a fact sheet from the National Small Flows Clearinghouse web site on low-pressure systems that you might find informative. Please contact me by telephone at (970) 328-8756 or by fax at (970) 328-0349, regarding the above issues. Sincerely, Laura Fawcett, REHS Environmental Health Specialist II cc: James Milkovich ISDS PERMIT # ) q l q _ q. q PERCOLATION TEST EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEATLH ov i ch •PHSYSICAL ADDRESS:, a 41 l J r ns r C1t ±f 161 C ree. I< fit' & . Ctly-hr) n A &LL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Los i on n e' S �e_s+ +es Lov 5 MAILING ADDRESS: Q 0- Bo X 3 Q a G, card al C(� 1 a 3 TYPE OF DWELLING: iZ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO SOIL TIME WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE PROFILE 0' c mommomommom-E, mmmmommmmmms mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm -1 mmmmmmmmmmo-,, TIME TO DROP LAST INCH: PERC RATE: MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: �au, vntFnl yti- 19,4`11 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST DATE ;s- 9- 1' i 1 f I`:' ! �I fl [ II •;1:CV1 Via Facisintile• to 970 328 718.5 January 10, 2000 Eagle County DIVironrnental Health 500 Broadway P.U. Box .179 Eagle, CO 81.631-0179 Re: ISDS :Permit Milkovitch Residence Lot 5, Los Pinones Estates Dear Environmental Health Depextm.ent: The above systems will be designed using the following formula per the discussion with Mr. Raymond Henry on January 5, 2000: Absorption area 1125 g.p.d./1.2 galls /. y= 938 square feet The anticipated configuration. of the system will be trenches with serial distribution and EQ 36 units. Final design mill'be limited by site constraints and changes'from this anticipated des' may occur. XP 7lic septic tank will. be a 2 compartment tank with 1,500 gallon capacity. The installer will be Dorai8 Excavating. If you have. any questions, please call me at 963-9869. Sincerely, C-0 Cc.� P6,e��� David A. Powell" PE Reg, No. 25851 q(�� -604- IP-0- BOX 63 n C ONDALE 0. 81623 PHONE 970 965 9869 / PAX 970 9W 90M ur.r-zn "CluZ U n. rOWEll ZIfu bb.'i bUU.3 P. 1 v•.. + �vw� r... a.n . aw..rt.al�ti. ...VVI11 i GITY Ilf:.i"1 JIL'IJGOO{po Iu;7.L fK1 ISDS Permit It % t - In-sWAer IEate �Z isps Vaal Insp iloa m s Form Tank is.1 gal. Tank Material C.6.€ c Q E7L" �atele is located ft and ______*V ces ask is located ft and degrees fine ask set level. ✓Tank lids within 8" of finisteed grade. iza of field Dz Unitst, %bw lft Tscbnology�C�3_fp V C ICUMd is Installed -In between lank and housq+ JV100ft). tbat.goes dowse 14 inches M the inlcGared itlet a£tlic fi *- Effluent filth ono filet-.aadMdet is Sailed mdth tmr'taPe;:nlbble[ t:;i � ' r. (ka•' t J. �'�-.L-Tai - 1 tw'd fir. ��p�•��f;� L—L�•�--?.— F• t 1' - ,.: _.,}�.y�. x'• f- 5' •f�..�J... t4G houii— y F�• '1�. .1. ' :t�:' �aiY .i^_'.i i�>ir�•. lMleBsurG4iffbmw and retati ne-dh=tion tdficld.• Lkptb of field fl. Sod *berfhicaraked. _ Y/Ynspechmt portals at the end Of each Iteaclt - prrrpedY installed as Per •rnanufachU=S sPCCLfiCations. (Cbarobam lakhed, end plateau insmlkd, rocks remGved f bin h lles, ate.) properly 'SPlash plate(s) installed at least in first tmwh inlet, ✓`i'ypc of pipe used for building sewer Ime�I h Other � on meets naI&O Beats. — Copy fermi to iastnuees file if rus for improvement were suggested. ACTION TAKEN: Setback Table on Back Post -it- Fax (Vote 7671 Date � 2 aeges� A tofpept ` Co Phase ! Phase it 70 Fm w ?0 —9 3— 00: 1-Y TnKI-'1 M-_ ::) Mf D -rU1 1 MO- -1 COM Tfl • Cne-21 C f"nl H,17 / CI,II I UEni -rU 4 Geortech December 8, 1999 Jim Milkovich P.O. Box. 322 Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone:970-945-7988 Fax:970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Job No. 199 602 Subject: Percolation Testing, Proposed Residence, Lot 5, Los Pinones Estates, 2247 Upper Cattle Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado Dear Mr. Milkovich: As requested, Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc., conducted percolation testing at the subject site. The work was done based on verbal authorization by you on December 1, 1999. Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical Inc., previously observed the excavation for the proposed residence at the subject site and reported our findings August 19, 1999, Job No. 199602. A profile pit and four shallow percolation test holes were excavated prior to our site visit on December 2, 1999, at the locations shown on Figure 1. Percolation test holes (nominal 12 inches deep by 12 inches wide) were hand dug and presoaked on December 1, 1999 by the client.. The subsoils exposed in the percolation test holes were similar to those encountered in the profile pit and consist of about 1 foot of topsoil overlying sandy clay to about 4 feet, underlain by basalt gravel, cobbles and boulders in a sandy clayey silt matrix to the pit depth of 8 feet. No free water was observed in the profile pit on and the subsoils were moist to slightly moist. Percolation testing was conducted on December 2, 1999 by a representative of Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. The test results, presented in Table I indicate percolation rates in the sandy clay soils between about 40 and 80 minutes per inch with an average of 56 minutes per inch. Test P-1 in the basalt gravels had a percolation rate of about 30 minutes/inch. Due to the relatively slow percolation rates, we recommend the septic disposal system be oversized. The system should be designed by a civil engineer. If you have any questions, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWO1j�TH - PAWLAK GEECH] _. Louis E. er 4� ,.,� >n, �m • sz ��® e e i am Rev. By: DAB'u °t• 32-21 a LEE/ksm ®gyp % b �� V ® i2 v-f attachments ®-e C��,'°•.®•,°s..••°���®® cc: Timberline�Fya��,attn: 41CAL , INC. �- FCA,A Q Dave Powell, 'ROXI ill LOT 5 L _ 1 199 602 1 HEOTOR HNICA AWLA I LOCATION OF PERCOLATION TESTING I Fig. 1 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE I PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 199 602 HOLE NO. HOLE DEPTH (INCHES) LENGTH OF INTERVAL (MIN) WATER DEPTH AT START OF INTERVAL (INCHES) WATER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL (INCHES) DROP IN WATER LEVEL (INCHES) AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE (MIN./INCH) P-1 60 15 11 1/4 10 1 1/4 30 10 9 1 9 8 1/2 1/2 8 1/2 7 3/4 3/4 7 3/4 7 1/4 1/2 7 1/4 6 3/4 1/2 6 3/4 6 1/4 1/2 6 1/4 5 3/4 1/2 P-2 20 15 10 314 10 314 40 10 9 1/4 3/4 9 1/4 8 314 1/2 8 3/4 8 1/4 1/2 8 1/4 8 1/4 8 7 1/2 1/2 7 112 7 1/4 1/4 7 1/4 6 3/4 112 P-3 23 15 10112 10 1/2 80 10 9 314 1/4 9 314 9 1/2 1/4 91/2 91/4 1A 9 1/4 9 1/4 9 8 3/4 1/4 8 3/4 8 3/4 0 8 3/4 8 1/2 1/4 P-4 22 15 8 1 /4 7 314 112 48 7 3/4 7 1/4 1/2 7 1/4 7 1/4 7 6 1/2 1/2 1/2_ 6 1/4 1/4 -6 6 114 6 1/4 6 5 3/4 114 5 3/4 5 1/4 1/2 NOTE. Percolation tests were performed in nominal 12 inch diameter by 12 inch deep holes and presoaked by the client on December 1, 1999. Test holes were protected from freezing overnight by insulation. Percolation tests were peformedr on December 2, 1999 by H-P Geotech. Test holes P-2 thm P-4 were hand dug from the ground surface. Test hole P-1 was excavated to basalt gravel. Test P-2 thru P-4 conducted in sandy clay. Last four readings were used to determine the average percolation rate. 1917-99 Tax #2391-274-02-003 JOB NAME Lot #5, Los Pinones MILKOVICH 2247 Upper Cattle Creek Rd. JOB NO. I ` U 95,�' OB LOCATION i BILL TO DATE STARTED �.. ( 0 b / I E-- DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED OIL) Gli i� y J Gri r -�•f Mt , I ` �l J.� .,�a�l'►'-r � � r uh � e ��q, -tom /� / R 1� G{ _ (vrt'ti' , �i� o v -ta✓� s �j d . �n real, ! 4106 JOB COST SUMMARY z1,wt .f' GtJfrt`G /LD� /`P�Ge r c� ,f"Gt,Gl�., of ✓`eN I� rKri7 G� /1� / t-ss TOTAL SELLING PRICE J 6b ao TOTAL MATERIAL c�-�� so; l 1� �h TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE S G •�^�,,� S 0�/ Gy f t1s �o v*-! SALES TAX MISC. COSTS 3 Et rn 7jv w k a Ck u 1G -* -•. D OTC-P.✓ �9D /L/J � C �i �?.�s' C�J Ct. G7� (�t�s- � f fr_S emdGtNc.R ✓Zt 8C-ncc1j 9,/eel /4s'f jj � Waq TOTAL JOB COST 671L. ! 60 �J J fv��a,lla, ��,e�re1v t'-f-124rau„ a-(� GROSS PROFIT � CL S'L / tl' O 3� n /✓ t 1X�3 LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFITLO) JOB FOLDER Product 277 �����. AI;JB FQ; ' t1t�/d v 3 . E R �< % / "w^(% LPrinted In U.S.A. / (LQ, j�.L✓'ri"`-• u ��~^ G,rC 4M4 s' l`f` 'G l� pu'`° f✓� _.. s'r o ". GRA k r���rry i r . I A T. I I - I n1/rl1 I 4'- 0" A. CALCULA TIONS -1. PERCOLATION RATE = 56 MPI AVG. (H.P. GECTECH JOB NO. 199-602) 2. DESIGN FLOW RESIDENCE= 5 BEDROOMS X 2 X 75 X 1.5 = 1125 GALLONS PER DAY TOTAL DESIGN FLOW = 1125 GALLONS PER DAY 3. REQUIRED SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY = 1125 X 1.25 = 1407 GALLONS USE ONE - 1,500 GALLON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK r . 4. ABSORBOBED REQUIRED * I , 3 2 1 $ A115 A ( / ) /2 1684 SF X t5• 5. INFILTRATOR BED INSTALLATION: - 1684 SQ. FT./ 15.5 SQ.FT. PER UNIT 108 UNITS MIN. USE 10 UNIT X 11 UNIT INFIL TRA TOR ARRAY .(Ill PROVIDED) 6. WELL SETBACK DISTANCE f ti 100 + 8 * ((1125-1000)/100) = 110 FEET l `� 1 � ��' ; �, SL.4 7. DITCH, STREAM AND POND SETBACK DISTANCE 2 50 + 8 * ((1125-1000)/100) = 60 FEET o 8. WATERLINE SETBACK DISTANCE P" Ak 10 FEET TO TANK, 25 FEET TO FIELD �� I B. GENERAL NOTES 1 1. THE INFILTRATOR BED SHALL BE LEVEL (+/ 0.1 INCHES), ON NATURAL GROUND (NOT IN FILL) AND BACKFILL MUST PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BED._ 2. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE LOCATED AT LEAST FIVE FEET AWAY FROM THE RESIDENCE 3. THE PIPE FROM THE RESIDENCE TO THE TANK MUST BE INSTALLED AS FOLLOWS: I &g y x .�� THE PIPE MUST BE INSTALLED STRAIGHT IN ALIGNMENT AND GRADE. IF A CHANGE IN ALIGNMENT OR GRADE S NECESSARY, A CLEANOUT WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE CHANGE. THE MINIMUM GRADE OF THE PIPE MUST BE 1/4- PER FOOT. THE PIPE MUST BE A MINIMUM OF ASTM 3034 PVC PIPE. A MINIMUM OF 1 CLEANOUT SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE LOCATION WHERE THE PIPE LEAVES THE RESIDENCE. THE PIPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4" III DIAMETER. " 4. THE PIPE FROM THE SEPTIC TANK TO THE INN T,RATOR BED SYSTEM MUST_ BE INSTALLED AS FOLLOWS: THE MINIMUM SLOPE OF THE LINE MUST BE 1/4" PER FOOT. THE PIPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF ASTV. 3034 PVC PIPE. THE PIPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4" h4 DIAMETER. 5. USE RISERS TO BRING THE SEPTIC TANK ACCESS WITHIN 6 OF FINAL GRADE. 6. ALL MATERIALS,` INSTALLATION PRACTICES AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS SHALL 7� Z� 60 COMPLY WITH EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS. 7. INFILTRATOR COMPONENTS TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. 0 - 8. PLACE DISTRIBUTION BOX AND DISTRIBUTION PIPING ON 314" SCREENED ROCK. D `(o SEAL ALL PIPES ENTERING DISTRIBUTION BOX WITH WATERPROOF MATERIAL ✓ � 9. PROVIDE INSPECTION PORTS AT ALL 4 CORNERS UA" tin . �O J� = (� t (�.1-9 R A � S/ I o d la . Z 3 Zb l Z• u to l X Y 0" DIA. 20 DIA ,y `V-) 2�u I i �\ PLAN PLASTIC TEE INSTALLED TO BE VISIBLE FROM MANHOLE UPPER EXNS�O�J OF INLET c� AND EXIT TEES SHALL BE ?c1 6 IN. MAX BACKFILL OVER WITHIN I IN. OF TOP OF TANK OPENING COVER OF MANHOLE. TYPICAL INLET r n OUTLET WATER LEVEL _ ` t s NOT LESS THAN Z J �� (%� ,T`� 9 INCHES OR MORE - FLUID NOT LESS THAN THAN 14". TRANSFER 41 THAN 14S OR MORE v TK _ - SCCT!ON - -_TANK�DIVIDER.-- - - -- - Q� E OF j12� LS�� 2�� ! / gNOFOR FINALEINSLHATIOryWOF WATER / OR LIE CONNECTIONS TO TANK. QCDT10 rA MV nrrA II sc�+cr A5 5/10WN DRAINING ISDS Pal NOTES and U�Ttt/L5 � sneer lifil SECTION "A" - TYPICAL INFILTRATION BED SECTION "B" INFILTRATION BED NOT TO SCALE (QTY MAY VAFY) NOT TO SCALE (QTY MAY VARY) GREG LEECH FIELD Scale: 1' = 30' - - - - i - -m CONTOURS IN 5 FOOT NCREMENTS - S56 511 300.00' 7 175' 7170' - CAUDILL i MILKOVICN WALL if' i cl to N 05 44'W 315.00' rater GnP Ee r GJ 1� DRAINAGE(Olt ' °'� Z ` 1 _v� ova 4► = 197.72" a e tw► M L=163.63' $ s�.K f �, ch 123.63' /e O � RETAINING 0 AL ELEV FF M CAUDILL LEECH FIELDPAD . RETA ALL DRIVEWAY 5 06'E 128 00' _ - DuvEwnr - DRIVEWAY - ZA - s 41 27`W 211.00' - QQ J o S 51 14 W 73.69 � DRIVEWAY 8 UTILITY EASEMENT - POPKINISMITH WELL — - - r ( - slX5 As-butL:T--- gIDL DESIGNER/BUILDER jim milkovich po box 322 carbondale, CO 81623 ph 970 963 6066 fx 970 963 6066 milky169 a@sopris.net